
Adadeyodi Chapter 4: The Breakfast


The scent of coffee and bacon filled the house as Dara finished preparing breakfast. All four wearing their robes, Damian and Erin entered into the kitchen, where Angus sat drinking coffee. He gestured to the chair to his right, where Erin sat. Damian sat across from Angus. Dara brought pancakes and egg casserole, set them on the table, and they all dined. They had all worked up an appetite already before breakfast. All smiled at one another. There was a glow in the room. All could feel it. All could see it. All were part of it.They made small talk as they ate, discussing the news of the day, the weather, and just a bit of politics. After they finished eating and topped off second cups of coffee, there was a meaningful pause and silence. Angus looked at Damian and Erin and told them that they needed to talk about the powerful events of the preceding twenty-four hours.“We may as well be open, honest, candid and blunt,” Angus began. “Do we all agree with that?”Damian and Erin shared a glance. After all that had happened, it seemed only natural to be open. They both nodded in response.“Good,” Angus continued. “Good. So last night, something very powerful happened between Erin and me. You may be surprised to hear this, Damian, but Dara and I have been anticipating Erin’s arrival into your life. We did not know it would be Erin, mind you, but we anticipated the arrival of a woman in your life who would play a powerful role in our lives and future. And we knew she was the one we had been waiting for as soon as Dara opened the door to greet her.”Dara said to her son and said, “Damian, I sensed something special about Erin from the first time you told us about her. When you called us after your first date, it was almost as if I could feel a surge of energy through the phone as you described Erin.” Continuing, Dara placed her hand on Damian’s thigh and squeezed. “I knew it! I knew she was the One. Your One.” With a new and different intimacy, Dara left her palm lingering on Damian’s thigh, gently squeezing as the conversation continued.“Yes,” Angus picked up, looking at Erin. “I could see in your eyes when we greeted her, that you were the one we had been anticipating. I could feel the energy when our hands touched in greeting.” Angus reached for Erin’s hand and pulled her to her feet. The same energy he had mentioned was still there at his touch. It had not diminished. “You felt it, too, didn’t you?” Angus asked, looking into Erin’s eyes.Standing before Angus, her fingers in his, Erin looked back at him and nodded. She had felt something so powerful when Angus had first touched her. Something had washed over her and lit up her world in technicolor. As if she was suddenly alive in a way she’d never been before. The intensity of the connection had made her legs weak.“And throughout dinner last night,” Angus continued, “there was a pull between us. A pull that was heated and electric and gravitational.””You know exactly what I am talking about” Angus added, as he placed his hands on Erin’s hips, turned her and pulled her down into his lap. Erin’s breath caught as she felt that gravitational pull once again. The heat. The strength. The confidence and power. The unquestionable command.“Yes,” Erin answered quietly, placing her arm behind Angus’s neck and settling comfortably into his lap. Thinking about his question and about the pull between them, she thought back to when her toe had brushed Angus’s leg under the dinner table. She had felt first a shiver and then a deep heat rush over and beneath her skin. A fire had been lit. And she had craved. Looking back at it now, she realized she had almost known what was going to happen. She had needed it. At that briefest touch, she had the instant need to be his in the most fundamental and primitive way.With Erin’s mind still scrolling through the events of the previous night, Angus’s words alone combined with the memories to spread chills through Erin’s entire being. Although her body and mind had calmed a bit after obediently and hungrily sucking Angus’s cock before breakfast — while Dara had stroked Damian’s cock to a powerful eruption — an even deeper hunger and need were building now. Erin could feel her body responding to the many thoughts scrolling through her mind. bahis siteleri Her nipples grew taut. A tingling spread beneath her flesh. She gripped Angus’s shoulder, almost as if for balance.“By the time dinner was over,” Angus went on, still addressing Erin, “I had to be inside you. It was a truly irresistible need. Reduced to raw, animal, basic instinct. And you felt that, too. It’s why you sent Damian upstairs. You needed me to bend you over the table and not only take you, but flood you with my sperm.”Angus glanced into Erin’s eyes, and then around the table. “Yes, the words are blunt. But, as I said, we can all be candid together now.”Erin was both shocked by the bluntness, on some level, and yet at the same time somehow entirely comfortable with it. With Angus. With Damian. With Dara. And, in all honesty, she shuddered with delight at Angus’s mention of his sperm flooding her core. Erin realized that Angus’s statement — that she had needed him to bend her over — had been somewhat of a question, if perhaps rhetorical. But he had paused, watching her face as his strong hand rested upon her thigh, her robe falling open, looking at her as if he expected a response. Erin licked her lips, and then, unable to form words, simply nodded at him. She was on fire with the memory. With the way Angus talked to her. With his strong hand on her thigh. With her robe falling open in front of Damian, his father, and his mother and it feeling somehow impossibly natural. Angus’s presence and confidence and control both grounded her and took her breath away. She was putty in his powerful hands. Her fingers gripped his shoulder tighter. She’d have done anything he said in that moment, without question or hesitation.“And so you would agree,” Angus continued, bringing Erin’s attention back to the conversation, “that there was an irresistible power drawing us together? Some greater force?”Recognition spread across Erin’s face. There had been an external force in her life ever since she had first crossed paths with Damian.“Yes,” she answered, quietly, remembering the sound of the drums that had echoed in her ears from the moment she touched Angus’s hand in greeting and again through various parts of the evening. The same drums she had heard on her first date with Damian at the Yodade Lodge.Seemingly reading her mind, Angus continued, “And you have felt that force in other ways since you met Damian, haven’t you?”Erin just looked at him. “How does he know?” she thought, thinking back to the shared experience between her and Damian only a few weeks ago.Their first date had been a culmination of events that had started nearly a year prior. When they had first met, they had both felt drawn to each other and hit it off immediately. Damian, however, was not looking for commitment and made it clear to Erin that he was not interested in anything exclusive. Erin, on the other hand, needed a man who would commit to her unconditionally. Despite enjoying Damian’s fun and flirtatious nature as well as his strength of character, she had kept her emotional distance from him despite his persistence to capture her attention. They remained in touch even as they dated others over that year, but when they both ended relationships that just didn’t work out, they found themselves, once again, spending time getting to know each other better. So when Damian invited Erin to go out for drinks at the Yodade Lodge, Erin had agreed. As Angus looked at her expectantly, bringing Erin back to the present, she realized she had not answered. “Yes,” she said quietly, again. “Yes,” she added. “I have felt it. I feel it even now.”“This may all sound farfetched,” Angus continued, his hand slipping under Erin’s robe to stroke her thighs and parting her legs. Erin was simultaneously so aroused that she needed the conversation to end soon and also desperate to hear more. “But I suspect that recent events make it more believable. I know I struggled to understand it when I was first informed.”And so Angus began the tale that would begin to explain what Erin and Damian had recently started to discover. “Dara and I,” Angus began, reaching over to his wife and placing his left hand on hers while his right hand remained on Erin’s thigh, “are the current leaders of an ancient canlı bahis siteleri tribe – the Adadeyodi. Yes, it sounds similar to the name of the Lodge you two went to. We’ll get to that later. The Adadeyodi is a tribe of enlightened beings. Men and women who are in touch with their primitive cores even as they function in modern society. Liberated people. Uninhibited by the irrational puritan repression that keeps us from living raw, fully alive and free.”“And you both,” Angus continued, “will have important roles to play in the tribe.”Erin listened to him, quietly and attentively. “Erin,” he said, “after you and Damian went up to Damian’s room last night, you were overcome, weren’t you? By a power you felt but did not understand?”Before she could answer, Angus continued. “Dara and I could hear the two of you,” he said, with a broad grin spreading across his face as Erin blushed. “And we cannot tell you how much it delighted and thrilled us.”Erin looked over at Damian and thought back to how she had climbed over him, slid her fingers through his hair, and demanded that he feed on the sperm — his father’s sperm — dripping from her core. Dara squeezed Damian’s thigh and smiled as she confirmed what Angus had said. “We heard it all. And even though we anticipated it, we were completely overwhelmed by the actual experience.” Her hand caressed until the edge of her pinky finger grazed Damian’s scrotum.Erin bit her lip and offered a response to Angus’s previous question, about her having been overcome. “I was,” she answered. “Overcome. Completely overcome. Almost possessed.” As she spoke, Angus’s fingers crawled up to where her thighs met and the edge of his hand brushed her labia. She gasped, again wanting more of his touch, yet also more of his words.“Possessed?” Angus asked. “You felt aggressive, yes? Powerful?”“Uncontrollably,” Erin answered, with a slight bite of her lower lip and a glance down at the floor as Angus’s fingertip wandered between her labia. “Like never before,” she gasped, closing her eyes.“And this began shortly after I filled you with my semen?” Angus asked, bluntly. His free hand left Dara’s and reached under Erin’s chin, lifting her face to his, so that he stared intently into her eyes.Erin blinked. It felt so raw to hear. And yet felt so true at the same time. After Angus had cum deep inside her, she had attacked Damian with nearly unquenchable fury. She nodded. “Yes. Shortly after…” she paused, gathering herself and looking into his eyes, “shortly after you filled me with your semen.”Angus’s smile broadened further, and his right hand stroked again between Erin’s labia, making her shiver.“You see,” Angus explained. “In many societies, tribes and cultures, blood is a powerful symbolic fluid. Not so with the Adadeyodi. Our symbolic fluid is semen. A fluid of life. Of virility. Of power.”Thinking of Angus’s sperm as his strong hands touched her, Erin became aware of how wet she was. Her tingling clit pulsed. She ached, squirming in Angus’s lap, barely able to control the heat spreading through her body. She was nearly ready to beg him to take her there and now.But Angus spoke again. “But it is not just a symbolic fluid,” he continued. “It is a fluid of true power. It has real significance. It is symbolic, yes, but also much more.”Erin stared at him, listening intently, gasping barely above a whisper, “More?” As Dara and Damian listened and watched what was transpiring between Angus and Erin, the energy and heat spread across the room, a cocoon of electrified air surrounding them all. Dara felt her pussy begin to tingle and dampen. Damian’s cock stirred under his robe and became swollen and rigid.“Last night,” Angus spoke again, piercing the energetic field, “when you were flooded with my semen, you were imbued with a special power. And it was not merely symbolic. It impacted you. As you just said, you felt undeniably beyond control.”Erin nodded. She could feel the blush in her cheeks rising along with the heat emanating from within her. It was all she could do to resist gasping, “Angus, fuck me.”And yet he continued. And she wanted to hear it.“You felt something raw and guttural. Something consuming. You felt possessed in a deep, primitive, instinctive way. You felt not symbolic power, canlı bahis but true power.” Angus said this all to Erin without question in his tone. He knew what had happened in that bedroom without needing Erin’s confirmation. But she needed, somehow, to hear that he knew it. And needed to respond.“I did,” Erin answered, her hand on Angus’s chest, looking into his eyes. “I felt it radiating from you. Surrounding me.”“I feel it in Damian, too,” she said, glancing over at Damian. “It is different, but meeting you reminded me of the way I always feel around him. It is just stronger with you.”“Yes,” Angus replied. “Yes, of course. As my son, Damian, does have that same power.” As Angus spoke, Dara’s fingers stroked Damian’s thigh and did not stop this time when her pinky grazed his scrotum. She let her fingertips graze across his balls and slip along the base of his now fully rigid heat.Chuckling, Angus continued, “Although Damian does have power, he told us it took him a year before you finally agreed to go out with him. Is that true?”Erin blushed with a small smile. “I was stubborn,” she answered, feeling almost as though she had to defend Damian. “It wasn’t all because of him. But he did persist.”“He did,” Angus responded. “Yes, he did. And we are so proud of him.” Angus glanced over at Dara.Dara nodded, smiling at both Erin and Damian and slid her fingertips around Damian’s cock as she replied, “So very proud.”Erin turned to Damian, smiling with a playful twinkle in her eyes. As she did so, realization dawned over Damian, as he grinned and said, “Oh my God. Dad, what took me a whole year took you no more than an evening!”For just a moment, the humor broke the powerful sexual tension that filled the room. Angus laughed along with Damian, and turned back to Erin, “And this realization — that what took Damian a year took me an evening — while amusing, was also prescient and illustrative. Damian does, indeed, have that power. It simply does not yet compare to mine.”Again, his fingertip deftly parted Erin’s lips and he grazed her clitoris causing her to nearly swoon.“And you, my dear Erin,” Angus added, “are the Vessel for that growth.”As she stopped to think, a revelation began to form in Erin’s mind. “The Vessel?” she asked.Angus smiled, nodding.“To grow Damian’s power?” Erin continued, her hand moving along Angus’s chest.Angus nodded again.“And your sperm carries that power?”Nod.“Oh my god,” Erin gasped. “And I fed it to Damian.”“Yes!” Angus answered, smiling. They all looked at one another. “Fuck,” Erin gasped, barely audibly. “And that’s why I was so aggressive with your sperm inside of me. Your power.”Angus nodded again. Erin felt all of her senses alive and crying out at once.“You mentioned your stubbornness,” Angus added and Erin nodded. “Your stubbornness and persistence will be vital, Erin. It is important that you are a very strong woman. The Vessel must be a strong and powerful individual. And it is equally important that Damian have the power and strength to persist and make that vital connection that you and he — that we all — needed you to make.”“I had no idea,” Erin replied, “how or why I was so drawn to Damian and now to you. But I feel like something is just beginning to make the tiniest kernel of sense, even though I cannot begin to understand it. But I do feel — I have felt — some sense of purpose. A greater power.” She exchanged a glance with Damian. “Maybe even an ancient power.”“There is more I will tell you,” Angus went on, “much more, over time. For now, I will tell you a bit more about the leaders of the Tribe.”Erin looked over at Dara who smiled at her. She had felt such a welcoming warmth from Damian’s mother from the moment Dara had first opened the door last night, to when she had greeted Erin and Damian this morning to invite her to visit Angus, to when she had returned from her walk and joined them all in what can only be described as an explosive moment.“As you know,” Angus continued, “I am the leader, the King, and Dara is the Queen. The Queen leads alongside me. Together. We each have our roles in the Tribe and we will soon spend time with both of you to teach you and guide you to become the future leaders. We know this is a lot to take in today, so we will get back to that another day.”“Although we are the King and Queen, we have different Tribal titles that are more meaningful. To the Adadeyodi, the male and female leaders are known as Udoda and Utsi “Erin and Damian looked at each other…

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