
A Pirate’s Tale Ch. 01-02


Chapter 1 “A scary night, well ended”

The warm nighttime breezes moving across the dark waters of the South China Sea ruffle your hair a little as I come up behind you, and together we enjoy the smells and sounds of the island bay we are anchored in, while enjoying the closeness of each other even more. Just as I decide I should kiss you once for good luck I am surprised by the sounds of footsteps behind me on the deck, and the beauty of the scene turns to horror as I see a grinning young man brandishing an old carbine at me.

My heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest and for a moment I think about how we might distract him and push him overboard, but it’s a short moment for another clambers onto the deck up at the bow. Very quickly there are four rather vicious men on our lovely vessel and I am appalled at how easily we have been taken. It’s heartbreaking to think about how my precautions, the hidden weapons, the powerful fire pump & hose, and all that horsepower in the engines are for nothing as our boat and ourselves become the property of a rag-tag bunch of Malaysian pirates.

I literally gnash my teeth in anger at their rudeness and demeanor as they swagger about our boat, rudely throwing things around and occasionally hurling various insults and threats in our direction. After a few minutes they force me to start the engines, and soon we are out to sea. In a short while we meet up with their vessel which is already heading out to sea also. It’s an old wooden dhow driven by couple of outboard engines, with several armed pirates resting on the deck as they motor along. Their boat is nowhere near our match in speed so we must slow down considerably to match pace with them.

They exchange congratulatory shouts with one another as I begin to make a plan as to what to do. The two boats turn towards some islands just off the straits of Malacca, where no doubt they have a hideout and communications equipment with which to make their demands. We can do nothing but sit against the bulkhead in the galley where they are keeping us.

The opportunity to make a move comes soon enough, when one of them asks me how to operate our head ( the very latest in marine toilets). This is the moment I have been waiting for. I point towards the now open toilet seat, and just as he looks down at it I reach over and close the venting valve while with my other hand I flip the macerating pump into “dumping” speed and pressure begins to build. He looks at me with a quizzical expression, then back to the toilet which at that moment reaches the limit of its valve and explodes a large part of the sewage tank’s contents all over the hapless criminal.

I try not to laugh as he screams in disgust and anger and lashes out at me, but since he is now quite slippery all he can do is tumble to the floor in a puddle of filth while I swing a belay pin hard against his head. He is out of action for some time to come. The man standing in front of you starts to step Kastamonu Escort towards me pointing his gun and trying not to shoot his boss. Naturally you are ready to take advantage of the situation and you grab a skillet and CLANG! There goes

. I know I haven’t much time so I jump back up to the wheelhouse and reach up to the console while shoving the port engine into reverse just as pirate
rounds the corner of the aft deck. The sudden spinning of the boat flips him neatly over the railing so its three down and one to go. I grab

‘s gun and step onto the deck, and when pirate # 4 realizes he is outnumbered he makes a quick but smart decision and jumps over the side to join his friend.

We throw a pair of life jackets in after them, and in a moment the unconscious pirates


are tossed over the side to join their friends, wearing new life jackets just to show we are civilized, which is likely more than they would have done for us.

Now we turn our attention to the old pirate boat, motoring alongside us, still blissfully unaware that their friends are doing a 5 mile dog paddle to shore. We know they had other hostages, because we had heard them talking about bringing them to our boat so that we could be offered as a package deal. We quickly decide to change their situation as well. With a good long kiss for luck (no interruptions this time!) we make a plan and then we make our move. The noise of their motor covers all other sounds so they are quite surprised when our searchlight lights them up behind, and even more surprised at how quickly we can clear their deck of pirates with our fire hose. I am very happy now that I brought many extra life jackets. A quick hit of the hose to their engine air intakes quickly renders them motionless.

I keep the remainder of the pirates below decks with the fire hose as you tie us onto their boat, then we both hop onto their hapless vessel with our weapons loaded. We look carefully down the ladder to the pirates and their captives below deck. I see several of them there looking up at us, with two (rather attractive) female hostages, and their leader is pointing a gun at one woman’s head. I think for a moment and then unload about half of my clip through the leaky wooden floor, which begins to gush gallons of water into the old boat. He looks up at me in shock and I make it clear that if he shoots her he will die in the next second, and if he does nothing they will all drown. With a look of utter disgust he pushes the women up the ladder, and we take them and quickly leave, watching while they frantically patch the gaping holes in their hull.

It’s not long before our engines are full ahead we are on our way to Singapore at a high rate of speed. We catch our breath for a few minutes, and then set the autopilot to keep us on course while we work to clean the terrible mess in the head (bathroom). After that rather odious task we clean ourselves, and then take some time to cook Kastamonu Escort Bayan a nice meal.

The four of us enjoy the meal while toasting our success. Introductions are now complete and we welcome Paula and Christine to our crew. I suddenly laugh at a private joke and of course you want to know what it is, so I explain; “what did we just do?” You shake your head not knowing what I mean. “Well,” I tell you, “we took over a vessel on the high seas by force, so we are by definition a ship of pirates!” We all laughed long and hard about that, and then we settle in for a well-deserved rest.

Since our boat only has one state room with one big bed in it we talk it over and decide that sharing it is not a problem. Fortunately there is plenty of room for the four of us to settle in. Me first, then you, then Chrissy and then Paula. Before falling asleep we share a kiss for good luck. All of us of course. You and I are a little surprised at how enthusiastically they kiss each other, but then they kiss each of us just as enthusiastically, no doubt in gratitude for the daring rescue. We find ourselves deciding to repeat the multiple party kiss, and then again, and then again more slowly. I lay back with a happy smile on my face, while I enjoy the beautiful way Chrissy’s blonde hair mixes with your dark tresses as you lay next to each other. I wonder a little bit about how Paula’s red hair will look next to yours, and I run my fingers through your hair and then through hers a bit as we fall into a deep, happy sleep.

Chapter 2, “A change in course”

Morning comes to the South China Sea as I slowly return to wakefulness, stretching myself out against your body as I enjoy the gentle motion of the boat. I smile inside and out as I breathe in the fresh clean air which is coming into our stateroom with the morning sunshine.

With my eyes still closed I feel your naked skin against mine, and I wrap my arm around your sweet body from behind, while starting to nuzzle my face into your hair. It is then that I notice something is different. When my eyes finally open I am rather surprised to find that this is blonde hair that I am nuzzling, and that it belongs to Chrissy, not you! I look over her shoulder across the bed in surprise and I find that you and she have changed positions, and while my arms are wrapped around her, Paula’s arms are wrapped around you, and both of you are looking at both of us and grinning somewhat wickedly! “Surprised?” you ask me, with a nice gleam in your eye, and I sleepily nod yes and settle my body more against Chrissy’s. I am pleased to feel her respond by rubbing her gorgeous ass against my rapidly hardening erection.

My hand doesn’t need me to think about what to do, it just naturally finds itself sliding over Chrissy’s skin to cup her breast and start to squeeze and caress it,. My smile grows and a warm glow begins to fill me inside. For a moment I become lost in the feel of her body starting Escort Kastamonu to writhe slowly but insistently against mine, and my erection becomes ever more insistent. It’s at that point that I look up at you again, and I am very pleased to see that your eyes have closed in pleasure, and that your hand is covering Paula’s as she squeezes your breast a bit harder. As my hand moves to Chrissy’s other breast I see Paula’s hand move to your other breast, like a mirror image of Chrissy and I. She reaches your other breast just as my hand reaches Chrissy’s. I smile at Paula and she smiles back at me, and I pull Chrissy towards me, rolling her onto her back so that I can climb on top of her and kiss her deeply. She returns the kiss with a great deal of passion. Both of my hands find their way to CChrissy’s hair as our tongues wrap around each other, and I glance again to your side of the bed to see you returning Paula’s kiss with equally deep passion.

Chrissy writhes against me with growing intensity and I feel her legs part wide open under me. My cock knows just where to go, finding the sweet wet entrance that so wonderfully surrenders to my pressure. Just at the delicious moment of penetration I hear you gasp and I see that Paula has thrust two fingers deeply inside you while you push up against her with desire. I raise myself up and begin to slide in and out of my new blonde lover, moving faster and faster, pounding now, harder and harder. Chrissy begins to moan powerfully, and she turns toward you just as you turn towards her. The two of you kiss deeply as you are being ravished , and I turn to Paula and pull her towards me by her beautiful red hair. We kiss deeply as we drive ourselves inside the two of you. I don’t want Paula’s pussy to be left alone so I reach behind her and slip my fingers between her legs from behind. She is dripping wet and I easily slip inside her while I feel her body tremble with lust as she pushes her fingers into you. The passion and heat and sex build and build until there is a deep shattering climax from within all of us, my cock is pumping inside Chrissy with all of my strength, you are nearly screaming as you kiss her, and Paula is moaning and writhing and cumming on my fingers as she kisses me and uses her fingers to bring you to several strong orgasms in a row.

Our sexual, sensual lovemaking goes on for quite a long time until at last we fall into an exhausted sweaty heap of a foursome, nuzzling each other and whimpering and happily being close and naked and full of life and love.

After a long while we awaken again, and soon breakfast is cooking and we are enjoying tropical fruits and a delicious omelet and looking at the navigational charts, planning our voyage. We had originally thought to take Christine and Paula to Singapore so that they could contact authorities and head for home, but they ask us where we are going and when they find out we want to explore the sunken city of Nan Madol on the island of Pohnpei they quickly tell us they would much rather go there with us than to go home.

Without further ado we make a pact to continue on as a foursome, and so its another toast, another long kiss between each of us, a new heading to the Northeast, and a new set of adventures ahead for the four Pirates!

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