


Subject: The Tales of Sol 48 The Tales of Sol 48 By Joe hoo This my second attempt to write so please tell me what you think. This is a fictional story it is not intended to imply that any members of the Backstreet Boys, Nsync or 98 Degrees are gay, or any of the other celebrities mentioned are homosexuals. If you are not old enough to read these stories do yourself a favor don’t get caught. The same goes for those people whose countries have these sites made illegal. And for everyone else enjoy Captain Planet and related characters was created by R.E Turner and copyright by AOL Time Warner Company and Trademark by TBS Productions Babylon 5 and all related characters and props were created by Michael Straczynski and copyright by Warner Bros. Star Trek and all related characters created by Gene Roddenberry. Copyright Paramount Transformers and all related characters, and props are trademarked by Hasbro inc. Copyright Rhino Home Videos and AOL Time Warner Entertainment CO He-Man, She-Ra, related characters, and props are trademarked by Filmation 1980’s Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox. Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros. X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. To those who’ve been reading Tales of Sol. I want you to know that while there is sex in this story. That is not is sole purpose and yes I do hope the sex sense makes you all hard and gets you off. Sol is an adaption from my childhood favorite show Captain Planet and the Planeteers, The cartoon showed us that the world can be a better place if we took a few moments to care for it. Tales of Sol is meant to express hope. It is also shows how music can have an impact in our lives. While I don’t know if my favorite bands 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys or Nsync have ever read this. They saw me through some of the hardest moments of my life and offered in their own way hope. To them I say thank you. I dedicate the Tales of Sol to all of my brothers and sisters of the US armed service past, present, and future. I like to thank my friends who I had the privilege showing these chapters with. They helped with editing and inspiration, John Rivera, Albert-Russ Alan Rivera-Odum, Derbe.D. Hunte Yvette Ortiz Samuel Diaz Jr for all their help in Making The Tales of Sol an enjoyable story to write. And I have a few other names starting with the beginner of this universe James the author of Tales of a Real Dark Knight. I still hope to reconnect with you dear friend and all the rest of this series. Blake the author of Tales of a New Phoenix Jeremi author of the Tales of Young Mutants Please remember to Donate to Nifty And now without any further ado I give you the next chapter of Tales of Sol. The Tales of Sol 48 The Power of Music Tony thought it was best if the Backstreet Boys were in the studio instead of waiting for word from Mr. Matthews. Not that Tony was unsympathetic; they needed reasons to think positively not that anyone could. Tony couldn’t get Brian’s grief stricken eyes out of his mind. Tony knew that without any doubt those two loved each other. Besides, there was still that dangerous person out there and Tony was going to be damned sure to keep them safe. Without Mike they would have to come up with something. Tony looked at the band and the guys didn’t seem to have the energy to really perform. The choreographer was getting frustrated he was about to start yelling “Come on you guys aren’t doing a damn thing,” Tony snapped, “Lay off them Hank, they are worried,” “Worried about what?” Hank growled Tony turned to the band with compassion and he softly encouraged “Guys I know you are worried about Mike, so think what he would want you to be doing?” “We should be by his side,” Nick said as he put a hand on Brian shoulder “Then be there for him,” Frank said “How?” Howie asked “When that bastard came gunning for you, Mike’s only thought was to see to your safety,” Frank said “And we need to be there for Mike for the same reason,” Kevin snapped Brian sat with head in his arms tears running down his face softly “I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, don’t care what you did, as long as you love me,” he sang, Raising his tear stricken face Brian got up and picked up his microphone he sang into it, “I tried to hide it so no one knows, but I guess it shows when you look into my eyes,” Brian sang “That it Brian you are getting it,” Tony encouraged “Do it for the one who believed in you,” Tony said One by one they all gathered around Brian and began singing. Turning to Hank, Tony glared, “Brian is in love with that man, who is right now lying, in a hospital bed fighting for his life remember that for the future,” Hank just gulped as he went back to directing the guys The Backstreet Boys didn’t know it but their singing was touching the spark that was once Captain Planet, soon to become Sol. The globe that was residing on my chest was only a tiny speck of light pulsating as it helped to heal my injuries. Even in my comatose state I heard their voices. As they sang they were able to touch that soul. The tiny dot was growing, Dave was in the room by his pupil’s side. He picked up a sponge soaking in the water a nurse had placed by Mike’s bed, running bursa escort bayan the cool spong over his student’s battered face. Dave saw a tiny soft yellow dot of light emanating from the center of Mike’s chest. Slowly he lifted some of the bandages that revealed the globe in the center was a two millimeter diameter dot of pulsating soft yellow light. As Dave watched it began to get bigger. That dot began a very soft dull sound. “That’s it, come back to us, Guardian,” Dave softly cheered as tears of joy filled his eyes. Dave’s pupil wasn’t lost to them yet. The part that was once Captain Planet that now lay dormant in Mike’s cells began reacting to the singing that was being performed down at the studio and it was speeding up the healing process. Dave quickly pulled out his phone when Tony and asked for Brian panicked, “Dave what is it?” “Whatever you guys are doing keep it up,” Dave encouraged “All we are doing is singing,” Brian answered not sure why it mattered “You have no idea how important that is right now, but it is,” Dave smiled as he watched as the yellow circle in my globe grew bigger, glowing brighter and sounding stronger than a moment ago. “How is he?” Dave heard seeing Rob Thomas entering the room “I will call you back Brian but keep singing,” Dave implored “Keep singing?” Rob asked “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself,” Dave said “But my protege has informed me long ago that incredible power singing truly has on the world,” “I don’t doubt,” Rob said, coming into the room he stopped as he saw a small dot on Mike’s chest glowing through his bandage “What is that?” Rob gasped as he could now hear the humming the globe was producing. “That, Rob Thomas, is hope and you can do much to hope but you can never kill it,” Dave saw the glowing getting even brighter. Deep within my body as Captain Planet’s essences was accelerating the healing process. Energy coursed through my body speeding up cell reproduction and increased blood flow and oxygen intake. Electrical impulses ran throughout my nervous system. My brain was firing off commands at lightning speeds. Bruised organs healed and broken bones reformed. Standing on the stage Brian with microphone in hand turned to the Backstreet Boys. Softly Brian spoke, “This one is for, you love,” they began to sing. “Ohhh… Don’t pretend you’re sorry you know you’re not You know you got the power to make me weak inside And girl you leave me breathless But it’s ok Cause you are my survival Now hear me say…,” Brian sang Dave and Rob both watched with utter shock and awe as the circle in the center globe on my chest not only got even bigger. The color also changed from a dull yellow to warm gold. The soft humm too was only getting stronger; it went from a hum to a drone. Deep down inside my body my cells were quickening their pace in rebuilding and replacing themselves. Blood was now coursing through my veins carrying oxygen to where it was needed my heart and lungs were repairing getting stronger. Taking in more oxygen expelling carbon dioxide. The heart was beating stronger as the blood flow got better. All of my damaged organs were healing at a rapid pace. Rob stepped up to my bed and then added to the miracle that was on display before him. “Let me help dear friend, it is the least I can do,” Rob lowered his head and began to sing, “When the hour is upon us, And our beauty surely gone,” “No you will not be forgotten, No you will not be alone,” “And when the day has all but ended, And our echo starts to fade,” “No you will not be alone then, And you will not be afraid,” “No you will not be afraid, Dave stood by as he watched the event unfold before him. Mike had once told him and tried to show him how the music effect is not always seen. Up until till now Dave couldn’t even grasp it but here and now Dave is witnessing the power music has on the world. The globe on Mike’s chest was now full and glowing a brilliant golden color. It was burning through Mike’s bandages. The golden light pushed past the globe and was now illuminating most of his student’s torso and face. Dave didn’t want to look away as an aura like light encompassed Mike’s body. Even that aura was only brighter. Dave was tearing up as he saw this miracle that was Captain Planet’s soul rushing to heal Mike’s battered body. “That it,” Dave softly cheered as the sound it emitted grew ever louder Deep in my body the energy that was fast at work on fixing my basic functions, was now moving on to the more complex restoring my cognitive and perspiration functions at an accelerated pace. The energy moved on repairing my muscles causing them to twitch. It fixed my joints and tendons making them slowly move around. Tony and Frank watched the Backstreet Boys sing and their movements were even more adamant and sincere. Their voices sounded very different. There was more heart in their voices than normal. Frank was in awe. He never saw these guys put so much of themselves into practice before. “Where did they?” Frank asked In his time as tour manager Tony Blake seen many things and this was one of those moments where you don’t question things “Times like this you don’t ask, you accept,” Tony somberly said as the band sang Howie picked up “I can’t imagine life without your love And even forever don’t seem like long enough” görükle escort Tony and Frank watched and listen as the band sang their hearts out, ‘Cause every time I breathe I take you in And my heart beats again Baby I can’t help it You keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I’m swept away by love Baby I can’t help it You keep me drowning in your love” From Hope Island Gaia watched as her Champion’s friend’s simple act of singing was far from a simple act she watched the Nexus’ body react to their hopes, and love, joy, and pride. Their combined powers were just as powerful as the five elements of the Earth. What was happening in the hospital room was proof of Hope and Faith both at work. Dave picked up the sponge again, dipping it in the water helping to clean the sweat that was pouring down his pupil’s face. Dave gripped the side of Mike’s bed as he watched the events unfolding before him. The globe on Mike’s chest had burned a hole through the bandages becoming nearly blinding. The glowing white light of the aura effect was also getting brighter. Rob was astonished he never knew his music had this kind of effect, Rob continued to sing over the sound of Mike’s globe as the sound with from a low chime to a deep but loud hum Rob sang on, “And when the day has all but ended, And our echo starts to fade,” “No you will not be alone then, And you will not be afraid” “No you will not be afraid” On the ledge of hospital room the red-tail hawk wings were at their full span, the white light could be seen from outside Dave and Rob gasped as multiple white beams of lights began shooting out from the globe and danced around the edges. The sound emitting from the globe became an even deeper hum. A sharp intake of breath drew both Dave and Rob’s attention to Mike’s head as they watched as Mike took in more air to the point his mouth had to open and gasp. Dave was beside himself as he felt Hope enter the room once again. Rob was in awe of this supernatural display of what he could only describe as Hope being born or in this case reborn. Gaia watched as the power of their love was combining and her Nexus was reacting positively to it. On the ledge the red tail hawk let out a screech and its wings were flapping furiously. The studio was filled as the guys sang even stronger AJ grabbed hold of his mike, “Maybe I’m a drifter maybe not Cause I have known the safety of floating freely in your arms I don’t need another lifeline It’s not for me Cause only you can save me Oh, can’t you see,” Nick’s voice soon filled the studio, “I can’t imagine life without your love And even forever don’t seem like long enough Don’t seem like long enough, yeah,” Rob watched in amazement at the spectral that being played out as before him in Mike’s room Rob’s own voice came out even stronger as he sang, “When the fog has finally lifted, From my cold and tired brow,” “No I will not leave you crying, And I will not let you down,” “No I will not let you down, I will not let you down,” On the far wall Gaia had come to see the miracle when she could no longer just watch it from Hope Island she watched her champion as his spirit reacted to the love and support to all that were attending him. She watched the spark that was Captain Planet as it reacted. “He is the Nexus Gaia,” She turned to see the Mother Goddess Anza step up next to her. “He is the Champion,” Gaia agreed “He performed an act of great sacrifice for someone he didn’t even know,” Anza commanded “I am very proud of him, Mother God,” Gaia said with motherly love. “He has many hard roads ahead of him and those choices will bring both joy and sorrow,” Anza said as they watched the hospital room get even brighter outside in the hallway everyone stopped and saw light leaching around the door frame. The energy coming from the globe in my chest was now glowing brightly at its strongest; it had restored basic and vital functions of my body. Energy was continuing to pulse in my body as it worked on returning the more complex and equally vital functions of the body. Basic motions of my hands, feet, and jaw were on their way. It had restored muscle control to those affected areas. Dave witnessed as light shot through Mike’s bandages burning them until they shot out through the seams. Dave heard movement looking down at the bed he saw the light had freed Mike’s fingers allowing them to move across the sheets. Mike’s hands broke free of their bandages to form fists. Dave was amazed to see Mike’s hands open and closed flexing and turning, Looking down Mike’s body the same light did the same there they freed Mike’s feet and his toes were moving and his feet were rotating. Mike’s arms and legs broke from their confinements as their muscles started flexing. Mike’s arms and legs were now moving as motion returned to them. A light formed around Mike’s head burning the bandages freeing his jaw. A gasp escaping Mike’s mouth was dim compared to the popping sounds in Mike’s elbows and shoulder joints as Mike’s arms flexed. Mike’s legs made their own popping noise as Mike’s knees and hip joints twitched and flexed. “The Guardian that is what you are,” Dave gleamed with uncontrollable happiness as he saw how the singing both here with Rob Thomas and at the studio with the Backstreet Boys was having a spontaneous effect bursa escort bayan on Nature’s Healing powers. People outside the studio stopped in their tracks as they heard Kevin his voice was filled with life, “Go on and pull me under Cover me with dreams, yeah Love me mouth to mouth now You know I can’t resist Cause you’re the air that I breathe” When they band came together every animal between the studio to the hospital took part added their own voice to what was coming out from the studio, “Every time I breathe I take you in And my heart beats again Baby I can’t help it Keep me drowning in your love And every time I try to rise above I’m swept away by love Baby I can’t help it” Keep me drowning in your love Loooooooooooooooooove!” The globe on my chest was now full and the energy it held had finished its repairs to almost all of my body, moving to my vocal cords and eyesight were the next on its list. “By your Powers Combine!” Dave and Rob gasped as a voice filled the room. They looked down to see Mike looking directly at them with unseeing eyes, and he turned his head towards heaven. Mike’s mouth opened wide and his eyes were equally wide as white light shot out and the light that was around his body was now a bright gold and when the light shot out of his mouth it became blinding only Gaia could see through it Rob pressed on as he felt a strange feeling hit him, “Now comes the night, Feel it fading away,” “And the soul underneath, Is it all that remains,” “So just slide over here, Leave your fear in the fray,” “Let us hold to each other, Until the end of our days,” The energy in my body finally came to the last part of my body that still needed to be repaired. Mike’s arms flew up and out from the palm of his hands up white light shot out, hit the ceiling and bounced back on Mike lifting him off his bed. Hovering over the bed Mike began to spinning as the white light encased him My ruined skin, the last part of my body to receive the healing powers of Nature, fell away like old snake skin. The heart monitor was beeping like mad as my heart rate sped up. In my minds it saw overlapping images one was the Backstreet Boys the other was Rob Thomas they were both singing and their voices overlapped, “Every time I breathe I take you in And my heart beats again Baby I can’t help it Every time I try to rise above I’m swept away by love Baby I can’t help it,” “When the hour is upon us, And our beauty surely gone,” “No you will not be forgotten, No you will not be alone,” Dave watched as the white light burned away Mike’s bandages. As Mike’s skin was now on fire it was burning off the damaged skin. In a bright flash Mike was back on the bed laying face up. Sweat was pouring out of his new skin. Dave ran to put covers over his pupil’s now very naked and renewed body. My eyes fluttered open as I regained consciousness, I still was unable to see things normally, my eyes were still overstimulated and everything was still dark. I felt someone covering my body, my ears were still overwhelmed and everything sounded like it was miles away. Slowly yes surely the vision of the world finally returned to my eyes. At first all I saw was the outline of a person’s head mixed in with a solid grey background. Everything began to come back and I saw my mentor’s smiling face.While I still couldn’t hear normally, I could see him word “Welcome back,” A smile formed on both mentor and student. I turned my head when I felt someone grab hold of my hand I saw Rob his lips were still moving, “No you will not be alone,” Outside my room the red-tail hawk watched everything and when it knew it was safe to do so the hawk turned and leaped off the ledge. Soaring through the sky screeching all of the animals that heard the hawk call out knew their champion was back. Dave fumbled for his phone and quickly dialed Just as the guys were coming to the end Tony’s phone rang “Yes Dave what is it?” Tony’s voice was filled with hope and dread at the same time “Bring them down here on the double,” Dave told Tony “Has Mike?” Tony felt his throat clench up “No Mike hasn’t,” Dave quickly said “You keep me drowning in…. your love,” They all sang the last line “Frank, get the car we need to get to the hospital!” Tony urgently told the head of the Backstreet Boy’s security. Tony’s words barely left his mouth when Brian dropped his mike and ran off the stage. Frank was already calling for the SUV, “What is it Tony?” Nick stammered “Did we lose Mike?” Kevin frantic voice overlapped Nick’s “No, a miracle,” Tony’s eyes were brimming with tears of joy. They all piled into the SUV just as the doors were closed Brian commanded the driver “Get me to the hospital!” In this chapter the songs Drowning belongs to the Backstreet Boys I claim no rights to it. As well as Along Comes The Night which is a song written and sung by Rob Thomas. Please remember to Donate to Nifty Please tell me what you think hoo All comments are welcome on a side note all of this takes places after the events of 9/11 just so you all have a sense of chronological order and understanding. I began writing Sol after reading Tales of a Real Dark Knight while I was still in the Navy and have been working on it for the last 13 or so years. I also recommend the following stories it was because of them I got into writing in the first place. “Tales of a Real Dark Knight” by authorjames “Marvel Knights” also by authorjames “Tales of the New Phoenix” by Blake “Tales of a Superhero Band” by Leo “Tales of a Young Mutant” by Jeremi “Tales of a Thunder God” by Tony Justiss

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