
All Grown Up


Author’s note: Welcome back, dear audience, for my latest story. As always, comments and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged. This story is actually fully consensual and thus needs no disclaimers other than that all characters who engage in sexual conduct are of age. It’s a bit short and not quite my usual fare, so I’m curious to see how it’s received. I think it came out pretty nice, but at worst its good practice in writing consensual scenes and mid-sex dialogue, the two main areas I’d like to sharpen before I think about diving into writing a full series. Now, thank you to everyone who gives it a read and on with the show.


A gentle breeze tickled the hairs on Tony’s arm as he reached out to grip the brass doorhandle before him. Winter had just given way to spring and the doctor had decided to celebrate with an impromptu trip to the neighbourhood pub nearest to his apartment. As a single parent with a teenage daughter and a demanding job, Tony wasn’t able to indulge in as many nights out as he would have liked, but when he did The Lost Sheep was his haunt of choice. He pulled open the Sheep’s heavy front door and smiled as the familiar sight of its homey interior was revealed before him. Tonight was quiet, it seemed, with less than a dozen patrons present all scattered throughout the room. Only one sat at the polished wooden bar behind which Tony was surprised to see a girl he failed to recognize.

While unable to frequent the pub as often as he would have liked, the man was enough of a regular to know each of its employees by name and the girl wasn’t one of the trio who normally took shifts behind the bar. Intrigued, Tony casually made his way up to his usual stool, taking a good look at her as he walked. She was tall for a girl, though still shorter than himself, with curly brunette hair and a soft, approachable face. Her body was difficult to make out under the loose uniform she wore, but from the lack of swell in her blouse there couldn’t be that large of curves hidden beneath. From the look of her Tony figured there was no way she was old enough to partake in the drinks she was serving, but the fact she was behind the bar meant she had to be at least old enough to take home if he played his cards right and fate was in a generous mood.

When she looked up from the glass she was cleaning and saw his approach, the girl broke into an unexpectedly cheery grin that lifted Tony’s spirits. He wondered whether it was just the enthusiasm of a new job or if he could actually have been so lucky as to catch her interest as much as she had captured his. He answered her smile with a grin of his own as he crossed the remainder of the room, projecting as much confidence as he could manage. Having hit his fortieth birthday the past fall, Tony knew he wasn’t exactly the suave romeo he had been in his youth but he kept himself in good shape and had enough money and class to present a pretty handsome image for his age. When his wife died nearly a decade before he had been heartbroken, determined to raise their daughter alone. Eventually, though, the pain grew increasingly distant and after years alone he finally began seeing other women for the first time since college, if only casually. With his daughter entering her teenage years it had become harder to maintain an active sex life, but he still managed to do alright with the ladies. With a bit of luck and a good first impression he thought he had a decent chance of charming his way into the cute bartender’s pants, though the age gap between them was enough that she might be beyond his skills.

“Hey, stranger, what can I get ya?” She asked once he reached the bar and settled onto his stool. The girl was directly across the bar from him, perched against the counter and leaning forward just enough for Tony to find the arrangement unusually intimate. Compounding matters, there was something about her voice that was just familiar enough to make him give the brunette a closer look. When he didn’t immediately recognize her, however, he dismissed the thought as nothing, confident he would recognize a face as gorgeous as hers had they ever met before.

“I’ll take a whiskey, please,” He answered. The teen nodded and departed to fetch and prepare his drink. As she worked his eyes lingered over her backside. She was generally slim, but there was a pleasant fullness to her ass that made the man momentarily fantasize about bending her over the bar and making her squeal while the rest of the patrons watched. When she returned, she deposited his whiskey in front of him atop a little napkin.

“Here you are.” Again, something struck him as familiar about her cheery voice.

“Thanks. It looks almost as delightful as you, Miss…” Tony was surprised to see his simple but confident first pass produce a slight frown on the brunette’s pretty face. He had been sure the vibes he was getting were inviting, but at her reaction doubt began to creep in.

“Aww, don’t you recognize me, Mister battalgazi escort Colston?” The girl seemed a bit hurt, and Tony was instantly taken aback. He couldn’t imagine forgetting a girl like her, but she clearly knew him.

“I’m sorry, you seem to have me at a loss…” The metaphorical hamster wheel in his head spun frantically, trying to figure how he could know the pretty young brunette.

“It’s me, Katherine. I used to sit for Morgan when she was little.”

“Kitty?” Tony’s look of bewilderment gave way to recognition as he realized why her voice had seemed familiar and why her face had been so hard to place. The last time he saw the girl standing before him she was no older than his own daughter was now. At the time she had been a gawky, flat chested teen with braces and acne. The years since had been kind to her, a once reedy voice dropping to become just a little smoky and her entire body developing in all the right ways. Of the parade of students from his sister’s middle school classes who had babysat Morgan for him Kitty had been his daughter’s favourite by far, evolving into something of a big sister to his only child. Tony knew they still talked from time to time, but he hadn’t seen the girl himself in years since he decided his daughter no longer required watching. Her reappearance as a beautiful young woman was not something the father had been prepared for.

“Well I’ll… you have certainly grown up since the last time I saw you, kid.”

Happiness flooded back into the girl’s face when he recognized her, bringing a faint blush with it. She leaned forward over the bar like when he first arrived, bringing their faces close enough that the father could have leaned in for a kiss if he so chose. “I guess I have, huh?” She replied, biting at her lower lip as she smiled.

“How long have you been working here? I haven’t seen you behind the bar before.” Tony casually asked, testing his drink. The clear signals the girl was sending were wasted on him once he realized how he knew her, any thought of charming his way into her pants having evaporated from his mind to be replaced by the comfort of near-paternal familiarity.

“Just a week or two,” Kitty replied. “My uncle offered me the job last month when I turned old enough to work here, he owns the place.”

“Well how about that, never realized you were Harry’s niece.” Tony chuckled. He got on well enough with the trio who had been manning the bar as long as he had been coming to the Sheep, but it would certainly be nice having another friendly face around to talk to. “I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other again now that you’re here.”

“I’d like that,” the teen answered with a smile and a flutter of her long eyelashes.

For awhile the pair chatted casually about little things, mostly Tony’s work and Katherine’s plans for once she had finished up with high school. Eventually an idea crossed the father’s mind. “You know, Morgan’s a bit old for a babysitter nowadays, but she’s had it rough lately. Boy troubles I think, but she won’t open up about them. I bet it’d do her good to spend some time with you. We’re both free this weekend, you should come over for dinner one night, maybe even sleep over if you girls aren’t too old for that sort of thing.”

The brunette’s hazel eyes seemed to light up at the suggestion and she smiled nearly as wide as she had when Tony first arrived. “I’d love that, I’ll talk to her and pick a day.” Before she could say anything more, a pair of new arrivals to the bar required the girl’s attention. For the next hour they stole a few minutes of conversation whenever she was free, but an uptick in drinkers left the teenage bartender increasingly busy. As he drank and she worked, Tony saw the teen glance over at him from time to time, but the almost wistful nature of her glances completely escaped his notice. Eventually he said his farewells to her and a few of his fellow regulars before leaving for the night. He smiled as he walked home, wondering whether his daughter would still be awake to hear the news.


The next few days passed quickly, and before Tony knew it Saturday had arrived. When he talked to his daughter about running into Kitty and their idea, Morgan had been positively ecstatic. On the day in question, the teenager had shown up around six and after embracing enthusiastically the two girls retreated into his daughter’s bedroom. For the next hour or two, the satisfied father worked to prepare a spectacular dinner to the soundtrack of auto-tuned pop music and teenaged giggling which no door in the house could fully mute.

Over dinner, father and honorary sister teamed up to tease Morgan with old stories until the thirteen year old was so flustered she could scarcely eat. Afterwords the girls watched some young adult movie Tony didn’t recognize in the living room while he cleaned the kitchen and did a little housework before settling in to watch the conclusion with them. It was bayburt escort pretty standard fare, the plucky lead got the cute boy she wanted, the bad guys all died very PG-13 deaths, and he was left with a vague sense of deja vu. Around eleven the teens showered and turned in for the night. Before disappearing into Morgan’s bedroom, though, Kitty ventured straight from the shower to the kitchen for a nightcap of milk. There, her nubile body obscured with naught but a slightly undersized towel, she had chanced upon Tony. The father had been a perfect gentleman, bidding her goodnight before they each turned in to their respective rooms.

So it was that the wee hours of the morning found Tony slumbering in his queen sized bed, draped in a motley collection of blankets and quilts. His initially fitful rest had settled into a sensuous dream in which he reclined on a cloud like some ancient god out of a renaissance painting while a beautiful maiden lay between his legs diligently performing the most delightful form of worship her deity could ask for. As he savored the warmth of his priestess’s mouth and the soft caresses of her tongue, the omnipotent ruler of the skies lazily surveyed his domain. Far below he could see the carpet of dark green grass that covered the plains. Around him was the fluffy, rumpled whiteness of the clouds on which he rested. Across the room stood his heavy dresser and the small fan sitting atop it, blades whirring to produce the white noise he could never sleep without.

As his hazy mind and blurry sight readjusted to the rigours of the waking world, Tony groaned quietly at the loss of such a blissful dream. Still, he thought as his eyes closed once more in the hopes of finding his way back, at least the maiden hadn’t stopped her worship. It took almost a minute before his sleep-addled mind realized the impossibility of such dedication. Eyes opening once more, Tony raised his head ever so slightly to look down the length of his bed. Sure enough, by the pale light of the moon he could see a large form underneath his bedding, its nearer end subtly rising and falling in the same spot his crotch should be.

The man stared for several seconds watching the rhythmic motion as his mind cleared. Eventually, he took hold of the top of his blankets with one hand and lifted them to see for himself. Sure enough, there beneath the covers he could make out the silhouette of a feminine face, hazel eyes reflecting what little light found its way to them, and his own cock vanishing between lips he could barely see. Curly brunette hair fell to each side of the face to tickle his thighs. The shadowy face continued to bob up and down on his cock undeterred as he stared in amazement, though from how her lips curled up into a smile it was clear the girl beneath his covers knew she was being watched.

“Ki… Kitty?” was all Tony managed to mumble. The only answer he received was a slight variation in the pattern of ups and downs which could have been a nod coupled with a particularly skillful twirl of the tongue gliding around his cock which drew another groan from his throat. “What… what are you doing?”

In response to the tired father’s question, Kitty’s face dove particularly deep onto his cock before coming all the way up and removing itself from his body with a soft pop that seemed loud as distant thunder in the nearly silent bedroom. Tony just watched as the figure beneath his blankets wiggled its way up his body closer to his head, the feel of her warm body pressing and rubbing against his own making the rock hard cock pinned between them twitch. As she drew near her destination, Kitty’s face became clearly visible in the moonlight, a playful smile decorating her fair features.

The teen finally came to rest with her chin upon the base of Tony’s neck, looking up into his bleary eyes. As she opened her mouth to speak, he felt one of her soft hands slip between their bodies and take hold of the cock which now rested mere inches from her slit. “What I’ve always wanted to, Mr. Colston.” Kitty bit her lower lip gently after the admission, only adding to the hint of vulnerability lurking in her eyes which belied her otherwise playfully seductive demeanor.

“You mean…” Tony’s whisper trailed off, the father either unable or unwilling to finish his question. Now mostly awake, he noticed for the first time the faint blush which decorated his unexpected bedmate’s cheeks.

“Uh huh,” the girl affirmed with the barest hint of a nod, the motion pressing her pointy chin into his chest. “I always had a crush on you. Every time I came by to watch Morgan while you went out on a date I was always so jealous of the woman you were with. I wanted to be one of them so bad.”

“Kitty, you were just a kid, I would never…”

“I was,” the teen didn’t let him finish his thought, her voice growing more firm. “So we couldn’t. Now, I’m not.” Kitty emphasized her point with a solitary pump of her hand around his cock. bayrampaşa escort From the skill she showed with her tongue, Tony was inclined to believe her. “I saw how you looked at me before you knew who I was. I know you liked what you saw.”

“Maybe so, Kitty… but Morgan… you’re like sisters. We couldn’t possibly…”

“Hush, don’t think about that,” her voice softened again to a gentle coo. “You’ve been such a good daddy to her, but you deserve to be happy too.” The girl leaned forward to plant a lingering kiss on her target’s neck while her hand began a steady rhythm moving up and down his cock. She looked back up again and delivered her best bedroom eyes. “Let me make you happy tonight. Worry about the morning in the morning.”

Tony stared down at the teen laying atop his chest with an almost tortured look on his face. She was certainly alluring, her lithe, nubile body on full display and his for the taking. There was a yearning in her voice which made clear that the girl was offering herself up freely and fully for him to use however he wanted. The primal animal in him was screaming to make Kitty his, to take her hard and fast and damn the consequences. The father in him, though, demanded he kick her out of his bed, well aware that giving in to the temptation had the potential to bring his life crashing down around him. His world seemed to freeze as he was paralyzed with indecision, the two halves of himself pulling in opposite directions.

Perhaps if time had indeed been frozen Tony might have made a different decision, but with every pump of the hand gripping his manhood the wiser half of his mind lost ground. A girlish cry announced his decision when Kitty’s crush abruptly grabbed hold of her backside and rolled them both over, leaving her on her back with him looming above. The gleeful teen immediately drew her knees up, nearly far enough to touch her shoulders, and spread them wide, eagerly presenting one of the most appealing targets her new lover had ever seen. The teen had come to his bed wearing nothing at all leaving her body completely exposed before him. Her breasts were perky and small, crowned with rosy pink nipples that seemed a touch too large to fit the mounds beneath. Her belly was flat as a board, trim but not muscular. The way she lay before him drew Tony’s eyes to the little triangle at the juncture of her legs, a spot that looked as virginal as any he had ever seen. Even aroused as she was, the teen’s lower lips were little more than a subtle slit with not a trace of fur in sight. She had spent more than an hour preparing herself before leaving home, determined that everything be perfect when she made her move.

The father moved to position himself over her, one hand planted firmly next to her shoulder as he looked down. With his other he reached to grab his cock and line it up with the teen’s entrance. It was already rearing to go, wet and hard from Kitty’s eager efforts. Within moments he was wedged into the opening of her womanhood with no intentions of stopping there. The young brunette moaned softly as she felt the crown of his head press insistently against her body. A high, instinctive whine escaped her throat as she felt him pull his hips back, but it morphed into a sharp squeal when he at last drove inside her with a single, fierce thrust.

Tony’s initial effort only gained him an inch or two inside the teen. Judging by the skill she displayed with her mouth and the absence of a hymen obstructing his progress, he was fairly certain Kitty was no virgin, but she still felt tighter around his cock than the handful of girls he had deflowered in his youth. His second effort gained him another inch up her tunnel, as well as drawing another sharp cry from the teen. Not wanting to risk his new lover waking Morgan with her enthusiasm, the father leaned in to plant his lips on hers. Kitty responded instantly, answering his passions with her own. As Tony gradually worked himself deeper into the girl her cries of pleasure and a little pain were swallowed up down his throat, their tongues dancing frantically in the conjoined caverns of their mouths.

Before long, Kitty had her long legs wrapped tight around her lover’s hips, doing her part to pull him ever further into her body while her arms clutched at his broad back. The ecstasy of finally giving herself to the subject of passions long held secret was overpowering for the young woman. Operating on pure, primal instinct she clung to Tony’s sturdy body like a shipwreck survivor to a piece of driftwood as waves of pleasure wracked her body. Her first climax of the night arrived when she felt him bottom out inside her, the tip of his manhood knocking at the entrance to her fertile young womb.

“Oh… OHH… OOOHHHHHH!!!” The young brunette pulled back from her lover’s lips to vocalize her pleasure as she lost control of her body. Tony could feel her pussy clench like a vice around his cock as her hips bucked wildly. The sensation nearly sent him over the edge himself, likely would have if not for the way the teen unconsciously dug her painted fingernails into the flesh of his back. The surprise and mild pain of her scratching was enough, though, to pull him back from the brink and allow him to weather his lover’s ecstasy.

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