
Amor Prohibetur Ch. 09


This entry is part of a second collection of short stories and faux letters written to Literotica. The focus again is on first time encounters between members of the same immediate family, with an emphasis on daddy / daughter and mother / son. Every chapter will be its own separate story.


I’m Legal Now, Daddy!

Lisa had always been something of a wild child. As she was growing up, she’d been more of a tomboy than a little princess. She was constantly hanging around with her boy cousins, climbing trees with them and doing dares with them. Later, when Lisa started sprouting boobs, she moved on from being one of the boys to being one of the girls. The problem was that she didn’t get along with girls her age. She didn’t like playing mind games like other girls did, throwing her self in front of boys to get their attention, or fawning over how cute and muscular some of the boys were. As a result, Lisa ended up not really belonging to any social clique at school. She was always fiercely independent and nonconformist, content to live on the fringe and attracting young men with those same attitudes and outlooks that she had.

What her father Phil didn’t like was that sometimes Lisa would party too hard and end up getting in trouble with the law. That’s why he watched over Lisa maybe a little too closely. Being as independent as she was, his daughter was quick to notice that he was guarding her like a hawk. Being as feisty as she was, Lisa would always take the opportunity to point this out to him, even in front of others. Sometimes, Lisa went well out of her way to embarrass him. For example, take the week when she turned eighteen years old. It started off like any normal week, but that changed very quickly on the day of her actual birthday. Phil remembered that infamous day very well.

Because his wife’s job required her to be out of town a lot, Phil did all of the shopping and most of the cooking. Usually, he had to bribe Lisa into going with him by offering her a burger and shake, because he hated going to the store by himself. What Phil should not have done was to question who Lisa was talking to on the phone, when they were on their way to the store.

“Don’t worry about it.” She snapped back.

“Listen, it was just a question.” Phil, in no mood to be harassed, shot back. “You don’t have to get all worked up about it.”

“I’m eighteen today. I can do anything I want. My friends are having a party for me tonight and I’m going out to have a good time. You’re not going to stop me.”

Phil made a face at his daughter, but this did nothing to her.

“Just try and stop me.” She dared.

His daughter thought she was above a spanking, Phil considered, but she wasn’t. The only thing preventing him from giving her a couple of good smacks was that Lisa could very possibly call the cops on him and get him in trouble. In the end, he simply shook his head. “Let’s just go and get this grocery shopping taken care of.”

Taking her along had been a bad idea. Phil regretted that decision about halfway to the big superstore, when they got into a big argument over what time he wanted Lisa to be home. Again, she was throwing that ‘I can do whatever I want line’ into his face.

That wasn’t enough for Lisa. Phil was a more conservative type who didn’t like his dirty laundry being shown out in public. He parked his car and walked over to get a cart, intent on going through his shopping list and getting the hell out of there before another argument started up between them. Lisa, on the other hand, was only just getting warmed up. Together, they walked toward the store, when Lisa turned to a random man.

“Excuse me.” She called out. “I just turned eighteen today. I am legal now. I just thought you’d like to know.”

The man looked at her, before glancing at Phil and finally turning away. Phil tried to ignore her, but she kept at it. One man after another, old men, young men, it didn’t matter which. She would say pretty much the same thing to all of them.

“Hi, I’m legal today!”

“Will you stop that?” Phil growled at her.

“Why? It’s true.”

“You’re doing it to piss me off and you know it.”

“I’m doing it because you can’t tell me when to come home anymore.”

“Fine. You can stay out all fucking night if you want to. Just stop saying shit like that to people.”

“Okay. I will.”

She’d rankled his nerves and she knew it. Phil did his shopping in a bad mood. For the most part it was a typical shopping trip, but every once in a while Lisa would go up to some random guy and say those dreaded words again anyway.

“Hi, I’m legal today! I just thought you might want to know that!”

She wasn’t trying to get away with something; now she was just needling her father. Phil couldn’t even threaten her to stop because Lisa would surely make a big squawk to his wife later. She might go as far as running away to a friend’s house, like she’d already done a couple of times in the past. What he hated most escort bayan bursa was that his wife always, and he meant always, took Lisa’s side in an argument.

“Are you going to cut that shit out or not?” Phil asked.

“No, I’m not.” Lisa countered. “Not until you stop treating me like I’m still a little girl. You have to start treating me like a woman from now on.”

“Fine. What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to buy me a pack of condoms.”

“I’m not going to do that, Lisa!”

“How about some lingerie?”

She kept riding him that way all through the store. The only time she stopped was when she made her birthday announcement to some random man.

“Hi, I’m legal now! I’m eighteen today!”

One old man, whom Phil gauged to be in his fifties, took a very long and lingering look at his daughter. On any other day, Phil might have confronted that man. But how could he when Lisa had her arms up playing with her hair, and was very obviously showing off her breasts to that old man?

Phil finally got some peace at the checkout lines, when Lisa went over to the magazine rack and left him alone. A man a little older than Phil, who’d been approached by his unruly daughter earlier, quietly came up to his side.

“How many daughters do you have, if you don’t mind my asking?” The stranger said.

“Just one.” Phil replied. “She’s an only child.”

“Well, I have three of them.” This stranger confided. “And two of mine are just like yours.”

“How do you handle that?”

“You can’t.” The man shook his head. “You just kind of hope it’s a phase they’re going through that doesn’t last too long. You know what I mean? They drive my wife up the wall, too.”

Phil frowned. At least this stranger had a wife on his side. Whenever Lisa drove him up the wall, his wife would make things worse.

Lisa left the house at eight that night. At ten, Phil wondered what time she would be coming in. At twelve, he had to go to sleep because he had work the following day. He had no idea what time she got home, but she was asleep the next morning when Phil left for work.

He needed to have a good, long talk with his daughter. They had to get quite a few things straightened out between them. He’d have to do it by himself too, because his wife sure wouldn’t.

Phil got home at just past three. He did the usual, park his car in the driveway, walk up to the door, unlock the door and open it. As he stepped inside, he thought he saw his daughter flash down the hall from his bedroom and into hers.

That was odd, he thought. Lisa ended up using his computer a lot, because she’d dropped soda on her computer’s keyboard once and ruined it. Phil refused to buy another keyboard for her, telling her that she should get herself a job and buy her own. On a rare occasion, his wife had actually agreed with him. The odd part was that today Lisa had run out of his room and into hers, and she’d slammed her door shut to boot. Whatever. Phil didn’t feel like stirring up another argument. He merely stepped down the hall, past Lisa’s room and into his own.

Phil noticed that his computer was still on. He went over to stand before it, as he loosened up his work clothes and started taking them off. The computer had been set to shut down, but something had interrupted that. After studying the message on the screen, he figured Lisa had put a flash drive on it before she left. His daughter had pulled the drive out too fast, thereby peeving the computer into giving her a message not to do that. That’s what ended up interrupting the normal shutdown process. This wasn’t the first time Lisa had done that.

Phil cleared the message, but instead of letting the computer turn itself off, he decided he should just put it to sleep. Without a doubt, he’d be using it later. That’s when the father noticed another message hiding behind all the others. Several files could not be deleted, this message said, because they were still in use by an active program. Again, this was just like Lisa to do something half-ass like this. She had some files open, started to delete them and at the same time shut the computer down, but she didn’t close the program associated with those files. She must have also pulled out her flash drive too early, thus the warning messages had appeared and stopped the computer from turning off. What a mess! Couldn’t his daughter do anything right?

Phil shook his head, because she was going to end up breaking his computer if she kept screwing things up like that. He canceled out that last window, discovered the open program to be the picture viewer, and he closed that up as well.

“You should stay home tonight.” Phil said later, when another fight broke out between them. “I don’t even know what time you got in last night.”

“I’m still going out and you can’t stop me!”

There was a time when Phil would have said, ‘I’m telling your mother about this.’ As if his wife could do anything about it from two states bursa sinirsiz eskort away. No, his wife would side with Lisa. She would tell Phil to stop interfering with their daughter’s life and let her go hang out with her friends. Long ago, Phil had accepted that neither his wife nor his daughter had any respect for him. He hated this because it made him feel less of a man.

Phil took a deep breath. “Would you be gracious enough to at least give me a call later, around midnight, just to let me know that you’re okay?”

Lisa shrugged back, carelessly.

She left at around eight.

Phil watched TV for a time. At nine, he decided he didn’t want to stay up until midnight again. That’s when he went into his room and sat before his computer. He saw a cable to the side of his computer. This was a USB cable, so he figured Lisa had been downloading pictures from her camera onto the computer, presumably to email them to someone else. That explained why the picture viewer had been left open. So, going from step one and forward, Lisa had plugged her camera onto his computer, uploaded pictures, viewed them and sent them off. When Phil had gotten home, she’d scrambled to delete the pictures and turn off the computer simultaneously, and had screwed that up royally.

Those pictures had never been deleted, Phil realized. They were probably still in the trash folder. He clicked on the icon to open the folder up. Sure enough, he saw about ten images hiding in there. After moving them out onto his computer desktop, he clicked on them and opened up the viewer program.

This was not good, he thought. They were pictures from whatever party Lisa had gone to the night before. The first few pictures were of guys and girls, smiling and laughing it up in somebody’s living room. Then came a picture of one of Lisa’s friends flashing her bra, and a second one of this same girl pulling down her jeans to flash her panties. This girl was chubby, curvy and cute. She was pretty enough that Phil spent a good moment in looking at the two images. The next picture was of Lisa and another friend making duck faces and flipping off the camera. Phil didn’t like this one because Lisa’s friend had a beer can in her grip.

The last two pictures were the worst of all. They were selfies of Lisa, the chubby girl and another girl standing in a bathroom and facing a large mirror. In the first shot, all three girls had their pants down to their thighs, exposing their underwear. In the last shot, all three had their underwear down to their thighs, exposing their butts.

Phil backtracked through the images, until he found the shot of the chubby girl pulling up her shirt to show off her bra. Since he was home alone, with his wife out of town for days on end, he took the time to study the picture closely. Those were double D tits he was looking at, without a doubt. He clicked on the next picture, of that same girl in her blue panties, with her fat ass on proud display. He smirked; he wouldn’t have minded that fat ass in his bedroom right then.

The more the father stared at those two pictures, the more aroused he became. It didn’t take much for Phil to pull away his shorts and bring his cock out into the open. He started stroking it while imagining that chubby girl.

On impulse, he forwarded the images to the threesome in the bathroom. There was that same girl with her blue panties spread out by her broad ass. The other girl wore white panties and Lisa, his Lisa, wore red. He tried to keep his attention on the blue and white panties as he stroked his cock, but his eyes kept roaming over to the red ones. Why did his daughter have to be in that picture in the first place? She was ruining it!

There was still one more picture, one final picture, in that series. He clicked on it, even though he knew he shouldn’t have. He saw the chubby girl, with her huge butt-cheeks and her ass-crack, and the girl next to her, whose ass was nicely curved and that jutted out so well he suspired. He tried not to look at Lisa in the same way, but his eyes wandered in that direction all on their own.

The three girls were standing close together, against the backdrop of a white wall. Chubby girl and the second girl were facing each other, both with their lips pouted in making duck faces. The second girl was centered and holding up Lisa’s camera to take the picture. His daughter was the only girl that turned her head to face the mirror. Her eyes seemed to be looking directly at Phil. The first two girls had their shirts loosely around their waist, so he saw a fat butt next to a sexy butt. Lisa, in contrast, had lifted her shirt up. Her thighs, her butt, her hips and all of her lovely lower back were exposed. Phil gulped, because he could see more of his daughter’s nude body than he could of the other girls.

The father tried to focus on the chubby girl as he began to masturbate again. He did good in keeping his attention fixed at first. His eyes, escort bayan unfortunately, kept drifting over to the second girl, and last, to his Lisa. He’d never really seen his daughter as a sexy young woman before, but here, thanks to these last two images he had no choice. He noticed her playful eyes and her duck face, and the dark clothing she had on. His gaze traveled down to her lower back, to the way her ass curved, and to her red panties stretched out between her thighs. His daughter Lisa was a gorgeous creature, Phil admitted him himself, and so were the other two girls standing beside her.

Phil refused to linger on his daughter’s body, and so he clicked back by one picture. There she was again, with her red panties and in a similar pose. It wasn’t enough to look at this one picture, when those panties were no longer in the way in the next image. For a few moments, he felt compelled to switch between the two, staring at this daughter with her panties in place and without them. The image without them was so much more gratifying to his eyes.

Now, Phil ignored the other two girls and kept his concentration on Lisa. He closed his eyes. Instead of imagining the chubby girl or even the other one on his bed, Phil imagined it was his daughter. What would that be like, he wondered. This time when he masturbated, he took his act to its completion, with that picture of Lisa’s bare ass firmly instilled in his mind.

Phil’s wife was going to be in town for the next three days. He was looking forward to spending some time with her, but those hopes were dashed when he got home from work. Hardly had he taken five steps into his house, when he saw the woman standing there in the living room with a stern face and her hands on her hips.

“What’s this about you not letting Lisa go out with her friends?” She demanded.

Phil frowned. His daughter had gotten to his wife first. Surely Lisa had poisoned his wife’s mind against him.

“You just got back in town.” Phil reasoned. “There is no reason we should start fighting right off the bat, and especially not about something Lisa made up.”

It was no use. His wife was worked up to argue, and that’s exactly what she did. Maybe it had something to do with her job stress or her travel stress, or maybe it was that time of the month for her. It didn’t matter. Phil, as usual, became the punching bag she wanted to vent her anger on.

Phil wasn’t going to have it. He refused to fight with her. He walked away from his wife and into his bedroom, which stoked up even more fury from her. He did notice that the door to his daughter’s room was shut, as it always was when Phil and his wife were arguing.

That little bitch… he thought. Lisa had wound his wife up so she would attack him the second he walked in. Now his daughter was hiding in her room and probably gloating over what she’d done. He’d half a mind to open up the door and confront Lisa, except his wife was coming down the hall after him, as if salivating for a showdown.

In the end, Phil changed out of his work clothes and into his jogging attire, while his wife kept trying to chew his ear off. It was still early enough and cool enough that he could have himself a run around the park. His wife was still shouting at him from the front door as he set off.

That’s the way it went for the next three days. Not once did he sit down to have a pleasant conversation with his wife, and not once did he see his daughter’s face. Phil’s bedroom was the coldest it had been in months. This was becoming more and more normal in his house and he was starting to hate it.

Phil got a good shock the next day, when he discovered a young man in the house with Lisa. That’s why Lisa had turned his wife against him, Phil realized, because she was trying to work her mother into letting her bring boys over.

There was a good amount of tension building up inside of him, but luckily Lisa escorted her visitor out shortly after the father arrived. With a glare in his eyes, Phil watched Lisa come back in and shut the door behind her.

“What?” Lisa asked. “Mom said I could have friends over.”

“Does she know these friends are young men?” Phil asked. “Or did you only tell her you’d be bringing girls over?”

Lisa smirked at him, indirectly giving him the answer. She strode past him, heading off to her room.

“Lisa, you and I need to talk.” Phil called out.

It didn’t matter. She kept going until she went into her room, and then the door was shut and he couldn’t see her anymore.

They’d taken away his manhood, Phil realized. His wife and his daughter had conspired together to rob him of his balls. Now both of them were treating him like a carpet that they could walk over anytime they wanted to.

Irritated, angry, Phil made his way into his room. He closed the door, too hard so that it almost slammed, and he paced about for a few minutes. Phil realized that he needed a distraction. This prompted him to boot his computer up. Some sports scores, some comedy, that would alleviate some of his frustration. Before he went online, however, he remembered that folder with his daughter’s pictures in it. He’d taken the images out of the computer’s trash bin and put them in another folder, and hidden that folder in a place his wife would never think of looking in.

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