
EFT: Little Red Riding Wood


Erotic Fairy Tales Chapter 1: Little Red Riding Wood

Red sighed as she looked in the mirror at her body clad only in matching lacy crimson bra and panties. Her 19-year-old form was way past the stage when she could be referred to as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, she had always preferred the simpler ‘Red’ anyway. It was a beautiful day outside as Red turned from the mirror and pulled her tight one-piece dress over her even tighter underwear, it was a wonder that her clothes managed to contain her voluptuous form. She sighed again as she pulled the skirt down to her knees and began to pull a brush through her long red hair. The problem was that despite her vivacious appearance and idyllic surroundings there were no good men around, they all seemed to be leering woodcutters or farm labourers, all casting her a look that made her stomach turn just to think of the thoughts that they must be thinking about her. As Red applied her lipstick and eye shadow, both a deep red naturally, she decided there and then to take a trip to old Grandma’s house today, anything to get away from those stomach churning leers.

The house had been abandoned ever since dear old Grandma had passed on all those years ago, when even Red’s cheerfully delivered care packages could not make Grandma better anymore. True, the house was in the middle of the woods and her Mom constantly tried to scare her about the Big Bad Wolf that lurked in the woods, but Red had only ever caught fleeting glances of him and he never tried to approach her. Besides she liked the isolation of the house, the privacy it gave her. Maybe today she would even slip her fingers inside her panties again and … Red’s face flushed and a tingling wetness developed in her red bush rimmed pussy as she recalled some of the things she had done in Grandma’s old house. Quickly donning her riding cape with the euphamous red hood and snatching her ready prepared picnic basket Red rushed out of the house and into the woods with a great urge to get to Grandma’s house as soon as she could.

The sun shone brightly and it was a hot day as Red strolled down one of the more seldom used tracks through the woods. The undergrowth on either side of the path rustled as she passed, but Red was too preoccupied to notice. Red was getting hot and broke out in a sweat, not only because of the day but also because of the memories flooding her mind. “I can’t stand this all the way to Grandma’s” she thought, “I’d better stop for a drink at the stream.” Turning off the path she was on Red began to push herself down an even poorer maintained track. It was the plant growth covering the track that meant that Red didn’t see the tree root.

As Red tripped she flung out her arms, sending the picnic basket flying into the undergrowth. She hit soft mud, slid a little ways and ended up with her face in the shallowest portion of the small stream she had been heading towards. By the feel of the wind on her pert ass she worked out that her cape and skirt had been throw up across her back. “Oh well”, she thought, “I was going to have to bend down to get a drink anyway”. Pulling her knees under her and pushing herself up with her arms Red managed to get on all fours and reached a hand out into the stream to collect a handful of water. The water had barely touched her lips when an impact forced her arm to flail out and sink into the mud in order to keep her balance. A great weight was suddenly pressing on her back, pinning her on all fours as a sharp, tickly sensation caressed her bare ass and thighs. “Fur” she thought. Bending her head around the first thing she saw was a furry, clawed foot. Forcing her neck further back she caught sight of a canine head, before her vertebrae demanded that she turn her head forwards again. “Mommy was right, the Big Bad Wolf is going to get to eat me after all” was the only thought that entered Red’s panicked mind. The wolf moved it’s hips and she felt it – a pressure on the front of her panties. “What the hell is that?” mused Red before the truth hit her, it could only be the Big Bad Wolf’s Big Bad cock.

With a single grunt and push forward of it’s hips the Big Bad Wolf’s enormous and hard cock tore easily through the flimsy lace of Red’s panties. Red caught her breath as she felt the erect member thrust between her pussy lips and drive itself deep within her. The strange tableau held for a few seconds, the sweet, sexy woman impaled by the wolf’s length. Red felt a rush of elation as the wolf slowly withdrew it’s rigid cock from her quickly expanding tunnel. This was replaced by a feeling of dread as the cock changed its direction and again slammed further into her pussy. Despite herself Red felt her pussy becoming ever more moist as the monster penis began to slowly pick up speed in it’s to-ings and fro-ings, her cunt wanted to be taken by the cock, no matter what her conscious mind thought. With an extra hard push she felt a wave of pleasure course through her as the wolf filled her more completely than her fingers or the crude dildos she had whittled ever Side travesti had. The situation was not helped by the fact that her clit had become caught in the lacy remnants of her panties, every stroke of the wolf’s penis pulled and pushed the material, giving the effect of a pair of fingers pinching Red’s clit on every stroke.

Red’s hands clenched on the mud of the riverbank and a low groan escaped her lips as the intense pleasure of each stroke of the wolf’s cock within her began to cancel out Red’s horror at the prospect of being fucked by the Big Bad Wolf. A particularly hard shove sent Red’s head flying back and a shout of “OH FUCK YES!” from her mouth as the Big Bad Wolf began to quicken the pace of it’s thrusts. Red began to mirror the movement of the wolf’s hips with her own, extending the thrusts and eliciting increasingly high pitched yells from Red as she lost her self in the carnal act of being thoroughly fucked. Then the lower portion of the Big Bad Wolf’s cock suddenly seemed to double in thickness as it sought entry to her by now dripping cunt. “It’s the Knot” she realised, the thickness that would bind them together until the wolf had cum deep within her. This was the point of no return, if the Knot entered her there would be no chance of ending this shag before it had been consummated by the wolf’s semen spilling into Red’s depths. Red braced her forearms with enough strength for an upward shove that would push the wolf off of her back and pull it’s cock out of her slick pussy.

Suddenly a new thought occurred to her: she didn’t want to throw the wolf off her back or to remove it’s length from between her pussy lips. She wanted the thrusts to continue, the cock to bury deeper into her snatch, she wanted to feel the wolf spill its seed deep within her and her to feel the pleasure of the mating completed. Red, her mind resolved, turned the upward shove into a backwards push just as the wolf was slamming it’s cock into her. Their combined efforts made Red’s swollen cunt swallow the Big Bad Wolf’s Knot and grip it tightly within her – there was no going back. The wolf’s breathing began to quicken as the grunts, moans and obscenities spilling from Red’s lips told the woods how fucking great it was to be filled by a huge wolf cock. Red’s head began to spin and the ecstasy from her groin to spread when she felt the pulls on her hips by the wolf’s forelegs becoming more insistent and the cock within her begin to stiffen.

The Big Bad Wolf, silent throughout the entire encounter, save for the snorts of it’s breath, threw back it’s head and howled as it’s balls tightened and the cum began to flow down it’s rigid member buried in the human’s sweet cunt. When the first lash of hot, sticky wolf cum exploded into the depths of her cunt, Red felt a shock of extreme pleasure course throughout her entire being as she braced herself against the ground, arched her back and joined the wolf’s howl with a cry of “AHHHHHHH!” as she exploded into the most intense orgasm of her life. The orgasmic pleasure was so intense that Red’s arms buckled beneath her and her face fell, consumed by ecstasy, into the cool mud of the riverbank. Over and over and over again Red felt the hot injection of wolf cum into the depths of herself until it filled her so completely that it began to overflow and seep out of the join between her cunt lips and the canine cock that was fixed within her, falling onto the riverbank below. Red lay with her arms splayed out and her face buried in the cool mud of the riverbank as every twitch and movement of the cock within her sent waves of pure ecstasy straight to the core of her being.

Finally the Big Bad Wolf had shot his last and Red felt his head come to rest on her back as he collapsed on top of her, saliva running out of his mouth and down her back, where it began to soak into her blazing red hair. They both stayed like that for several minutes, breathing quick and shallow as each sought to recover from the momentous fuck they had both endured. Many minutes passed before Red, almost lost in her own private world of pleasure, and only dimly in touch with reality felt the wolf on top of her begin to stir. Slowly she felt the great penis being pulled out of her and a harsh slash of post-coital pleasure told her that the engorged Knot had reached her ravaged pussy’s lips. She knew from that short pang of pleasure that the Knot was still too big to be withdrawn from her. Impatience got the better of the Big Bad Wolf and with one momentous jerk of his hips he attempted to rip his penis from the human woman’s greedy cunt that was so reluctant to give it up. The only result was to send such an intense stab of post-coital feeling through Red that she reared up, yelled “Ahhh SHIT YES!” at the top of her voice and flopped back into the mud of the riverbank, out cold.


Something had been happening to the Big Bad Wolf ever since he had fucked that human girl. He had left her by the river after having finally freed himself from her and had set Side travestileri out to what he knew to be her destination – her old Grandma’s house. He had been unable to resist when he saw the subject of his long-standing infatuation walking through the woods. Long ago something in her beauty had reached across the species divide and flipped a switch within him from ‘Murderous hunger’ to ‘Intense Lust’. That was why he had never harmed, or even approached her on her many trips through the woods. When she had fallen and her pretty ass thrust up for all the woods to see, something inside him snapped and he had mounted her before he knew what he was doing. Now on his journey through the woods he was changing, he had the urge to rear up and walk only on his two back legs. His dewclaws were moving down his forelimbs and taking on a thumb-like appearance to match his toes increasingly becoming finger like. His shoulders were widening and pulling back from under his frame, he was, in short, adopting more of a human posture that the animal he was. Movements in his throat even suggested that he might be able to imitate the simplistic human speech patterns. He had travelled to Red’s Grandma’s house in the hope of ambushing Red and somehow forcing sex with her again. However, by the time he reached Grandma’s house he had become bipedal and was able to use his new hands to lift the latch and open the door. With a smirk he climbed into the double bed that sat in the living room and lay on his back trying to work out what would happen when Red arrived and found him there.


A short time later the latch lifted again and Red crept into the house. She had woken up by the riverbank in something of a daze, wondering if it had all actually happened. The hole torn in her panties, the crusty white of dried love juices in her red public hair and her womb full of wolf cum had convinced her that she had not been dreaming. During her walk through the woods she had wrestled with her conscience and everything she had ever been taught and discarded both of them. The Big Bad Wolf had given her more pleasure than she or any of those leering men could ever hope to live up to. Red had discarded all the opposing arguments – the Big Bad Wolf was the partner for her, and a little thing like species difference was not going to hold her back from such ecstasy again. If she ever saw him again she would instantly drop into the doggy position and try to coax that wondrous penis back into her devoted vagina.

It was only after Red had closed the door of Grandma’s house that she took a look around the interior. She almost came instantly when she saw the humanoid-wolf figure in the bed, despite his physical changes she caught a glint in the wolf’s eye that she recognised as the Big Bad Wolf. Red hurriedly removed her cape while saying “Grandma how nice to see you!”. She was shocked when a deep, husky voice replied “And how lovely it is to see you my sexy young dear”. Red quickly pulled her dress off over her head, leaving her standing in nothing expect her bra, she had thrown her ruined panties into the woods, torn and cum stained as they were. She was pleased to note that the sheet between the outline of the wolf’s legs tented at her semi-naked appearance, as she strode forward and sat on the chair beside the bed, level with the growing bulge that hid the mighty cock that had so recently plumbed her depths.

One hand slide between her legs and pushed two fingers into her now soaked pussy as she reached out with the other and grasped the nearest of the Big Bad Wolf’s hands.

“Oh Grandma, what hairy hands you have” Red intoned lustfully as she stared into the canine eyes.

“All the better to grope your gorgeous tits with my dear” replied the Big Bad Wolf, equally as lustful.

“Oh Grandma what a long tongue you have” Red said.

“All the better to lick your pussy with” shot back the Big Bad Wolf, licking his lips.

“Oh Grandma,” giggled Red, leaning over and grasping the bulging sheet, “What a H-U-G-E cock you have!”

“All the better to screw your fucking brains out with my dear!” retorted the Big Bad Wolf, pulling the sheet back and throwing it into one of the dark corners of Grandma’s house.

Red placed a hand on the wolf’s chest as he reached for her, “No Big Bad Wolf, please, let me suck it before you fill me with it again” she insisted. “Please, call me BB or Wolfie, Red” pleaded the Big Bad Wolf as the redhead moved down his hairy body. Red placed a hand on the wolf’s throbbing member and looked up, her blue eyes meeting his yellow ones, “Ok Wolfie” she said just before wrapping her tiny mouth round Wolfie’s bellend. Slowly Red traced the length of his nine inch cock with her tongue, occasionally stopping to land a few soft bites, before she stretched her mouth wide and impaled her head on Wolfie’s penis. She used one hand to roll and squeeze his balls, another to stroke his entire length while her tongue tickled and her mouth sucked the head of his quaking cock. Travesti side Wolfie reached out and placed a hand on the back of her head, tussling her red hair while the female of his dreams gave his cock the most thorough blowjob he had ever heard of. It took less than five minutes of the red hair bobbing up and down before Red felt the balls in her hand tighten.

She reared her head back, opened her jaw as far as it would go and stuffed as much of the wolfman’s cock down her throat as she could physically swallow. When three or four inches had disappeared down Red’s throat she felt the first jet of Wolfie’s cum pour down the inside of her neck with such force that some of it was blown backwards, coming down and out of her nose. Red frantically swallowed for the next minute as load after load of boiling canine seed spurted down her throat, quickly filling her belly with the thick, salty liquid. Wolfie was groaning and gripping the headboard so hard that his claws bit into the wood as Red finished consuming the last of his semen and set to work cleaning his softening member with her tongue. Once Wolfie was reduced to a groaning heap and his penis was clear of anything but Red’s saliva, she let it fall from her mouth with a pop before deep throating it with as much vigour as before.

It didn’t take many minutes of that divine tongue and lips to bring Wolfie to a raging erection once more. Red got up off of the chair, climbed on to the bed and placed her knees either side of Wolfie’s waist. She took his rock like penis in her hands and rubbed it across her groin and belly, tickling it with her bush and clit and leaving a trail of pre-cum across her flat stomach. It was then that she felt herself reach a decision. Looking up she said in a desperate voice “Wolfie I always want this cock. I want to be with you forever, I’ll always be your bitch.” Wolfie leant forward and gently licked her face, “And I’ll always be your Big Bad Wolf” he told her. Delighted Red sucked Wolfie’s tongue into her mouth, the closest they could ever come to a french kiss because of his snout.

Breaking the kiss, Red pushed herself as far up as she could, pulled Wolfie’s cock under her and slowly sank onto it with one long groan. As his cock travelled into the very core of Red, Wolfie lent forward and used his claws to rip her bra off, freeing her impressive breasts from their confinement. Red, having finished the downward stroke, felt as full and content as she had on the riverbank when she had first been stretched by this gigantic cock, wanting more she began the upward stroke. Wolfie, a loving tone in his voice said, “Little Red, riding my wood”, causing her to smile. Wolfie had finished admiring Red’s tits. Now he took one in hand, squeezing and pulling the nipple, while his tongue encircled the other. Groaning Red sped up her rhythm, each thrust sending more of Wolfie’s cock into her and filling her more completely. Wolfie spent several minutes licking and sucking Red’s tits, to great vocal accompaniment from Red, before the feelings of Red’s warm core on his penis forced him to do nothing to lay back and groan about his approaching orgasm.

Red had been careful to save the ultimate pleasure, taking the Knot inside her, until the moment of climax. Now she felt her stomach tighten and saw Wolfie’s eyes glaze over she gave one last cry and slid down Wolfie’s cock, toward the Knot at the base. Just as the Knot began to push her cunt lips apart however hands grabbed her under the arms and wrenched her off Wolfie’s member. As the top of Wolfie’s cock fell out of Red’s pussy he came, sending a stream of cum up Red’s body, covering her bush, stomach, going over her tits and hitting her in the face. She was thrown off the bed by the hands under her arms and she saw for the first time the creature that had interrupted her and Wolfie’s love making.

A woodcutter stood at the foot of the bed, axe held aloft over the form of Wolfie, who was just lying there, spunk shooting from his cock in great sheets. Seeing her canine soul mate, the creature she had pledged the rest of her life to, about to be killed by one of those she hated Red summoned some secret store of strength and pushed the woodcutter up against the wall, his axe clattering away. “But Miss Riding-Hood” he protested, “I’ve come to save you from this monster!”. Red noticed that her gorgeous, naked, semen covered body was having an effect on the man in her grasp – his trousers were in danger. “But I love this ‘monster’!” she shrieked at the woodcutter, “Look at all he’s taught me!”

So saying Red yanked the woodcutter’s tiny five-inch cock out of his trousers, bent down and enveloped it in her mouth. After Wolfie’s cock she found it easy to take the woodcutter’s entire length down her throat. After a few strokes the woodcutter started groaning and his penis twitching, signs that he was near cumming. In one movement Red reached up, grabbed the woodcutter’s shoulders, laid down on the floor and pulled the woodcutter on top of her. Red’s legs wrapped themselves around the woodcutter’s waist and pulled his groin down, forcing his cock to penetrate her sopping cunt. In less than a minute of the woodcutter’s frantic strokes he moaned loudly and shot three, half second squirts of his cum into Red, who had barely felt a thing.

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