
The Sex Crystals Pt. 03


This chapter follows on directly from Part 2. This section includes gay sex and father-son incest, as well as some non-incest straight sex. There is also a non-PC reference to homosexuality in here, which is designed as a part of the story. I hope it won’t offend too many people.

NOTE: Since the Ross family are now almost completely at the mercy of the strange Sex Crystals possessed by their captors, there is almost no coercion and nothing forced in this chapter.

I hope you enjoy it!

A few feet away, Robbie had also cum, deep inside his mother’s arse and the two of them had recovered enough to watch the action unfold across the room. Robbie had never been so hard for so long. He was so hard it almost hurt. In his mind, he was imagining him doing to his sister what his father was doing to his sister. The idea filled him with anticipation. Maybe she’ll let me, he thought. If dad is too busy with mum, maybe…

Thoughts of his mother didn’t help with his hardness. My God! I fucked my mum in her arse!

Yes, came a voice in his head he now recognised as being that of Will’s crystal. Her arse! You fucked a woman in the arse! And she wanted you to! The deepest-held secret he had had now become reality and he still couldn’t quite grasp it.

Watching as his father prepared to dump his cum into Aimee, Robbie began to stroke his cock, slowly. “Oh, yeah,” he muttered. “Do it, you bastard! Fucking cum in her!”

Suddenly, his view was blocked by Will’s impressive dick as it swung, like a pendulum, in front of him. Will was looking at Sarah, whose own hand was on her labia as she plunged three fingers inside herself to mimic her husband’s assault on their daughter.

“Wanna go again,” he asked.

Sarah looked at him. She didn’t see the thinning hair or the scar on his face. She saw a purple crystal that told her what to do and the beautiful cock that had given her her first orgasm of the evening. That beautiful cock looked lonely and sad and droopy. “Come here,” she said, grabbing the swinging cock and pulling both it and the man attached to it closer to her.

Within moments, she had the cock in her mouth and it was starting to swell up. She could taste herself on it, but she could also taste something else and it took a moment for her to realise that it was her own daughter she could taste. Kid’s got a sweet little pussy, she thought to herself. Maybe you should get a taste of that sweet pussy from the source, the crystal suggested.

That thought stunned her. She had never done anything with another woman before; hadn’t even considered it. But she wasn’t put off. The crystal spoke to her again. Told her how to get what she wanted from her daughter. Sarah smiled, around the cock. The crystal knew all the answers.

Robbie’s view was briefly cleared again and he resumed watching his father fuck his sister, stroking his cock again. As he did so, he noticed there was a little precum appearing on his cock whilst he pumped it. He wiped it off and stuck the finger in his mouth. It wasn’t the first time he had tasted his own precum, or his own cum, for that matter. Alone in his room, watching porn scenes (which had nothing on what he had seen and done over the last hour or so), he would often cum in his hand and – having nowhere to wipe it easily – had begun to swallow it down more often than not. He actually didn’t mind the taste and was quite used to it now.

The taste of his and Will’s mixed cum in his mother’s pussy hadn’t put him off either, indeed he had quite enjoyed it. The idea that he might be developing a taste for cum didn’t shock him as much as it might have done just the day before. His own – well, that was kind of fine (he guessed). But now he had begun to view all cum as pretty much the same. This idea intrigued him and he squirrelled it away for later consideration.

Suddenly, his view was blocked again by another cock; this one hard and stood tall. It wasn’t as big, or as thick as Will’s, but it was still quite a nice-looking cock, Robbie noticed. Why are you comparing cocks? he asked himself. It was something he had never knowingly done before.

Because you want to, came a new voice in his mind.

He followed the view of the cock up to see Tim in front of him. Just to the side of him stood Davey – also naked – with a similar cock stuck up in front of him. The two of them wore purple crystals like Will, though these were smaller. Davey’s was bigger than Tim’s and Robbie got the impression that this was due to Will being the oldest and Tim the youngest.

The crystals both glowed, faintly, having not got their share of the fun yet. The two men were staring, intently, at Robbie with a strange, faraway look on their faces.

Slowly, Robbie came to the realisation that they weren’t watching him as such, but were, instead, staring at his cock as he stroked it. They’re a pair of fucking queers, safranbolu escort the voice in his mind threw at him before the PC part of his brain could change it to something more acceptable. Robbie realised that the voice came from one of the crystals and that it was simply vocalising the view of one of the brothers (which one, de didn’t know). The three of them, living alone, had probably never heard of political correctness so it made sense that the crystals hadn’t either.

Robbie watched the two men, fascinated. Both of them were watching his cock intently, having not taken their eyes off it since they had come over. Robbie found that oddly satisfying.

“Wanna BJ,” Tim asked, suddenly, squatting in front of Robbie.

Robbie was stunned. He had never had any kind of thoughts about another guy before. Never! That…thing that had happened to him in the showers that time, that was just… you know… an accident.

“I… I’m not gay,” Robbie stuttered. He stared at the crystal around Tim’s neck. The crystal glowed back at him. It spoke to him. It told him that a blow job wasn’t gay. Robbie wasn’t sure he believed it…but he was willing to consider the fact.

“Not gay, huh? Neither is Tim. Neither am I,” Davey replied. “Not really. I mean, we like suckin’ dick and swallowin’ cum but we like fuckin’ pussy too. When Will lets us.”

“I don’t stop you,” Will said standing a foot or so away, leaning back with his eyes closed and his hands on the back of Sarah’s head. “You just seem far more interested in each other.”

“My first fuck. My first come. My first love.” Tim said, smiling at Davey.

“Me too, our Tim,” Davey replied. “OK. So maybe we are gay for each other. So what?” He looked, threateningly at Robbie. The crystal around his neck seemed to turn red and threatening, pulsing with an unpleasant light.

“Nothing,” Robbie answered, quickly. “It’s just… I’ve never… um… with a guy, I mean.” Tim’s crystal spoke to him again. Told him things. Reminded him about that time in the showers. Reminded him about how he had stared at Jackson, the biggest guy he’d ever met, and that humongous cock Jackson had swinging between his legs. How Jackson was not ashamed, in any way, of his massive cock and often swung it around in the showers just to show off. Robbie tried hard not to listen.

“You ain’t gotta do nuffin'” Davey answered. “Tim’ll do it all. Won’t ya, our Tim?”

Tim nodded. Robbie looked at him. The crystal spoke to him again and he couldn’t help but listen to what it wanted. And what it wanted was quite innocent, really, and wouldn’t involve Robbie doing anything. It was all just so damned reasonable! Without really thinking about it, Robbie removed his hand from his cock. Tim’s eyes widened a little and he glanced at Robbie’s face. “Sure?” Tim asked.

Robbie wasn’t sure. But the crystal was sure and that was enough for him. He nodded.

Tim needed no further instruction and leaned forwards and took the head of Robbie’s cock in his mouth. Robbie gasped. It was just like that time in the showers, with Jamie. Only this time, there was no Coach Rawlins just a few feet around the corner about to shout out and disturb what was happening. Tim moved closer and swallowed almost the whole of Robbie’s cock down.

“Shit, that feels nice,” Robbie whispered.

“It does, don’t it,” Davey whispered, squatting next to him. “Tim’s really good at that. Got no gag, our Tim. Swallows the whole thing like it ain’t nuffin’.” As Davey said this, Tim swallowed the last little bit of Robbie’s cock down and began to suck him off. It was, Robbie admitted to himself, the best blowjob he had ever had. Not that he had too many to compare it to. But still…

“Oh, shit, yeah! Fuck! That’s good!” Robbie had his eyes closed, despite himself, and now put his hands on Tim’s head. “Suck me! Suck me down! Suck my cum right out of my balls!”

“He will,” Davey whispered again, now standing up. Without disturbing what was happening, he stepped across Robbie and swing his leg over so that he was now standing astride Tim. “Stick out yer tongue,” Davey muttered.

“Why?” Robbie asked, not opening his eyes. Another voice was in his head; Davey’s crystal, perhaps. Stick out your tongue, it demanded.

“It’ll feel better,” Davey muttered.

This made absolutely no sense to Robbie, but the crystal told him how simple it was to do and so he did it anyway… and gasped and opened his eyes as his tongue hit something in front of him. It didn’t take a genius to figure out it was Davey’s cock he had accidentally licked. “What the fuck are you doing,” he asked and sat up, shuffling backwards and pulling his dick out of Tim’s mouth. Tim, being Tim, simply moved along and swallowed it up again.

“Gettin’ off,” Davey answered. “You’ve got off. So’s yer mam, yer sister and now yer dad,” he continued as, behind him, Mike finished cumming sakarya escort inside Aimee. “Tim don’t mind not getting’ off so much, but I do. When’s it my turn?”

“Get Tim to do it,” Robbie answered.

“Tim’s busy,” Davey countered. The crystal around his neck glowed with that odd, red light again. It didn’t like being denied.

“But… I told you! I’ve never done anything like that!”

“Really? Cos I know Will cum in yer mam earlier and ya licked that out without thinkin’,” Davey came back. “Then, I just watched yer suck off yer own cum, so don’t make out like ya don’t like it.”

“But…” Robbie was being assaulted by the voices in his mind. Tim’s crystal and Davey’s crystal were both insisting on things. He didn’t want to listen. It would be too much! Surely it would! He wanted to put his hands on his ears, but the crystals couldn’t be silenced that way. H

Robbie shut his eyes again, hiding their glow from his sight, but they still glowed in his mind. They spoke. They cajoled. They reminded him about the showers. They knew about the secret bookmarks he had on Pornhub; the ones he didn’t admit to his mates. They helped him to see what he wanted.

“But, nothin’,” Davey interrupted. “Cum’s cum. Where it comes from don’t matter. Second hand, yer own hand or from the source.” Davey had stepped back in front of Robbie, who – he noticed without much surprise – had not moved away again. He grasped his cock and swung it around a little. “It don’t hurt,” he continued. “Don’t no-one else need to know. We don’t know yer, so we ain’t gonna tell no-one. Go on,” he proposed. “Try it. See what yer think. If’n ya don’t like it, yer can stop.”

Robbie looked sceptical. “Really?”

“Scout’s honour,” Davey said.

Robbie couldn’t imagine what kind of scout troop would allow someone like Davey to become a member, but the crystals reminded him how much the idea intrigued him. That day in the showers, when Jamie had began sucking his cock, Robbie had been both shocked and delighted. Sadly, it hadn’t lasted long before creepy Coach Rawlins had bawled out something from the main changing area and Jamie had pulled away, pulling his own dick hard and cumming moments later. Robbie had been mesmerised by the cum, blasting out of his friend’s cock and had wondered whether Jamie had thought…

Robbie shook the thought from his mind. That had been months ago and Robbie had never had the chance to do it again. Jamie had been avoiding him ever since and the two hadn’t even spoken in ages. “I… don’t know… I think… um… Ahh!” Robbie gasped and squealed as Tim suddenly decided that the crystals weren’t doing their job properly and bit on his dick. Not hard – indeed, barely enough to register – but suddenly and with some slight malice to it. Davey took quick advantage of Robbie’s open mouth and pushed his cock inside.

Robbie was in shock. Suddenly, there was a cock in his mouth where no cock had ever been before! And… and he was closing his mouth around it? Why wasn’t he spitting it out? Why wasn’t he biting down on this invader? This thick, fleshy, hard… impressive… soft… “Oh, fuck,” he muttered around the cock in his mouth. Davey’s crystal glowed, brighter. “Mmm,” Robbie moaned. The crystals had been right. The crystals were always right. The two of them glowed, smugly, their purple light the only thing Robbie could see in his mind.

Robbie now took what he had seen on his hidden porn bookmarks and used it. Slowly, but with increasing speed, he began to suck on the cock in his mouth. “Mmm,” he moaned again.

Davey’s crystal gave him some pointers. Robbie followed them just like a puppy learning a new trick. And, just like a puppy who has learned a new trick, he repeated them over and over in the hopes of pleasing his master which, in this case, was Davey’s crystal.

Davey smiled at the clearly shocked look on Sarah’s face. She had stopped sucking Will off for a moment when she heard her son’s cry after Tim had bitten him (if bitten was the right word). Now, she was stunned to see her only son sucking off this strange man before him as if he had been sucking cock all his life. Davey winked at her. Around his neck, the light from his crystal went out and then it glowed again, as if it was also winking at her.

Will snapped his fingers. Sarah looked, one more time at her son (who was doing a fairly impressive job, she had to admit), shrugged and went back to sucking on Will.

Suddenly, Robbie began to buck. “I’m cumming,” he said, his voice muffled by Davey’s cock. Tim nodded and did something with his throat that Robbie couldn’t understand. It seemed to open up his entire throat and now only Tim’s lips could be felt anywhere along Robbie’s cock. Then, without warning, a finger was shoved up Robbie’s arse and he lost it. “Fuck!!” he roared, still surrounding Davey’s dick, and came, hard, down Tim’s throat.

Robbie felt the cum pulse from his cock in spurts. serdivan escort He had just cum, twice, in his mother and was stunned that there was still so much left in him. When watching porn, he was lucky to get off twice and never had the second go had this much intensity. Now he was cumming for a third time still with the feeling and quantity of a guy who hasn’t gotten off in about three weeks!

Slowly, he finished cumming and Tim got off him. Davey began to step away. This was the moment of decision for Robbie. He could let Davey get away and stop sucking the cock in his mouth or he could follow it like the little lost puppy he was rapidly becoming. Woof, Robbie thought to himself and giggled a little as he rocked forwards and kept the beautiful cock firmly in his jaws.

Without realising it, he was now on his hands and knees with Davey’s cock in his mouth and his arse in the air.

A hand brushed his arse. Robbie made no movement.

A mouth kissed his butt-cheek. Robbie still made no movement.

A tongue licked his arsehole. Robbie gasped and bucked, but nothing more.

The tongue went like a piston in and out of his arse and he gasped and moaned around Davey’s cock. “Mmm,” he moaned. “Yeah. Mmm. Nice.”

Somewhere, in the deep, dark hidden depths of his mind, Robbie knew what was happening to him. He wanted to stop it. But at the same time, he didn’t. He was intrigued. He wanted to feel everything. He wanted to do everything. He wanted it all. He didn’t know why because the crystals weren’t talking to him just now. He just knew that he did.

When the first finger was pushed into his arse he almost expected it. He wanted to say “no”, but that would involve taking the cock out of his mouth and he didn’t want to do that. So he said nothing.

When the first finger was joined by a second, he expected that, too. There was pain now. Only a little, but enough. He moaned and gasped. But he still said nothing.

Now a third finger joined in and now it really did begin to hurt. Still, the cock in his mouth needed satisfying, so he simply shook his head a couple of times. The fingers carried on their exploration and the pain began to subside. Robbie stopped shaking his head. The fingers were removed. Robbie sighed in disappointment.

Now, something else; something harder was pushed against his arse. Robbie knew, in that strangely detached way that was becoming the norm for him now, that this new sensation on his arse was a cock. That someone – probably Tim – was about to fuck his arse. Robbie didn’t really want that… but subconsciously, he did. The thought really disgusted him… but subconsciously it didn’t.

Risking everything, he took Davey’s cock from his mouth for a moment and turned to face Tim. For a second he considered telling Tim to stop, but the crystal around Tim’s neck glowed in that ugly, red, menacing way. It briefly spoke to him, but it didn’t need to say much. Robbie had already decided what he wanted and he hadn’t needed the crystal to help him to do so – perhaps just to help solidify his desire.

“Be careful,” he said, quietly. “It’s my first time.” So saying – and not entirely sure why he wasn’t running away screaming – he took Davey back into his mouth and sucked on him, whilst he waited for the invasion of his arse to begin.

A couple of feet away, Mike and Aimee watched in abject shock as Robbie gave up his arse. The fact that Robbie had a cock in his mouth was stunning enough, but this was almost a step too far. Mike wanted to stop what was about to happen… but his son seemed happy enough to let it. It was the fucking crystals again, Mike was sure. Well, they wouldn’t convince him that he was willing to suck or fuck a cock! Oh, won’t we? The voice came in his mind. Mike pretended he couldn’t hear it.

Aimee watched as Tim came up behind her brother. He wasn’t as big as Will, perhaps, but there wasn’t much in it. Nice one, bro, she thought to herself. Both of us losing our anal cherry at the same time! Cool!

Aimee had watched a number of gay porn videos and had found them equally stimulating and nauseating at first. However, as time had gone on, the nausea had abated, whilst the stimulation had only increased. She quite enjoyed getting off on watching a guy being sodomised, which had led her to pegging videos. Doing that to a guy had become her deepest sexual desire. Maybe I can convince Robbie to let me do it, she thought to herself. Unbidden, a voice came to her mind telling her exactly how she could get this done.

Tim pressed the tip of his cock at Robbie’s arsehole and pushed in. Robbie gasped as the initial pain swept through him. “Oh, fuck,” he muffled. The crystal around Tim’s neck spoke to him. Gave him a suggestion. Explained it wouldn’t hurt soon. The crystal around Davey’s neck told him to keep sucking, that this would keep his mind off the pain. Robbie kept sucking. His mind was kept off the pain.

Tim pushed in further and Robbie bucked. “Oh, fuck, shit” he muffled again, but didn’t say anything more. He was enjoying himself. Yes, there was pain, but it was a good pain. A nice pain. He wanted this, he knew. Wanted it more. “Do it,” he said, briefly taking Davey out of his mouth before resuming sucking.

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