
Anne And Rose And Me And Sam


My wife, Anne, and I married in August 1999. She was three weeks past her thirty-second birthday; I was just three weeks shy of my thirty-ninth. The early days and nights of our relationship were filled with sex, pretty much vanilla sex but lots of it. Of course, as we got older, along came kids, a new house, and all the other things that seem to get in the way and we made love less frequently. Then Covid hit and the added stresses that came with that meant our intimacy waned even further.I eventually began making notes on a calendar on the rare occasion we actually did fuck. In 2021, we made love a grand total of two times, and neither of those was anything to write home about. Now in my early sixties, I began to have trouble with ED and had always had somewhat of a hair trigger. We had gone from fucking like rabbits every chance we got to twice in a calendar year. Finally, after twenty-two years of marriage, I decided that things needed to change.We are a bit of an odd-looking couple, I’m about 5’ 7”, and she is nearly six feet tall. Neither of us is skinny, some would say we’re fat, but I prefer to say we each have plenty to love. Anne is so beautiful though, so much so it takes my breath away sometimes. It’s not just her cherubic face with her soft grey eyes, button nose, full lips, and easy smile, or her full breasts that even at fifty-four, don’t sag much, or her full round hips and lovely buttocks. It’s her laugh, her kindness and empathy for others, and her ability to make me see things from sides I hadn’t considered.I had often wondered what she sees in stout, old, bald, myopic me. Then I decided that I don’t care why she’s with me, I’m just thrilled that she is.So, to the present day. It was the weekend before Valentine’s Day weekend, and the weather in our part of the world didn’t seem to want to make up its mind whether it was winter or not so we were stuck in a funk of grey, blustery days with rain, snow, or sometimes both. Covid restrictions had shut down or restricted most of our favourite activities so we were in a deep rut, working from home day after day. It was getting depressing. We were sitting on the couch watching some crime show re-run when I asked her if she wanted to do anything for Valentine’s Day, go out to dinner, go to a movie, something. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, “Not especially.”“How about we go downtown, have a nice dinner, and get a hotel room?” I asked. “We haven’t had a lover’s weekend in a long time.” Her eyes brightened somewhat and she agreed. I decided that this was the weekend I was going to go for broke and try to resurrect our love life. I reserved a room at an upscale downtown hotel and made reservations for our favourite pub. Then I got in touch with a female friend of mine, Samantha, whom I trusted to ask her for advice on how to overcome a couple of problems I had been having in recent months. It’s not that I couldn’t get it up, but I was sometimes having trouble keeping it up.She told me about ‘delay gels’ and cock rings that could be used to prolong a man’s erection and delay orgasm. Then we talked about toys. Anne and I had owned a few toys in the past but they kind of fell by the wayside as our lovemaking became less frequent. I had always believed that bigger was better when it came to both cocks and toys. Sam very quickly disabused me of that myth, telling me that the surest way to get a woman to increase her interest in sex is to find her g-spot. I’d heard of it, had spent many hours trying to find my wife’s but was beginning to think it was a myth. Sam told me to meet her at a downtown café and she would get me fixed up.Telling Anne I was going out to run a few errands in preparation for the upcoming weekend, I took a few hours of banked overtime and met Sam the next afternoon. She just smiled and warned me not to go overboard, a nice dinner and a night in a hotel bed would be plenty for her. Boy, was she in for a surprise! I met Sam at the appointed place and time and she took me by the hand and led me down the street a half a block or so to an adult shop. I hadn’t been in one of those shops for years and was surprised that it wasn’t like the tacky, grimy places I had been to when I bought our previous sex toys. It was clean and neat, everything was tastefully displayed and arranged by interest.She greeted the guy behind the counter, “Hi Marshall, my friend here is looking for a g-spot vibrator for him and his wife.” Marshall’s eyes lit up as he sashayed his way over to a display on the opposite wall. He showed us their selection, asked a few questions, and demonstrated how they functioned. Sam said, “I have this one, it is awesome!” My cock started to stiffen at the mental image of my friend, about whom I had fantasized but never dared to go any further, with a lime green toy protruding from her pussy, her head thrown back in ecstasy.“Well,” I said, “on your recommendation, I’ll take that one.” She hopped excitedly and kissed my cheek.“Let her take control of this,” she said, waving it under my nose, “watch how she uses it, she’ll show you how and where she likes it. Play with the modes and speeds and watch her face, it won’t be hard to tell, I promise you!” Taking my hand, she led me to a display stand full of many different bottles of lube.“You will need lots of this,” she said, placing a small bottle in my hand, “always water-based with toys, never silicone-based. Silicone-based is better suited for anal and from what you’ve told me, that is not on the menu.” Early in our relationship, izmit escort when we were still figuring out where the boundaries were, Anne and I had talked about anal. She wasn’t the least bit interested but once, during a particularly vigorous fuck session, I had accidentally slipped into her bum, not just a little, but all the way in. That was the end of our exploration into anal sex right there.“He’ll also be needing a c-ring,” Sam said to Marshall. He led us around a corner and selected one off the wall.“I know it looks small but it’s really stretchy,” he said, selecting one from the display samples. I took it and looked at it, then Sam grabbed it and slid it down over my thumb.“For most guys, if it fits snugly over your thumb, it’s big enough,” she said, “again, use lots of lube.” I nodded my head. “The old myth about the size of a man’s feet being an indication of how well endowed he is, that’s a lie. Look at his thumbs!”“How do you know all this stuff?” I asked her.“Do you really want to know?” she asked, laughing. I decided I did not, glad that she had just given me more fuel for my fantasies. I paid for my purchases and we left. I walked her back to her car and thanked her profusely for her help and advice. “No problem,” she said as she kissed my cheek, leaving a lipstick print. Wiping it off, she added, “Details, I want details.” She hugged me, pressing her much younger breasts against me, “All the details.” She winked at me, wiggled her fingers goodbye, and drove off.Finally, the big day came, I had done some more research on the web, picked up some flowers, sparkling wine, and Anne’s favourite treat, and packed a suitcase including her red silk nightie that I love so much, she looks so hot in it. I had arranged with the hotel to have an early check-in so I drove downtown while she was at her mid-day exercise class to get everything set up. At about 4:00 PM, we left home for the hotel.When she entered the room, she stopped and just looked around at the flowers, the wine in the chiller, the chocolate-covered treats she likes, she turned to me and said, “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble you know. You are getting laid tonight regardless.” She kissed me softly.“I figured that,” I kissed her again, “but there are some things I want to talk about, some questions I want to ask you.” She nodded in agreement and we went inside. She declined a glass of wine for the moment, climbing onto the king-sized bed, she patted the space beside her. I crawled up next to her and we started making out. I slid my hand down to her crotch when she stopped me.“So, let’s talk,” she said, “then we’ll see where this goes.”“Well, you know I’ve always had a bit of a hair-trigger,” I said, somewhat ashamed, “the last couple times we made love, I didn’t even get inside you before I came. That can’t have been much fun for you.” She shook her head no.“Have I ever complained?” she asked.“No, but you deserve better,” I said, “I want to give you that roll your eyes up, ball up the sheets in your fists, scream for me to stop, soak the sheets orgasm.” She hugged me tightly. “And I have some ideas how we might make that happen, but we’ll have to work together.”“I want that too,” she breathed, kissing me hard.“Remember the night after your work Christmas party, when we went to that B&B?” I asked. She nodded. “Remember we were doing a sixty-nine, and I was fucking you with that big dildo we used to have?” She nodded again. “Remember squirting all over my face? I thought you had peed on me!”“I do remember that,” she whispered, “Is that what you want? For me to squirt all over you? Because I don’t think I can do that anymore. That’s one reason I don’t enjoy sex as much as I used to, my natural lubrication isn’t what it used to be.”“I want,” I replied, kissing her gently, “for you to have that kind of orgasm every time we make love. So,” I reached into the nightstand, taking out a little bag with the toys and accessories I had bought, “I went to the toy store and bought a few things.” I took the items out one at a time. Picking up the small bottle of lube, I said, “This will help with the dryness problem.” She took it from me, putting a dab on her fingertip and rubbing it. “It’s tasteless and it won’t stain the sheets.” She licked it off her finger and shrugged, handing it back to me.Next, I took up a small bottle with a pump on top. “This is delay gel,” I explained, “we put it on me about fifteen minutes before we have sex, it numbs my penis so I won’t come so quickly.”“Won’t it numb me as well?” she asked.“Not if we wash me off before we start,” I said. She looked at the small bottle and shrugged. Then I retrieved the c-ring, “This goes onto the base of my penis. It traps the blood inside so I stay harder longer. It works with the gel to delay my orgasm as well.” She took it from me stretching it out. “It will also make me a bit longer and thicker,” I added.Anne looked at me and smiled “Sweetheart, size isn’t everything. You know, most women don’t want ten inches of cock pounding into them.” She rarely says the word ‘cock’ so it sounded a bit strange to my ears, “believe me, you are well equipped, and,” she reached out to rub my cock through my pants, “you do know how to use it. If we can figure out the quick draw thing, that would be just fine.” She kissed me again softly, flicking her tongue across my lips.“But I’m not done,” I said, taking out the vibrator, “this is for us to use to see if we can find your g-spot.”“I know exactly where my g-spot is,” yahya kaptan escort she said, her eyes twinkling, “and you don’t need a ten-inch dildo to find it. I never really liked that thing you know, I only let you use it because I thought that was what you wanted.” I was dumbfounded.“But you always seemed to enjoy it,” I said, “I know it made you come a few times.”“That was your lips and your tongue that made me come,” she said quietly, “the dildo helped but I was always sore afterward. Like I said not all women want ten inches.”“Well then,” I replied, holding up the vibrator, “you don’t want to try this?”“We’ll try it,” she stated frankly, “who knows?” Her smile gave away her eagerness. “Are those all the questions you had?”I shook my head no. “I have a few others. Do you remember the first time you went down on me, you let me finish in your mouth? Any chance of that happening again?” She shook her head.“Do you remember what I said afterward? That if you ever want me to take you in my mouth again you won’t let that happen?” Her stern look said it all. Okay, I figured, a swing and a miss.“Fair enough,” I said, “I’ve always said I’d never ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.” She smiled at me and nodded as if to say thank you. I continued, “When we use that ring, it’s easier if my pubic hair is trimmed and the area where it fits is shaved clean. The added bonus is that it makes me look bigger!” She raised one eyebrow and started giggling. “When you see me, do not laugh. The cruellest thing a woman can do to a man is to laugh when she sees his cock!” I started laughing along with her, the bed shook until we started to calm down.“I promise,” she said, placing her hand over her heart, “I won’t laugh. Can I at least smile?”“I can not think of a finer compliment than to have the woman I love smile when she sees my cock, all five and a half glorious inches of it!” We collapsed into laughter again for a few minutes, and when we calmed down, she spoke.“For the record, I think your cock is beautiful, all five-and-a-half glorious inches of it!” She gave me another squeeze. “Anything else?”“As a matter of fact,” she sighed, exasperatedly, “I have a couple more things. Would you let me trim your down-there hair? You know, so it doesn’t get caught up in the ring when I’m inside you?”“Of course,” she said, matter-of-factly, “why wouldn’t I? I’ve tried trimming my ‘down-there hair’, as you put it, but I would think it would be easier for someone else to do it.” Anne’s bush is full and thick, she had only ever trimmed her bikini line during the summer, but she had never gone full Brazilian.“Really? You would let me do that? I figured that one would be a hard no,” I said, surprised. “One last request.”“What would that be?” she asked.“I know you don’t masturbate much,” I started, Anne put her hand up to stop me.“How do you know that?” she asked, “You have no idea how much I masturbate when you’re not around.” I was a little surprised by that statement.“All right, that makes this a little easier,” I continued. “Would you let me watch you masturbate?”She thought for a minute. “So, like a live show? Let me think about that one.” She looked at her watch, “We don’t have time before our dinner reservation. Let’s go have dinner and then we’ll come back here. We can take a soak in that great bug tub in there, you can shave whatever you want, and then we’ll try out our new toys.” She kissed me passionately, rubbing my cock with one hand, taking my hand in her other one, and guiding it to her pussy. “I’m going to show you such a good time!” she whispered as she got off the bed. I could hardly wait.The pub was only a few blocks from the hotel and it was the nicest February day we had seen in years, sunny, calm, and warm for the time of year. We held hands as we walked, she leaned over to me, “When we get back to the hotel, there’s a couple of questions I have for you.” She squeezed my hand hard, stopping me and kissing me, drawing my tongue into her mouth. “And I have a confession to make.”“You can’t leave it like that!” I cried softly, “how am I supposed to think with that hanging?”“You’re not supposed to think,” she said wickedly, “do you trust me?”“Of course,” I said, “I trust you completely.”“You’ll like what I have to say, I promise,” she took my hand again and we continued to the pub.Dinner was great but I found it excruciating to have to wait until we got back to the hotel to hear what my darling wife had to say, particularly about her confession. Had she had an affair? Had she changed her mind about things that she had previously refused to do in the bedroom? The suspense was killing me. I of course rushed through dinner, she prolonged the agony by lingering over the dessert menu and asking for a second glass of wine after our meal. “Patience,” she mouthed to me as she just smiled enigmatically. “Isn’t the band good? Maybe we should stay and listen for a while?”Ordinarily, I would be all for that but on this night, all I wanted was to get back to the hotel. She finally relented, I paid our dinner bill and we set out to walk back. The sun had set while we were at dinner and there was a chill in the air. We put our arms around each others’ backs as we walked, arriving back at the hotel in about ten minutes.“You go on up,” Anne said, “open up that wine, I’ll be up in a minute.” I think she was enjoying my torture. I went up to the room, popped open the wine, and poured a couple of glasses. I was just finishing brushing gebze escort my teeth when I hear the door open. Anne was carrying a small bag and a gift box, the sort that you might put a sweater or blouse in when giving it as a gift, it had a deep blue ribbon around it, tied in a bow.I looked at her quizzically, “Patience,” she said, “you will like this, I promise.” She kissed me before pushing me out of the washroom, closing and locking the door behind her. I busied myself, taking our toys and stuff out of the silk bag and arranging them on the nightstand. I downed my glass of wine and poured another and was looking out the window at the harbour view when I heard the washroom door open.Anne was standing, leaning against the door frame dressed in a deep blue bustier with lace panels on the front and sides, stockings of the same colour held up by straps attached to it. A thong of the same colour covered her bush, which I knew that in a very short while would be removed to reveal a smooth and slick pussy. Her breasts pillowed out the top and looked so inviting, I just wanted to go over to her and bury my face in their softness. She had put on makeup, not a lot, just enough to accent her features, her lips were painted a deep red. On her feet were black heels, making her at least four inches taller, she walked over, towering over me, I almost came in my pants looking at her, she was so gorgeous.“You like?” she whispered, leaning way down to nuzzle my earlobe. She knows I melt when she does that.“I like,” I croaked, “you look amazing! I thought you weren’t into lingerie?”“I wasn’t,” she said, looking down at me imposingly, “until you introduced me to Sam.”“Sam?” My friend Samantha?” I was curious where this was going.“Yes, that Sam,” she said. “She called me on Wednesday, told me you were up to something, and invited me to go shopping with her to get you something special.” She kissed me again, “I wasn’t sure at first but now that I have these, I really like them, they make me feel sexy!”I held her close, “They make you look sexy,” I said, “you always look sexy to me but this… WOW!” I pulled her head down and kissed her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth, and she returned in kind. She was never much for French kissing but tonight she was different. “So, about this confession,” I said.“Can you wait just a little bit longer?” she asked, “Please, it will be worth it, I promise.” I conceded.“How about I go fill the tub and we get on with the plan we talked about before dinner?” I suggested. Anne nodded, taking a sip from her wine glass.I got the tub going and when I turned, I saw that Anne had laid out everything I would need to shave her pussy. A can of ladies’ shaving cream, a razor, and clippers were laid out on a towel on the vanity. Beside them were a bath bomb and a note, “Put this is the bath”, it was signed with a heart and a red lip print. The tub was pretty big so I knew it would take some time to fill so I went back out into the bedroom, Anne was sitting in the lounge chair, her phone in her hand. “Just checking some emails,” she said, hiding her screen from my view.“Why do I get the feeling you just told me a white lie?” I asked.She smiled her brightest, broadest smile and simply said, “Patience sweetheart, we’ll get there.” She was definitely up to something. I took her hand and led her to the bathroom, undressing her as the tub finished filling. It seemed a shame to take those sexy clothes from her body but even I knew this was not something you got wet for no reason. She took the tools from the vanity and placed them on the edge of the tub, I could see her pussy when she bent over, little droplets were clinging to her hair, like morning dew on the grass. I held her hand as she climbed into the tub, getting in behind her so her back was against my chest. I soaped her front, paying particular attention to her nipples and her pussy, she was ready by this time.She leaned forward so I could wash her back then she turned around to wash me as I had done her. All through this, we were kissing each other all over, I was as hard as I had ever been, it would not take very much at all for me to spurt my come all over.The tub had been built in so it was sunken into a platform so it had quite a wide ledge. She got up and sat on the ledge, spreading her legs wide and running her fingers through her bush. “Bye-bye down-there hair,” she said before looking at me. “I’m all yours,” she said. Taking the clippers, I carefully trimmed her hair down to a fine fuzz. I opened her legs wider so I could get at all of it, then reached for the shaving cream using it to cover her genitals. Taking the razor, I carefully removed the remaining hair, taking particular care around her lips, the last thing I wanted was to nick or cut her. When I was finished, I rinsed her off, running my fingers over the entire area to do an in-depth inspection of my work.Anne ran her fingers over herself as well, slipping a finger inside herself, inhaling deeply as she brushed her clit. She removed her finger and placed it against her lip, licking it clean. I thought you didn’t like to masturbate?” I asked. She stuck her finger back inside herself and offered it to me to clean off her wetness.“People change as they get older,” she replied with a smile. “That’s not the only thing that has changed.” I ran my hand between her legs and found a few hairs on either side of her perineum that I had missed.“Turn around,” I said, “I missed a few.” She turned around and stuck her beautiful round ass out as I took the razor and cleaned them off. I ran my fingers along her pussy again, getting them slick so I could lick them off, pausing to run one fingertip across her bud anus. She twitched as my finger passed across it, I wondered if that was one of the changes she talked about.

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