


Easy Access at Jack”s Back Door

🏳️‍🌈 A story by Josh Terrence 🏳️‍🌈


Author”s note: This short story depicts sexual acts between males of various ages. If you are offended by sex between men, teenage boys, boys or between males of any age, why are you here? If you are not a legal adult or if this content is illegal in your locale, leave now.

This story is a work of pure fiction. The taboo acts depicted in this story are not condoned by the author, this is fantasy only. All Characters in this story are portrayed by actors 18 years of age or older. This disclaimer applies to all installments of this story, past and present.

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Chapter 13 — Doctor”s Orders 🏳️‍🌈

As miserable as I was not having anal sex until we went back to see Dr. Dickinson, I resolved to follow his orders. Because even though I was craving a deep cock ride, I was really hot and horny for him to take my rear end for a spin.

Still, I had a hard time masking my dismay as mom drove me home.

“What”s wrong, honey?” mom asked, running her fingers through my brown hair.

“Nothing,” I said in a small, disappointed voice, staring at my feet.

“I know you”re probably anxious to see a boy,” mom started, and I pouted over at her and nodded. Then she gave me a wink and said, “Trust me, Jack. It”s going to be worth the wait. You know, Dr. Dickinson was mama”s pediatrician, too.”

With that, my eyes lit up and I excitedly asked, “He was?”

She nodded, then she assured me, “He”s going to make it all better, son.”

“I wish he could have made it all better earlier,” I lamented, and mom gave me a sympathetic smile.

“You”ll be all set after you see him later,” she confidently said. “Besides, it”s only for the afternoon. Sometimes mama would have to wait weeks to get in with him.”

With that, I gave her a warm smile, wondering how many patients Dr. Dickinson was administering his special treatment to.

“When we get home, do I have to stay inside?” I asked softly, and she shook her head no. I cracked a little smile and said, “Riley”s visiting his dad this week.”

“Oh yeah?” mom said with a smile in her voice, and I nodded. “Are you about to seal the deal with him?”

“I already did,” I cooed. “We”ve gone all the way and he was really good. I was thinking about going over to his place and hanging out.”

“You gonna keep your pants pulled up?” mom asked in a tone that served as my reminder not to get my ass fucked.

I reluctantly nodded, then I said, “I”ll probably just suck his dick.”

“I”m sure he”ll enjoy that,” mom said, and I smiled up at her.

“I”ll enjoy it, too,” I reminded her, earning me an approving smile, then she took my hand and held it until we got home.

When we pulled up to the trailer, I saw Riley sitting on the front step of his porch, throwing a ball for Malaki. My face lit up and I gave mom a pleading look.

“Go have some fun, buddy,” she told me, and I practically bolted from the car to see my 19 year old crush.

As soon as I walked up, he gave me a warm wave and a cute grin. As I made my approach, he looked uneasily at my mom and then back at me with questioning eyes.

“It”s okay, I”m out now,” I told him in a husky voice. “You look really cute today.”

“You look cute, too,” he said, then he glanced over at the car, where mom was looking down at her screen.

His lips were moist and kissable, and his braces were sparkling in the summer sun. Totally turned on by the sight of him, I boldly proclaimed, “I want to makeout with you.”

“Right now?” he asked shyly, and I nodded. “Wanna go inside?”

I shrugged.

“I kinda want to kiss you first,” I admitted, feeling the flames of gay attraction roar in my body.

With that, he looked around with daring eyes, then he smiled mischievously at me and puckered up. I tilted my head and planted my lips to his, then I slipped him some tongue. In a split second, my mind was swimming with thoughts of seducing him right then and there, getting him to disrobe and straddling his big boy boner. I slid my right hand up his shirt and caressed his torso, loving how warm and baby-soft his skin was against my touch. My hand glided lower and I let my fingertip trace around the perimeter of his navel while our tongues danced freely.

The sound of mom closing her car door snapped us out of our spell. Riley cupped my cheek with his left hand and broke our kiss as the sound of mom closing the front door behind her rang out. We shared a shy smile, then he took my hand and stood up. With that, he led me into the trailer and started to disrobe.

As soon as his shorts came down, his tighty whities came into view and my arousal spiked. In the pouch, ankara escort the unmistakeable outline of his teen boner was prominent, from his ballsack all the way to the glans. Even hotter was the darkened patch in the front, letting me know he was leaking precum from his package. I batted my eyes up at him as I soaked him in, then I kicked my shoes off and unbuttoned my slacks.

And just like that, my panties were on display and Riley”s eyes lit up.

“Holy crap, are you really wearing panties?” he asked, and I nodded with a lascivious smile.

“Sometimes I like wearing them,” I admitted. “They make me feel so horny.”

With that, I stepped out of my trousers and lost my shirt while Riley took his teeshirt off and tossed it to the side. We were both standing there in nothing but our undies — his boyish and basic, mine feminine and powder blue. There was no question which one of us was the sissy.

I made my next move by throwing my skinny arms around his neck and engaging him in another deep kiss. His tongue was stiff and dominant while mine was soft and passive, and I loved it. With our lips locked, I reached out and gave his package a squeeze through his tighty whities, loving how I could feel precum soaking the pouch.

We broke our kiss and I dropped to my knees in a trance. When I was face to face with his crotch, I pressed my nose into the pouch of Riley”s undies so I could smell his package. The aroma of boyhood was so powerful — precum, piss, ball musk and anal arousal were pouring through the stitched white cotton of his briefs. In my panties, my tiny boyhood was straining in the front while my ass yearned for penetration.

Following my nose, I crawled between his legs and shoved my face in the bulge from his ballsack. I opened wide and trapped the cotton covered scrotal sack in my mouth, sucking on it with a sensual moan while my olfactory picked up the spicy, powerful scent of anal pheromones that my cute lover was emitting. Unable to resist the urge, I sat on my legs and smiled up at him, then I lustily hissed, “Turn around.”

As soon as he did, his round, underwear clad bubble butt filled my vision and the sharp aroma of boy ass wafted into my nose. I leaned forward and buried my nose in the not so tidy seat of his undies, then I took a long, pleasure filled whiff that made my tummy swirl with butterflies. Anxious for any anal action I could enjoy, I used my hands to part his buns, then I buried my nose far enough that I could feel his moist pucker through the cotton seat of his briefs. I took another delightful sniff, then I used my tongue to lick it through his underwear.

And just like that, I lost control and fell into a deep rimming of his asshole through his briefs.

In no time flat, my 19 year old beau was grinding his ass against my face and panting with pleasure. Even through the white cotton barrier, I could taste the sharp, metallic spice of his boy pussy and loved it. Eager for a more vivid taste, I stopped long enough to peel the seat of his boy briefs down, then I shoved my face into his crevice and feasted deep while we both moaned with sheer pleasure.

I heard my cute lover take a sharp breath, then he hissed, “Oh my god” while I moaned with depravity.

Finally, he couldn”t hold on. With a moan, he stood up straight and turned to face me, furiously beating off. I quickly sprang into action, slipping my mouth over the end of his teen prick just in time to receive his full load. Several shots of teen sperm flooded my mouth and teeth, then he sighed heavy while I smiled up at him and swallowed my reward.

“Ah!” I sighed, then I moved back in and licked his package clean like a good little pussyboy.

When all the cum strands were licked away and swallowed, he collapsed in his dad”s easy chair and let out a long, satisfied breath while I stayed on my knees and gave him a passive smile. He blinked a few times while he slowed his breathing, then he grinned at me and gave me his hand to help me up.

As soon as I stood up, he gathered me in his arms and groped my pantied rear end. I took a seat on his lap and we locked lips, then I curled my legs and enjoyed an extended makeout session with my cute conquest. 🏳️‍🌈

The mood in Dr. Dickinson”s office was purely carnal as I stood in front of him in my birthday suit. He was seated on his rolling stool and mom was in the same chair she”d taken earlier in the day. My exposed micro-erection was on fire, and so was my boy pussy, as he diagnosed me in clinical terms to mom.

“His test results came back fine,” he told her while I bit my lower lip and felt my anus shiver with need. “However, I noticed during his digital exam that he”s got a severe case of hyper-anal arousal. Let”s have a look at his anal orifice.”

With that, he set my chart down and took me by the waist, turning me escort ankara so I was facing away from mom, then he put his hands on my buns and pried them open. I looked over my shoulder at mom, who had her eyes trained on my boy pussy. She was glowing maternally, but she managed to nod with a concerned look as Dr. Dickinson went on.

“As you can see, all the signs are present,” he told her. “His anal lips are moist and prone to enlargement when he”s in an aroused state. Do you see how they expand and retract on their own?”

Mom nodded, then she said, “What do you recommend?”

“Well, as you know first hand, this is a hereditary condition,” he said with a knowing tone, and mom nodded. “I”m recommending the same treatments I used to administer when you were Jack”s age.”

“They were always effective,” mom agreed, then she used her thumb to trace over my oval shaped fuck hole. “How soon can we get him treated?”

With that, I gave Dr. Dickinson a needy whimper as he looked me over, then back at mom.

“How about if you show him how to stand so I can administer treatment right away?” Dr. Dickinson suggested, and mom readily agreed while I bit my lower lip and shivered with need.

With that, mom stood up and led me to the end of the exam table, then she said, “Grab on and spread your feet, buddy.”

“Okay, mama,” I said, my voice soft and feminine. I gripped the table and parted my feet, but mom shook her head no and motioned for me to move. I watched with observant eyes as she took my place, standing so her hips were jutted and her ass was presented for fucking. Dr. Dickinson”s eyes were filled with hunger as he took in mom”s bubble butt, which were clad in jeans, and bit his lower lip.

“You look like you might need a maintenance treatment yourself, Sandy,” he said, and mom nodded. His voice was laced with arousal as he said, “Let”s get this little guy fixed up first, then we”ll take care of your rear end, okay?”

“I”d like that,” mom said, her voice dripping with desire. Turning her attention back to me, she said, “Stand like mommy, son.”

“Okay,” I hissed, then I re-assumed my place at the end of the exam table.

This time, I arched my lower back and rolled my tilted my hips out and upward, presenting my rear end to the room. Mom gently rubbed my back and gave me an approving smile while Dr. Dickinson gloved up. I watched over my shoulder as he squirted some lubricant into his hand, then he used two fingers to lube my hungry ass up while I gyrated my hips and moaned with need.

“The symptoms are presenting themselves quite vividly,” he told mom, his tone seemingly disconnected from the moment. “The hip movement, the moans and the sexualized facial expression are all severe symptoms of his hyper-anal arousal. This is going to require a deep internal therapeutic response.”

By this time, I was in a haze of carnal lust and barely aware of what was happening in the room. Which is why I only faintly heard Dr. Dickinson”s zipper come down while he fingered lube into me with one hand and held my hip with the other. I felt his prick touch the small of my back and let out a boyish cry of joy, but I was too far gone to notice what was happening behind me.

Dr. Dickinson”s fingers slipped out of my bubble butt, then I felt the oversized glans of his prick pressing against my blooming anus and knew that the moment had arrived. I looked up at the digital clock on the wall and noted that it was 6:10pm, then I felt his crown melt through the lips of my ravenous boy pussy. They slipped past my sphincter, then my greedy rear end did the rest of the work. With a powerful contraction, my asshole swallowed his incredible length and I was practically impaled on his manhood.

Somehow maintaining his composure, Dr. Dickinson told mom, “If you notice, his rectum consumed my penis with urgency. That”s a sure sign of hyper-anal arousal. I”m going to diagnose him with a severe case of it and ask you to bring him back to me for weekly treatments.”

While he was talking, mom was running her palm up and down my back to comfort me. For my part, I”d resumed my horny gyration, rolling my hips around and feeling his pole stir inside me while I moaned like the conquered pussyboy I was.

“I think that”s a great idea, doc,” mom said, and I hastily nodded in agreement while he tightened his grip on my waist and started to thrust.

As soon as his cock began its back and forth dance inside me, I lost the battle. Dr. Dickinson”s conversation with mom was nothing but a faint echo in the background while a constant hum rang in my ears. The room grew hazy with white and gray fog that clouded my vision while the sinful sensation of anal intercourse bullied its way through my little body.

From my head to my toe, my pleasure centers were sizzling as he fed me stroke after deep, decadent stroke of hard cock. ankara escort bayan I had no idea when it happened, but at some point every nerve ending in my body caught fire. As the flames of anal ecstasy roared in my body, I found myself in the grip of an orgasmic tornado that touched down and ravaged my senses. My toes were digging into the cold tile floor and my fingers were pressing into the metal of the exam table while saliva dripped from my lips.

When Dr. Dickinson”s prick finally came to a merciful halt, he was balls deep up my ass and I was moaning like a sissy. I felt it twitching inside me and knew he was breeding me, delivering the healing salve that would put the finishing touches on his expert session of anal therapy.

When he pulled out of me, I stayed where I was while I regained my wherewithal. I looked over my shoulder and noticed mom was out of her pants and had gone to her knees so she could deep throat Dr. Dickinson”s scepter. While mom was giving frantic head, the doctor reached out and caressed my flushed face.

“How do you feel, Jack?” he asked in a jovial, almost professional manner.

“I feel so much better,” I sang dreamily, then I looked down at mom, noticing her dick sucking technique and admiring how she literally throat fucked herself on his pole.

“How about hopping up on the table while I tend to your mama”s back door?” he said with a knowing smile. “Then we”ll get your next appointment on the books.”

“Okay,” I sighed contentedly, then I hopped up on the table and let my feet swing back and forth while I watched Dr. Dickinson fuck mom in the ass and daydreamed about my next appointment.

🏳️‍🌈 Up Next — It”s a family affair at Jack”s Back Door 🏳️‍🌈

Also: Jack”s Cousin Troy has a plump bubble butt and a craving for gay sex. But what happens when he finds himself living solo while his dad”s in jail? Find out in Easy Access at ota

Other Work by Josh Terrence:

Gay/Adult-Youth Fiction

Gay/Incest Fiction

Gay/Urination Fiction

Gay/Young Friends Fiction


Easy Access at Troy”s Back Door

Easy Access at Jack”s Back Door

It Takes a Village

The Little Exhibitionist

Dicked Down With Daddy

The Party Never Stops

Riding with Strangers

Out and About In The Neighborhood

Schoolhouse Cock

Spa Day

What”s Cum Over Steven?

Simon”s Lucky Shorts

The Apple Tree

Pacific Rim Job

All You Can Eat

The Persistent Trespasser

The Boy at My Door

The Coupling


Peter On The Prowl

The Thing About Charles

Daddy”s Little Cock Hound

Jesse”s Itch

Jimmy”s Tunnel of Love

All Anal for Isaac

Something Special for Eli

Trifecta In the Hallway

Bobby”s Thanksgiving Feast

The Birthday Boy

The Trouble With Austin

Saturday Morning Splendor

Taylor Made


Room Service

It Runs In The Family(Bisexual)

Jimmy Visits the Fudge Factory

Simon Says Squat

A Christmas Yule Log

Alan”s Brown Experience

James” Secret

Kyle”s Afterschool Snack


It”s A Family Affair

Operation Dildo Procurement

Crew Cuts & Bubble Butts

Simon Spreads His Legs

Short Stories:

Tyler Goes to the Glory Hole

The Empty Bottle

Rendezvous at the Back Door

Mommy”s Sidekick

Tyler Goes Gay

The Tag Along

The Hookup

Oliver”s Eatery

Friday Night Delight

Spencer on the Prowl

The Rear Entrance

Justin”s Peculiar Tail

Sticky Sweet Relief

At The Park

Ethan”s Shameless Turn

Mason Gets Laid

A Package for Simon

A Ride Through the City

Andrew”s Pajama Party

Keith”s Guilty Pleasure

Corey in the Morning

Adam Needs a Ride

Sean”s Day Out

A Curious Tug of War

A Stir in Ian”s Bottom

Jason in the Men”s Room

An After School Quickie

Short Stories:

Marco”s Needy Nalgas

A Deal is A Deal

Wyatt”s Tantrum

Sleepy Heads and Spoiled Brats

Mason After School

Early to Rise

Bobby Starts Christmas Break

The King and the Prince

Rite of Passage

The Family Seed

Daddy”s Boy

Rearing Derick

Home for Lunch

Spare the Rod

Daddy Takes Control

Daddy”s Little Prancer

Jimmy”s Chaperone

Stuart”s Insatiable Itch

Short Stories:

Elliot”s Insatiable Craving

Simon”s After School Snack

Tanner Orders a 2

Kenny Reports for Doodie

Breakfast in Bed

Cooper”s Naughty Craving

Hunter”s Fetish

The Party Pooper

The Park Toilet

Phillip”s Spending Habits

Short Stories:

Tyler Tries Anal Sex

Best Babysitter Ever

Matthew Prances Out

Cory Gets Laid

Tyler Gets Lucky

Body Heat In The Back Seat

Jacob”s Valentine

Holding Hands with Henry

Pleasuring Henry

A Quickie for Bobby

Mating Season for Caleb

Saturday Morning Cruise

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