
Learning Delicate Intimacy


Running into the bedroom, I jumped on the bed next to her, holding the phone up to her face while she folded clothes and she looked down to see a funny video of two horses giving each other little pecks.

“Look! They love each other!” I exclaimed, delighted.

“Yes, no it’s Mor. When did he faint?”

I looked at her in confusion and she pointed at her ear and mouthed mom.


“Who fainted??” I panicked, thinking of her dad. “Are they all right?” I was in her personal space and trying to listen at her ear.

She placed her open hand over my face and pushed it into the comforter. I flopped down and relaxed my limbs. She took her hand off my face and shot me a grin over her shoulder. I smiled back brightly and put my hands behind my head.

She continued her one-sided conversation.

“Yes. Who drove him?


“How’s Aunt Clara doing through it all?

Oh damn! It’s her Uncle Edward. He insisted I call him Eddie so, to annoy him, I only call him Edward in a British accent.

She set down the clothes and started caressing my calf, sighing here and there and running her nail up and down.

“How long will he be in for?….Yikes…I’m so sorry, mom…

“Okay, we’ll swing by to visit this weekend.

“Yes…I’m so sorry to hear that…okay, I love you! Bye, say hello to dad, please!”

She ended the call and huffed out. I leaned on my elbows and gave her time to collect her thoughts.

After a minute, I ran my calf along her knee back and forth, like a cricket.

She looked over at me and leaned her chin on her shoulder, still ruminating.

“How is he?” I prompted.

“At the hospital. His blood sugar dropped and he fainted. He broke his leg in the fall though.”

I grimaced.

“I’m sorry, Suz. Poor Edward and his wife…”

“Hmm. He’s been getting worse…”

“When do you want to go?”

“Tomorrow? Sorry we can’t go to that place you wanted…”

“No worries at all! Eddie is more important.”

“Ha!” She pointed her finger in my face. “You said ‘Eddie!’ I’m so going to tell him.”

“Shit!” I cursed playfully while I tried to bite at her finger.

We looked at each other. This whole nonverbal communication was endlessly intriguing to me, the concept, the practice, and the willingness of hers to continue to try. I saw…melancholy, fear, contentment?, tiny bit of arousal, and concentration on my eyes as she processed too. It was a more potent cocktail than anything else out there. A play of communication that only a select few understood and lasted only a few seconds.

“Sorry, babe…” I hugged her to me for a moment and slipped my hand in her neck. “Need help with all this?” I looked at the baskets of laundry on the bed.

“No, I can do it.”

“Naw! I’m done with the living room.” I started to fold. She smiled and slowly started back up again.

We chatted. About her family, random little memories she had of her uncle as they popped into her head. Then making plans to make the drive out there the next day. After a kiss here and there, it turned into laughing and giggling.

“It’s true! Ask Jesse, he has no shame! He was buck naked and jumped off the second floor into the pool like those idiotic reality shows.” I was telling a story about my best friend from back in our college days.

“Omigawd!!!” She shrieked out a laugh and my face turned red. “Did you–ah–did you ever do something like that?”

“Never! I’m not a child! I’m a chaste good girl with exceptionally high moral standar–mphm!” She tackled me and shut me up with a kiss, her lips crushing my mouth in a bruising kiss that slowly grew softer.

I settled back against the pillows and she pressed into me, taking the lead. I basked in her attention.

When she’s slow and sensual like this, I just let her do her thing and squirm in response.

She licked around my mouth and pecked at my lips sweetly, over and over again. The base of my brain tingled and I heard a ringing in my ears as the sensitive areas around my face were relentlessly stimulated.

I sighed and kicked off the empty basket from the bed. She raised her eyebrow and looked at me.

“Is that a hint?”

I just grinned widely as I put my hands behind my head again and crossed my ankles, wiggling my hips.

She had a lopsided smile on and straddled me, plonking her ass down on my pelvis.

“You are incorrigible…”

“And horny!”

“Isn’t that the same thing?” She ran her nails down my front and sides.

“I don’t think so, but let’s say I’m both. Just in case.”

“Just in case…do you wear these to tease me?” She accused, as she pulled at the waistband of my violently pink tiny shorts.


“Hm…because I mentioned ONE time that I liked them?”

“Plus, you always slap my ass whenever I wear them.”

“That so? I didn’t realize…I do like them though…” She ran her fingers along the waistband, back and forth and snapped the band along my belly. I jolted in Maltepe travesti a stab of arousal.

She leaned down and I looked at her cleavage. A little silver chain dangled in front of it. It had a charm of a little clock gear. I had a matching one around my neck and they were a reference to a string of tattoos I had done from even before I’d met her.

“Do you want to know what I think about when you wear them?”


“What do you think about?”

“I think about…” She gripped my breast and I arched up. “Grabbing your ass…” She mimicked the gesture in real time, sliding her warm hand below the shorts and under my cold cheek. I tensed my jaw and huffed out, trying to control the urge to flip her over. “Then running both hands into you.”

She shifted to kneel between my legs and slipped her forefingers down my front into my slit, spreading my lips.


My back arched. I so wanted her…

Two fingers dug into my very wet center and the other hand gripped harshly the skin on the side of my pussy.

“Ugh! That’s nice!” I resolved to do that to her soon too. Damn, that’s hot…

She hummed as she grinned at me. I absolutely loved it when she had fun. There were things I liked and there were things she liked and we tried our damndest to learn each other this way too.

The time spent loving on each other was hotter than any individual orgasm. It was our own little house of cards that we both got excited about every single day. And if it fell one day…well…it wasn’t the end of the world. You just…start up again. But how AMAZING would it be…if…it was the coolest house of cards ever? One made delicately and deliberately to make something great.

I pulled down her shirt to roll a nipple between my fingers while I grazed my nails along her waist and she whimpered.

I moaned as she drove her fingers in and out and her back pushed into my hand at her breast, dropping down to rest on me.

I wedged a hand in her center and I felt the wetness as I touched her clit firmly. Her leg shifted over one of mine so we could more comfortably reach each other. I can still smell the detergent from the clothes we were just folding and the fucking, normal domesticity amped up my arousal.

I slipped my middle finger inside her.


We started a synchronized writhing to complement each other.

“You feel so good…”

“Don’t stop…”

“No, ugh!”

She sucked on my neck and I bucked harder.

She was rolling into me even as she neared her own orgasm.

She’s so hot on top…I added a finger and she bit into my neck.

She was panting in my ear and I didn’t feel in any sort of rush to come. It was so lovely just gyrating together like this. I couldn’t hold back anymore though, not with how turned on I was. My hips trembled as I came.

She sealed her mouth over mine and undulated her tongue against my own. She kept humping me…impaling herself on my fingers. I nudged her and she sat up, so I could look at her properly.

It was pretty easy to see things from her perspective and the pleasure she felt…moving your hips the absolute perfect way to edge towards your own orgasm…we used each other, fingers, mouth, thigh, toys, anything to feel good and watching each other come undone was part of the ride.

My darling girl took soo long to get to the point of asking for her desires, that at this point I was ready to be led. Forever and whenever.

When her hips faltered, I gripped at her ass with a hand and supported her effort. She panted heavily and ran her palm down her body to stroke her clit. Although I was exerting myself, I still tried to focus on what she did to herself. I loved when she touched her pussy. It wasn’t often…but I gleaned as much as possible.

Her ass muscles trembled in my grip and she flopped on me again, squishing her arms underneath her as she whimpered and cried out in her climax.

“Good lord…”

“Moriah is fine, thanks…”

“Lame joke…”

“I know you are but what am I?”

“An idiot.”

“Your idiot.”

She supported herself on her elbows and hovered over my mouth, awkwardly looking too close into my eyes. It was disorienting and I didn’t know which eye to focus on.

“Yes, my idiot. My lovely, sweet, strong idiot.”

She pressed her lips to mine and moved them oh-so-slowly. Her upper lip rose up. I copied her and she gripped my neck. I think she liked it…

She pressed in her top lip and I copied.

Huffing out a breath, she kept going.

This was like mirroring but with kisses? I guessed…A little strange, but if it turned her on, I wasn’t going to say no to free kisses and I think I did pretty well!

She had to control herself to go slow and when she bit my bottom lip, I didn’t know what to do. I reached for her top lip and held it between my teeth.

She started giggling.

“No fair! That was cheating!”

“What? There Maltepe travestileri were never any rules.”

“Well, if there were…you would have violated them.”

She laughed harder and I chuckled.

“I did read this really great article about sexual mirroring though!” I continued, enthused.

She crawled into my crossed legs and started sucking my earlobe.

“No, wait Suzie! I’m actually really excited about this concept.”

“Ugh!” She dropped her head into the bend of my neck then took a breath. She linked her hands behind my head, swishing her hair out of her face as she schooled it into a pleasant listening mode.

I held her at her back and my eyes lit up.

“Okay! So the gist of it was…that practicing sexual mirroring, like doing exactly what the other person is doing, gives you a firmer grasp on how your person wants to be intimate.”

“You already know all that. I do too, I play you like a fiddle, darling.” She leaned in to kiss me and I gave her a peck but kept speaking. Her head lolled back and she groaned in frustration.

“I know! I know! But understanding the concept and consciously using it excercizes your emotional intelligence and makes those little chemicals float both in your brain and mine at the same time.”

She squished my mouth in her hand and her eyes blazed dangerously at me.

“You are such a fucking adorable nerd…” she growled out. “And a sex nerd…that’s the worst kind, you know…” She let me go and leaned back on her palms at an angle from me.

I scoffed out. “Uh…I think you mean the best.” I was highly offended.

She smirked at me.

“So, what else did this article of yours say?”

“That it doesn’t have to just be in the bedroom, it can be as simple as tucking in a strand of hair. Copy those actions if it makes you feel good.” My hands were gesticulating wildly as I spoke. “And it doesn’t have to be super cheesy…it can just–“

My voice broke at her gyrating hips in my lap.

I looked down and the pink lacy underwear was peeking out from under her shorts.

“You were saying…”

“Something about mirroring…” My eyebrows furrowed.

“Mhmm…” She sat up and drove in her ass into my center harder while she held on lovingly to my neck.

Her tongue touched the bend of my neck and licked all the way behind my ear where she softly whispered.

“You are a sexual genius…is that what you want to hear, Mor?”

“Yes, please.”

She scoffed out a laugh. “God! Your ego’s gigantic.”

“Not as big as my–“

“Cock…yes, yes…you say that joke every time and it still makes no sense.”

She looked in my eyes and geared up to polish my ego some more.

“You’re a sexual genius, Mor. A prodigy! If there was a sex hall of fame! Whoo!”

“Okay! Okay! Fine! That’s enough!”

“Great! Now please ravish me, Maestro!”

“With pleasure!”

I clutched her back and laid her down gently on the bed.

Peeling off her shorts, I tracked my own hands as they went down her legs. It was a thrill to unwrap her and see the creamy expanses and her pink slit, either soaking or when she wasn’t turned on yet, completely flat.

Right now she was wet and slightly puffy.

She raised her hands and I took off her shirt, running my palms firmly along her sides as I went. Her breasts were breathtaking too. I took off my clothes quickly and settled on my chest to eat her up. My palms ran under and over her legs and I sucked her outer lips in my mouth, stimulating her groin. I pressed in all over her pelvis and she clawed a hand into my hair. The other one gripped a slat of the headboard tightly. I reached up for a nipple and rolled it between my fingers as she arched up, sometimes squeezing a breast while she rolled under me.

Digging my tongue in her depths, I hummed loudly and pressed up into her walls.

“Yes…yeah! That’s good.”

Her hot center felt so good on my tongue and she squeezed me here and there. She smelled divine.

“Ohh! Don’t–ah, shit…Please!”

I suctioned up lightly, along her inner lips, all the way up to seal my mouth over her clit.

I was expecting her to buck but, wow! She would have busted open my lip if I didn’t move along with her.

“Yess…” She whined out a prolonged moan as I varied sucking pressure.

“Inside? Please?”

I hummed in assent and reached over clumsily to the nightstand to get Pierce Brosnan, our purple dildo of choice. Gently laving her clit now, I slipped the cock inside her and she groaned, hands fisted in the sheets and arched her body as arousal shot up her spine. I took a moment to consider the savagery of my arm pistoning in and out under me and decided this was a very nice moment I’ll think about at length later.

I drove Pierce in and out and she shook erratically at the over stimulation. One of her legs was still over my shoulder and she dug her heel in my back, pressing me closer.

I felt her squeeze her walls travesti Maltepe over the dildo and took that as my cue. I sucked her in a staccato and pressed in with the tip of my tongue now and then.

Her hips bucked up and down and she was back to gripping a slat.

I heard a crunch just as she came, shaking along the length of her body. Her body was pitching forward so much as she shook, she was able to claw up my back with both hands on her way back down.

“Ohh, that was a good one!”

“Yeah, you’re hot!”

She chuckled as she twitched violently here and there.

I looked at the headboard and one of the slats was splintered and bent.

“Dude! You broke the bed!”

“What?” She craned her head up and snapped back to look at me with wide eyes. “OMG…oops!” She chirped happily.

“I can fix it…” I chuckled.

“No! I mean…can we keep it like that? Just take off the broken one obviously.”

“Sure!” I pulled out of her and she shivered then settled on top of her for kisses. “We’ve got plenty more for you to break!”

“Hmm! Looking forward to it!”

She rolled us over and settled her head over my chest.

She traced my nipple and I took my wrist and rotated it until I heard a crack. She took it and kissed it while she listened to my heartbeat.

“Your lovely hands…so very talented.”

“Well, thank you kindly. I like your hands though, I think they’re very elegant. I like how the tendons pop out. And your fingers are so slender.”

“Let’s play another game!” She exclaimed suddenly while my head spun trying to keep up.


That coy smile popped up like when she got her way.

“Okay, Firsts! I’ll ask you, then it’s your turn.”


“First kiss?”

My head replayed it immediately.

“Irene. We were inseparable and kissed behind a tree during recess one day.”

“Do you remember it?”

“Vividly. I was just starting to understand I liked girls.”

“Was she your girlfriend after that?”

“Nope! ‘Love em and leave em,’ I always say!”

She punched me.

“Ow! Besides, isn’t it my turn? First time doing the nasty? Heavy petting doesn’t count!”

“Um…Kris at a football game. He was sweet, but it was awkward because it was in the back of his car.”

“The gall! Treating a fine woman like yourself so poorly!”

She giggled.

“Our first holiday together?”

“Well, we had plenty of Christmas parties for the office…”

“No, but the whole ‘meeting the family’ and stuff…”

“And stuff…oh, how about when you were roped into coming to Thanksgiving with my family? We weren’t together, but it should count as warm fuzzies, I think…”

“Yeah…I think that’s it. You were still with Joey though! Why did I go with you?”

“It was Jesse…it was Thanksgiving and we were still working, like lunatics.”

I’d taken a position as her assistant many years ago and we’d got on very well. Well, to be honest, it was a little volatile…sometimes it still is. But the undeniable truth was that we enjoyed each other and latched on.


“Mor? Can you please send Walker the–” her word died in her throat as she saw all the people crowding my desk.

“Hello!” Jesse ran up to her and I assume it was a shock to see this very well dressed young man with a floppy pompadour get in her space so quickly.


“My name is Jesse Morgan! And I’m Moriah’s very best friend. You, my new friend, must be THE Suzanna Kinsey!” She looked around him to see me rolling my eyes at the interaction and signing roll with it…

She went back to staring indulgently at the slightly ridiculous man.

“–and it would be my most grievous mistake if we didn’t invite you to dinner tonight!”

“Huh?” She was confused now.

“Yeah, Moriah’s mom, here.” He produced a short woman out of thin air. “Made a complete dinner at my apartment and it would be remiss if we didn’t invite you!” He finished grandly and the giant mob was looking at her…so…

“Yes! Of course…”

They all cheered and I had my face in my hands.

“Excellent! Ride with Mo and we’ll see you in about an hour.”

He spoke rapid Spanish with everyone and they all rushed to the elevator with a few hugs here and there to both of us.

I came over to Suzie and almost shouted at her.

“What the hell?!”

“What do you mean ‘What the hell?’ You ‘what the hell?'” She shoved me now that the office was empty.

I stared in bewilderment at her.

“I mean, who the hell were all those people?” She crossed her arms and gestured quickly to where the mob had been.

“My FAMILY!! Who’ve you’ve just promised to have Thanksgiving with…do you have any idea what Thanksgiving with my family is like??” I pulled at the strands of my hair.

“I mean…can it be worse than what I do every day?”

“YES!! Infinitely!! That’s why I don’t handle my family every day! I choose to do this!” I was too loud. “Okay, okay…don’t come and we’ll say you were held up! No biggie! Come on, I’ll take you home.”


“No?” I repeated manically.

“Yeah! No! I want a good Thanksgiving dinner…And I was invited…by Jesse! Who’s having it at HIS house!” She pointed at my face.

My brow furrowed.

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