
After 3 Months


I’m in the car on the way to his house and I can feel on my thighs how wet I am. It’s been months since we’ve fucked, him dealing with some emotional bullshit and pulling away and me giving up on it. But we’d rekindled the flirtation and I was sure as hell going to rekindle the fucking.

I stop my car on the main street by the corner with his street and hop out. My knee high boots make a satisfying click with the stiletto heel as I walk down the hill toward his house. I pass three, four, five houses and then it’s his. My heart leaps into my throat as I knock on the door, what if he’s not here, what if he’s with someone else, this is stupid. But its too late to go back now.

He opens the door and I feel like my panties are soaked through. This is going to work..

“You busy?”

“No,” he answers as he runs his hands through his salt and pepper hair. I think he doesn’t quite know why I’m here. But I do.

“Can I come in?” He steps back to let me through and I see his eyes skim over my body. My black coat is open showing a grey wool dress, and I see his eyes change as he reaches the hem of the dress as it rubs along my bare thighs, disappearing into black leather boots. I walk past him slightly but turn as he closes the door.

And then I’m up against him, pushing him against the closed door, my mouth is on his but really I’m feeling him with my entire body, my breasts are pushed up against his hard chest, my stomach can feel him breathing against me, and my pelvis is rocking up against his thigh. He’s got my coat on the floor in seconds and his hands are caressing my ass, grabbing at my back, running down the backs of my thighs. It feels like he has hundreds of hands, I don’t know how just the two can be in so many places. After a minute, I hold him away and step back.

“You said the next time we have sex we should be sober. I was sober, so I decided to stop by.” I tell him as I walk down the hall toward his living room. Kocaeli Escort I don’t know if he’s confused that I’ve passed the bedroom, but I have plans for the day and they do not include a bed.

“That was kind of you.” He answers as I disappear into the living room. He hasn’t followed right behind me so I have a minute to pull off my dress before he comes back into view. He walks into the room to find me in a simple black bra, black cotton panties, and still my high heeled boots. He walks over and starts running his hands down my sides, but that’s not part of the plan, so I push him onto the couch.

Again our mouths meet, but this time I’m hovering over him, legs spread over his lap, my hands in his hair, pulling his head up to meet mine. His hands are running up and down my thighs, squeezing my ass, caressing the small of my back. His fingers get closer and closer to the hem of my panties, and I have to come up for air. There’s nothing I want more than to have his fingers inside me, but I’m going to make us both wait. Today is going to be worth it.

I yank off his shirt and run my hands along his chest for a minute. I’ve always liked how solid he his, even though he’s small and slender. He probably can’t lift me but his chest still feels solid against my palms. I move my hands slowly down til my fingers are exploring under his jeans.

“These,” I say as I pull at the jeans, “need to come off.” He obliges as I get up to move the coffee table to a safer location. Once it’s safely off to the side I kneel in front of him and kiss my way up his thighs, skipping over his boxers and kissing across his stomach and down the other leg.

I look up and his eyes have fallen closed. The stay closed as I snake a hand up his left leg, under his boxers, and start playing with his balls. His hand entangles itself in my hair, caressing my neck the way that drives me insane. I can’t stand this much longer, I’m going to need Kocaeli Escort Bayan his hands on me. I climb back up onto the couch, making sure he can feel the leather of my boots against his naked legs. I move my panties aside just enough to slip one finger all the way inside me and back out again. I put my finger against his lips and he takes it hungrily into his mouth.

“I’ve been wet for hours now, looking forward to this. You’re going to need to do something about that.”

Its all the permission he needs and suddenly two fingers are inside me gently probing as his thumb circles teasingly around my clit.

“Hours, huh?” I can only moan a response as his thumb makes maddeningly slow circles in time to the soft push of his fingers in and out of my cunt. “I’m wondering how many hours I can keep you wet.”

I know at this tempo it would be many, many hours and I let out a soft wimper. He laughs and pulls my hips closer to him with his free hand. Slowly, too slowly, he pulls my panties aside and my lips apart, and it seems like days before his tongue actually makes contact with my clit, sending jolts of pleasure through my entire body. He’s slow, still, circling, pressing, releasing, probing. Nothing fast, nothing that makes my breathing shallow and fast so I breathe in deeply and moan out slowly, minute after minute. Then one finger slides slowly inside me, and out again. Once, twice, three times, and then it’s replaced by two. The pattern keeps going except I never know how many fingers it will be, sometimes one sometimes four, the slow methodical surprises keep going until I’m writhing against his mouth with half curses half moans escaping from my mouth without any thought whatsoever. And then he pulls me away.

“Easy sweetheart, I’m going for hours here.” I bite his ear to show my frustration and agreement, and step back. I pull my panties down and step out of them one foot at a time.

“Bra Escort Kocaeli too?” He asks almost plaintively, like a school boy catching a forbidden look behind the gym. I unclasp my bra and let it fall to the ground, but my boots stay on. He stands and takes me by the hips, guiding me onto the couch, laying me down. He’s laying on top of me, kissing my mouth, my neck, my chest, my breasts, my hips. I lose all track of time as I can feel his slight stubble running along my entire body. My cunt aches to be full again as the rest of my skin shivers in its new-found attention. Finally his hand finds my cunt and again begins the slow circles, spreading my wetness around every crevice. Tiny bites on my breasts, his tongue playing across my nipples, his breath on my stomach, his stubble on my neck. I’m writing underneath him, but finally it’s too much.

“Fuck me, please. Please fuck me now.” It’s all I can say. Like a broken record, but its the only words I can form in my head. He growls a laugh into my ear and says “hold on a minute baby.” I can hear him getting a condom from the bedroom and the moment respite reminds me of the plan I had in the car, driving here. He comes back to find me on my knees, leaning against the arm of the couch. He doesn’t waste time nestling in behind me and rolling on the condom. Our foreplay is definitely over as he shoves into me, fucking me hard and fast from the beginning. But I reach back to grab his hand and bring it around in front of me. He understands and his fingers find my clit again. This time it isn’t the slow maddening circles but a hard frenzied rub that’s exactly what we both need. As he pounds in and out of me I lose all knowledge of the world around me, focusing only on the feeling building right behind my pelvis. It grows and grows and soon I”m not moaning, not breathing, not doing anything besides waiting for the feeling to break over me. It finally does and I’m moaning a deep down guttural sound and shaking against him. It pushes him over the edge and within seconds he’s slumped over my back breathing hard. We disentangle ourselves and lay out on the couch, still catching our breath.

“Lets not wait 3 months for that to happen again, ok?”

“I so, incredibly promise,” he responds.

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