
Another Homerun


It’s Saturday and I am feeling fantastic. I’m happier, more alive and feeling younger than have in years. I owe this to you. Knowing you has brought that zest for life crashing back into my world. I say crashing because it hit me all at once; completely unexpected but welcomed all the same. For months we have gone on and on, getting a little closer, pretending to be just friends, but the game has come to its last inning. I say either we hit a homerun tonight or I am hanging up my cleats. It’s funny how baseball always comes to mind when thinking of you.

Just as I apply that last stroke of lipstick I hear the doorbell ring. I straighten up and smooth the wrinkles out of my skirt hoping it will make it look a little longer. I purposely chose short but don’t want you to know that just yet. One last glance in the mirror and I blow it a fast kiss, my subtle way of suggesting this is the last time I will see this sweet, innocent girl.

Taking a deep breath I open the door to find you standing there looking impressively tall and masculine. The extra grooming time proves fruitful for I am rewarded with a nod of approval and eyes that smile excitedly back at me. Your thick, black hair still wet, falls wonderfully around your tanned face. I am so tempted to run my fingers through it, to place my lips on your mouth and welcome you the way I really want to but I have been meditating on being cool and insist on remaining in control. One day I hope to be able to touch you without hesitation, no longer concerned about whether or not I will scare you away.

It was not my plan to give into you the second you rang my doorbell, quite the contrary. I expected at least a minute or two of total composure before coming apart and blowing my calm, sleek outer appearance. Inside I was shaking, wanting so bad to let you know how I feel without having to come out and say it. It’s not considered Alanya Escort Bayan chic to melt at the very sight of a man but it never fails, one look at you and I am reduced to a babbling teenager. I am not a fool, I usually don’t beat around the bush but I’ve never understood the effect you have on me.

A soft breeze is flowing and I get a whiff of your cologne. I’m so tempted to invade your personal space, forget all this cool, calm, collective stuff. Whoever said it’s impolite to be too close to another person is obviously not accustomed to being in your presence. Feeling your breath in my face is about the most polite thing I can think of today. People just can’t get enough of you, well certainly this person can’t. I find myself fighting just to stand my ground, safely two feet away from you, God only knows I want to be close enough to feel your body heat radiating towards me leaving me in need of another cold shower.

I mumble my hellos and wait for you to answer but instead you reach over and pull me into you. At first I think I should back up and resist but your arms are fearless as you take firm possession of my body like you own it. I feel your hands all over me. The thought that the door is still open and you’re barely off of my porch seems to evade me. All I can think of now is that I want you and this is my moment to claim you. Your mouth covers my lips and I catch the door with the back of my heel. It slams shut. The noise still ringing in my ears as your body presses impossibly closer into me.

You corner me against the wall, trapped in place by your hands on either side of me. I can feel you, I mean really feel you. I have no desire to get away but you won’t budge. I have to admit this little display of dominion turns me on further. You’re not embarrassed by your need. Watching you reminds me of a proud peacock displaying Alanya Escort its mass array of feathers. Finally you step back and I feel you undress me with your eyes.

Your hands wander excitedly over me, tracing every curve. It as if you fear I’ll stop you if you don’t proceed quickly. My nipples become anxious as the fabric stands in the way of your naked fingers. You’ll have free reign as soon as I can get my blouse unbuttoned. I fumble like I’ve never removed a shirt before. My desire is beginning to boil and the more I try to undo the more that damn hole clings to the button. To hell with this lady like display of disrobing, I grab my shirt and pull it quickly over my head throwing it angrily to the floor. I stand before you in a black lace bra and matching skirt, feeling completely confident in my own skin, wanting desperately for you to take me.

You slip your hands under and pull my skirt up around my waist. Slowly you kneel and I feel your breath getting hotter as it approaches me. Your skin is warm and your face glows with passion. I watch as your teeth clench the strap of my panties and tug them down all the while your hot breath drives me nuts running down the inside of my legs. Panties fall to my ankles and I step out of them. My head falls back as I arch forward, hair falling free in a reckless mess of curls. Wearing it like this makes me feel wild and wild is what I crave at the moment. I am aware in this position I’m practically pushing my sex into your face but don’t care. I want to feel your mouth on me and you inside of me. I am willing to beg audibly but find that showing you physically gets desired results much faster.

You stop for a moment and look up at me. Your _expression burns a permanent place in my memory. I have wanted you for so long it’s almost a shame to let it happen. Not that I will regret it, but all the waiting, Escort Alanya all the desiring has kept me fueled for months. It has been a constant wave of passion. Over and over I have dreamed about what you feel like, what you taste like, what falling asleep in your arms will be like, and now well now it is here. What if tomorrow it’s all gone? What if we realize it was just lust, just… you interrupt my thoughts with a soft flicker gently stroking at my lips, stroking away the worry, replacing thoughts with knowledge. You are definitely here now, no regrets, no silly sentiments. I am going to let you in, completely in.

I let my fingers run through your hair as you continue to run your tongue through my folds, gently caressing me, making sure I am unable to concentrate on anything else. I can no longer resist you and my body takes over. Wave after wave of passion sweeps over me and I’m no longer composed. I am feral and free and so grateful to you for bringing me here. Pressure is building from within. My legs twitch and my hips buck in and out involuntarily as my body wants to be engulfed by your mouth. All I feel is you, all I want is you. Over and over I feel release shooting through my veins. I never knew it could be like this.

Slowly you part my legs and I watch as you let yourself in. Very gently at first, like you’re taking a quiet stroll down at the park, observing everything. Is it me you see? You won’t close your eyes. You remain completely focused as you slide in and then out, picking up the pace, completing the rhythm. My body joins you in perfect accord. It’s amazing that you are making love to me and fucking me all at once. I always thought it impossible but with each thrust, each passionate kiss, I feel you, I mean really feel you. Not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally. You are in every corner of my soul.

Better than any thought, more real than any fantasy and I love laying here with you. As I reach that place of freedom again I know it is not only my body you’ve invaded but my mind. One more look in your eyes and I’m assured the game is over, we’ve made it to the World Series and I am flying high.

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