
An Unexpected Lesbian Liaison


An Unexpected Lesbian Liaison

By Tawny T

On a long weekend visit with one of my good friends, she and I were talking and she brought up the subject of her first lesbian experience. I asked her permission to record her experiences. She graciously said she wouldn’t mind as she knew I’d change the people involved so no one would/ could guess her identity. I turned on my recorder and we sat, drinks in hand as she related her first time with another woman —————-.

I work for an international company with facilities all over the world. I’m the Corporate Suggestion Program Manager and I go to the different facilities and talk to both the management and the workers selling them on the idea that if they can come up with a different idea to solve a company problem, then they should put in a Suggestion Form telling how it would save the company money. In turn, they will receive compensation for their suggestion depending on how much an idea actually saves money for the corporation.

The highest amount we have awarded was $20,000 to a worker who came up with a suggestion on how to route packages faster with less paperwork. A simple suggestion that no one in the upper echelon had ever thought of before. The lady also received a promotion and we made sure our workers, worldwide, knew of her suggestion and her reward. Our savings over the years, worldwide, have run into millions of dollars.

Enough background, my love life is OK, not hot, nor cold, I’m married to a very nice gentleman who does not mind my travels all over the world. I was scheduled for a visit to Paris for a week and was looking forward to it. My direct boss is a wonderful lady a few years my senior and she’d made reservations for adjoining rooms with double beds in my room. Jan, my secretary, and I would room together, and Jeanne would be in the adjoining suite for convenience.

At the last moment, Jan came down with the flu and that left me with no roommate, but Jeanne said the reservations stood and that If I wanted to take a friend with me to share the room, it would be OK, and she’d list my friend on the expense accounts for the rooms.

I immediately called Linda, my best friend, and asked her, nonchalantly, how she’d like an all-expense-paid trip for a week. Silence on the other end for a moment. “You know, I’d love to go with you anywhere you’d like to take me. Where are we going? The beach?”

“Nothing so ordinary, Love, How about Paris, the one in France yet! It’s business for me, but you and I will room together and Jeanne is in an adjoining suite. You can roam Paris during the time I will be working and then at night, we can take in some of the nightspots, the naughty ones! Sound good?”

I heard whoops of laughter on the other end then a string of “Yes’s”, one after the other on the other end, and a dozen “Yes’s” came after. I didn’t anticipate the strange happenings that would make the trip a spectacular one or, that it would change my lifestyle forever.

“So we’ll bunk together and Jeanne is next door to us. I’ve met her a couple of times and she is one sexy lady. I will look forward to getting to know her during the week’s stay. Is someone going with her? Her husband?”

“No, just the three of us in two rooms! Why the questions? You sound a little interested in Jeanne, I’ll admit she is one sexy lady. You should see her in a bikini at one of the swim parties she gives for the company people. God, what a body that lady has. Even had me thinking naughty thoughts about her, and you know

how straight I am. I shouldn’t have said that! — Forget I said it, OK?”

“My, how you talk. I never heard you say anything about a yen for another lady. You know how I feel about you, don’t you?” She said with a slight pause.

Yes, I knew she loved me deeply but had never tried anything sexual with me except small talk. She lived in a double apartment at the beach with Joanne, her roommate. Several times I’d caught a hint of something beyond friendship between the two of them, but never thought past that fleeting thought. Two working girls living frugally together, saving money. Both young, beautiful, and sexy! Where did that thought come from?

Our trip on the big plane was smooth and we relaxed and enjoyed the flight. Jeanne and Linda sat on either side of me on the plane and the two got along famously. Linda couldn’t keep her eyes off of Jeanne’s beautiful face. I’ll admit she wore an expertly tailored outfit that drew looks from men and women alike. One look at this lady and you knew she had power and knew how to use it. It was just ingrained in her. Damn, she was sexy too! Oops, steady little lady. She’s your boss!

A limo met us at the airport and whisked us to a very swank and luxurious hotel. The rooms were magnificent, and there were flowers and iced champagne set out for us. The balcony had a spectacular view of the Eiffel Tower and the lights were on in the city giving us a spectacular welcome to Paris! The Concierge couldn’t do tuzla escort enough for us and made sure we had everything we wanted. Jeanne and I carried a lot of weight with our company and the hotel knew and bent over backward to make us comfortable.

Jeanne came in and opened the champagne. She’s taken her jacket off and now showed her well-rounded breasts under an almost transparent blouse. Her bra lifted her breasts and was cut low to show off her soft skin and lots of cleavage.

Linda and I grinned at each other and we toasted each other on arriving in gay Paree!

“You sexy wenches, how about we dress in long dresses as sexy as you’d like to wear and go turn heads at one of Paris’s showplaces. We’ll show them what Sexy American ladies can bring to dine at their establishments. Sound OK? One of my best friends said, ‘Doll, if you have it, then flaunt it!’ Make it sexy, but not slutty, OK? I love to do this, and in such sexy company too. Let’s go knock them, dead Ladies!”

I had told Linda to bring a sexy evening gown and we changed, together, and we undressed completely and admired each other’s nude bodies, the first time we’d been nude together. Linda is just over five feet tall with an athletic build, nice slim legs, slim hips, and nice champagne-shaped breasts and her nipples are firm and thrust out and I’m thinking mouth watering! Damn, she did have one sexy body.

“My nipples get very erect when I get a little sexually excited, and Girlfriend, seeing you nude does that to me. You are one sexy lady, I love the way you have removed your pussy hair. Electrolysis? I might try that. My pussy lips are small and I’d look like a virgin.

“Paris would be a good place to have that done. I’ll ask Jeanne, she knows the town! I love your fully rounded nipples. They look sexy and I’ll bet get erect when you are sexually excited too. Like to have them sucked and nibbled on? Or is that too intimate a question? But here we are, nude and both sexy as can be, and soon that sex pot Jeanne will be here. I can imagine how sexy she will look!”

I think I blushed down to my toes. Being in the room nude with Linda and seeing her sexy body for the first time and her asking erotic questions had gotten to me a little, I could feel my nipples stiffen and my clit throb. Damn, what was I thinking, and with Jeanne coming, what would the evening hold?

A few minutes later, dressed for the evening, Jeanne drifted in, or floated in!. Linda and I both gasped when she came in. She had on a long black flowing gown with a very low cut top, spaghetti straps, and a simple gold chain around her neck. High heels lifted her to Goddess height. Lots of skin showed, and her cleavage was to die for.

Her dress was magnificent and oh so sexy. Her breasts made my mouth water looking at them. Her erect nipples just showed their outline in the gown, revealing more than they actually showed, but show they did. The material was thin and in the right background light you could see her outlined long slender legs through the material. Your eyes follow her legs upward wanting to see what was covered by panties, hoping that she somehow forgot them that moment in your fantasy of lust! My mind wandered at the thought of a naked Jeanne. What is it with me right now here in Paris with two very sexy ladies in a luxury hotel? I’d never thought of Jeanne as a sex object.

“Damn Jeanne, you are one Sex Goddess!” Linda gasped! “You leave us in the dust behind you”, she laughed. “When you lead, no one will look at us, only you!” Linda gushed.

Jeanne laughed and came over to Linda, leaned over and kissed her gently on her lips, and held her at arm’s length. “You are a Sex Goddess yourself as is Millie. ‘Dynamite comes in small packages, as the saying goes. I see those erect nipples poking out too. Tasty looking, wouldn’t you say Millie?”

I kept silent, blushing a little. This was going to be one wild night. I’d never seen Jeanne in this sexy mood before. I felt the throbbing in my pussy become more intense.

The dining room was stunning. Quiet and discerning seemed to be the norm. We asked Jeanne to order for us as she knew what their best dishes were and let the beautiful waitress pick the wine to go with it. We sipped the delicious wine as we waited. I noticed Jeanne’s hand move under the cover of the table covering toward Linda and saw Linda start for a moment then relax. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Jeanne’s arm move upward and between Linda’s thighs. The table cloth covered most of Jeanne’s arm movement, but not from me, I was sitting next to her.

Talk became a little sexier as Jeanne asked Linda about her boyfriends. Linda said she had none and laughed. Said she never met the right one. I discretely watched as Jeanne’s arm moved upward toward Linda’s now parted dress. Linda’s eyes closed and a smile came over her face as Jeanne’s arm began to move gently up and down.

My pussy became wet as I knew Jeanne’s fingers were stroking Linda’s pussy right pendik escort in the restaurant and right next to me. From time to time Jeanne turned and looked at me and smiled and winked. I managed to smile back. Moments later Linda went almost rigid in her seat and I heard a low, almost inaudible gasp and knew Jeanne’s fingers had given Linda an orgasm right here at the table.

A moment later the waitress came to fill our glasses again. Jeanne took her filled glass and brought it up to her lips, hesitated a moment then dipped her middle finger against the surface of the wine, turned to me, and said. “Here Millie. Taste this new wine, I’m sure it has an unusual nuance to it the other one didn’t have, perhaps a very personal touch from someone in the vineyard?”

Linda brought her napkin up to her mouth to catch a laugh before she exploded. She knew exactly what Jeanne had done, or was about to do. She brought the napkin down and looked at me. “Good idea Jeanne, Millie might find a new taste for a wine with a personal touch to it.” She took a sip and said, “A very unusual wine, I might say.” She looked at Jeanne and grinned.

Caught — no opening. Game-fully, I took her hand and pulled it to me and opened my lips and Jeanne slid her finger between my lips I closed my lips around her naughty finger. I ran my tongue around the finger and could taste the wine, plus there was a different taste there also. My nose caught it too, the aroma of an excited female’s sex secretions.

I licked the finger and pulled back letting my lips close over the finger as it slid out of my mouth. I kept a straight face and looked from Jeanne to Linda. “Yes, a slight difference in the flavor, that is a very personal one too. Perhaps one day I might try that particular brand of wine. Who knows?”

“I believe that particular flavor was first discovered in the Aegean Sea on the Island of Lesbos a budding young Lady poet and it caught on and still by lives today!” Linda said seductively.

“So I have heard. I plan on visiting that island someday soon.” Jeanne laughed. “Anyone wish to join me when I go?” Linda’s hand flew up and we all laughed.

Dinner was served and it was one of the most delicious meals I think I have ever eaten. Ah, yes, French Chefs! We enjoyed the comradely as well as the food. Once during the meal, I felt Jeanne’s hand stray to my thigh and caress it gently. I did not acknowledge it in any way and a moment later it disappeared.

After our sumptuous feast, Jeanne led us down several streets to the Follies. She had reservations for the second show. I had never been to one, only heard stories of the nude beauties who performed in them. We were right on time for the second show and the auditorium buzzed with excited visitors and many Parisians also.

Most dressed in street clothes and a very few, like us were out for an evening of fun at a higher level. We attracted quite a few looks and comments from people near us. The seating was unique, the stage is semi-circular encompassing the patrons. Small and large tables sat around the room with chairs for from two to 10 or 12 patrons.

Waitresses dressed in skimpy attire served the patrons, showing lots of bare flesh, top, and bottom. We sat aloof, in our front row table, talking among ourselves and sipping our drinks.

The curtains opened and a very nice orchestra opened the show with lively music and excellent dancers formed the customary chorus line with great grace and precision. All were beautiful with slim long legs and most were topless. Their unfettered breasts moved enticingly and drew many whistles of approval. Long skirts, when the ladies kicked high gave a fleeting glimpse of an almost transparent covering. It was ‘Did you see it or not! ‘ Most tantalizing!

As we watched, my eyes glanced over at Jeanne’s hand which had, under the cover of the table covering, slid down between Linda’s thighs, and Linda had moved down slightly giving Jeanne more freedom and access to her pussy. They kissed from time to time and were giving me more of an erotic show than the dancing ladies did. I will admit that it was getting me hot thinking of Jeanne’s fingers sliding along Linda’s dripping pussy. I squirmed in my seat and Jeanne saw that and whispered in my ear, “Love, I have two hands and the other is itching to do to you just what Linda is enjoying right now. Oh, she is so wet, as am I, and you? No one pays any attention to what the patrons do to each other – house rules!” She laughed.

Linda, with a strained grin on her face, looked over at me and mouthed,”Oh God, can you believe this?” And her eyes closed for a minute, then stared off in space, all thoughts centered on one part of her body. The music swelled and the dancers whirled and Linda’s face twisted in a long moment of pure joy as she exploded under Jeanne’s expert manipulation.

A series of comic skits began and Jeanne told us that we could leave as the main part of the show was over and we could relax back in the aydınlı escort hotel. I was ready to go, I felt emotionally drained by the two women and their sex games right before my eyes! I had wondered about Linda’s sexual inclinations but was totally surprised by Jeanne’s overt sexual intentions toward Linda. A new side of Jeanne showed for the first time to me. Now she had hinted at that intent by her hand stroking my bare thigh. An almost pointed invitation to me. My usual common sense said ‘cool it, lady’!

Jeanne and Linda walked with their arms around each other back to the hotel, kissing from time to time. It looked like Linda had found a kindred soul in Jeanne. Back in the rooms we relaxed and undressed and I put on a modest gown and prepared for bed. Lisa came out of the bathroom in a very sexy negligee that was almost transparent and showed her cute body to the best advantage. It was sexier than if she were nude, just enough of her body showed to tantalize the imagination.

Then Jeanne made her “Entrance!” And what an ‘entrance’ it was. She wore high heels, a gossamer shimmering negligee that left almost nothing to the imagination. Her breasts swayed and bounced delightfully and her long strides accentuated her long slender body and the heels made her splendid breasts jiggle delightfully. Linda and I both were awe-struck as she came in bearing a bottle of chilled champagne, and nothing else except that almost transparent negligee and her magnificent body. And she knew just how to exhibit it!

She came over to us, stopped, turned slowly, held her arms outward, lifted her magnificent chest, and said in a sultry voice, “Like what you see Ladies? I just looked at myself in the mirror and said, ‘Not bad for old broad’, right Ladies?”

“‘Old broad’, Hell, you are magnificent, superb, extraordinary, stupendous, yipes, my vocabulary doesn’t do you justice. I have never seen such sexy, beautiful women in my life to compare with you. Of course, my view is limited, but truly you are one stupendous Sex Queen. I would not have missed this trip for anything in the world, just to view you like this. God, I am overwhelmed by just standing here. I am speechless!” Linda gushed!

“‘Well thank you, Linda, I am overjoyed that I can bring such joy to you just by my presence. Thank you, so much! You hide some beautiful goodies under that revealing gown. Small packages are the prize for the night, I take it?

But Millie, you hide your beauty under that drab gown. I am sure that there are beauties to behold when you take it off. We’d love to see you in a negligee that shows off that magnificent body. Linda has a magnificent body, I’ve seen it several times at my pool parties, but she downplays it with modest swimsuits. She would be stunning in one of my bikini thong suits tailored to her beautiful body!

The men would lust after her and the women would be jealous if she’d just let herself go, as it were! You really should try it, Millie, you’d be surprised at what could happen to you!”

“Thank you Jeanne, but I’ve never thought of myself as the gorgeous, sexy woman men seem to lust after.” I said honestly.

“Millie, you are dead wrong there. I consider myself somewhat of a judge of beauty. I will bet you that in one hour, Linda and I can change you into a lady of stunning beauty. Give me just one hour and If I am wrong, I will double your pay next month! Fair enough?” Jeanne said as she took my shoulders gently, leaned down, and kissed my lips softly. A thrill went through me and my mind was in a whirl. But what did I have to lose? If she was wrong I’d get a big raise in pay. Fail and I was would be a new woman! A Win/Win situation!

“OK, one hour and we’ll see who is right or wrong. I’m game. I may have had too much champagne, but I’m game and let the contest begin. Make me beautiful Ladies.”

Quicker than I could imagine Jeanne was on the phone for a couple of minutes then she gave instructions for me to undress and shower quickly and shampoo my hair, then she would do her magic on me!

I went to our shower and Linda had already turned the water on for me and put out the shampoo and a large soft towel. “You don’t mind if I watch do you? I really love you and want to see this transformation Jeanne has planned for you. Too, I just want to see you — totally nude. I’ve dreamed of you many times and see you beautifully naked in my dreams.” She whispered softly.”Now I can see you, the real you, nude! More beautiful than my dreams!”

I stepped into the shower and it was spacious so I left the curtain open. I didn’t mind my best friend seeing me naked. I shampooed my hair in record time and washed my body quickly knowing of Jeanne’s hour limit while Linda took it all in. She handed me a large soft towel when I turned the shower off. She stood looking intently at me from top to bottom.

“God, you are more beautiful than I had imagined. Your body is superb and absolutely so sexy. I know Jeanne will make you even more beautiful and so sexy too. You make my juices flow!” She said as her eyes followed my every move.

I wrapped the towel around my damp body and couldn’t help myself, I quipped,. “‘Flow’ more than Jeanne’s fingers can do keeping you happy?”

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