


Subject: Welcome to Gayberry – 80 Welcome to Gayberry � 80 Feel free to address any comments on this story to hoo. This is a work of fiction and is based on no real persons, living or dead. If you enjoy this or any of the wonderful stories here, I hope you will consider a donation to the Nifty Archive to keep the site going. It is a treasure!!! fty/ 80 Outside, they decided to check on Miriam Jeff before heading out. David removed the duct tape from her mouth as gently as he possibly could. The woman was immediately sobbing. “Oh, David you have that awful man with you” she sobbed. “I was really hoping to speak to you alone. You seem such a kind boy but that man is just nothing but mean.” “Mrs. Jeff, I’m not the man you make me out to be but I’ll be glad to arrange some time for you to speak to David alone if you like” the sheriff said. “Mrs. Jeff” David said, helping the woman to a seated position in the trunk, “I think maybe you got the wrong impression of Sheriff Gaylor. What you saw last night was a father whose main concern was for your own young son. His words may have sounded harsh, but the boy’s biological father had told the sheriff a bunch of malarkey about how you and your husband were attempting to steal his son. Any father is going to react to that kind of thing. Sheriff Gaylor will listen to what you have to say and will judge whatever you say wisely and fairly. And you should know that anything you share with me I am obligated to share with him.” The boy’s voice had obviously soothed the woman. Her crying had stopped and she seemed to consider the information. “I feel so alone” she said pitifully. “I’m just a woman who is used to having a strong, wise man at her side to help with decisions. I think you’re that kind of man even if you are young.” She gripped his muscled arm and continued. “My husband is the prophet of Jehovah. Not a prophet but THE prophet. He, with my help, is establishing the kingdom here on earth. It is a kingdom which will be populated with the blood of the Israelites and pure, undiluted Aryan, American blood. I am providing the blood of Abraham and the prophet is bringing the pure American blood of the superior white race. He has become concerned about who will succeed him. I had hoped it could be my Alex, knowing he had my blood and the pure white blood of his father. You’ve seen his father and you can see the purity of his blood. But it turned out my own biological son did not have the moral character to succeed the prophet. It was hard to accept but I have now accepted it. The prophet has fathered many children, as he was ordered to do by Jehovah but none are his true and anointed heirs. There is a process in our faith called revirginization wherein a girl or a woman who has lain with the prophet is anointed with holy water and becomes pure again. When the prophet anoints her, she actually becomes physically a virgin again. We made the decision a month ago that I would undergo the process myself to bear an heir for my husband. I was anointed and have become again a pure virgin awaiting the mating of my husband the prophet. I have been taking injections to enhance my fertility and we have determined that Tuesday, a mere two days from now, the moon is full and I will reach my fertile peak. It is then the prophet will lay with me and put his child and his heir inside me. I tell you this in the hope that you will understand our faith and assist me in accomplishing this. It is the most important day anyone can imagine and the future of this world and the next may depend upon the kindness of you two men. ” “So, now let me get this straight” the sheriff said, scratching his head. “Your husband, the prophet, anointed you with holy water and your cherry grew back” the sheriff said. Although you’ve been married multiple times and have gave birth, you are now a virgin all over again. And you’ve been gettin’ shots to help in makin’ sure when your husband pokes his pecker inside you in a few nights, you’ll get knocked up. And all these girls your husband has fucked has become virgins again when he anointed them and gave them to other men as their young wives. Have I got it straight?” Randy asked. “In your own words, you seem to understand” Mrs. Jeff answered.”It is important that my body not be viewed or touched by another man between my revirginization and when I am bred by the prophet. I must keep my holy undergarments intact until that time. No man is to touch me in a sexual way until that time or any time after if I am to be sealed to the prophet for eternity.” “I tried to be gentle and respectful when placing you on blocks in the water” David said. “You asked me to avoid touching your breasts or your…um…privates and I respected your wish. I have also taken pains to make sure your undergarments stayed intact and no other man but your husband has looked upon your nakedness.” “That is why I am trusting you with this information, David” she said. “And I appreciate your trust” David said. “I think the sheriff and I will need some time to consider the information you just gave us and to decide how to proceed. I’m not sure what the plans are for you to be reunited with the prophet but I can assure you I will do what I can to make that reunion possible and to enable your husband to breed you as planned.” “Thank you, David,” she said. “I am certain you will do so.” “Now I’m afraid we will have to tape your mouth and put you in the trunk for just a short time longer” David told her. “We just have no choice for now as we have both received orders from the top regarding your treatment.” “I understand” she said as he retaped her mouth and gently returned her to the trunk, slamming it loudly. When the trunk closed, Randy and David’s eyes met and both almost exploded into laughter. Both put their hands over their mouths as they didn’t want the woman in the trunk to hear them. “What a crock of fucking bullshit” the sheriff whispered, barely controlling himself. “That silly bitch has bought her husband’s bullshit hook line and sinker” David said. “She’s holding down children � young girls � for that asshole to rape and then buying into throwing some water on them and they suddenly become virgins all over again. Do you think she really believes all that stuff?” “I believe she has bought the whole goddamned tale” the sheriff said as they got into the car and headed out. “I thought this day couldn’t get no wilder than it already was but to hear that bullshit?” the sheriff exclaimed. “I still can’t believe my own ears.” “I sure am glad you were there to hear it” David said. “I’m not sure you’d have believed it if I just told you what she said.” They were on a deserted county road and the sheriff pulled the car over on the shoulder and killed the engine. He turned to David and pulled him close, their faces just an inch apart. “I’d believe anything you tell me, son,” the sheriff said. He then kissed the boy, tenderly yet hungrily and David returned the kiss, their tongues battling. They continued to kiss and hold each other tightly for over a minute. “I sure am glad you’ve been with me today” the sheriff said. “I ain’t sure I could’ve managed all this shit without you.” “You’d have done fine, sheriff, but thank you for saying so. I haven’t had anybody who could read my mind since my daddy died. I’ve missed that.” “I agree, kid,” the sheriff said. “It’s like you know what I’m thinkin’ before I even think it. I think we’ve made a pretty damned good team.” “Thank you, Randy” the boy said. “I really appreciate that.” “I hope you don’t mind me sharin’ your personal story about your paw and your mother bein’ killed” he said. “Not at all” David said. “I don’t know how you knew that but it was the absolute truth. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve laid in the dark thinking about the things I’d do to the people who killed my mom and dad if I ever got my hands on them.” “But the beauty of the thing is, it ain’t made you mean and bitter” Randy said. “Oh, I was mad as hell for a while” David said. “I was angry and I was bitter. But then I realized the only one my anger was hurting was me. I learned to compartmentalize it. I can still hold on to some righteous anger but it doesn’t have to affect my relationships. I’m grateful for that.” “You should be, son,” the sheriff said. “You’re wise beyond your years and I sure would love to meet the paw that raised a boy like you.” “I wish you could’ve met” David said. “I think you’d have liked each other and I’d have loved being in a bed between the two of you.” “You are a hot little number” the sheriff said. “But you were wrong about one thing. You said I wouldn’t believe that woman’s story if I hadn’t been there to hear it. I think I’d believe pretty much anything you tell me.” “What if I told you my cherry grew back after you fucked me with that big daddy dick of yours yesterday at the lake?” the younger man asked. “Then I’d say you were a goddamned liar but a helluva sexy one!” They both laughed as the sheriff cranked the car and they took off. “I need to run by the jail and check on things” Randy said. “I’m afraid I might knock the head off that dumbass deputy of mine. He made all this trouble for himself. I’ve rarely been so disappointed in a person. I been tellin’ the boy to keep his distance from that bitch but he just wouldn’t listen. Now she’s holdin’ all the cards and that bitch won’t hesitate to play `em. She was workin’ all the folks at church this mornin’ and I’m sure he’s thrown out of his room over at Mrs. Mendelson’s. I’m really mad as hell and disappointed in Arney. But I feel like we need to get on out to the ranch and check to see if that ranch foreman and his son have made it in.” “I sure hope they get here without a problem” David said. “If anything happens to either one of them, Alex will blame himself for the rest of his life. That poor kid didn’t know what to do. He was trying to protect his father and protect the Masons. No boy should face those kind of decisions.” “The way Alex made it sound, them two may have saved the boy’s life on more than one occasion” the sheriff said. “It sounds like the paw looked out for Felton’s boy like he looked out for his own. You can’t ask a man to do more than that. I could tell that boy was undernourished. I wonder if the Masons will be the same.” “You know, I really can’t imagine not having enough to eat” David said. “I’ve never in my life gone to bed hungry but it sounds like the prophet was a son of a bitch to them and to Alex.” “How did the prophet and Sheriff Joe act when you was putting them on the blocks in the boathouse?” the sheriff asked. “Neither one of them had much to say” David replied. “As a matter of fact, I don’t remember the prophet saying a word. Neither did Miriam except for making sure we left her undergarments on and keep her covered. Sheriff Joe kept prattling about how the prophet and his wife shouldn’t worry, that there’d be people there to rescue them before morning. He obviously missed that one.” “Sure as hell did, but Abe Levin is taking the threat seriously and he’s a really sharp guy” Randy said. “He don’t get alarmed unless something’s pretty damned serious. I hope the Masons can shed a little more light on the situation.” “I hope so too” David said as they pulled into the long driveway leading up to the ranch house. The road was lined with large oak trees, evenly spaced. It was a picturesque sight as the long drive led up to a two story white house with six white columns across the front. The drive was lined with immaculate white fencing and horses grazed in the pastures on both sides of the drive. It was a truly beautiful place and not the rough ranch house the sheriff had expected. “Well the doc sure undersold this place” the sheriff said. “I was expectin’ more of a ranch house but this is a fuckin’ mansion.” Randy explained to David that the doctor and his wife had both been holocaust survivors who had met as children in a camp and had managed to survive. He told him about their dream of having a home for displaced young people and how their dream had been interrupted by his wife’s illness and death. “Seems like the doc lost interest in the place after his wife died but suddenly it’s a project he’s goin’ full force on” the sheriff said. “I know he was upset by the way the boys in that church were treated and he hates that they have to live in homes with parents who treated them like that. ” They pulled around the back where there was a large parking pad with twelve of fifteen cars. In the back you could see several barns and a large stable with neat graveled paths to all of the outbuildings in a distance a pasture was visible with cattle and sheep. All was quiet until they knocked on the back door and the doctor opened the door to a house that was busy with activity. “Oh, thank God you guys are safe!” the doctor said, inviting them into a large, modern kitchen which opened into a large den open to a second floor with an open walkway leading to what they assumed were bedrooms. “You wouldn’t believe the work we’ve gotten done this weekend” the doctor said. “I can’t believe the people who have shown up here ready to work. We’ve done a month’s work in three days and we’re finished except for the painting. When the additional furnishings arrive, we’ll be ready to open and receive boys who need the place.” “This is just remarkable” David said.” “Forgive my rudeness” the sheriff said as he introduced David and the doctor. “This place is just amazing” the sheriff said. We have six bedrooms here in the main house and a bunkhouse which will sleep twelve. That’s in addition to the foreman’s cottage which can sleep six.” Randy and David followed the doctor up the stairs where they found Jimmy, Mark, Phillip and Kurt painting in one of the bedrooms. “These guys are finishing up in this room. I think everyone else is down at the bunkhouse” the doctor said. Tyler and Robert are here with their fathers as are Coley and Corey with their dads. Hiram House has been just amazing and he brought Rolando. The Bentleys are also here, all three of them and the Alabama boys are supervising the work at the bunkhouse. Howard Sprague has been in and out but he left again after an extended phone call with Mr. Levin and William. It’s obvious something is going on but I don’t think the others are aware of it, at least not yet. When William called me to advise the Masons were on their way, he told me a little but he said he would fill me in unless you got here first.” “So the Masons haven’t arrived yet?” Randy asked. “No, sheriff, but I expect they’ll be here at any minute” the doctor said. “Abe projected a 3:30 arrival here and it’s now almost 3:20. William says Mr. Levin is about as punctual as humans get. I hope I haven’t fucked up speaking in front of this young man. Since he’s with you, I assume he knows what is going on.” “You can bet on that, doctor,” the sheriff said. “David has been a godsend for me today. I won’t go into details but to make a long story short, my deputy has apparently raped a woman who is falsely claiming to have been a virgin, Mrs. Bedford called Eliza a nigger and I had to deal with that, we have the wife of the prophet locked in our trunk and Preacher Smith’s dick is nailed to the altar table out at the slave quarters on the Blount Plantation. And David’s been here for all of it.” The doctor looked shocked. “Welcome to Gayberry, son,” the doctor said and they all shared a laugh. The phone rang and the doctor excused himself to answer it. Randy took David into the bedroom where the boys were painting. All of them had gotten rid of their shirts and all smelled of good, clean sweat. They were all in shorts and working hard. Randy introduced them all after receiving hugs from the boys. He then noticed Rafe and Sonny were in the room with paint brushes also. “Hey guys!” the sheriff said, extending his arms to Rafe and Sonny. “I didn’t see you guys when we initially came in.” “We were in the closet painting” Rafe said. “You’ve been in the closet all your life” Kurt chuckled and they all enjoyed a laugh and several good-natured arm punches. “You boys have been working hard, I see” the sheriff said. “All weekend, but it’s been really great” Kurt said. “We’ve had a blast and we’ve had campfires every night and we’d take breaks and swim when we got too hot. The doctor and the foreman have invited us back here to ride horses any time we like. It’s been one of the best weekends of my life.” All the guys were in agreement as they resumed their painting and David and the sheriff started back downstairs. They met the doctor in the kitchen. “Do we have any word on how the Masons are doing?” the sheriff asked. “We were with Alex yesterday and he seemed okay but quite underweight for a boy his size.” “Abe says Kevin and Dale have held up well, all things considered” the doctor said. “Dale knew they were in increased danger when Alex left to go to his dad’s. Abe said he really was expecting men to come to their house and take them at any time once Alex told his father he would be staying with him. Apparently the wife has quite a temper although she tries to appear nice. Mr. Mason had made a hiding place under the floors in their quarters where he hid his son for most of the day yesterday, waiting for a knock on the door. He had pried up floorboards and then made a kind of trapdoor, covered with a rug to hide his son if they came for them. That had to be terrifying.” “I can’t even fucking imagine” Randy said. “All the workers are down at the bunkhouse except our boys you found upstairs” the doctor said. “There is a large master bedroom where I thought we could put the Masons for the time being. It’s quite nice and has a beautiful view of the pool area and, beyond that a pasture. It’s also away from the rest of the house if they need quiet and privacy. The people here working know very little about the situation. I’ve told them that we have two guests coming from out of state and I sort of told a little lie in that I sort of indicated it was a man interviewing for the ranch foreman position. I told them he was also bringing his son.” “Did you see the report on the news at mersin escort noon today?” the sheriff asked. “We haven’t had a television on in this place all weekend” the doctor said. “We will need to talk to Abe about how much information to give the guys working here” Doc said. “It’s not realistic to think that their presence here will be a secret even for the rest of the day, especially with a cookout planned. I do hope you guys can stay. I planned it to thank everyone who has worked so hard all weekend. I figured a little kind of boy swimming party and cookout would be good for all of us. If the Masons are needing quiet and privacy, I’ll just send everyone home. They’ll certainly understand.” “Let’s see how they’re doing first and get Abe’s take on what we should or shouldn’t share.” Randy suggested. The doorbell at the front door rang and the doctor invited Randy and David to go with him to answer it. They opened the door to find Abe accompanied by an attractive man who appeared in his mid thirties and a young boy who looked exactly like a younger version of the older man. “Abe, it is so good to see you” the doctor said, extending his arms for a hug. “I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances but welcome to the ranch. I assume these handsome guys must be Dale and Kevin Mason. Am I right?” “As usual” Abe answered, making introductions all around. “Please forgive the way things look” the doctor said. “We have plastic sheeting to protect the walls, furniture and the art since we’ve been carpeting, sheet rocking and painting everywhere else in the house. Please come on in.” “Abe shared with us that things might be a mess but your home exceeds anything I might have expected” Dale said. “I feel like Abe has brought us to Tara.” “Tara, that’s the house in Gone with the Wind, isn’t it?” the boy asked in a soft voice. “I remember watching that with you before we moved.” “You’re right, son” Dale said. “I’m very proud you can recall that. It’s been a while. Actually it’s been a while since we’ve seen a movie or watched anything on television. Movies and TV are forbidden on church property except in the prophet’s home, a lot like everything else.” The doctor had led them into the den and they all took seats. Doc offered beverages but they initially declined. “Dale, you were saying on the way here that you couldn’t wait to taste another beer” Abe said. “I could be wrong, but I bet the doctor has some ice cold beer around here somewhere with all the boys and men he’s had here doing manual labor.” “You bet I do and I bet the sheriff will join us” the doctor said.”Abe, I’m bringing one for you even if you don’t drink it. David, would you like one too?” “No, sir, but I remember where the refrigerator was and I’d be happy to go and get them if I could maybe get young Kevin to give me a hand.” “Yes, sir” Kevin said as he and David headed out to the kitchen. “I hope you won’t misunderstand me when I tell you this, Dale, but you’re not at all what I expected when I heard you were the foreman of a ranch” the sheriff said. “I was expectin’ a big old cowboy wearin’ blue jeans and chewin’ on a wad of tobacco. I do apologize but I had to share that.” “My son and I usually do wear jeans but to be honest, Abe is to thank for the clothes” Dale said. “He asked our sizes and had everything waiting for us when we got off the plane. The truth is that Kevin, Alex and I have been wearing the undergarments required by the prophet pretty much all the time except when I had an outsider come to the ranch for something or if I had to leave. Any time I left the property the prophet sent some of his disciples with me at all times and I had to turn in the clothes when I got back. The boys and I have been wearing nothing but those undergarments for almost three years now. It feels strange to be wearing real clothes. But you were probably expecting an accent. Actually I was raised on a small ranch in Texas where my own father was the foreman. But I left for college back east and never lived there again. I went to college at a small liberal arts college and then business school at the University of Pennsylvania. I became a broker and, after meeting my wife during college, we moved to Chicago where I joined a very large firm. We had my beautiful son and life was good until we went out to dinner one evening and a robber grabbed my wife’s purse. She tried to fight him and he shot her. She died immediately right in front of my son and me. I knew I couldn’t live there anymore so my boy and I up and moved. I knew how to run a ranch and thought I’d found the perfect situation for my son and myself until things went to shit. And I do mean went to shit. We moved there when Kevin was almost ten and the older couple who owned the ranch was just delightful. They built us brand new quarters and treated us like family. But then the old man got sick and died and the wife followed shortly thereafter. If you ask me it was very sudden and extremely suspicious and I never got any satisfactory answers on the causes of their deaths. But that’s when the prophet took over the place and things turned ugly pretty fast.” “I’m so sorry to hear that” Randy said. “Bein’ a single dad ain’t the easiest job in the world even under the best of circumstances. That’s simply unbelievable. Alex didn’t tell us that, but there was so much going on.” David and Kevin returned with the beverages and passed them around. “Excuse me, but did I hear somebody say something about Alex?” Kevin asked. “Mr. Abe told us he was okay but I’ve really been dying to hear more. Are you sure he’s all right? Have you seen him? When can we see him?” “He’s fine, buddy,” David assured the kid and putting one of his muscular arms around the boy. “He was pretty banged up but we got him all stitched up.” “Oh no, what happened?” Abe asked, his voice concerned. “No one has told me that Alex got injured. Why wasn’t I told?” “It’s all right, Abe” the sheriff said. Just drink that beer and let David finish tellin’ the boy the story.” “Alex took a pretty tough spill playing catch with the sheriff’s son and two other boys yesterday afternoon” David said. “Had a place on his arm and a pretty bad skin on the leg which required a couple of stitches, but he should be fine in no time.” “We are so relieved to hear that” Dale said. “Please forgive Kevin for peppering you with questions. It’s just that we’ve gotten very close to each other in the time we’ve been together. We were essentially isolated from the rest of the world.” “I can certainly understand that and I know the boys were lucky to have you during all of this” Randy said. “Has Alex been checked out yet?” Dale asked. “I mean like a doctor checkup? None of us has had any medical care in the last three years and I’m sure that’s something we need to have seen to pretty quickly.” “That’s not a problem” Abe said. “Doctor Foster here is a fine physician and he’s offered to check both of you over to see if you require any medical attention.” “Does that mean we’ll need to take our clothes off in front of you?” young Kevin asked shyly. “Kevin, I promise you these men will give you and your dad all the privacy you want or need” Abe assured the handsome young boy. “If you’d prefer I’m sure just the doctor can be in the room with you. Relax, son, nobody’s going to hurt you now. You’re safe in this place.” “It’s just that…ummm…” “It’s okay, Kevin,” David said, his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “We saw that cage those people had put on Alex’s penis and we know they did the same to you and possibly your dad. It’s nothing you have to be ashamed of. You did nothing wrong. Alex told us that it happened after you guys were caught masturbating. You need to know that you and Alex were just doing what all boys your age do naturally when they start springing boners.” Kevin looked to his dad questioningly. “It’s all right, son” Dale said. “Everything David has said is true. It’s going to take us all some time to stop being fearful about saying or doing something that the prophet would punish for. You can say boner or cock or dick or anything you want, as long as it’s in appropriate company. I believe these are all good men. They’ve pretty much saved our lives and I do believe all of them can be trusted with pretty much anything.” “I’m the one who cut that metal contraption off Alex yesterday but I can show the doctor how to use the lock cutter and you can be alone with him” David explained. “If you cut the one off Alex, I’d like it if you’d cut mine off too, if you don’t mind.” Young Kevin said. “If Alex trusted you, I trust you and I think my dad will too.” “I don’t care who cuts this damned contraption off of me but I know I am eager to get my hands on my pecker again” Dale said, lightening the mood and eliciting laughter from the group.”The truth is that we are going to have to get used to being be nude around other people. Before this all happened, my son and I never even thought about being naked together, but these last years have made us both uncomfortable with a lot of things. It may take us some time. But unless my boy has an objection, I’d welcome all of you to stay with us. It’s nice to have the fellowship of other men again. I’m already feeling a nice boner starting up just thinking about being free to beat my meat again!” “Then I’d suggest we all adjourn to the master bedroom” the doctor said. “It has the best light in the house and I had an old wooden examination table stored in the basement from the old clinic. I plan to use it as a massage table in the gym I’m planning for the ranch. ” The doctor led the way to the back of the house and into a large master bedroom with ceiling to floor windows, looking out on the pool area and, beyond t hat a pasture with horses. “This is a beautiful room, doctor,” Dale said. “Don’t tell me that’s an original Georgia O’Keefe painting of a morning glory on that wall.” “Ah, you have an eye for art” the doctor said. “It is indeed. My wife loved art and we were fortunate enough to collect some very nice pieces. I always enjoyed them but never had a really deep appreciation. You must know a little to spot that.” “Not really but, like you, my wife had an eye” Dale said. “Kevin’s mother was an art history major and that’s probably why we ended up in Chicago instead of the east coast. She had taken a position with the Art Institute there and she loved her job. She was passionate about art and I hope Kevin will develop a love for it too. Especially after these years in the fucking wilderness. I’ve tried to teach the boys things but the prophet stopped letting them attend public school when things on the compounds started getting crazy and the prophet got so paranoid. He had schools set up on the ranch but all the decisions regarding curriculum were made by the prophet and his wife. They actually burned hundreds of books which didn’t conform to their teachings, which changed with the whims of those two. I hate to keep mentioning those crazy motherfuckers, but I’m afraid it may take some time to get over it.” “Of course it will, Dale” the doctor said. “But you kept your sanity and you managed to mentor a very well-spoken son. He’s obviously bright. If you’ve done even half as well with the Yates boy, I’ll give you heavy credit.” “Thanks, doc, I did what I could” Dale said as he accepted a hug from the doctor. “Thank you for being so kind to my son and myself today. I can’t tell you what it means. We left our home, such as it was with nothing but the underwear we were wearing when they came for us. I had hidden Kevin under the floor boards and I was waiting for a knock on the door, expecting it to be Sheriff Joe or some of his henchmen. I can’t tell you what a relief it was when they identified themselves as the Arizona Bureau of Investigation. Makes me shaky to think about it.” Abe had spotted Principal Whaley on the way in and he left to chat with him, having gotten very close to his boys on a previous visit. “I believe you’d like another beer, Dale” the doctor said. “Why don’t I get another round for you and the sheriff. All you have to do here is to relax.” “David and I can go and get them” Kevin volunteered. They left to get the beverages and Dale began to undress. He was a handsome man, around 6’2″. He was very thin and had short dark hair with slight graying at the temples. He was also very tan except where the under garments had been worn. The skin there looked as if it had never seen the sun and was a milky white with not a blemish in sight.” “Guy, you’re already getting some gray up top, aren’t you?” the doctor asked him with a smile. “Yes sir, I am” he chuckled. “That’s something else that happened in addition to losing about ten pounds a year. Seems my son is developing a bit of a boy crush on young David. But who could blame him? I hope David won’t object to that.” “I sure couldn’t blame the boy” the sheriff said. “Look, I really am tryin’ to live my life as open as I can these days. What I’m sayin’ is that Alex shared with us yesterday some of the stuff you all did and I want you to know it’s not a problem for any of us. We think there’s nothing finer than a close bond between a paw and his boy or a paw and all of his son’s buddies. That’s how we’re livin’ here. I felt it best to be open about it. I hope you won’t be offended but that’s the way we’re livin” our lives around here.” “I think we could enjoy our visit here” Dale said. “I like to think I’ll be totally open from now on. I’m tired of hiding things in my life. The truth is that I happen to believe pussy is highly overrated. Don’t get me wrong. I loved my son’s mother. Her death was traumatic for both of us. But I’m not sure we would have married if she hadn’t gotten pregnant. As it worked out, I couldn’t be happier because the first moment I laid eyes on my boy, I knew he was the reason I was put here on this earth. I’ve always found the male body more interesting than a female’s. I can remember looking at the guys who worked on dad’s ranch. That’s one reason I was eager to go away to school. I didn’t want to make my daddy the laughing stock of the county by having a fag for a son. I did join a frat and learned a whole lot about sex in the frat house.” “We’ll all get along great” the doctor said. “You are really thin. I could see you were a little underweight with your clothes on, but you are really in need of a nutritional assessment and you and your son will probably need nutritional supplements for some time to come.” “You just say the word, doc, and I’ll follow your orders, as will my boy” Dale said. “I want my son and me to get as healthy as possible as quickly as we can. I can see you’re both looking at the weird bulge in my jockey shorts. Sheriff, I know you saw Alex in his cage yesterday but I’ll admit I was beginning to think I’d never get out of this goddamned thing.” “You’ll be free of it soon” the doctor said as he took the man’s vital signs. “I’m pretty sure we’re both going to throw boners when that cage comes off” Dale Mason said. “I can feel myself getting twinges already. Is David going to be embarrassed? He seems pretty young and innocent.” “Please don’t worry about David, my friend” the sheriff said. “He was extremely close to his own paw before he got killed in a car crash. Him and his paw had a special relationship and he was very kind to young Alex yesterday, if you know what I mean.” “That’s great to hear” Dale said. “One of my fantasies was always to see my son with another young handsome guy or another man. You realize that Kevin had just started to get a few hairs when we were put in these damned devices, don’t you. We’d just started beating our meat together and he wasn’t even able to shoot yet. I loved watching Kevin and Alex cuddle together at night. I could hear them kissing and rubbing their immature little bodies together, but not being able to do the things they wanted most. Neither of the boys has ever shot a load out of their peckers or felt a warm mouth wrapped around their hard cocks.” Dale had very large brown nipples which were jutting out and hard now. They looked very dark against the white skin that was untouched by sunlight. “Those nipples are very nice” the doctor said as he removed the blood pressure cuff. “They could use some action” Dale said. The doctor tweaked a nipple and Dale caught a sharp breath. “Fuck, you guys, it’s been so long since I’ve felt a man’s hands on me” Dale said. “I let the boys touch me and we all stroked each other but the touch of a man is just different than the touch of an inexperienced boy.” “You’re a very handsome man, Dale, even if you could stand to put on a few pounds” the doctor said, as Dale removed his socks leaving him in only his white jockey briefs with the strange bulge in the crotch. “We have just the opposite problem here. I’m always trying to lose a few pounds.” “You look great, doctor” the man said. “Your tummy looks pretty damned flat to me and I see all that nice, soft hair spilling out over the top of the shirt. You’re a very sexy man. You’re about as hairy as I recall my dad being. His hair turned silver by the time I was born and I can still almost feel his hairy chest against my little body when I close my eyes. Those memories got me through a lot of lonely, scared nights in Arizona.” “You won’t have to imagine it around here” the doctor said. “I enjoy body to body contact and so does the sheriff. Arnold and William are pretty hairy guys too and they enjoy a lot of touching. I have managed to drop a few pounds since moving in at the sheriff’s. I have a group of boys who come every afternoon for studying and after we finish, we always go for a run or exercise or have a good swim. It’s paying off because I have dropped some excess pounds that I had been carrying and I feel great. Being around young boys is the healthiest thing in the world.” “I’m anxious to get my boy and myself healthy” Dale said. “I really think that bitch married to the prophet was actually trying to starve us to death. Including her own son. Summer wasn’t so hard because I could sneak out at night after the boys went to sleep and go over to the orchard and steal some fruit. I could never take escort mersin much at one time because if they found it, I knew they’d cut my hands off like I saw them do to a couple of thieves. We did pretty well during the summer with what I got from the orchard and the prophet’s vegetable garden. But winters were tough. I don’t think we’d have made it except for table scraps I stole from the prophet’s garbage. There was also one of the sheriff’s younger enforcers. I ain’t proud of what I did but I noticed how he’d eye my crotch when he thought I wasn’t looking. I ended up blowing him a lot of nights when the boys got to sleep. He’d come by and have me suck him off in exchange for food he brought. Sometimes it was all we had. But he’d started getting rougher and making noises about how he was thinking about raping the boys. I was lucky he was stupid because the truth was he could’ve done anything he wanted. He was never without a gun. The sheriff hired some real idiots and that is probably why we survived.” “So Miriam was actually trying to starve her son?” the doctor asked. “Her own flesh and blood?” “The prophet turned on Alex after he caught the boys masturbating. He started to poison Miriam’s mind against the boy. I heard the prophet discussing with Sheriff Joe one night about how big the kid’s cock was. Apparently early on, Miriam had made the mistake of telling the prophet about her first husband’s humongous cock and it never got out of his brain. You’ve seen Alex. The kid’s got enough cock for two or three men. That seemed to eat at the prophet. But I think Miriam was trying to get the kid back in the prophet’s good graces and I believe she thought she had a shot if the kid could get his dad to sign a paper relinquishing all his parental rights. If he’d done that and had agreed to go on the mission for a year with Kevin, I think she believed she could convince the prophet to name him as the heir.” “Sounds like she was clearly delusional” the doctor said. “Someone as crazy as Warren would never accept another man’s child as heir.” “It’s all makin’ more sense now” Randy said. “David’s got Miriam convinced he’s tryin’ to protect her. She told the boy about some revirginization process she’s been goin’ through and how she’s been taking injections to make her fertile in two or three days. Apparently there’s some plan for the prophet to put his own seed in her so he can have a heir.” “The minute that happened, Alex would’ve been dead” Dale said. “No doubt about that.” David and Kevin returned with Kevin riding atop David’s strong shoulders. “You’re a little big for that, aren’t you s, son,” Dale asked his son. “David offered and I accepted” the boy said. “He’s very strong. That shirt hides some big muscles.” “That boy’s light as a feather, but I did feed him an apple and a pack of crackers while we were gone.” David threw Kevin onto the big fluffy bed and the boy giggled. “It’s so nice to hear my boy laugh” Dale said. “We haven’t had a lot to laugh about and I’d almost forgotten what a beautiful sound it is.” “Dad, I really like it here” the boys aid. “I met some of the other guys in the kitchen. They were getting some fruit for a snack. They were all really friendly and very nice. David and I had been out to his car to get that thing he’s going to use to get these cages off our willies. One of the boys asked what it was and David explained what it was for. Two of the boys in the kitchen said they had something like that on their willies.” Dale looked very concerned upon hearing that. “You have boys here in these damned things?” he asked. “I find that shocking and pretty upsetting.” “It ain’t nothin’ like them things you got on your peckers” the sheriff said. “And it wasn’t because the boys was just playin’ with theirselves. First of all, the boys are in plastic devices which have been carefully fitted. They are checked regularly by the doc here to make sure there’s no problem and there will be no temporary or lasting damage.” “That’s true, Dale, but the more important thing is the situations the boys were in” the doctor explained. “We have put six boys in chastity devices. The first two were within minutes or perhaps seconds or allowing themselves to be seduced by a devious little underage blonde who is the daughter of a powerful man in this community. She has no compunctions whatsoever about allowing a boy to fuck her and then screaming that she didn’t want it if the boy who fucked her crossed her. Is it all right for me to use this language in front of your son?” “Yes, sir, it’s okay” Dale said. “I’ve taught the boys what all the words mean, which isn’t always easy with no point of reference. But I understand that these two boys could have gone to prison for twenty or thirty years. Your actions sound perfectly reasonable.” “I thought you would understand” the doctor said. “The next two boys, Tyler and Robert, who are also here today with their fathers working, were caught by the sheriff and Mr. William with alcohol and with the same girl and one of her friends. They were all naked at the girl’s house and the boys and the girls were all drunk and naked. The owner of the house was not anywhere to be found and both boys were just about to stick their hard cocks into these girls. The sheriff couldn’t allow it, so they were fitted and placed in chastity. As I said, their fathers are here today and you are welcome to talk to them. Then the last two boys are really handsome black lads, barely sixteen years old. The sheriff found the mayor’s daughter in a public restroom with those two boys during a civic luncheon. She had one feeding her his cock and the other about to enter her from behind when the sheriff walked in. Do you know what would have happened if that news had gotten out?” “Unfortunately I do, doctor,” Dale said. “Those boys would probably have been swinging from a tree at the end of a rope. We’ve had a lot of that out in Arizona lately. There’s been a real increase in black folks coming in to work on the ranch and we’ve always had the immigrants from Mexico who cross the border illegally every year to harvest the fruit. The members of the prophet’s church are the worst in the world, including that bitch he is married to. With my own eyes, I’ve seen her tease Mexican boys and men and young black men, then complain that they were looking at her with lust. I know personally of a number who have been taken off and castrated and at least a couple who bled to death from being cut. So you may have saved the lives of these boys by doing what you did.” “Their parents and the assistant principal of the school certainly think so.” The doctor said. “And an unexpected benefit is that all six of these boys have raised their grade point averages and their athletic performances significantly. Another benefit has been that they have all become more affectionate with each other and other males. Tyler and Robert’s fathers report their boys often come and want to just lie down and snuggle with them, something they hadn’t done since they were toddlers. I believe taking away all the competition for puss, chasing puss and thinking about puss is really beneficial for some boys. Grades are due out in about a week and I think we need to start looking at some way to reward these boys if they do as well as we think they may.” “I think that’s a great idea and something we need to discuss with their daddies.” the sheriff said. “All this talk about peckers and puss and cuddling and beating the meat has got me a little bit excited” Dale said, grabbing his crotch. “I’m about ready to get this thing cut off me. How about you, son?” “I sure am” Kevin said. “Do you want me to get undressed now, doctor?” “That would be great son,” the doctor said. “I need to get your blood pressure, temperature and pulse, and then we can get these damned things off your peckers.” “Can David help me get undressed?” Kevin asked his father. “Son, I think you’re perfectly capable of undressing yourself, but it he’s willing to help you, it’s fine with me. I suspect you just like having his hands touching you. Would I be right about that?” “Yes, sir, it feels nice” the boy answered and everyone laughed. David carefully unbuttoned the boy’s shirt and untucked it from his khaki slacks, then removing the shirt and revealing a thin, very pale body. When he pulled the tee shirt over his head, the boy’s skin was as white and unblemished as his father’s right up to his neck and down his arms to almost elbow level. He had nipples identical to his father, except that they were slightly smaller. “You’re a really handsome boy, Kevin,” David told him. The boy beamed hearing praise from his new friend and hero. “David, would you be interested in getting Kevin’s vital signs?” the doctor asked. “You seem to know your way around medical things.” “I’d be happy to” David said. “My dad volunteered with the county rescue squad and he let me go with him as long as I can remember. I volunteer with the rescue squad at the lake when I’m not on duty. It’s pretty peaceful place and we don’t get many calls so I volunteer all I can to keep my skills up and to occupy some of my free time.” David put the thermometer in the boy’s mouth and took his blood pressure. He then checked for a pulse and, as he finished that, the thermometer started to beep. “Uh-oh, looks like Kev’s temp is about a degree high, doctor” Kevin said. “It’s probably nothing to be alarmed about” the doctor said. “Boy’s temperatures can vary up to a couple of degrees, depending on their activity and even the time of day. We all tend to have slightly higher body temps in the afternoon than the morning. But we want to safe. If he has an infection or something, I want to be ready to get some antibiotics in him. I’d like to get a rectal temp just to be on the safe side. Will that be okay with you, Kevin?” “I don’t know what it is but if you recommend it, I’ll go with what you say” the boy said with a smile. “There’s a rectal thermometer over there in my bag and also a tube of lubricant. Do you know how to use those, David?” “Yes, sir” David answered. “We have to do those on unconscious patients who are unable to hold a thermometer in their mouths. Kevin, don’t worry. I think you know I won’t hurt you. It might be a little bit uncomfortable but it shouldn’t hurt. I’m going to put the lubricant on you and use my finger to make sure that your hole is relaxed before I insert it.” “It might even feel really good if this boy is as talented as I think he is” the doctor said. Randy, the doctor and Dale had a laugh on that one as David had the boy lie flat on his back on the bed. David, explaining to the boy what was going on. He then pulled the boy’s jockey shorts down to his ankles and then completely off. Kevin had a device identical to the one Alex had been locked in, although it looked larger because the boy’s cock wasn’t stuffed in like Alex’s had been. There was a circle of dark, soft-looking hair at the top of his penis and the beginnings of a dark treasure trail around his navel. “Okay, buddy, just lift your legs and I’m going to put some gel on your little hole” David said. “It may feel a little cool at first but that’s all I’ll do. I’ll tell you before I do anything else. You’ve got about the most unusual tan I ever saw and it’s an exact match for your dad’s. Now, I’ve got the lubricant on my finger, I’m going to raise your legs and I need you to just grab behind your knees and hold your legs up and spread a little while I get you lubed. That way it won’t hurt when I put my finger and then the thermometer in” David put his index finger with the gob of gel right up against the boy’s perfect pink hole. He was already getting a few soft, dark hairs around his hole which only made the pinkness of his tiny hole look brighter. David slowly but steadily inserted his finger into the boy. It went in easily and David felt the boy’s prostate gland immediately. It was already getting firm. Kevin moaned with pleasure as he was entered. David moved his finger around a bit to make sure the boy was thoroughly lubricated. Then he started to pull his finger out but the boy grabbed his hand. “Please don’t stop” the boy said. “It feels so good.” David looked at the boy’s father as if uncertain how to proceed. Dale Mason smiled and nodded at the young man, giving him permission to do what his son wanted him to do. David gently moved his finger in and out and the boy moaned while the men looked on, unable to look away. Then David slowly removed his finger and the boy whimpered in disappointment. “I’m sorry, little buddy, but I really need to get your temperature” David said. “I see the way you’re hard peter is really leaking but you won’t be able to have a good cum till we get that thing off your cock. Okay?” “Okay, but it felt so good” the boy said. “I loved it when dad would play with Alex and me like that” Kevin said. “We did it to him too. It would feel so good to get our spot rubbed. You hit mine right away and it felt so good.” “You can have a lot more pleasure once we get that cage off” David said as he slid the slender thermometer into the boy’s hole and Kevin moaned again. “That was about the only pleasure the three of us could enjoy” Dale said. “Both of those boys got very good at prostate massage. It always seemed to relieve the pressure a little, but it was nowhere close to the satisfaction of a climax. David, I enjoyed watching you finger my son. Thank you for doing that. He enjoyed it.” “It was my pleasure” David said. “He is a beautiful lad.” David removed the beeping thermometer and handed it to the doctor as he wiped the lube off the boy’s hole with a tissue. “It’s very slightly elevated” the doctor said. “I don’t think treatment is indicated but let’s plan to check it again tonight.” The doctor, Dale and Randy were staring at the shiny chrome rings enclosing Kevin’s penis and the heavy rings around and separating his nuts. Kevin had a small but thick dark pubic patch at the top of his penis, which promised to become much more. The boy also had a thin, dark, trail of hair on his tummy, which was unusual to a boy this early in puberty. It was very dark and didn’t even extend yet low enough to meet his pubes. It was unusual and very beautiful. “Those are beautiful nipples on you” David said “and they’re very hard. “Would you mind if I touched them?” “I think he’d be very happy if you wanted to taste them” the father said. “He loves having his nips licked.” “I was wanting to do the same to you” the doctor told his father. “I’ve been sitting her fantasizing that you might say that” Dale said. “Please help yourself. My son and I are open to anything you gentlemen suggest.” The doctor gently laid the dad back onto the exam table and began to lick his nipples, just as David was doing to the younger boy on the bed beside the table. The sheriff watched, mesmerized by what he was seeing. He felt his cock start to grow and adjusted it in his pants. “I hate to interrupt this cause I’m really enjoying it but we may need to lower the temperature in this room if we’re gonna get these contraptions off these guys before sundown.” Randy said. “Yes, of course” David said. “I think the distraction was my fault and I apologize to all of you.” “No apologies necessary” the doctor said. “I think we are all just enjoying the company of other boys and men and we shouldn’t ever apologize for that. However I think David may have an easier time getting these off if we can calm these cocks down a bit. You guys need to think of the unsexiest thing you can so maybe we can calm these peckers down a bit. “For me it would be the prophet’s wife naked and looking at me mean and coming for us with a knife!” David said. “That’s a pretty scary thought” Dale said. “But I think the most unsexy thing I can think of is that fatassed Sheriff Joe without any clothes on. His face looks like a pig with that flat snout and I bet his cock would match it. Like a pink little worm that never really gets hard.” That had them all laughing and within a couple of minutes they were all settled and ready to get the job done. David reached for the lock cutting device and explained to both how it would work. “I promise to be careful” he said. “If I make a mistake and cut your cock off, I’ll replace it with mine. So you can bet I’ll be careful cause I like mine a lot.” They all laughed. Kevin had remained naked after getting his temperature checked. He looked adorable, lying on his back on the bed, his strange magic garment tan lines accenting his beautiful creamy white skin. The doctor offered to remove Dale’s underwear and the man lifted his hips and allowed him to do so. It was amazing how much Kevin’s body appeared just a less developed version of his father’s. Dale had a thick stand of dark hair around his navel which extended into thick, dark, lush pubes. It looked as if his nuts were significantly larger than his son’s, although it was hard to tell because of the device. “Who wants to go first?” David asked. “I think my dad should go first” Kevin said. “If it weren’t for him Alex and I wouldn’t have survived what we went through. He’s about the bravest man I know plus he’s probably hornier than me. All I ever did before they put this thing on me was a little bit of jacking off and I couldn’t even make juice when that happened. My dad knows how good it feels to have sex and jack off and make spunk so he’s probably missed it a whole lot more than I have.” “Thank you, son,” Dale said. “I know that you know how much I love you and how much I look forward to us doing a lot of fun things together, including sexual things.” “All right, here goes” David said, spreading the man’s legs which were hairier than they had initially appeared. The hair on his legs was dark like the hair on his head and in his pits. His bush was still dark, with no signs of the gray creeping in like on his head and on his chest. David had the doctor apply some lotion in an effort to prevent the skin from getting caught between the device and the cutter. Dale moaned and closed his eyes as he felt the warm lotion hit his meat, which had gone unused and untouched for three years. David mersin escort bayan felt much more assured having done this on Alex without incident. He explained each movement he was making to calm and reassure Dale. Kevin, the doctor and Randy watched, mesmerized as David began with the largest ring at the base of the man’s penis, cutting the ring and then moving to the one below. It went perfectly. The room was quiet except for the sound of metal clicking as each ring fell away. David then cut the ring holding Dale’s nut sack and, finally the ring, separating his balls. The device fell away and David handed it to Kevin. “One down and one to go” David said. Dale’s unbridled cock was very nice-looking. It was only slightly hard and the foreskin didn’t quite cover the cockhead, which peeked out. His balls were very large. Randy wondered whether they were always like that or if the man was just chock full of semen. “I think we need to move Dale over to the bed and Kevin onto the table” David said. “The height is better to work with, if you don’t mind. Your skin seems very dry. I wonder if the sheriff and the doctor might want to rub in a little warm oil. I think it might feel good. “Oh fuck yeah, I love that idea” Dale said as he stretched out on the bed, his hairy legs spread wide. He had scooted over on his back while Kevin stood up to climb on the table. As the boy flipped over, David thought he caught a flash of something dark on the boy’s buttock but didn’t pay much attention as he was too intent on getting the device off the boy. The doctor was rubbing warm oil into Dale’s chest and Randy was gently handling the man’s big, hanging nut sack as Dale lay back moaning softly, his eyes closed and his legs spread invitingly. Randy, his hand coated in the warm oil began to slowly slide dale’s foreskin back and forth over his cockhead. “Oh my fucking God!” Dale said. “I can’t believe how good this feels. Fuck yes, doc, pinch those nipples. Don’t be afraid. Fuck yeah, I’d forgotten how good it feels.” David now had young Kevin positioned on the table and crawled on his knees between the boy’s legs. Kevin giggled at the sounds from the bed next to them. “My dad’s feeling good, isn’t he?” the boy asked. “He sure is” David said. “And you can join them very shortly.” Okay” Kevin said. “I was kind of hoping you might…” “You’d like for me to touch your cock?” David asked the boy. “I sure would” Kevin answered. “I’d like you to kiss me too and touch me anywhere you want to but only if that’s something…” David leaned up and kissed the younger boy. It was a wet, sweet, hungry kiss that lasted for a while. “Let’s get you out of this contraption” David said. “I’m getting really excited myself.” David applied some of the lube and distributed it along the length of the close metal coils. It was really impossible to touch the cock meat itself as the coils were so thick and spaced so closely. David wondered how all three of them had stood not being able to touch themselves or each other for so long. David recalled that, even in his darkest grief, he had rarely gone a day without masturbating. It was unthinkable that these guys had gone three years without the release. David again began with the larger coils at the base of the cock. The lad had a very nice ring of hair over his penis. It was very soft and David couldn’t resist running his fingers through it, which got a soft moan from Kevin. “You’re really a handsome boy” David told him as he proceeded to cut the rings steadily and firmly. “Are you okay, kiddo?” “I’m great” the boy replied. “I’m glad you’re doing this. I really trust you and I don’t know why. The only people I’ve trusted for a long time have been my dad and Alex. I thought it would be hard to trust again but you and everyone here have all been so nice.” “I don’t know many of the people here either but I trusted Randy and Alex’s dad and all of them pretty much from the time I met them. They were all very concerned about Alex. I guess seeing that inspired me to trust them. The sheriff’s son and his friends Arnold and Billy Paul are really nice boys. They’re a little younger than you but Alex seemed to be enjoying their company.” “I really can’t wait to see Alex” Kevin said. “Did you rub oil on him after you got his device off?” “I sure did” David said. “I think he enjoyed it too.” “I bet he did” Kevin said. “He’s a real good kisser and I can’t wait to do more with him if he wants to.” “I’m pretty sure he’ll want to, kid” David said. “I can’t imagine anyone turning down a chance to do fun things with you?” “Really?” the boy asked. “I’m awfully skinny and I don’t have the kind of muscles you have.” “You’re a little thin but that’ll take care of itself now that you’ll have good food and plenty of it. And you’ve got nice muscles from the work you did on the ranch. They’re not as developed as mine but you can develop them if you want to.” “Do you think you might help me?” the boy asked. “Well I don’t live here but if it’s okay with your dad, I’d be glad to drive over here and help you to build your muscles” David said. “I work on the water patrol about thirty minutes away but I’d love to come over and help you. I’ll help Alex too if he’d like.” “I’d like that a lot” Kevin said. “At least as long as we’re here. I don’t know where we’ll be going. I know dad won’t go back to Arizona. He said he never wanted to see that hell hole again. We may end up in Texas but I don’t think dad much wants that either.” “Don’t worry about that, kid” David said. “You got a good daddy who loves you a lot. The important thing is that you and he will be together wherever you end up. And as long as you’re here, I’d like very much to be your buddy.” David had cut the lowest ring and now only had the large ring encircling the boy’s nut sack and the divider bar between his testicles. Kevin’s nuts were much smaller than his dad’s or Alex’s so it made things much easier. The device was off in no time and David handed it to Kevin who promptly threw it at a nearby garbage can. “I’m ready for some oil if you still want to” the boy said with a smile as he rubbed his now freed testicles. “Wild horses couldn’t stop me from doing that, kid” David said as he began to coat his hands with the warm oil. Kevin pulled him up so that the older boy was now lying on top of the younger, naked boy. David felt his head being pulled toward Kevin, who was hungry for a kiss. The boy knew how to kiss, something David had missed since the death of his father. He flashed back to how his own father would tease him with his tongue for what seemed like hours. “We got pretty good at kissing because we couldn’t do anything else except fingering” Kevin said. “Well, you’re one helluva kisser!” David said. “But I think that hard pecker of yours needs some attention.” David knelt between Kevin’s legs as the younger boy stretched out on the bed. The sight was inviting, his thin arms over his head with just wisps of dark hair in the pits. There was no hair on his chest but some unusually dark beginnings of a treasure trail which didn’t even connect to his pubes which were little more than a patch of hair above his very hard penis. His cock matched his father’s in that, while smaller, the foreskin didn’t quite cover his cockhead when fully hard. David began to slowly stroke David’s hard cock, gently sliding the foreskin back and forth over the full, bright pink cockhead. The boy began to moan which attracted the attention of the men on the bed where Randy continued to stroke Dale’s hard cock and the doctor was kissing him. “Looks like your boy’s cock is free now too, Dale” Randy said. “I think it might be nice to have his son join him on the bed. I think they’ll probably enjoy getting’ to touch each other.” They all moved around so that Dale and his son were now in the middle of the big bed, lying on their backs, side by side, both cocks extending straight up from their bodies. It was amazing how alike the two were, the son just a miniature version of his father. “Would you two like some privacy?” the doctor asked. “We’ll certainly leave you alone if you’d prefer it.” “I’m very good with you staying here and I know my son is too” Dale said. “We spent a lot of lonely nights in that little foreman’s cabin in Arizona just watching each other kissing and occasionally doing some fingering. The boys came to enjoy being watched and I’ve always enjoyed that. So please stay and take your peckers out. Hell, we’re all boys here and I’m willing to be we’re all hard by now. Life’s too damned short to deny ourselves. I was really enjoying that hand on me and I think my boy was too.” David resumed his position between Kevin’s spread legs after unzipping himself and taking his hard cock out. He was beating Kevin’s meat with his right hand while doing the same for the boy’s father with his left. The doctor and Randy stood up and dropped their pants, stepping out of them and their underwear leaving both naked below the waist except for shoes and socks which followed very quickly. “That shore feels better, don’t it, doc?” the sheriff said as he pulled the doctor down beside him on the bed and began kissing him. “I been wantin’ to do this for a while. I know all our boys have a crush on you but, to be honest, William and me have beat our meat more than once fantasizin’ about how you’d feel in the bed. We both love that chest full of hair.” “I may be the luckiest man in the world to have a house full of men and boys” the doctor said. “And now a ranch house just waiting to be filled with more.” The doctor and the sheriff began beating each other’s meat while they continued to kiss, their moans getting louder by the minute. “David, kid, you’ve got amazing hands on you” Dale said. “How’s this feeling to you, son?” “Dad, I’ve never been happier than I am right now” Kevin said. Dale’s muscled arm was around his son, both pale and white where the undergarments had hidden their skin from t he sun. Dale had a full, thick growth of dark hair under his arm, which contrasted with the mere wisp of dark hair under his son’s. “David, that feels so good” Kevin said. “I wish this could never end.” “Son, you can have all the enjoyment you want now” Dale said. “I’ll never let anybody hurt you again. Ever.” Kevin was moaning a little louder now and his breathing getting a little faster. “Dale, I don’t think our boy is going to last too much longer” David said. “You know, it was real special for me to have my dad be the first one to ever taste my cock. Do you want to do the same for Kevin?” “Would you like that, son” dale asked his boy. “You want your daddy to suck your hard dick?” “Oh fuck, dad, do you want to?” the boy asked. “Oh hell yeah” Dale said, quickly moving down between the boy’s legs. David had moved over to make room for the boy’s dad and he slowly continued to stroke the boy’s cock. “You don’t have to rush” buddy,” David said softly to the boy. “You don’t ever have to rush. You’re about to feel your daddy’s mouth on you and you’ll remember this moment for the rest of your life.” Randy and the doctor were still beating each other off and turned to watch Dale get in position for his first taste of his son’s cock. “David, thank you for offering this” Dale said. “It was very thoughtful of you and I’ll not forget it.” Dale began to lick the boy’s nut sack and Kevin gasped at first, then continued to moan softly as his own father soaked his small sac in his juices. He spread the boy’s legs wider with the intention of getting a taste of the boy’s sweet starfish. Kevin grabbed his head, trying to force him to take his cock in his mouth. “Take it easy, son,” Dale said to the boy. “I want this to last as long as it can. Just relax and let your daddy give you some pleasure.” Dale let his tongue graze the boy’s tight, pink hole and teased it with the very tip of his tongue. The boy was loving the feel of his strong father’s hands on him and his hot, wet tongue tasting his most private spot. Dale then went again to licking and sucking the boy’s balls, getting them completely soaked before moving up slightly to give the boy pleasure on his cock. Dale licked around the boy’s cockhead briefly, tasting his sweet boyjuice, then went all the way down on the boy’s cock, taking it to the hilt and holding it there. “Oh fuck, dad!” the boy said. “Oh fuck! I didn’t know it could feel so good.” He then began to slowly move up and down on the hard boycock, taking him all the way to his ring of soft pubes, then coming all the way and licking under the foreskin before impaling himself again on the hard cock. Kevin was in heaven, feeling sensations better than anything he had even imagined. Dale had been stretched out on his front side as he began to suck his boy’s cock but, feeling David’s warm hands kneading his butt cheeks, he raised his ass in the air, crawling to his knees. “That’s a nice hole, Dale” David said. “Unless you want my tongue in it, you have five seconds to stop it.” The man said nothing so David leaned in and attacked the man’s clean, pink hole with his tongue. Dale started to moan now as David expertly rimmed the hairy hole with his hot tongue. The doctor and Randy were now on their sides, each sucking the other’s cock enthusiastically. Both were teasing the other’s hole as they thrust their cocks in and out of their buddy’s mouth. David had continued eating Dale’s hole until it was soaked. He then decided to tease it with his fingers. Dale took to that very well, taking his mouth off his son’s cock only long enough to tell David to put something in his hole. David inserted his index finger into the hole and began to rub his gland immediately. That elicited loud moans as Dale continued to suck his son’s cock. Dale was saying something but David couldn’t make out the words because Kevin continued to thrust his cock in and out of his father’s mouth. “I think he wants you to fuck him” the doctor told David. “I’m almost sure he’s saying `fuck me’.” “Do you want my dick in you?” David asked the man with his mouth full of boycock. “Uh huh” the man said. “Fuck me now and fuck me hard. I want you to fuck the shit out of me while I suck my beautiful boy’s cock. I think I’ve died and gone to fucking heaven!” Dale had become frustrated just long enough to take his mouth off his son’s cock and tell the young muscle boy what he was wanting and needing. David then got to his feet on the bed, squatted down and lined his cock up with the man’s hole. He immediately thrust his thick cock all the way into Dale’s slick hole. “Fuck yeah” Dale yelled and David knew he was doing what the man wanted. He began to thrust as quickly and as hard as he could. “Oh yeah, doc, I’m real close” Randy said as he then continued to suck on the doc’s cut cock. “Me too, the doc said. “I can cum whenever you’re ready.” “Do it, buddy” the sheriff said. The two men began thrusting into each other’s mouths wildly, as Kevin started moaning and telling his father how close he was. Randy started shooting, his cum dribbling down the doctor’s chin. There was just not enough room for the sheriff’s big cock and the cum he was shooting. Randy was trying to take the doctor’s cumload but he, too was dribbling some. He finally removed the cock from his mouth as it continued shooting on his face and he again swallowed the cock. Kevin was cumming noisily, begging his father not to stop and David was now warning Dale that he was about shoot in his ass. “It’s cumming, buddy, I’m about to dump my load in your fucking ass while you’re sucking your boy’s dick!” Dale was busy gulping his son’s cum as he felt David’s hot load released in his hole. He took his mouth off his boy’s spent cock and found he had not wasted a drop of his boy’s sweet load. David was still slowly pumping his cock in and out of Dale after shooting his load inside him. Then he slowly withdrew it all the way. Dale groaned and then gasped s David slowly eased his still hard cock back into him. “You like that , don’t you?” David asked him. “Oh fuck yes, man,” Dale said. “I had forgotten how good it feels to be stuffed with hard cock. There’s no feeling like it. It’s a little scary at first cause it feels like you’re about to be split wide open but then it starts to feel fanfuckingtastic. Can you slide it in one more time?” “You bet” David answered, sliding the cock back into him and holding it there. “Oh fuck yeah, that cock feels good!” Dale said, kissing his son who was basking in the afterglow of his first blowjob ever. David pulled his softening cock out of Dale and flipped him over onto his back. “Come on down here, little buddy and help me get your daddy’s cumload” David said to Kevin, who quickly got beside David and started licking his daddy’s thigh. “Come on, buddy, get in here and taste your sweet daddy’s cock. Look, it’s already dripping that sweet pre-cum.” As Kevin began to suck his dad’s hard cock, David moved up and kissed the man who had just sucked off his own boy. It was long kiss and it was clear David wanted to taste Kevin’s juice. “Fuck that’s good” David said. “You sure do make some sweet cum, child!” He then moved back down, his head right beside the boy’s as they both went to work on Dale’s daddy cock. “Those nuts are full, Dale, just relax and feed your boy and me” David whispered. “We need that daddy juice don”t we, boy? But Kevin was too busy dealing with a mouthful of his daddy’s cock to respond. Randy and the doctor had moved up to kiss Dale and work his big, hard brown nipples with their mouths. Randy then got up and moved to the other side of the bed. The doctor was now kissing Dale while David licked and sucked his nuts and his own son sucked his cock. “Unh unh” Dale was trying to speak but his mouth was full of the doctor’s tongue. “I’m close. I’m so fucking close. Suck my cock boy. I fucking love you so much. I fucking love you!” Kevin took his mouth off his father’s meat as the cum began to fly everywhere. He giggled as ropes of thick white cum hit the doctor and the sheriff in the face, then he pointed the spewing cock at David and got him in the forehead. Then he went back down on his dad as he finished spurting his load, his first in three years. He came a massive amount and every drop was licked up and swallowed by the four guys servicing him. “Fuck, that was unbelievable” he said as soon as he could find his breath. “I really had forgotten how good it feels to dump a cumload!!”

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