
A Confession from Katie Ann

Big Tits

Dear Readers, finally here’s my twentieth story in a twenty year span on Literotica. Thanks to all of you that have read or commented on them, along with your words of encouragement.


We had had a busy day, all told. I’d found Katie Ann a harrow over in the next county at the start of summer. I’d replaced a gang of bent discs on it today and adjusted the hitch to work with her tractor better. Next year, working the garden would be a lot easier.

She’d worked in the loft, pulling hay bales over to one side so we could begin reflooring a section that was soft from an old roof leak. Together we put the new boards to be used up above, passing up all thirty of them one by one.

It had been smart to wait until lumber prices fell. My business had tailed off, what with the virus and now real estate plummeting. People were still getting married, but Kate’s wedding planning business had taken a hit too. In the mountains, things normally ran at a slower pace, but ominous clouds always seemed to be on the horizon now.

On the other hand, her farm was the better for it and I enjoyed coming over and doing simple things that actually mattered. The sun still shone, like it did today, dappled light on Kate’s hair, smudge on her cheek, sweat on her brow. It was easy to imagine her as a frontier woman, toting firewood, a shawl over her shoulder, cabin in the background. There’d be venison for dinner, straw ticking for a mattress for when night fell, lovemaking as the cicadas sang…

“Bunkie, hey. Did you hear me? I said do you want leftovers or we’ll clean up, go into town for dinner. I need to know what you feel like.” Modern Day Frontier Woman was speaking, knowing I was daydreaming, as is my wont.

I pulled off my mule skinners and tucked a stray lock behind her ear. We were beginning to act like old marrieds. It takes time to get all the hints and signals down, years mostly. It helped that we’d known each other a long time, lunched together, laughed together before the hidden parts of our souls came out to play.

“Stay in, maybe?” I asked, “As long as it’s just something simple to warm up?”

“We’ll dig around in the freezer when we go in. Just remember, I’ve got a peach cobbler for dessert, Okay?”

That was a relief. Kate had gotten a battery operated car, (read small) and I’d come over in the Jeep which now was not a good match for my achy back. I latched the barn door and put my arm over her shoulders. She snuggled in and for a few moments we watched the breeze blowing the laurels and the weeds along the fence. Shadows from cloud frigates ascended the mountains, bluish in the distance and a neighbor’s dog barked.

She looked up at me, her brown eyes calm and peaceful. “What were you thinking about inside the barn?”

“You. I dunno, the you of maybe two hundred years ago, a settler clearing the woods. You had a smudge on your face like you do right now.”

“I do? Well. It gives me character, I say.” In a softer voice, “I think you looked very studly working on the plow thing and handing up the lumber. It’s nice to have a big man around to do things, especially you.”

She patted my arm, watching me grin. “C’mon, let’s dig in the freezer.”


We were at the stage where we had stayover clothes at each other’s houses, toiletries and necessities for most occasions. I was shaving in the upstairs shower, letting the water beat on my back and smelling pasta wafting up from the kitchen.

There is something so settling, so comforting existing in spare moments like that. You know you’ll always want to treasure them and to draw on them in trying times or even in mundane moments.

She yoo hood up the stairs, breaking my reverie, me still half shaved.

Leftover lasagna is better than firstover lasagna sometimes. It depends on how starveling you are as to how much better the food tastes.

Katie Ann still took bubble baths and liked to soak. She liked to be read to, just a chapter or so. Tonight it was Byron instead of Bronte, something in keeping with a claw foot tub, tiled floor with the windows propped open with dowels. Millars and moths banged against the screens, attracted by the candles near the stool I sat on.

An arm would emerge out of the foam from time to time, loofah in hand. Her eyes were dark in the dim light by the tub, the mass of her auburn hair pinned up, shoulders sometimes bared, but never more.

It’s not that I hadn’t seen her nude, but not here. She had called me in after arranging herself in the suds, not before. I liked the fact that she had modesty. I had learned that getting every stitch off of her required ambition and lots of passion.

“You quit reading sir. Can’t pronounce a word, huh?”

“Dead to rights, girl. I was just thinking…”

“No, you were off in Bunkie-Bunk land. But they know you there. But do tell!”

“Well, the fact of the matter is, er, ahem, that I’ve never seen you in less than dishabille in daylight.”

“Was that in the book, or are you really Bursa Escort talking like that?” She frowned, concentrating. “What was that dish word again?”

“I was caught up in the book, sorry. But I meant I’ve never seen you starkers, I mean nude in the daylight.”

“Starkers? STARKERS? My God, you’re a SCREAM.” Katie whooped, laughing so hard that the water slapped in the tub. She gasped out, “Off to Windsor with you, my dear man. (Pointing to the door) Let this auld dowager emerge and attend to her toilette!” She whooped again. “So starkers is it?”

Sometimes I don’t know why I say or do the things I do. I did know we were going to have to find American literature for the main floor bath.


We’d ended up in the den, on the couch across from the old upright piano standing by the window. An evening breeze had picked up, swaying the curtains and letting the pulls bang against the sash. I’d just put on a light robe and was musing over the day’s events when Katie came in carrying a pillow to prop up with. “Do you want dessert now or after while? I’d need to warm it a little.”

“Oh hon, I don’t think you need any warming. You’ll do just as you are.” Indeed, Katie Ann had selected a silk teddy under a light cotton robe.

“That’s sweet M’lord. (Sly grin) In which case I’ll put the cobbler back up. Maybe a brandy?”

I’d finished pouring the snifters when she reappeared, not wearing the robe. I asked if the sleepwear was new and that I liked it.

“Oh, you noticed,” she took a sip, “This one’s new. I took a chance and bought it online. I have some others but they’ve been in a drawer a long time and don’t fit right anymore.”

“Over time, things shrink,” I smiled.

She looked pointedly below my waist. “Hopefully not everything, but thank you.” She patted her belly. “I once was a skinny thing, but time and three kids…you know. I think staying active all the time plus working sometimes like I did today keeps me from blimping out.”

She paused, settling on the couch opposite me, swinging her legs up. “Anyway, enough of that. I do want to tell you something, something that happened in my past. It’s not something that I’d forgotten, but it came back up in my memories after your comment in the bathroom.” She stuffed the pillow behind her and wiggled around.

I felt awkward in that perhaps my comments had made her uncomfortable even though she’d burst out laughing. Nonplussed was the word I was looking for for how I felt. “Katie, I’m sorry if I got out of lane there. I was just kinda, I dunno…”

“Absent?” She chuckled, “No, I’m good with all that, believe me. You can be so hilarious sometimes and you’re best at it when you’re not even trying. I have to say, starkers really got me. You’re just a big goof.” She took a draught of brandy. “Ah, that’s better. I have a little story for you, a true one that happened a long time ago. Comfy?”

I nodded, wondering what was to come. Outside, the crickets were chorusing now that night had closed in and the moon began its travels.

Katie Ann’s Story

“After my husband got more religious, (And furious when I cut my hair) he moved me out of our bedroom and that was that. My boys were puzzled but young and they got used to the new normal faster than I did. I would have taken them and cleared out, but Ray was a good father and that counted.

In those days years back, we had lots of livestock and Ray started breeding certain cattle lines and doing well. We were able to afford some help to keep it a going concern. A young man named Hansa worked at some of the farms as needed and was known to be a good, reliable worker. He put in that fence behind the smokehouse when we expanded the side pasture.”

She stopped, collecting her thoughts. “Oh, that fence. The boys were off at school and I was cleaning the upstairs when I glanced out the window and saw Hansa using post hole diggers, working hard. He’d stripped off his shirt and I could see the top of his red boxers above his jeans. His hair was tied back and his muscles just rippled as he worked. I got caught up watching him. Ray and I hadn’t been as one for nearly two years by then and suddenly it just came over me like a wave! My heart was beating hard and I was actually gasping while I watched from the window, looking down at him. People know when they’re being watched. He stopped to wipe his face and glanced up and saw me before I could back away! Our eyes met and he waved. God, I was so embarrassed! I turned and rushed out of the room.

I felt so perverted for lusting. I was flushed and aroused but scared at the same time that Hansa would say something to Ray and I’d never hear the end of it.

I thought about that boy at night and I thought about him when I took my bath. The only time I almost came was there. I’d leaned my head back, (Oh yes!) soaping myself and thinking about sex with Hansa and I felt myself starting to come. Cody, my youngest, banged on the door. He needed to go pee, so that ended that.”

Katie Bursa Escort Bayan Ann twirled her snifter, lost in reverie.

I got up and poured. “That’s quite a story Katie. I remember some of the circumstances about you and Ray. Trying times. But I love learning about you and your life.” I sounded pedantic even to my own self. Inside I was dumbfounded by her confession. I don’t know why I was so caught off guard. All of us have fantasies, even Katie.

She took a sip, then turned around, placing the pillow on my lap. She stretched out and laid her head down, gazing up at me, her eyes dreamy and luminous. “Brandy makes me woozy, amongst other things.” She smiled, perfect pearlies flashing, dimples on her cheeks. “You see, there’s more to this story. I just don’t know how much to tell. How much might I regret it when I’m in a clear frame of mind. Watching you today doing manly things, watching your hands, is quite stimulating. At least it is to me. Of course I’ve been out of circulation for so long, what’s to compare?”

I smiled down at her and placed my hand across her belly.

She sighed. “There’s some serious things I want to say to you at some point Big ‘un. We’ve known each other for how long?”

“When you started your business, what, almost seven years now.”

She took my hand and pulled it to her breast. “And all that time you were a perfect gentleman, which was alternately good and bad. I started thinking romantic things about you years ago, but small town gossip, lots of work in churches. Just a lot of huh-uhs you know. Now here you are in my old farmhouse touching my boob and looking all handsome and freshly shaved.”

Katie pulled my hand away and sat up for another sip. “Gotta get my woozy just right,” she explained, reclining once again. “You can resume, sir.”

I traced from her belly up to her orb, cupping and admiring the heft.

“Rub the silk against my nipple. I LOVE how that feels. Mmm Hmm, like that. I can feel that in two places at once!” Throaty chuckle.

I smoothed the material across her breast, feeling her auriole crinkle, the nipple hardening. I smiled, remembering her flashing me one day when I was on the tractor in the north field.

“Do tell lover, or is it a secret?”

I chuckled. “I never expected you to bare ’em out in the field. I about wrecked the tractor!”

“Oh, but that was calculated.” She gave me a dopey smile.

“What do you mean?”

Katie arched her back, pushing into my hand. “Ok, now rub my other one the same way. Mmm. Anyway, I wanted to see your reaction, to know for sure if you were attracted to me or just liked my tractor. (Laughs) That sounded silly, but anyway, your reaction told me all I needed to know.” She knitted her brow.

I looked over at the decanter. “Need more wooziness?”

“No, I think I need to be kissed. THAT would be very nice.”

I complied, gathering her head and shoulders, cradling her in my arms. She tasted of brandy, breath sweet as our lips met, hers soft and full. We lingered, unhurried, kissing deeply as my hand roamed afield, discovering and enjoying.

At last, I laid her back down.

” I think something is poking into the pillow a little bit.” She reached up, finding me erect. “Liked the kissing, huh? Bad old robe won’t let him out, but I can.” In a moment, my member was released, evident between pillow and robe.

Katie Ann curled her fingers around it, tugging gently. Then, turning her head, those same soft lips kissed me again, eliciting a moan from me as she slowly pulled me into her mouth, sucking and tonguing. I felt my balls tighten and myself harden even more as her caress brought me to the belly tingling stage.

She had panties on. I could feel them through the silk. And I could feel the fluffiness of her pubic hair underneath. My seductress laid one leg up against the back of the couch, allowing me access to her pleasures. I trailed a finger ever so gently down, pushing silk against cotton. She shivered and grabbed my hand.

Turning her head back to face me, she said, “This mustn’t end too soon. I’ve decided to tell you more of my story, if you want to hear it.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Those angel lips had been only seconds from detonating me, soft, warm, wet…

“Ray did chores, then hitched up the boat one Saturday morning and took the boys fishing at Carters Lake, just catch and release, then planned to bring pizza home that night. Hansa would be coming over to fix a wall in one of the outbuildings. For me, it was like a mom’s day off. I’d been looking at cake recipes in Southern Living and found one to try. I’d gotten out the flour and sifter and laid out butter to warm when Hansa tapped on the window at the kitchen door.

I went over and let him in. He’d gotten a splinter in the back of his shoulder from a post out in the corn crib and asked if I had any tweezers. He kept looking at me.

I’d only dressed for the kitchen. The sun pours through the window over Escort Bursa the sink and what with the oven going, oh… so I’d put on an old half buttoned blouse, no bra, a wrap skirt, nothing under, hadn’t washed my hair and no make up.”

I interjected, “So you’re saying you looked like a haint, right?”

Katie laughed, “Yeah, it wasn’t like a glamor moment for me at all! Plus, I was heavier then. After Jody, I had trouble slimming back down for some time.” She pursed her lips, thinking back.

“I made him take off his shirt while I went and got things out of the bath. It WAS a jagged thing, like a pine spear. He wouldn’t have gotten it all out, so I sat him down where I could see it and got to work. Touching his arms and shoulders was heaven for me. I’d thought about it at night and now here I was, getting all turned on. We talked a little of this and that, but after a while he became quiet. I was now more in front of him, dabbing the spot with mercurochrome, splinter out in one piece when I saw I was giving him a show.”

She sighed, looking up at me. “I can stop if you want. I clearly wasn’t on my best behavior that day.”

“I’m intrigued, honest. Please don’t stop!” To hear of her naughtiness was just unbelievable. I waited.

She took my hand in hers, patting. “Ok. Umm, he was looking right down my blouse as I leaned over. He had this really hungry look on his face and it was for me. I was astonished, really, I was.

I didn’t try to hide myself and button up. As I finished putting the band aid on Hansa, he just reached up and unbuttoned the other buttons. I didn’t stop him either. I pulled his head to my breasts and we just stayed like that for a moment. He held them and then kissed them and suckled them. My thighs were even wet. I reached over and unzipped him. He had to help in the end. He got up and I unbuckled him and got him out.

He was bigger than Ray and after so long without it, I had concerns. But I needed it and right then I wasn’t thinking about the morrows. I was shaking because I was scared and wanting him, all at the same time.

I took his hand and pulled him back to my bed. Without a word, I laid down crosswise, pulling up my skirt, putting my feet flat and spread my knees. I opened myself with my hands, rubbing my wetness around. It was extra slicky because I was ovulating and probably extra hot inside too. All I do know is that he pushed his pants down and got up over me.”

She chuckled. “He slid right in and I felt him fill me and I came like a teenager, over and over until I was crying. But I still wanted more. He came too, but kept going. It wasn’t a fancy fuck, sorry, loving, but it was the best fifteen minutes of my thirties.”

During the last part of the narrative, Katie had been lazily running her fingernails up and down my shaft. At the last, she licked her fingers and handed me hard and fast. Her nipples were hard as nubbins, breasts swollen, her air coming in gasps. I was teasing her slit, up then down, making her buck.

“But you know, the whole, oh GOD yes, feels so good… what I’m saying, yes, Mmm Hmm, is that I never got naked, never planned…it, oh I want to suck you!”

Just imagining Katie getting pounded like that was exciting. Hearing her tell it was about to send me over the edge. Had I let her suck on me, it would be over in seconds. I gasped, “What happened then?”

She stilled my hand and hers, chest heaving. “He got off me and offered me his hand. We got up, he zipped up and I stuck a washcloth between my legs. I remember buttoning my blouse back up and pouring us some ice water out of the fridge. Then he left to do chores. That was it.” She sat up and reached for her snifter. “D’you think I was awful?”

“No, you’re naughty, no doubt. You’re kind of a stealth lover.”

“A stealth lover? What’s that?”

“I think of the time you sucked me at the edge of the bed while you masturbated under the covers or when we had the picnic in the loft but you didn’t want me to see you go up the ladder without your panties on. You ambush me with unexpected tittie displays and, I dunno, things like this.”

“Is that bad, Bunkie?” Katie was looking at me carefully now.

“Just the opposite. It’s kinda like Christmas and never running out of gifts.”

She smiled. “I think younger folks miss out on a lot these days, ‘course we did too. Ah, I did anyway. You’ve had some wild times yourself after your kids grew up and Marie moved to Italy.”

“A few, granted. But I haven’t had fulfilling times with someone in years, not until you came along. I’ve thought about you for a long time too. I mean like looking over at you at Chamber meetings and lunches at the American Legion. I got to where I looked forward to Wednesdays, because I had an hour with you.”

Katie Ann shook her head, hand to mouth giggling. “You’re a smaltz, you know that? I mean, you really are, good gosh! But adorably sweet. But we’re skating around the L-word now and we haven’t said it yet and I don’t want to be first because I’m stealthy!” More giggles. “Anyway, more brandy for my woozies por favor.”

I poured a little in the bottom of her glass to accommodate her. She wasn’t used to serious drinking and I never wanted her to be. One of us was enough to bear that cross.

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