
An Affair to Remember – Part One


I had just left college and got my first job working for a bank in the city of London. It was my sixth month into my new life and I was already fed up with the commute into town. I was living in Maidenhead at the time sharing a flat with two mates from college, none of us could afford a place of our own. The trains were packed tighter than a tin of sardines, they were hot and to be honest a little smelly. The sent of heavy perfumes and aftershaves mixed with sweat is not pleasant. Ümraniye Escort I’d been a bit geeky at college so never had much luck with the ladies. This was all to change after meeting the Lady! Most of the commuters were business types in their forties or twenty something personal assistants way out of my League. The influx of women into the city had as yet not started. It all started normally with a crowded train platform; the Ümraniye Escort Bayan train pulled in and the doors opened. The surge forward, the hopeful looks for a seat and disappointment; all seats taken. I found myself pressed into the back of the carriage with my back against the wall with nowhere to move. The next two stations came and went with little notice paid by me. I had quickly discovered a book was the easiest way to Escort Ümraniye pass the time. I slowly became aware of a wonderful perfume, it seemed to come from everywhere and was creeping up on me like a slinky fog. Not the usual cheap muck, I thought. This smelt wonderful right to the back of my throat. I looked out from my book and down slightly. There was a very beautiful face looking back at me. She was stunning, aged fortyish, dark brown hair with eyes you could dive right into. My throat went dry, but shyness and British reserve took over and I said nothing. The next stop arrived and the surge pushed in. The lady had turned around to face the onslaught and was pushed tight, arse against my crotch. Calm down, I thought, you have forty-five minutes before you have to get off.

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