
Admired from Afar


Divorced Sophie Jones closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of her tired neck and shoulders. It had been a long day, and it was almost ten thirty at night in early September and she still had a pile of stuff to go over before tomorrow’s big meeting. Deciding to take a few minutes break, she stood up and stretched, cupping her full chest through her blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples, how she liked these brassieres which supported and shaped them selves to her breast rather than show the world unreal tit formations, with wires and rigid cups. She eschewed the undies at home but it was not the one thing to flop her tits around the office in her exalted position of the CEO’s PA. All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated to her pussy, which by now was damp and throbbing in anticipation of a much needed orgasm.

“Not now,” she moaned, “I’ve got a lot of work to finish up,” but in her heart she knew that the only way that she’d ever get done was if she could get some relief for her erect clitoris. Forgetting momentarily that while she was alone in her office on the eighth floor in Commercial Street, the blinds on her windows were wide open, offering any amateur peeper who happened to be around – unlikely she thought – having a perfect view of everything she was doing. Enjoying her sensitive nipples, she continued to caress her tits, her breathing became much more laboured until finally she leaned against her desk, put one shapely tan stockinged leg on Jenny, her assistant’s chair, hoisted up her dress, shoved her hand inside her decorative, pale cream French knickers and began furiously frigging her soggy cunt until her whole body shuddered as it was consumed by a crushing climax.

She collapsed back into the chair gasping for breath as the cool, still airconned air wafted over her very satisfied pussy, until an hour later after, wiping her sticky twat, finished up her paper work, she snapped of the lights to her office and headed for home to a hot bath and a warm bed.

Somewhat bleary eyed the following day, Sophie entered her office at exactly eight sharp to go over some notes she had made for Simon Twisthurst, her boss, in preparation for this morning’s meeting.

“Morning Jack,” she called to the security man as he reached for her ribboned pass.

Jack acknowledged her greeting with a cheery whiskery smile and ogled her chest, her neat white blouse creasing as she slung her pass over the shoulders. For a mature professional woman, she had a marvellous figure as he leered at her swaying walk to the bank of lifts.

Hmm bare legs today, Jack thought. It is hot and humid.

“These fifteen hour days are going to kill me,” the 62 year old mumbled to herself while taking a sip of hot black coffee and making sure that she had all of the data she needed on the governmental procedures. Checking her watch, she remembered that it she was expecting an important e mail from the Scottish office, so she quickly punched in her password, and with a touch of a button her screen came alive with a half dozen or so messages, including the one she had been waiting for. It was perfect to help her day, so downloading and printing it, she checked the remaining mail to see if there was anything further of importance.

There was the last one, however, that piqued her interest, because it had such a strange subject. Must be spam, she thought, as she double clicked on SAW YOU .

As the screen filled with the message in a large font size, Sophie’s heart popped to her throat as she read.

Thank you so much for the show, it was much more than enjoyable. My office is directly across from yours and I couldn’t help but notice your mature display of overt self-gratification. Watch me tonight at eight, it’s my turn Signed, The Voyeur.

Sophie’s heart was beating a mile a minute as she gazed out the window at the windows on the building across the road while wondering who had been spying on her, and even more disturbing, how did that someone find out who she was and what her e mail address was? There were many heads, faces and many more floors in the building. Standing up on shaking legs, Sophie half closed her blinds, to keep the bright autumn sun at bay and headed off to her morning meeting.

All day, the important meeting was a success, Sophie tried keeping her mind on her work, but the unnerving e mail message kept slipping back into her mind, and while she certainly wasn’t going to stick around to watch some pervert masturbating in front of her, that was out of the question, she began forming an idea in her head that just might allow her to find out who was watching her.

“Yeah another late night,” she frowned as Mo and Jenny her assistants left.

As eight o’clock neared, Sophie opened her blinds, opened the blinds, turned off the lights to her office, and sat down in her chair and waited. Maybe, just maybe this so called voyeur would show himself to her. As the minutes ticked off and the time approached eight thirty, and figuring that who ever it was wasn’t Kemeraltı Escort going to show, Sophie put on her coat and got ready to go home.

She was just about ready to leave, when suddenly her desk phone rang, causing her to momentarily freeze in the open doorway. Who could that be at this hour? she reached for the receiver.

“Hello, who is this?”

“I’m disappointed in you Sophie,” a deep male voice said softly, “I had hoped that we could help each other out.”

“I… I’m sure that I don’t know what you mean,” she replied nervously, “And by the way, how did you find out who I am?”

After ignoring her question he went on. “The other evening you looked so erotic, so beautiful, I adore mature ladies. I had to do it with you right then and there.”

“Yo… do what?…you’re a pervert,” she stammered, “How dare you watch me in my own office?”

“Oh, Sophie,” he said softly. “I’ve never seen anyone quite like you, I mean I’m surrounded all day by young bimbos. I could feel your heat all the way over here.”

It was at that moment her gaze snapped over to the dark windows in the other building and she replied.

“If you’re so clever, show me what you look like, or are you afraid?”

“Hardly,” he replied with a chuckle, “I just want you to promise me that you’ll stay until I’m finished, or what’s the point?”

“Finish?…I… I’ll think about it,” she stammered as an office directly across from her burst into brightness.

“Do you see my office, Sophie?” he asked softly.

“Yes,” she replied, “But I still can’t see you.”

“In a moment,” he answered, “But I just want to tell you that I’m already erect and fisting my cock.” A slight groan escaped her lips, and in a shaky voice she demanded, “Well show yourself if you have the guts, I’m waiting.”

Seconds later, a tall man appeared in front of the window with his back turned, and almost in slow motion began turning around to face her.

“Oh my,” she gasped as his erection came into view.

“You like that do you?” he asked while taking it into his hand and slowly fisting it. “Now it’s my turn to give you a show.”

Now while she wasn’t the most lascivious woman in the world, she had seen her share of peckers, and it was at some distance, but if this wasn’t the biggest one she’d ever seen it was pretty damn close, and whether she liked it or not, her pussy was slowly tightening and twisting towards an orgasm.

“So tell me,” he panted, “It’s exciting to watch, isn’t it, Sophie?”

Sophie was staring at what appeared to be a mid thirties executive working his hand smoothly up and down the length of his thick member when he further surprised her. She didn’t reply.

“Sophie, turn on the light and step over to the window.”

“I can’t,” she gasped as her finger brushed over her swollen clit, “That’s too embarrassing.”

“You can do it,” he implored, “You want to do it, look at my prick, it got hard just for you, now come to the window and show yourself to me, let me see and feel your incredible fire.”

“Oh, god, ” she moaned while turning on the light and half stumbling to the window with her hand inside of her frilled panties. “Like …Ho… how’s this?”

“Mmmmm,” he hummed. “You look delicious, are you aroused?”

“Can’t you tell?” she sighed while ogling his monster organ.

“Do you like my prick?” he asked while overtly thrusting his hips towards her.

“Sweet Jesus,” she moaned.

“Look at how long and thick it is. Do you like watching me wank, Sophie?” he whispered into his phone. “It’s almost like I’m just exposing my cock to you and you only on the street.

By now Sophie had lost all of her inhibitions, his crude language and terms and of course actions had fired her and without thinking, she slid her panties off and hitched up her skirt, exposing her dark, going grey beaver to her voyeuristic admirer.

“Ohhhhhhhhh,” he moaned “You have a very hairy pussy, it looks fucking incredible.

“Do you really like it?” she asked softly.

“Like it? just look at my pecker, it’s as hard as a fucking rock,” he panted before asking, “Do you know what I did last night?”

“No, but I feel you’re going to tell me, ” she gasped as her vagina convulsed unevenly. “Wwwhat did you do last night?”

“I was lying in bed thinking about watching you masturbating,” he went on. “And I couldn’t help myself, because I grabbed my cock and jerked it of right then and there and I came all over my sleeping wife.”

“Oh my,” she groaned, “Was there a lot, what did she say, how long have you been married, does she know you do this, did you cum really hard?”

“Hey, hey so many questions,” he snickered. “My cum shot over her arse, the sheets were way down, you know how hot it’s been ,” he replied as his hand became a blur on his erect shaft. “Just like it’s ready to do now, blow a big load all over the place – fuck knows what the cleaners will say.”

Never in her whole life had she ever done anything this reckless, Kemeraltı Escort Bayan but at that moment all she cared about was satisfying the incredible craving burning deep in her cunt, and she really didn’t care how many strangers were watching her, just as long as she climaxed.

“Are you close?” he panted while staring at her hairy cunt.

“S..sso.. so close now, ” she gasped, “I’m almost there, just a little more and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, I’m cumming so fucking hard,”

He watched in utter disbelief as the attractive old woman leaned against her desk in the throes of a brutal, cunt busting orgasm, which naturally induced his eight inch pecker to spasm hard, and ejaculate a torrent of hot cum onto the windowpane in front of him.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned as his spunk spewed out of his big dick. “That was fucking unreal.”

Sophie held on to the edge of her desk and struggled the six feet to her waiting chair, where she plopped down hard with her cunt still twitching like crazy, when she finally was able to speak, she said softly.

“You know my name, but I don’t know yours, why don’t you introduce yourself and how did you know mine?”

He stood there with his now spent todger swinging gently back and forth and replied.

“I’m Richard, and I work late almost every evening…but my junior, young Justin, happens to be a neighbour of yours and sees you on the Tube every morning and as it happens works opposite. He pointed you out one day when we went to Pret-A-Manger for a sandwich and saw you in Boots, you were buying some sanitary pads heh heh.”

“Oh my god, how awful, you saw that,” Sophie blushed, the phone nearly falling from her trembling hand. “But I don’t know any neighbours…”

“Ah a bit of detective work,” Richard interrupted her. ” I followed you into your foyer one day and asked security your name, pretending we had a meeting and I’d forgotten. The girl on front desk was a mimsy silly cow, shouldn’t have told me. Chinese black mix…?

“Oh Soppy Sylv as we call her, yes stupid. How she got the job…?”

“Don’t know but big tits for a Chinese,” Richard chuckled with a dirty laugh.

“Well,” Sophie sighed softly, “I don’t work late every night, but I’m sure going to start”

“Not on my behalf, you need your beauty sleep, anyway tomorrow I’m off to Strasburg, Brexit meetings you know. Be away for a time as they’re shifting me to Brussels for at least two months, so this is goodbye.”

They exchanged numbers and email addies and hung up.

Months later, her phone rang.

“Good morning Sophie, how have you been and a belated Happy Christmas,” chuckled Richard.

“Oh my god, you. Gave up on you and thanks – same to you. I’m fine thanks. Been to Cardiff with my family for Chrissy. You?

“Thanks sweetie, nice of you. My wife came over to Brussels, I was there longer so it was easy, on the firm you know, was good.”

“Did you get a chance to put your …er…stuff on her butt?”

“My you remembered,” he snickered. “No, we did shag naturally, but I got loads of spunk in a tissue or something in the bathroom because of you heh heh.”

“Surely I can’t be that strong in your mind …with all those bimbos to wank over?”

“Well yes – by the way I love the way you are adopting basic language – the bimbos can ignite a little excitement, but like I said, it’s you mature ladies that do it for me. I will tell you my wife Dawn is twenty years older than me…”

“Hang on, you’re about mid thirties yes? what I can see of you and that’s been a fair bit,” she giggled. “If that’s right she’s my age.”

“I did tell you, it’s my thing, mature?? but she’s quite fat, let herself go I’m afraid.”

“Oh dear, I sympathise for you and for her of course. It happens. Lucky I can work fat off at the gym, not many my age members, but so what.”

“The David Lloyd gym?”

“Yes…how did you know?”

“My junior. He sees you there, sheer chance. He’s a swimming instructor for a small group, seen you there.” So have I Richard thought to himself.

“Small world,” Sophie trilled. “Look Richard …feel like I know you so well, silly really. I’ve got to go. Call me tomorrow night if you’re around please…usual time hee hee.”

“Fine, will do, byeee.”

That evening he fired up his monitor in his home office and settled in to view a DVD, His wife was at Weight Watchers then going out for a drink and meal with others in the class! He’d have a nice wanking session.

The action started with an obvious manoeuvring of a video camera and thumbs, hands and blurry screens then displayed an empty sort of space, although enclosures were evident. A bit of a casual scan with the camera rotating actually showed a row of lockers, so it was some sort of changing room, with a row of benches in the middle. The lockers and walls were off white, bearing scratches and a little graffiti. He knew what was to follow, but patience was one of his virtues and he prepared, as the camera was shifted slightly and settled again, Escort Kemeraltı by taking off his track suit bottoms and Yfronts. He didn’t mind the delay, although it was difficult when he’d first opened it, to determine if the camera was on, there was no animation, for about a tedious minute.

The bottom portion of large bare legs blotted the vision, but soon evolved as they walked away from the camera position, into the whole lower torso, dressed in black skin tight, calf length leggings, a black leotard and a greying head of hair, tied back in a sort of scarf. Then more vision obstruction as it became obvious several other women entered the room and scattered, the camera operator panning frantically exposing shapes and sizes Richard could only dream of or turn away in disgust. Obesity was a feature and the class must have been overloaded so to speak, but there among the cornucopia of flesh, was the shapely body of Sophie Jones, the target, that young Justin from Richard’s office had been instructed to capture on video. Paid a chunky load of cash to forego swimming and risk his job, he had offered to sneak into a storage room and peep, through a well disguised hole into the gym ladies changing room.

Richard didn’t know Justin and a couple of his colleagues, one who wasn’t queer, had acted as voyeurs for some time, creating the hiding hole with a hole in the wall and others in the men’s area. Their shared archive was extensive, suiting all tastes. All Justin had done, was to offer the facility as a maybe or maybe not, seeing Richard’s obsession with Sophie.

To the outsider, it appeared Sophie wasn’t part of the gym members and it became evident there was a separation but that she knew a couple of the females in the room, more of her shape and fitness. She flung off her hair piece and started to remove her leotard, from her shoulders, Richard noticed her tan lines, white against brown over her meaty shoulders, then the mark of a one piece swim suit on her deeply craved spinal crease. Her elbows betrayed her age, gorgeous little wrinkles flexed round the back of the bone, to accompany fleshy bingo wings inside her biceps. The lad with the camera used the zoom facility to great effect during the whole changing room sequence.

The screen filled with a very shapely arse, legs and the back of a curly blonde head of a younger woman, holding a towel round her upper body, until Sophie once more took centre stage as she bent to peel off the leotard. It must have bee incredibly good fortune of the camera operator to get the star in the optimum position. He was fixed, the room was roomy and bodies were everywhere. Sophie wiggled, lowering the ultra tight Lycra down her hips, which left her clad only in sweaty leggings. One leg of them had ridden high up her arse crack, creating an unequal lump of white untanned cheek carved against the contrast of her tanned behind.

Still with her back to the camera, Sophie chatted to the young blonde, who had discarded the towel and stood naked in profile to the camera. She had very small pert tits and sharp uptilted nipples, but what was unusual these days a fluffy fair haired bush, which when she turned to grab her swimsuit, the pubic hair had been trimmed round to about an inch above her cunt slit which couldn’t be seen. The zoom managed to capture just a dark top of her crack before it was forested over. Sophie chatted in profile too and in contrast, her weighty boobs trembled and shook with each gesture. They hung heavy, starkly pale and low, with her large stubby nipple buds pink against the palest circled wide surrounds of very big areolae which housed a myriad of tiny blebs and bumps.

The chat ended and the blonde walked towards the camera and then veered off out of sight. She was shielding the view of Sophie who by now was easing her leggings off while sat on the bench. She tried to kick them off her feet, but because they were sweaty damp, they wouldn’t part from her feet, so in the end she stood and kicked them and failing again she bent double and dragged them clear. This allowed a superb vision of a magnificent curvy quivering butt, sliced with a dark deep crack which opened into a valley – going onto zoom – showing a knotty sphincter, and then the crevasses into what looked like a doughy burger bun with a light coating of delicate pale salad fronds. What a twat she had.

Straightening up Sophie, fussed around, every inch of her mature body alive, brilliant contrasts of her tan and untanned areas everywhere. It was January, so maybe she tops up in a solarium. A dripping wet Granny, fresh from the showers lumbered across in front of Sophie and stood after opening a locker and grabbing another towel to augment the one wrapped round her. Granny was small in height but large in width, so Sophie’s busy head and some chest were visible, but after the wrapped towel was dropped, Richard enjoyed the sudden prairie like vista of the very old woman’s nakedness, surprised to see her in a communal situation. Her hair was black, too black, soaking and draped tight to her head and face which was Romany featured and her shape was like the rolling foothills of the Russian Steppes. Rolls and rolls of deathly white flesh folded on all sides of the grossly overweight woman who had tiny tits. Her belly was like layers of an elaborate wedding cake gone wrong and her vagina invisible, the lowest layer hanging some inches below it.

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