
An Office Affair Ch. 02: The Call


You take a moment at my door to regain your composure and make sure you skirt is adjusted. Then without looking back you walk out my door and walk back to your office giving off the impression that we had a heated discussion and you’re not happy about it. And in truth part of you may have not been. This was the first time I’d kept a souvenir of our time together. Even though I planned of giving it back to you when I see you after hours.

As you walk back to your office you curse me silently. Because I know how much you don’t like going commando at work, especially after I just made you cum. You can still feel the wetness and occasional tingle thinking about what happened just moments ago. When you get back to your office you check with your secretary to see if anyone had left a message then you settle in behind your desk with the door closed to try and get some work done. Still the wetness between your thighs lingers.

Back in my office I try to concentrate on work but all I keep thinking about is what I will make you do to “earn” back your panties. Maybe I’ll blind fold you and take a piece of ice from the freezer? Or maybe I can sneak away long enough to pick up some chocolate syrup or whipped cream? So many options. The ideas racing through my head make it hard to do my work.

Then an idea strikes me that I like and can focus on. While it won’t earn you back the panties it should prove fun. With that decided on I can now focus and get some work done. It’s about one o’clock now. About three things should be settling down enough for this to work. But in the mean time there was work to be done. And that is what we both do for the next ankara escort bayan two hours concentrate on getting our work done.

A little after three things finally settle in after a busy couple hours. So as soon as I’m happy with where I’ve finished I put the paper work aside and minimize my computer windows before picking up the phone and buzzing your secretary. I ask her to transfer me into you.

When you pick up the phone in your office your secretary’s voice comes over the receiver; “It’s you know who on line three and he doesn’t sound happy.”

“Great, what now? Thanks Tess” Is your reply as you close the line to your secretary and pick up line three. Knowing that over the phone no one else can hear us. “Hey there, this a business or a pleasure call?”

In a low voice I reply “Now when was the last time I called you for business? Is your door closed?”

“Yeah it’s closed what are you planning?”

“Oh you’ll find out. Do me a favor and close your eyes.” You take a deep breath and close them, “Then think back to earlier this afternoon, in my office.” I hear a low hum, almost a sigh from your end of the line.

“It was amazing.” You say, your free hand brushing across your shirt with your breasts perked up underneath.

“Yes it was. You tasted so sweet and you came so hard for me I think they might have heard you outside.” I tease. I bet if you think about it really heard you can still feel my lips on your.”

“Yes” is your simple reply.

“You can feel my trace my kisses lower and lower, getting closer and closer to your lady.”

“Mmmm” Your hand is caressing demetevler escort up and down from your navel to your breasts and back again very slowly.

“Are you getting wet for me again thinking about this?” I ask.

“I’m still wet from you doing this.”

“Mmmmm, you little nympho you. Lean back in your chair and slide your free hand into your skirt for me. Give your clit a little rub for me.” I hear a gasp as you do. “Good keep rubbing it and tell me what you’re thinking about.”

“Mmmmm, you. I’m thinking about you. The way you kiss, the way your eat out my lady. Mmmm feels so good. The way just hearing your voice can turn me on.” You gasp after that last one.

“Slow down no need to rush to the finish. Let’s play a little game. Let’s see how long you can go without cumming, how much you can let it build before you explode. You remember this game don’t you?”

“Yes, that night in New York on the business trip. The rules were not to cum before you said I could. I didn’t… Couldn’t last very long with you there in front of me. Working your cock in and out of me…”

“That’s right, you have a fantastic memory. Let’s see how much longer you can go now. Think about that night. Think about how it felt to feel me slide inside you.” I hear another gasp. This won’t take long and I know it. “How inch by inch I worked my way deep inside you. How did it feel?”

“I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“I’m all the way in now. You have such a good imagination I bet you can almost feel it can’t you. Take a couple fingers and slide them in your lady for esat escort me.”

“Oh yessss…”

I can almost hear the sucking noise your lady is making with your fingers working their way in and out. I imagine that you might be holding the phone on your shoulder so you can use your other hand to rub your clit.

“That’s right pretend those fingers are me, my cock moving in and out, my hips slamming against yours.” Your breathing is fast and shallow I can tell you’re almost ready to cum already. “Remember the game no cumming yet.”

“Oh I… I’m gonna… OOOHHHH…”

“Not yet my dear. Hold it just a little longer if you want to beat your last time.” Which is a total lie I forgot to start keeping track of the time because I was so into listening to you moan. “Hold it until I get to 0. 3… 2… 1 and a half.” You’re audibly whimpering now trying desperately to hold on. “1… Hold it… Hold it…”

I can hear you whimpering “Please… please… I… C… Can’t…”

I wait until I don’t think you can hold it any longer and before I simply say the word “cum” And that is exactly what you do.

I hear a very loud “OHHHH FFUUCCKK…” before the phone hits the floor. I guess I was right about you using both hands.

After hearing your very loud proclamation Tess your secretary comes running into the room to make sure you’re all right. I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation. You tell her that the conversation with me was bad news, which is enough to satisfy her. Then you come back on the line. “That was a close one. Your going to get us fired.”

I reply “Maybe but it will be fun until then. Since it sounds like I gave you bad news I guess you should have your secretary put me in your appointment book. Tomorrow afternoon sounds good. But that does mean I’ll be keeping those panties overnight.”

“Oh you are bad. I’ll set it up.” With that you hang up and call Tess to make the appointment.

To be continued in Chapter 3

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