


Subject: Post Deployment Dad, Part 9 Hey Guys. Thanks for all the emails!! They are still coming in for Jason and Luke, Josh and Wes as well as Michael. It keeps me motivated!! Michael will not be a regular but he makes a reappearance in this chapter. This is a dark chapter but the characters, except for Josh, all come from a dark past at one time or another. All of my stories are pure fiction. From my twisted mind. I guess I lose interest in the stories when you guys seem to lose interest. The more emails the more it keeps me going. So given that my mind has been wrapped around the following scenario. I hope you enjoy it. I’m not your father. You know the laws in your states. You know the chances of diseases. But live your life how you want to on your terms. Life is short. Love. Please support Nifty!! Donate: http://donate./donate.html Where we left them:: They dried off and went out to the kitchen, still nude, looking for the boys. They were both in there having a beer as they prepared steaks for the grill. Josh looked up and said, “Now that all that’s over with when is he moving in?” “All what’s over with son?” Jason smirked. “Sound carries in this house Dad. The biggest question is how are four of us going to fit in that bed?” Josh said. The three guys laughed and Luke just looked around in shock. “Baby, I told you we share everything.” Jason said. Part 9:: Summer was over. The holidays had come and gone. Jason and Josh made the trip to see Pa for Thanksgiving as planned and then Pa and his fiance came to see them for Christmas. Although they stayed in a hotel. Jason had told his dad about the new household and how he had found someone and so had Josh. Pa was happy for them although still not understanding how his stud son and stud grandson had both turned out to be gay. But he saw how happy everyone was and was happy to adopt Luke and Wes as family as well. Josh was coming to the end of his wrestling season as the end of March approached. He would be graduating the beginning of May. Pa and his fiance would be coming back for that as well. Josh was now a young adult. The guys had pretty much paired off. Jason and Luke stayed in the Master Bedroom upstairs and Josh and Wes moved into the Master Suite downstairs. But the playing didn’t end. They all played with each other regularly and never got jealous of each other. They all got along amazingly well. The last Friday in March Josh was coming out of the locker room, after cleaning out his wrestling locker, on his way to his car in the student parking lot. As he got to the car he pressed the truck release on the key fab. He pushed the trunk lid all the way open and then felt a heavy blow on the back of his head. He was out. Josh’s phone, keys and wallet were taken and thrown in the trunk along with whatever he was carrying. The trunk lid was closed and then Josh was taken away. Meanwhile back at home Jason was just getting back from his last appointment that he ever had to go to about his head injury. It was about 4 PM. He was finally certified physically healed. He would still have to see a psychologist for an undetermined amount of time. But he was glad to have the physical part over with. He started to get some steaks out and make a salad. Josh should be home soon from cleaning out his wrestling locker for the last time. He was so proud of Josh’s athletic performance. Winning all but one of his izmit escort meets. The kid was smart and a stud. He’s graduating at the top 3 percentile of his class. A 3.9 GPA. The kid was amazing. Around 5 PM Wes and Luke got home. They car pool into the city together leaving at 6 AM every morning and they both get off around 4 PM. “Where’s Josh?” Wes asked as he came up to Jason and gave him a kiss hello. Luke was right behind him greeting Jason the same way. “I was going to ask you that. I thought he would be home about an hour ago. He didn’t say anything about staying later?” Jason asked both the guys. Wes tried Josh’s cell phone and it rang about 10 times before going to voice mail. “No answer” he said to the others. “He could have forgotten his phone in his car and just stopped off somewhere to pick something up or something.” Luke said. “Not Josh” Jason and Wes said at the same time. Then Jason said, “That kid always calls us. Maybe he met up with a few of his wrestling buddies and lost track of time. It happens. But he’s always so good about checking in.” Jason was almost talking to himself. “I’ll run by the school. If his car is still there I’ll look for him. If it’s not I’ll try to call him again.” Wes said. “I’ll go with you.” Jason said. “Make that three” Luke chimed in. They quickly put dinner in the fridge and set off for the high school in Wes’ jeep. Wes took the road around and behind the school for the student parking lot. When they arrived in the lot there was one car left in it. It was Josh’s. Wes parked a couple spaces away from it. Luke’s military training clicked in. He did a stint as an MP once and decided he didn’t really like it. But the training stuck. “Don’t touch anything guys. Just look. Look close but don’t touch.”, he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. “What the fuck Luke? You think something happened?” Jason asked now frantic. “I didn’t say that. But it’s best to be cautious. Wes, let’s do a quick check of the school’s doors, see if any are still unlocked.” Luke and Wes split up and made their way around to all the doors on this side of the school. Jason remained at the car just looking at it. Wondering where his boy might be. It just isn’t like him. Not at all. He kept replaying all the conversations he could remember having with Josh in the past couple of days. Nothing came to mind about not coming home. Wes and Luke came back and said that everything is locked. “So what do we do now?” Wes asked. His emotions clearly had become full of worry and anxiety. “Well we could call 911. The cops will take a report but won’t consider him missing for 48 hours. Unless….” Luke stopped and started looking around. Then he spotted two CCTV cameras on top of the school. One on each corner of the building. Most schools installed cameras now. He was just hoping these were working. Luke made the call to 911 which made the other two guys go into shock. Both thinking now that something bad could have really happened. But Luke was steady. Not that he wasn’t worried himself but his training to keep his mind clear and on task had kicked in. Usually that passive partner in his relationship with Jason he was now the one in control. He would see them all through this. A Covington squad car arrived 20 minutes later with two officers. Luke introduced himself as the person that called 911 on behalf of Jason Carrigan. He explained the circumstances izmit otele gelen escort about Josh missing to the best of his knowledge and then introduced them to Jason. “Sir, you have no idea where the boy might have gone?” The older one of the officers asked as he was assessing the three men in front of him. One of the shorter guys was in Army fatigues. The father and the other one looked military as well but the one that called had longer hair than regulation. “No sir, this is not like him at all, constantly stays in touch. I always know what he’s doing. We’ve tried his cell phone several times and there’s been no answer.” Jason asked. “Try it one more time for me” the officer asked. Wes got out his phone and called Josh. They all turned to the car in amazement when they heard Josh’s cell phone ring coming from the trunk. “Sir, do you have a key to the car?” the officer said as he put on latex gloves. “I brought the extra set” Wes said. He didn’t even know why he grabbed them when they left but he was glad he did. Jason looked at him surprised but thankful. “Go ahead and release the trunk for me but don’t touch the car” the officer directed. Wes did as asked and the trunk popped open. The two officers immediately went to the trunk and opened the lid the rest of the way with their gloved hands. Then the older officer turned to Jason and asked him to approach the car. Jason looked in and saw Josh’s gym gear, his wallet, his phone and his set of keys all thrown into the back. “He would never leave without his wallet and phone. I could believe that he locked his keys in the car but why wouldn’t he have called us?” Jason said worried. “Now now sir. Maybe he locked his keys in the car and got a ride from someone else” the younger officer said. “But that person would have had a phone. He would have used it and ask us to bring the spare set.” Jason said. The older officer regarded Jason for a moment and then said to the other officer, “Get the principle on the phone. See if there is someone still around to let us in. Maybe we could review the video footage.” Twenty minutes later the principle himself showed up. He was kind of shocked that Josh was the boy missing. He was the most well behaved and reliable student at the school. He went right up to Jason and shook his hand and said, “We’ll get to the bottom of this Mr. Carrigan.” Jason was well known to the faculty. He was the town’s war hero. Captured by the enemy and survived. The town’s paper had printed his story, leaving out the explicit details, but letting the public know that he had been tortured and confined. The principle let them all in the building and they went to the administration offices. In a small room off the reception area was kept the CCTV equipment. The principle cued the video for 3pm and then fast forward level one until they got Josh in the camera. When the time stamp said 3:51 PM Josh was coming out of the door leading to the student parking lot from the locker rooms. They watched as he approached his car with the key fab out. He released the trunk and as he got to the car he lifted the lid the rest of the way. He threw his gym gear in the trunk and was about to close it when someone came from behind and hit him over the head with what looked like a club of some sort. Josh fell into the open trunk. The assailant took Josh’s keys, cell phone gölcük escort and wallet and threw them into the trunk and then lifted Josh up and closed the trunk. The assailant put Josh into a fireman’s carry and walked away from the car to a truck parked on the edge of the parking lot. The truck was hard to make out since it was far away. “We now have a kidnapping on our hands gentlemen. I’m sorry Mr. Carrigan. We’ll get right on this. Does anyone recognize the man that took him?” The older officer said. “It’s Michael. Michael Jefferson. His parents live here in New Orleans somewhere. I’m not sure where. He used to live in the same apartment building as me in the Houston area. I think he just got out of the Air Force.” Wes said with a tinge of anger in his voice. He went into full solider mode. Jason and Luke were just staring at Wes. They knew about Michael. But they never met him. Josh had. “How well do you know this Jefferson character?” the officer asked. “We were friends with benefits. No real relationship besides friends. Not even really all that much of friends. We just had sex.” Wes knew it was best to be honest now. Josh was in danger and nothing else mattered. “I see. How does he know Josh? Or does he?” the officer asked. “Josh went with me to pack up the rest of my gear from my studio apartment at the end of last summer. We stayed there three days. Michael met him only once. I never even heard from Michael again.” Wes said. “Can you think of any reason that he would do this? And reason at all?” the Principle chimed in. “No. I have no idea. Michael wasn’t even in my radar. I haven’t said a word to him since I left that apartment. I have no idea what he wants with Josh. He never seemed sinister in anyway. We were just passing the time together sometimes. Both in the military with no social life.” Wes said. “And what is your relationship to the Carrigan’s?” the officer asked Wes. Jason chimed in now, “Wes and I were captured together in the Middle East. He’s my best friend and lives with us. He’s lived with us almost a year. He’s part of our family. Luke,” he nodded towards Luke, “served with us in the Middle East. He lives with us as well.” he wanted to make it clear to the officers that Wes was as close as he could get to them. “Alright. We’re going to have to go to the station and get this all on paper. We’ll get the details on this Michael Jefferson and find out where his parents live and see what they can tell us. Meanwhile we’ll put out an APB on him and on Josh. He’s 18 so doesn’t qualify for an Amber alert but we’ll get the media on it. I’ve seen your boy wrestle Mr. Carrigan. From what I can tell he’s well liked in this town. I’m sure the whole town will turn out to help you get him back.” the officer then directed everyone to meet him at the station and for the other officer to download the video footage on a thumb drive so that the station’s IT department could go over it. Little did they all know that Michael was taking Josh to Texas. The FBI would soon be involved. Part ten cumming soon! I will revisit other stories and add to them when I figure out where they need to go. Thanks for reading!! Some other stories of mine: http://www.//gay/incest/searching-for-my-identity/ http://www.//gay/incest/when-dad-got-out-of-prison/ http://www.//gay/incest/wildcat/ http://www.//gay/celebrity/lust-in-space/ https://www.//gay/incest/runaway/ https://www.//gay/incest/my-uncles-trailer/ *Please support Nifty*, donations are needed to keep this service going. There is nothing like this out there and it would be a loss to let it go. Anything helps. Go to the Nifty main page to find out fty/donate.html

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