


The lone spaceship raced across the vast vacuum of space. Behind it was the trail of smoke and sparks that came out the rear thrusters, signifying the fact that this spaceship was one that was quite damaged. It zig zagged along the stars, telling that it was suffering from a navigational failure. If the spaceship looked distressed on the outside, inside was not much better. The lone crewmember of the small vessel was desperately trying to get her ship to simply go back towards her home base. No matter what she tried it would only go in random directions with no seeming pattern. Soon, she found herself being pulled quickly into the gravitational pull of a nearby planet. She gave up trying to get navigation back and instead headed into the protective crash pod, armored to protect her in the result of a crash. She braced herself and in no time felt the violent impact her ship made onto the planet. Thanks to the pod, she remained completely unharmed, only shaken from the crash. As she opened the pod, she looked into the crumpled remains of her ship. She managed to get the main exit hatch to the wrecked vessel, and took her first look around at the alien world she would have to live on, at least for the time being.

Her training made her know the importance of identifying her surroundings and the planet she would need to survive on. Looking around, it was evident that the atmosphere contained the proper gasses for humans to survive. There was a water source, and the nearby trees contained what appeared to be fruits. There seemed to be signs of animal activity, both large and small. Testing with her ship’s scientific equipment would tell if any of this would be edible and usable when her survival supplies ran out. In the meantime, she first needed to use the homing beacon to send a distress signal back to a nearby rescue squad. To her distress, however, the protective casing the beacon’s electronic and positioning components were kept in had been greatly damaged in the crash. When she got it open, she was met with the terrifying realization that all of the components had sustained some sort of damage. It would take her quite a while to repair what had happened, even with her advanced engineering skills. Since she would be here for a while, she decided that her first priority should be to create a shelter. Using a survival ax, she managed to cut enough timbers to prop up some of the pieces of her ship’s paneling that had not sustained the level of damage the majority showed. With her shelter built and her survival supplies removed from the wreck, she had a camp set up and began to work on her equipment.

After over a week had passed, she had made little progress in repairing the equipment. She had managed a complete system diagnosis and knew what needed to be repaired. While some of it was able to be fixed with the components of the ship, other parts were going to need to be remade with the original material. The problem for the stranded woman was that she did not have any of these materials on her ship. Her only hope would be if she could find deposits on the planet she was on. During the time she had survived there, she had seen no signs of intelligent life, only the occasional strange animal. She decided she would have to go forth and look for the materials. She loaded her pack with the supplies she would need to be gone for several days and dressed in her exploration uniform: a white field blouse, long-sleeved and buttoned up, burnt orange pants and a pair of black boots. Creating a map on which she marked her camp’s location, she left out in search of her needed materials.

She traveled the planet for a day or two looking for what she needed. As she moved further towards what she believed was the west, she began to see signs that there had been intelligent life on the planet, at least in the past. She went past the remains of what she believed was a village. The explorer in her compelled her to investigate. From what she could tell, the place had been long abandoned. Most of the structures were reclaimed by the plant life. The only thing that was not overgrown and hard to enter was part of what had once been a larger structure. Inside of the building there was only one room she could enter. The painted murals that had graced the walls were long since faded and nothing could really be made out. In the middle of the room, there stood a statue. This told her that the place was probably some sort of temple. The statue stood at least ten feet tall and depicted a nude woman with very large muscles. The woman was quite beautiful, she thought. She thought that once she found her materials and had proper excavation equipment, she would love to explore this area more. But she must deal with her task at hand. She left the village and continued on her journey.

During the days she had been on the move, a problem began to make itself known. As she walked further and further from the wreck of her ship, she was consuming more water. Before long she would be out. Unfortunately the crash Bahçeşehir travesti had been a bit more destructive than most and her water filtration system was compromised to the point she did not want to risk drinking water she put into it. Therefore she would have to find a source of potable water if she were to continue on. A few miles from leaving the abandoned village, she found a small spring in the mountains. Her thirst was great, and she reasoned that since there were signs of civilizations nearby, this spring must be okay to drink from. She drank a small amount to make sure it would not make her ill. She found the taste refreshing and some of the better water she had ever drank and before she realized it she drank more. She gained her composure back and waited some time. When she did not feel any negative effects of the water, she drank some more and filled up her empty water jugs. She noted the location of the spring on the map she was making and decided it would be a good place for camp. She stayed there for a peaceful night where she slept better than she had since the crash and woke up refreshed. She drank from the spring one last time and continued on her journey.

Roughly half a day from the campsite by the spring, she noticed signs that maybe this planet wasn’t totally devoid of intelligent life. She was starting to notice that the trails she had been following were going from mostly overgrown and abandoned to someone maintained. They were getting larger and she decided to follow them. She thought that maybe it would lead her to a race she could try communicating with that would help her in her dilemma. After another night on trail, she got a definitive sign that someone was here: there were footprints in the mud just beyond a stream crossing. This person did not wear any shoes as the prints were barefoot. She could not help but notice their massive size. Whoever made them must be quite large in height and weight, as the prints were deep. She looked enough to notice that there were at least three distinct sets of prints. This must be some sort of party traveling together. She decided that she would follow the direction the prints set off in, hopefully to find people who would be friendly to her plight.

She continued to walk the trail. She lost the prints once the mud dried into hardened ground north of the spring but she had an idea they may be going. She went in that direction hoping to find help. She soon came upon proof civilization was that way when she almost ran into a roadway. The cobblestone road showed it went somewhere. She had no idea which way she should go and did not want to risk being caught by someone unfriendly by walking on the road. She decided she would simply hide in the woods within view of the road and wait for someone to walk by, then travel in that direction in the trees. She hid herself and sat back waiting.

She wound up waiting all night and sleeping in the woods. She awoke before sunrise and once it was light out, it was not long before someone walked by. It appeared to be a human woman, but not one she had ever seen before. This woman was at least eight feet tall (probably more) and had very large muscles all over her body. Her long chestnut brown hair flowed halfway down her back. She was unclothed except for a white sheet wrapped around her waist that came down to just above her knees; her upper half was completely naked. She had massive breasts and appeared to have some trace of feminine curves, despite her massive muscles. The woman walked barefoot along the road. She waited for this huge woman to pass, and after a few minutes took off in the direction she walked, staying concealed among the trees.

Fortunately the stranger’s size made it easy to follow from afar. She kept going through the trees, trying to be quiet and not be discovered too soon. Eventually, the muscular woman entered a village. From her point in the trees, she was able to see the other inhabitants of the village. They were all built like the one she had followed to the village; all were extremely tall and muscular women with large breasts. All had long hair and were only clad in the same type of white sheet wrapped around the waist. Despite the large muscles, she thought all the women she saw were extremely beautiful. She looked around but did not see any men. She thought that was strange but figured they must be out somewhere. She wanted to get closer to see if she could hear any conversation. Hopefully they spoke a language she understood or if not she could try to communicate through gestures. She managed to slip behind one of the smaller buildings, trying to listen, but no one was close enough for her to hear what they were saying. She started to look around for a place she could listen to closer to them before she felt a large hand grab her by the shoulder. Slowly she turned to see what stood behind her.

Two of the women from the village were standing there. Despite her being almost six feet tall, these two towered Bahçeşehir travestileri over her. She could easily stand under their massive breasts without the top of her head touching them. She looked up at them and they looked down at her. She had been found out. Instead of resisting, when they led her away she followed. There was no point in fighting; she knew she was outmatched. They said nothing as they walked towards a large building in the middle of the village. She was led inside. One of her captors pointed for her to go into a room directly across from the entrance. She walked towards the door and looked back. The two that brought her there now guarded the entrance to the building. She parted the curtains that covered the doorway and walked into the small room.

Inside of the room, lit by a skylight in the ceiling there was a desk and a chair. At the desk sat another one of these muscular women. She approached the desk and the large woman stood up. To her surprise, this was the woman from the statue in the abandoned village she found days earlier. She watched as this powerful woman stood from her chair. The statue, as it turns out, had been life size after all. This woman was easily ten feet tall. Like the others, she was unclothed from the waist up, her large breasts exposed, but uniquely she wore a sheet of gold around her waist instead of white. She looked the intruder up and down before she began to speak in, of all things, English.

“Identify yourself at once,” the large woman said.

“I am Lieutenant Commander Blazza 78-9, of the 5th Detachment of Earth’s Galactic Force,” the much smaller woman replied.

The muscular woman looked the woman calling herself Blazza up and down. Short compared to her, she looked at the uniform consisting of the white blouse and orange pants. It did not conceal the curvy figure that lay underneath it. Though Blazza’s red hair was cut shoulder length per Galactic Force regulations, her tan skin complimented the color of the hair. She looked pretty fit, but nothing compared to her own large muscles.

The larger woman spoke after a moment, “My name is Herrena. I am the leader of this planet and this race. Why have you come here?”

Blazza told the story of how her ship had been damaged by an unknown enemy and she raced across space to attempt to get away, before faulty navigation systems brought her into this planet’s orbit that pulled her in. Herrena listened intently, asking detailed questions. When she had all the information she needed, she spoke frankly with Blazza.

“I do not believe that you, who calls yourself Blazza 78-9, intends to cause us any harm. I believe your story and that you are stranded here not of your own choice. You have traveled far, as this place is extremely isolated. Not many travel into this part of our galaxy. I do not believe that a rescue party from your people will be here any time soon, as the area you come from is quite far from Amozos.”

“Amazos? Is that the name of this planet?” Blazza asked.

“It is. This world is unique in that it is only inhabited by women. We live in a perfect society here. We do not have any inner conflict and are well trained and prepared when we are needed as warriors.”

“Your name Amazos sounds so much like an old legend of Earth about a race of warrior women. We called them the Amazons by chance.”

Herrena laughed at this remark and said, “My dear, that was no coincidence. The Amazons of your planet were in fact sent from our world a long time ago and to this day inhabit the Earth on a secret island few venture to.”

Blazza was in shock, “You cannot mean this. The Amazons are real?”

“Yes they are,” Herrena replied. “And I should know, as my daughter is their leader. They have been on Earth for thousands of years.”

“How can that be? Thousands of years? I do not understand how this is possible.”

“I am sure the longevity is the most confusing part to you, “Herrena told her. “I should explain that the members of our race are in fact immortal.”

“You mean you are going to live forever?” Blazza asked in astonishment.

“Yes, I have lived for many thousands of years. As have others of my race. Despite our long lives, we in fact stop physically aging around the time we have been alive for 25 years, when we are in our peak physical conditions.”

“25 years old. That’s my age right now,” Blazza replied before remembering why she wanted to look for civilization. “You see, I am trying to send a signal to a rescue squad from the Galactic Force so I can return to Earth. My equipment was damaged in the crash and I need some materials to replace it.” She listed to Herrena what she would need for her repairs.

“I am sorry, but I do not know what these materials you speak of are and I doubt you will be able to find them here. And even if you were, I would most likely not help you, as we do not wish visitors here. We do not mind females such as yourself that travel here, but Travesti Bahçeşehir males are either executed or traded to a neighboring world of men in similarity to us. We send males to them and they send females to us. We allow the females to join our society if they so choose and if not we will allow them the option to leave and attempt survival in the wilderness of Amazos. But I must tell you that none who chose the latter have actually survived.”

Blazza looked despondent. “You mean I am stuck on this world, never to return to the Earth?”

“I am afraid so. I am sorry. We will allow you the choice to become one of our race if you so choose. You can stay until you make that decision and if you choose to do it, we will take you to the Old Capital.”

“What is that?”

“It is the former village we used as the seat of our society. We left there once we decided we preferred living here in the plains. We go back there if one chooses to join our society so they can undergo the physical transformation. Tell me, is Blazza your name or the name assigned to you by the service you are under? If it is not the former, what is your true name?”

Blazza replied to the question, “My name is Rachel.”

“Rachel is a lovely name,” Herrena said. “May I call you Rachel?”

“You may,” was Rachel’s reply.

“Very well, Rachel. You can take however long you want to decide. It is a difficult decision. You will be giving up everything you once were to become a member of the women of Amazos.”

Rachel thought for a moment before saying “In my journey here, I went through an abandoned village. In it was what I think is a temple that had a statue of, well, you in it. Is that your Old Capital?”

Herrena smiled, “Yes you have been there. We go there occasionally to go to our Enchanted Spring.”

“What is the Enchanted Spring?”

“It is the source water for those who wish to become one of us. They drink from it and after a number of days they undergo the physical transformation.”

Rachel panicked. “I drank from a spring in the mountains just outside that village. Was it the source water?”

Herrena’s face grew serious. “Most likely. There is no other spring I know of nearby, particularly in the mountains. How long ago did you drink from there?”

“It was about three days ago,” was Rachel’s reply.

“That is how long it takes for the water to take effect and the transformation to happen. You will know any moment now if you did. Do not fear, as the transformation will be fast and painless if you did drink the source water.”

Rachel stood there for a few moments in a panic before her fears were confirmed about drinking from the Enchanted Spring. Without notice, she began her growth. Her clothes began to grow tight on her body as her muscles, chest and height began expanding. She began to grow taller at an alarming rate. Her feet were growing tight in her boots. Her expanding breasts made it hard to breathe under her blouse. Soon the buttons flew off her blouse as the back ripped wide open to fit her growing torso. Her biceps growing split her shirt sleeves wide open to accommodate the massive muscles she found herself gaining. The legs of her pants soon split apart at the seams to accommodate her growing leg muscles. Her growing feet exploded out of her boots, splitting them wide open as she stepped out of them. Her breasts grew very large and she could feel her hair even beginning to grow long. Almost as soon as it started, the growth stopped. Rachel stood there, taken aback by what had happened to her. After a moment, Herrena pointed towards a mirror, inviting Rachel to look at her new body.

Rachel was shocked to see what had happened to her from drinking the water. Her tattered uniform did little to cover up her massive body. From under the shredded white blouse, out stuck the first and most noticeable change; Rachel’s breasts were huge. She could not help herself from grabbing them to get a feel. No matter her shock, these felt right on her. Under her large breasts were an impressive set of abs that most would have to work out hours upon hours to get. Her arms were much more impressive, her massive biceps bulging as she flexed them. She got a look at her back in the mirror through the massive tears in her shirt, and could see how powerful she had really grown. Her pants, full length when she had put them on, now only came up to her knees. She figured she was over nine feet tall! The pants had split open in the legs to display massive leg muscles, her massive thighs barely contained. Her waist had grown, causing the buttons of her pants to fly off. When she turned back around, she was taken aback (and not showing her delight) when she saw the back of her pants split open to expose her now large butt. She couldn’t help herself as she ran her hands through her red hair, previously shoulder length, that was now long and full, stretching half way down her back. Other than this, her beautiful face and tan skin remained. She was unable to speak, totally in shock as she looked herself up and down.

Herrena waited a few moments before standing next to Rachel. She was still taller than her, but now not nearly as much. She placed her arm around Rachel’s shoulder to provide comfort. They stood for a moment in that manner before Herrena finally spoke.

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