
A Weekend with ‘k’ Ch. 03


When I have my breath back and I think my legs will support me, I stand up. I kick of my jeans from around my ankles and offer you my hand, helping you to your feet.

‘I need to take a leak.’ I tell you, a little crudely. ‘Come with me to the bathroom.’ I see a look of panic flash across your face and give you an evil grin. Not letting go of your hand I almost pull you into the huge, marble lined bathroom. Standing by the toilet I release your hand and move it down to my cock. I can see from your face that you don’t understand what is expected.

‘Hold it for me, whilst I “go”. Be careful where you point it.’ I see the relief in your eyes, knowing that you have been worried that I might have asked you to test one of our pre-agreed ‘limits’; and wait till you have the aim about right and let go. I hear what can only be described as a giggle as you feel the flow through the shaft of my prick. When I am done I instruct you to fill the wash-basin with warm water and to clean my cock. Once the bowl is full my hand on your shoulder presses you into the correct position, on your knees. Dipping the flannel into the warm water you wash me with the proper attention to detail and a concentration that almost approaches reverence. By the time you are finished my cock is already half erect.

‘Do you need to pee?’ I ask. I see you nod, grateful that I asked. ‘Then go ahead.’ I tell you. Once you realise that I am not intending to leave I see your body tense up and you start to stammer.

‘I c…ca……can’t. Not with you….’

My raised voice echoes in the bathroom, silencing you instantly.

‘”Can’t” is not a word that you are permitted to use k.” I continue. ‘You have submitted to me. We agreed limits and you have said, over and over, that you trust me. Within those parameters you are not permitted to refuse me anything.’ I sigh. ‘I’m disappointed k, you will have to be punished — after you have obeyed me.’ I try to ensure that anger is still apparent in my words, but secretly I am pleased. I knew that at some point there would be resistance and I am pleased that it has come so early, over something relatively trivial. Making you obey me now will help prevent defiance later, and take you to new level of submission.

‘Will you obey me k?’

I gaze down at you. (Do I see tears in your eyes?) I offer you my hand and help you to your feet, releasing my grip as you sit on the toilet — wordlessly complying with my will. I watch you intently as struggle to relax enough to let go, hands clasped between your knees, face downcast and blushing red to the roots of your hair. Finally I hear a little sigh and a tinkle in the bowl. I turn away then. My intention is not to humiliate you, only to reinforce in your mind the degree of compliance I expect from you. I grab a huge, luxuriously fluffy robe from the hanger and head for the bedroom, calling over my shoulder, ‘Join me when you are ready’.

Back in the room you find me sprawled on the bed, wrapped in the robe, looking over the room service menu. All traces of anger are gone. ‘Are you hungry?’ I enquire, to which you respond by smiling, nervously, and nodding. You can’t help wondering about the punishment that was promised. Without thinking you make a motion as if to take the menu, but see straight away that it isn’t going to be offered.

‘Kneel at the foot of the bed k.’ You take a few steps and assume what is becoming your usual position. I glance down at you as I pick up the phone. ‘You told me once that you were good at foot massages. I want you to show me how good.’

Then I dial room-service as you go to work. Very quickly you prove that you haven’t lied about your talents. Focused on your work you hear me say into the phone, ’30 minutes then? Thank you.’ before I replace the handset.

I look down the bed at you again and smile. ‘That is very good k. But now I want you to suck my toes.’ I see shock register on your face. ‘Go down on them like they were 10 little cocks.’ I like back and relax as you lower your head to comply. You feel me leg twitch and hear the first moan as you quickly get the hang of it. You quickly learn that running your tongue between my toes seems to get the biggest reaction.

I lie for a few minutes, intensely enjoying your ministrations. It is not just the physical pleasure I relish, but the thrill of how quickly and easily you have fallen into your role, prepared to kneel and suck my toes, because I have told you to, because it gives me pleasure. However, çekmeköy escort thinking of this reminds me of how, just recently, you had resisted one of my orders. Punishment had been promised and now it must be meted out. To delay further, or to forgive and forget, might only create problems later — when you are faced with sterner challenges than having a pee front of me.

I look down at you at the foot of the bed, your mouth wrapped around my big toe. ‘You are doing a lovely job k, but stop now.’ As you lift your head I see you smile at these words of praise. ‘But now it is time for your punishment.’ I get a cruel thrill when I see your smile fade.

I stand up and remove the cord of the robe I am wearing and motion for you to stand. I turn you round and gently draw your wrists behind your back. Using the soft, terry-towelling cord I wrap it loosely around your wrists — bondage that is more symbolic than actual. Leaving you trembling I turn to the bed, to search through my ‘goodie bag’ (wondering if you will think of it as the ‘baddie bag’ by the time the weekend is over) and find what I am looking for. I take a few items from your bag at the same time and put them within easy reach on the bed. Standing behind you once again I hear you gasp as gently take hold of your collar. With a little metallic noise the leash from my bag clicks onto the ring on your collar. I give it a gentle tug, moving your head slightly back, imparting to you the significance of the leash — a further degree of control. Then I grasp the elastic of your knickers and pull them down till they are just above your knees. I sit on the end of the bed and pull the lead again, a little harder this time, jerking you towards me slightly. ‘Across my knees k.’ I order.

With your hands behind your back and hobbled by your panties it is difficult to kneel -but you manage, lowering yourself across my thighs. Without the cord to keep the robe together it has fallen open and you feel my hard cock pressing into your belly as you assume ‘the position’, helpless and exposed. I haul in a deep sigh as I look down at the delectable sight which has, quite literally, dropped into my lap. The lovely swell of your buttocks entrances me, as does the deep cleft between. The end of the butt-plug is revealed and I twist it a little, hear you gasp; then moan as I pull it out and push it in a few times.

‘This one is a little small for a self confessed anal whore like you, don’t you think k?’ I pull the butt plug from your arse, making you gasp again, and throw it in the direction of the bathroom. Gently spreading your cheeks I take a long look at the delightful rosebud that is your anus, still slightly open after the withdrawal of its recent occupant. ‘Time to stretch you a little more I think.’ I announce as I pick up the big plug that you bought with you. I feel you tense up as the tip presses against your arse. Even with your face down, unable to see, it is obvious you have guessed what is coming. ‘You should know from experience that this going to hurt less if you relax.’ I say. Hearing and feeling you exhale I press slowly but firmly on the end of the butt plug and watch your arse swallow it. I can see the ring of muscles open around it and your breath now hissing out, through clenched teeth, as I remorselessly press it home. I hear you cry out as the widest diameter of the plug opens you wide, then grunt as your sphincter tightens on the tapered portion, leaving only the knob at the end visible.

I press my hand between your tight-clasped thighs and find your cunt as wet I could have wished. My finger finds your hard clit and I gently stroke it. I hear your breathing return to normal as pleasure wipes away the memory of pain. In a surprisingly short time I can feel you starting to squirm on my lap, trying to maximise your enjoyment from my probing fingers. I take that as a signal to stop. I pull my hand from between your legs, with some difficulty, as you clamp your thigh muscles on me to try and keep it in place. I almost laugh and with the smile still in my voice I tell you.

‘This is meant to be punishment k, not fun.’ Hand free I start to trail my finger tips over your arse cheeks. ‘You do agree that you deserve punishing don’t you k? For disobeying me?’ I wait until I hear your reply, muffled by your position, ‘yes Sir’.

‘k, I am going to give you 20. Afterwards you will thank me for your punishment and promise me it won’t happen again. A bit of cliché, but sometimes these old cevizli escort rituals are enjoyable — and instructive. Do you understand?’ Another ‘yes Sir’ is the signal I have been waiting for. I raise my hand — and then pause, tension heavy in the air and more apparent in the clenched muscles of your vulnerable derrière.

Then I bring my left hand down on your left buttock, medium hard, producing a satisfying thwack. The gasp of pain from you and the wriggle in my lap are even more satisfying. I pull my hand back and see a lovely pink palm print already appearing. With my right hand I grab your wrists where they are loosely bound at the base of your back and press you down, to hold you still and to press my cock harder into you. I bring my hand down on your other buttock, producing more cries and more wriggling. I alternate the spanks between each globe of your arse, enjoying watching them turn a uniform pink, the hand prints a deeper red. After 5 hard spanks on each cheek I pause. I can hear you breathing hard and sniffling and let the moment stretch out. I reach out and pick up something that I bought to the party — a leather paddle. It is no sadistic tawse, but I know it is going to hurt more than my hand. I trail the fingers of my right hand over the pink skin of your bum as I grasp the paddle tighter. I can almost literally feel the heat of your spanked flesh radiating from you. Then I move the leather of the paddle over your skin, feel you flinch and hear you gasp. Can you tell from that contact what it is? Can you guess what is coming?

I raise the paddle high, and bring it down, not too hard. But it does make a lovely whistling sound in the air. I have time to wonder if you will hear it before you feel it? Then it connects with your bum with a lovely slap. I couple more on each bum cheek and you are bouncing around on my cock, gasping and crying, no matter how hard I try to hold you down. The last few strokes I aim at the juncture between your thigh and buttock. Your arse will probably be a little numb by now and I know it will hurts more on the thighs. This is punishment, not fun. A lesson has to be taught and it will not be learned if I ‘spare the rod’. After 10 with the paddle (or thereabouts) I stop, dropping it onto the bed. I loosen the cord around your wrists and let you slide off my lap onto the floor — once again on your knees.

I give you a moment to compose yourself, and then ask. ‘Is there something you want to tell me k?’ I listen to you sniffle and hear you begin. ‘I’m……I’m…sor….’ I interrupt with a demand. ‘Look at me k!’ You turn your face up to me, your eyes red and full of tears. I feel a pang of pity and regret, but quell it before these emotions show in my face.

You give another big sniff and compose yourself. ‘I’m sorry I disobeyed you…….Master. It won’t happen again.’ I am struck dumb for a moment. I hadn’t expected you to call me that, ‘Master’. Not yet at least. You might have used it, almost jokingly, in email or chat in the past, but now it had seemingly been forced from lips – as a further sign of your compliance?

This frozen moment in time is broken dramatically by a knock on the door. You gasp as you hear a voice announce, ‘room service!’ Momentarily startled, having forgotten all about dinner, I try to think quickly. I grab the cord of the robe from the floor and wrap it round my waist, making myself presentable. I think about how to make you presentable and then stop — an evil thought has entered my head. How should a good sub present herself? I call out, ‘Just coming, hang on a minute.’ Then I bend down to where you kneel and whisper.

‘Stretch your hands out in front of you, face down.’ You gasp as what I want begins to sink in. ‘And I hope I don’t need to remind you not to move unless I tell you.’ I walk towards the door and look back to see that you are in the position I want. Gratifyingly you are. Your lovely arse is raised, still very red and patterned with hand prints. I feel sure that if I turned off the lights I would still be able to see by the pink glow from your bum. The bulb of the butt-plug protrudes obscenely — a truly erotic tableau.

I turn, take a deep breath and open the door. Outside is a young man holding the handles of a trolley. Blonde and good looking his name badge identifies him as ‘Josef’. ‘Come in.’ I tell him and back into the room, allowing him to push in the trolley and allowing me to watch his face. When he catches sight of you I can’t help but erenköy escort laugh at his reaction. His eyes go wide and his mouth opens into a perfect ‘0’ of astonishment. Then he tries to make his mouth work, trying to frame words, to ask questions.

‘What, who……who is that.’ He begs, accent eastern European, perhaps Polish. I bend down and take up the end of the lead that is attached to your collar.

‘This?’ I ask, ‘this is my sub….my submissive. My……….pet.’ I look down at the leather leash connecting me to you – so intensely, so intimately. ‘Yes, this is “My-pet”.’

I tug on the leash until you straighten up. ‘Turn around My-pet. Show Josef how lovely you are.’ You turn on your knees to face him and the young man’s eyes go wide again as he sees your lovely tits. I see doubts start to cross his face as he sees your tear streaked face.

Reassuringly I tell him, ‘She is here willingly Josef. This is for our mutual pleasure.’ I turn my head to you. ‘Tell him k.’ I see you smile at the waiter. ‘Don’t worry, what he says is true. I am His….p…p…pet.’ Your smile turns to me for a second — and becomes radiant, then back to Josef before continuing. ‘We…. I enjoy what we are doing. You needn’t worry.’ I can see that our room-service waiter is mollified and it makes me wonder how many times he has witnessed similar scenes whilst doing his job.

‘Thank you for bringing our food Josef. I was going to give you a tip, but perhaps there is something else you would like? I ask, glancing meaningfully in your direction.

The boy is quick on the up-take. ‘Could I, could feel those titties?’ He asks, his accent now even more pronounced than before, guttural with lust. My glance catches yours for a second and then I nod, ‘Sure you can.’

He almost leaps forward with excitement, reaching down to grab one of your breasts, mauling it in his impatience. You give a little whimper, which even I am not sure is from pleasure or pain. But is seems to bring him to his senses a little and he becomes a little gentler. He rolls your hard nipples between his fingers, using both hands. Now there is no mistaking, for either of us, that the noises you making are the result of pleasure. He looks back over his shoulder, face full of puppy-dog eagerness. ‘Will she suck my cock? Can I fuck her?’

With almost telepathic precision our eyes lock. But telepathy fails when I try to decide what you think about this request; your expression gives me no clue. Then I realise what your lack of visible emotion is saying, and my heart lurches. You are waiting for my decision; you will accept my choice — whatever it may be. I deliberately pause, wanting to stay in this moment for as long as possible.

‘No Josef. I wont allow either of those things.’ I see his face crumple with disappointment. ‘But, perhaps you would like to cum on her tits?’ I smile when his face lights up again. ‘Ya, that would be great.’ He straightens up and begins to scrabble with his flies, over-keen once again.

‘Help him My-pet’. I order. ‘Get Josef to cum on your tits.’ With barely a moment’s hesitation you push aside his fumbling hands and quickly fish out his already hard cock. Looking up at him, holding his gaze, you start to gently but expertly stroke his cock — pointing the throbbing end at your breasts. Almost immediately the young man starts to gasp, his eyes close and his head goes back. Your strokes increase in pace and I can see you add a little twist of your hand as you reach the top of his cock. That seems to do the trick. Josef arches his back, curses in Polish – and cums. The result is impressive — a veritable shower of jism splatters your tits and then runs down the slope of your breast and drips from your nipples. I change the direction of my gaze and see that you are looking straight at me as you continue to stroke his cock, draining every last drop. The same enigmatic, blank expression is on your face.

Slowly a smile spreads across my face. A smile that conveys my pleasure at your obedience – and also tells you how proud I am of My pet. Instantly you flash me a dazzling smile before stuffing Josef’s still wet cock back in his pants and zipping him up.

As if waking from a dream the waiter looks around the room, seemingly wondering how he got there. Looking embarrassed he starts stammering unintelligible excuses and backing towards the door.

‘Relax Josef’ I laugh. ‘Thank you for bringing our food, thanks for the excellent service. I hope the tip was satisfactory.’ I shepherd him towards the door, now anxious to be alone with you. As the door clicks closed behind him I turn to you. I see the cum glistening on your tits as you dreamily rub into your breasts. My tightly held restraint starts to loosen as I watch.

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