


Subject: DOCTOR WHO, JESSE, AND JEREMY 59 A character from TRANAMERICA appears…no copyright infringement is meant, DOCTOR WHO, JESSE AND JEREMY And…Toby? EPISODE 59 “And Toby who?” “Osborne…” The Doctor sneered, “Oh no, you’re not related to that maniac that bites the heads off of bats are you?” “What? No?” Toby shrugged. “Oh good,” the Doctor relaxed. “Oh good, I have a few bats here in the TARDIS and I wouldn’t want you to follow in the footsteps of your father…your dad as you Americans say…” “Footsteps of my…fuck no. My dad…my mum…oh fuck, mum’s dead, my dad’s a transvestite…no, that’s not right, he’s a she, I mean, a transsexual who had his dick cut off and turned inside out into a cunt, damned stupid thing to do if you ask me.” “I’m sorry,” Jeremy moved forward to him. “Oh, I’m not. I mean at first,” Toby brushed his hair back with the back of his right hand. “…I was freaked out by it. But she’s…he’s not so bad. Getting quite used to that shit by now…love her..him.” He blinked. “So,” Jesse moved closer to him and put his hips out so that his shirt revealed them. He also looped his thumbs into his shorts belt loop so as to pull them down lower…no underwear you see. “Do you wanna go home?” “Guess so. I have to make money somehow and I’ll miss my next gig…” Toby sneered, “I gotta go find my clothes. This place sure is big one can get lost in it.” “You won’t miss your next…” the Doctor sneered now as he said the word, ” GIG…” Jeremy smiled, “Seem I’m always explaining that to someone… these days…” “These days?” Toby moved to Jeremy, “Say, you’re adorable…” “Well,” Jeremy became flustered as both Jesse and Toby moved toward him. ” I say days but you’ll be back the second after you left so…” he swallowed, ” Gosh. I… uhm, what job do you have?” “I’m an actor…” Toby said. “Oh, cool, me, too,” Jeremy said. “I know, I’ve seen you and you,” he rounded on Jesse who was so close he had to put his hands out to stop from falling over Toby. They clinched. Toby threw him off and laughed, “Yeah, I make pornos…” “Huhhm, uhm, what?” Jesse asked. “YOU do know what those are, doncha? I mean you three look a pretty straight bunch to me.” “So you’re gay then?” Jesse asked. “Naw, just…just a job, you know. But…hey you guys want a blow job?” Jesse nodded yes. “Got any money…” “I’m ahh, setting the coordinates again, for your time, 2005?” “Yep,” Toby nodded, “Sure is.” “Parallel C,” the Doctor said, “See, there was a time travel between parallel worlds was impossible but now…I can go anywhere…” He rose up. “Thinks I’m impressed, doesn’t he?” The Doctor dropped his smile, “Do put some clothes on…” “Come here, this way,” Jesse led him out of the room. They walked into a larger room, much larger with darker lighting, bats flying around and file cabinets. Jesse went over to one and opened it. “Normally, I wouldn’t have to pay for it but…I think you’re raging hot…” Jesse reached inside one file cabinet’s draw. Toby looked down, “Yeah I can tell…” Then he looked up at the walkways and gangplanks over other cabinets. “Hold your hands out…” “This ain’t some kinky shit, is it? I’m not really that into…” “Just hold out your hands…” Toby did so. Jesse took out some gold nuggets and put it in Toby’s hands. Toby looked at them. Stared at them. “They?” “They’re real…” Toby smiled and his dimples showed. Jesse melted. Toby smiled, “Guess there ain’t no use in putting any clothes on now, is there?” Jesse dropped his shorts, “Do whatever you want…” “Shit, I will and yeah, you know what, I think I just decided that I’m totally fucking gay!” Jesse smiled. Then Toby kneeled down and began to suck his cock. Jesse jerked and arched. “Ohhhhh…” “Wait a minute…” “NOOOOOOO!” “This is a bit boring,” Toby released the filled cock and didn’t notice it was pre cumming. “…if I’m gonna earn my golden salary from ya, I should at least work my piece…and your piece for all its worth…” “You were…” Jesse huffed and looked up, chin to chest. “…doing fine in my book…” “C’mon,” Toby said. He put his hand out and Jesse took it. The strong boy pulled him up and lead him out the doors. Carrying both their underwear. As they strode down the TARDIS corridor, leaving a roundeled area for a more concrete looking one, Toby puffed, “I saw this room, when I was lost in these hallways, you know…I think it was…” He opened a door and inside were hundreds of pillows. The pillows were every shape, size, texture…On the side of the wall hung a poster that said Martial Law Declared and another on the corner of the adjacent wall that said Wanted: Doc Holiday with a black and white picture of the man himself under the wording. “Yeah, the Doctor used to collect pillows from every planet and time he’s been in.” “You’ve seen this room then?” “Naw, he just bursa escort bayan told us.” “Too right, then he’s gay all right. He didn’t seem it to me…but he is if he does that…anyway….get up on those two…” Toby pointed to two huge red ones that almost filled the bulk of this giant room. “Oooookayyy….” Jesse did. Soon he was face down, his dick between two giant red pillows, his arms holding himself up on the sides and his legs spread. His cock hung down, now limply again but Toby saw to that. He stood, back arched, under the cock and ministered to it, hand, mouth, hand, mouth. Jesse gasped, “This is…amazing!” He jerked. Toby held Jesse’s chest while leaning up, then moved his hands down to Jesse’ hip to help him stay up. If he fell…well, there were dozens of pillows beneath to stop him from being hurt. Toby’s own penis stood straight up and rose up way past his own belly button. “Yeah, here’s one…” Toby sucked and then let go of the penis with his mouth and Jesse shot all over Toby’s finely honed chest, dripping cum loads over his pert nipples. Toby stuck his chest out and rubbed with his hands, smoothing the cum all over. Then he ran and started to gather more pillows. Jesse sighed with pleasure, “What’s he doing?” He smiled. Toby piled pillows so high that he could lay with his butt to Jesse’s penis and he put his ass up, so that the dick went to the hole. Jesse began to rub his dick but Toby yelled, “I’ll do all the work, dude…” He rose his ass and shoved hard so that Jesse’s dickhead popped into his asshole and he shoved and shoved, holding onto the pillows below while Jesse held onto the pillows to his side. They were fucking in mid air, between giant alien pillows! Jesse gasped and closed his eyes, “Oh man, oh man, oh man, oahhhhaaah, man this is awesome!” “I…” Toby huffed, “I.. I ….I ….I… I keep telling my …to Bree…that being a dude is so much better than being a woman and…oh, Jesse, you’re like really BIG!” “Size….size…” Jesse gasped as Toby thrust his own ass onto Jesse’s dick, so far that the butt cheeks smacked into Jesse’s leg and thigh and lowest of low belly area. “Size matters!” “Yeah! Sure does, owwwaahhh!” Toby gasped. Jesse cam inside Toby and so much that it spilled out his asshole and splattered out the crack and up the butt cheeks and dripped down the butt cheeks, some lined up in a shot over Jesse’s underdick and some smashed up the top of the dick head itself. Jesse pulled out. “No, No, No! No, put it in and keep it there, that was just two, three cumming up!” In the console room, Jeremy returned, his hair washed and blow dried, combed back but still long. He was eating a carrot, “Well, are we there yet?” “Not yet. I said travel between parallel worlds was possible but not quick.” The Doctor smiled. Jeremy wore a red shirt with Betty Boop on it, the two sides of her head covering his two pec areas. He had on red dungarees, Levis! “Hey, that guy with the six arms…?” “Alpha Centauri? He enjoyed the roller coaster…” “Yeah, with six arms, you can hold on with two and throw the other four up!” The Doctor looked up from his setting the TARDIS scanner. “Got it. We can look at Toby’s world as we arrive…even before we arrive…” “And those others? Voyagers? Sliders?” “Well, the worlds and the universes can’t just have time travelers just like us, there are all types out there, mind you, some of them are amateurs. Not professionals like us…” “Like you.” “Us. I consider you…” he walked over to Jeremy, “A pro. Just like me.” “Always knowing where you’re going huh?” The Doctor rubbed Jeremy’s right butt cheek with one hand and his left facial cheek with the other as he stood close, “I suppose not…it has been a long time since I saw Phineas Bogg…” Jeremy was dazed by the Doctor’s brown eyes. “Did you and he…?” “Mutual masturbation, that’s all, he’s very good looking…” “Really? I hardly noticed…” The Doctor leaned his forehead on Jeremy’s, having to stand on tip toes. ” Such a bad liar…” “Yeah always,” Jeremy said, “Except when I’m lying to my fans…” The Doctor smacked a kiss on Jeremy’s lips and backed off, breaking from him. “You had to do that. You weren’t sure…and besides, you’re being thrust into a situation that you were unprepared for…” “Much like traveling with you.” Jeremy said, “Doctor, isn’t it time you taught me and Jesse how to fly this thing?” “Yeah, as soon as…” “Doctor,” Jeremy chided, “There’ll never be…” “I know,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess there’s no time like the present…” “You mean now?” “First lesson…” Jesse gasped in the Pillow Room, “That was awesome, too! The feeling!” He looked as Toby leaned down and jumped up to his pillow, shaking him but to prevent Jesse from falling off, Toby hugged him close and grabbed on to pillows with his hands under Jesse’s nilüfer escort waist. When they stopped shaking, Toby felt his body pressed against Jesse’s. “Smooth boy, man, I love you.” “Man, I feel the same way.” He puffed, “What will you do with all your money?” “I don’t know. Get a big mansion maybe. Fill it with girls.” Jesse arched his head back from Toby’s face, “Whatever for?” Toby shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe not. Maybe I’ll be the …like the gay Playboy Mansion guy, what’s his name?” “Hugh Hefner?” “Yeah, that’s him.” Jesse laughed, “So…what else?” “I’d give money to my mom, dad, Bree…I mean her parents have a fucking nice pad. Mine sucks, but it’s like mine, you know.” Jesse looked up at the TARDIS roof. “Yeah, I think so. I like this place best of all I have. I mean I have my own apartment in New York, LA, and still… this place…can’t be beat…” “I bet. It’s nice. Feels nice and cozy, too. Not too warm. Not too hot.” Toby pressed tight, “Fucking hot. Anyway, Bree’s be too like you know, this is my place and I’m used to it and all proud and shit to take money from me, but I’m going to buy him a home anyway…” “Just to be clear, Bree’s your dad, isn’t he?” “Yeah, you’re a good listener…” “Yeah, I’ll have to thank Jeremy for that skill…he’s taught me how to be.” “I want a good life. I don’t know though–I’ll miss porno—hey, you can the guys can come visit any time…” “Time is right…” Jesse smiled, “So we’re done here so let’s…” “Who said that?” Toby laid sideways and rolled Jesse over his hip and so that Jesse was sideways, too. “Ever hear of docking?” “Docking? No.” Toby took his foreskin and pulled it out, far from his dickhead. He pulled it to Jesse’s dickhead, which stuck out from his foreskin. “Pull your’s back as far as you can…” Jesse did this. Toby took his and pulled it over Jesse’s dick. Jesse arched and jumped, “Oh, fuaaaacuikkkkkk! OW! Wow, man! Fucking wow! AWESSSSSSSSOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Toby stretched the foreskin over Jesse’s entire dick and shoved it to Jesse’ s foreskin and back up and down and up and down…again and again. Toby gasped now, too, great big gasps, out and in. He grunted as Jesse cam into his foreskin and his own dick nudged alongside Jesse’s and shot. He covered Jesse’s foreskin and balls with clumpy spew boy juice! “SHIIAAATTTTT!” “FUCKIN SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTIN AGAIN!” And Jesse did. Toby bent a bit but his head hit Jesse’s head, the tops and they laughed. He looked down and saw the splattering as Jesse fired inside and created a white pool inside Toby’ s foreskin and the overflowing dripped out and dripped down between the pillows, long lines of cum …which flung down to a low level but missed the floor for the first drop, came back up to their dicks, hit their bodies in various untouched places, made them tingle there in those places and gave them orgasm after orgasm. Then dripped long lines back down again and again until one big glop had a huge head on it that it hit the floor pillows. After waves of riveting ripples of pleasure, the two boys were spent and soon laid on the pillows. Toby was laying on a lower pillow now but stood up now. Jesse had followed him and laid there, next to him, as well. Now, however, Jesse stood as Toby took his underwear and from it somehow, took matches and cigarettes. He lit a cigarette as Jesse said, “Oh no, you can’t smoke….” The TARDIS rained down a shower on Toby and put the cigarette out. “…in the TARDIS, she won’t let you…why’d you want to do that anyway? Pollutes your body and sets up your immunity system for diseases…” Toby looked up, “Shit, I’m wet….again. And tired…” “Me as well. I’m spent…” “Are you gonna…well, get back to your career?” “Never left it. Did I have a career in your world, too?” “Oh, yeah. You were big. Big…” Toby looked at Jesse’s penis which grew again. “Career took off big.” Jeremy opened the doors, “Guys, here you are…oh…” Jeremy blushed. Jesse looked up, his abs rippling. “Hey, you can’t be blushing. Not after all we’ve done…” “Just a habit, I guess,” Jeremy shrugged, “Hey, the Doc’s thinking he’s found your parallel universe…” Toby shrugged and stood up, “To me, it’s you who are from a parallel universe…” “Yeah,” Jeremy smiled, “I, ahh, I took the liberty of getting you some clothes from one of the wardrobe rooms…” Toby stood up and took the clothes from the arms of Jeremy, “Good taste…” “He does have,” Jesse added and stood up, too. “Like me better with clothes on?” Jeremy put his hands around Toby’s bare waist…and moved in and breathed on him. “Not at all…” The sound of the TARDIS arriving was heard and they heard the quick bell-like sound that issued the arrival. And the grinding sound stopping like something just fell a few inches to the ground. “We’ve arrived…” Jesse looked around. Jeremy looked at türbanlı escort Toby’s burgeoning dick, “We sure have…” “I’ll get dressed and leave you two to it…” Jesse kissed Toby’s ear and went to Jeremy and kissed his cheek. Then as Jeremy and Toby kissed, Jesse put his mouth between them and they had a three way kiss. It lasted a long time. In the console room, the Doctor looked up at a floating K9, “K9, what’s taking those boys so long, eh?” “Insufficient data, Master.” “Well, you’re a computer. You’ve been programmed to think, to conjecture…” “Past actions suggest rather strongly, Master, that boys are engaged in sexual liaisons with each other.” “What? All three?” “Affirmative…” The Doctor frowned his lip and then smiled, “Well, why not? They’re young… and I wish I could join them…” In some time, Jesse, Jeremy, and Toby, all three dressed in stylish clothes, came into the console room, all looking happy and relaxed. “Ahh, there you three are,” the Doctor said. “I think from what you told me, I’ve found the right place…” Toby looked at the scanner, “That’s my dad’s home…” “Yes,” the Doctor rose up and put his hands on his white jacket lapels. Jeremy came close to him and put his arms around him, facing him. “Doctor, I quite liked the leather thing better…” “Ahh, ohhh, oh, you did? Well, then I’ll change…again. This is just my summer look…” Toby looked outside, “Is it summer out there then?” “Yes,” the Doctor nodded, “Go out, check it all out, see your dad…make sure he’s still a she, call some bosses, friends, your grandparents…let’s make positively sure this is your home and call us on this…well, put your hand out, give me your hand…” He had to say to Toby, who just looked at him strangely. Toby shook his head and then the Doctor handed him a radio device. ” This will reach across time and space, even the parallel lanes. Anyway use it to let us know everything is, uh, eh, normal.” Toby nodded, “As normal as my life can get…” He moved to the doors, ” See me off?” “I already did,” Jesse said, “Several times…” “Me, too,” Jeremy said, “But we’ll accompany you out there, guy…” They all went to the doors, Toby almost outside on the grass lawn. He turned back, went past Jesse and Jeremy and moved to the Doctor, who already had his back to them, eyeing the console and thinking something that they didn’t know. He thought about relationships. “Doc…” “Oh, Doctor will do,” the Doctor said, turning. Toby, as the Doctor turned, put a big kiss on his lips, held his head in his hands and tongued him deeply. When they parted after two minutes, the Doctor was dazed. “Uhmm, yeah, that… .eh, huh…th…anks…and…” “No, thank you, Doctor,” Toby said, “For letting me see all this and for kidnapping me…” “We didn’t really kidnap you.” “No, just you.” Toby laughed, “By mistake,” he added slowly, to cause the Doctor some blushing of his own. “I am so glad I met them and you. And saw all this…” “You can stay, travel with us, if you like…” The Doctor nodded. Toby looked at Jesse and Jeremy, turning to them and then moved back to the Doctor. “Uhm, I…I would love to. Maybe sometime in the future…” “Or the past,” the Doctor’s eyes shone. “Yeah,” Toby said, and put his hand on the Doctor’s chin and kissed him quicker this time, “I would but I got me things to do, you know. Buy a house, move in, maybe open up a porno movie business for myself…a really good one… one that has stories to them, real stories and fantasy stories and stuff. Maybe some stuff like all this…” he motioned around the TARDIS. “Anyway, I will take a rain check…if you will have me some time…” “I’d love to …have you, as you say.” The Doctor smiled, “You’re always welcome…” Toby nodded, “Thanks. Hafta dash now, dude.” He faked punched the Doctor’ s chin. He stopped again, “You know all this…makes me want to live my life fuller, knowing all this makes me want to go and do things in my time, in one time, in one place. Don’t take it wrong…I think…you and this life is cool, or would be…if I stayed longer than one or two trips…but…it makes me want to settle down. Live to the fullest that I can.” “Good,” the Doctor said. The three boys walked outside on the neatly kept lawn. Toby fingered the gold rocks in his pockets. They kissed goodbye and Toby walked off, his back to the house, his front to them, waving, blinking, winking. He bent his supple body and turned from them finally. They waved and then moved back, back, back. Toward the TARDIS doors. Jesse looked longer at Toby as they did so. Finally, they, too, turned frontward toward their home…the TARDIS. Inside, Jeremy thought about something. Jesse moved to the door controls and pulled the lever. The doors shut. Jeremy moved to the Doctor, “Doctor…” “Hmmmm?” “As soon as we get word that he’s in the right place and time, can we, I mean can I…” “What? What is it?” the Doctor said, brightly, “Where would you like to go? What would you like to see? Pizarro and the Maya? Aztecs? Cortes? The Fourth Roman Empire? Movellan home world?” “I want…I want to go home…” tbc

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