
Dales – Leah Returns


Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy, love Mica xx, Yorkshire England.

I had spent the past few days in my main house, seeing Mik, watching how his girlfriend interacted with him, I think she was more into him, than he was into her. It’ll sort itself out. I was happy to see that he had washed my bottom bedsheet, dried it, and refitted it to the bed before I got home. Nice touch son, I would never have known that you knew how to use the washing machine.

I got a text from Leah. She had been booked to go to a Spa day with her friend, but her friend was ill, would I like to go in her place, it was all paid for, she would just like the company. Heck Yes! I texted back and she sent me the details. It was sort of on the way to my dales cottage, not too far a diversion, so I made sure to pack some food in my car as well as clothes, I may as well go and stay at the cottage after the spa day.

The electrician texted me to say that he had been and looked at the generator, and what the cost was going to be. If I was agreeable, again just transfer the materials costs, and then pay for his labour when it was up and running. He thought he would be able to fit Tuesday next week. Excellent, that would be the standby generator sorted. I made the payment and got everything ready. I was meeting Leah at nine in the morning at the Spa reception. Tonight then I would be waxing and plucking ready for a quick shower and off in the morning.

Roll on the wax. Wait. Apply strip. Rub vigorously. Pull off the strip, repeat. Move onto the next area, roll on the wax. You get the picture. When all was done it was time to apply liberal amounts of moisturiser, I always use after sun, it takes the heat away and moisturises, winner winner for me. When I was applying the after sun I loved to feel how smooth my labia were, just perfect. By the time tomorrow came, all the little tiny bumps from the pulled follicles would be gone and I would be even smoother.

I woke up early and made a quick bacon sandwich. Whilst the bacon was grilling I double checked that I had put everything I needed in the car, both for the spa and for the cottage. I sat with a mug of tea and ate my sandwich, oh so good, and when all was finished I sighed with contentment, and loaded the dishwasher, I was ready to go.

I pretty much knew where the Spa was and had no trouble finding it. Oddly, even though it was in the middle of nowhere, it required you to register your car in reception, hundred pound fine for failing to do so. Kind of annoyed me, we were in the middle of nowhere, it was a spa and that was that. It is not as if it was next to a mall or cinema. It was on its own.

Leah was in reception, we air hugged and then went through and registered our cars. I was too niggled by the whole thing to even bother asking why we had to register our cars.

“Right then,” Leah said as we went to the changing room, “change into our costumes and then put the robe and slippers on. We can go down by the pool, grab a lounger each, and we have about an hour before the first treatment. I think they bring us green tea.”

God, I hate green tea. “Fab,” I smiled. I had my favourite striped cornflower blue costume. Our assigned lockers had robes and slippers in, and a reminder of how many hundreds of pounds the robes were, should we feel the need to liberate a robe and return to our home with it.

We wandered poolside and selected two loungers. Leah pulled a table over ready for our green tea.

“We are here pretty much all day, we can go for lunch whenever you like after the first treatment. What are you going to have?”

“I thought I would go for the specialised Full Body Massage which includes face & scalp and with the hot stones. What about you?”

“I am going to do the same, I think that we can be done together next to each other. You know you can opt to be naked for that one?”

“Well that is a clincher then! No sneaky looking at my treasures you,” I laughed, she had already seen everything I had to offer.

The green tea arrived along with some odd dry biscuits, or perhaps breads, who knew? I sipped the tea, it was really not to my taste, I put my cup down and decided to accidentally let it go cold.

“There are ladies only clothing optional sauna and steam room here too,” Leah said, “we could give them a try.”

“Should we do the before or after the treatment? I don’t want to waste the treatment.”

“After, in fact, after lunch I think.”

“Okay, I was thinking the manicure and pedicure after lunch,” I said.

“Yes, we can do that, it will be relaxing, and then the steam room and finish off with a sauna.”

I lay back wishing that I didn’t have my costume on, it would be so good laying there without the swimsuit covering me, so good. My mind went back to when Leah stayed with me during the storm, how we had explored each other, played with our sexualities, and discovered a joy together.

It was time for our massages, we left our stuff by the loungers and went through to the studio area.

“We Kadıköy travesti will just give you a moment to ready yourself and then we will begin,” a lady in a white uniform with green piping said. We took our towels and costumes off, and lay face down on the massage tables, our heads poking through the hole so designed. It occurred to me that if they had put a small shelf under the hole, then I could have read a magazine whilst the massage happened.

“Good morning Mica, I am Brie,” a voice said, and I could hear someone else speaking to Leah. “I will be giving you your massage this morning. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable, just stop me, okay?”

I said yes and tried to relax as a stranger applied hands to my body. She worked my shoulders and upper arms first and even though at first it seemed painful, as she worked, I could feel the tension ease from my body. She did my whole back, sides, buttocks, upper thighs and down to my feet. A little close at times to being a very personal massage, her hands encountering my labia as she massaged between my cheeks.

“Please turn onto your back Mica,” Brie said, and I did.

Laying on my back was, oddly, not as comfortable, but not too bad. Brie worked my chest, arms, sides stomach, lower stomach and inner thighs, again encountering my labia, before continuing down to my feet and easing my toes. I lay on my front once more and felt as she laid the hot stones along my spine and on my shoulders. She then placed a light covering over me and left me, Leah was finished and laying quietly too.

I think we lay there for well over ten minutes before they returned and removed the coverings and stones. We sat up, put our robes on and went back to the loungers.

“We better keep our robes on, I am not sure that this is a clothes free zone,” Leah said.

“Oh, shame, oh well.” I replied and lay wrapped in my robe, still feeling the warmth of the stones on my back.

Lunch was served in the nearby restaurant. I had a Salmon salad which was okay, Leah had spring rolls served with a slaw of red cabbage and carrot. Another lay by the pool, I slipped my costume on as I wanted to swim, and then more lazing around.

“Come on Meesh,” Leah said, “let’s do the steam room.” We headed off to the Ladies Only Zone, stripped, hanging our robe and costumes on the hooks outside and entered the steam room. It has been a while since I had been in a steam room, and I had forgotten how they take your breath as you entered.

Visibility wasn’t good, but we soon realised that we were alone. We sat on one of the benches arms and legs apart. I turned and looked at Leah, just at the right moment I think, and watched water drip from her boob. That was surprisingly erotic, and my fanny clenched and I remembered how she felt in my mouth.

“Come back, after,” I said, almost gasping as the pressures built in my crotch. “We can make a night of it.”

“Yes please,” Leah answered, almost too quickly, were we on the same wavelength?

As I sat and looked at soft focus Leah, almost hidden in the mist, I could remember her flavours, her textures, her soft touches, the feel of her body, the sighs that she made as I touched her. I was almost transported back. I wondered if I should introduce her to Fay and Elvina? I resolved that I should.

We had our final treatments after our steam room and sauna, lounged by the pool, I declined their green tea, and we finally made our way back to the cars at around four thirty.

“Follow me,” I said, “we’ll get a fish supper on the way.”

“A what?” Leah asked? I sometimes forgot that she wasn’t a native to our shores.

“Fish and chips, from a chippie, on the way, then we can eat it back at the cottage.”

“Oh, okay, not had one of them, yes, that’ll be nice. I will follow you, but if we get lost, don’t worry, I can find my way, you are in my satnav.”

About ten minutes before the cottage we went through a village and I stopped at their chippie. I ordered fish and chips, curry sauce, scraps, pineapple fritter, buttered breadcake and loads of salt and vinegar for us both. I knew I would probably have to explain it to Leah when we got back.

We parked up and went inside. It felt a little too chilly to sit outside, so we sat on the sofa with our suppers on our knees.

“This Leah is a chip supper. The fish is cod, and the little bits are called scraps, they are the bits of batter that fall off a fish in the fryer. Delicious. The round thing is a battered pineapple ring, and the breadcake is, well, it is a buttered bread roll and you put bits of fish and some chips in and eat it. The little pot is curry sauce, you can dip your fish or chips in it for added flavour. It is all covered in loads of vinegar and salt. It is very British and utterly delicious, and you eat it with your fingers straight out of the wrapping from the chippie.”

Leah looked at me with amazement, and then looked at her supper, looked back at me and then took a chip and ate it. A smile appeared and she stopped looking Kadıköy travestileri at me and proceeded to tuck in.

It actually wasn’t the best chip supper I had had, but it had all the key ingredients and together, even a bad one tastes good, and this wasn’t bad, just not brilliant. You had to go to Murgatroyd’s by Leeds for a good one, and that was in absolutely the wrong direction.

Leah say back, her paper wrappings virtually empty. “How have I lived here all these years and not had a fish supper. That is heaven.”

“Just don’t worry about the calories, love the taste and have one at least every other week.” I said smiling.

“I’ll make us a tea and we can go and sit outside by the beck before it gets dark.”

Teas made we went out and sat.

“Fay, Elvina, I would love for you to meet my good friend Leah,” I said to the babbling brook. Leah looked at me quizzically. I just smiled.

The air shimmered and two forms began to coalesce in front of us. Leah startled, looked at them and then me. The air seemed to dance and in the hazy shimmer I could see Fay and Elvina, embracing, dancing in the air.

Fay was on my lap, kissing and embracing, out of the corner of my eye I could see Elvina caressing Leah, her mug on its side beside her, its contents spilled.

“What?” Leah seemed to say as her lips were crushed by Elvina, her dress rucked up around her crotch, her fanny invaded by faery fingers.

I was contending with my own invasion, my fanny, still soaking from my earlier dreaming’s of Leah in the spa, widened and welcomed Fay’s intrusion, the gasps that I heard were mine as she played with my internals.

I found myself on the floor, my dress somehow around my waist, an impossibly long tongue pressing into me, fingers somehow going through my clothing and playing with my nipples, nipples so hard they would break concrete. My back was arched and yet still I wished we had been in the faery realm with its velvet grass, and at that moment we transported. The air changed, an electric touch, the aroma of lavender and gardenia filled my nostrils, the light touch of velvet tickled my buttocks.

Leah was beside me, both of us naked, writhing with the pleasures being administered by mythical lovers. I reached across and squeezed Leah’s hand as a mouth worked its magic between my labia, my clitoris engorged and ready to explode, my buttocks clenching and relaxing as fingers delved my cleft.

My breath held within me, my breasts taut on my chest, my eyes staring at the impossibly blue sky, unblinking, my lungs filling with each gasp and then interrupting my reverie I heard Leah scream her orgasm and my own released and together we filled the faery realm with the sounds of pure pleasure.

As I came to I realised that we were both laying naked on my cottage grass by the beck. The faery realm had gone as had the girls, we were alone. I looked across at Leah, she seemed in shock. I sat up and then went to her.

“Come on, let’s get inside.”

I helped her to her feet and we went inside, shutting the door on the darkening skies.

“What was that, I mean, what the fuck was that?” She asked in a quiet voice, “Did you drug me?”

“No drugs Leah, that was a little delve into the faery realm. We are honoured, they usually hide themselves from us.”

“That was a trick wasn’t it, a clever trick.”

I took her in my arms and hugged her to me, and then tilted my head and kissed her.

“No baby,” I softly answered, “it was very real, just as real as you in my arms now, my wanting arms, yearning for you. I saw the water drip from your nipples in the steam room, it was the most erotic thing I have ever seen.”

She looked into my eyes and then squeezed back. Her tongue pressed at my lips and her body seemed to soften in my arms.

“Let’s go to bed Meesh,” she said, “I need some reality.”

We went upstairs to my bedroom, our dresses discarded outside by the beck, forgotten, unwanted. In my room I took Leah’s hand and led her to the bed, sitting then laying her down. I sat next to her and stopped down, my lips brushing against hers, my hand cupping her right breast, my fingers grazing her nipple. She murmured softly and I lay next to her, my right breast pressing against her left as I took her face in my hands.

“It is just us now Leah, just you and me.”

She murmured again and then pulled me to her, holding my tight, our boobs crushing each other. Her hand moved and slipped between my legs, my thighs parting to ease her passage. Slick and wet still, her finger found no resistance as it slid between my lips, opening my valley, my heat escaping as she gently massaged my valley floor. I rolled to lay on my back, my thighs parted like a school compass, and she rubbed my clitoris, engorging it, my pressures pulses.

She moved and lay atop me, our breasts pressing together, her mouth on mine, our tongues dancing in our mouths, her arm trapped between us, its hand roaming my valley, seeking my treasure. I put my arms around Travesti kadıköy her and squeezed, my hands pressing her shoulders, my fingernails digging in as I held onto her.

I jinked and we flipped, I was above her. I slid down, my face at her crotch, inhaling her aroma, gardenia and lavender lingered beguilingly, my nostrils flaring. I kissed her fanny, a simple kiss, lips on lips, and her breath held. A gasp and then her hands held my head, holding me on station. My tongue pressed, pushing her labia apart, seeking the sweetness of her valley

Her lips wrapped around my tongue as I slowly moved the length between her entrance and her clitoris, her hood pushed to one side by my tongue, me feeling her tensions grow as I licked her, her breath held, awaiting release at her climax. My finger teased at her entrance, circling, promising to dip, her head eased back as she awaited my penetration.

I pressed two fingers at her entrance, slowly pushing, penetrating, her fanny opening and allowing my passage into her depths, hot and wet, welcoming, squeezing as I pushed deep, a stray finger pressed between the cheeks of her bottom, stimulating, teasing.

Her fanny pulsed around my fingers, squeezing me with her desire. I opened my fingers, widening, creating a chasm within her. My finger nail scratched at her g-spot, as another pushed up seeking her clitoris from within, and then I crooked my fingers, changing her inside space, the heat from her desire almost boiling.

I held her clitoris between my teeth as my fingers worked inside, pulling, nipping, as my lips slathered against her fanny lips, adding to her wetness. Her fanny spasmed and clamped hard, her back pushed up off the bed and she screamed her release, piercing, enough to penetrate the faery realm, her lungs releasing the pressures as she gasped and gulped, her fingers squeezing my head, laughing and crying as her orgasm roared through her body, before she lay back on the bed, her chest heaving, her mouth silently opening and closing.

I eased away and moved to lay on my side beside her, my arm across her bosom, heaving in its aftermath.

“Oh fuck,” she said quietly, “oh fuck.”

“Good one?” I asked quietly in her ear.

She nodded and turned to face me. “Why? Why are they so good with you? Am I gay? Are you gay?”

I kissed her forehead, “No Leah, I am not gay, I love men, I love a dick inside me, but I love being with you, it is different. It is more sensual. I don’t know if you are gay, and if you are, so what? How we get our pleasures is up to us.”

“I have never had sex like that with a man. That was overwhelming.”

“Perhaps you haven’t met the right man, I have a friend called John who takes me to places I didn’t know existed.”

“The faeries, I mean, what the actual fuck?”

“I know. They are secretive, if you talk about them they will never reveal themselves to you again, and wait till you meet Sid, his tongue is to die for, I mean long, seriously long.”

“Oh. Crumbs. I wonder if there are faeries in the states?”

“I expect so, they seem to pop up in every societies mythology.”

We lay arm in arm as total darkness descended, and eventually I dozed off, Leah’s rhythmical sleeping soporific in my ear. I awoke later, my dreams full of faeries and tongues and fingers and I realised I had company in my crotch. A tongue was pressing deep between my fanny lips, a finger pressing at my opening, deeply penetrating, moving, finger shagging, I gasped.

“Oh, you are awake,” Leah’s voice came from below, “I just needed your taste.”

I felt my labia being widened, I opened my thighs to assist, there was a feeling of air in my valley and then the sensation of breath. In the utter darkness of the countryside I had the sense of seeing deprived, it was pitch black, all I had to go on was touch and feel.

It was surreal, experiencing sexual touch yet not being able to see it or know where was going to be happening next. My clitoris was being lapped, a tongue gently wiping over it, caressing it, my pressures building already, my breath holding, me gasping as fingers did their work inside. I stared desperately into the darkness but could see nothing, it was sensory deprivation and sensory overload all at once. Fingers withdrew, I was empty, a void slowly closing.

I had never felt it before but I could feel my fanny closing, walls touching walls, almost kissing each other inside of me, a touch I had never experienced before. My clitoris was abandoned, the touches ended, I was only able to feel light breathing along my valley.

“Oooh,” I gasped as something rough and wet dabbed into my valley, her tongue? And then left again. Just breaths. I gasped again as I was touched by my entrance, fleeting, harder than before, her nose? Abandoned again, and then another touch, just below my entrance, at the little folds just before my perineum, so sensitive there, a finger nail perhaps? That finger nail traced a route to my anus, circled, pressed and as I gasped in anticipation, it left, again no sensations.

I felt my entrance being pulled asunder, a gape within, my opening wanting, and then her mouth, I felt her mouth on me, kissing, blowing, filling me with her hot breath and then she pulled away again, my fanny blowing raspberries as the air was expelled by my closing fanny.

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