
An English Deputy in America


Peter Thorne parked the cruiser in front of the sheriff’s building, looked at the stone work of the fortified frontage then switched off the engine.

Peter was in Arizona working as a sheriff’s deputy in an exchange scheme which was taking place between the British and American governments where law enforcement officers of both countries who were of suitable calibre could apply to their respective heads of department for inclusion in the experimental scheme.

Peter walked into the air conditioned office and looked at his fellow deputy who was in the process of getting ready to go home.

Oscar Barden was dark haired, heavily built, in his forties and looking forward to being out of the office for twenty four hours while Peter Thorne would be on duty for the next twenty four hours due to three other deputies being away on a weekend team building challenge while the sheriff himself was away on a weekend vacation.

The small town was a relatively crime free place and as everyone knew everyone else there never seemed to be any trouble except for the occasional drunk on a Friday or Saturday night so it was deemed that Peter would have an easy weekend even if it meant spending it in the sheriff’s office.

Oscar Barden smiled when he saw Peter, “Hey Pete buddy, how are you? I’m sorry you’ve drawn the short straw and have to babysit Jesse James here but hey, I’ll have a beer or two for you”.

Oscar chuckled as Peter playfully poked him in the ribs and continued,

“I do feel a little guilty about leaving you here but if you do have any problems don’t hesitate to call me and I’m only a phone call away”.

“I don’t envisage any problems Oscar”. Said Peter, “But thanks, now you get on out of here before I find an incomplete report for you to finish”.

“Okay buddy, see you tomorrow”. Said Oscar before he turned and walked out into the dry heat to his cruiser.

Peter looked at the barred holding cell and saw Morgan Morris, the current occupant of the cell, who was being held on a charge of stealing by finding, smiling at him.

“Well then Rosie, it’s just you and me”. Said Morgan.

As Peter’s surname was Thorne the nickname Rosie seemed to follow him.

Peter was early thirties, tall at six foot two inches, quite slender and wore his blonde hair in an almost feminine fashion, while his skin was clear and unblemished and his teeth were white and even, Peter looked after himself and much to the surprise of many a law breaker he could look after himself in the line of duty as he was an expert kick boxer.

Peter smiled at Morgan Morris and said – “Well maybe we’ll have a party to pass the time as you aren’t going anywhere for a while are you”?

“Oh Rosie I love your English accent, it’s so soft and relaxing, how do you manage to get people to listen to you when you’re making an arrest or something”?

“I mean, you’ve only been here a short while, everyone likes you, in fact there are a few bears who really like you! You know what I’m saying”?

“I think you’re too nice a guy to be in the line of work that you’re in, you’ve had it easy since you’ve been here, no trouble, no shoot outs, how would you manage if trouble kicked up? I don’t think your soft English voice would stop anything Rosie, I wouldn’t like to see anything happen to you man, you know what I mean”?

“Thank you for your concerns Morgan” said Peter, but I’ve been through a lot that you don’t know about so don’t judge a book by its cover”.

A week or so ago, Morgan Morris had been driving along a dirt track when he saw a dark object which had been shallowly buried but was now slightly exposed, out of curiosity he reversed back to take a better look.

He moved the gritty earth with his boots and exposed what appeared to be a suitcase, with his hands he dug down to find the carrying handle and managed to get some of his fingers through the handle and pulled it out of the ground.

The case was about three foot long, two feet high and about a foot deep, it felt heavy and firm and had locks on it which would now be full of dust and grit.

Morgan couldn’t open the locks so he took the suitcase home with him where he could open it and see what mysteries it held.

He didn’t give a great deal of thought to the contents as he had other things on his mind, his wife had been asking him to spend some money on their house when he decided to go out and buy a new pick up, not brand new, but it cost him money that he should have spent on his house.

His wife Heather was an attractive blonde haired hour glass figured beauty who loved sex just as much as him but had now denied him any for almost two weeks since buying the new pick up.

He was horny and new that she was too which had begun to make him think that she must be getting it elsewhere, a thought in itself which made him horny, another guy shagging his woman?

He should be feeling angry but instead he felt aroused, was it desperation due to a lack of sex or were there underlying balıkesir escort desires?

He pulled up in his drive and took the suitcase from the truck into the shade of the porch, having no feelings of finesse he got a carving knife from the house and sliced open the front of the case, he knew as soon as he began to cut open the cover that the case was full of money.

Used notes all bundled up in thousands, there must have been hundreds of thousands, his palms began to sweat, his heartbeat increased and he swallowed the swallow of a nervous man.

He quickly took the case and its contents indoors for further examination, the bundles were in fact bundles of ten thousand dollars each, after several hours he realised that there were way over a million dollars at his feet, elation had been replaced by fear.

Over the next few days he hid the money in several places as he did not know what to do with it, it obviously belonged to people who would kill him and anyone close to him if any connection were to be made so hiding it until he could figure out what to do with it would be the best option.

Unfortunately for Morgan Morris deputy sheriff Oscar Barden decided to pay him a social call jus as he was burying fifty thousand dollars under a bush in his back garden, friends or not, with no plausible explanation Oscar was taking him in.

Peter was making some coffee; he made one for Morgan too who was very grateful but surprised at the English deputy’s relaxed demeanour, maybe it was a ruse, to soften him up, to get him to talk.

As calm as he may have appeared to be in the face of the law he was quite nervous for they were not going to release him while he could not account for the fifty thousand dollars that they knew of, although not locally, robberies were always taking place, with many unsolved.

Once people knew that he was in a cell and why, the word would spread and without a shadow of a doubt the owners of the money would come looking and want revenge.

Peter talked about life in Britain, his interests and briefly about himself but he continually kept digging into Morgan’s affairs, not in an interrogatory way but in the way of woman in a bar who might be showing an interest in a guy.

Morgan was quite homophobic but somewhere inside him he unexpectedly felt the fluttering of flirtatious overtones in his remarks and conversation and immediately became quiet.

Peter locked the doors to the office and made his way to the shower, due to the lay out of the sheriff’s office the shower and anyone in it could be observed by anybody in the office as a result of the clear glass used which meant that prisoners and detainee’s could be observed for security purposes although external curtains could be drawn for privacy when a member of the sheriff’s dept wished to take a shower.

Although Morgan was securely locked in the barred cage like cell Peter still wanted to be able to see him, or maybe it was that he wanted Morgan to be able to see him.

Morgan was bored even if he was worried, seeing Peter begin to undress made him wonder why he would be taking a shower when he had only just begun his shift.

Two weeks of no sex for Morgan had been torture, thinking that his wife might actually be taking the cock of another guy secretly excited him, unfortunately for him though it was highly unlikely that she would sit him down, give him all the juicy details and then give him a good shagging. If she was ever to confess to something that she probably wasn’t doing she wouldn’t confess it to him if she thought it would give him any pleasure as pleasure was what she seemed intent on denying him.

As Morgan watched Peter thumb his boxers down from his waist he became aware that much of Peter’s movements were of a feminine nature, his legs looked like they were nicely tanned as well as being very smooth and shapely, he also became aware of a hard on stirring in his trousers.

Peter walked into the hot water of the shower and began to soap himself all over, running his hands all over himself as if there were no one else present, he knew that that he had an arse that was shapely and attractive to members of both sexes and began to enjoy himself knowing that Morgan would be watching him, Morgan who in his questioning had mentioned that his wife Heather had denied him any sexual contact resulting in him becoming irrationally horny would now be watching Rosie in the shower…


Peter slowly dried himself off and got dressed, he knew that Morgan was seeing him in a different light now and decided to push home the advantage.

“Would you like another coffee Morgan”?

“I wouldn’t mind taking a shower first”. Morgan replied quickly.

“Well I’m not supposed to leave you out of the cell as I’m on my own, but as long as you promise not to give me any trouble I guess you can balıkesir escort bayan have a shower”.

As the hot water cascaded over Morgan’s taut body he felt a pang of sadness as he and Heather used to shower together quite often but he now feared that for some reason this may be about to be a thing of the past.

All sexual thoughts had now left his mind and had been replaced by thoughts of escape.

He looked at Peter who busying himself in the kitchen area and saw that he had not replaced his gun belt which was lying on the chair behind Peter who obviously wasn’t expecting any trouble from his showering prisoner; Morgan burst out of the shower and threw himself at the chair just as Peter heard the door burst open and became aware of a developing situation behind him.

The first thing at hand was the large sugar bowl which Peter scooped up in his right hand and hurled in the direction of Morgan’s head while rushing forward to meet his attacker, the scattered sugar filled Morgan’s eyes while the following sculpted and heavy glass bowl hit his left eye just as a booted foot made heavy contact with the left hand side of his ribcage which was immediately before the jab to his Adam’s apple.

Unable to see and barely able to breathe Morgan collapsed heavily onto the floor.

Peter picked up a pair of handcuffs and secured Morgan’s hands behind his back then dragged him by his arms back to the shower and left him on the floor.

Morgan’s breathing eventually got back to somewhere near normal but his eyes were hurting him and he felt a terrible sense of dread in every part of his body.

“Get up Morgan, and wash the sugar off yourself, now”! Yelled Peter, no soft English voice now, just a menace laden foreign accent.

Morgan struggled to get up with his hands cuffed behind his back but between the pain in his eyes, his aching ribs and the additional aches through hitting the floor and the sick feeling from having been unable to breathe left him weak and quite helpless, he was quite simply in shock.

Peter pulled Morgan to his feet and pushed him into the shower, the hot water stung the cut under on his face while he blinked the sugar out of his eyes, he hurt, he felt sick and he also felt very scared and tears of misery not just tears caused by the sugar ran down his face.

Without any sympathy for Morgan Peter held the cuffs and pushed Morgan back into the cell and made him lie face down on the bed, he removed the cuffs and instructed Morgan to extend and cross his arms with his hands just outside the bars of the cell, Peter pressed a knee into Morgan’s spine then leaned forward and cuffed his hands together while on the other side of the bars from his arms.

“Okay smart ass, roll over”. Peter ordered Morgan; he shuffled and twisted until he was now lying on his back looking up at Peter who had turned into something of a drill sergeant. A hard angry look made him feel very sorry for himself, he had not only lost the Englishman’s trust and any semblance of a friendship they may have had but he had also made him very angry and he looked like the type who would become more dangerous the angrier he got.

Peter walked back out to the cupboard area and looked in one until he found what he wanted then went back into the cell.

“If you move I will batter you, I will batter you so fucking badly you’ll pray for death, now be fucking still you two faced cunt”.

Peter had a rope and he began to tie Morgan’s ankles together, he then flipped a three inch steel ring up out of a recess in the floor and lashed Morgan’s feet and legs to a state of immobility.

As a result of taking Morgan into the shower Peter’s uniform was soaking wet and as he didn’t have a spare in the office he would have to dry this one on the radiators; he sat down and unlaced his boots before unbuttoning and removing his shirt and did the same with his trousers then without standing on ceremony he took off his vest and pants and in total nudity he walked to the cupboard area once again and got a towel from the airing cupboard and began to dry himself.

He walked back into the cell gathered up his uniform and placed it on two radiators then returned to the cell and finished drying himself in front of Morgan.

Morgan felt quite disorientated and even more so when Peter sat on the bed with him and began to dab at the dampest parts of his body, another man who was naked was drying him off while he too was naked and as he was well and truly tied and trussed up.

Peter was not as slender as Morgan had initially thought, he was toned lean and muscular while having a willowy feminine appearance, he could feel Peter’s blue eyes washing over him and as homophobic as he was after the pain and discomfort of earlier he really appreciated the gentle touch.

“Morgan Morris, you are going to talk to me, you are going to tell me what you have failed to tell the sheriff, it may take some time but tell me you will”.

“I escort balıkesir know that you’re having problems at home and things are not going the way you want them to and it may surprise you and you may not believe it but I want to help you, but you are going to have to trust me”.

The soothing English accent was back, he closed his eyes and savoured the feeling of the soft towel gently floating over him as that sweet English voice spoke about Heather wanting to be able to see her man, thoughts of Heather flooded his mind, the warm room and the soft towel caressing his now relaxed but muscular body drove away his worries and fears, his cock was rising under the towel which was slowly but continually moving over him, he had had no sexual contact for about two weeks and he was horny he was also very hard and now there were fingers curling around his hard hot cock, a finger and thumb began to knead the end of his eager cock, the hand of another man was squeezing his cock as much as he was enjoying it it had to stop.

“Please Rosie, please stop, I’m not into guys I’m into chicks, as nice as it feels, please stop”

“Calling me Rosie is one way of making me want to carry on and I can’t talk anymore as its bad manners to talk with your mouth full”.

With those words Peter put his mouth over the end of Morgan’s hot hard cock, Morgan gave an involuntary gasp and shuddered as Peter’s mouth slid down his shaft taking in a lot of his eight inch cock, Morgan had had his cock sucked by some of the best cock sucking women in the county but he knew that not one of them would be anywhere near as good as Rosie who was working his cock with an expert mouth and tongue and was about to bring him off into a mind blowing orgasm.

Rosie knew this and took his mouth away from Morgan’s twitching cock and began to caress his taut body instead, Morgan felt cheated and deflated an impending orgasm of pure pleasure had been taken away from him – by another man; inside he wanted Rosie as he was now calling him to continue taking him along this amazing trail of pleasure but the confusion of recent events rendered him almost mute.

They both looked at the trail of pre-cum which was oozing from Morgan’s wet rigid cock then Peter got up, turned to face the opposite way and straddled Morgan’s cock.

“No Rosie no, not inside your ass, I can’t I’m a chick guy, I’ve never done it with a guy and don’t want to”. Morgan said somewhat breathlessly.

Peter lowered himself onto Morgan’s cock and began to rub his pre-cum into his soft and willing ass, he could feel the end start to enter him but rose up and rubbed more of the pre-cum around between his ass and Morgan’s cock and this time he sat down until he could feel the end of that hard cock inside him.

Morgan looked in fascination and disbelief as his cock slowly slid into Peter’s hot wanting arse.

“Oh Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow”

Rosie straightened up and much to Morgan’s disappointment got off his man wanting cock, Rosie took the stiff cock in his fingers, bent over and began to suck on it again, he could taste the salty pre-cum on his tongue which he worked around Morgan’s cock, by bending over and going in straight Rosie began to deep throat Morgan who was now moaning and wailing quite softly, when Rosie decided that the end was near he returned to straddling the very wet cock, his arse was now relaxed and more open than it had originally been so the end of Morgan’s cock slid into Peter’s arse giving pleasure to the prisoner and the patrolman.

Morgan had shagged a few women in the arse but none had ever felt this good, in fact sex had never felt this good; he looked at the remaining half of his cock which wasn’t in Rosie’s very hot arse, Rosie had become motionless and seemed to be relaxing his body completely, after a minute or two he slowly rose up then slid a little further down Morgan’s cock, Morgan couldn’t take his eyes off the sight in front of him, his cock was buried as far as it could possibly go in another man’s arse and he was feeling sexier than he ever had in his life.

Rosie didn’t so much as move up and down but rocked slightly backward and forward while squeezing the elated cock with his magnificent arse which had now slackened and was quite wet resulting in a degree of pleasure never before experienced by Morgan Morris who was now thrusting up and down and in and out of Rosie and thinking that the arse in front of him was the finest he had ever seen let alone been fortunate enough to have had his cock in.

Morgan wanted to run his hands over the firm yet pliable pink globes which his cock was buried between, he wanted to squeeze and knead them, he wanted Rosie to be on his hands and knees while he licked and sucked on this incredible pleasure giving tunnel of lust and love, he wanted to kiss Rosie as he fucked him.

“Rosie oh Rosie sweet Rosie, kiss me, fuck me, kiss me”…

Rosie knew that Morgan was going to cum so he leaned forward and let Morgan’s thrusting cock push and shove against his prostrate, his man G-spot, Rosie felt the orgasm welling up from his man G-spot as Morgan’s cock kept up its lovely pleasure creating friction, his hot wet arse began to pulsate, gripping and squeezing Morgan’s turgid cock, the cum from Rosie’s cock spurted forward and landed on Morgan’s legs.

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