


Subject: The Watcher and The Watched The usual denials apply here. I don’t know anyone like this, have never seen this happen, although I wish. It’s only a story. And one that even I have to admit, is an interesting concept with some interesting twists. N-Joi Having put on a little more weight than I liked, at thirty one years old, and having little time to do any sort of formal workout due to long work hours, I decided to start walking in the morning. Since I’m an early riser and my energy levels are much higher in the morning, it seemed a logical and immediate solution. Early riser means that oftentimes I was awake as early as five a.m. and so that’s when I would walk. I had a basic route that was about a mile long, but could easily be made longer or shorter simply by adding or deleting a block or two. About halfway through the route, the street that I started my walk on ended, taking a ninety degree right hand turn that would head me back toward home, after another right hand turn a few blocks away. On that corner lot sat a large home, situated sort of catty corner in the lot. If you think of the two streets that made up the corner and envision them as the head of a pointing arrow, then the house would be the stem of the arrow, situated on the lot so that neither side of the large two story home was parallel to either street but sort or perpendicular to both. Make sense? The end of the home nearest the apex of the streets was a single story, similar to a garage, which it may have been at one time. Currently it had windows all along the side, the center being only about twelve to fifteen feet from the low hedge that bordered the property and slightly above it with an elevation of perhaps four feet. The ends of the oblong room were of course closer to the hedge so that, in a way, that part of the house made a sort of cross bar to the streets, not unlike a capital A. The main part of the house rose above the room, similar to a garage, to second story height and there were no windows, so that in effect, that corner of the property and the street was a blind spot, visible only from the windows of that room. Also in that apex was a huge tree whose leaf filled branches rose above the home, reaching out to cover the room as well as the sidewalk where I stood and part of the street. The property across the street from the house, on both streets, for at least three hundred feet, was wooded and protected by a high chain link fence with signs every twenty feet or so declaring it government property no trespassing. And, amazingly enough, there were no street lights right there. In essence the house sat mostly alone in the dark as well as empty for at least two months that I was aware of. It was with some surprise one morning that I discovered that someone was moving in, or so I assumed. I figured that the U-Haul, a family van, and a Volvo wagon were sort of a give away. So I watched for changes every morning on my walk rather like you do when a building is being erected along your way to work. I was surprised about a week or so later when I discovered lights on in the room at the end of the house. I could see that blinds, or curtains hung in the windows, coming down about half way so that I could actually see partially into the room. What I saw was mostly carpet, about ten feet into the room. At the close end, that is the end I came to first in my walk, a sofa rested against the wall, one end toward the windows and the other hidden by the blinds as it extended toward the opposite wall. Underneath a front window at the far end was an arm chair and that was the extent of furniture, at least from that my point of view. I thought nothing of the situation as I strode past, barely paying attention to the lighted room. There were no lights for the next 2 days and on the third the lights were on again. This time I saw bare feet and legs up to just below the knees, the rest of the body still being hidden by the blinds. The legs appeared smooth from where I was and judging from their size I guessed they belonged to a woman unless it was a younger boy whose leg hairs were much lighter in color. The fact that the body was moving in a sort of dance step, something preset, I assumed it was the lady of the house working out. The next morning was more of the same, then no lights for two days. After that the lights were on again and this time my dancer, for that’s how I chose to think of her, was a little closer to the window so I saw knees and a few inches of the legs of a garment that looked like shorts or possibly even boxers. The feet and legs continued to move, mostly from side to side, although they did turn as well so that they were facing me or another direction. Eventually, not that day, I was given a view of more of the garment, and what looked like a slender butt. Although the waistband of the garment was still hidden, it looked like the butt was a nice one, moving away from the small of the back into very delicious orbs. Also, the additional view of the clothing really gave me the impression of being men’s boxers which started me reassessing what I had surmised as being the sex of my dancer. Still I didn’t linger, although I must admit I slowed my walk considerably when I passed the house. The color of the boxers changed from day to day but the body inside of them appeared to be the same one, leading me to believe that it was the same person I was seeing. Finally, about a month after this began, I was given a back view that included the whole undergarment and about half way up the back. The waist was narrow, the back appearing to be unmuscled, that is, undeveloped Also with this viewing I was given a partial turn, not enough to see the front but enough to confirm my suspicions of what appeared to be a fairly delicious butt. It was also about this time that the movements began to take on a more erotic nature, slow undulations where the lower body moved from side to side in a slow sensuous manner. As the days moved on from there, it seemed like my dancer was showing me more and more of his/her front, but not yet full on. The side view though showed me a taut flat belly and the cloth at the front of the undergarment indicated the probability of a male but because of the looseness of the fabric it was still difficult to tell, keeping the question of the sex of my dancer still floating around in my head. I finally got a full frontal view and at that point, combined with I’d seen so far made me pretty sure I was dealing with a teenage boy, probably thirteen or fourteen years old given the smoothness of the skin. I didn’t see the chest but damned near and what I did see was definitely flat in the abdomen, what looked like and “outtie” belly button at the center of the pale flesh. The day after that was when the touching began. That morning the dancer’s hands became involved, gently and slowly rubbing up and down on the tummy, fingers exploring into the top part of the waist band, in the same teasing way that a stripper might. In the beginning I kept on walking but as my dancer became more sensual I lingered for a short bit of time, going through some side stretches and other things that might seem natural to a passing citizen. Of course no one could see me and there were no cars or other people on those streets at that time of the morning. Finally, on a Wednesday morning things really heated up. As I approached the house it was as though my dancer knew I was there. I watched as the body moved closer to the window than before. The slow undulation and exploration of fingers went beyond what we had experienced before. The fingers and hands went down inside the plaid boxers and rubbed up and down, as though rubbing on a cunt or along side cock and balls. The wrists moved outward as the dancer fondled the flesh, almost giving me a fuzz shot. They then slipped slowly out of the boxers and rubbed on the front and as the dancer turned sideways, the fingers grasped onto the fabric in such a way that I could clearly see that it was a boy, or a very smooth man. Either way, the cloth was sticking out a good six inches, showing me that he was hard as stone. He then began undulating forward and back, a hand on the cock outside the underwear and basically fucking his fist. His other hand slid behind him and down inside the boxers and began rubbing his butt, pulling the fabric down far enough that I could actually see the beginning of his butt crack. My own cock was rock ass fucking hard. I reached inside and slowly stroked myself as I watched the boy slowly and sensually work his body for me. He stopped suddenly and stood there, hands kocaeli escort bayan apparently in the air, his hard cock still quite obvious, and then turned and left the room, or at least left my sight, and the light went off. I went straight home, peeled my clothes and jacked off, my cumming as powerful as any I’d had in ages. In the afterglow, lying on my bed, I thought about what was happening and I was almost totally convinced that the boy knew I would be there at a certain time every morning and he would be there to join me, to provide me with a show. I was very curious where it was going to lead, would he actually show himself to me, and what’s more, would he give himself physical release as I watched on. I was tempted to drive by the house some morning just to see what would happen, would he be there or not. I also thought about driving by in the day time to see who might live there, to try to give a face to my erotic young dancer. I elected not to do either one, preferring the game of anonymity, not wanting to spoil the show for the boy or myself. I felt if he wanted me to see what he looked like he’d show himself. I was also glad that my dancer turned out to be a boy. I dearly loved young teenage boys, found them extremely fun, adventurous and sexy and being able to jack off to him only made things better for me. The next morning when I got there, the boy was back to the window and already in motion and as I approached he pulled the back of the boxers down, showing me his entire butt. It was slender and pale, the twin orbs to die for, pushing out and away from his smooth slender body. He rubbed his ass seductively, squeezing the cheeks and gently pulling them apart, almost revealing his asshole to me. Slowly, he turned sideways and I thought I was finally going to see his cock but that didn’t happen. He’d pulled the boxers down but allowed them to get caught on his hard cock, keeping his young flesh hidden from view. I did get a great profile of his taut belly as it sloped gently into his pubic bone and a full front of shot of his pubic hair, a neat, downy looking medium brown patch that was restricted mostly to the base of his cock. I also saw the base of his boyhood pride and joy but that’s all. Once gain I was rock hard. I shoved my hand down the front of my pants and stroked my own rigid dick. The boy then turned again, facing the other wall and slowly pulled his boxers all the way off, bending over slightly as he did. The lights dimmed low and I could barely make the boy out when all of a sudden he was turned and pressed into the window, his upper body hidden by the blinds, his arms out wide above his head and his legs slightly spread. Because of the dark I had to strain to really see anything but it appeared that he’d pressed his hard cock against the glass and was sort of grinding against it, rubbing his hard cock into it. I leaned as far forward as I could to try and make out the size of his boyhood and then, all of a sudden he was gone. I jogged home this time, ripped my clothes off and jacked off in the middle of the living room, my sperm blasting out on to the carpet, my legs so weak as I came that I thought I’d fall down. I tried to envision the cock against the window but it was very difficult, there just wasn’t enough light. I knew then though that this boy was going to go all the way and it would be soon. The next morning I was on station at the usual time. Nothing. No lights, no boy. I made a show of walking across the street to take a leak against the fence, killing time, in the event that my dancer had slept in but it was to no avail. After stalling for a good five minutes by stretching, tying my shoes and taking them off to pour out a troublesome rock (non existent of course) I finally walked away, wondering what had happened. The next day was the same as was the day after that. On the fourth day the lights were on low but my dancer wasn’t there. It was as if he was trying to build suspense and if that was his intention he was certainly doing a fine fucking job. My cock was practically hard when I walked out my front door and by the time I got to the house over a half mile away it was almost throbbing in my walking shorts. I’d actually considered not wearing underwear but I knew that my seven inch hard cock would stick out a mile and even though there was no one to see really, it still didn’t want to chance it. Finally on the fifth day he was there. He was facing the window this time, dark green boxers on, and doing his slow undulating dance for me. As he walked closer to the window he pulled one leg of the fabric up and to one side, exposing his balls to me. He let them hang there, what appeared to be a smooth bag of medium sized eggs. While one hand held the fabric out of the way, the other was rubbing on the thigh next to his nuts, the fingers grazing the bag and moving it about then actually rubbing them, tugging at them and squeezing them. As I watched, he let go of the underwear then slowly and very sensually lowered the waistband down over his cock. He bent over slightly to get them off, his body posture mostly obscuring his dick but once done, he stood before me, fully naked and proud. I was in love. His cock looked to be at least six inches long, the smooth head fully exposed. His sperm makers hung below his rock hard dick, one only slightly lower than the other in their baby skin smooth sac. The patch of dark blonde pubic hair made a nice nest at the base of his cock , about three to four inches wide with a nice firm line, not straggly like it would become as he became older. He turned slowly for me, giving me a side view of his boy cock jutting out from his slender body and almost pointing straight up. His ass was so inviting that I felt my cock throb in my shorts as I watched him turn. When he was faced completely away from me, he walked away and the light went off. Once again I jogged home. Notice how the show was giving me even better exercise. I never had any intention of jogging, although I was getting good at doing a steady half mile. Now I had a perfect vision to jack off too, the slender rock hard cock in all its glory, the delectable teenage balls, all of him a perfect picture to squirt my sperm to, and boy did I fucking squirt. The next few days were very similar. As I approached the corner he came closer to the window. He slowly and sexily removed his boxers then played with his body, rubbing, stroking, tugging, squeezing. The blinds were higher now so that his small brown nipples became part of the show, being rubbed and tweaked. I reveled in his body, so slim, and fine and that wonderful young cock sticking out, the deliciously firm not quite bubble butt orbs of his boy-ish ass. At one point he began stroking his cock and rubbing his nipples, his balls bouncing in time with his stroking but he stopped short, not bringing himself to climax. He turned, walked out of my sight and the lights went out and didn’t come back on for six days. During the hiatus from the show I gave my boy a great deal of thought. I gave thought to myself as well. I had gotten into the voyeurism, something I’d never considered beyond what most of us normally do. I wondered about the boy’s exhibitionism as well. What drove him to perform for me? Although I felt that his show was for me alone, did he do it for others as well? Was this his first time or had he performed for others at a different time? Where would I like to see this lead? Would I be happy just being the watcher or did I want to be a participator? What did the boy want or might he eventually want? As I said, I loved boys and being sexually active with them was a favorite stroke fantasy for me, one that had came to life only a very few times in my thirty one year years of life. On the seventh day the lights were back on but no boy. I hung around but after five minutes continued my walk. The next day he was standing next to the sofa, only about eight feet from where I stood watching, sensually rubbing the front of his boxers in a manner that clearly showed that he was young boy hard. I watched as he slowly pulled the boxers down under his cock and balls then allowed the garment to fall to the ground. I watched as he rubbed and stroked lovingly on his flesh, legs spread so that he could easily access teenage balls. He then sat on the sofa then slouched down so that his butt was almost at the edge, his legs stretched out in front of him. It was then I knew for sure that he was playing to me, for the boy wore a monster mask, a Halloween type of thing that covered his entire head. He began stroking his rock hard kocaeli sınırsız escort cock with his right hand so as not to obstruct my view of him, his left hand lying at his side. He worked himself slowly and lovingly, almost like an adult who knows his body well, knows what he likes, and how to prolong the feelings before unleashing the juice of his balls. The boy stroked on, picking up speed, his smooth young bouncing in tandem with his stokes. I could see his belly flex with the convulsion so typical of masturbation coupled with impending release and I knew he was close. I couldn’t stand the confinement any longer and, looking around to be sure I was unseen, I pulled my stone hard dick and began jacking off along with the boy. I saw him put on a burst of speed for just a moment then slow way down and then his boy cock erupted. I could see very clearly his young sperm shoot out from his slit and land on the flat belly that was almost heaving. I let myself go, reaching my own sperming and as my cum flew out into the bushes I watched the boy’s cock let fly with two more squirts of his adolescent nectar before slowing to a dribble that oozed out over his thumb, coaxed on by the slow milking of his cock. My own cock and its five fingered lover had reached a similar state and I as I watched, the boy let go of his cock. I could actually see it pulsing with each beat of his tender heart as he let his fingers play in his sperm, rubbing it around on his torso while his head relaxed against the back of the sofa. And the lights went out. I thought about that last part as I walked home, the lights going out. It lent credence to a thought that I’d entertained about the boy having a willing partner, perhaps a sibling or friend. It would explain the boy’s ability to know when I was there. Of course there are such things as remote’s that could explain the lights. I supposed too that he could be standing outside under the tree and watching the street for me before running inside to start his show. I didn’t dwell on that thought though because another more significant, at least to me, thought entered my mind. I’d cum along with my young lover, spilling our juices together like any lovers might. I now felt a more intense bond with the boy and wondered if he felt the same way. The next morning was a repeat of the day before with one major exception. After we had both cum, the boy’s orgasm more intense than yesterday’s, and after rubbing his sperm around, he took a finger tip of the white goo and put it to the mouth hole of his mask then into his mouth and sucked it off. And then he did an amazing thing. After removing his finger, his head which had been relaxing on the sofa back, lolled to one side, my side, and since we were so close, I could see that he was looking right at me. The mouth hole of the mask was actually quite large so I could see the boy’s mouth. I watched as he offered me an easy contented sort of smile. And the lights slowly faded out, the boy still looking directly at me. I pondered that as I walked home. So now we both knew what was happening, both knew of the other’s existence and knew without a doubt that the boy was playing to me. He knew I was there, expected me to be there and purposely exposed himself to me and likely had done so from the very beginning. I was also pretty sure he had a helper. My cock stayed hard all the way home which necessitated my jacking off again, the second time in less than half an hour. There were no lights and no boy for the next few days and it was then that I figured out that there seemed to be a sort of pattern. After the lights had been off for a period of time, when they went back on, the boy’s behavior had escalated, he would take things to the next level, take more risk. It was as though he planned and practiced before for the next step and I wondered then what the next step was going to be, if in fact my theory was more than theory. When the lights came back on a few days later it was weird. It was dark when I reached the edge of the property and as I progressed toward the center, the apex of the streets, the light slowly became brighter. At the exact center, laying on the hedge was a large piece of white paper, stuck in place by a twig sticking through the top. In bold print that covered most of the page were the words, For the watcher, and in smaller print below that, read the other side. I pulled the paper loose and turned slightly in order to use the light from the room to read. A voice will speak. Do not move. How very strange I thought to myself just before a voice spoke. It was metallic, small, the receiving unit probably a hand held walkie talkie that kids use, and it came from inside the hedge. It was, as though the speaker were whispering, probably so not to grab the attention of anyone in the house or possibly on the street. As the voice began, the boy appeared in the window facing me, naked, his fully hard cock jutting out in front of him. “He is beautiful isn’t he? See how his cock throbs for you as his balls are making up a new batch of sperms just for you.” The hands appeared, slowly rubbing and tweaking as they snaked downward toward the rampant boyhood. “We like performing for you, showing you our hard cocks, making our sperms squirt out for you.” So, I thought to myself as his hand grasped onto the six inches of boy dick, there are two of them, they know I’m here for them and they do it on purpose. The boy slowly stroked on his cock, holding it upright and using the young boy method of thumb and forefinger only, allowing me to see most of his cock and to watch his smooth balls move gently with each stroke. “Take your cock out, jack off with my brother. He wants to see your sperms, just as you see his.” The blinds moved and the boy ducked his head under them and stood fully upright between them and the pane of glass. He had the same mask as the day before, the eyes clear and intense. “We need to see your big cock, your big fat man balls and your sperms, just like you have seen ours.” I pulled the front of my shorts down allowing my hunk of hard dick free to the cool morning air. “Oh my what a big cock you have. Pull your shorts down further so we can see your big balls.” I did as I was told, wondering where in the hell the other kid was since the one in the window wasn’t doing the talking. I started to look around. “NO! Do not look to find me. If you do the show will be over and will never be again.” Even though it was sharp, the voice remained calm. “Keep your eyes on my brother, he wants to make love for you. He wants you to make love for him, to squirt out your sperms just as he will for you. He is close to his sperming, are you close to yours. He wants you to squirt out your man sperms at the same time he squirts out his fresh warm boy sperms. He is so close, watch his belly muscles.” It was true what the voice said. I watched the flexing of the boy’s stomach muscles as his stroking picked up speed. “Hurry, he is almost there, you must sperm with him.” I jacked furiously on my cock bringing myself to the edge and when I saw the boy’s cum splatter on the window it took my own release to its peak. I groaned out as my cock unleashed a torrent of sperm and jet after jet of ropey cum flew out onto the hedge. “Oh yes, you make lots of sperms. We knew you would. Your man balls are so big they have to make so much sperms for you. See how my brother’s cock keeps spitting at the window. He likes making love with you.” The boy had moved his cock slightly so that each jet landed next to the other and soon there were four thin trails as the liquid slowly started oozing down the expanse of glass. Things were quiet. Both myself and the boy slowed our strokes and finally stopped, our cocks both pulsing with our beating hearts. “We like doing things with you,” the voice began. “We even think that we might want to do things with you, to have you touch our cocks, to let us touch yours. But we haven’t decided. It’s a big step for us to allow you to see us and to know us. We will think about it and we will talk about it. Until then you must not try to see who we are. You must not try to meet us in any way. Nod your head if you understand.” I nodded my head and the metallic voice continued. “That is a good thing. We will keep on performing for you. If you want to shoot your sperms out when you watch us, that is good because it makes us feel closer to you. No one can see you, we made sure of that. You are the only one who can see us, we made sure of that also. Come back in four days. We will show you something izmit anal yapan escort new.” The voice said no more and after about a minutes the lights blinked out and I headed home, my head burning with questions and other thoughts. The next three days I waited with rapt anticipation. I changed my course so as to not even go by the house, just in case. I didn’t even jack off those four days but on that fourth day I woke up with a hard on which was still there after I pissed. For the first time I went out without underwear beneath my walking shorts although I wore a t-shirt that was extra long and had a towel around my neck in case I needed to have something to casually draped across my front. I was sure that the boys had something interesting planned. How could they not have. We’d communicated with each other, albeit they or he, did a majority of the communication. I watched him, or possible them if what the speaker said was correct, stroke his young cock to orgasm, allowing me to watch that most intimate of acts, the release of one’s sperm. And then it hit me. Twins. They had to be twins. I’d seen what, a dozen episodes or more of nudity, full frontal at that. I’d seen the cock from a fairly close proximity any number of times. And I’d witnessed three or four cum shots. At no time before, or then as I thought about it, did I ever notice any difference in their bodies, their cocks not withstanding, although they had been standing. My bad, my pun. But seriously. I was paying attention and always thought of my dancer as one boy, never a thought entered my mind that there might be two of them. At least not until three days before when one talked to me. And he kept saying my brother and we. We like performing for you, we like looking at you. That they were twins answered a hell of a lot of questions. And opened up a hell of a lot more jack off fantasies for me. I approached the house with more butterflies in my belly than inhabit the Amazon and they were all fighting to get out. I stopped my usual place. The lights were off but as soon as I stopped the quiet metallic voice welcomed me. “Good, you are here. We can begin. We have been waiting patiently for you. We imagine that you think that you have figured something out about us. We would say to you, not everything is as it seems. Just when the magician has you believing in one thing, something else comes along and surprises you.” Slowly the light came up on the center window, the only one with a blind open, the others totally blocked out by fully closed blinds. What I saw was a slender and fully naked boys butt. The boy was standing with his back to me, legs opened about three feet apart. He was fairly close to the window so I could only see about six inches above his slender waist. Both hands went to his ass and began rubbing the mounds of flesh, kneading them, pulling them open and closed slightly. He turned to face me, showing me his full on hard young cock which he stroked with tender loving care while the other hand rubbed and pulled on his balls. Then he turned around. Nothing happened for a moment the I saw feet sliding into view on the floor between the boy’s legs. More and more of a body came into view until I saw balls and then another cock. The genitals looked identical to the boy who was still standing. I could tell no difference at all, right down to the size and design of the pubic patches. Of course the new boy’s cock was rock hard, pointing toward the boy’s head and at least two inches off of his flat tummy. He kept sliding until I saw his belly button then the standing boy got to his knees, straddling the chest of the other boy. He was kneeling upright and I could tell that the motion was designed to give me maximum viewing abilities yet protect their faces. The kneeling boy then leaned forward and I assume that he was offering his cock for his brother to suckle. He was in such a position that I could easily see his smooth soft balls hanging between his legs. The boy on the floor reached around and grasped onto his brothers butt and began squeezing the cheeks then pulling them open and allowing me to actually see his brothers tight little asshole, a wrinkled brownish pink muscle, without a hair in sight. I pulled the front of my shorts down and grasped onto my cock and slowly stroked it as the kneeling boy moved upright again then slid farther along the laying boy’s body until his asshole was directly over the other boy’s face. He leaned forward slightly and reached behind himself and grabbed onto a cheek while the lying boy grabbed the other cheek and they pulled them open. The boy on the floor moved downward slightly so that I could see his chin and mouth and then he started licking the other boy’s asshole. They had positioned themselves so that I could actually see the tongue touch the asshole and lick it. The boy licking had grasped onto his own cock and was jacking off as he rimmed his brother’s asshole. “It that hot for you?” The metallic voice whispered. “Do you like watching a boy eat his brother’s tight asshole. Would you like to be the one licking my brothers asshole? It feels so good you know, having my asshole licked. Stroke on your big fat man’s cock. Dream about having your lips on one of these hard cocks, your tongue stuffed up inside a cute boy’s asshole” The boys moved again, the bottom boy sliding back toward where he came from but only long enough for the kneeling boy to turn and face my direction allowing me to see his stiffened young dick. Once in place the other boy shuffled back down until he was under the boy once again. From that position I could see both boys cocks and balls and I swear to all that’s holy I could not tell the difference between them. Both boys began stroking their cocks, slowly at first then picking up speed while the bottom boy licked at his brother’s hole. Both sets of balls were bouncing along with the cock stroking, churning up a vat of sperm and getting ready to release it into the air. “uuungggghhhm, mmmmmm,” I heard from the little speaker. I could hear the heavy breathing that happens with sex then whispered, “Oh yes,” “oh fuck,” oh God.” I stroked even faster, spurned on by the fact that I had been let in even closer, to hear the boys verbalize their extacy. And then, “I’m cuuuuuming,” a voice whispered, barely audible. “Oh fuck me tooooooo,” yet another voice said quietly. Well I was right on their tails cause knowing what they were feeling, that they were gonna blow their young loads took me to the edge. We all came together. The bottom boy’s cum shot out onto his belly as did the kneeling boy, his sperm landing in about the same place as his brother’s, the twins liquid mixing together on one brother’s heaving and flexing tummy. Of course my own cum went into the bushes about where the last batch had gone. Things finally slowed down then stopped. The boy on the floor began moving backwards out of my view and once it was determined he was safe the other boy stood up. The lights dimmed but didn’t go off. The blind was raised a little further and one of the boys walked to the window and stood facing me, all but his head visible. As the light dimmed out another light that was apparently at his feet slowly came on, highlighting the boy’s torso. A second boy came and stood next to the first, and grasped onto his brother’s hand. They stood there a moment, holding hands, allowing me to see their bodies, both cocks still at half mast, sperm slowly running down into one boy’s pubic bush. Their other hands were at their sides. We stayed like that for a moment and once again I was amazed at how identical their bodies seemed. “Remember,” the metallic voice said quietly, “Nothing is as it seems.” From the side another boy side stepped into the picture and grasped onto the hand of the boy he was next to. He was identical to the other two boys, there were no differences that I could see from twelve feet away. Fucking A Jesus jumping Christ. They weren’t twins. They were fucking triplets. I was watching triplets. I continued to look, trying to discern some difference in their bodies, my cock hanging out in the breeze dripping sperm to the ground. I could still not see a single difference between them. They were fucking identical. I could see something in the last boy’s hand, a hand that went up and out of view. “Go home now our friend. Come back in five days.” ***************************************** This story was inspired by the fact that I do walk in the early morning. There are always people up at that time, usually the same ones, usually retired persons, watering a garden before the heat of the day, watching the news or whatever. I got to wondering what it would be like if something like this story were to actually take place. Not twins necessarily or, god forbid triplets, but a person of any age, who decided to put on a show. And so, here you have a story.

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