
An Unexpected Encounter


“Charlotte Lambert, will you be quick and get your caramel ass back in here! The movie is about to begin girl!” I heard my best friend whine as I exited the bathroom.”What are you now, the bathroom monitor? I didn’t know that I was on a timer?” I uttered to her in annoyance as I strolled into the colorful and spacious living room. “You are so fucking impatient, bitch. I wasn’t even gone for five minutes, and you’re already whining.”Snatching the popcorn from her greasy hands, I said with a chuckle, “And I am also aware that you watched this movie already. So you better not narrate. I hate that shit.”Clutching her chest and gazing at me, she retorted in mocked innocence, “Me? I don’t do that,” then she cracked up into laughter. When she observed my thoughtful demeanor, she mumbled, “Well it’s not as if you’ll be watching the film anyways, Charlotte, you spend most of your time on that phone, either looking at old photos or waiting on a call from David that’s never going to come.””I do not!” I declared trying to justify myself.”Oh, but you do Charlotte. The reality of your situation is this, for three years you and David were in a relationship. You did everything for him. And when I say everything, that’s what I meant. Then he turned around and cheated on you,” she remarked.Staring at her, I remarked miserably, “I loved him, Gretch. I loved him so much. What did I do wrong? And why did I ignore those red flags?”She glanced at me in what appeared to be bemusement then stated, “You ignored them because you were too caught up in the lies that he had weaved for your eyes.””By your facial expression, I can see that you think that I’m gullible and stupid?”Shaking her head, she acknowledged, “No, I wasn’t thinking that. In my opinion, you were excessively dedicated to this guy, Charlotte. You positioned him on a pedestal. Hence, making you blind to everyone around you.”I remained silent for a moment attempting to gather my thoughts then admitted, “I convinced myself that I was imagining it all. The late nights at the office could have been his way of wanting to get ahead in the company. He claimed that the unexpected business trips were just his boss’ way of coaching him for a promotion. In addition to that, he said the hushed phone calls at odd hours of the night were just him consoling his buddy who was going through a distressing relationship.”Holding my head in my hands, I continued to disclose my dilemma, “How could I have been so blind, Gretchen? I bent over backward for him. And this is the gratitude that I received.”We both sighed softly in reflection, “Look at me, Char,” at that moment, she reached up and tucked a strand of my shoulder-length brunette hair behind my ear, then told me, “I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings or put blame on you, amiga, rest assured.””I know you weren’t.””But you need to socialize again. You’ve become a recluse. It’s been almost six months since your break-up, and all you ever do is sulk, go to work then go back home, subsequently repeating the process.”Cupping my face she advised me with concern, “You need to begin thinking about yourself, sis, get your life back in order as of now. Stop declining dates and such, no one says that you have to fuck anyone. Unless you want to,” she said with a mischievous grin. “But go out and mingle, even if it’s by yourself. Smile more and eat, please. I’m telling you this as a friend, try to move on with your life. Okay?”Straightening my posture, I gazed at the woman who has always been there for me and responded with delight, “Okay Gretchen, I’d begin a new chapter and see where faith leads me.”Beaming with exhilaration, we both stood and did a little dance around each other, then hugged in excitement. “I knew you could do it, bitch. It took you a while to get here, but you’ve arrived. And I’m so proud of you! Now in light of this situation, I’d appreciate it if we could celebrate by sitting our asses on this comfortable sofa and watching the movie. Deal?””Deal.””And I promise not to narrate the movie,” she made a brief pause then added, “at least not today.”Embracing for a moment, I kissed her rosy cheeks just as a knock was heard at the door, “Have a seat, and I’ll get it. It must be our food.”TWO WEEKS LATERAs I was awaiting the elevator with three other employees after work one Friday, I heard my name being called, but chose to dismiss it. No one was about to make me late for my pedicure. This entire week something or someone has delayed my appointment. But not today. My toes have been crying out for some TLC. Again I heard my name being called, but this time a lot nearer.”Shit, come on, come on,” I begged the elevator to open. Just then, it did and we all tried to step in. The root word “tried” because as I passed the threshold, I felt a hand encircle my upper arm and gently pulled me out of the elevator. Twirling around in annoyance, I was confronted by my boss’ father, the owner of the company’s security firm. Fuck, he was lip-biting, finger-me-in-public, spank-my-pussy, panty-wet gorgeous.”Ms. Lambert, didn’t you hear me calling you?” Mr. Shepherd questioned with mild curiosity.”I did,” I answered absentmindedly as I turned around just in time to observe the elevator bahis siteleri doors closing. “Fuck me.”He gazed at me with a raised eyebrow then smirked, “I’m sorry to disturb your evening, Ms. Lambert, but it seems as if you dropped these,” glancing at his large outstretched hand, it revealed a bunch of keys.”Those aren’t mine, Mr. Shepherd.”Bringing the keys closer to his face so that he can read the information, he further inquired, “then I presume there must be another Charlotte Lambert in this building who resides at 14 Avenue on Park Street. I’d just carry them to the lost and found at the front desk. When the owner realizes that it’s misplaced, she may return to the department. Sorry that I made you miss the previous elevator, Ms. Lambert, but it looks like another one has just arrived,” he then turned to leave.”Wait!” I blurted out and again turned to watch as the elevator doors closed without me being inside.He just turned around and stared at me without saying anything. I stepped nearer to him and mumbled softly, “Those are mine.”Silently staring at me with curious hazel eyes, he inquired tenderly, “Why did you deny your keys, Ms. Lambert?”Inspecting beyond his shoulders, I bit my lower lip in embarrassment without responding.”Is your reason plausible, Ms. Lambert?” Mr. Shepherd inquired.Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhaled loudly in defeat. Why does he have to be so goddam gorgeous? He looked roughly 7’6, with graying hair and perfectly groomed mustache and beard. Mmm, why me, Lord? Why did you send this delightful morsel my way? With the body made for my fingers. Wide athletic shoulders, big hands, and veiny arms. This man has been tormenting my vagina for years. And here he stood, inches away from me and I couldn’t do anything.”No, Mr. Shepherd, it isn’t. I was just frustrated that I was about to miss my appointment again at Caroline’s Spa.” Gaping at my wristwatch, and sighing, I then admitted, “And it looks as if I may have to forfeit my place again.””So are you informing me that you denied your set of keys to go to a spa?” he inquired with genuine surprise.”Well, when you put it like that it makes me sound shallow.””Are you?””Am I what?””Shallow.”Standing motionless for a moment, I opened my hand and asks, “Can I please have my keys, Mr. Shepherd?””Certainly, Ms. Lambert. Sorry for the delay.”Smiling without humor, I replied, “It wasn’t your fault. No need for the apologies.” Reclaiming my belongings, I marched toward the elevator and waited for it to arrive. As I walked in and the door closed, I glanced up only to see Mr. Shepherd staring at me with avid intrigue. “What’s his problem?” I asked myself.Five minutes later, I was dashing towards my vehicle and racing out of the parking lot for my appointment. When I got there twenty minutes unpunctual, my space was already filled. As I was about to make another appointment for the fourth time, the receptionist stated, “seems as though someone called and changed your time twenty minutes ago, Ms. Lambert.””Excuse me? Are you sure?” I inquired with surprise.Pushing her glasses further up her nose, Ms. Hartly stared at the screen then responded, “Aren’t you Charlotte Lambert?””The last time that I checked I was, yes,” I responded with sass.She looked at me with irritation, then mumbled in fake excitement, “Wonderful! Then your time was changed, and you have also been gifted an all-inclusive spa treatment.”With a hand over my mouth, I remarked enthusiastically, “What? Are you serious?””Like a heart attack, Ms. Lambert.””I wonder who it could have been from?” I asked myself but she replied.”I read through the entire booking, and a name wasn’t given. Just an initial, J.S.” Taking her eyes off the screen, she gazed at me grinning from ear to ear, thereafter uttering with disdain. “It appears as if someone’s knees have finally gotten them a prize, congratulations.””Excuse me?” I uttered in shock. As she opened her mouth to respond, I cut her off, “You know what, I don’t even want to hear it. Shut the fuck up! And don’t you ever disrespect me again, because I don’t think you’d want to discover the bitchy side of me.” I wasn’t about to give attention to her bitter comments. She’s just jealous. Although her statement had left me dumbstruck, I wouldn’t give her the reply that she deserves.So there I stood with my bad-minded self at the receptionist’s desk, making this bitch feel uncomfortable at five in the evening over-thinking and analyzing. An all-inclusive spa treatment costs a lot. Who would do this kind gesture for me?”Is there a time limit for it to be used?” I inquired plainly.”No Ms. Lambert, there isn’t,” she responded with fear.”Well, that’s good news.” Before long, my name was called and I walked into the cubicle to have my long-awaited nails attended to. “Finally!”Within the hour, I was strutting out of Caroline’s and approaching the parking lot with a newfound skip in my stride. As I got closer to my car, I realized that two vehicles were blocking me off on either side. A green jeep and a massive black, tint-out van, which appeared oddly familiar. Why do people park up like assholes? Squinting my eyes from the glare, I scanned my surroundings for anyone who could have canlı bahis siteleri been the owner of this monstrosity and its green partner. But came up empty.”Fuck! Why do these things always happen to me?”Out of nowhere, I heard a chuckle followed by a powerful and familiar voice, “Say please.”Shrieking in terror I exclaimed, “Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!” I screamed at him, as I placed my hand on my chest.”You use that phrase a lot, Ms. Lambert. Such a filthy tongue from such a bite-size woman. I wonder if your cunt tastes just as good as that naughty word suggests?”What the hell! Why did my vagina suddenly get heavy and wet? There was a heartbeat thumping there as well? Biting my lower lip, I tried to regain my composure as he continued, “Don’t do that.”Confused, shocked, and a bit turned on by his bold statement I nevertheless inquired breathlessly, “Don’t do what, Mr. Shepherd?””Don’t bite your lip, little lamb, or I would be left to wonder what your pussy tastes like. Tell me something, Ms. Lambert, why are you wandering about the parking lot? And for heaven’s sake, where are your glasses?”He shifted the discussion so instantly that I may have received whiplash. Exhaling deeply I explained, “I wasn’t wandering the lot, I was searching for the owners of these two vehicles that are blocking me from entering my car. Seems as though you are the owner of this monstrosity. And I’m squinting because I forgot my glasses at work.””Ahhh, I see,” smirking, he started the engine and slowly parked alongside me. “Go to your car, little lamb, before I’m compelled to place you in the bed of my truck and ravage your sweet little cunt for all to see.”There he goes again switching moods. His voice and the way that he conversed with me made my body crave to be used violently by him. To be tied up and fucked until I collapse from sheer satisfaction. I need to ask something though. “Before I leave, Mr. Shepherd, I have a question for you.””And what may that be, little lamb?”Peering him in the eye, I said, “We’ve never spoken before today, Mr. Shepherd, and yet you seem familiar with me.””I’m guessing there is a question somewhere there, Ms. Lambert?” He challenged me with his sideways smirk.Stumbling over my words I admitted, “Well, well, well, what I meant was, why did you speak to me like that just now?”Ogling me for what seemed like an eternity, he admitted, “I’ve always been aware of your presence, Ms. Lambert. Always. And I spoke to you in that manner just now because you need a firm hand. If you were mine you’d never be allowed to roam about by yourself. There are a lot of evil men around. Now get in your car and go about your destination,” he announced dismissing me.”So many mood changes you have, Mr. Shepherd.” Tilting my head to the side, I inquired innocently, “I wonder which is the most sexually corruptive?””Care to find out, little lamb?””No, Mr. Shepherd. But, you have a good night.” Strolling toward my car, I pressed the alarm and opened the door. As I got in, I looked up to see him gazing at me. A wicked thought came to my mind, so I voiced it, “Mr. Shepherd?””Yes, little lamb?” he responded with a question, “What is it?”Grinning mischievously I expressed, “I won’t ever need your tongue on my vagina since I have toys for that.”When I saw that his smile had fallen and he yelled out, “What?” I peeled out of the parking lot with a burst of evil laughter as my parting words. Serves him right for playing with my emotions!GRETCHEN”What do you mean you’re not going? You must go, Charlotte!” Gretchen implored as she settled upon my bed and placed a pillow between her legs.”What’s so difficult to understand, Gretch?” I asked as I dropped my towel and changed into a vest and shorts.”Give me a good fucking reason why you don’t want to attend the masquerade party?”Wrapping the towel around my head, I sat on the floor and demanded, “Dry my hair!”Doing as she was told, she resumed querying. “Why, bitch?”Exhaling in frustration, I twirled around and mumbled, “Because I hate people. And David might be there with his girlfriend.”Gretchen stared at me as if I had announced something extremely ridiculous, “So what? His life has nothing to do with you anymore. You and him are through. So dress up and go show that mother fucker what he lucked out on.””I can’t, Gretch.”Squinting her eyes, she demanded, “Can’t or won’t, Charlotte?”Without answering, I stood and walked towards the kitchen with her at my heels. “Coffee or Wine?” I asked.”Well, that’s a dumb-ass question!””Wine it is,” I giggled in delight.As I reached for the wine glasses, I heard my name being called. “Sup?””I apologize for pressing the topic. You’re a grown woman who can do whatever she wants. It’s just that I want you to be happy again, Char.”Pouring us both a glass, and taking a sip from mine, I replied “I know you do, hun, and you’re right, I must get on with my life. I won’t let David’s betrayal keep me from meeting new people.””Yes! that’s what I’m talking about, bitch. Let’s make a toast.””Alright, and what are we toasting to?””To new beginnings.”Raising our glasses, we cheered in unison, “To new beginnings.” We laughed and chatted for hours until Gretchen stopped and declared, canlı bahis “Come on, let’s get you ready, you’re going to that damn party.”Rolling my eyes at her, I uttered in genuine delight, “Ugghh, fine, bitch, come on and help me transform,” I raced to the bedroom with Gretchen on my heels laughing and dancing like a happy kid.So here I am, sitting at this energetic party, bored as fuck, three hours later straddling a bar stool with my third cup of vodka and orange juice, ready to go home. I hated people! There were so many! But on the bright side, there wasn’t any sight of David or his girlfriend. Our company and his, always have their annual masquerade party concurrently. This year everyone went all out on their costume design. They all looked gorgeous and breathtaking. But I’ve had enough of the leering and ass grabbing from some of these drunken men. I needed my bed and my vibrator. My pussy was still throbbing and pulsating from my earlier encounter with Mr. Shepherd, considering I didn’t get an opportunity to handle my little problem.As I turned to flee, I heard a voice behind me whispering, “Leaving so soon, little lamb?”What the fuck? Did I just imagine that? Twisting slowly around to the voice, hoping that I was wrong, I was then confronted by the individual who had inflicted my discomfort. Dismissing the thumping and once again the drenched pussy, I played it cool and smiled in greeting, “Mr. Shepherd, it’s a pleasure to see you again so soon.””Is it, Ms. Lambert? Because from where I’m standing, your teeth are clenched. Indicating to me that you are presently annoyed.”Ugghh, he’s so damn observant! “Do I look annoyed, Mr. Shepherd?”His eyes darkened in desire as he assessed my attire. My selection this year was a sheepherder. But unlike the innocence of a normal herder, my costume was mouth-watering and seductive, thanks to Gretchen Mendenheitz. My busty breasts were on display and looked tempting, praises to my best bra. The dress was black, short, and feminine. The frontal laces accentuated my waistline, leaving the viewer no choice but to drop their eyes to my long legs. My option of footwear was poison ivy green strapped heels, that had my feet crying to be wrapped around this man’s torso or shoulders, either way, I wanted his dick in me. When he had completed his ogling of me, his remark was made in pure arousal.”Anything but, Ms. Lambert.” He leaned onto me whispering sinfully, “You look as if those long brown legs ought to be on my shoulder, whilst my head should be buried deep between your thick thighs, licking that wet cunt that I know is soaked right now, as you thrust on my mouth and tongue seeking your release.” Then he straightened his posture and surveyed my surroundings. “Tell me something? Where is your companion, little lamb?”I was in shock, no, I was shocked and speechless. My breathing had elevated and it reflected to anyone who was peering in my direction. What was wrong with this man? What was wrong with me? Why do I allow him to get under my skin? Must everything be sexual for him? I sat down to regain some composure and suddenly became aware of his costume. He was dressed in a custom-tailored black suit and tie. Complete with pocket squares. The entire suit grabbed his body like a second skin. Covering his upper face was a black silk mask. This man was so damn gorgeous. Mmmm, I wanted him, if just for one night.”I don’t have a companion, Mr. Shepherd. I came to the party alone.”He glared at me with fire in his eyes, “You did what? Didn’t I warn you earlier about being by yourself, Ms. Lambert?”Crossing my legs at the knees, I watched as his eyes followed my movement then back up to my face. “As I recall Mr. Shepherd, I am a grown woman who can take care of herself.” Licking my lips, I stroked the fire some more, “What are you going to do if I don’t obey your warnings, Mr. Shepherd, spank me?”Bending closer to me once more, he cautioned, “You are playing with fire, little lamb, however, I’ll advise you to quit while you’re ahead before you get burnt,” then he straightened himself.Gently reaching up, I grabbed onto this tie and pulled him toward my lips thereafter whispering, “Regardless, I don’t follow orders very well, Mr. Shepherd,” then I licked his ear and glided my well-manicured hand down his taut stomach grasping and squeezing the outline of what appeared to be a very thick cock. I particularly enjoyed the sound of his quick intake of breath. My unexpected action stunned him for a moment.Seizing that opportunity, I glided off the seat, ambled past him, and up the stairs to the closet to retrieve my trenchcoat. Opening my purse, I retrieved the ticket and gave the guy who in turn went in search of my coat. He came back shortly thereafter and helped me to slip it on. I fled out of the party to the memory of Mr. Shepherd’s blazing eyes. Let’s see how long it would take before he locates me!SHEPHERDThe moment Charlotte Lambert sauntered into my son’s Architectural Firm three years ago, I knew that I wanted her to be mine. Back then she was a timid little thing. Always kept to herself and was the model employee. Before long she was promoted to senior designer. She never flirted with her colleagues or bosses, and from what I saw, she was faithful to that good-for-nothing asshole David Monaghan who worked over on Alexander Boulevard’s Architectural Firm. I still don’t see what she ever saw in that guy. He was a complete louse.

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