

Big Dicks


Life in The Village, through the eyes of Tom Grant, the only teacher at the remote school.

This is an original work of pure fiction (just an expression of a fantasy)
by Robert A. Armstrong (a pseudonym)
(re-written from my 2013 version)

The resemblance of the characters by action, name, location or description to any real person is purely coincidental.

If it is illegal, or offensive, for you to read stories involving interactions of a sexual nature between adults and youths, then what are you doing here?


From Chapter 22

I decide to tease him a little and paraphrase his earlier question to me. “Will, if I couldn”t be the one in here with you, which of your friends, old or new, would you like to have instead?”

He slows momentarily and then continues his rhythmic pumping and heavy breathing. “All of them!” he jokes as he thrusts really hard.

Then, with each subsequent push, he recites one of their names… “Karl…, Kurt…, Jake…, Sam…, Simon…, Luke…, Joey…, Andy…, Tom…, Tom…, Tom…, To…om!” and, as he wraps both of his muscular young arms around me for support, I feel my insides being bathed with the heat and fullness of his youthful seed.

Chapter 23 – Drawing the Line


It was a long night. True to form, Will easily gave up another two loads, while I managed one more.

As the brightness of the eastern-rising sun begins to permeate my room, rousing me to almost full consciousness, I savour the warmth of Will”s body alongside mine.

He stirs, rolling towards me, covering my chest with one arm, while he also wraps one leg over mine and nuzzles his head into my neck. I turn to kiss his forehead and run my hand slowly from the nape of his neck down his firm, muscular back, then up over the mounds that are his glutes. My fingers span his crack and I rub both cheeks with the one hand, then I cup the nearest one, giving it a gently massage and squeeze. I sense a firmness in his groin pressing against my thigh.

“Good morning, bro,” he drawls sleepily. “I want to wake up like this, every morning of my life – next to you.”

“Do you need a quick shower before heading downstairs?” I ask with some friendly sarcasm.

“Want to share? Just to save water, of course!” he responds with that now-familiar impish lilt in his voice.

“Of course! But I suppose that cleaning off the remnants of last night”s fun will just be secondary, eh?” I reply.

He looks down at his body, “Hey, what a mess you made of me!” he retorts jokingly, knowing that most of it is his. He perks up, “But, while we are in there, maybe we could just…”

I cut him off. “Bro, I thought you said last night that you wanted to save some juice for the guys at the beach! The forecast was for the surf to be up and I”m sure that they”ll all be there, expecting a bit of action.”

“OK. A quickie it is then!” I give him a reproving stare.

“A quick shower, Tom, is what I meant!” he says, melodramatically feigning disappointment at me taking his comment the wrong way. As if! His `batteries” on rapid recharge are probably full again by now.

We save water together, and it”s hard to resist ogling and feeling his body. The running water accentuates the shape of his muscles, directing the flow along its striations. His mat of tight curly pubic hair perfectly frames his `gear” and I step out to dry myself before I am tempted to consign a large measure of my day”s energy into loving him, again.

Even as I mop and wipe away my wetness, it”s difficult to avert my eyes from his perfect form as he turns back and forth under the spray.

“I think we”ll hit the waves first and then come back for breakfast,” I call as I head for the bedroom. “I”ll wait for you out here.”

I tuck my semi-hard-on into my blue Speedos and secure a towel around my waist – just in case I run into `someone” downstairs. I especially don”t want Mum seeing evidence of my excitement and drawing any conclusions which, however, may be perfectly valid!

Will joins me and I enjoy watching his ample flesh, front and back, being packed into the pale blue polyester. He looks at me then secures his towel in similar fashion to mine.

Mum is in the kitchen. I kiss her `good morning” and explain that Will and I will eat when we get back from the beach because we shouldn”t swim on a full stomach. She smiles at my repetition of her instruction when I was a child. My motives are more directed by urgency than safety.

“Can we talk later?” she asks quietly. “It”s important.”

“Sure, Mum. Maybe after breakfast?” I know that I can”t keep putting off the inevitable. As Uncle Bill said about `stuff” yesterday, it”s best to get it over and done with. At least this will minimise the stress of anticipation. I”ll just have to deal with the consequences. I just can”t imagine why she can”t let it go. I”m gay. End of story. All of the `Spanish Inquisition” questions are personal, surely! Does she want to give me the `safety” talk? Isn”t that a Dad”s task for his son?

I head down to the garage and retrieve our two body boards.

I re-emerge as Will comes down. Mum receives a `Good morning, Aunty Susan” kiss from him, I hand him his board and we head straight for the door.

The smell of salt spray as we cross the road to the beach is invigorating. The occasional wave thumps noisily onto the shore as it dumps more heavily than the lapping of most. The light morning breeze tempers the emerging heat of the still-early sunshine. The topmost sand is already heating up but, as I dig in with my toes, that which is deeper down is refreshingly cool and damp. We place our towels far enough from the water so that they will be safe from any rogue waves.

While the majority of surfers are about 200m away, enjoying the largest breaks, our four new friends are right here, where we were yesterday, obviously minimising the risk of us missing each other. Will and I wave to them. They respond by waving back and begin catching waves back to the beach.

I quickly perceive that everyone”s wearing Speedos today. There”s something about them that stirs a guy”s heart, and his loins, isn”t there? Joey is wearing his white ones and Andy his multi-coloureds from yesterday. However, Simon and Luke have traded their boardies for the more revealing material – Simon”s are bright red; Luke”s are navy blue.

As they exit the water, their Speedos cling, revealing the outlines of everything – bumps, biggies, balls, and even bum cracks as they turn to release their leg straps.

They all come to us, drop their boards and give us each a high-five and either a good pat on the back or the bum. No prizes for guessing what Will decides to pat back! Or me! LOL.

Simon doesn”t seem to be in the least embarrassed by his full erection pressing outwards and upwards to the left.

The swells are larger than yesterday. Ocean swells, that is.


It”s agreed that we will `freestyle” for a while then have some fun with tandems again before we hit the showers.

Joey shows Will how to do a 360, which he practises until he looks as though he”s been doing them for years. My attempts are not always 100% successful. Actually, about 50%. Would you believe 25%? That”s 25% of a 360. LOL.

Will is having fun and I”m loving just watching him enjoy himself, so far away from his mundane life in The Village.

During the tandems, none of the guys complains about my stiffness between their cheeks, nor do I when they reciprocate.

Even though we have all ridden on each other, the younger two, Andy Will has more defined muscle.

I slip off my Speedos, rinse them under the shower and hang them on a peg. Simon does likewise, and we return to the showers to remove the sand. While I have a semi, Simon is rigid. Both Will and Luke are somewhere in between.

Without asking, Simon takes a cupped hand of liquid soap and begins to wash my back, then lower back, then lower! I hadn”t thought that my crack was holding so much sand which needed to be removed!

By the time that Joey and young Andy come in, Will and Luke are washing each other – all over. I have my back to Simon as he continues `cleaning” me.

My bobbing cock appears to have the effect of beckoning the two younger boys. They step under the spray. Young Andy stands face to face with me and pops his multi-coloured Speedos over his healthy-sized spike which, when given its freedom, springs to practically vertical against his flat young stomach. Joey starts washing ordu escort his back.

Andy sheepishly asks me, “Tom, can I wash that for you?” looking nervously from my cock to my face.

“Sure, buddy.” I reply. How could I say `no”?

He squirts some soap into his hand and tentatively takes hold, with both hands. The velvety softness of his young hands, together with the soap, feels incredibly stimulating. My cock responds by jumping with each of Andy”s downward strokes.

His expression seems to be a combination of absolute delight with a tinge of guilt at causing such a reaction. I wish that Will could capture his young teenage face on paper.

“Nice one, dude!” Joey says to him, looking over Andy”s shoulder at the action and seeing the pleasure on my face. “Wanna swap places?”

Andy replies, “No way Joey! I saw it first.” Then he reaches behind himself with one hand and grabs Joey”s nuts. Joey”s hips rapidly draw back as his chest bends forward, in a self-preservation reflex. I can tell from the look on his face that he is planning to retaliate.

“Guys!” I intervene. “Fun is good. Pain is not. Joey, why don”t you come around to my side and I”ll wash your back while Andy”s doing my front. He thinks for a moment, smirks and then moves and sheepishly leans his young, hard cock is against my thigh. I reach for some soap then one-handedly rub up and down his back and butt, occasionally slipping my middle finger along his crack. He starts humping my leg, like a pet dog, yet tentatively. I reach for more soap, move a little so that I can lather up his cock and balls and then pull him against myself again. He understands my permission and keeps humping, but with more confidence and obviously deriving more pleasure.

Simon whispers in my ear, “I”ll catch up with you later. I”ll leave you with these two.” He turns to join in with Will and Luke.

Andy looks at Joey and the fun that he is having against my leg; his eyes narrow and his lips purse in an expression of both envy and pique. “Hey, don”t worry,” I encourage him, taking his spike and balls gently in my other soapy hand, you can swap with him if you want.”

“No, thanks. I”m happy.” Andy chirps. He copies every movement that I make on his body, sliding his hands up and down my cock in sync with my own actions on him, fondles my boar balls when I jiggle his largish, round, bantam eggs, and he even sticks his hand between my legs when I extend my middle finger under his balls.

I decide that it”s time for them to swap, so I try a bit of psychology. “Hey, Andy, for a young guy, you”re pretty good at this.” He grins broadly as I force my cock to twitch in his hands a couple of times, then I continue, “And you”re probably as good as Joey, or better maybe. But how can I judge between you? Maybe he is, after all.”

“I”ll bet that he”s not!” young Andy shoots back haughtily. Aha, I”ve got him! He cockily says, “Hey Joey, get over here. Swap places, NOW!” Joey looks at me and gives me a huge `thank you” grin.

“OK. Everyone, take a handful of soap!” They do. Me too.

Young Andy grabs hold of me and immediately starts humping my thigh. In return I wash his back, massage his tight buns and run my finger up and down his crack. He”s humming, or is that purring? He reminds me a lot of Kurt. Their butts are similar but what Andy lacks in Kurt”s girth, he exceeds him in length – but not by too much.

Joey relishes being able to play openly with my cock, and it”s obvious that he has a pair of experienced wanking hands. If I let him continue, I”m going to spurt for sure. I don”t want to blow – not yet, and I”d rather the older boys all wait until later too.

“OK, guys. Time to go. Rinse off! Maybe more tomorrow, eh? “

Andy pipes up, “So, who is better, Joey or me?”

Ever trying to be diplomatic, I reply, “I”m not sure buddy. Can I make my decision tomorrow if you both want to try again?” Both Andy”s and Joey”s faces stretch to enormous grins. They speak in hushed tones and then high-five each other.

We rinse off the soap, put our togs on, grab our boards and leave. Simon whispers, “Till 10 o”clock!”

“Unit 1503.” I reply. He nods, then he and Luke take off at a run, with young Andy striving to catch up, laughing and jumping as they all head in a similar direction to Will and me.

Joey heads in the opposite direction. I turn to see where he”s going. He”s watching us, and waves. I wave back, then he turns and runs, board under one arm.

As we head home at a more leisurely pace than the three in front of us, Will questions me, “Tom, from what I saw, you really enjoyed letting those two young guys soap you up and play with your cock, and you enjoyed playing with them too, didn”t you? “

It sounds like an accusation more than a question, and I immediately feel pangs of guilt as I contemplate what I have just done and allowed. If a cop or a council ranger had walked in on us, I would have been a `gonner” for sure. End of career. Criminal record.

“OMG, Will. I”m so sorry! I got so carried away that I wasn”t thinking. I know that it”s wrong, but…”

He cuts me off. “Hey, Tom, lighten up! What I was going to say was, have you noticed how much young Andy looks like Karl and Kurt, apart from their hair colour? Knowing how much Kurt fancies you, do you think that you and he… you know… might possibly have a bit of fun together, like you just did with Andy, if I do the same with Karl?”

I”ll give him this, Will doesn”t beat around the bush!

“And I suppose that you noticed how much Joey is like Jake?” I reply, a little more at ease than a moment ago.

“Yep, even his low hangers remind me of Jake”s,” Will jokes.

“Will, there is something that I”ve been meaning to talk with you about, and it”s probably best that I do it before we go to Simon”s place, because it sort-of involves him and Luke, given how friendly they appear to be with us.”

“Tom, there”s something that I”ve been thinking about too. Does yours have anything to do with how much you and I should do with other people?”

“Right on, little brother! That”s it, exactly.” I reply. I”m amazed sometimes at how we can be fine-tuned into the same wavelength.

“So, what do you reckon?” he asks me first before I can put it to him. Then he continues, “Would you be upset if I wanted to do that? Because, if you didn”t like that, I wouldn”t do it!”

“Will, bro, let”s not make any promises that we can”t keep. We both know that we have a lot of fun with other guys, and I suspect that there will be some of that in the privacy of Simon”s place. I know that you enjoy playing with Karl, and your face was absolutely glowing after the time that you spent with `horse-boy” Sam at the motel. And I”ve seen how much fun you”ve had with these guys at the beach. I would never deny you those pleasures, but…”

Will cuts in, “Tom, what I feel with you is different to just having fun with them. The chemistry is different. The magnetism is different. Besides, don”t you enjoy playing with other guys too?”

“Yes, Will. You”re right. And I want each of us to be able to have fun, however, what I was going to say and ask was, how do you feel about `going all the way” with another guy?” There is a short silence. We look at each other. I”m sure that he”s thought about it before now.

He replies, “Tom, I don”t really feel the need to do that with any of them. Playing is different. Going all the way is something special between you and me. I don”t think of it as mucking around with you. It”s part of the chemistry, part of the `bro” thing, it”s how I love you and share my whole body with you.

Then, smirking that very suggestive smirk that he does when he”s thinking `sex”, he adds, “but I”d love to jack Luke off or give him a bj. And maybe let him give me one, too.”

“I”m glad to hear you say that, Will.”

“What? You”re glad that I”d like to swap bjs with Luke?” he cuts in

“No, smart alec! I”m glad that you feel that all-the-way sex is just for us alone. I wouldn”t mind betting that Simon and I get bjs too.” I smirk at him. He smirks at me. We do our `secret” handshake, as if to say, `let”s go for it!” “Let”s have fun but do it safely. So, no `screwing”, no `doing”, no `stuffing” and no `fucking” with other guys then. Are we agreed?”

“Hell, Yeah!” is said with great enthusiasm, possibly at the realisation of freedom within an agreed boundary. “I”m all yours for that, Thomas.” And he mockingly pokes out his tongue at the bold use of my full name then bolts away osmaniye escort a few metres ahead of me.

As we walk up our front steps, I suddenly recall the agreed rendezvous with Mum. I take the last two paces much more slowly.

Will notices the change of pace and looks into my eyes. “Are you OK, Tom? One moment we were happy about going to see Simon and Luke and now you look like you did before the meeting with your parents to tell them you are gay. What just happened?”

“It”s just that Mum has told me that she wants to discuss something important and I”m not looking forward to it.” My mind again goes through the possible reasons for mum wanting to talk to me alone.

Is there something that she has against me being with Will? It couldn”t be! She likes him. So do Amelia and Dad.

Is there something that I need to know about Uncle Bill, my biological father? What? Suspense kills me! I don”t like surprises, especially unpleasant ones. I take Will”s hand and squeeze it for my own comfort and to bolster my courage as we enter the house. It is eerily silent. No TV. None of the usual music from Sis”s room. No clatter in the kitchen.

“Mum?” I call. No answer. Then I spot a note propped behind two custard tarts on the kitchen bench. She certainly knows how to get my attention!

Reading a note is better than talking to her. It says, `Thomas, I forgot that Amelia and I had arranged to go shopping with Aunty Doris and Karen. Back after lunch. Talk then. Love, Mum”

A temporary reprieve, but she still wants to talk, and today! At least visiting Simon and Luke should help me to pass the time, pleasantly.

Then I remember Karen. Ah, yes, the supposed girlfriend-back-home story that I concocted to get Anna, Marty”s sister, to leave me alone. I remember telling Will that she was my cousin. She”s actually Mum”s cousin. She”s Amelia”s and my second cousin. We have no first cousins. Well, Amelia does, now – my brother, William O”Brien-Grant.

“Coffee or lemonade?” I ask Will. “I prefer coffee with a custard tart,” I say as I flip the switch on the jug, and the red light indicates `on”.

“Coffee sounds good. Thanks. But I”ve never had a custard tart. Are they nice?”

“Did you like Jake”s apple pie?”

“Yep. Yum!”

“Then you will love this. Mum gets cakes and pastries from a little Asian cake and bread shop in the mall. Fresh every morning. She must have been out once today already, unless my Great Aunty Doris brought them with her. Oh, Mum and Amelia have gone shopping with my Aunty Doris and my second cousin, Karen.”

I pause to see if the penny drops.

“Cousin… Karen.” I repeat slowly, and again wait, looking at him as though expecting a light bulb to switch on.

Then it does! “Karen, who is supposed to be your girlfriend? She”s your cousin?” he asks, gathering pace as he remembers the conversation. “Will I get to meet her? At least I can tell the kids that I”ve met her. And maybe one of those double-cheek greetings too, then I can tell them that she kissed me. That will stir them all up!”

“Maybe.” I reply. “It could be fun to watch their expressions when you tell them that – especially Karl, who suggested that it would be funny if she couldn”t tell us apart.”

Will makes short work of his custard tart then wets his finger to pick up every last crumb of pastry.

“Didn”t like it, eh?” I joke.

“Hell, Yeah!” he says. “I mean, Hell, no! I mean… whatever! That was so delicious. I”ll have to have some more of those before I go home.”

I laugh at his enthusiasm. Just one more thing that we have in common!

I suggest to Will that we should shower again, properly, before heading over to Simon”s place. “Soap and deodorant can”t hurt. Who knows where their fingers and noses could end up?”

He laughs and heads upstairs.

If it weren”t for the fact that I”m expecting some naked frolicking and happy endings with Simon and Luke, I would jump into the shower with Will. But I suggest to him that we `clean up” separately, to which Will playfully pouts. He showers while I brush my teeth – really – with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

I still bone up at the sight of his glorious body – firm and yet youthful; flawless and defined. I don”t know which I want to fondle more – his firm, round and still-hairless balls, or his cock (a slightly larger version of my own), or his butt cheeks – alluringly squeezable and kissable and partable.

“Hey! What are you perving at?” he smirks, noticing the interest of both my eyes and cock. Then he adds, “I can see why you”d better not come in here with me, because we”d never make it to Simon”s.”

“OK,” I laugh, “although the thought had crossed my mind. I”ll wait outside and whatever we don”t do with Simon and Luke we can make up for tonight.”

“Hell Yeah!” he shouts, pumping his fist, knowing that apart from the two of us, the house is completely empty.

For fun, we dress identically in CK underwear, shorts, T-shirt and thongs. I had previously wondered why anyone would ever call them `flip flops” until I heard Sis and some of her friends clumping around our pool area one afternoon. Now `thongs” seems to be the misnomer.

The way I figure it, Simon”s place must be in one of those multistorey blocks almost directly behind our place. We head out of the gate, make three right-hand turns and we”re there in no more than two minutes. `Very convenient!” I think to myself.

Entry to the building is protected by a security intercom. I press `1503″, speak briefly with Simon, and I hear the front door unlock with a buzz and a loud click. Will and I enter and the door slams shut behind us. The foyer is neat, tidy and unpretentious – a small palm provides a splash of green, surrounded by the tans of paint and tiles. We take the elevator to the 15th floor with rooms 1501 – 1504 indicated to the right which, according to my sense of direction, should take us to the side facing the ocean. I”m about to knock when Simon opens the door. He”s wearing his red speedos, tented. He shakes my hand and then gives me a hug.

“Welcome. Come in.” he says politely. Will gets the same treatment.

We walk down a corridor, with bedrooms and bathrooms off to the right, and emerge into a spacious living area incorporating kitchen, dining and lounge (all of which remind me of Marty”s place, but larger). Luke is here. More handshakes and hugs.

Through the glass doors I can see from the lounge to the balcony and then beyond to the Pacific Ocean.

“Wow!” I exclaim. “You were right. Nice view!”

Simon ushers us to the balcony and we take in the vista – sea, beach, houses and apartments. He comments, “You can see for miles from up here,” indicating both north and south.

The local views aren”t bad either,” he adds, pointing downwards and sweeping his hand across a number of houses, many of which have pools in their backyards. “Some of these people even skinny dip. I don”t know whether they think nobody can see them or they just don”t care.” I look down at my own pool and suddenly realise that Simon could even be speaking about me! With all of the family out, some of my friends and I used to swim naked regularly and have a bit of private touchy-feely fun to boot. I say nothing. Will looks down and, recognising our house, is about to say something, but I catch his eye and give him the `H” sign.

He closes his mouth but looks at me inquisitively. “Later!” I mouth to him. I have to find out what Simon has seen! “So, what kind of stuff do you see down there?” I ask him, indicating a couple of houses with pools in the opposite direction to mine.

He”s happy to share what he”s seen. “Mostly, people just swim, have barbecues, play with the kids and dogs, but some do like to take their clothes off. That house has a man and woman, probably about 30, who are always naked and always `going at it” in the pool, sometimes on the pool steps and sometimes they do it on the sun lounge.”

“She has big tits and he”s got a long cock, even when it”s not stiff. I don”t need porn to wank to. I just watch them. My dad says that I shouldn”t watch them, but I”ve seen him having a good look too!”

He mentions a couple of other houses. Nothing extraordinary. Then he points to my place, “And THAT house just below us has a man, woman, girl and a teenage guy. Boy, is he hot! I can rarely see his face, mostly just the top of his head and his dick when it sticks out. He used to have other guys over – usually one or two at a time ostim escort and you wouldn”t believe what we”ve seen him do, eh Luke?” he asks, turning to his friend for confirmation.

“Too right!” Luke adds, “Simon and I learnt a lot from watching them.”

Two things cross my mind – how embarrassing and how ironic! These guys, with whom Will and I are about to muck around, have gained a lot of their knowledge from watching me and some of my mates playing. I”m glad he doesn”t go into details in front of Will.

Unfortunately, my horny little brother isn”t satisfied with that snippet of information. Smirking malevolently at me, but directing the question to Luke, he asks, “So, what exactly did you see them doing?”

My heart sinks.

“Well, there were a number of different guys but many of them seemed to be regulars. They”d start by just swimming naked then start fooling around, like playing tag and grabbing each other”s cock.”

Recalling my own fun, I immediately think of Will with Karl and Kurt at the weir.

Luke continues, “Then they”d just settle down to playing with each other and wanking each other.”

“What? In the water?” Will asks.

Simon cuts in, “Yes, but sometimes they would lie on the deck and do it.”

“Is that all?” Will asks, fishing for more. Thinking of other things that I used to do, I really hope that Simon stops here!

“Hell, no!” Luke says. “The good stuff was when they started sucking each other – sometimes taking turns and occasionally at the same time – you know 69-ing. That”s one of the things that we learned.”

Simon adds, “And I loved it when they”d wrestle and lie on one another. I never actually saw them fucking, but they certainly pretended to, just like us playing tandem on the body boards, eh Tom?”

His mention of my name brings me back to reality, and I am thankful now for never having gone all the way with anyone, but recall many fun sessions of jacking, sucking and frotting with a few selected mates from high school and college. Then he adds, “but I haven”t seen him for months. He and his friends seem to have dropped off the planet.”

I have to cut in. “OK guys. You”ve got me horny now,” indicating the front of my shorts.

“Me too,” adds Will.

“You”re not alone.” Simon laughs, pointing to the front of Luke”s and his own Speedos. “Do you want to ditch some of your clothes? You look way over-dressed.”

Will immediately loses his shirt and shorts, revealing a very tented pair of CKs. How can I not do the same? And bare-footed.

Luke heads for Will and tentatively touches Will”s erection, then takes hold of it. Will reciprocates and begins to rub Luke”s shaft through the material. Simon says, “Hey! Not out here, guys! Let”s go inside.” He offers us lemonade which we accept.

Luke and Will settle onto the lounge and are `exploring” one another. It”s only moments before their hands are inside each other”s minimal coverings.

Simon and I are standing in the kitchen area, still able to see the other two. He moves so close to me that our cocks are brushing each other”s leg. It just comes naturally that we both reach down and begin fondling each other. He then pushes his Speedos to the floor, so I drop my CKs as well. Two rampant erections!

It”s different playing with him `dry” and not in the surf or the shower. His hand on my cock feels wonderful and then it becomes very slippery. I always was good at producing pre-cum!

“Hmm. Shouldn”t waste that!” he says and immediately drops to one knee and licks my cock head before enveloping it totally in his mouth and commencing some slow sucking. I groan in pleasure. As I back against the kitchen bench for support, Simon reaches behind me and cups my cheeks in his hands, and rubs over them. He feels my crack but doesn”t push into it. I let out another moan as he takes me deeper into his mouth and sucks hard as he withdraws.

“What are you guys doing?” Luke asks. I turn my upper body and look over my shoulder to see that he and Will have their Speedos and underwear off, reclining on the lounge with their legs stretched out in front of them and are jacking each other.

“Just enjoying a lollipop!” Simon replies.

Will and I just smile at each other, then he returns to concentrating on Luke.

Despite enjoying the feel of Simon”s mouth, I don”t want to cum too quickly. I tap him on the shoulder. “Swap.” I simply say.

He stands and I kneel. He”s leaking too. I place his cock head on my tongue and then, with one finger I `milk” him from under his balls, all the way to the top. I take his head into my mouth and spread his pre-cum over it with my tongue. Then I surprise him by taking his whole length into my mouth and the upper part of my throat.

“Holy shit!” he lets escape. “That feels fantastic!” I pull back then swallow him again. He groans loudly.

“What?” Luke asks.

“Mate, you”ve gotta learn to do this!” he replies, followed by a squeal of ecstasy when I do it again.

Suddenly, Luke and Will appear and watch as I suck him right in.

“Wow!” exclaims Luke. “What does that feel like?”

I motion Luke towards us, and I look up at Simon. He grins and nods. I release Simon and reach for Luke”s cock, give him a couple of preliminary sucks, then take him in too.

“Fuck!” he cries out, and holds my head while I continue. Then he turns to Will and asks, “Can you do this too?”

“I can always try,” he replies, “or practise `till I get it right.” Everyone laughs.

With Simon and Luke standing alongside each other, Will and I service them together. We keep glancing at each other and smirking. I couldn”t have imagined yesterday, that he and I would be doing this today!

With both guys `on the boil”, Simon alerts me first. “Gonna cum!” he rasps. I decide to give him another thrill. I grasp his butt and hold him close so that he can”t pull out of my mouth. “Tom! I”m cumming! Look out!” he cries with some desperation. I take all of him as he shudders and holds my head for support. Allowing for his increased sensitivity, I gently suck him dry and clean his cock before releasing him. He continues to hold me while he tries to recover his stability and breathing.

“That was gross!” he says, “but it felt bloody fantastic. My best orgasm ever, I reckon!”

We hear, “Gonna spurt, Will.” I don”t know if Luke”s expecting the same treatment, but Will pulls off him, stands, and jerks him to completion, allowing it to spurt onto his own cock and pubes, then he uses that as lube to jerk himself off, all over Luke”s stomach. It runs down into his pubic hair and dribbles beyond.

“That leaves just you, Tom.” Simon says, as if he needs to remind me! He reaches for some of the cum on Luke”s body, spreads it down my cock and massages me. I shudder with every downstroke. I warn him when I”m far enough gone that it”s impossible to stop. I”m not sure what he”s going to do with it. He wraps his arms around my body and pulls us together. I feel my cock throb and spurt between our stomachs, and I can feel the hot stickiness begin to run down, even reaching my thigh.

“Wow!” is all that Simon can say.

“We need to shower, man,” Luke prompts him. We head for the bathroom and do an encore performance of washing each other at the beach. Even with a double-sized shower, it”s crowded. Delightfully so! `Many hands make light work.”

We clean up, thank each other profusely, finish our lemonade and declare our wish to get together again. Simon and I swap mobile phone numbers. Will doesn”t have a phone (something that I need to remedy), so I take Luke”s details as well.

When we get home, the house is still empty. Will and I go through to the deck at the back. There is something that I want to check out. I look upwards towards Simon”s place and can clearly see him and Luke leaning on the balcony railing. I had never noticed people up there previously.

I put my phone on the outdoor table, strip naked and tell Will to do the same. We step to the edge of the pool and wave our arms to attract their attention. After a few moments they acknowledge us. Will and I hold each other”s cock with one hand and wave with the other.

I soon hear the message tone on my phone. It”s from Simon”s number and it reads `OMG. It”s U!!!”

(to be continued)


There is a parallel version to this story, told through the eyes of Kurt.
Find it at https://www.//gay/adult-youth/kurt-series/


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