
A Familiar Costumer Ch. 03


Disclaimer: All characters in this fictional story are 18 years old or older.

A familiar costumer (3/3)

John felt sick. He was lying on his bed, his eyes closed, trying not to think about the absurd situation he had put himself into. But his mind kept wandering back to that moment. Let’s call it a family discount she had said. John had been in a haze at the time, still in the afterglow of having just busted his balls all over his mother’s tongue.

The implications of those words had only began to sink in when he had stepped out onto the street. They confused him, more than anything. Did she know who he was? And if so, why had she not exposed him? In fact, if she really knew, why had she still given him a blowjob? Or had she meant nothing by it, and he was racking his brain pointlessly?

He had spent the whole bus ride home thinking about it, panicking even. And yet, several hours later he could still not make any sense of it, whichever way he turned it in his head. His mother had not yet returned, and he was dreading the moment she would step through the front door.

Several scenarios were playing out in his head. Maybe she’d kick him out of the house. He’d be homeless. Or worse, he’d go to jail. He took a deep breath, trying to get his head out of the panic spiral he was falling back into again.

“If she knew, she would have exposed me then and there,” he thought, trying to calm himself. “Also, she wouldn’t have sucked me off if she thought the guy on the other side might be me, right? Right?”

It was too confusing. Her words could be misconstrued in any way. Maybe she had meant that he was just very young compared to her, when she had said he could be her son, not in the literal sense of the words. Maybe she had been fishing for a reaction, and just tried to get him to slip up. Expose himself as the pervert he was.

The thought made him giggle uncontrollably. He had exposed himself all right. The giggle turned into an outright laughing fit and he almost fell of his bed as his body shook with each wave of laughter. All the stress seemed to melt away at that moment and he suddenly felt very tired. Tears were running down his face, he couldn’t tell whether he was crying from laughter or fear. He was so very tired

When the front door did eventually open, he only faintly recognized the sound, somewhere deep in his subconscious, as he was fast asleep by then. It filled his dreams with giant doors, opening in front of him though he was unable to ever glimpse past them into the next room. No matter how close he got, the door always seemed to be one more step away, on the verge of opening fully.

Suddenly the door frame zoomed past him and he fell into a pitch-black room. He heard his mother’s voice, singing a lullaby from his childhood, coming from the door he had just passed through. He wanted to go back but a huge shadowy mass was trying to get through the half-closed door, blocking his way. He turned and ran. He knew the shadow was after him.

His mother’s voice was getting ever more silent, drowned out by the loud revving of an engine. John could feel the heavy footfall of the shadow behind him. He didn’t dare turn around. It almost had him. He knew. He looked over his shoulder anyways and was blinded by glaring head lights. He screamed as the shadow tackled him.

John woke with a yelp. His heart was beating like a drum in his chest. Looking around he realized he had fallen out of his bed. His rib cage was aching, so, he climbed back into his bed and sat on the side. Already the dream was fading. He shook his head trying to banish the disturbing pictures.

A look out the window told him it was still early morning. He took a few minutes focusing on his breath and his heartbeat until he felt calm and collected. Then, with a hammer blow, he remembered the events of the night before and all his collectedness went out the window along with his calmness.

What was he going to do? He had expected his mother to waken him up when she eventually would have come home. Was she waiting for him downstairs right now? He was doing it again, he realized.

“One step at a time,” he told himself, and got up to listen at his door. Nothing.

Being very careful not to make any sound he cracked open the door and peered out into the hallway. It was deserted, but he now could hear the radio playing down stairs, and the smell of bacon wafted around his nose. Suddenly he realized how hungry he was. He had completely forgotten to eat something in all the excitement of yesterday’s events.

John sighed. There was nothing for it. He couldn’t hide from his mom forever. So, he changed into something fresh and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Trying not to look suspicious he mustered all his confidence and walked into the room. His mom was already up, and in a hurry as usual. With one hand she was trying to spread butter on a toast, while simultaneously scooping coffee powder into the coffee Girne Escort machine with the other.

John couldn’t help but laugh when she catapulted the toast on to the floor, and immediately earned a severe look from her.

“Oh, so you think that’s funny, huh,” she asked sarcastically, “How about you help me instead of just standing around uselessly, gaping at your mother! I gotta get to work!”

John forgot all about his fears for the moment as the immediate danger of his mother not getting her morning coffee was to be avoided at all costs. Only after he had set the table for them and they were settling down for breakfast proper did his mind return to his pressing concerns.

The fact she hadn’t just confronted him calmed him a little bit. But he still had his suspicions.

“So, you got home late last night,” he probed carefully, “had a fun evening?”

He eyed her suspiciously trying to catch anything she might be concealing.

But his mother was unreadable as she replied “Yeah, I went for a bite with some colleagues of mine. The food was amazing, I almost choked.”

John thought he could make out a slight grin on her face but he wasn’t sure. He was preoccupied not spitting out his own food at her remark anyways. Was she testing him?

“How do you know when I got home anyways,” she suddenly asked, turnig the question around on him. “I thought I told you not to wait for me?”

John got the distinct feeling she was examining his face for any trace of a reaction so he quickly stuffed it with a large bite of his sandwich to give himself a moment to think.

After swallowing he replied “I didn’t, not really. You hadn’t come home yet when I went to bed. So, I just assumed, sorry.”

He gave her an innocent smile, which she returned after a moment.

After taking a sip of her coffee she declared “I actually met someone yesterday. He reminded me a lot of you.”

John felt his chest tighten as his heart began to pound.

“Did you? Who is he, maybe I know him,” he asked, trying to sound conversationally.

Not missing a beat, she replied “Oh, I didn’t catch his name unfortunately, but he had a really good taste. In clothes I mean.”

This time John couldn’t hide his reaction and he spluttered into his coffee. Trying to salvage the situation he tried playing it off as laughter, though he wasn’t sure how convincing his performance was.

His mom unerringly continued “No, really. It was worthy of kneeling.”

John simply continued to laugh and he thought he saw a grin on her face before she joined him in laughter.

“Well, sounds like a fun night out, mom,” he replied when he calmed down, still keeping the smile on his face. His inside was in complete turmoil. Was she testing him, or was she just having fun? He had no idea.

“For sure,” his mother said with a naughty grin on her face, and John noticed her staring into the middle distance as though she was reminiscing about something.

Then she snapped out of her trance and, looking at her watch, exclaimed “Damn, I gotta hurry. Do you mind cleaning up?” Then she apologetically added “Sorry, I really gotta go.”

“No, worries mom,” John replied, then he quickly added “Run along”

His mom had already turned her back on him so he couldn’t see her face, but he thought he saw her tense for a moment. He wasn’t sure though, as she didn’t reply and just waved over her shoulder as she hurried out the door.

John laid back on his chair. He felt like he had gotten no step closer to the truth.

“Well, that’s not entirely true,” he reminded himself. He was pretty certain, that his mom didn’t know for sure she had been blowing him twice a week, though he guessed she was suspecting it. But the fact, that that wasn’t enough to stop her drove him wild. In fact, if their last encounter was anything to go by it had spurred her on even.

John felt his dick harden at the thought of his mom willingly pleasuring him, without any wall between them. The idea shook him to his core in a way he had not anticipated. He had never even considered this eventuality. Now, he had to know.

A plan formed in his mind. Weeks later, when reflecting on this moment John still wouldn’t quite believe he had actually gone through with it. After the fact it sounded incredibly stupid, and it was. His only explanation was that he had gone temporarily insane, driven by hormones and stress.

He spent the day preparing for everything with manic determination to see his plan through to the end. Any thoughts of failure or repercussions had been banished to his subconscious, where they silently rumbled, not quite gone but intangible nonetheless.

When he was finally done, he wiped the sweat of his brow and decided it was time for a shower. Stinking like bunch of construction workers certainly wouldn’t help his chances and he had a bit of time before his mom would return from work.

The hour turned late and Magosa Escort the sun had already fallen below the horizon when John rose up from his bed, recognizing the engine sound pulling into the drive way. A minute later he heard the door opening downstairs, followed by steps and shuffling in the hallway.

Then the familiar voice of his mother yelled “I’m home.”

John swallowed and tried to keep his voice steady as he replied “I’m in my room.”

The shuffling continued for a while as John suspected his mother was shedding her Jacket and shoes. Then steps were audibly coming up the stairs and past his room. John tiptoed to his door and opened it a crack to see his mother vanish in the bathroom. He grinned, so far so good. Now came the risky part.

With a pounding heart John approached the bathroom door and listened for a moment. He could hear his mother unzipping her skirt and then sitting down. Too early. Trying to calm his heart beat he tried not to think about what he was going to do next. It was impossible, his dick was practically piercing his jeans.

He unzipped them in preparation and whipped his cock out, slowly stroking it while at the same time listening at the door. When he heard his mother shut off the faucet, he decided it was time. With a pounding heart he reached out his hand and knocked twice on the door. Then he pulled the wooden plug out of the hole he had drilled into the door and slowly pushed his dick through it.

The following silence almost drove him insane. In his mind the moment stretched into infinity. He began to wonder how long he had been standing there. At this point it must have been an hour. Then suddenly a voice rang out from behind the door.

“Well, to say I’m surprised wouldn’t be quite right,” the voice stated.

John didn’t reply, there was nothing to say.

“I mean, who would have thought that the silent boy was my boy?”

He wasn’t sure if she was mocking him or just talking out loud to herself. Either way it made his heart pound even harder, and he began to wonder if this had been a mistake.

Suddenly the voice was a lot closer to the door as she asked rhetorically “Oh who am I kidding?”

As he felt her familiar touch around his hard cock he moaned. He wouldn’t restrain himself any longer and the cat was out of the bag anyways.

“That’s it, honey. Let mommy take care of you,” she purred as her hand began to stroke up and down his dick.

John closed his eyes, placed his hands on the door frame and began to relax into her hand, mirroring her motion with his hip.

“There you go,” she almost whispered.

Then John groaned again as a familiar warm moistness engulfed his member. From the other side of the door a responding moan sounded and John felt his mother tenderly sucking the tip of his dick. Slowly, deliberately. They had all the time in the world now.

“Mhhh, mommy loves your cock, honey,” his mother moaned through the door, only to return her mouth to his dick a moment later. But there was no haste in her movement, this time there would be no quick finish. She began to tenderly fellate his cock, caressing every spot of skin with her tongue. Slowly she bobbed her head along the length of his dick, moaning lustfully, bathing in the forbiddenness of the moment.

John was in heaven, this was everything he had hoped for, and more. He felt he was already close, but he wanted to stretch the moment longer. As if reading his mind, he felt his mother’s mouth slip from his cock.

“Now, now, I’m not going to let you off that easy,” she seductively whispered and giggled, her hand still gently stroking his dick.

John grinned and then broke his silence for the first time deliberately, suggesting “Maybe I should come in and join you, mom. It sounds like you are having fun in there.”

“You think so, huh,” his mom answered in a playfully doubtful voice, not letting go of him. “And what might I get out of this?”

“Oh, I’m sure I could think of something,” John replied slyly, “I think I got a 50$ bill in my pocket.”

“If that ain’t a worthy prize,” his mother replied mockingly. “But I think I’ll waive your fee this time, family discount and all that,” she added as John felt her hand release her grip on him.

Then the door began to open and John was reminded of his dream but no dark figure awaited him. Instead, the slender body of his mother was kneeling in front of him. She had tossed her skirt and blouse to the side only wearing a lacy black bra and a string.

She cocked her head and looked at him coquettishly, then teased “What are you waiting for, tiger?”

John wouldn’t be asked twice, he quickly rid himself of all his clothes, then stepped into the room. His mom just watched him with a naughty grin on her face as he approached. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of his next step.

His mother pounced immediately “Oh, I see. All promises, but no follow through.”

She laughed and John was Kıbrıs Escort taken aback when she continued more reassuringly “Mommy’s got a big mouth, hasn’t she?” Then as if she was seriously pondering the question she wondered “Maybe her boy has something to shut her up with?”

John looked down at her, his dick was right in her face, but she just smiled at him. He grinned back at her, then he grabbed the sides of her face, gently but firmly, and pulled her open mouth onto his cock. She didn’t resist as he began to slowly face fuck her. At first his movements were slow and deliberate. Then he became more confident, shoving his dick deeper down her throat. All the while they held eye contact, the lust in her gaze only matched by his own.

Soon they were in a rhythm and gagging sounds echoed from the tiled walls. Spit was now drooling down her chin and her lipstick was spread all over his dick. John slowed down and simply rested a hand on his mom’s head as she began to bob up and down of her own volition, his hand merely guiding the pace. He turned his head to the side and watched his mom in the mirror deepthroating him.

Again, he felt himself getting close, and again as if she could read his mind, she slipped her mouth of his dick.

He looked at her surprised but she smiled and responded “A mother’s intuition, you know” and winked at him.

He laughed, took her hand and gently pulled her to her feet. They stood in front of one another, close enough for John to feel the heat radiating off her body. His manhood stood between her legs almost touching her thigh. She was taller than him. He looked up at her, into her eyes, then she laid a finger under his chin and kissed him deeply.

John closed his eyes, felt the dance of their tongues, the careful probing, then the deeper embrace. He felt her hands reaching out and clasping the sides of his face. In return he placed his on her hips and her back. Then he pulled her close, feeling her warm body against his, her breasts pressing softly against his chest, their embrace deepening. She raised one leg and slung it around his hip, and John could feel his pecker slightly rubbing against moist satin fabric.

After what felt like forever, their lips parted. She leaned close to his ear and whispered “Honey, I think mommy is ready for that 50$ bill.”

She leaned back again and John could see her smile, it was loving, but wicked at the same time. Without another word she broke their embrace and led him by the hand to her bedroom. With her free hand she opened her bra and let fall to the ground. John only got a vague glimpse of his mother’s breasts as she was walking in front of him. But their mesmerizing bounce as she took each step made her allure even stronger.

When they finally reached the bed, she turned around and gave John one of her wicked smiles. With one arm she covered her nipples, with the other her pussy as if suddenly shy.

Lowering her gaze, she suddenly looked at him and coquettishly asked “Well, John. Now that you got your mother all hot and bothered and naked in her room, what are you gonna do about it?”

John gazed at her for a moment, committing every detail of her to memory. Then without a word, he stepped to her, and gently pulled away her arms. The nipples which revealed themselves were hard and John jokingly thought they could have probably cut glass. Not deterred though he grabbed his mother by the waist again, pulled her towards him, then shifted his balance forward and pushed her on to the bed.

With a surprised laugh his mother mocked him “Aren’t you hasty to get me into bed?”

John laughed himself, as he laid on her and gave one of her nipples a pinch, which was rewarded with a small yelp of her.

With a cocky grin he replied “Hey, you asked me what I was gonna do about it. This is it.”

With that he slipped one of her nipples into his mouth sucking on it, then letting it slip out again and give it a kiss, only to then nibble on it gently. This elicited a gentle moan and John couldn’t suppress a smile.

“Hmm, yes, baby. You’re making mommy so wet,” she moaned and John could see she had closed her eyes, losing herself in the moment.

Spurred on his one hand massaged her other breast, teasing her nipple, running circles around it on her areola, but never quite touching it. His other hand found its way between her legs, stroking her thigh, grazing the wet fabric in the process with the back of his hand, but keeping well clear of the main attraction. If she was going to tease him, he was going to make her beg.

Meanwhile her hands weren’t idle either. One of them she placed on the back of his head, stroking him gently. With the other she reached down, making her way across his stomach until she found what she was looking for. John felt her hand clasp around his hard cock, gently rubbing it and fondling his balls.

He moaned, letting her nipple slip out of his mouth for a moment. Locked in this embrace they explored each other for several minutes before his mother began to push one of his hands to her pussy.

John resisted her, looked her in the eyes and demanded “Say it.”

She returned his look with a surprised expression, which was quickly replaced by on of her now to John all too familiar naughty grins.

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