
Mapping New Territory


It was Saturday and the news was playing in the background. Some apocalypse or another. We weren’t quite tuned in to whatever social catastrophe was happening as we scrolled through our phones. I was having my typical earl grey with cream and she was sipping her flowery-hibiscus-something she likes. The light coming in through from the slats on the floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked our city was golden and calming.

As I sipped my tea, tasting the lovely bergamot, I looked over at her. She had her legs intertwined with mine, playing footsie with me randomly or shifting to stretch her leg over the angle my bent knee made. This was my favorite. The coexistence and companionable silence. The easy way we moved against each other to get comfortable. She was drowning in a fluffy white turtleneck sweater and fleece pjs. Her rosy cheeks peeking out of the sweater made me smile. I was scrolling through funny dog videos and let out a chuckle here and there.


“Hmm?” If she asked me one more time if a pink and gold aesthetic would really work for the restroom, I would put my foot down. We already have the damn paint and have been planning this for months already. I’m done talking about it.

“Do you think nipple orgasms are real?”

My head whipped up to look at her and she blearily looked my way, still frowning.

My eyebrows were high on my face and she laughed.

“Mor, I’m serious!”

“What on earth are you reading??”

She laughed again and showed me the title of the article she was reading.


My eyebrows went higher.

“Well–I mean…uh. Do you wanna?” I asked eloquently.

She pursed her lips seriously.

“I don’t think it’s possible…”

“That’s not a no.” I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.

“It’s a myth.”

“Well, how will we know unless we try?” I wheedled.

“What do you suggest?” She smiled back playfully.

“You’re the one reading the article, darling.”

Her eyes drifted back to her phone. “Toosh.”



“What did you say? Tush?”

“No, toosh. Like ‘good comeback?'”

I thought for a second, frowning. “You mean touché? Like fencing?”

“Oh, is that how you say it?” She didn’t seem very invested in her mispronunciation, her eyes back to the screen. I grinned widely, even more fucking happy than I was fifteen minutes ago. I stared at the little frown lines on her face and her plump pink lips that twisted and twitched with the words she was reading. I nudged her elbow with my socked foot.

“Well? What does the article say?”

She threw me a quick smile before continuing to read.

“Oh, you know, typical Cosmo tips…Set the mood, take your time, use toys…” My hands flexed in my lap. I didn’t know if she was toying with me or genuinely didn’t want to try this but I felt like I needed to tread carefully to get what I wanted. I untangled my legs from hers to sit up and reach her. As I laid gently over her, I took her phone from her grasp and made a show of locking the screen and setting it on the end table next to her tea.

“Suzie? Do you remember the night you tried edibles for the first time?” I said slowly and carefully.

She linked her hands over my neck.

“Yes…Fuck, that was nice.”

“Understatement, but yeah. Babe? You almost came just from me touching your nipples…I really think we can do this.” She blushed and looked at the side of my arm. “Do you want to try on me? Or do you want me to try it on you?” I continued to prompt her, giving her the typical multiple choice questions I usually present her with.

“I’m still not sure.” She bit her lip. I leaned against the back of the sofa for leverage as I caressed the front of her cashmere sweater.

“How about…we watch a little porn together?” I paused and looked at her eyes. I raised my eyebrows in question. “To have a better idea of what it looks like.” Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. I couldn’t resist and swooped down to kiss her. Her fingers tightened in my hair and we squirmed, moving against each other. I finished our make out session with soft pecks to her lips as we both smiled sappily.

“So porn?” I grinned.

“Omg, Mor…” She looked in my eyes. “You really want this, don’t you?”

“So, so much. But it doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t wanna! I’ve just been sort of thinking about it.”

“You mean…if I didn’t want you to touch me and make me come?” She cocked her head and grinned.

“Well, when you put it like that…” I leaned down to kiss her again.

I kissed the side of her face and sucked her earlobe in my mouth.

She moaned. “What if…I can’t?”

“What? You mean if you can’t come like that?” She nodded quickly.

“It’s ok, I’ll just fuck you!” I chirped. “Not a big deal. Either way, we’ll get some good data.”

She guffawed in my face. “Data? What am I? A project to you?”

“Ha, sorry I guess that wasn’t very romantic…”

“Heaven forbid you don’t have enough DATA on how to pleasure me!” She said playfully, moving her thighs Bahçelievler travesti to rub against mine. I grinned again.

“Right! Let’s keep collecting more data!” I winked down at her. She smiled back and slapped my hip.

“Alright then, Maestro! Do your thing! I am completely at your mercy.” She said the last part so seductively, I was getting properly turned on.

“Excellent! Give me a minute to get everything together.” I pecked her lips one last time and sprang up to prepare for tonight. I heard her scoff lightly as I left.

I hummed to myself as I set everything up in our bedroom. I came back into the living room to see her cleaning the kitchen. How very…practical. I smiled in anticipation for tonight. I grabbed our edibles and sidled up next to her at the sink.


“Hi…” She smiled back.

“Open, please.” I held an edible up to her mouth. Her eyes flicked down to look at it and opened her hot, pink mouth, slightly extending her tongue. I placed the edible very deliberately in her mouth and before I retreated, she closed her lips over my fingers. “Fuck.”

I pulled her into me and stared down at her. Eyes boring into each other as she chewed slowly. I ran a hand under her sweater to caress her bare back and down to cup her ass under her waistband.

“We’re having sex tonight.” I stated and she raised one delicate eyebrow.

“I figured.” She said cheekily.

“No, I mean, we’re just making love, you and me. No need to be nervous, okay?”

“Thanks, Mor. I’m actually getting a little turned on. I like seeing you excited. You’re cute…”

“You’re a dream come true, babe. I can’t believe I get to touch you.”

“Ditto.” She said simply.

At this point, I didn’t know if I needed to explain that I wanted to edge her in preparation or if that would be more of a turn off and counterproductive. I glanced over at the lingering dishes in the sink.

“Wanna join me on the couch? I have a video lined up…or did you want us to take care of this first?” I gestured to the dishes. She bit her lip. “Okay! No problem, darling!” I queued up my make out playlist on the sound system and went to wash the rest of the dishes.

She placed a kiss to the side of my neck and joined me to dry and put away everything. I made sure to brush against her and make sappy eye contact every now and then. The hot music was a mix of new age dreamy pop, cool notes of sexy jazz, I looked forward to some Sam Cooke, and the slightly ironic sexy song of “Love You Inside and Out.” A bit cliché, but it still made us hot.

I mouthed at her neck as she finished drying the faucet and backsplash.

“Do we need to sweep?” I whispered in my bedroom voice.

“I think that’s good enough…” she whispered back.

“Excellent!” I dragged her to the living room and spun her once, making her giggle. My brain was making me tingly all over with…well…her face, her voice, hell, maybe just the space she took up in the world. She straddled me on the couch and kissed my jaw while I put on the video I found. It was a woman in lingerie touching her nipples and a full display of her pussy. Suzie paused and turned to look at the screen. I was looking at her face to see her reaction. It was…puzzled.

“Why can’t you see her face?”

I laughed. “Some people post things anonymously, I guess…”

She didn’t take her eyes off our TV and I maneuvered her to sit down next to me. My arm went around her, caressing her neck and shoulder.

Her hand started touching my lap.

“We’ve never done this before.” She said quietly.

“Watch porn together? No, we haven’t.” I placed a chaste kiss above her ear. The woman was taking off her bra to reveal stiff pink nipples. “Is it okay, though?”

“Yes.” She said simply. I frowned, wanting to know exactly how she felt about everything. I looked at the video for a little bit but my head was focused on her next to me. I’d already watched enough porn in preparation and read all the articles before today, (including the one she was engrossed in earlier) so I just mentally went over my itinerary for tonight.

When she started to fidget, I licked the side of her neck up to her ear. “Is this getting you wet?”

“Fuck…” she breathed out. “Yes, Mor.” She leaned away from me to take off her own sweater and kiss me hotly. She tugged at my hem and looked back to the screen.

I took off my shirt and bra. That made her look my way and bit her lip. She slowly undid her bra too and dropped it somewhere. I leaned over her, my breasts dangling and reached for the edible that was on the end table. I was dosing her the same as last time but spaced out over an hour in between.

“Open.” I said lowly.

She opened her mouth as she stared in my eyes. This time, her mouth closed quickly over my knuckles and she sucked them further in her mouth. I touched her tongue with my fingers and it pushed back, swirling around them. I sat back in my spot and detached my fingers from her mouth, smirking at the screen in front of me. I could feel her gaze leave the side of my face and look forward Bahçelievler travestileri again. I put my arm around her again as the video played, tracing her collarbones. When the woman orgasmed and the video stopped, I switched to another one, choosing only amateur videos and not the over-the-top porn fantasies. Although there was one with a gently used riding crop that was really hot…maybe next time…

This was a lesbian nipple play video with a hot couple that had soft moans in it. It did show their faces and it was slow and sensual. My playlist still played through my sound system behind us and the bass felt nice against our backs. I started caressing her shoulder while another hand brushed knuckles along her side. Her hands started wandering too. Over her own face, neck, and along her waist.

I wanted to talk about what we were going do, but she really wasn’t a planner in the bedroom so I thought dirty thoughts all to myself. After a while of getting hot to the moans on the screen and our stray touches, she grabbed my chin to bring our lips together and crawled over my lap. We started making out and touching each other but I made sure her nipples and center weren’t stimulated just yet. She was already rolling her body, so I grabbed her hips and led her to the bedroom, turning off the TV and lights as we went.

I laid her down in the center of our giant bed and stripped her of her remaining clothes. I’d already set up a few candles, the smart lights to fade in and out between purple and amber, and selected exactly what toys and lube I may need for today. I’d over-prepared, just in case. I stripped my clothes off too and lined up the toys and lube I had near to us. She glanced at my arsenal but didn’t comment, just raised a delicate eyebrow and brought me close to her. My body grazing along hers felt so nice, an electric buzz floating over every surface of my body.

She licked persistently over the side of my lips where it was sensitive and the tendon in my neck vibrated in response. When I couldn’t take her tongue touching me anymore, she suddenly sucked in the skin there and I whimpered. Wrenching out of her reach, I laid my forehead in her neck and inhaled deeply. My body shuddered in her arms. It felt like a hook was pulling at my stomach down towards my center. It was a strong visceral response to her touch.

“Fuck, Suz! I love it when you do that.” She hummed and I felt it in my forehead. I kissed and licked her chest, grabbing one breast lightly. As I kissed her firmly, her back arched into mine. I leaned back to reach for the tingly lotion.

“Mor…” she whimpered.

“Hold on, babe. We have to do this right.”

“I changed my mind. I don’t want to do this.” That made me freeze on the way back to her.

“Why not?” I tried to not sound disappointed.

“I need to come.” She whined with a pout. I tried not to laugh.

“Baby, you’re kind of spoiled rotten…” I smiled at her and she scoffed. I hovered over her, breathing hotly in her mouth and moving away quickly when she chased me. “Don’t get me wrong…I absolutely love it. The way you need me…The way you know I’ll give you all my attention even when you wake me up wanting me in the pitch black part of the night.” She blushed.

“That only happened…well…a couple of times.” I hummed indulgently.

“Can you trust me, Suzie?” Her eyes zeroed in on mine. She was silent. “The orgasm is unbelievable, yes. But not only that…” I brushed down her arm, my eyes tracking the goosebumps I left. “This is about enjoying everything. It’s almost meditative.” Her eyebrows scrunched up and her lips pursed. I sat back on my heels and she leaned up on her elbows.

“I just want to have sex with you, Moriah. Why are you making it so complicated?”

I sighed and was close to giving up, but she was just nervous. She’s always responded to playfulness and confidence in the bedroom. So, I leaned forward a bit and grabbed her breast, slowly thumbing her nipple. I grinned at her.

“O-kay…what would it take? For you to do this?”

“Are you bribing me now?” She asked incredulously. “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.” The side of her mouth pulled up.

“Only if it’s with money…” I held a finger up. “I’ll do whatever you want if YOU let me do what I want with you tonight.”

“Really? You’ll do anything?”

“Anything!” I was already salivating at the thought of being under her control at a later date.

“Okay. I want to have a date day. Hiking in the morning, brunch, then thrift shop hopping for the rest of the day, then dinner.” She’d been obviously thinking about this.

I grimaced. I hated shopping with a passion and we’d probably have to wake up at an ungodly hour to fit in a decent hike before brunch.

“AND no complaining allowed.” She added quickly. I looked away in a fit of frustration. “Well?” She sounded smug now. God, I really wanted this and the date day would make her happy too, after all.

“Yeah, deal…” she clapped and squealed. “IF you let me edge you today and try for a nipple orgasm without trying to touch your clit, I travesti Bahçelievler will do hiking/brunch/thrift shops/dinner with no complaints.”


“Yeah…I read that’s the best way for a nipple orgasm.”

“For how long?”

“I don’t know…I didn’t want to be too technical.” She rolled her eyes. “However long it takes to make you hot, I guess.”

“No. Time limit is one hour.”

“One hour?! That’s nothing! 3.”

“Omigawd, Mor! Fuck no! I’d die.” I rolled my eyes at that.

“2 and a half.” She tried not to smile at my negotiation.

“2…” she finally said.

“Deal! 2 hour time limit for edging. But don’t look at the clock. It’s not romantic if you look at the clock.”

“I don’t think any of it’s–” she grumbled out the rest of her sentence.

I smiled down at her, exploding with fuzzy warmth and wriggling my hips into hers.

“Sorry? Didn’t catch that.”

“I hate you.”

“You adore me.” I kissed her sweetly and her soft hands linked over the back of my neck. We stared at each other sappily and smiled.

“I do. I love you so much. Even when you’re trying to kill me with sex.”

“What a way to go!” I stretched my head up comically and she giggled. I reached for the lotion again and put some on the pads of my fingers, tracing one areola, coating the creamy stimulant cream thingy over the whole bumpy area, then did the other side. She laid still but shivered when the effects immediately started to take effect.

I kissed her, flicking my tongue against her mouth slowly now and again. Her body already started feeling warmer. My hips rubbed against hers again and again, not letting up. I hardly let her breathe in between kisses and we were so close everywhere. I slowly worked my way down her body, touching the hot zones I knew and other patches of skin I’ve never thought about like the line of her tricep, that one received a good moan. “Keep touching yourself. Your neck and chest. Whatever you want.” She whimpered but obeyed.

Her hand moved towards her center and I caught it just before it got there.

“Just not there…” I grinned at her and she groaned. “Anywhere else.”

I kissed and licked her neck and chest, running my thumbs outside of both of her areolas, slowly. I leaned back up to reapply the fucking expensive cream lightly over her nipples and went back to my teasing. Her hips bucked and she arched her back violently. I sighed in awe. I was absoluteley loving this. Every sensation, every swipe of my hands, and the way she was responding was something beyond my wildest fantasies.

“Baby, you’re so sexy. Does anyone touch you better than I do?”

She panted quickly. “No.” She sighed too and undulated under my hands and hips. I placed a ton of the cream on the pads of my fingers and shifted down to open her legs, revealing her center to me. I quickly placed a little on her clit, which was already peeking out of the hood. HOT. Then down around her lips, haphazardly distributing it everywhere. I coated the rest onto my index and middle finger and attempted to rub it onto the inside of her center, I don’t quite know how much effect it would have, but at least I got to tease her insides for a few seconds.

“UGH! I hate you! Why did I agree to this again?”

“Because we’re going to a million goodwills and hiking up a horrible mountain. I feel like 2 hours of your ‘sacrifice’ is a good exchange…” I smiled at her face and she looked at me with narrowed eyes. It worked though…She laid back down and kept touching her nipples. If I wasn’t allowed to complain, then she could behave during my worship of her for a little while.

I grinned smugly as I spread the stimulant all around her lips and coated her clit again as deep as I could under the hood. Her center throbbed against my fingers and she gasped with the slight friction. I placed one pad of my finger against her clit as I shifted up to breath into her mouth.

“I’m just getting started, darling.” I teased her and she groaned and bucked her hips rapidly as I pulled my hand away. Her back arched again and I gripped both sides of her belly, starting my slow worship. The low bass notes of the music were wafting around us and swirling around the inside of my skull. I hadn’t taken anything, preferring lucidity so I could focus, but I was high on the sensuality of the moment. I wondered if, maybe, I’d forgotten to breath for a few moments. If I felt like this, I hoped she felt even better.

Her mouth was open and her rib cage twitched with her silent gasps when I touched her. I let my hot breath caress her pelvis as well and licked a gentle swathe below her bellybutton. She whimpered. I spent an indeterminate amount of time tracing every patch of skin, using the pads of my fingers, my tongue, and nails. Every so often, I ran two fingers across her clit. She was getting wet but I only gave her a swipe here and there, sometimes not even reaching her clit at all.

I entered a meditative state where I was able to swim from one caress to another, keeping her on her toes. I was responding to her sounds and movements instantly. This wasn’t sex, it was a masturbation session where she was just an extension of my own body. My intrusive thought in the moment was that she could do this whenever she wanted now. Touch herself like I do. If she had the patience and inclination, I was teaching her to enjoy herself. I shuddered out a shaky breath at the thought.

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