
The Summer of Cam Pt. 03: Leanne/Sherry


* All characters older than 18 *

* I meant to make a note in earlier versions but this is set in the early 90s. No mobile phones at the time.*

Leanne’s car had just pulled up in Sherry’s driveway as I was leaving. We’d last seen each other in Sherry’s lounge room at about 1am that morning, just after Leanne had caught me masturbating (complete with cumshot). Neither of us had really said anything at the time, but I knew she had told Sherry what had happened. Sherry certainly hadn’t been offended (quite the contrary) and now I found myself hoping that Leanne wasn’t either. It was embarrassing enough being caught, but I didn’t have to want to deal with the extra humiliation of having disgusted anyone.

She wound down her window and looked up with a smile.

“Hiya, when did you leave this morning and what are you doing here now?” she asked.

“I woke up early and decided to head home without waking everyone. Besides, I had to do some laundry,” I replied, deciding honesty was the best policy. There wasn’t much to hide in any case. “I came back with the laundry and had a swim.”

“Right,” said Leanne, “about last night, I’m really sorry about sneaking up on you like that, I didn’t mean to spy or peep, I was just coming out to talk to you. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“Well, it is an embarrassing thing, no doubt about it. How about we just move on?” I asked.

“We can do that,” she said and followed up with, “What’s Sherry up to?”

I assumed Sherry was still out by her pool, sleeping off her hangover. It turns out she’d invited Leanne over for a swim in the afternoon. I was now also extremely relieved Leanne hadn’t arrived 30 minutes earlier, or she wouldn’t have just seen me jerking off, she would have seen me and her friend Sherry both masturbating. That would have required some additional explanation.

Leanne wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t really want to wake Sherry. She didn’t know Sherry was nearly naked in all her BBW glory by the pool either. She did want to go for a swim though.

“Do you want to go to the beach?” she asked, “I want a swim but I don’t really feel like hanging out on my own.”

I was nearly ready for a nap myself if I was being honest, but I did find a trip to the beach hard to turn down. I agreed to go along as long as we could stop at my parents house on the way to let them know what was going on. I jumped in her car and we drove off.

Leanne and I had gone to high school together but hadn’t interacted much. We shared some classes in the early years but nothing more recently. Leanne had been a bit of an ugly duckling, but had certainly grown up since. She was wearing a black Guns’n’Roses tee shirt and a pair of denim shorts. Her dark blonde hair was still in two plaits from the night before when she’d been dressed up as a cheerleader. That previous evening I’d been surprised how easily I had gotten along with a crew I felt I hardly knew, although alcohol had been involved as a ‘social lubricant’. On the drive to the beach we chatted about music and GnR who I was a bit surprised Leanne had even heard of, let alone been a fan of. In my mind she had always been a part of a dorky group of ‘outsider’ girls who never said too much and would not be interested in hard rock music.

“Maybe I’m not so different to you,” she observed, “leave the high school bullshit and stereotyping behind, for gods sake.”

That was a good suggestion, particularly as I had been quite a nerd myself, and I resolved to move on and take this new friendship as it happened, without any baggage. We arrived at the beach, grabbed our gear out of the car and walked down to the hot sand. It was crowded with locals and holiday-makers alike. We walked down to the water’s edge where the sand was cooler and firmer and then kept strolling along the beach until the crowd thinned out a little. We dropped our towels and her beachbag where there was some free sand. It was a hot day and after the walk along the beach I was ready to cool off straight away. Leanne was too, “might as well go straight in, hey?” she asked, and then took off her t-shirt.

Again, I had to marvel at how she’d changed. My memories of her when we were 13 or so were of a small barrel-shaped girl who seemed to try to hide from sight. She was now a chubby goddess (if curves were your thing) with very large breasts being held in place by a black bikini top. She quickly removed her shorts to reveal a black bikini bottom too. It wasn’t high cut or anything like that but fit her curves like a glove. She had wide hips and a big ass…nothing like Sherry’s size though (Leanne had a proper waist). ‘A chubby goddess,’ I thought as she walked towards the water.

I quickly stripped off my own shirt and walked quickly behind her, admiring the sway of her hips as she strode through the soft sand. The bikini had ridden up her ass a little, and it was hard to look away. I caught up and we waded into the water together.

“Freezing,” she gasped.

It was cold, not exactly freezing, but cold all the same. I waded in to slightly deeper water and dove straight in. Once I resurfaced I saw Leanne had come out a little deeper, but was Çankaya Escort now hesitating.

“Come on in, it’s magnificent!” I called, slowly swimming back towards her.

“If you splash me I’ll kill you!” she shouted back.

I had no intention of splashing, so I just waited in the chest deep water. Leanne took a few more cautious steps and was now about waist deep, she took a deep breath and dropped down into the water, and then shot back up gasping, spluttering and yelling, “COLD!” I politely suggested it was not that bad and that she was overreacting.

“Fuck you,” was the less than polite response. She ducked back under and then started to swim strongly away from the shore. Precise powerful strokes that propelled her quickly. After about 50 metres she stopped and swam back. Once she got back to me she panted, “too cold, I’m getting out.” I watched as she waded out of the water. The swimming and/or the wading had caused her swimsuit to ride further up her ass, two chubby but firm cheeks now glistening in the sun. Sadly for me she adjusted her suit and then continued up the beach to our towels. After a few more minutes enjoying the cool clear water I followed. She was lying face down on her towel, pale skin already drying. I quickly dried off and put on my shirt before lying on my towel next to her.

For the next 30 minutes we lay there in the sun talking. We chatted about University life, we were at different schools in the same city, and studying for different degrees. We both agreed it was nice to be out of our hometown during the school year, but also nice to be back over summer. We both enjoyed campus life and the freedom that went with it. We had only done about a year of study and so were still in the honeymoon period: enjoying the lifestyle and not stressing about results yet.

I started to feel the sun burning my legs and suggested I either needed some lotion or to find some shade. There was a picnic table in the shade further away from the water so we moved there after she pulled up her shorts and put her Gunners t-shirt on. As we sat down I complimented her plaits and asked if that was going to be a regular thing. Definitely not was the answer, they hairstyle had been purely to accompany last night’s cheerleading outfit. I complimented that outfit as well and got a scrunched up face in return. I reiterated how good it had looked. That drew a comment about men always wanting one thing. I didn’t really have a come back for that and mumbled something about how all the costumes had looked good, which was true.

“Which one were you thinking about while you were masturbating?” she asked, shocking me completely, I thought we’d agreed to let that go.

“Cheerleader of course,” I lied with what I hoped was a convincing smile.

“Liar,” she said.

“I know you told Sherry,” I commented, staying on the subject but trying to steer away from any details on exactly what was going through my mind at the time.

“Ah, yeah, well she wanted to know what happened during the gaps in her memory,” was Leanne’s reply. Sherry had celebrated her 19th birthday in style by getting stinking drunk. Leanne and I had gotten her safely into bed somehow.

“I just told her the basics,” continued Leanne, “I saw you jerking off, you were embarrassed, I was embarrassed, the end.”

“That’s all?” I asked, watching her closely.

“Yeah, I didn’t do details, didn’t tell her how hot it was,” she said, shifting her gaze away from me.

“Pfft, yeah,” I scoffed.

“Anyway, we all do it, right?” she commented, willing to catch my gaze again.

I was sure all guys did, but hadn’t made the same assumption about the other gender.

“I dunno, do we?” I asked, very interested in the way the conversation was now going. I’d realised the previous evening that Leanne had a great sense of humour, now it just kept appearing we had more and more in common.

“Of course,” she replied lightly.

“No-one to scratch that itch for you?” I asked, wondering where this would go.

“That’s none of your business, but no, not at the moment,” she replied with a shrug.

On an impulse I leaned over the table and kissed her on the mouth. It was awkward as I was leaning over a long way, and not very comfortable either, but the kiss felt great. I could taste some sea salt on her lips, which were warm and soft and opened as my tongue probed forwards.

“Mmmm,” she broke off, “come sit next to me.”

I didn’t need to be asked twice and quickly moved to the other side of the table to resume the kiss. As we started making out I felt like a teenager again. Strictly, at 19 I was still a teenager but making out at the beach was a flashback to being 15! My hand moved up to her breast, feeling the weight of it through her shirt and bikini.

“Whoa there big fella,” she murmured and pulled away, “that kiss is devine, but I’m too old to be felt up at the beach on a Saturday afternoon,” she laughed softly and tried to make light of the situation, but there was a flush to her face. I was mostly amused and also frustrated (I wanted to explore those breasts further).

“You’re Keçiören Escort hardly old,” I remarked.

“And I’m in no rush either,” she smiled.

I looked at her face and smiled back, I couldn’t help it, that smile was infectious. She checked her watch and declared it was time for her to go anyway, she had to be home for dinner with her family. I had no idea whether that was the truth or a ‘get out’ clause, so I just helped gather our stuff. We walked back along the beach talking about generally safe topics. Similarly in the car ride home, it was pretty quiet, not at the uncomfortable level but a bit different to the way we’d been on the way to the beach. I didn’t want to push anything and was happy to go with the flow.

As we got to my place she scribbled down her number, told me to make sure I stayed out of trouble, and said to give her a call. I leant in and we shared another kiss. I seriously felt 15 again. I watched her car drive away with a stupid smile on my face and then went inside. After saying hello to my folks and sister I was informed that Sherry had called a couple of times during the afternoon, asking when I was coming over for the ‘afterparty’. I couldn’t believe that it was only last night that the actual party had occurred, it had been a very long 24 hours or so. What was this afterparty anyway?

I called Sherry and she laughed when I asked about the afterparty, “there’s still some beers left, and mum and I don’t drink them, so…” she paused.

“Besides, I’ve been thinking about you and wanted to see you again, I wanted to talk about today.”

I assumed the ‘talk’ was going to be about how we would never mention cumming in front of each other by her pool again. So, after letting my parents know the afterparty was ‘on’, I gathered my gear (again) and walked around to Sherry’s place. Fortunately she didn’t live too far away, it had been a long day. I arrived and knocked on the door. Sherry answered and welcomed me in peeking around the door. She had a big fluffy dressing gown on, “sorry, I’m not long out of the shower, I wasn’t sure if you were going to call back or not, and then I wasn’t sure if you’d come around or not.”

“Well the beer incentive is a strong one,” I joked.

She told me to help myself if I wanted one, and then sat down at the dining room table where there was already a large glass of white wine. I grabbed a beer and joined her.

“I thought you were never drinking again,” I remarked nodding at her wine glass.

“Gotta get back on the horse, isn’t that what they say? Anyway, so sorry about falling asleep like that earlier, can’t believe I did that,” she said, “I was just exhausted after last night and then, well, you know…”

“No problem at all,” I replied, “I know the feeling, cum and go to sleep, I just didn’t realise girls did it too.”

She smiled nervously, looked away, took a deep breath, then a swig of her wine, looked back at me and said, “I want do more, I want to get laid, I want you to fuck me.”

That got my full attention. We’d known each other forever, and I’d never had a sexual thought about Sherry until last night. I also wondered if I might be starting to fall for her friend, which would normally make things more than a little awkward. At that moment though, as a 19 year old with a sex drive befitting a 19 year old, Leanne barely entered my mind: Sherry had asked me to fuck her, and I was up for that.

“Ok,” was all I could think to say in response.

Sherry blinked at me and laughed, “I’m not sure what I thought you’d say…”

She stood up, took a big gulp of her wine and said, “come on then,” and walked down the corridor. I quickly followed her down to her bedroom. There was incense or something burning in there, it smelt warm and fresh. As I walked in she turned and kissed me, it took me by surprise but then very quickly became passionate. She was tall, only a few inches shorter than me. My hands rested on her ass, which felt enormous under her robe. I gave it a squeeze at about the same time she realised my cock was rapidly becoming erect.

“Mmmff,” she moaned into my mouth, fumbling at my shorts, trying to get a hand inside. I stepped back from her grip and pulled my shorts down, cock springing free, fully hard now. I quickly took off my shirt as well. As I was dropping it on the floor she grabbed my member and stroked it a few times.

“Feels so hot,” she murmured, continuing to stroke it. I undid the belt on her dressing gown and pushed it back over her shoulders, baring her large tan breasts. Her dark brown nipples were erect and I bent over to lick one. Her skin was clean and smelt of some type of bodywash. She let go of my cock and stood back to fully remove her gown. She was naked underneath, and my cock twitched at the sight of her. 5-11, tan, longish brown hair, brown bush, and big all over: fat thighs, fat belly, fat tits.

“Goddamn,” I exclaimed under my breath.

She suddenly seemed self-conscious of her body and tried to cover up (it was a lot of flesh to try and cover).

“No, I want to see you,” I said, and she nodded. Etimesgut Escort She lay down on her back on her bed and spread her legs a little. I moved next to the bed and she again grabbed my cock and stroked it. At the same time I moved my hand to her pussy. She spread her legs further as my finger slipped through the dense bush of crinkly hair and found her slit, which was sticky and hot. She moaned loudly as my finger slid up and down her opening, teasing her.

“Fuck me,” she demanded, letting go of my member and scrabbling in her bedside table before bringing out a condom which I quickly opened and rolled onto my cock. She lay back and I got on my knees between her legs which were now spread wide. I slowly pushed the head of my cock into her pussy where it went in about an inch and kind of stuck. She reached down and spread her lips a little and then grabbed me to adjust my angle, and then I slid further in. She gasped and grabbed my back. I withdrew and pushed further in, and in another stroke was buried full length inside her. She was hot and tight and was still clutching my back. I withdrew fully, the condom was coated in her sticky juices. I realigned and pushed back in, watching my shaft slowly entering her pink slit. Her legs had spread wider under my weight and I admired the view. My cock twitched deep inside her and she moaned again, “Fuck me.”

I started pumping in a steady rhythm and could hear sticky sucking sounds as I slid in and out. Her whole body started moving in time with my thrusts, belly and tits moving in slow waves. It was mesmerising. I increased my speed and the waves through her body also started moving more quickly. She grabbed her tits to stop them moving so violently. Sherry was now letting out little “oh” sounds each time I thrust into her. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were flushed. I was close to cumming and at this point was selfish enough to want my own release.

“I’m going to cum,” I grunted and her eyes opened and fixed on my face.

Now I was pounding hard, it wasn’t just our bodies moving, the bed was creaking too. Thank god we had the house to ourselves, hopefully the bed would hold together. As I again admired the waves propagating through her luxurious flab I started to cum, and thrust deep and then held as my cock pulsed inside her. Her arms went to my shoulders as she watched my face and said, “my god that feels good,” in a low voice. All my weight was on top of her now, resting on her mass. I knew she hadn’t had her own orgasm, and I wanted to get her there. I slid out of her and moved back down and half off the bed so I could reach her pussy with my mouth. I could smell her, it smelt hot and wet and like pure sex, and then a second later I could taste her under my tongue.

Her body jumped as I clumsily stuck my tongue in, getting a combination of hair and pussy juice in my mouth. I had little experience at this and hoped my enthusiasm would make up for it. Her hands quickly appeared in my limited field of vision and spread her lips open a little so I could get better access. I found her clit and focussed on that. Judging by her moans getting louder and more frequent I assumed I was on the correct course. I wanted her to cum and kept at it, smelling and tasting Sherry’s slick wetness. Her hands then moved to my head, guiding me and increasing pressure. I could feel the muscles in her thighs start to tense and the moans became a long, loud, drawn out, “ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” as Sherry came, body shuddering.

As she slowly started to come down I backed off the bed completely and stripped the condom off my softening cock. The bed had survived but wasn’t really big enough for the two of us to lie on comfortably. I lay down next to her anyway, the bed creaked as she moved over as far as she could. I could feel the heat coming off her body as we spooned and talked softly for a while. This post-fuck chat could have been awkward given we’d known each other since we were little kids, but she was to the point and honest.

She wanted to know about my sexual history. That didn’t take too long: I had lost my virginity at University in the year just gone, and had been with the one girl four times before it ended (a story for another day). Sherry’s history was even shorter, one unsatisfactory fumbling encounter in the dark backseat of a car, “nothing like what just happened,” she said, pushing her ass back against my crotch slightly. I took that as an invitation and reached around to fondle her breast, finding a nipple to tease. She sighed and pushed her ass back harder. My cock was starting to slowly stiffen, growing against her ass.

“Yes please,” she said in a low growl and stretched, knocking me half off the bed, which I got off and then stood next to. She rolled over onto her stomach and dragged herself over to where I was standing, inches from my semi-erect cock, which had thickened and was hanging heavily. She reached out and kissed the head, taking it gently into her warm wet mouth. She started sucking on me, before taking more into her mouth. It wasn’t long before I was fully hard again, and she gagged as she tried to take more and more in. With watering eyes she withdrew a little and kept sucking my head. I couldn’t take my eyes off her huge ass as I looked down at her, it was wobbling slightly as her head moved up and down. It was tan, and vast, and had some slight cellulite dimples. I didn’t know if I wanted to slap it, bite it, bury my face in it, squeeze it with two hands or fuck it…or all of the above.

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