
Futanarious Bimbosis Ch. 08


Tiffany sat down on the couch holding her clothing in a tight bundle against her exposed skin. For some reason the blouse not fitting right against her bosom made her decide that she should just sit in the nude… well not entirely she was still wearing her pink panties she had put on that morning. They fit snug and gave her at least a bit of comfort of not being entirely exposed. The house was still and cold to her though. Jen really did keep a tidy place. She leaned forward to the table and grabbed a remote. She figured she could at least enjoy a bit of television while keeping an eye on her experiment. The device in her hand seemed to have far too many buttons. She grimaced and pressed a power button hoping that it didn’t turn on the AC or something cold in the house. To her surprise the exact opposite happened. A nearby electric fireplace flicked on and gentle streams of heat wafted into the room. She put the remote back onto the glass coffee table and dropped her clothing to the floor.

“Walking around the house entirely nude? That seems a bit outrageous…” Tiffany turned her head over her shoulder expecting to see Jen standing there, but the room was empty. She shivered again and moved in front of the fireplace. It really wasn’t rational of her to not put on her clothes, but it just didn’t feel right to her… “That’s because it isn’t right.” The same voice whispered in the frigid air around her. Tiffany felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck.

“Is someone there?” She asked but only the dark house greeted her coldly. She shivered again and sat down in front of the fireplace.

“Tiffany are you okay?” Jen appeared out of nowhere next to Tiffany. She was huddled in a ball holding her knees, she too was entirely nude.

“Holy shit you scared me to death!” Tiffany said nearly toppling over trying to climb away from the woman, until she realized that it was just Jen.

“I heard you talking out here and felt really lonely.” She said looking down and pressing her chin between her knees giving Tiffany a smile. Tiffany sat up and wiped her hand on the edge of her arm, “I didn’t mean to like scare you.”

“It’s okay… it’s your house.” The intoxicating smell that followed Jen penetrated Tiffany’s nose. She felt her pussy burn red and she pressed her thighs together to cover up her recent growing arousal.

“I um… I think there is like something you need to see Tiffany.” Jen said biting her lip and looking into the fire. She was still huddled over hugging her knees close to her chest. Was the experiment going to finally have the manifestation that Emily had shown in the lab? Tiffany felt her heart pounding against her chest rapidly. There was no way she was ready for this, at least not without her notes or tools to test the other woman.

“Okay…” Tiffany felt a lump build in her throat. Jen smiled and slowly scooted back from Tiffany on her heals expertly. She could feel the anticipation of what Jen was about to show her. She knew what Emily had, and how the last thing she heard from Diana was that a second anomaly had sprouted up. Where did Diana go? She could call her up and have taken a look at Jen… Jen blushed and gently sat back on the ground. She spread her legs gently and the light flickered from the fireplace against her exposed skin. There was a small darker colored lump pressing out that covered Jen’s vagina perfectly. It was lumped and shaped different than she had expected.

“I… I didn’t think it was real… but…” Jen said biting her lip as Tiffany stared in shock. She moved closer to Jen to get a better view of what it really was. It didn’t have a phallic shape, but it wasn’t something a girl normally had. Tiffany reached a hand forward and touched the skin gently. Jen’s breath caught in surprise and she gasped a bit, “Your fingers are cold…”

“So you can feel that right?” Tiffany asked bringing her hand to her mouth and gently warming her fingertips with her breath. The smell of something extremely sweet wafted into the air when she moved back in to have a better view of what was going on with Jen’s body. As she touched she felt it move a bit under her fingers. It was familiar. Tiffany couldn’t help but move her other hand in. It was soft to the touch, and the outer level resembled Jen’s skin. It seemed to be a bit darker than her normal skin tone, but not by much. She rolled the shape between two fingers and Jen’s face flinched in pain, “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s okay…. they are like… sensitive so don’t push them too much.” Them? What were these exactly? Then it clicked in Tiffany’s mind. These were the testes that were going to produce the self-sustaining semen that Emily the Mouse had been consuming. Why did they appear before a phallus though?

“So… did this just like happen out of the blue? We just fooled around in the other room and you didn’t have these not even an hour ago.” Tiffany said trying to hide the fact that she was the one that dosed her with the bacteria.

“Well honestly there has been a friend that I have been seeing that…. she like told seks izle me all about the changes and stuff…” Jen said as Tiffany continued to probe the flesh that was now protruding from above Jen’s pussy. The smell of overly sweet caramel wafted into her nose. It was far more powerful than when she had licked Jen’s pussy in the other room.

“Friend?” Tiffany said her heart pounding in her ears. She felt her stomach flutter with excitement. Jen was easing back on the floor giving Tiffany a better view of the growth. Tiffany scooted closer to the other woman hoping to see more. The smell of powerful caramel made her head spin and her chest heave with excitement.

“Yea… she is like… not here but here.” Jen said, her own chest matching the pace of Tiffany’s. Tiffany moved her face closer to the growth on Jen’s body. What would it feel like to lick and suck on these? To Tiffany’s surprise her tongue darted forward and ran along the new flesh protruding from Jen’s body. Jen gave out an excited moan and Tiffany felt a surge of pleasure rock through her spine. She placed her lips on the skin and sucked on it gently. It really did feel like a typical male ball sack, though smooth and unwrinkled. She swirled it around gently in her mouth. Jen moaned out and Tiffany’s fingers darted into the other woman’s pussy.

She was going to have oral sex with her again. It was like she couldn’t control her desires though. She was a slave to something inside of her mind. She tried to will herself to stop what she was doing, but soon the sweet taste of Jen’s arousal was pouring over her tongue as she licked and sucked on her clit. It tasted sweeter than before. It resembled the smell that was wafting from the other woman. It reminded her of eating caramels like they give out around October. It was smooth and warm. The skin against her tongue felt incredible as well. Whatever was coming from inside Jen’s pussy was all that Tiffany wanted to drink down. She wanted every ounce she could take in.

Jen was bucking and screaming in pleasure, and Tiffany got the urge to dip her fingers into Jen’s ass once more. It seemed to Tiffany last time she did that Jen went into a fit of pleasure that was unforeseen. Tiffany wiggled her head as though trying to say no, but it only added to Jen’s pleasure. She was trying to convince herself that it wasn’t worth it, but then another wash of sweet tasting nectar would pour into her mouth from Jen’s pussy. It seemed like she was generating far too much lubricant for normal sex, but Tiffany pushed that aside. It didn’t quite matter the reason for what was going on, right now all that mattered was that she got to taste more of it.

Jen nearly screamed out in pleasure as Tiffany’s fingers made circular motions in Jen’s exposed asshole. The newly formed sack that was jutting out from her pelvis pressed into Tiffany’s nose. She could smell the caramel on her flesh. It was like Jen was producing the smell of her cum all over her body in place of sweat. Tiffany moaned out as another copious amount of Jen’s arousal washed into her mouth. She lapped and licked as much of it as she could. It was incredible. Jen moaned again and rocked her hips in the air, nearly shouting with pleasure as Tiffany got as much of her orgasm into her mouth as possible.

“That’s a good girl, drink that it will help you see us.” Tiffany heard a voice whisper over her shoulder, but she didn’t bother to stop drinking Jen’s cum. Jen slowed her rocking, but Tiffany didn’t want to release her from the sexual lock they were in. She wanted to lap up as much of Jen as she could. She kept her lips pressed roughly against her pussy and licked her tongue furiously on Jen’s clit. Her fingers still drew deep circles in Jen’s ass. Each motion she made coaxed a deeper moan from Jen.

As she moved her fingers in Jen’s small ass, she felt a lump of something unfamiliar. She slid her finger forward and rubbed it. As she touched the spot Jen gave out a loud howled pleasurable moan and more cum seeped into Tiffany’s open jaws. She hungrily drank down more of the woman’s orgasm. It tasted wonderful. She was like a child let loose in a chocolate store. Soon she felt dizzy and had to release Jen from her hungry clutch. She sat back and looked at the woman whose legs were spread lazily on the carpet. The fireplace still radiated heat, and she felt cold sweat drip down her spine. What had she just done?

“That was perfect Tiffany!” A voice said from over her shoulder. Tiffany wheeled around to see nothing but darkness. She was hearing voices… maybe a hallucination was happening because she had exposed herself to a bacterial infected woman. Jen pushed herself up and gave tiffany a smile.

“Like Hi Jenni!” Jen said, and Tiffany realized that she wasn’t looking at Tiffany but past Tiffany. She turned her head expecting to see someone there, but the house was empty. She looked back at Jen who was now standing up uneasily and made her way to the couch. She sat down and spread her legs, her hand running down and toying with her newly formed ball sack. She sexmex rubbed a breast lazily in the other hand and continued to look out at nothing, “Like when do I get to have the fun part?” She asked the air.

“Jen… who are you talking to?” She asked hoping that Jen wasn’t losing her mind. Tiffany’s heart was in her throat. She was exhibiting sign of extreme mental breakdown. She was also starting to show extreme signs of sexual appetite. The stages that Emily had shown in a matter of hours had manifested right after Tiffany was involved with her in a sexual fashion. Did she accelerate the process? What had she done to speed it up?

“Oh like Jenni, Jenni can you say hi to Tiffany?” She turned her head gently indicating where the woman was standing. Tiffany turned and to her surprise there was a shadowed figure in the room. Tiffany let out a yelp and scooted back on her heels until her back was touched the cold stone edge of the fake fireplace. She covered her mouth as the figure stepped closer to her, the light illuminating the figure. She looked like Jen, only a bit larger in both chest and height. She also had a massive cock that was standing stiffly erect. She had her hands pressed to her breasts and she was kneading the flesh between open fingers.

“Hi Tiffany.” Tiffany felt her eyes roll into her head and darkness overtook her. The world didn’t make sense. All was lost. She had seen a vision, a ghost. Perhaps it was a strange dream she had after having strange sex with Jen. She had sex with her boss; she had sex with a woman for that matter. She groggily opened her eyes, and there was a blaring white that overtook her vision. She squinted trying to block out most of the intruding brightness.

“I think she is up.” There was a whisper from one side of her; she couldn’t quite make out orientation. With the world as bright as it was she was probably at the hospital. Maybe she hit her head… maybe all this was an extreme dream that she was having from getting in a car wreck or something and she was in a coma finally recovering into the real world. She lifted a hand to her face and moaned out.

“Yuppers she is up!” An unfamiliar tone said from the other side of her. She tried to open her eyes again, and the light didn’t seem as bright this time. She moaned again and pushed herself up on her elbow. The smell of caramel overtook her nose and she leaned to her left to get a better smell of it, “Awe look she likes you.” The still unfamiliar tone said as she leaned in to the smell.

It was sweet, what could it be? She tried to open her eyes, but it was still too bright to see, “Do you want to taste some of it?” A voice said that seemed more known to her than the other. Tiffany nodded and a groggy throbbing in her head made her wish she hadn’t done that,

“Okay like grab here and do this for a second it will make it easier. The lean forward and hold her chin so she can like put it in all the way.” The other voice said. Tiffany opened her mouth a bit, maybe she really had a bad accident and this would be the first solid food she was going to eat. She smiled and felt something warm get close to her mouth. The taste of something sweet dripped onto her tongue and she shivered in delight. It was extremely flavorful and reminded her of eating caramel apples. She opened her mouth more and more of the juice dripped onto her tongue.

“Okay don’t bite down on this or you will break something. Just suck on it.” The other voice said and Tiffany nodded. She opened her eyes again but everything was blurry. There was pressure on her jaw from someone holding her chin. They guided the object between her lips gently. The sweet flavors erupted in her mouth, sending all of her senses onto a frenzy of delight. She slid the object further into her mouth and rolled her tongue against it. It didn’t seem quite familiar though. It was thick and warm, and a bit spongy. It wasn’t extremely hard, but hard enough that she didn’t want to bite on it. The taste was incredible though. She slid her mouth towards the end of it and pulled it out gently with a pop.

“What is it?” She asked as she moved it back between her lips sucking on it trying to absorb as much flavor as possible. There was a gentle whimper that she didn’t quite comprehend.

“It’s for you to enjoy, just keep sucking on it. I bet the warm gooey center will finally pop out.” The other higher voice said. It wasn’t all too unfamiliar, but it reminded her of something she had recently heard. Whatever it was Tiffany had decided that she was going to get that gooey center sooner than later. She sucked harder on the object and licked her tongue along the smooth surface. It reminded her of something she had one time… but she couldn’t quite place a finger on it.

She moved off the shape one more time and leaned back trying to blink away whatever was blurring her vision, “So like really what is it?”

“Just keep going it will taste really good I promise.” A voice that was panting said back to her, almost hurriedly. Tiffany shrugged and the hand guided her chin back to the object. sikiş She couldn’t quite understand what it was though. It was sweet and hard, but a lollipop because it was too warm for that. It couldn’t be a cake or anything along those lines. Ice-cream or Popsicle was too cold, but the Popsicle was similar. She continued to suck on the surface coaxing more of the sweet juices to pour into her mouth. Heavy panting echoed overhead and she continued to work her mouth on the object.

Suddenly the hand that was holding her chin let go and Tiffany opened her mouth further pushing more of the tasty object between her lips. It tasted wonderful. The hand that once held her chin gripped the back of her head. Then the sweet caramel filling poured into her mouth. She hungrily drank it up. It tasted incredible. She sucked on the object coaxing more of its sweet center to fill her stomach to the brim. She licked her tongue on it over and over enjoying the way the warm splashes felt as it seeped down her throat. The panting soon subsided and the gooey caramel stopped pouring into her mouth. She released the object with satisfaction. Whatever they had given her, she decided that she needed far more.

“Thank you so much Tiffany I really needed that…” The panting voice trailed off.

“That was really hot Tiffany. Let’s sit you up.” Firm hands gripped her shoulders and moved her back. She decided that she was sitting on a bed because warm pillows greeted her back and she gently leaned back on them. She opened her eyes again and wiped whatever was covering them. It felt sticky, and smelled similar to the caramel that she just ate. She brought her fingertips to her mouth and tasted it. It was the exact same taste as before. She felt her heart beat in her chest and she started to wipe away more furiously at the stuff covering her face.

She opened her eyes and Jen was standing next to her. She sighed out when she looked up at Jen’s face. It was a moment of relief to realize that she was just going crazy seeing a giant version of Jen with a prick. Emily the mouse rolled into her mind and she began to think she could push the image of that mouse out of her head. Then as she adjusted a bit on the mattress she saw a flaccid cock sitting cutely against Jen’s pelvis. It wasn’t large at all, roughly four inches. The head was bulbed and red as though she had just had sex, and then Tiffany gave out a startled shriek.

“Did I… did I…” she asked stammering still staring at the strange anomaly that was formed on Jen’s pelvis.

“You did such a good job! It was Jenni’s idea to cover your eyes to see if you would like the taste of it.” Tiffany felt sick. She couldn’t seem to bring herself to vomit though. She coughed and wiped her hands furiously on her face trying to remove any further residue of spunk that was left on her face. She turned her head to where the other voice had been but no one was there. Had she really seen a giantess that was looming over her or was she hallucinating from having ingested something from Jen’s body. Whatever it was she just exposed herself to the anomaly.

Tiffany’s head whirled further. Diana had said that Emily was contaminating her experiments with the other mice. She said that the changes produced by Emily were spreading quickly into the other mice the more they had sex. The small amount that Tiffany had consumed could send spiraling changes into herself. She was contaminated herself. She was exposed to the same treatment that she gave Jen… and she almost liked the feeling it gave her. She unknowingly exposed herself to an unknown bacterium that caused outlandish physical changes. The questions that began to build in her mind made her feel even sicker to her stomach, but still unable to rid herself to the semen that she had ingested.

“Like what’s wrong?” Jen asked tilting her head to the side; her hands were working hungrily on the edges of her breasts. They appeared to have swollen even larger than before, and Tiffany gave out a deep sigh, feeling tears well in the corners of her eyes.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this at all… it was supposed… you were… I didn’t want to be exposed to any of this. I thought that it would be harmless…” she trailed off as tears streamed down her cheeks. She would not be able to prevent any changes to her body. Hopefully she could leave Jen and prevent the changes from going on more rapid. The small phallus that Jen now had lifted a bit and lowered itself a blood rushed into the tip. She was growing aroused from either her touching herself, or that she and Tiffany were both in the nude.

Tiffany realized that she was in Jen’s room sitting up on her bed. She vaguely recalled sitting up and feeling pillows, but she was still taken aback. Jen must have been extremely strong. Tiffany wasn’t large or anything, but when you looked at Jen you couldn’t imagine her picking up another person and dragging them to another room whilst they were unconscious. She looked back up at Jen and saw the other woman’s brow was furrowed as her fingers gently rubbed against her thick erect nipples. They looked mouthwatering. She trailed her eyes back down to the penis that was attached to Jen’s lower half. It seemed so familiar and comforting. It wasn’t overly large, and wasn’t impressive if a man was to have it, but it seemed soothing and gentle.

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