
A Weekend With Three Angels Ch. 38


I was just getting back into bed with my first cup of coffee when the phone rang. I put my mug down and set the other one on Trish’s nightstand and then picked up the phone.

‘Good morning.’ I said.

‘Hello. Rob?’


‘Good morning Rob. This is Rita. I hope I’m not calling too early.’

‘No, it’s fine Rita. I was just having coffee. What’s up?’

‘I wanted to let you know that I have the brochures you requested. I got some calls yesterday from Dawn and from Rhonda. I think I answered their questions and I told them that I would deliver the brochures to you today. Is it all right if I drop them off this morning? I’m dying to see your house. Do you mind if I stop by?’

‘Sure Rita, anytime. Do you mind if I’m not dressed?’

‘Oh God. If you’re not dressed, I might have to stay a little longer.’ I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. ‘Is Trish there?’

‘Yes. She’s still sleeping, but she’ll probably wake up soon. Why?’

‘Oh I was just wondering if you were at home alone and undressed.’

‘No. Trish is here and so are the girls.’

‘Oh so you’ll be getting dressed soon?’

‘Probably not. We all like to hang out without clothes. Is that OK with you?’ I had figured that she understood our nudist lifestyle since she had booked us for a nude cruise.

‘Oh God! How could I forget!’ she scolded herself, ‘You’re chartering the clothing optional cruise! You know, since we’ve done all of this on the phone, I just don’t have a clear picture of you and Trish in my mind. I only know that Linda in my office said that you have a beautiful house and fabulous views.’

Linda is a friend of Jill Clark, our landscaper, and she recommended that we use Rita to book the cruise. Linda works in the agency as the receptionist, and she referred me to Rita.

‘I understand. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you too. So tell me. Should I put on some clothes before you get here?’

‘Well I’ve never had a first meeting with a client in the nude. It might be fun. Do I need to get undressed when I get to your house too?’

I laughed to myself at Rita’s innocent questions. ‘I’ll leave that up to you.’ I said, ‘We want all of our houseguests to feel comfortable, so you can decide if you want to stay dressed or not.’ I was beginning to get curious about what she might look like and whether this morning might turn into a new sexual adventure. I figured she must be good looking since Jill is a real hard body type. I recalled the night that she partied with us and was reunited with her college roommate, Sue Landers, who is also Tammi and Tracy’s cheerleading coach.

Apparently she had been calling from her car, because it was only about five minutes later that I heard a knock on the door. As I was imagining what our first face to face meeting would be like, I had been slowly stroking my dick, so when I went to answer the door it was hanging a little longer than normal. I wasn’t stiff, but by the look on Rita’s face, it must have looked pretty good. I saw her eyes go down to my cock and then a smile crossed her pretty face as her eyes moved back up and met mine.

‘Now that’s a nice way to be greeted at a front door! May I come in?’ she asked.

‘Of course.’ I told her as I held the door open, ‘It’s great to finally meet you!’

As she walked by me slowly I took a good long look at her fantastic body. She was wearing heels and a short skirt that accentuated her long muscular legs. Her slim hips were anchored to a firm round ass and her tiny waist was an obvious contrast to her high full breasts. She had a rather long neck that was topped by a fresh and pretty face that was framed by her short brown hair. Her green eyes sparkled and if looks were the only criteria, I was ready to fall in love.

She was looking around the room and seemed to be ignoring my nakedness already. ‘Linda says that Jill told her you have a beautiful home, and I can see that she’s right! And I also heard that you are a really fun family and so I’ve been so anxious to meet you. I don’t get to book nude cruises very often and I’m hoping that the crew will invite me to go on one someday! I really should push them to let me do it so I can be more knowledgeable about what they offer.’

As I looked at her I wondered if there might be room for her on our trip.

‘Why don’t we sit down here in the kitchen and talk about the cruise.’ I told her as I led her through the living room. ‘Would you like some coffee?’

‘Oh yes, please. Black.’

I stood with my back to her as I poured another cup and topped off my mug.

‘Um Rob? Is it all right if I take off my clothes? I’m trying to get in a nude cruise frame of mind.’

‘Of course.’ I answered, ‘I told we you that we like our guests to be comfortable, no matter what it takes.’

When I turned around Rita was unbuttoning her blouse revealing a sexy purple lace bra. It was a push up type and her firm round breasts looked awesome. I guessed them to be about a 36D. She kicked off her high-heeled shoes and unzipped relaxbet güvenilirmi the back of her skirt. As she pushed it down over her hips I admired the lace front of her matching purple thong panties. My cock stirred when she turned around to toss her skirt on the chair and I gazed at her gorgeous ass.

‘Well here goes!’ she giggled as she unclasped her bra and shook it down, exposing those ripe melons to my watchful eye. She was well aware of how closely I was watching too. Then she tucked her thumbs in the thong waistband and pulled it down, bending seductively and stepping out of the panties. She was now totally naked and standing in my kitchen. I suspect that this was a first time for her to be nude in a nonromantic social situation.

Her skin was smooth and creamy. Her tan lines betrayed the skimpy thong swimwear that she likes. But she has a great body for a woman in her thirties and she has every reason to show off as much as she wants. Her pubic hair was shaved except for a thin strip just above her pussy. Her lips were clean though and I imagined what it might be like to have my face down there. Again my cock did a light bounce as I brought the coffee over to the table.

‘Umm, thank you.’ She said as she took a sip. ‘Oh that’s good.’

We sat down opposite each other at the glass top breakfast table. Both of our eyes seemed to linger on each other’s crotches before we raised them to each other again. We shared a knowing smile and then Rita spoke.

‘First of all, let me say thank you again for allowing me to book your honeymoon cruise. This has been so much fun for me, because as I mentioned, I don’t get to book too many clothing optional trips, and I have to tell you, the people who run these packages are just more fun to work with! You’re going to love the captain and crew of this boat!’

It was good to hear her enthusiasm about the trip. It made me feel confident that it was going to be a success.

Rita reached down into her briefcase. I took another moment to admire her clean shaved pussy. She produced a small stack of brochures. The cover photo featured a field of blue sky and blue water framing a large sailing yacht.

The booklets included eight pages. The inside photos featured the interior layout of the ship, food and lifestyle pictures with plenty of tan bodies and pretty smiles. We focused on the interior plan.

Rita looked at me and said, ‘We need to discuss the stateroom assignments. Obviously you and Trish will have the grand suite, but I need you to tell me where to put everyone else. Can we go over that this morning? Or do you want to do it later?’ I looked into those gorgeous green eyes and thought how I didn’t want her leave yet, and so any excuse to keep her here longer was good.

I started to stand up. ‘Let me go in my office and get the guest list. I’ll be right back.’ I could feel Rita’s eyes on my cock as I stood and turned to walk away. As I passed the bedroom I saw Trish stirring in bed. I went in and kissed her.

‘Umm, good morning.’ She smiled.

‘Hi honey, Rita is here to talk about the cruise. Why don’t you join us in the kitchen? She wants to go over the guest list and the cabin arrangements.’

Trish smiled, realizing that I was naked and entertaining our travel agent for the very first time. ‘I guess since you’re dressed the way you are, she must be pretty.’ Trish joked. ‘Sure. Just let me freshen up in the bathroom and I’ll be right out.’

I told her that sounded good and turned to get the list from my office. When I got back to the kitchen Tracy was just arriving from her bedroom. Of course she was naked too. She looked at Rita and then at me.

‘Rob,’ she said, ‘There’s a strange lady in our kitchen. But she has her clothes off, so I guess that means you invited her here. Right?’ She giggled and then smiled at Rita. She held out her hand and introduced herself. ‘Hi. I’m Tracy.’

Rita took her hand and responded, ‘Good morning Tracy. I’m Rita, your travel agent.

Tracy’s face lit up. ‘Oh God! The honeymoon sounds like it’s going to be so much fun! I can’t wait!’ Her excitement was contagious. We all sat down together at the table and Tracy picked up one of the brochures to look through it. She got to the page that Rita had open before her and studied the ship’s floor plan. ‘I know which cabin I want! Can I pick Rob?’ She looked up at me with those eyes that melt my heart. She knows that she can wrap me around her finger, just by using her eyes.

‘I suppose. Which cabin do you want?’

‘I want to be right next to you and Mom.’

I looked at her and then at Rita, not that I needed her approval. I was just enjoying looking at Rita.

‘That’s fine with me if your mom says OK too. Will you share your cabin with Tammi? We’re counting on that.’

‘What has to be OK with me?’ I heard Trish’s voice behind me. She continued, ‘Hi Rita. I’m Trish. I see you’ve gotten hip to the dress code here.’

I turned my head just in time to get a kiss from my dear fiancée. relaxbet yeni giriş ‘Tracy was asking if she and Tammi could take the cabin next to ours.’

Trish leaned over Rita’s shoulder to look at the sketch of the cabin layout. She sniffed. ‘Mmm Rita you smell good. Mind if I sit down here beside you?’

Then she responded to Tracy’s request. ‘Of course honey, you can have the cabin next door. Where do you think Teri would like to be?’

I looked up just in time to see Teri wandering in. ‘What? Where do I want to be?’

I greeted her. ‘Morning Teri. Say hi to Rita from the travel store. We’re just going over the cabin assignments on the boat. It’s your turn to choose.’

Teri said hello to Rita and crowded in on my chair. She put her hand on my cock when she sat down on my lap. ‘Mmm Rob. You feel larger than normal this morning.’ Then looking at Rita again she giggled, ‘And I think I know why!’

I felt myself turning a deep shade of pink but grinned when I realized that Rita was amazed at Teri’s openness.

Then she just went on as only Teri can. Looking at the page in front of me she asked, ‘Which room is yours?’

I pointed to the grand suite.

‘Oh. Of course. So where is Tracy?’

I put my fingertip on the cabin next door.

‘OK I want that one.’ She put her finger on the cabin at the opposite end of the hallway and across from ours.

‘You want to be as far away from us as you can get?’ I asked.

Teri looked at me and smiled. ‘Just in case I have any wild parties with Amy going on in my room, I don’t want to disturb you.’

Trish burst out laughing. Rita did too. Imagining young Teri hosting a wild party on our intimate little yacht did seem comical.

‘And can we have Carol next to us?’

Now it was clear that Teri was putting some thought into this. And suddenly we had four cabins filled.

‘OK.’ Trish said. ‘So then lets’ put Joe and Rhonda next to Carol. And then Tom and Dawn. And we’ll put Lucinda and Melinda across from you. We’ll put Sue and Candi across from us. That leaves these two cabins.’ She said pointing to the two next to Tracy’s.. We still don’t know if Ralph and Sandi are going to be able to come. And we thought it might be nice to invite Tracy’s teacher Sue and her friend Jill. I’m pretty sure that since it’s school vacation time, they ought to be able to come.’

Tracy’s eyes lit up. ‘You mean you’re asking Sue Landers? That’s awesome! Wait till Tammi finds out! And Joe too! Oh God Mom! This is going to be so much fun!’

Trish and I just smiled at each other. Knowing that the girls were this excited made it that much better for us both. Trish then turned to Rita.

‘Rita we don’t know yet about this last cabin. We’re hoping that our friends Ralph and Sandi can join us, but we know that their jobs may keep them from being able to get away. What would happen if we can’t fill the space?’

Rita pondered the question and then replied. ‘You’ve chartered the entire boat so the cabin could stay empty. Or you could use it as an extra room for changing or whatever. Or, if you would be agreeable, I’d love to use it and come along. I know that might seem forward of me since we’ve really only just met, so I understand if you say no to that option. But if I were to come along, I would give you back an appropriate credit for my share of the cruise.’

Trish and I exchanged glances. We both knew that we wanted Rita to be there if it could be arranged. Just having her here in our kitchen was enough for us to know that we could get along just fine.

‘I’ll tell you what I think we should do.’ I said, ‘I will check with Ralph today and get a commitment one way or the other. If they can’t make it, then we would love to have you join us. I suspect that the cruise company would strive to make a better impression if they know that they have a bona fide travel agent on board, who can help to build their bookings. And rather than a credit or a refund, why don’t you see to it that the money is used to upgrade something on board or during the cruise. It could be in the menu, or the itinerary. I’ll leave it up to you and the cruise director. And I’ll let you know by tomorrow morning what Ralph has to say. Is that fair?’

Rita was as excited as the rest of us. I could tell by the way she looked around the table, she was already becoming a part of the family. She turned to Trish to show how grateful she was. Trish anticipated it and met her with a warm kiss on her lips.

Watching it made my cock bounce again and Teri felt it against her thigh. She reached down and grabbed it, which of course just made it get harder.

She turned and whispered in my ear. ‘Hey Rob, are you getting excited?’

‘I’m afraid I can’t hide it.’ I whispered back.

Teri slipped off my lap and then proclaimed, ‘Hey everybody! Look at Rob! He’s getting a hard on!’

Instantly all eyes were on me, then on my cock, which was now standing tall in Teri’s fist, then back up on my face. I grinned with a bit relaxbet giriş of embarrassment at having been discovered.

‘Hmm. It looks that way doesn’t it?’ Trish commented. ‘What shall we do with it?’

I looked across at Rita who was blown away with the conversation that was developing.

Trish stood up and stepped over to my chair. She replaced Teri’s hand with hers and bent down to put the tip of my stiff cock in her mouth. After a few seconds of her expert sucking, she released it and held it for Rita.

‘Rita? Would you like to take a closer look at this? I think that you may have a lot to do with it.’ Trish was being slightly sarcastic, but she was right on target.

Rita stood up and moved closer. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was ready to follow Trish’s example. She bent over and without a word, she took my cock from Trish and put it in her mouth. It was warm and her touch was soft and smooth. She used her tongue with expertise that can only be described as unbelievable. Tracy, Teri and Trish were all staring at me and they knew I was close to heaven.

Trish coached Rita saying, ‘Oh yeah Rita. That’s it. Suck that cock. Suck his balls. He loves that.’

Trish was massaging my neck and the back of my head. Teri and Tracy moved around to get closer to Rita’s face. Tracy was kissing Rita’s cheek and whispering encouraging words in her ear. Teri was playing with Rita’s nipple, rolling it and twisting it with her fingers. Trish pulled my face to her belly and ordered me to take her clit ring in my mouth.

I bit down on it and pulled it gently. Trish’s hand grabbed my head tighter. Rita was going crazy now. Her head was bobbing up and down and she was stroking the length of my dick with her fist. She was becoming very vocal too. Her moans and grunts let us all know that she really enjoyed sucking cock. I let go of Trish’s clit ring and jammed my tongue into her crack. She responded by pressing harder into my face and grinding her clit on my tongue and teeth. I could feel her starting to cum and I felt my own orgasm approaching. Tracy knew it too and she told Rita.

‘Here it comes. Take it all Rita. Suck his cum and drink it all.’

I felt my cock spurting gobs of cum in Rita’s throat. She lapped it up and begged for more. When I was dry she turned and kissed Tracy’s mouth and I could see their tongues darting about and slurping at the last traces of my seed.

Rita hugged Teri and Tracy to her as I did the same with Trish. We were a three level group hug and nobody let go for at least two minutes. Finally Trish broke the silence.

‘Rita I’m so glad you stopped by this morning. Can you stay for the rest of the day?’

We all laughed. Rita answered quickly though. ‘This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever done. I can’t believe I’m here in your kitchen having sex with your entire family! And it’s great sex too! I sure hope we can work it out for me to join you on your honeymoon. As for the rest of today, I do have to go to the office, but I could hang out here for a while longer. That is if you don’t mind.’

‘Oh yes. Please stay.’ Teri cried.

Rita looked down into Teri’s eyes. ‘Where may I ask did you learn how to please a woman like that? I’ve never had anyone make my nipple feel so good.’ Then she turned to Tracy, ‘And you my dear, you know just how to stimulate my ears and my heart. You two are amazing!’

Then she looked up at Trish and me. ‘You know, I’ve never really tried group sex before. I enjoy sex with both men and women, but something came over me just now! I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never really been undressed in front of more than one person at a time before today. But just being here with you I feel so sexy and so horny. And doing it in front of you all was so hot! Am I perverted for enjoying that?’

Trish put her hand on Rita’s shoulder and then stroked her cheek while reassuring her. ‘No you’re not perverted. You’ve just discovered a new aspect of your sexuality. And I’m glad you could do it here with us. If you want to keep it a secret, it will never be known outside of this room. But if you want to explore it further, then we’re here to explore it with you.’

Teri couldn’t contain her excitement at the prospect of a new older sex partner. ‘Have you had sex with a lot of other girls before?’ she asked.

Rita was still a little startled by Teri’s forward question.

‘No, not a lot of girls, but a few special friends…’

‘Do you ever use a strap on?’

‘No. What’s that?’ Rita was really quite innocent.

‘It’s a penis that you put on with straps so that girls can have sex like a man would. Wanna see mine?’

‘Well…umm…I suppose…’

‘OK. I’ll go get it!’ Teri ran off to her bedroom to retrieve the toy.

‘You’ll have to forgive my daughter.’ Trish said, ‘She gets excited sometimes. She’s a good girl though. She’s just been exposed to more sexual situations than most young women her age. We’re proud of her and how mature she is.’

‘I think it’s safe to say that both Teri and Tracy have been exposed to more sexual situations than most girls their age.’ Rita said. ‘I’ve never known a family quite like yours. But I must admit, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Maybe we’d be better off if more families shared what you do.’

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