
Adventures in April Ch. 03: Going Down


Writer’s note – this is the third in what is intended to be a series of short stories about April – a petite, attractive, mature, married, redhead. Each story will stand in isolation though the length and depth is likely to develop with each new story so it might be best to start at the first story and work your way though.

Today April has a brief encounter with a lift maintenance engineer at work.

All situations are imagined and any resemblance to real paces or people is purely coincidental.

Finally, these stories are for publication on the Literotica Site only and just because I have shared them on Literotica does not mean I have given permission for them to be reproduced anywhere else.


Going Down

April hadn’t been in her new job for long, an office job she had managed to secure after many years on the factory floor. She liked it, liked the office hours, liked the work, liked the new colleagues she now worked with, but above all she liked the fact that after many years of wearing the hats and coats required in a food factory she was now able to wear proper clothes, nice clothes, able to take pleasure on a daily basis from the way she looked.

Today she was predominantly in black; black hold up stockings, black pencil skirt, black pointed shoes, three inch heel, baggy blouse, white with black pin stripes, tucked in her skirt, underneath a black lace bra and matching knickers.

Around mid morning April was sent on an errand into the factory. It was the first time she had been back there since starting her new job and she was a little apprehensive.

The buildings were on a sloping site and after she had crossed the car park from the office suite she had to enter the factory building on at the ground floor, going up to the third floor where she needed to collect some time sheets from a charge hand for input into the payroll system that day. The time sheets should have been submitted days ago and it was typical of the charge hand that they were late.

April was a little angry as because they were late she had to go into the factory to collect them, something she didn’t really want to do, she wanted to avoid the ladies she used to work with as they resented the fact that she got this job, they themselves had wanted it.

April had intended to take the stairs, she hated the lifts, they weren’t passenger lifts but were goods lifts, old, rickety metal cage things, always breaking down but when she got to the foot of the stairs there was safety tape all across them, a sign warning that workmen were operating, telling people not to use them.

April stood there for a moment, thinking what to do. There were other stairs but they were right across the other side of the building and you had to cross the factory floor to get there. She didn’t want to do that.

Reluctantly April decided to use the lift and walked down the corridor towards it. When she got there she was a little surprised to see a new lift door next to the old cage of the goods lift and as she stood there, looking at it, the lift doors opened and stood straight in front of her was Damien.

April was a little taken aback as she saw who was behind the lift doors – Damien.

Damien worked for a lift company and she had seen him when he visited the factory on many occasions when he was called to work on the old lifts. He was in his mid thirties and absolutely gorgeous, a real mix of everything that she liked in a man; good looking face, even described as film star/model good looks. Under his clothes you could tell he clearly possessed a good body. It was the highlight of the day for the ladies in the factory when he came to service the lift, every one of them ogled after him. They had nicknamed him “going down Damien.”

Damien was also a friend of Lucy, April’s daughter. Lucy was friends with Damien as they were the same age and that’s how April knew quite a bit about him. Lucy was also a stunner, long dark hair, dark brown eyes, the dream of every hot blooded young male in the town. Damien, however had often talked to Lucy about her mum, how good looking he thought her mum was, how Lucy had obviously got her looks from her, but that he thought her mum was so much better. April knew Damien had said this because Lucy had told her, not jealous of it at all, but taking pleasure from the confidence it gave to April, confidence being something Lucy wished her mum had more of.

Damien spoke first,

“Wow April, look at you. What you doing dressed like that? You look stunning.”

April found it hard to speak, her face clearly turning crimson as he looked at her, eventually snapping herself to and replying.

“Thank you. I’ve taken a job in the office, been there a few months now, finally getting away from that factory floor.”

“And don’t you look better for it?” Damien replied,

“I always knew you were hiding something under those overalls but never thought it was something so sophisticated. Anyway what you doing stood there?”

April Escort Ankara explained that she needed to go to the third floor, that the stairs were closed for maintenance work and so she had to take the lift. She also explained how she hated the lifts, always breaking down.

Damien explained that this was a new lift, the company had been required to install it under disability discrimination rules, however it wasn’t yet full commissioned, that was what he was doing today.

Perhaps seeing the disappointment that she would have to still have to take the goods lift Damien spoke again,

“hey, I know it’s not fully operational but you can use it if you like, it’s just I will have to be in there with you.”

April looked at him, looked at the lift, grateful for the offer and stepping inside replied.

“Thank you, third floor please.”

Damien pressed the button and the lift sprung into action.

As she stood there, at the back of the lift, Damien at the front by the control panel, April stared at him. God he was gorgeous, such a hunk, so bloody good looking! OK he wasn’t six foot tall, but you could see through his tight company T shirt that he was well built, that he had a good body, his chest well defined, broad shoulders that emphasised the taper of his torso down to his waist, the muscles on his arms almost bursting out of the material on the sleeves on his T shirt.

His faded dark worker combats, worn a little high on his waist, their loose fit being pulled in tight by his belt, the thick material pulling up between the cheeks of his ass, emphasising his round, firm cheeks, then getting looser only after they had slipped over his obviously thick, muscular thighs.

As she gazed all over him April caught him watching her reflection in the mirrors that covered all walls of the lift, caught her gazing at him. She blushed again, speaking simply to draw his attention away from her embarrassment.

“This is much better than that old goods lift, I hope it’s more reliable too, but what are those bars for?”

April was referring to a series of bars that ran horizontally around all three sides of the lift, three on each side, one about two feet off the ground, another about four feet up and the last about six feet. Each bar was about three inches deep, the brushed steel matching the modern design of the lift, clearly functional but also modern in design to compliment the overall feel of the building.

Damien explained that they were put in to protect the mirrors from damage. It was a passenger lift but managers knew that factory staff would use it for small pallets and cages of goods so rather than try prevent this through disciplinary rules and company procedures they decided to install the bars to protect the mirrors.

Before April could reply the lift doors opened, the panel on the wall beeping and a voice say,

“Third floor.”

April stepped forward, moving to leave the lift, moving past Damien, his hands accidentally brushing on her skirt as she did so, brushing against her legs, April catching his eye as his fingers felt the top of her hold up stockings through her skirt. Damien just smiled straight at her as she stepped out.

“How long will you be?” He asked “I’ll try to be here when you get back, to see you go down.”

Damien noticed that April had totally missed his double entendre as she replied,

“Thanks, that would be great. I should only about ten minutes.”

Just under ten minutes later and with the time sheets now in her hand April made her way back to the lift. She was relieved to see Damien stood outside, working on the brushed aluminium panel that covered some wires at the side of the door.

As she approached April asked if the lift was still working and Damien explained it was fine, he was just doing some last minute tweaking. They both stepped in the lift and as the doors closed Damien spoke

“Going down?” At the same time looking at April in the mirror, smiling at her. Still no reaction he thought to himself.

A few seconds into the journey the lift juddered, before stuttering to a halt. April looked at Damien in the mirror, he quickly spoke.

“Don’t worry, a minor glitch, I’ll get us going in no time.”

Damien began to fiddle with the control panel and after a few minutes he turned to April.

“It’s dead, all the lights and controls out, must’ve blown a fuse. I can’t fix it from here, I will have to call a colleague to come get us out.”

He made a call on his mobile, when he had finished he turned to April.

“He will be here in about an hour.”

As he put his mobile in his pocket Damien moved away from control panel, across the lift towards April, speaking as he did so.

“April, you know I think you are absolutely gorgeous don’t you? I tell Lucy every time I see her that her mom is such a beautiful lady. So gorgeous, so petite,”

April was shocked when he then said,

“I can’t resist you now, in Ankara Escort here, alone,”

and placing an arm around her waist Damien as he stepped right in front of her and kissed her fully on the lips.

April just stood there, rooted to the spot as Damien then moved away, moving until he was stood just in front of her, clearly waiting for a reaction.

April looked at him, at the mirrors’ reflection of them both, trapped in the confines of the lift. God he was fit. She had always thought so, as had every other female who worked there.

Her heart was racing, she could feel it beating under her chest, her breathing heavy, she could feel her breasts heaving up and down under her blouse. Then, in somewhat of a daze, April almost involuntarily stepped forward, closing the gap between them, leaning forward as she kissed Damien on the lips.

Damien needed no further signal, wrapping his arms around April’s waist, pulling her to him, kissing her passionately.

April could hardly believe what was happening. It was her fantasy, something she had lived in her imagination many times, over and over again, ever since she had first set eyes on Damien.

Her imagination had been further fired when she heard about what Damien thought of her, that he was so attracted to her, that he thought she was gorgeous. April knew in her own mind that she was attractive but had never thought that someone so young, so fit, so utterly gorgeous could be so attracted to her, to hold her above girls half her age, the thought of him wanting her breathed new life into her.

Their hands were all over each other now, grabbing, stroking, their lips also moving over each other, their tongues exploring.

April was fully aware that this was not romance, that it would not be making love. April knew exactly what it would be, just sex, purely physical, passionate, forbidden. She fully accepted it for that, the acceptance making her enjoy it all the more, enjoy the franticness of their touch, the speed of their movements, the unspoken but clearly understood desire to simply rip off their clothes, to get together, their bodies entwined in each other, no questions asked, no answers given.

God she wanted him, always had, but now wanted him even more because of what it was, wanted to experience that rush she used to get in her twenties when she first met a new guy. The rush she experienced when for the first time she took a new guy inside her. She was starting to feel that rush now. Feel it building inside her, uncontrollable, undeniable. April wanted him, wanted Damien, wanted take all the energy his youth could give to her, wanted to feel his muscular body against hers, to feel his youth, to feel his stiffness inside her, wanted him to quench the fire of the lust that burnt within her.

Damien released April momentarily, just long enough so he could take hold of his T shirt, pull it over his head, throwing on the floor.

April gazing on his now exposed, naked, muscular chest, his perfect six pack. Damien then took hold of the front of April’s blouse, putting his fingers on the top fastener, preparing to undo the button, as he pulled at the material trying to get hold of the button the press-stud fastener popped open. Quickly realising the nature of the blouse fastenings, not buttons, simply metal press-stud poppers, Damien looked April in the eye and as she smiled back at him. He immediately took hold of a clump of material of April’s blouse in each hand, tugging the material apart, the press-studs down the full front of her blouse bursting open under the pressure, leaving only the part that was tucked in her skirt.

As April’s wrapped around his neck Damien gripped the material of her blouse, tugging it out from her skirt, ripping apart the last few press-studs, pulling her blouse open and pushing his hands inside, grabbing the bare flesh of her waist, then further round her back, his arms almost making her blouse fall off her shoulders as they pushed inside.

April ran her hands all over Damien’s now naked upper body, across the creases of the muscles on his chest, over his shoulders, slightly digging her red nails in his flesh. She moved down his upper arms, across his large biceps, down further until her hands rested on his forearms.

Damien touched at her naked flesh, her bra strap, her back, as at the same time he pushed her backwards until she reached the wall of the lift.

Damien now took his hands out from inside April’s blouse, dropped them down onto her legs, grabbed hold of the material of her skirt and pulled it up, up over her thighs, over the tops of her stockings, over the cheeks of her ass until it sat, rolled, ruffled on top of them, just around her waist.

April was now stood, her back in one corner of the lift, farthest away from the door, her skirt pushed up. Damien was in front of her, his arms now wrapped around her exposed hips, gripping her flesh just underneath the cheeks of her ass as the material of her skirt fell Ankara Escort Bayan down a little over them.

Once he was sure he had a good hold Damien lifted April off the ground and as he did so April looked down for the lowest of the bars she had seen earlier, it now just at the right height for her feet as Damien held her off the floor. Parting her legs slightly April was able to place one foot on each of the bars as they moved away at right angles from the corner, able to slide the heels of her shoes in the gap behind the bars and the mirror wall, bringing her feet down so that the arch of her shoe rested on the bar, easily supporting her weight. The highest bars were now just below the line of April’s shoulders and once she had a secure place for her feet she took her arms and stretched them out at her sides, grabbing hold of them.

As April looked at her reflection in the lift mirrors, she thanked her lucky stars that they weren’t cheap mirrors but were good quality, flattered her as she looked at her blouse, undone and hanging almost off her shoulders, exposing her semi naked upper body, the black lace of her bra.

She looked at her skirt as it sat on top of her ass, on her waist, dragged up there by Damien’s hands, exposing her legs, her stocking tops.

She traced her eyes down her reflection, down her legs, to her shoes, the tension required to keep her balance on the bars giving her legs more definition, making them look great, making her look great.

It also crossed April’s mind that her position looked almost sacrificial, Christian, like Jesus on the cross however she had to concede to herself that her thoughts at this moment were more carnal sinner than saint!

She didn’t have time to ponder that thought for long as once Damien realised April was able to support herself he brought his head forward stopping slightly so it was in line with the top of April’s thighs.

As Damien pressed his head between April’s thighs she was now able to feel his hot breath on the bare flesh at the top of her stockings, feel the bristle of the stubble on his face, feel his lips as he began kissing her flesh, feel his teeth as they nipped her.

Perhaps Damien decided he needed better access, perhaps he wanted a better view, the reason didn’t matter the result was the same and he took hold of the material of April’s black lace knickers, pulled them down over the top of her stockings, drawing them over her knees. He lifted each of April’s feet, one foot at a time off the rail, lifting her leg out of her knickers, once completely off, Damien simply discarding them onto the floor of the lift.

April placed her feet back on the bars.

He now had perfect access to her and April pressed her body into the corner of the lift as he brought his head forward again, this time not touching her thighs, simply bringing his mouth straight onto her soft, pussy lips. April tensed, gasping out loud, gripping the bars on the lift as she felt Damien’s lips on hers, felt his tongue come out immediately and begin to press on her, it’s rough surface running over her flesh, stroking her, pushing inside her as he crossed from side to side.

April still looked at their reflection in the mirrors, watching the back of Damien’s head as he moved between her thighs.

As he licked her lips April watched Damien bring his hands up her legs, bringing one round her ass, grabbing hold of the bare flesh of her cheek, bringing the other underneath her, his fingers stretching back into the crease in her ass cheeks, his thumb staying between her legs, now pressing on her lips as he moved his tongue up the middle to where her lips met, pushing on that hood of flesh that hid her clit. Damien pushed his tongue through the skin, pressing on her clit, at the same time slipping his thumb just inside her.

At the joint sensation of his thumb slightly parting her lips and his tongue pressing on her clit April couldn’t help moaning out loud. This simply serving to urge Damien on, making him increase the rate at which his tongue pressed on her clit as he flicked and licked her, with one hand gripping her bum, pulling her to him, the thumb of the other moving just past her lips, just inside her, the fingers tickling the crease of her ass.

God he was driving her insane.

April knew she couldn’t take this for long, knew that all those dreams, of her with him, were adding to her urge to let go, to give in to the sensation. She couldn’t help but to try and press her body down to him, to press her clit onto his tongue as he flicked and rolled it, as she did so Damien used his perfect co-ordination to grip her cheek harder, to slide his thumb a little deeper inside her, press on the crease in her ass, pressing his tongue onto her clit.

April couldn’t take any more and cried out,

“aaahhhhh yeeesssss, oh my God, that’s so good.”

April’s orgasm rippled through her, brought out so quickly by him, by her desire to have him. It spread down her legs, to her toes, washing completely over her. As she sank into the fulfilment of her climax Damien didn’t move, just held her ass cheek in his hand, his thumb resting on her lips, his tongue perfectly still as it pressed on her clit. April savoured every second of that feeling.

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