
A miracle wife


The daughter looked at the glass in front of her. Softly the powdery mixture slides hypnotically through the water. Just a moment ago it was added by the young woman. Knowing to a degree what it meant. It meant a different life. One in which everything wouldn’t have to happen like it did. To make it so that she wouldn’t feel like there was a hole in her life. A hole that has been there for a long time and has never really been filled. Something which she could fix with the mixture in front of her. Though most reports and comments she had seen online spoke of how it could misinterpret the users intentions and their wishes. Even when she filled out the form to get her hands on this magical solution, the seller made sure she understood that any changes should be accepted and that there were no takebacks. But there only needed to happen one thing. One simple change that would have to happen. She only needed to go back in time to talk with her mother. One chance to convince her mother not to leave her father.

For her entire childhood and growing adolescence the daughter has thought about finding her. After all, she was one of the reasons of her existence. His father didn’t talk about it. Not that he never said anything. He told her that she was a nice woman. That she had to leave. But that was the end of that story. No descriptions of what she looked like. No photo’s that were left. Not even clothes or anything in the house that ever spoke of anyone else but them in their little house. His father and her. And that wasn’t enough to answer for who she is. It didn’t answer this feeling she has had her entire life. The feeling that he was different in a lot of ways. One of which felt only highlighted because she was raised by only her father. Because in no way does she look like him.

That realization only came when she entered high school. Her father never seemed to have been bothered by it. But to her. To see how most girls would have a lot from their mom. How many would explain their interest by simply talking about what their mothers were interested in. She couldn’t do that with her dad. She wasn’t interested in an intellectual life. When attending high school, she would in most situations be the center of attention. Always finding ways to enthrall the guys with how skimpy her clothes could hug her figure. One which was petite and busty. Boys spoke of how her face spoke of trouble, and in many ways she agreed. While she was smart enough to not go all the way. Though that had another explanation as well. Which would come from being at home.

When at home, she wouldn’t behave like the attention seeking whore she could be. Here she would rather draw and write poetry. That was something about her that came from living with her dad. In a lot of ways her father was a rolemodel in acceptance. Never did she see him getting mad or even slightly annoyed. Not even when she would dress like the slut she was made out to be by most people. Instead of going against it, he would simply tell her about the dangers. Telling how she was responsible for herself and for how others would treat her. His voice always being there to be like a comforting blanket as the daughter would feel like he should have been shouting at her. There was always this belief from her father that would give her a choice. She always had a choice to do her homework. Always a choice in attending dinner. If she wanted help in a subject, she would just need to place the books on her father’s desk, and she would be receiving all of his attention.

That was perhaps the most amazing thing about her father. The way that his eyes would be directed on her. As if there was only him. Always this understanding nod at everything she said. Which only gave the daughter even more questions about her own sanity, as her dreams were filled with him. Because he accepted her for who she was. Allowing her to grow her own flowers and thorns, like no boy her age could ever do. So she tries to ignore it. The feelings she has for the only man in her life that actually gets to see a side that feels like has been grown on by him personally. A part of herself she was most proud of.

A part she, at most moments, just wants to write off as a sign of a good therapist. Not a sign for her awakening sexuality. Which in turn could be quelled by moments when they would clash. Because it isn’t like her dad was made to survive her growing attitude into adolescence. But at the same time, the respect and responsibility she received made it so that she could see how her father was also a human. A human who in a lot of ways was lacking. One of which was to not have a ride or die. Someone her father could lean on through the hardships he had to endure.

Being a lonely father, it doesn’t have its perks on the dating market. Especially if the kid doesn’t understand that her father needs love. The only thing that the kid sees is how her father might be giving someone else the attention she wants for herself. Jealousy. It wasn’t something the daughter was very proud of. But it wasn’t something küçükçekmece escort she could shake off. A feeling that she didn’t yet want to accept from herself. For a long time she would leave no room for her father to find the one. In most cases with the thought in her head that her mom could get home at any moment. She wasn’t dead. She was just…gone. Meaning that she could always decide to return. Maybe a child’s dream. But certainly one that was to be disproven to the daughter every single year. Now there wasn’t any time for the mom to come home. University has ended. A new life without her dad was in front of her. And the daughter only wants one thing. To return in a timeline where her dad would have had someone to be with. A wife.


Dazed. Tranquilized. Or both. The world started spinning. Then the feeling like everything is being sucked into somewhere. To nowhere. Everything slides down through a tube. A tube that gets narrower and narrower. As the universe seems to interloop. Vastly expanding the limit of time and space itself as then, with a pull, the daughter is thrown into the blackness of sometime new.

Her head is still moving slightly as she needs to adjust herself to the room she is in. When she drank whatever it had been, she had been in her room. But now, where first was a bed wasn’t anything. So she falls to the ground. Looking at where her desk should be, only finding a large closet with different kinds of male clothes in there. On the ground in front of it there is a large case. In it she can distinguish some travel clothes that haven’t been yet unpacked. Then it starts to dawn on the daughter that she shouldn’t be found in her father’s house without a good reason. She knows it like it is some part of sanity that has been bestowed upon her by being transported to this place.


Pain splits through her head as she tried to stand up, only to realize that there is in fact a desk. One that is exactly placed above her head. She curses, then to hear a voice. A male gruff voice that she recognizes almost all too well. Though there is a difference to this familiarity. Instead of sounding worried and a bit tired, this one sounded happy, energetic even and…young. It sounded optimistic towards something. Almost like the tone that would tell the daughter how they would be going on a camp trip. And even though this voice sounded happy, it scared the daughter a bit. Mostly because it was coming closer to the blue painted room she was slightly hiding in by being under the desk.

“Yes Chelsea, everything has been taken care off. When I leave, you will just be assigned to Doctor Westbourne. I know that right now isn’t the best time for you that I will go on holiday, but I can ensure you that Doctor Westbourne is an exceptional psychologist”

The voice is silent for a while as the yellow door opens to the room. In the light, the daughter looks up to see the silhouette of her father. It became immediately difficult to look away from him. There was a sexy quasi smile on his face as he drops something atop the pile of the clothes. Then to slowly walking back, not noticing the young woman staring at him from under the desk. Her mouth agape as she can’t stop herself but looking at his strong bodybuild. Not one that speaks of going to the gym. But one that almost talks about a lumberjack past she was sure she didn’t know about.

He had always had this built about him. Maybe it was just because now she could look at his caramel brown hair encompassed in his youth. And she just couldn’t deny herself from looking over the young man’s legs. Finding herself in an almost lustful trance as he then exits the room, just as fast as he entered. Only when he exits does she seem to realize what she just did. Looking at her father in a way no daughter should ever look at their dad. A look that she has never thrown any boy. Finding her thighs to be moist. The embarrassment reaches her face completely as her cheeks redden. It shouldn’t have been that feeling. She knows it. While at the same time she can’t shake off the feeling from when she looked at his bushy eyebrows. Knowing how grey mixed with green eyes would look back at her. The eyes that warned her about crossing the street. The eyes that encouraged her when she started to read him stories instead of him reading to her. It were the same eyes that just made her heart drop the moment she just came from looking at him.

It wasn’t even a conscious moment. Just one filled with hot blooded primal feelings. Somewhere she thinks back to the warnings. The comments and warnings she heard about the potions ringing in her ears as she softly crawls out. Her heart still feeling the aftershock of what happened as she looks down into the suitcase. Seeing a calendar lying now atop of the clothes. It displaying the year. Though, it couldn’t be true. It didn’t make sense to the daughter as she looked at the year over and over again. Because looking back at her were the numbers küçükyalı escort of her own birth-year. So without much hesitation does she stand up. Walking towards the door as she yells her Dad’s name. Because there was no sign of an upcoming mother.


The sound dies out as the daughter is pulled back to her own time. Soon her bellybutton feels the pull as she is forced back through the same tunnel that had previously pushed her there. All the while in the past Robert can hear the sudden call to him. Hearing the soft sound of a woman calling his name. A voice that sounded enchanting. Like it was a call of a siren as he ignored the call with Chelsea for a moment. Walking upstairs to see if he was sure to have heard the voice. Only to find the room as empty as he left it.

In the present the daughter however finds herself to be in her room. Having more questions in her head than answers. First off, there was still the embarrassment what happened the moment she saw her father. Though now completely writing it off as something the potion has done to her. The second was that there hadn’t been any woman in her father’s life when she was born. Which could only mean that it would have been a short fling her father must have had. Somehow the thought makes her angry. To think that someone just left them after a short while. To leave her father to take care of her instead of staying by his side. It left her even more confused about the feelings she harbors for her father. Normally she could separate them. The unnatural attraction and the bond they had. But now, after what happened…she shakes her head and walks to her bed. She knows she has to sleep about this.

Robert is just two doors further removed from his daughter as he is already asleep. Dreaming about something that apparently bothered him for a long time. The sound of some woman he knew very well. That sound which he heard before the girl would even be able to make such a sound. But he was sure. Even more sure as she has grown up. That the sound of her was the same sound he heard before she even existed. And so Robert dreams about the sound he heard years ago. Not understanding why he remembered that particular moment. Though it doesn’t matter. After all, it is just a dream. A dream about such an attractive voice that formed his name.

The daughter wakes up the next morning. Feeling somewhat better than she did yesterday as her hands softly travel along her body. Feeling how her skin has grown sensitive through the night. Every touch sparking a curl of pleasure through her skin. Traveling down to where she leads her fingers. Feeling how they dig slowly into her flesh. Accepting the heat soon enough as she allows a finger to slip into her cunt. Feeling how her juices slither down against her fingers as her breathing quickens. The depth of the pleasure reaching new crevices as she displaces both her legs to the sides. Allowing herself to get in a steady pace as she starts to fuck her pussy while breathing hard transforms into slurred husky breaths. Breaths that form into words. Encouraging to go deeper. Faster. Needing for this outlet to happen as her back arches.

Cum glistens along her hands as she starts to realize she is softly chanting her father’s name. How she keeps on saying ‘Robert’ every time she delves her fingers deeper and deeper inside of her. The image from yesterday comes back to her as she thinks about his strong body. How he could be looking down at her right now. Imagining even how his member would be pressing against her tummy. Feeling the heat of her father’s cock press against her naked body. It made her go over the edge as she feels streams of her cum decorating her hands. Dribbling down on her bed as her body relaxes completely. All the while tears are streaming down her face. Confusion painting her brows as she tries to figure out why it was exactly him. Why it couldn’t be anyone else.

But her body was satisfied. It had its release. And so it almost knew, as she could feel the pull on her bellybutton. Feeling how her body, as if in a dream, flies through the same tube. The same way it went the day before. And cognitively she knows what must have happened as she feels her naked body landing on the ground. The wooden floor grinding against her hardened nipples. In some way, she wants to wait for this moment to pass. Thinking that soon enough she would be back again. Back in her own room. But after a few minutes of laying on the ground naked she figures it might have nothing to do with how long she is here. But it might depend on a specific thing.

She stands up. Apparently that is not the thing that pulls her back to the present. So she walks over to the suitcase. It is still there. Still with the agenda and the clothes in them. Suddenly, very aware of her own nakedness, she decides it might be a good idea to use this opportunity to dress herself. There is a grey shirt that covers almost everything. Acting mostly like a dress as she looks at herself. kültür escort Her cheeks are completely red as she can’t help but think about her younger dad having been in this shirt. Ruffles of pleasure walk over her skin as she moves through the room towards the outside. As she walks, she feels the air rising against her pussy. It asks only a bit of her attention as it feels like soft little tongues penetrate her delicate folds.

As she walks, both the pleasure and her new attire make it so her thighs glide against one another in an attempt to not have the material of the shirt show too much. Which has the side effect of her ass shaking just a bit more. It feels in a lot of ways naughty. Though the main reason for that, was that this was her father’s shirt she was wearing without anything underneath it. Still, she didn’t feel like she should remove it as she walks downstairs. Not entirely sure why she was moving downstairs, only to then see her younger father cross the hallway. Without thinking she calls his name again.


Just like that, she disappears again from the past. Teaching her in a cruel way one thing. One thing that she wouldn’t be able to grasp in the first few times she went back in time to see her father. Though she picked up quickly how to get to the past. The only thing she needed to do was to cum. It didn’t matter too much how it would happen. But the moments when she was at home and felt the need, her thoughts would in most cases be involved with the handsome man that her father was. Something which, through the days, started to become less bothersome. More like a detail about the man she had fantasies about. All because she couldn’t even get to see him when she was back there. Back in the past, but not able to…


She said it. After another five times of saying her father’s name. She has finally figured it out as she feels how she is pulled by her navel. It almost feeling like a reward to her as she has finally figured out the thing that kept bothering her. Her returning to the present. Something that just didn’t feel right. She didn’t want to, but at the same time she knows she is tied to her own life. All the while the dates in the past don’t line up at all. Throughout her many visits, she hasn’t found any leads to a possible woman in her young father’s life. Mostly because he was now gone from his house. He had finally gone on his travels. All the while leaving her to return to a completely empty house.

Before it hadn’t bothered her too much. Mostly because it felt like at any moment she could just be pulled back to the present. But now it would be annoying to go to the past, to not have anything to do but wait for him to return. But still, she knew she was going to return. Just because she knows that she will think about him again. And once she would, she knows that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself anymore. Her newfound addiction has even eloped towards her normal day to day life as her father has taken notice to his daughter’s different attitude. Though Robert just believes it to be something completely unrelated to love.

The pull was stronger this time. She could feel it this time in her body as it adjusts itself to the reality of the past. Though the pleasure that seemed to have been tied with this reality seemed to have stopped altogether with her finding out about how to get back. Soon also finding that the shirt she is wearing isn’t really doing it for her body anymore. She doesn’t understand as she walks around the house, trying to find something that would get rid of this feeling of almost neutrality. The addictive feeling of that nice warm pleasure driving her to look for anything. Only to lead her nowhere. At this point she stands with the shirt on in the kitchen. Frustrated as she is as she asks aloud.

“What should I do?”

Which sparks the feeling in her bellybutton as she feels how her body starts to wake up in the present reality. Feeling the tube forming around her instantly and transporting her to the here and now. All the while trying to figure out what the answer could be, but not knowing it at all. It lands her in the kitchen with the shirt still on. Where she isn’t the only one as Robert moves the spatula softly over the burgers. Allowing the grease to rise up into the air as he looks over to his daughter who seems to have walked into the kitchen. He is somewhat surprised by what she is wearing, a grey oversized shirt, but it isn’t like she hasn’t worn anything that didn’t ask much of the viewers imagination. Somewhere Robert would like to see her wear less raunchy clothes, while at the same time he knows that he should just accept her. It was a struggle really, to raise a kid that wanted to do all kinds of things while the world itself wasn’t as cut out as she was. Still he had made it happen.

Now she was done with her studies. He didn’t see a lot of her over the last week. Not at dinner or through the house. After all, she wasn’t a kid anymore. Soon he expected to hear the news of her moving out. That she has found a job. But for now, he would always have her dinner ready. Even if she didn’t show up, it would be ready for her in the fridge if she needed it. If there were troubles, they could now talk about it like grown ups. If she needed money or advice, he would be there. So he doesn’t think much of it as his daughter asks aloud what she should do.

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