


Subject: Re: “Master of River’s Bend” Chapter 15 Gay Male/ Authoritarian and Gay Male/ Interracial Master of River’s Bend Chapter 15 “Learning to Serve” This is a story of erotic fiction meant to be read by adults over the age of eighteen years Written by Jean-Christophe: December, 2015 “The characters and ideas contained in this story are products of the writer’s imagination and bear no resemblance to actual persons or events. Please respect the integrity of the story and don’t do any rewrites, make alterations or add another’s artwork or pictures” Please consider donating! Nifty needs your financial support to continue publishing these stories. If you’d like to help, please donate fty/donate.html Chapter 15: There was much to be done and the afternoon had passed quickly for Ramses; much quicker than he’d anticipated. His first chore was to help Ptolemy unpack the contents of the trunks and valises that Luke Trevannion had brought with him. Of course, they no longer belonged to Ramses. On being enslaved, his possessions became Massa Charles’ and he had given them to Sir Yancy for his use. As Ramses unpacked the first of what had once belonged to him, he felt momentary resentment at their loss. And it didn’t help that they’d been given to his former slave, Nestor who is now the free Black man, Yancy. Ptolemy, much more experienced in such matters, quickly unpacked the items from the valises and sorted them into piles for Ramses to hang or place in the heavy, mahogany armoire wardrobe and its matching chest of drawers. As he did so, he marveled at the feel and quality of the finely woven suits and the silken shirts and colorful cravats. It had been many years since he’d worn clothing of such high quality. Since his enslavement he’d been kept in an almost perpetual state of total nakedness – a condition he both accepts and enjoys – but seeing and feeling clothing of such quality did bring back memories of those days when he’d been the handsome young man, Beauregard St Jean and the scion of one of the most aristocratic and illustrious of Southern families. Did he have any regrets at his loss of identity, position and freedom? No, none at all! In truth, he is happiest as the submissive slave, Ptolemy serving his beloved Massa Charles. Despite his customary slave nudity, there are occasions when he is required to wear clothing. These are on the very rare occasions when he has to attend to town business as the “real” owner of River’s Bend Plantation. Naturally, for these visits he has to wear clothing but even in this the choice of what he wears isn’t for him to make. That is a decision for Massa Charles. Accordingly, Massa Charles keeps a set of shabby clothing exclusively for Ptolemy’s use consisting of a much worn, threadbare suit with patched holes at one knee and in the seat of the britches and an unwashed shirt of coarsely woven cotton worn with a cravat stained by food and drink. These are matched with a pair of “down-at-heel” shoes so that the overall effect Ptolemy projects to the casual observer is one of extreme poverty. Among the local townsfolk, Beauregard St John is viewed as eccentric, reclusive and miserly. This is in accord with Massa Charles’ intention. Ptolemy must never be allowed to forget who or what he is; even on the rare occasions when he is required to wear clothing. Obviously, no expense had been spared in equipping Ramses for his visit to River’s Bend. Ptolemy considers that Ramses had overreached in the amount of clothing he’d brought with him; clothing which Massa has quite rightly taken from him and given to Sir Yancy. “You didn’t travel lightly, Ramses.” “It wasn’t my doing, Ptolemy! My mother insisted that I have a new wardrobe. I think she wanted me to make an impression on you.” Ptolemy smiled inwardly as he thought about Martha Trevannion’s efforts to impress him with her meager wealth. He wondered what she would think if she could see her only son stripped of all his finery and serving as a bare-assed, buck-naked slave. However, he must sound a warning to Ramses. “Ramses! You must never mention your parents again and never in front of Massa.” “Why, Ptolemy?” Ramses is perplexed by Ptolemy’s warning. “Why not?” “Massa doesn’t believe in slaves having any family connection. A slave doesn’t have a mother, father brothers or sisters. He has as sire and a dam and their progeny are called colts or fillies depending on their sex. That is how you must now view your former parents. Otherwise you will anger ankara otele gelen escort Massa and be severely punished.” “But that’s not fair! It reduces a slave to the level of an animal.” “Well Ramses! That’s exactly what we are. Massa sees a slave as just another domestic animal like a horse or an ox. And more in keeping with an ox if truth be told. That’s our true status and you need to accept it as the reality of being a slave. Have you never disparagingly referred to your family’s slaves as bucks and wenches?” “Well ….,” Ramses hesitates before answering, “yes I have.” “Well then Ramses, the same situation applies here. The only difference between River’s Bend and your home is that here the slaves are white and the masters are Black. You will now be described as either a buck or a colt. Or whatever else Massa chooses to call you. You have no other option but to accept that. Promise me you will. I don’t want to see you anger Massa.” Fearful of angering Massa, Ramses acquiesces. “I promise, Ptolemy!” “Good boy, Ramses.” “What are you, Ptolemy? A colt or a buck?” Ramses asks mischievously. “Oh Ramses,” Ptolemy laughs, “I’m too long in the tooth to be considered a colt. No, a slave my age is referred to as a buck. And a well-worn one too! But you on the other hand, with the blessings of youth, could be considered as being a sprightly colt. However, should the day ever come when you sire a pup then you’ll be referred to as either a stallion or a stud.” “That will never happen!” Ramses replies adamantly. “Ramses, your reply shows your white pride and arrogance!” Ptolemy’s replies tartly. “If you adopt that attitude to Massa – or any other Black Superior – you’ll receive a severe whipping. Always remember you no longer have any freewill. What happens to you is now in Massa’s hands and if Massa decides to breed you it won’t be your choice. Should Massa wish it you’ll be taken to the stables and mated to a wench. But it’s all hypothetical as there are no female slaves on River’s Bend. At least, not since Massa took control of the plantation and its operations. So you shouldn’t overly concern yourself on that matter.” And then, he adds cryptically. “Not as yet!” Then changing the subject, Ptolemy adds. “It fortunate that Sir Yancy and you are of the same height and build. This clothing should fit him beautifully. One of your duties as Sir Yancy’s body slave will be to lay out his clothing for the day and to help him dress.” “But how will I know what he wants to wear?” “Each night, before he retires, you will ask him what clothes he requires for the next day. It’s your task to ensure the right clothes are laid out ready for him in the morning. You’ll soon get the knack of it, Ramses. I’m sure Sir Yancy will cut you some slack as you learn.” “Ptolemy, I take it this is Sir Yancy’s room. If so, where will I sleep?” “Why, you’ll sleep here on the floor alongside Sir Yancy’s bed. That’s where all body slaves sleep.” “I’ll sleep on the floor?” Ramses asked incredulously. “Of course!” “Will I have a pallet to sleep on?” “No Ramses, you’ll sleep on the floorboards without a mattress, pillow or blanket. It will be hard at first but your body will soon adjust to the hard floor,” “Is that where you sleep? On the floor alongside Massa Charles’ bed?” “I have done so since the first night I was enslaved. That’s my proper place and it will soon become yours too. In the depths of winter, Massa does allow me a blanket to keep me warm and I am allowed to sleep closer to the fireplace which I must keep alight throughout the night for Massa’s comfort. And there’s another obvious reason why we sleep alongside our masters’ beds, Ramses. Can you guess what it is? ” “No!” Ramses answers naively. “What is the reason?” “Before I answer, can I ask the true nature of the relationship between you and Sir Yancy?’ “He was one of my parents’ slaves. He worked in the stables and gardens of my parents’ home.” “He belongs to your parents? Is that correct?” “Until last week when my father gifted him to me. Father felt I needed my own personal body-slave to accompany me to River’s Bend. I didn’t fancy the slave my mother had chosen for me and asked for Nestor instead…. Err sorry, I mean Sir Yancy.” “You are Sir Yancy’s legal owner? And not your father?” “That’s correct, Ptolemy. As of last week, he belongs to me. But why do you ask? Is it important as to who legally owns him?” “I ask for no particular öveçler escort reason, Ramses. I just wanted to be sure of the nature of the relationship between you should Massa ask me. Massa will expect me to know. Sir Yancy was never your pleasure slave? You didn’t use him for your sexual gratification, Ramses?” “No never!” Ramses blushes at the directness of Ptolemy’s question. Momentarily, he hesitates before adding. “Not that I didn’t think about it. I did lust after him and that’s why I chose him to accompany me to River’s Bend.” “What stopped you, Ramses?” “Fear! Fear of my parents’ disapproval. I thought they would disown me if I had sex with a male slave.” “Much as they did with me!” Ptolemy exclaims bitterly. “But you are correct; your mother would be outraged and your father would have would have meekly acquiesced with her.” “But today, I was shocked to hear Sir Yancy tell Massa that my father does have sex with his male slaves. I had no idea.” “Why would you, Ramses! Your father obviously kept that dark secret strictly to himself. But Cousin Robert always had a penchant for sex with Black men. On his visits here as a teenager, he’d always seek out the most handsome of my father’s young, male slaves. We shared our dark desires and it would appear that they have been passed on to you too. A family trait obviously! However, he chose to suppress and hide his true inclinations while I chose to live mine as nature intended. And as I hope you will also.” “Do you have any regrets with your decision, Ptolemy?” “None at all, Ramses!” “What about the family’s rejection of you? Did that upset you?” “Of course, it did at the time! But I got over it and it no longer bothers me. Back then, I think my biggest hurt was your father’s treatment of me, Ramses.” “What do you mean, Ptolemy?” “We’d been close since boyhood and he visited River’s Bend many times. Early on, it became obvious that he and I were cast in the same mold. We both shared our dark desires. As I said, he chose to hide his true inclination and endeavored to live a ‘normal’ life. I have no problem with that; the choice to live his life the way he wished was his to make. As it was with me. But hypocritically, having decided to hide his true nature from the world, he then threw in his lot with the rest of the family and condemned and shunned me. I never forgave him for that.” “Can I ask if my father knew Massa Charles?” “Oh yes, Ramses! Cousin Robert knew Massa from when we were boys.” Ramses detects the bitterness behind the reply. “As I said your father was a frequent visitor to River’s Bend both as a boy and as a teenager.” “You sound bitter, Ptolemy. Why is that?” Ptolemy hesitates and Ramses feels he has touched a raw nerve. For several moments, Ptolemy waits before replying. “Because of your father’s treatment of Massa who was, at that time, a slave owned by my father. Whenever, Cousin Robert visited River’s Bend he always found fault with Massa and was always carrying tales of Massa’s so-called misdemeanors to my father and asking that he be punished. Which of course, he was as your father’s complaints were always accepted without question. It got to the stage where Massa lived in dread of your father’s visits.” “My father hated Massa that much?” “I’m afraid so, Ramses.” “Why?” “Jealousy, Ramses. Your father was envious of the special relationship I had with Massa. I knew Cousin Robert lusted after Massa; he told me on several occasions that he wanted Massa to fuck him. However, Massa never did show any interest in your father. His only interest was in me and your father was angry because of Massa’s indifference to him. That’s why he made sure that Massa was punished often – even for the most trivial transgressions. And when he couldn’t find real fault with Massa, Cousin Robert would fabricate one.” “I’m sorry my father treated Massa like that, Ptolemy. It seems there’s a dark side to my father’s character I never knew. Does Massa remember my father and his treatment of him?” “Oh yes, Ramses! Massa remembers. And he’s neither forgotten nor forgiven Cousin Robert. Sometimes, I believe Massa harbors a secret desire for revenge against your father.” “Who could blame Massa? Ptolemy, you were about to tell me of another reason why a slave sleeps alongside his master’s bed.” “Well, one of our primary duties is to surrender our bodies to our masters for their pleasure. By sleeping at their side, we are on hand should they summon pendik escort us into their beds in order to use us. You must always be alert and ready to offer up your body to serve your master’s sexual urges.” Ramses falls into silence as he contemplates all that Ptolemy has told him. Suddenly, he finds the prospect of becoming a slave very daunting and he wishes that he was at home. But even as he considers this, another silent voice tells him not to waver and give into his fears. It reminds him of his black desires and his deep craving to be a slave. And the prospect of being dominated and used sexually by his former slave excites him. In his mind’s eye, he sees himself submitting to both Massa Charles and Sir Yancy. Soon, all the clothing has been unpacked, sorted into categories and hung in the armoire or stowed away in drawers ready for Sir Yancy’s use. Now it is time for the two slaves to prepare the baths ready for Massa Charles and Sir Yancy’s return. Ramses finds the two baths heavy and cumbersome and struggling up the narrow staircase reserved for the household slaves’ use proves challenging. However, assisted by the more experienced Ptolemy, both baths are soon in position with clean, white towels, sandalwood soap and other toiletries laid out ready for use. Ptolemy quickly checks into the kitchen to ensure that the young slave, Zapthenath is tending the large coppers heating the bath water and satisfied, he heads to the dining-room to prepare for the evening’s dinner. Massa had told him earlier that he is inviting Boss Edward to dine with him. The prospect of this doesn’t thrill Ptolemy. Always, whenever Boss Edward dines with Massa, things have a habit of going awry for Ptolemy which usually result in Boss Edward either chastising him or fucking him. Neither prospect appeals to Ptolemy as both are humiliating and painful. Ptolemy is aware of Boss Edward’s animosity towards him and he knows the chief overseer delights in the degradation he inflicts on the man who had once been his master. Perhaps, tonight will be different as most of the attention will be focused on Ramses as the plantation’s newest slave. Painstakingly, Ptolemy instructs Ramses in the correct setting of Massa’s table. He warns Ramses to pay attention and to learn quickly as Massa has little patience with a slave’s inability to learn. He tells Ramses that Massa Charles is a “stickler for correctness” and if anything is amiss over the dinner all the house slaves will be punished. Ptolemy is meticulous in his setting up of the table; he patiently demonstrates to Ramses the correct laying out of the monogramed, silver cutlery and the expensive, imported crystal wine goblets. He tells Ramses that he will be required to assist serving at table while he, Ptolemy, liaises with the cook and ensures the food is served hot and the wine glasses are kept full. As they work, the shadows lengthen in the gardens and serve as a warning to Ptolemy that the return of Massa Charles and Sir Yancy is imminent and it is time to prepare for their homecoming. He orders Zapthenath and Ramses to take up their kneeling positions on the front porch and summons Horus and Osiris from their gardening chores to take up their appointed places at the bottom of the steps. Now totally naked and body groomed, Ramses nervously awaits the return of Massa Charles and Sir Yancy from their tour of inspection. Together, with Ptolemy and Zapthenath, he kneels on the front porch of his master’s home and anxiously scans the long driveway for their approach. Horus and Osiris stand at full display at the side of the graveled driveway ready to assist Massa Charles dismount from his stallion. Only Hapi, the cook is missing; he is excused on the grounds of preparing dinner for Massa and his guests Ramses has no way of telling how long they wait. Indeed, that isn’t his concern any longer. As a slave he must learn that time belongs to Massa. He finds the tiles beneath his knees are hard to kneel upon and soon he begins to shift his weight in an effort to ease his discomfort. This earns him a stern rebuke from Ptolemy. “Ramses! Keep still and stop fidgeting!” Then he adds. “I can see Massa and Sir Yancy approaching. Move into position. That means putting your nose to the floor, your ass up and your hands face down on either side of your head. And don’t forget to move your knees apart as Massa likes to see our asses spread and on display and our balls hanging low. Quickly now! When Massa and Sir Yancy step up on to the porch, I will crawl forward to greet them and welcome them home. Zapthenath will follow me and then it will be your turn, Ramses. Make sure your greeting to Massa and his guest is heartfelt and sincere. Massa has an uncanny ability to know when a slave is insincere. Be warned!” To be continued . . . . .

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