
A Wicked Reputation


Authors note.

I wrote this for fun, something like it has been rattling around my head for a couple of days and I decided to get it down because once I have an idea, I just HAVE to start it.

Yes, I AM still working on ANB and ‘the twins’, I hope to have one of those done shortly and bring you a new chapter.

As for this, well I hope you like it, it’s a silly one in places, but that can’t be helped as that was kind of the point.

Please comment if you like as it’s always appreciated and gives me an insight as to what you the readers like.

Thank you for reading.



A Wicked Reputation.

Just outside of York City there is a smallish town, Myself, Tiffany and Amy all live in a house together on it’s outskirts. We moved there a few years ago, six in fact and over time I have made a bit of a reputation for myself among certain people. It’s not bad and in fact often works to my advantage.

If you exit our house and turn left, there is a long street that is almost dead straight, it’s an easy walk into town and passes the local garage where we get our car maintained, they do good work under the hood.

Just along from there is a small butchers shop, his meat is excellent. local farmers supply him too.

Just before you get to the town proper is a Carpet warehouse, not the great big kind, it is quite small really, owned and run by a father and son team that do all the work with a personal touch, they certainly know how to treat a carpet and bang it into place, the range isn’t massive but of good quality and they do a good job at reasonable prices.

As you walk into town there is the local school and then the main street which has the usual shops like ‘Boots’, WH Smiths and the like, along with a small jewellers and a few more local shops that aren’t part of a chain.

It used to be a Village, but has grown into a town as more and more people move out of the city in search of something a little more pleasant. Most of it’s resident commuting into York along the A1 or taking the back roads if they know them well enough.

All in all it’s a nice place to live, with the atmosphere of a village and the amenities of a town.

Sunday morning had me walking along the street towards the butchers, he opened up every Sunday at 8am and was closed by 11am, so if you wanted to get your Sunday roast or any other meats, you had to get there early.

It was a bright summers day, even at nine, the air was warm with a soft breeze that played with my long reddish gold hair and the short hem of my light summer dress, lifting it flirtatiously as I walked.

Others might have clutched at it in worry and modesty, I didn’t bother, I was wearing knickers and that was good enough. I didn’t care if anyone saw those, it wasn’t like I was going commando today.

As I passed the Garage, Billy waved at me. He was our well trusted mechanic and did all the work on Tiffy’s car. It wasn’t unusual to see him working the weekends so I wasn’t surprised.

“Mornin Felicity, need owt fixin?” he asked with a wink and a grin.

I stopped and looked him over, Billy was a strong man with big hands and good equipment.

“Do you have the tools?” I answered with a giggle as I swayed my hips and looked at him with a naughty smile.

“Oh AYE, Come see.” He said still grinning.

I knew I had plenty of time and Terry the butcher always kept a good portion aside for me, so I looked both ways and skipped across the road to Billy with a laugh.

“Is it a big one?” I asked gleefully as he pulled me into the garage and pushed the button that dropped the door, it’s motor chugged and the sections rattled loudly as it closed.

His mouth descended to mine as he nodded, unzipping his overalls with one hand, the other firmly kneading my bum, his kiss strong and passionate.

“Aye it is.” He growled out as he turned me around and bent me over the front of someone’s car.

“it better be.” I breathed out as I wiggled my hips wantonly, eager for his ‘tool’.

He flicked the hem of my short dress up and pulled down my knickers with eager hands.

“Looks like you need a tune up.” He said with a laugh as he slapped my bum playfully and kicked my legs apart with a steel toed boot.

“oh yeah, I definitely need some work done.” I gasped out, looking over my shoulder at him with smouldering eyes.

His rough and callused fingers rubbed my already wet pussy and delved inside me as he used his other hand to pull out his stiff cock, wasting no time, he ran it’s head along my slit.

“I’ve found the problem.” He said lustily as he pushed into me, eliciting a gasp from me.

“You need filling.” He growled out as he started to pump in and out of me with strong thrusts.

“Mm mm, yes, your right.” I panted out as I ground back onto him with each thrust, taking him deeply.

Billy grabbed my hips and pounded me hard, by breasts bounced around and slapped together as he made my whole body quiver with each powerful thrust. Escort Bayan

Our breathing was fast, both of us gasped and grunted like a pair of animals as we fucked, no more words, just the slap of flesh on flesh and our moans of pleasure as we went after what we needed.

Billy put his hands on the bonnet of the car as his hips worked faster and faster, his cock ramming me down onto the hard surface as he breathed heavy and fast.

My nails scrabbled across the metal of the old car and found nothing to grip as I felt my orgasm building, I bit my lower lip hard, tasting blood as it ripped through me and I let out a low moan.

“Unnnnghhhh.”… I gasped out. “Yes, yes.” My voice husky as I climaxed, feeling him spurt inside me at the same time.

“Take it.” His voice hoarse as he held himself inside me and pumped his cum into me.

His cock twitched and pulsed inside me, I felt it as I rested my head on the bonnet of the car and breathed deeply. Catching my breath to recover as he pressed down on me, still inside me as his forehead touched between my shoulder blades, twitching his last.

We panted for a while, catching out breath.

He pulled out slowly with a squishy slurping sound.

“I think that go it.” He said breathlessly.

I couldn’t answer right then, numbly nodding my head against the cold metal.

He twitched my dress back down as he stood up, I felt the soft material cover me as I heard him zip up.

“Back to work, I’ll see you tomorrow?” he said as he hit the button for the roller door. The motor groaned to life and the clanking sound of the doors rising made me turn and look at him, leaning against the bonnet of the car with my knickers still around my knees. I looked at him with a large grin on my face.

“Maybe.” I said as I pulled my knickers up and wiggled my hips to set them properly in place. His cum slicked my upper thighs a little as I did so.

Billy grinned, he knew I would be back the next day.

“okay then, I’ll see if I can fix that rear end.” He said with a smile and a wink.

I wagged a finger at him.

“My rear end needs an awful good lube job before you ‘FIX’ it.” I said as I walked past him.

Billy laughed and picked up his tools.

“I have plenty of oil here.” He shouted after me as I sauntered away.

I spared him a look over my shoulder and gave him a saucy smile.

“Prove it.” I shouted as I left him to think about fixing my bumper.


I checked my watch and hurried along, Billy had distracted me for well over an hour, I know it doesn’t’ sound like he did, but it wasn’t rushed and we had taken our time over our little mechanical problem.

Terry the butcher was still open, which was good because I had promised to cook dinner that evening.

I pushed the metal curtain aside as I entered and dinged the bell on his counter. Terry was often in the back, I assumed sorting his meat out.

I waited for a few minutes, the sound of him hammering something came from the back room, he might not of heard me, so I dinged the bell again as I looked over the dark red meat on display, well marbled, it all looked delicious.

“I’m Coooommming.” He shouted and I waited patiently.

A few more minutes passed and I started to get a bit annoyed, Terry was usually very good to me and always treated me well, often giving me a larger piece of meat.

I cocked my head to one side as I heard something that sounded very familiar.

“Unh, uh, ugh, uh.” The noises were unmistakably sexual and also too familiar. I took out my phone and pressed Amy’s number.

Sure enough her ringtone sounded from the back room.

Miffed at missing out and still wanting my meat, I sent her a text.

“When you’re done, pick up our order you thief.” I texted with a smile on my face.

“OKAY.” She shouted from the back room, not bothering to even pretend she didn’t know I was waiting.

“BITCH.” I yelled back with mirth. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t already had a little fun.

I left her to enjoy what was usually my extra portion and headed up the street towards town, Tiffany and I liked our wine and we were getting close to finishing the last bottle.

Billy’s cum soaked my panties as I walked briskly, my hips swayed from side to side and the breeze still played with my dress and hair, once more I ignored it and didn’t bother to smooth my dress down as I passed a few people.

My large breasts, held tightly by my bra, never the less bounced a bit as I walked, pale and large, my low cut dress let people see what I had in a pleasing way.

More than a few stared at my chest as I sauntered past with a soft smile playing across my face.

Their looks only encouraging me to walk in a more sexually provocative manner.

Most knew me, women scowled and men grinned as I past by, at twenty nine I had found my confidence after years of thinking I wasn’t pretty or sexy.

Fuck them all, I was sexy, pretty and knew it as I flirted unashamedly Escort with the men that looked me up and down lustfully.

I threw smiles and flirtatious glances around like there was no tomorrow, just as I had been doing for the last two years.

“Morning Felicity.” Shouted out our local priest with a welcoming smile as I passed the church.

“Good Morning Rev.” I answered with a wave, hoping he wasn’t going to launch into one of his well meant talks. He had made it a bit of a mission to get me into the church and repent my wicked ways.

“Do you have time for a little chat?” he yelled as he hurried down the steps towards me.

I paused my walk and turned towards him with a naughty gleam in my eye.

“For YOU…ANYTHING.” I said in a breathy and sultry voice.

Poor man, he spluttered and coughed into his hand.

“Yes, well…erm perhaps not right now.” He stammered out.

I winked at him as I walked by.

“Next time, I’ll be really, really GOOD… I promise.” I said, my voice dripped sexuality.

He turned bright red and beat a hasty retreat, crossing himself surreptitiously.

I laughed merrily at the sight. Sure he was going to beat his meat later.


The high street opened up before me and I sauntered into the chemists, picking up a few packs of condoms, KY jelly and my regular prescription. I had to wait as they filled out Tiffy’s prescription too, so I browsed the aisle in boredom.

As I did so, a rather well built man browsed the sexual aids section. I was a bit surprised, I doubted anyone his size needed any help as he picked up a scented candle and looked at the instructions with care.

Interested, I moved closer and made a point of bending over to look at the bottom shelf. Perkily displaying my knicker clad bum to him.

I knew he was watching, I have excellent instincts about that kind of thing.

I issued a soft sigh of disappointment as I picked up a tube of Durex anal lube and turned to him with an innocent look on my face.

“Do you think this will do if I haven’t done anal before?” I asked sweetly with wide innocent eyes.

He coughed and glanced around the store.

“Seriously, I’m not sure if this is enough.” I said with a hint of genuine sounding confusion. As I continued to use my large blue eyes to full effect, perfectly showing a mixture of demure puzzlement and girlish curiosity.

He tried to say something, but it came out a little strangled.

Manfully he cleared his throat.

“Ehem, yes well… If it’s your first time…” His eyes darted over the lubricants and his hand shot out to grab the one that I used most often.

“I would use this one.” He said with obviously fake confidence, holding the tube out to me like it was the holy grail.

I fluttered my eyelashes at him artfully as I touched it but didn’t take it.

“ooo… does that mean your REALLY good at it? Errmm… I’ve not tried it, but ALL my friends say it’s amazing.” I gushed with fake innocence. Thinking he looked like he could give me a really good ramming.

“Well, erm yes. But you have to be careful.” He said with what I was sure was guess work.

I trailed a finger over his chest.

“Maybe you could teach me?” I said. Letting him know I wasn’t THAT innocent as I twitched my mouth in a half smile.

He took the cue and gulped nervously.

“Now?” he asked breathlessly.

I nodded at him, flashing him a wicked grin.

“NOW.” I whispered into his ear as I stood on tiptoes and licked his earlobe.

Large as he was, he still blushed like a school boy as he took me by the hand and rushed me to the counter to pay.

Fumbling with his wallet in his eagerness as Jenny gave me a wink without him seeing, she rang it up and took his money.

“Have fun.” She mouthed at me as he practically dragged me out of the store.

I waved at her as I was pulled out of the doors.

He rushed me towards the bed and breakfast house a few streets away. Lifting me up bodily as he ran up the stairs with me in his arms like a prize.

Dropping me to my feet, he scrabbled for his room key, darting glances at me, thinking I was going to run away.

Obviously he didn’t know me, there was no way I was going to miss out on what he wanted to do to me. I gave him a smile and flirted with the hem of my dress, lifting it up to show him my knickers.

“Hurry, I want it.” I breathed out lustfully as his shaking hands tried to fit the ancient key to the old lock.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He swore under his breath as he franticly tried to fit the old key to the door.

I laughed and touched his arm.

“slow down, I’m okay and I REALLY want you to teach me, I’ve never done THAT before.” I said with an innocent yet flirty smile, my voice tinged with excitement, yet carefully kept low enough to let him think he was in control.

He pushed the door open and turned to me, his eyes ran over every inch of my slim but busty figure.

“My…erm…this Bayan Escort is my room, we can…erm do it here.” He stammered out, totally losing his cool.

I rolled my eyes and gave up any pretence, he was going to be one of THOSE.

Grabbing his arm, I hauled him into the room, big as he was, he stumbled after me, he looked ridiculously nervous as I reached behind me and unzipped my dress, letting it fall off my shoulders down my body to pool around my waist.

His mouth dropped open in surprise as I reached behind me and undid my bra, casually I dropped it to the floor and let my bare breasts poke out at him and I pulled him closer.

“Feel me.” I whispered out breathily as I took one of his hands and placed it on my right tit.

My nipples poked out and his large hand engulfed my breast as I stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips, running my tongue over his as he started to get the idea and grope me.

We fell to the bed and he pawed at my dress, I giggled softly as he pulled it down over my hips and legs.

“Bad boy, take off my knickers too, you can’t fuck me while I’m in them.” I said with a laugh.

I still didn’t know his name and if I’m honest, I didn’t care or feel the need to as his rough hands grabbed at my delicate lace panties and tugged at them a little too roughly.

Ping, one side snapped as he pulled them down to my ankles and left what remained hanging around my right ankle.

He was definitely getting the idea now as he grabbed my hips and flipped me over onto my tummy. I squealed in delight at his rough treatment and wiggled my bum enticingly as he fumbled with the tube of lube.

I looked over my shoulder at him and licked my upper lip.

“Hurry big boy, teach me.” I said breathily as I watched him squeeze far too much over his fingers.

Big boy, slathered lube over my bum crack, making a mess, clearly he hadn’t done this before and his inexperience excited me all the more, I just love it when I’m someone’s first in some way.

“Push some inside me.” I panted out arching my back and pushing my bum into the air.

Even an idiot knows not to just shove a finger inside, but he must have been a special kind of stupid as he did exactly that. Making me yelp and clutch the sheets in pain.

“Owwwww, careful.” I gasped out as his lube covered finger pushed inside me far too quickly.

“Sorry.” He said, his voice apologetic but hoarse with excitement as he slowed down and felt around inside me, clearly entranced by feeling into my taboo hole.

“It’s fine.” I moaned out softly as his finger now worked in and out of me at a slower pace.

“mmm, yes. That’s it… put some on your cock too.” I gasped out lustfully.

He unzipped and I looked back to see if he was packing something as big as I was hoping for. My eyes widened as he pulled it out.

“Oh.” I gasped at the sight of what must have been the biggest white cock I had ever seen in my life, it wasn’t just long, it was fat and meaty, I’m talking monster sized here and as much as I like a big one, for the first time I wondered if I could actually take it all.

Big boy grinned at me as he rubbed lube over his monster sized willy, he knew what he had and I realised that any sane woman would have probably refused anal with him.

Call me crazy. I smiled back at him.

“fuck me big boy, fuck my ass nice and slow.” My voice tinged with a little concern but also a good deal of excitement.

He had probably never heard those words in his life, his face lit up like it was Christmas as he positioned its head to my tight button.

I bit into the pillow as he started to push into me, working back and forth, sliding a bit more into me each time.

“Ugh, yeah…wait…ughh, okay…Ohh…ohh.”

My feet drummed rapidly on the mattress as he worked further and further into me.

“Oww…Ughhhhhh…” It filled me fully and my eyes watered but it felt so good too.

“Do me, do me.” I moaned out as I felt his hips against my bum cheeks and I knew he was fully inside me. God it was big, I was stretched wide and it felt like it was in my tummy.

“Soooo Good, so tight.” He groaned into my ear softly, his face next to mine, his mass supported on his elbows as he savoured the sensation of being all the way inside me.

His large hands went under my arms and gripped both my shoulders as he started to move his hips.

Slowly he pulled out a bit and then returned just as slow.

“Mmmmmm…yeaaaahhhhh.” my voice low and slightly muffled by the pillow.

“Fuck me, Fuck my ass.” I breathed out as he continued to do just that.

I reached down and worked my clit as he started to move a little faster.

Pain has always turned me on and increased my pleasure, I love a good hard fuck too, sparks were going off in my brain and my clit tingled like it was full of electricity as I rubbed it hard and fast.

Big boy really got into it and I could feel his sweat dripping onto my back as he pounded faster and faster, grunting with effort, hammering me into the mattress now with hard full thrusts.

Air was forced from my lungs and mouth with each powerful thrust so that I was gasping out each time he hammered home, large as he was, it felt like his cock was under my ribs.

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