
A Special Summer Ch. 05


The next morning Andi woke, and her eyes focused on Christie’s face. “Good morning,” she whispered.

“Good morning,” Christie said as she softly pushed Andi’s hair back out of her face.

Andi smiled, then lifted her head and kissed her aunt softly.

Chistie’s returned the kiss, then pulled back and looked at her beautiful niece. They kissed again, longer this time, their tongues playing together gently. Andi’s long leg hooked around the back of Christie’s thigh and pressed against her as their kiss deepened.

They kissed for a few more minutes, then stopped and held each other before getting out of bed and going downstairs for coffee and breakfast. Once breakfast was finished, they began laundry and cleaning, then went out to the grocery store to stock up for the week. Once everything was done and put away, they headed to the pool. Karen was gone for the weekend, but Maddi came over and the three hung out at the pool and soaked up the sun.

While Andi was swimming, Christie told Maddi about what had happened yesterday with her mother. “Is Andi doing OK?” she asked. Despite her over-the-top personality, Maddi was a caring and sweet person and would do anything for a friend.

“She seems to be,” Christie answered, “I’m sure she’s still upset, but she seems to be holding up pretty well.”

“You know, if there is anything I can do or if she needs anything,” Maddi said.

“You should tell her that,” Christie said.

At dinner time, they headed back to the house and the three of them put together some dinner. After they ate, Maddi started to leave, but stopped on her way out the door. She took Andi’s hands and smiled, she had to crane her neck a bit to look up at the taller girl as she said, “Christie told me about yesterday. I’m so sorry you are going through all that, but I want you to know that if you ever need anything at all, just say the word and I’m there for you. I love your aunt more than anything and you are so important to her and so to me.”

Andi pulled her in close and hugged her. “Thank you, Maddi,” she said. “That means so much to me right now.”

Maddi said goodbye and headed home. Christie and Andi straightened up the kitchen, then sat together on the couch and watched some TV. Without a word, Andi slid back against the arm of the couch and turned to face Christie. She reached down and lifted her t-shirt, then pulled it off and tossed it on the floor beside the couch. Christie turned slightly to face her, and Andi smiled, then began to tease her nipple.

Her eyes never left her aunt’s as she slid her hands down and unbuttoned her shorts, then slipped a hand inside them. Her fingers softly caressed her pussy, one finger slipping inside making her moan softly. Her hand rocked slowly as her finger slid slowly in and out while the heel of her hand ground against her clit.

Christie watched her, mesmerized.

Andi moaned softly as she gently fingered her pussy, then slid her hand out and moved her finger to her lips. She slid the finger slowly into her mouth, her tongue twisting around it and purred softly as she tasted herself, a taste she had discovered she loved. She could see Christie squirming as she put on a little erotic show for her, then slid her hand back down and her finger back into her pussy. Getting it nice and wet again, she slid her hand back out of her shorts and reached forward, moving her finger to Christie’s lips.

Christie inhaled; the scent of Andi’s pussy was intoxicating. As the finger moved against her lips, she parted them slightly and gently sucked the finger, tasting Andi’s arousal. She sucked it clean, then held her wrist as she ran her tongue down her hand and over her palm.

Andi shivered softly, then moved her hand behind Christie and leaned forward. Their lips met and they kissed softly. “Aunt Christie, can I sleep with you again tonight?”

“Of course, Hun,” Christie responded breathlessly.

Andi smiled, then stood, picked up her shirt and headed upstairs to her bathroom to get ready for bed. Christie followed her a moment later and went into her bathroom. She got ready for bed, put on her blue nighty and stepped into the bedroom. Andi was sitting in the bed, the covers pulled up to the middle of her thighs. She was naked.

Christie lifted the nighty up over her head, tossed it aside and slid into the bed beside her. Andi cuddled up next to her, her long arms and legs wrapped around her aunt, her bare flesh warm and soft against her. She felt Andi’s wetness as her pussy pressed gently against her thigh. Andi’s lips gently kissed her collar bone and worked slowly up her neck.

Christie turned her face, and their lips came together again. They kissed softly as Andi’s hips moved slowly, grinding gently against her. Andi moaned softly into her mouth, then whispered, “You feel so much better than a toy, Aunt Christie.”

Andi’s hand slid down along Christie’s side until it got to her hip, her leg moved back and slid between Christie’s, her heel sliding izmit escort down and hooking Christie’s calf and giving her leverage to pull herself against Christie’s thigh. Her fingers moved along the inside of Christie’s thigh until they got to her bush, then worked down to her clit. They flattened out and began to move in slow circles as her clit stiffened.

Christie moaned softly as Andi’s fingers teased her clit. They continued to kiss as Andi softly rubbed her clit and ground herself against Christie’s thigh. Her touch was soft and gentle, there was no urgency to it as there had been when they had masturbated together with their toys.

Andi continued and Christie’s pleasure built slowly. Eventually, she could feel herself reaching a peak, could sense her orgasm getting close. Her hips began to move gently, but Andi’s fingers kept the same rhythm, soft and slow.

Christie stiffened slightly, their kiss broke momentarily as she gasped and bit her lower lip as the orgasm flowed through her body. Andi’s fingers slowed as Christie relaxed. They kissed again, then Andi wrapped her arm and leg back around Christie and slid her face back down against her shoulder.

“Good night, Aunt Christie,” she whispered. “I love you.”

I love you too, darling,” Christie said, her hand sliding down Andi’s bare back and settling on her hip. They fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept contently through the night.

Their alarms went off in the morning and started another week. They kissed as they left the house for the gym, then went off to work. Andi worked a little late and got home only a few minutes before Christie, so they made dinner together then ate and cleaned up. As they moved around the kitchen, they would often touch each other and smile.

When it was time for bed, they went to their own rooms and went to bed separately, though each went to bed nude. Andi’s phone chimed about ten minutes after she got in bed, and she saw that Christie’s toy was waiting to pair. She waited to see if Christie was going to play alone, but when the message didn’t go away, she paired the toy with her phone. She eased up the main arm vibration and heard Christie moan through the intercom on the entertainment system. She giggled softly and began to work the controls on her phone, while she slipped the fingers of her other hand into her pussy.

She brought Christie to the edge several times before finally making her cum when she was cumming herself. Christie’s toy disconnected from her phone, and she heard Christie say over the intercom, “Thank you, darling. I love you.” Andi smiled and set her phone down, then rolled over and went to sleep.

The week rolled by, they slept separately each night, but played either before they went to bed or remotely using the intercom each night. Each had plans with their friends on Friday after work and when they left the house in the morning Christie said, “Have fun tonight, if you’re going to stay out all night, just text me to let me know, please.”

The Friday Intern meeting was a little longer this week because it was the end of their first rotation, and all would be moving to a different department on Monday. Rather than individual presentations, they had to give a group presentation. She worked with Stan and Karen to put it together and after they presented it and had seen the other three groups, they were happy with the result.

Andi went home and changed into jeans and a fun flower print blouse, had some dinner, then went out. They got together at Stan’s apartment which had become a standing thing on Friday nights, and when she got there, she saw that several people that weren’t from the intern program were there as well. Most she found out were students at a local school who lived in the apartment complex. She also noted that Stan was involved in group conversations and seemed to be a lot more comfortable.

She and Karen hung out most of the night and since she had driven, she was drinking straight ginger ale. Karen asked about Maddi and Andi giggled a bit and asked, “Do you have a thing for her?”

Karen smiled and blushed a little, a look that Andi had never seen from the always in control and confident Karen. “I know it was just a one-night thing, but she’s so fun,” she said. “Part of me wishes we hadn’t slept together so we could just hang out. Then I think about that night and that thought passes.”

Andi giggled and said, “From what I’ve seen of Maddi, there is no problem just hanging out at this point. The only thing is, you must be prepared that she may be flirting with someone else in front of you.”

“I can live with that,” Karen said. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be flirting with someone else too.” She winked playfully at Andi, and they laughed.

“Well, we’re going to the pool again tomorrow,” Andi said, “I don’t know if she’ll be there, but you are welcome to come. Bring your roommates too if you want, they seem nice.”

“Thanks, I’ll ask them,” Karen ığdır escort replied then headed back to her apartment to call her dad.

Andi hung around and talked to a few people she didn’t know very well, including a boy who lived in the apartment complex named Shawn. He was going to be a Junior this year as well and was studying civil engineering, plus he was tall, which was always a good starting point for Andi given her height. They talked for a while, and he seemed nice. When they were getting ready to leave, he said, “Maybe we can go out sometime.”

Andi gave him her phone number and said to text her, and they’d see. They said good night and Andi headed home.

Christie and her friends met at their normal Friday night happy hour, then went to dinner, then to one of the many downtown bars that had live music on weekends. Maddi was there and flirting as usual. The object of her flirtation this evening was a tall brunette about their age who was there with a friend. Both women were married, but according to Maddi their husbands were away on a golf trip, and they were interested in exploring their bi side.

That kind of hookup wasn’t on top of Christie’s list of favorite things, but it also wasn’t out the question or something she hadn’t done before, especially after a long dry spell like the one Maddi thought she was currently in. Maddi in fact, had decided that she was going to get Christie laid tonight.

They had fun, danced a bit and when it was time to go home, the woman asked if she wanted to go back to her place. Christie gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “Thanks, I’d love to take you up on that, but it’s really not a good time right now.”

“Another time I hope, my husband travels a lot and is fine with my female dalliances,” she said with a smile and handed her a slip of paper with her phone number on it.

She’d heard that from a lot of women, and some it was actually true, but for most it was a bored housewife who was just looking to spice up their boring marriage but avoid some of the guilt by cheating with a woman rather than a man. She’d rationalized cheating on Steve with Maddi the same way, so she knew what the real consequences could be. Christie said goodnight and waved to Maddi who was dancing, then headed home.

She got home to find Andi sitting on the couch in a pair of shorts and a green tank, watching TV. “How was your night?” she asked as she walked in.

“It was a lot of fun,” she replied, “How about yours?”

“Fun, good band, Maddi was trying to get me hooked up,” Christie answered.

“Oh?” Andi said, raising an eyebrow.

Christie explained the situation and they had a nice laugh. Then Andi told her about Shawn. Andi told her about her conversation with Karen about Maddi and that Karen was coming over tomorrow and maybe bringing her roommates. Christie told her that Maddi hadn’t said anything about tomorrow, but she’d probably text in the morning to see what was going on, that was her normal thing.

While they were chatting, Christie poured a glass of wine, then sat down on the couch next to Andi. She drank her wine while they watched an old re-run from the sixties on an oldies TV station, then set the empty glass on the coffee table. She leaned her head against Andi’s shoulder, then turned to face her and began to kiss slowly up Andi’s neck.

She moaned softly as she felt her aunt’s lips press lightly behind her ear, then trail slowly down her neck. Christie lifted her head from her shoulder and looked in her eyes, her lips quivering.

They paused, then their lips touched, and they kissed softly. Andi tasted Christie’s breath as they kissed, then she felt the tip of Christie’s tongue part her lips, searching urgently for hers. Her tongue twisted around her aunt’s, and she felt a hand on her knee, softly sliding up her thigh. Andi’s legs parted slightly, and Christie’s hand slid onto the crotch of her shorts.

Christie could feel the dampness and heat between Andi’s legs and felt her hips lift against her fingers. Their tongues swirled together, and their passion increased as Christie’s fingers pressed harder, digging into the material of Andi’s shorts. Andi pulled back and gasped, then her hand slid behind Christie’s neck and pulled her tight as they kissed again.

She gently broke their kiss, then she took Andi’s hand and stood, gently pulling her to her feet. Andi was a couple inches taller than her aunt, so Christie had to lift slightly to kiss her. Her finger ran along the line of Andi’s jaw as she leaned in and whispered, “Would you like to go up to my room?”

Andi nodded slowly and Christie stepped back with a smile and interlaced their fingers and led Andi to the stairs. They walked up the stairs and entered Christie’s bedroom. When they got to the bed, Christie turned Andi around so that her back was to the bed and unbuttoned her shorts. Leaning in and kissing her, Christie unzipped Andi’s shorts and wiggled them down over her narrow ısparta escort hips. Her grey cotton panties had a dark patch in the crotch from Andi’s pussy leaking into them.

Andi slid her hands down and pulled off her t-shirt, tossing it on the floor. She stepped out of her shorts while she reached up behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it slide down her arms and drop to the floor. She sat down on the edge of the bed in just her damp panties while her aunt undressed and stood before her in a red silk thong that barely covered the small landing strip on her mound.

Christie dropped to her knees and moved between Andi’s legs, pushing her legs back and nuzzling against her wet panties, inhaling deeply and taking in the delicious scent of her arousal. She slid a finger under the panties and pushed them aside, revealing Andi’s gleaming slit and bare mound. Her tongue extended and ran slowly along Andi’s slit, the tip sliding into her folds, then up over her clit. Circling her clit, Christie’s tongue flicked playfully as her clit pulsed and Andi wiggled and squirmed.

Her lips latched onto Andi, her tongue teasing her clit while she slid a finger slowly inside as Andi raised her hips and squealed in pleasure. Her finger gently teased Andi’s g-spot as she slid her finger in and out, twisting her hand as she sucked and licked. Andi was panting and pulled her legs back, opening herself up so Christie could get in deeper. Her fingers worked faster and harder as her tongue worked Andi’s clit. Andi began to shake, and her body was screaming with pleasure as she reached her peak and her orgasm hit hard. Her fingers dug into the sheets and her head pressed back as her body shook violently.

“FUCK…FUCK…FUCK…YES Aunt Christie, YES,” Andi screamed as a wave of pleasure crashed over her. Christie kept up the pressure on Andi’s clit and Andi gasped as an intense feeling hit her and a small squirt shot from her pussy, splattering against Christie’s face.

Christie moaned as the liquid ran down face. She slid up and climbed on the bed, straddling Andi, leaning down and kissing her. Andi’s long, thin arms wrapped around her neck, and they kissed passionately, their breasts pressed together, their legs intertwined. Smiling down at her beautiful niece, Christie giggled and said, “Have you ever squirted before today?”

Andi looked up at her with a confused look on her face, “Squirted? I squirted?”

Christie nodded and ran her finger over the wet spot on her cheek, then slipped her finger in Andi’s mouth. Andi giggled and sucked her finger, her tongue wriggling around it. They kissed again, then Christie rolled over and lay beside her. Andi rolled a bit and draped her arm across Christie’s chest and laid her head on her shoulder, snuggling tight against her.

Christie’s hand slid up and softly stroked Andi’s long black hair. Andi reached down and slid her panties off, then pressed against Christie, draping her leg over her hip. She kissed slowly up her neck as her hand caressed her nipple. Grinding against her hip as her long arms and legs wrapped around her aunt. Their naked bodies moved together slowly, and they began to kiss again, tongues exploring each other.

Climbing up and straddling Christie, Andi moved slowly down her body, kissing down her chest, then her belly until she got to her little landing strip of hair. She ran her fingers through it playfully, then ran her tongue over her clit. Christie shivered and gasped, her fingers sliding into Andi’s hair, gripping her head gently as Andi worked her tongue up and down, her tongue sliding between Christie’s meaty lips. Sucking and tugging, she slid her thumb up and began strumming her swollen clit.

Christie bucked and twisted, gasping and panting, “Oh, GOD, FUCK, Yes, that’s it baby, Oh GOD YES!!!!!”

Andi worked her fingers and tongue in different places, exploring and sensing how Christie responded. She buried her face in Christie’s pussy and lapped hungrily as her thumb pressed harder and moved faster over her clit. Her face was covered in slick juices as she licked and sucked, wanting her aunt to feel the same pleasure that she had.

Christie’s body tensed, then began to spasm, her voice cracking as she begged Andi for more, her fingers digging deeper into Andi’s hair, pulling her into her pussy and Andi responded by licking and sucking harder. Then Christie locked her legs tightly and her heels dug into Andi’s back as her body began to twist and buck. She screamed out in pleasure, then she tensed and shook, gasping as her body shook violently. She had a couple of short quick body spasms before her body relaxed and she collapsed back, running her fingers through her own hair, feeling the sweat as she gasped to catch her breath.

“Holly fuck, that was amazing, baby,” she said through labored breath. Reaching down, she guided Andi back up and they rolled onto their sides and held each other close while they kissed softly.

They lay together for a while before Christie finally stirred, kissing Andi on the nose before running downstairs and coming back with two plastic cups of fruit juice. Andi sat up and took the cup offered to her, drinking slowly, then realizing how thirsty she was and had a long deep drink of the cold juice.

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