
Cuck Coming of Age


I’m fascinated by cuckold origin stories. The one below is mine, and mostly true (a few minor timeline edits to make for better reading).

Louisville, KY 1992.

Becky and I met in spring of our senior year in high school, ushering at our city’s stage theatre. I was a sexually confused kid who wasn’t sure if I was into girls or boys, but happy with anyone if they paid me attention. Becky was tall and skinny, with long straight red hair and pale skin. Not beautiful exactly, she had a severe chiseled look and eyes that glittered from an inside joke no one else was included in. When she smiled at me, I felt warm and safe. We started dating three days after we met.

Our sex was frequent but very basic. Becky wanted to fuck every time we were together. I was a little overwhelmed by how much slickness her pussy created. I had no previous experience going down on a woman, and it all seemed more complex than a cock was. But entering her felt like velvet paradise. She was fine being on top, doing all the “work” as she called it, bringing herself to orgasm on my stiff cock with a soft sigh. I’d then close my eyes, let my brain drift away, and with a few more thrusts, cum into her warmth shortly after.

She was intrigued by me identifying as bisexual. She told me she was straight herself but found it fascinating someone could be attracted to more than one gender together. together.. I told her stories of my earlier exploits with guys and then we’d fuck after, it got her much more turned on than if I just started making out with her.

We both had scholarships to the same university, so our summer was mostly trying to find as much trouble as two honors kids could get into. It was her idea to find a guy to “share” between us. The idea had never occurred to me, but once she suggested it, my excitement grew rapidly. My parents’ house was perfect for the hook-up: they went to sleep early and we had a hot tub.

The college section of our city had a late-night coffee house. It was one of the few places under 21s could hang out, so it became our spot. Becky decided this was where we should find our guy. We had a late dinner and showed up at the coffee bar around 10pm.

Becky was very comfortable radiating sexual energy, so it was almost comically easy to find a guy. His name was Frankie, twenty years old and a sophomore at our city college. He was sitting alone at a small table, charcoal sketching his coffee cup in a notebook. I thought he was cute if maybe a bit beefier than I’d prefer. With a mop of unruly black hair and a mouth a little too big for his face, he looked roguish.

Becky asked if we could join him with our drinks and she immediately brought up sex. She asked if he was “bi” and Frankie said “um, sure?” Becky then made the blunt proposal; we were going back to my house with a hot tub to fuck and he was invited to join us. Frankie, mostly looking at Becky and just glancing at me, agreed. We left our untouched drinks on the table and drove him back to my place in my car.

Becky sat with me in the front seat, Frankie in the back. Our conversation was bland stuff; where we went to school, where we were going next, what music we listened to. There was no talk about what we were about to do.

We got to my place and silently slunk through the dark house to the back patio. I got my clothes off first and removed Konya travesti the hot tub cover while they shucked off their clothes behind me. I imagined they were checking each other out.

Once we were all in, we all agreed how nice the water felt. Becky again wasted no time and started kissing me. Frankie then started rubbing Becky’s small tits and shoulders. I was as little dizzy from excitement. How far was this really going to go? It was all up to Becky of course, but I wanted her to let Frankie go all the way.

After a few moments of Becky and me kissing, Frankie not-so-gently grabbed Becky’s chin and turner her head to him. She seemed a little surprised and maybe nervous but after only a few moments of him kissing her, she shifted her body toward him. While watching his face, I reached across Becky under the water and gently felt between his leg, not sure what he’d do. His expression didn’t change, but I felt his cock jump as I wrapped my fingers around its hardness. Becky was now fully turned toward him, deeply kissing him back, her own hands roaming his well-defined shoulders and chest.

The blue hot tub light made it kind of easy to see what was going on under the water, but Becky’s gasp confirmed his hand was now between her legs, Frankie’s forearm dipping in and out of the water as he played with her clit. Becky’s hand, going for Frankie’s cock found my hand already there. I heard her chuckle while Frankie was still trying to suck all the air out of her mouth with his own. We played with his cock and balls together.

Sadly, the middle of the summer isn’t great hot tub weather, and with Frankie and I sandwiching her on both sides, Becky quickly over-heated. She stood up abruptly, and we both backed off, not sure what would happen next.

Becky sat on the edge of the hot tub, her legs splayed to lower her body temperature. She was breathing hard and told us she needed just a moment to cool off a bit. I was entranced by her form, literally glistening in the moonlight, her labia and little tuft of pubic hair on full display for us with no modesty. I kept to my seat in the water, hoping this would be my opportunity to make a more direct play on Frankie. Sadly, he stood up as well. At my eyeline was his flat stomach and very engorged cock, about the same size as mine, just a foot from my face.

Frankie turned from me and sloshed between Becky’s legs. I repositioned myself so I was now to Becky’s right, still sitting in the water.

Frankie lightly ran his hands up and down Becky’s sides and would occasionally slide one hand over her thigh to rub her clit with his thumb, then go back to rubbing her sides. She put her hands on his shoulders, gripping them tightly. They were staring intently into each other’s eyes and she twitched a little every time his thumb passed over her clit, her mouth parting open for a moment with a small gasp. (“Man, where did learn tricks like that?” I wondered.)

I decided to push my luck a bit. I pulled Becky’s leg aside and with a bit of contortion, moved my mouth toward Frankie’s cock. I wasn’t being subtle, I didn’t want to surprise him. He didn’t do anything to help but he didn’t shy away, either. Once the sensation of my mouth on his cock reached his brain he let out a little “hua” and pivoted his body slightly toward me so I could easily get more of his Konya travestileri cock in my mouth.

My head was just inches above the bubbling chlorinated water and my neck was already starting to signal discomfort. But the feeling of his velvety hard cock moving in and out of my mouth was ecstasy. My head was still, he was slowly driving his hips back and forward, pressing a bit further every time. I could feel the veins of his shaft against my lips and tongue.

I didn’t dare touch myself. I knew if I did, I’d immediately explode.

I was about to pull my head back and re-adjust when Becky started rubbing the back of my head. She would go back and forth between gentle pets and pushing my head further down. Sadly, the angle just didn’t work, so I just had to push back against her.

Even with as exciting as this was, I finally had to sit up and stretch my neck.

As I did, Frankie closed the gap between them, pressing his cock against her small pouch of a tummy. I looked at Becky to see how she was feeling about this. Was this all happening too quickly? Did she really want to go this far? But she smiled at him, tilted her head back, and wrapped her legs around his torso, pressing him even closer to her in invitation.

Frankie lowered himself a few inches, grabbed his cock (adorably with just his thumb and index finger), and positioned it against Becky’s labia. Becky crossed her arms around his wet back and clasped her hands together. She had given him permission to fuck her.

For the first time since Frankie grabbed her chin, she looked at me and gave me brief a toothy smile. This was what she had wanted; I had blown a dude and now she was going to fuck him.

From my angle and her leg blocking my view, I couldn’t see details, but the rhythmic motions he started to make let me know he was now inside her, his cock finding easy passage against her very slippery walls.

My cock was also rock hard. I was (partially) responsible for another guy fucking my girlfriend not more than two feet away from me. Every TV show, book, and movie told me I should be filled with rage or shame, but instead I was cheering them both on. I wanted to see them fuck. I wanted to see them both happily cumming with each other.

I also had a sense that I just crossed a line. Whatever switch that just got thrown in my head was getting fused open with the overwelming sexual energy passing through me. It was almost like I was floating outside myself watching the three of us.

I stood up so I could get a better view. Neither of them even glanced in my direction.

The guy wasn’t elegant, but he consistently pulled his cock almost out before plunging it back into her, over and over. Becky’s legs gave out but that didn’t slow down Frankie at all, he just wrapped his arms around her to keep her steady with his thrusts. I don’t think he’d stop for any reason until he came.

I kept waiting for her sign of having her orgasm, a sighing release of breath, but it never happened. She explained later that once he slipped into her, she just started orgasming and it just kept cresting over and over.

I sat down on the edge, too. Cool air on my balls, my cock straining up into space. After what seemed like a long awhile, Frankie slowed his pace, each thrust became even more forceful. In the dim light I Travesti konya could make out his thighs start shaking and he whispered in a ragged voice to her, “Fuck!”

He made one final lunge and held it, shooting rope after rope of cum deep inside Becky, who now let out a tiny, high-pitched static-noise I’d never heard a person make before. My mouth went dry and without even being touched, my cock twitched, useless precum making my own cockhead sticky.

He stayed inside her and pressed her against himself, both of them panting, their heads resting on each other’s shoulder. I surreptitiously dropped back into the water and touched my aching cock for the first time, gently rubbing the pads of my fingers up and down my own engorged vein once before spastically pumping semen into the water. I had never come that hard before, it almost felt like I pulled a muscle after. Neither of them took notice.

After a few minutes, Frankie slowly stepped back, rubbing the sweat out of his eyes. His cock, still mostly erect, flopped out of Becky, a tiny pearl of his cum already visible between her labia. I wondered if I would like how it tasted but before I could decide if I wanted to try or not, she announced it was time for her to be home.

We all quickly got out of the hot tub, toweled off, and got dressed in silence.

Becky had her car at my place, but Frankie needed a ride back to the coffee shop. Becky’s place was the opposite direction, so she asked if I would drive Frankie back. We walked around to the front of the house and before parting, Frankie gave Becky a deep hug and a passionate kiss, which she returned.

She gave me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before getting into her car and drove away.

The drive back to the coffee house was uncomfortably quiet. I had no idea what topic to bring up with this guy, and he didn’t seem interested in saying much to me.

When we got to the coffee shop, he took off his seat belt and turned to face me, making eye contact for a full three beats, then said “You are a stupid fucking idiot.” He paused, seeing if I would say anything, then when I didn’t, he said “suck me off, faggot.” I quickly undid my seatbelt while he pulled down his shorts and awkwardly kneeled over the console, taking his rapidly hardening cock into my mouth. It tasted like Becky. He pushed down on the back of my head as he bucked his cock rapidly into me. The angle was a little better and I only gagged a few times before he quickly flooded my mouth with his cum.

I sat up, swallowing his spunk as he opened the car door and quickly walked into the darkness.

Neither of us saw Frankie again.

Becky and I stayed together into the second month of our first year of university. One of the guys loosely connected into our new friendship circle was a hot rugby player. Without consulting me, Becky asked him if he’d have a threesome with us. It played out pretty much the same way except no hot tub or post-sex blowjob from me. Becky broke up with me the next morning and joined up with his friendship circle as his girlfriend.

Twelve years later, Becky and I reconnected on FB. I was now happily in a poly relationship with two other women, one of which great playing cuck games with me and a constellation of our mutual friends. Becky had a submissive husband and saw other guys on the side. Becky still occasionally sends me pics of her latest conquests and tells me how well they did (or didn’t) fuck her. I’ve jacked off to every story, some a few times. She’s 600 miles away, but if our jobs ever bring us to the other’s city, we’ve talked about how nice it would be to hang out.

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