
All Leads to Anal


***Author’s note***

This story revolves around Alys from “Nighties of the round table” and “The farmers ball”. Here she helps a new arrival to the village adapt to a more sexual free lifestyle and come to terms with the obligatory village ass fucking.

Vicky was new to the area, fresh out of university and back living with her parents. She had expected to return to her London home but her parents had jacked it in to seek a quieter more peaceful life deep in rural Wales.

It was a different life, scattered tiny villages with unpronounceable names linked by quiet roads and on the hillsides in between stood isolated farmhouses. Crime was a rare event and the local newspapers struggled to fill column inches with headlines like ‘car hits duck’.

Gone were the streets packed with bars, nightclubs, shops and restaurants. Vicky was struggling with the quiet life more than her parents. The local shopkeeper was friendly enough, she never had many customers so liked to chat, a lot.

She suggested to Vicky she goes to a noson lawen, being held nearby as a way of meeting people. Vicky was unsure, after all, she couldn’t sing but Mrs Jones assured her that after a few pints half of the room would forget the words anyway.

It was on this night that Vicky met Alys and it’s after 6 pints of scrumpy cider and a night crashing on her sofa does this story truly start with the smell of bacon and coffee.

“Morning, do you want some coffee? Asked some half-dressed middle-aged woman as a dog insisted on demonstrating how cold its nose was.

Vicky could barely remember how she got there, but she did know her head was still spinning, “I’m ok thanks.”

“Did Alys bring a guy home last night? We never heard any moaning?”

Vicky was a little taken back by the question, “No, just me.”

“Oh, she must have gotten dicked at the party.”

“Dicked?” asked Vicky, still unsure who this woman was.

“Normally she brings a guy home on a Saturday night, when she’s quiet you never know if she’s got her mouth full or she’s alone.”

Vicky was still confused, perhaps the drink hadn’t quite worn off. She glanced at the clock, 5:30 am, who the fuck gets up that time on Sunday.

“You might want to get dressed before my husband comes down if he sees you like that I’ll have to deal with his hard-on and I haven’t got time this morning.”

Vicky scrambled to put some clothes on, she wanted to leave but thought it rude not to say bye to Alys, besides she had no idea where she was. She remembered getting in a Land Rover with several other rather merry people and somehow to ending up here. Her attention was drawn to someone clumping down the stairs.

Late middle age with a body that had seen better days barely covered in a bathrobe. He looked at Vicky and spoke in a tired gruff voice.

“Not seen you before. Friend of Alys I presume?”

Before Vicky could answer a voice rang out from the kitchen, “She’s just told me that Alys got a good dicking at the party.”

“Explains the silent night,” he replied before looking at Vicky, “No doubt you got a good ploughing too?”

“I’m sorry I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. It was just a lot of singing and drinking,” replied Vicky.

“So not even a blowjob? Poor girl you better have an extra sausage this morning.”

“Morning, I’ll have an extra sausage,” called out Alys as she entered the room.

Vicky’s relief at seeing Alys was short-lived.

“Your friend’s just told me she never got any dick last night. She’s a little upset.”

“Aw you should have said at the time, I could have pointed out the bigger guys. Mind you, all I had was a 3-minute quicky. Might give Tony a ring later. If you want I can see if any of my fuckbuddies are free.”

“Erm, I’m ok thanks,” replied Vicky, “I only moved here a few weeks ago. Just went to the noson lawen to meet new people.’

He took a sip of coffee and spoke, “well that’s what they’re for. Still, Alys is right, wouldn’t hurt you to get a few fuck buddies in your phone book for those quiet nights.”

Vicky wondered what kind of community she had moved to. Were her parents even aware? Was it just this family or was everyone around here so sexually open?

“Silly question, but where am I? I can’t get a phone signal,” asked Vicky.

“Bryn Mawr farm. Not unusual here, bit of a minefield when it comes to coverage, We can drop you off after breakfast if you like.”

Vicky didn’t hear from Alys for a few days. Neither did she say much to her own family about her own experience. When contact came it came in the form of a text message “Want to come for a few drinks on Saturday with the girls?” She pondered for a while before responding, she needed to make new friends but Alys’s family had disturbed her.

Saturday came and Vicky’s father dropped her off at a pub in another village. She wasn’t keen to end up back at Vicky’s and so asked to be picked up around midnight. It wasn’t the sort of place she’d normally go to, she doubted they knew what Taksim escort a cocktail was. The interior was that of a stereotypical British country pub, a lot of wood, jugs and plates hanging up among old photos from yesteryear.

In a snug booth sat Alys with four friends all staring at a menu. “At least they looked normal she thought.”

Alys briefly introduced the girls, “This is Fflur, Addfwyn, Elin and Eira. We’re going to get something to eat first. Hungry?”

Vicky had just eaten but didn’t want the awkwardness of being the only one not eating. She joined in with the menu staring and indecisive mumblings before settling on a salad. The evening passed surprisingly pleasantly with small talk and wine, that was soon to change as the hour drew late.

Addfwyn, a petite long haired girl whose name Vicky had been avoiding pronouncing all night, announced “You know what I really fancy doing now…a blow job.”

Vicky laughed but quickly noticed she was the only one, “But don’t you need a guy for that?”

“Yeah” replied Alys, “Thankfully guys aren’t in short supply.” She stood up, looked around and sat back down. “Owen and his mates are over there.

“Owen’s got a dick like an enoki mushroom, I need a real man. Is Barry with him?” replied Addfwyn.

“Yes, as always.”

With that Addfwyn was off like a shot to the guy’s table and within minutes left with Barry giving the girls a wave as she left. Vicky wasn’t surprised to see the men heading over obviously hoping for the same.

“Evening girls, didn’t see you hiding here or we’d have been over earlier. Looks like Barry’s got lucky,” said one of the guys as he and his four mates squeezed around the table.

“I don’t think you’ve met Vicky,” said Alys, “She’s new around here.”

“No, but I think I saw you at the noson lawen, was going to give you one but you got too drunk.”

“Give me one?” replied Vicky, a bit peeved he thought she was that kind of girl.

Alys laughed, “Come on Vicky you can have first pick of the dick. What you up for?

“Up for?”

Another guy butted in, “BJ, sex, arse fuck? The usual, we can be flexible.”

Vicky felt every eye fixed on her as she tried to think of an answer. Should she tell them to fuck off? Or be diplomatic and say “another time.” Did these people really expect her to get sexual with a guy she’d known a few minutes?

Alys came to the rescue, slipping her hand on a guys crotch she quietly said “Fancy fucking me up the arse outside?”

He smiled, but Vicky didn’t. It confirmed just how morally flexible these people were. “Won’t be long,” said Alys as they both stood up.

Alys knew the guy well, she picked him because he was the best at giving her what she needed. A short walk behind a dense hedge took them both to a secluded dark spot. She always carried a small tube of her favourite lube for such occasions, thankfully her experienced bottom didn’t need much preparation.

He unbuckled and lowered his pants just enough, Alys could barely see his cock in the near-zero light to lube him up. She inserted the nozzle up her own bottom and shivered as the cold thick lube oozed inside.

She turned and bent over to present herself to him. Expertly he adjusted her stance, lifted her small white skirt and put his cock in place. With one push he penetrated all the way. Alys took a loud deep breath as he broke through and filled her.

He slid his left arm up under her breasts and with both hands she took hold of it. His right swung round and took position encompassing her crotch. Alys began to grind against his fingers urging him to start. He gave a little rub and feeling her wetness allowed a finger to slip inside.

“Are you going to fuck me or just wash your finger?”

He gave three long deep thrusts, “Like that?”

“Come on, more enthusiasm. Your granddad fucks better than that.”

He knew she was teasing, but knew what she was after, to be fucked like a stray dog on heat. It was time to stop the chitchat and let his dick do the talking. Making full use of his 7 inches he let himself go safe in the knowledge she could take it.

It was what Alys needed, she panted her prayers “oh god” as he owned her ass, his fingers naturally wriggling in time to the beat of his rocking hips. The combo of deep hard dominating anal combined with masterful digital manipulation soon had Alys weak and trembling, just the way he liked her. A soft groan filled the night air as she flooded his hand, he tightened his grip to stop her collapsing on the dusty ground.

Meanwhile, Vicky was having to deal with a bunch of thirsty guys. She was getting little help from the girls who seemed to delight in their dick-teasing abilities. One guy seemed particularly keen on Fflur and whisked her away into the gents the moment the coast was clear. Vicky could only imagine what was happening but she was glad another guy had been eliminated.

Alys and co returned looking like they’d run a marathon. She sat down and looked at two empty chairs, Taksim escort bayan the group didn’t need to say anything.

“Your friend seems a little reluctant, keeps teasing us but won’t pick one of us,” said one of the guys.

“Aw, go on. It’s Saturday” quipped one of the girls as if that was justification enough. Vicky was beginning to believe for these girls it was. Alys gave Vicky that ‘let’s go chat in the ladies’ look.

“Not what you’re used to is it?” asked Alys.

“Not exactly London, that’s for sure.”

“True, zero chance of getting blacked around here. You say your dad’s picking you up at midnight. Still time for a bit fun if you want.”

“I don’t do the whole one night thing sorry.”

“Parents wouldn’t like it if you brought a guy home tonight then?”

“They’d go ape shit.”

“Well I can’t force you but trust me you need dick, what about just a blow job to relax you, take the edge off?”

“What if I get caught?”

“Trust me, no one will give a shit here, go on treat yourself.”

They returned to the table and sat down, Vicky took a large sip of white wine and looked at Alys. Her heart raced as she looked at the three remaining guys. There wasn’t much beween them lookwise but she remembered one was supposed to have a little skinny dick.

“Any chance of going back to yours, Alys? your mother cooks a cracking breakfast”

“Not tonight, dad’s got mates around.”

“Shit, any chance of a blowjob then?”

Alys didn’t fancy going back outside, and the toilets were too busy. There was only one logical option. Quietly she slid down off the bench and disappeared under the table. Vicky giggled thinking it was a joke, the sound of a zip made her go white. It was one thing to take a guy outside, even in the toilet, but here? In a busy pub?

Ok, being in a snug booth offered some degree of privacy but far from 100%. What would happen if anyone saw? The management might turn a blind eye to a gobble in a toilet cubicle but not this. Worse still, he was sitting directly opposite Vicky smiling at her. She knew guys like eye contact during head but come on this was just weird.

Aly’s bottom rubbed against Vicky’s legs as she made his night. Around the table little was spoken, the only sound above it the odd snigger as the girls exchanged glances. That was to change when the guy to her left slid his hand on her thigh, leant over and whispered in her ear “you’re next.”

Vicky froze and didn’t answer. She stared at the white knuckles of the hands opposite gripping the table. A long sigh told all the job was done. A moment later Alys slithered up back to her seat with the innocent look of a girl who had retrieved a dropped napkin.

“I didn’t catch your name,” said Vicky to the guy hitting on her.

“Paul,” he replied, “now we’ve been introduced how about that blow job you promised?”


“Well, you didn’t say no, so that’s a promise.”

“Aw go on, give him one,” said Fflur, “It’ll kill the taste of that salad you had.”

Alys silently mouthed “go on, no one can see” while pointing downwards.

Vicky slipped underneath amongst their legs and turned to her left. His cock print was clear to see pressing against his jeans. His hand came down, unzipped and with an awkward fumble whipped it out.

“This is it, you can do this, just get it over with,” she told herself as she looked down at his rock-solid cock six-inch cock.

Taking it in her trembling hand she prayed he had good hygiene and opened her mouth. His thick meat slipped between her teeth, twitching as her soft nervous lips closed around the shaft. The taste awakened her natural instincts, and intuitively Vicky began to suck away.

Her head bobbed like a chicken at the corn trough as his cock glided back and forth in her mouth bringing back memories of her ex. She remembered how she used to love to satisfy him and how it made her feel like a woman.

But no matter how great that sweet-salty taste was, Vicky couldn’t truly get into the moment. The fear of being caught overrode the pleasure, every footstep, knock and squeak had her eyes darting through the forest of legs.

Vicky wanted him to cum quickly and get it over with. Yet she knew she had to suck quietly to avoid detection. It was a fine balancing act, like trying to eat a biscuit in silence.

Suddenly something struck Vicky, what should she do when he cums? Normally she’d switch to a hand job for those last few shakes or on occasion quickly spit it into a tissue. It wasn’t like she could pop her head up and ask for a tissue, nor could she just spit on the floor.

Vicky couldn’t bare to swallow her ex, she found the taste and texture of cum to be vile. He was understanding but what was she to do now? Things were about to get worse, at the end of the table she saw two legs approaching, it was her father.

Alys came to the rescue, “Vicky’s in the ladies, she might be a while there’s a bit of a queue.”

“No problem thought I’d just Escort taksim pop in and check this place out.”

Vicky froze, terrified even the slightest movement or slurp would betray her. Only his cock moved, a subtle repetitive twitch like the ticking of a clock, tap, tap tap on her palette.

“Would you like a drink?” came a male voice.

Vicky gulped, much to the cocks delight, “Don’t you fucking dare, just get rid of him,” she thought.

“Best not, I’m driving. Besides the wife’s waiting in the car.”

His cock began to ripple, she knew what was coming, “Oh god please don’t moan,” she prayed. A jolt and shudder unleashed a wave of sticky semen onto her tongue. A nasty bleachy soapy salty disgusting blob. Only one option, swallow hard and hope no one hears.

‘GULP’ down it went, she could taste it all the way as it slid down her throat. Another sticky nugget oozed out smearing the inside of her mouth, it was hard not to throw up. Vicky remained croutched as he grew soft in her mouth.

“Actually, I better go myself,” said her father looking at his watch. With that, he headed off to the gents.

“You can come up now,” said one very satisfied guy.

“Jesus fucking christ on a bike, I thought I had it.” The table laughed, as Vicky downed a large white wine in one go.

Vicky woke late the next day with a sore throat. She pondered if it was the dick or drink but treated it with coffee anyway. Last night weighed heavy on her mind, the drink was no excuse, she had more in the past and the strength to turn down a guy’s sexual advances. So why did she take such a stupid risk? She had barely known Alys for less than three weeks so how did she convince her to suck off a stranger?

Her parents had of course quizzed her on the drive home. She hated lying to her parents but what was she meant to say? “Alys took it up the arse then gobbled a guy under the table. Then I swallowed a load right under dad’s nose.” No doubt Alys gave her parents the full blow-by-blow account.

BEEP-BEEP, a message on her phone. She glanced at the screen, it was Alys. After last night Vicky was reluctant to answer. She ignored it for ten minutes before giving in to temptation.

ALYS: s’mae!!!! u recovered???

VICKY: barely, can’t believe what happened

ALYS: no need to apologize

VICKY: I wasn’t

ALYS: Good girl I knew you had it in you

VICKY: BJ and anal with 2 guys?

ALYS: yeah quiet night usually do more

VICKY: why do I think you’re not kidding

ALYS: Anyways. A few of us are popping to Fishguard later for a cliff swim coming.

VICKY: cliff swim? Is that a euphemism

ALYS: LOL no it’s a swim along the cliffs

VICKY: time?

ALYS: about 3 pm


Vicky loved to swim and was glad to hear there was more to do there than drink and fuck. A short drive later she found herself looking across the blue clear water from high above a hill. Alys had brought two of the girls from last night, Elin and Eira plus a new guy, Ken.

“Best to get changed here, then just a ten min walk down,” said Alys

“Wasn’t expecting the sea so clear,” replied Vicky as she whipped off her top to reveal her bikini.

“Pretty sheltered, small tides, it’s a nice stretch.”

The group followed a winding path down and along the cliff edge to a break in the dry stone wall. Vicky could see fish cruising along the margins scattering as kayaks passed by.

“What are those fish?”

“Silver ones are mullet mostly. That black cloud down there’s mackerel. Get the odd seal and dolphin but they usually keep their distance. Bit of a scramble down here, watch your step.”

Ken jumped in first quickly followed by the girls, it wasn’t exactly Mediterranean temperature but warmer than Vicky expected. Casually the group swam with the current along the cliffs until they came to a hidden cove only accessible by sea.

“How far have we swam?” asked Vicky.

“About just under a mile. Best to wait here an hour for the tide to turn otherwise we’ll be swimming against it,” replied Ken.

The cove was a sun trap, protected by the cliffs there was no wind and little to do but relax and work on the tan. Vicky couldn’t quite work out Ken’s relationship with the girls. Was he a friend, a relative or just brought along because he looked good in trunks? The fact his trunks were still on made her wrongly suspect he was Alys’s brother. She didn’t like to ask in case it

sounded like a come-on.

Her question was answered when a teepee popped up in his trunks, “Dam, sorry girls I won’t be able to swim back with this erection. One of you is going to have to save my life.”

“I apologize for my brother,” said Elin, “Terrible medical condition is spontaneous erection syndrome.”

Vicky laughed.

“It’s not funny, unless one of you girls deals with this I’m stuck.”

“Perhaps one of those mullet can help, they’ve nice soft lips,” joked Elin.

“Come on Eira, you’re supposed to be a nurse, come save my life.”

Eira stood up and brushed the sand off her body, “Suppose I better treat this LITTLE problem. Lie still and try to relax.”

With that, she straddled him and slowly lowered herself until she hovered a foot above him before pulling her bikini bottom to the side.

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