
A Scandinavian Threesome


Part One


It is a curious thing but, in my experience, should foreigners be asked to list the countries of Scandinavia invariably the last one they ever think about is Finland.

Likewise, should they know of us, most probably their impression of the Finns is of them being an insular and distant people with little imagination.

Thirdly, there is another thing that I’ve personally noticed is that Finland must be an unattractive destination for black people (or should I call them ‘people of colour’? I get so confused with my grasp of English and what is the acceptable definition these days) as there are very few black faces to be seen.

I only mention this because at times I feel the need to set things right and let the world know that none of the above, again ‘in my experience’, is true and perhaps what I am about to tell will go some way to refute those so-called facts.

A sort of Scandinavian Threesome, if you like.

Fact One​

I’m Finnish; I live in Finland; we are here; we are no longer a part of Russia (that changed over a 100 years ago); Finland is a sovereign state and counted as being a Scandinavian country.

Get over it!

Fact Two​

OK, we might seem a bit dour and tend to keep to ourselves but, hey, Finland is a vast country with not a huge population and a sizable piece of the territory is North of the Arctic Circle. Winters are cold and there’s not a great incentive to be going outdoors if you don’t have to. However, that tends to overlook what goes on behind closed doors and I can tell you that we are far from being unimaginative especially with regard to relationships and keeping ourselves entertained.

My name is Sami, now 41 years old and I work as a manager for a Finnish Energy company. I am a cuckold to my wife Tina (she’s 36) and we have been in the swinging lifestyle for the past 6 years and I love it.

It all began when after years spent bringing up and looking after our beautiful daughters that we realised our sex lives had been somewhat neglected and the bedroom had become just a place where you go to sleep! At least, that was my take on it; I hadn’t considered how Tina was feeling. Perhaps I had become too focussed on work to think about her needs, I was known for being a bit obsessive about work-related things to the extent of not thinking about much else.

My job means that I travel quite often to other sites and countries in the region and by the same measure I often have to entertain business associates and visitors to the plant where I am based. It was a few years ago when I was involved in managing a project in partnership with a company from neighbouring Sweden who we often dealt with. Their involvement was very important to the success of the project and I was instructed by my boss to be especially accommodating and to make concessions to keep them happy and ‘on-side’. So it was that my Swedish opposite number Rolf came to stay for a week for some detailed planning work. I had worked with him before and knew him to be an amicable fellow so rather than have him stay at a hotel I invited him to live with us for the week. He had done this and stayed with us a number of times over the years.

The time, his stay with us was not only a success as far the job was concerned but it also marked the time when I realised that I was a cuckold, indeed, discovered I had been for some time but hadn’t known it!

Like most Finnish households we have a sauna and it is part of our culture that it is something that is used often and also is shared with visitors or friends. It is nothing to us to be naked with friends and family and indeed the sauna is considered to be neutral, safe territory where rank means nothing and everyone is treated as equals.

It was on the first night as previously when Rolf stayed that we invited him to share our sauna which he gladly accepted. He followed our usual procedure of undressing in the bedroom and wrapping himself in a towel before taking the staircase down to the basement where our sauna is located. Tina and me were already seated inside when he opened the door and his arrival was the signal for our two girls who had been there for their prescribed time to make their apologies and to leave to go off to bed or do whatever it is young girls do in the evening.

He stepped to one side to give them space and once inside he shut the door, unwrapped his towel, made a cushion of it and placed it on the bench opposite where the girls had just vacated. He climbed up and when he turned to face us I could not help for the first time but notice the size of his cock. (Obviously I hadn’t been paying attention before!) He sat on the bench and it seemed to ‘flow’ over the edge of the bench. It wasn’t erect; it was just huge. Tina noticed it too and whilst the sauna is supposedly a non-sexual, sacrosanct place she could not help herself but give me a nudge supposedly to check whether I had noted it too.

I didn’t say anything, that would have been rude, but, like her, I couldn’t take my eyes off elbistan escort what to me appeared to be a monster penis. It looked unreal, especially when compared to my own which I had to admit to myself that even with an erection wasn’t anywhere near as long as Rolf’s in his flaccid state.

We sat in a kind of embarrassed silence before eventually beginning to make small talk. We spoke of the weather; of the job; of pastimes and hobbies but all the while I suspected that Tina’s focus was on Rolf’s impressive cock. Indeed, I found myself inadvertently talking to ‘it’ as the conversation began to flow a little easier.

Rolf was a person without any pretensions and he obviously had noted our interest in his physique. He looked down at his penis resting between his legs and then looking pointedly at my wife, said, “Well, what are you thinking?”

Tina gave a start at being caught out and spluttered, “.. um, I wasn’t … ah, well …. er … I was just thinking.. that must hurt.. I never saw such a big one before!”

He laughed, looked at her in a meaningful way and teased, “That’s what they all say … at first!”

“Oh, you mean that you can get used to it?” she bantered back.

I was shocked. I’ve never heard my wife have such thoughts before. Certainly not to be saying such things to a stranger.

“Well, there has never been any complaints; maybe you should ask your husband if you can try it sometime.” His cock seemed to twitch and grow a little as he said it.

Tina leaned over to me and keeping her focus on his growing cock said in a mock jokey fashion, “I don’t know, dear hubby, what do you think … do believe it is acceptable that a respectable lady should forget her marriage vows and try something in the cause of science?”

On my god, I wasn’t too sure how or where this conversation was going but I had seen the look in Rolf’s eyes and recognised that he had already been contemplating conducting such a ‘science experiment’ with my wife.

She might have been trying to give the impression that it was just a joke but I detected that she was beginning to do that shallow breathing she had always done whenever our infrequent sex had been on the menu and, for sure, her nipples had become quite prominent, another certain sign. I’m sure if I had touched inside her pussy at that moment I would have discovered that she was certainly not joking!

Hmm, then I wondered what might happen if I wasn’t there to inhibit her behaviour. They couldn’t have known it but I had always had this fantasy of seeing my wife with another man.

I didn’t answer her directly but rather looked at them both in turn and then climbed down from the bench and said, “I guess I should go and make sure the girls have finished their homework and are getting themselves to bed …”

Tina saw what I was doing and smiled; Rolf moved his legs to one side to give me space to get out of the door and, damn, that cock of his looked to be getting even bigger.

“…. anyway, I think I’ve done here, I’ll leave you two alone … if you don’t mind. Don’t get too hot!”

I closed the door behind me, waited a few moments and then carefully peered through steamed-up window. Yep, just as I thought would happen, Tina had moved to sit alongside him and already had a hand wrapped around his stiff cock.

I looked on for a few minutes more but they didn’t make any moves other than her seemly to be softly masturbating him as well as she was able whilst he reached and touched and massaged her tits, concentrating on her stiff nipples; attention I knew she loved. He leaned his head and spent a few moments whispering in her ear (obviously I couldn’t hear what was said) and she in turn smiled, nodded then lifted her head to give him a kiss.

I didn’t see anything further as she made a move to wrap her towel around her that indicated she was about to leave the sauna. I quickly ran up the stairs and busied myself in the kitchen supposedly preparing drinks before she joined me all flustered with what I assumed to be the frustration of unfulfilled pleasure.

I didn’t make any mention but later we made love that night; it was intense. I’ve never known her to be so energetic.


The following day in the office was the usual round of struggling with the complexities of the project and it was clear that progress wasn’t going to be made unless some concession was granted by the Swedish partners. I was trying to play hard ball and made it very clear to Rolf that we were going nowhere unless they/him gave way and agreed to provide the extra resources required (which I knew they had) but that it would be on my terms and in-line with my proposal.

“What’s your proposal then?” he asked.

That flummoxed me for I really didn’t have anything specific in mind, it was just bluff on my part. I then became concerned that the project might be shelved without their support. I dropped my ‘tough negotiator’ act, “.. I don’t really know..” I said quietly.

Rolf, always so sure of himself, elvankent escort gave his confident smile, “Tell you what, I think we can let you have what you need but it’s going to cost you.”

I look at him hopefully, “What’s the cost to us then?”

“Uh uh, I said ‘you’, not your company. Let me fuck your wife and you can have all the extra resources you need!”

I was stunned that he could be so direct; perhaps it was a Swedish thing to speak one’s mind like this. Certainly, I, with my reserved manner and outlook on life could never have been so rude to have insulted another person in such a way. I took a few moments to absorb what he had said, or rather, what he had proposed, and then realised that this was an ideal development. The project would go ahead without delay; it would not actually incur any extra costs on my company; Rolf would get to complete what he had started last night; Tina would have her fascination with his big cock satisfied and, best of all, I would have my fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by another man fulfilled… if he didn’t object!

I continued to look at him, bewildered, as he smirked but in truth my mind had already been made up; his idea ticked all the boxes. “Erm, yeah, OK.. I’m sure we can work something out but I’ll have to speak with Tina first ….”

He cut me off, “Don’t worry, I already have and she’s up for it. She was just worried you might not go along with the idea.”

So that’s what they were whispering about when I looked through the sauna window, this had all been planned.

“OK, let’s do it but there’s one thing I need to ask … can I … erm … be there?”

“Damn right you can, I wouldn’t have it any other way. From what your wife tells me, you need to see how a real man fucks a woman. She said your little cock doesn’t really do it for her. We’ll set something up for tonight. Now, let’s get back to work; you’ve wasted too much of my time already.”

Ouch, that hit below the belt.

During the day when Rolf was out of the office I made a call to Tina and asked if what I had heard was true, had she agreed to give herself to our guest; did she really say that about my cock?

The Tina that answered was quite different from the one I thought I knew. Once it was confirmed that I had had the conversation with Rolf and that I was clearly in favour of him fucking her she became more assertive in her manner toward me

“Yes, it’s quite true. I never knew how to tell you before but having seen Rolf and for him to tell me that he thought you would be in agreement, well, I thought, why not. It’s not as if anyone is going to get hurt, is it?”

It wasn’t the moment to say that, yes, I thought that she might be the one to get hurt with that big cock of his which obviously would have more trouble than mine to push into her tight pussy but I didn’t, I made no mention. In a sense I was more relieved that with us all quite open about what was being proposed that it was more important for us to focus on making the necessary arrangements.

“… and just so you know, it won’t be the first time … Rolf has had me before when he’s stayed over.”

What?!! Oh my God, my prim and proper wife had already cheated on me and I hadn’t noticed what had been going on behind my back.

“Last night he said that he was tired of all the secrecy and us making the most of stolen moments and that we should get it out in the open ….”

I didn’t interrupt.

“… he said that he had spoken to you and that you agreed … and, well, here we are ….”

Her voice trailed off as she awaited my response. I was flummoxed and didn’t really know what to say. My wife had already cheated on me and I didn’t feel that I could admit to her that this had been my biggest fantasy, to see my wife being fucked by another man and, as she said, here we were; she had already done it. If I hadn’t been so wrapped up in my work then perhaps ‘here we are’ would have happened a lot sooner.

I took a deep breath, adjusted my pants so that my stiff cock which had somehow developed when she had been speaking could find space, and thought a little about the practicalities of the situation. I cleared my throat and said, “What about the girls? We can’t have them around, can we?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve allowed them to have a sleepover with friends. They’ll be going straight there from school. We won’t be seeing them until tomorrow evening.”

Wow, she’s really thought this thing through. She must be keen. Our conversation ended with her telling me to get some food for dinner on my way home from work. She said she wouldn’t have time herself; she would be too busy ‘getting ready’!

From that day the relationship between Rolf and me changed. I don’t know if anyone in the company noticed it, perhaps not for the project really began to take off and everyone (including my boss) was more interested in that rather than the personal stuff. Rolf clearly understood the hold he now had over me and this changed everything. He began to emek escort take the lead on all matters including our times out of work.

That first night when we finished work and left to go home he pretty much ‘told’ me what to purchase for our dinner saying he knew of a particular takeaway restaurant the other side of town. It was out of the way and would mean that I would be delayed getting home. He chose not to hear my protest and said that he would see me back at home. I complied.

When I got home about an hour later with the meal take-out packages it was to hear sounds from upstairs. I put the bags down in the kitchen and went upstairs to see Tina carrying a towel and about to enter the bathroom. She was wearing her dressing gown and looking a little flushed and flustered.

“Oh hello, there you are. I was wondering what was keeping you. Rolf is just having a shower … he said that you might be a little late.. I was just getting him a towel. He should be done soon and be right down.”

I went into our bedroom to change out of my suit and noticed that the bed seemed to be kind of rumpled which was odd, Tina is normally very particular about keeping things neat and tidy.. then there was that odour ….!

Tina came into the room as I changed out of my clothes; I didn’t say anything about the state of the bed (or what I thought the smell related to) but it all seemed a little suspicious. Tina made no comment when she saw the look on my face but just said, “We thought we might have another sauna after we’ve eaten. Rolf said that you went and bought something different for us to eat for dinner. He said you insisted on going to buy it to celebrate a special occasion.”

I looked a little quizzical but knew where this conversation was going; I just wanted to hear her version of what she thought might be happening.

“He said that, ‘insisted’? He didn’t give me much choice, certainly didn’t say anything about it being a special occasion. What’s the special occasion?”

“He said this is going to be the first time you are going to see another man make love to your wife!”

“Make love?!”

“Oh, silly me, I meant, watch another man Fuck me.”

Somehow hearing her put it that way made it sound so much better and once again I felt my cock begin to swell in my pants. “Oh wow, that sounds exciting.. do we have to eat first or can we just get straight to it?!”

She smiled and said, “Why don’t you take your clothes off and we’ll go down to the sauna …. Rolf will be down just as soon as he’s finished showering.”

I followed her down the stairs not bothering with the usual towel as I contemplated that they might have already had a quick fumble before I got home. We got to the sauna and she took off her gown to reveal that she, just like me, was naked. We sat opposite each other in the steamy heat and she confirmed it, “He’s already fucked me. He couldn’t wait, he figured that you wouldn’t mind.”

I guess I had a stunned looked on my face. This was all going a bit too quickly for my liking but what could I say, my stiff cock had already given away my reaction.

Tina leaned over to me and placed her hand on my dick and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Come on, we’re all going to have a lot of fun.”

Oh my, this was so weird. She was now doing all the things that had only occurred in my imagination when I had masturbated in the solitude of the bathroom. She was being completely open about having sex with another man; she was using words that I never expected her to know; she was acting as if she was some kind of slut.

I relaxed and returned her kiss and let my hand slide down between her legs. As I did so she parted her thighs and my fingers slipped inside her warm pussy, a pussy that was already wet with his cum. What could I say other than something like, “.. feels like you have already had some fun!”

The door to the sauna opened which startled me and I sat up as Rolf entered. He was naked, his big cock hung down seemingly mocking my own lack of length and he smiled to see what I had been doing. He said with a smirk, “Oh, she’s told then you, has she?” which made Tina giggle.

He sat on the bench opposite and that’s when the atmosphere changed. I had just about gotten used to the idea that we were going to have some kind of friendly threesome, maybe taking turns to enjoy Tina’s charms and her sharing her attention with both of us. Rolf soon put me right on that idea.

“So, your wife tells me that you’ve been neglecting her over the years and that you deserve to be taught a lesson.”

Oh dear, this didn’t sound good; not what I had in mind.

“When we’ve finished in here we shall go back up to the lounge and I’ll show you what you should have been doing instead of concentrating on everything other than your poor wife who quite frankly …” he looked pointedly at my stubby cock which was sticking up with Tina’s hand still wrapped around, “… deserves something better.”

He sounded quite the different person who I worked with. His attitude toward me had changed, he was no longer the amiable work colleague, now his voice seemed more aggressive and hinted at contempt. I turned to look at Tina to gain her reaction; she responded by letting go of my cock, getting up and joining him on his bench and taking hold of his!

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