
Alice and the Looking Glass Ch. 02


Alice landed hard, but not as hard as she had anticipated. The surface gave slightly, like an enormous vaginal sponge then sprung back to send her flying upwards again. Three times she bounced, each time her arms and legs flailing like a marionette until eventually she settled momentarily.

“Oh no, fuck no!”

She realized she was sliding. The surface had seemed flat at first but now the slight decline was making her glide feet first to fuck knows where. Desperately digging with her black enameled fingernails she tried to gain purchase but the surface just seemed to pare away like the top layer of skin on a rice pudding. She knew she was in trouble when her feet felt pure air and sure enough she fell downwards again. This time the landing was really hard, solid enough to knock any breathe that might have remained in her gasping lungs totally away. Alice lay on her back and wondered if she would die.

“And who the hell are you?”

The voice came from above her and slightly to the left.

“Leaving your scratch marks all down my beautiful Amanita’s skin. I was going to go for a walk today but now I will have to sit here a little longer till she heals.”

The voice had a strange dreamy quality Alice couldn’t quite identify.

“Do get up so I can see you. I would come over there but I have had a very difficult week.”

Alice caught her wind and stumbled to her feet banging her head in the process on the underside of what appeared to be a huge open umbrella. The bump produced a cloud of particles that seemed to dance in the air around her head. Whatever the substance was it resulted in her having to resume a seated position with a wildly spinning head.

“Do be careful please. Those spores have medicinal qualities.”

Alice allowed the hit to settle a little and managed to stand again by holding the edge of the umbrella for balance. Squinting her eyes to peer through the cloud of smoke that enveloped the center of the umbrellas dome she could just make out the figure of a squat old man sucking on a hookah pipe.

“Hello. My name is Alice.”

She spoke Bahçelievler travesti very slowly and loudly assuming that his age would make him a little deaf.

“I can hear perfectly well when I choose to listen you know. My senses are catlike.”

As he said catlike the old man looked warily left and right.

“Never know who might be listening to idle conversations.”

“Where am I?”

Alice tried to ignore the more surreal remarks to get some clarification of her situation.

“Standing under my mushroom is where you are stupid child! More importantly where am I?”

Alice stooped just enough to look closely at the umbrella. Sure enough it was a huge fungus with a white stem and a bright red head.

“Can you please tell me where I am sir?”

“You look hungry. You can have a nibble if you like.”

Alice looked at the old man quizzically. It wasn’t the first time she had received that offer and the consequences had usually been entertaining.

“You sure its safe to eat. Some of these fungi are dangerous.”

“My dear Alice this is a truly magic mushroom. You will find the result of one bite totally satisfying for all your hunger.”

Alice made a snap decision and took an enormous bite. The flavor was strangely familiar; a little salty but at the same time sweet with just a hint of sliminess on the tongue.

“Tastes a bit like cum!”

She masticated steadily as the old man slowly dissolved to nothing then reappeared as a hundred rainbow colored jelly tots.

“That hurts!”

Alice awoke to a sharp stabbing pain in the entrance to her rectum. She was bent over a low fence with her wrists tied loosely to the opposite side. The pain came again but this time didn’t stop till she felt herself totally impaled.

“You see that’s the way it needs to be done stupid.”

The voice was squeaky and very odd.

“I would have got it in if you given me time. You never let me finish.”

Alice felt the penetrating organ withdrawn hurriedly and the sounds of a violent scuffle started to her rear.




Dog Bahçelievler travestileri turd.”

Alice quickly managed to escape the loose bindings and fists raised threateningly in tight balls turned to face her buggers.

“Your nothing but perverted midgets!”

The two antagonists stopped brawling long enough to scream in unison.

“We are not midgets. We are little people!”

Alice was struck dumb. The vindictiveness of the response to her very politically incorrect remark shamed her considerably.

“Little people have feelings too you know.”

The two spoke so precisely together it sounded almost like an old stereo steam gramophone recording.

“I am sorry but you were fucking my ass a moment ago. I do have some right to be angry.”

“What? Midget fucking isn’t good enough for the likes of you I suppose?”

This time only the one on the right spoke but the other now obviously identical twin nodded vigorously in total agreement.

“I didn’t mean that at all. You have as much right to fuck my ass as any one else.”

The twins grinned mischievously.

“I didn’t mean that either. I meant that if I did get fucked in the ass you two would be as welcome as anyone else.”

The grins took a decidedly evil twist.

“I didn’t mean that either.”

Alice was now standing with her hands on her hips and stamping her feet to add weight to her statements.

“Real fisherman’s wife isn’t she brother.”

“Decidedly so brother even if I thought so first.”

“You thought so first? You always make out your so much cleverer than me!”

The two brothers started to circle each other nose to nose.

“Do you two fight about everything?”

“Of course we do!”

Again came the stereo response.

“Its silly. You should be supporting each other not arguing all the time.”

The two combatants stopped circling and stood arms folded in front of their chest staring at Alice with renewed interest.

“That’s what the Hatter says.”

“The Travesti Bahçelievler who?”

“The Hatter of course you silly girl. Everyone in Wonderland knows the Hatter.”

“Well I don’t know him and don’t really care too. I just want to find my way out of this druggy dream I am in. All I wanted was a good fucking and somehow ended up here.”

“Well why didn’t you say. Allow us to introduce ourselves.”

The small person on the left unfastened his pants and exposed a cock so huge it made Alice’s chin drop.

“This is Tweedledee.”

The small person on the right exposed an equally swollen and magnificent member.

“This is Tweedledum.”

Alice dropped to her knees in a prayer of thanks. Taking Tweedledee between her lips she motioned Tweedledum to proceed to her rear.

Alice had experience many things in her nineteen years but this was her first spit roasting. Tweedledee and Tweedledum had that strange connection that only identical twins truly have, they knew exactly what to do and when to do it to be in natural concert; Alice’s throat and cervix were pounded in perfect synchronicity. She came very quickly but the boys didn’t even miss a thrust. She squirted heavily and still she was ploughed unmercifully. Finally she pissed and that at least caused Tweedledum to withdraw from her cunt just long enough to transfer his enormous appendage directly into her unprepared asshole. Alice winced momentarily and her teeth closed a little too passionately on Tweedledee’s shaft. He gave out a yelp and slapped her on the top of the head which of course cause a repeat of the unfortunate incident.

“Damnation that smarts; Time for DP!”

Alice found herself being pulled on top of Tweedledee and not wishing to seem uncooperative straddled his beautiful cock with great eagerness. Tweedledum pushed her to a prone position and reinserted himself deep in her anal canal.

“OHHH fuck yes!”

Alice creamed immediately and just couldn’t stop. Every thrust into her bowel pushed her hard onto the rod embedded deeply in her vagina causing an ever growing crescendo of climaxes. Tweedledum was cumming, Tweedledee was cumming and Alice awaited the explosion of two simultaneous hot wads deep in her twin holes to send her crashing to the climax to end all climaxes.


Alice screamed in ecstasy then passed out in the middle of a breathless midget sandwich.

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