
April Fools Daddy


“Daddy, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Andrew closed the screen on his laptop, adjusted his clothes hastily, and spun his chair towards the bedroom door.

After one last check that nothing inappropriate was showing, he responded. “Of course, April. Come on in.”

As his daughter entered the room, Andrew couldn’t help but notice her outfit. Not that he was prudish, and he generally understood that modern fashion trends allowed for more form fitting and revealing attire. But the pink cropped tee-shirt that, while covering her pert, round breasts, left her well toned midriff bare, along with the matching yoga pants that conformed to every curve of her hips and legs, still made him feel like he shouldn’t be seeing her this way. Especially after what he’d just been watching on his computer.

He quickly set those thoughts aside when he saw the concern on her face. “What’s wrong, hun?”

April sat on the bed, struggling to face him. “I wanted to…oh, God, this is so hard…”

“You’re not pregnant, are you???”

April laughed, her tension eased somewhat. “No, no, nothing like that. Sorry, I’m not trying to freak you out. Everything is okay, I’m okay, it’s just…a little embarrassing to talk about, I guess.”

“Well, unless you want your old man’s blood pressure higher than it already is, I suggest you just spit it out. I’m your father. Whatever it is, I’ll understand.”

April nodded. Taking a deep breath, she began. “First, I wanted to say thank you for all your help and support with getting me into college. I know it hasn’t been easy for you or Mom.”

“Of course, hun. But you did most of the hard work; getting good enough grades for a full scholarship saved us a ton of money.”

“Yeah, about that,” April flushed. “I, um… okay, there’s only one way to do this. I didn’t get a FULL scholarship. Just a partial one. And I’m not working at the bookstore part time to help pay the other expenses.”

Andrew was flabbergasted. “I don’t understand. What are you telling me, April?”

April’s face grew still redder as she confessed. “I am working, Dad. As a, well, a model. Online.”


“Yes. An ADULT model.”

Andrew sat stone faced, stunned. “You mean PORN???”

“No, not exactly,” said April, “I have an Only Fans account. Do you know what that is?”

Andrew knew, all too well. And he was intimately familiar with the kind of content the women there provided. “I’ve…heard of it.”

April nodded. “I sell adult content there. Mostly just photos and …videos.”

“April, I…I have to know. Why? If you needed more money, you could have come to me! We could have figured it out, together. You didn’t have to… sell yourself, sell your dignity, degrade yourself like that!”

“It’s not degrading!” April snapped. “You and mom taught me sex shouldn’t be seen as sinful or wrong! That women should be free and empowered to make their own choices with their bodies, and their lives!”

“Yes, but we didn’t exactly expect you to become a porn star either! What if your mother finds out? Your grandparents? What about your future, when you’re trying to get a job and…”

“Daddy, relax,” April cut in. “I’ve gone through great lengths to protect my privacy. I never show my full face. I wear masks and wigs, even colored contacts. And I don’t use my real name, of course. I made up a fake one. Anyone subscribed to my profile only knows me as ‘Honey Bee.'”

Andrew felt like he’d been gut punched. “Did you say…’Honey Bee?'”

“Yes,” April blushed. “I know, it’s kinda silly. But you know I’ve been obsessed with them since I was a kid. It’s why I’m studying to be an entomologist. I wanna help save the bees and our environment.”

Andrew stood, almost knocking his chair over in his haste. “I need a minute.”

Dashing from the room, he made it down the hall to the bathroom just in time to empty his breakfast into the bowl.

Splashing cold water on his face, he considered the pallid reflection looking back at him in the mirror.

“Honey Bee,” he whispered. “My daughter is Honey Bee.”

Andrew had been subscribed to the profile of the young woman he knew only by the name “Honey Bee” for the past eight months. Just After April had left for college.

How could he not have known? Sure, she wore disguises. But how could he not have recognized her eyes? Her nose? Her smile? Her full, red lips?

“Maybe of escort because those lips were too busy wrapped around those big, rubber dildos she sucks in her videos,” he thought, his gorge rising again.

Andrew splashed more water on his face, slurping down handfuls as he tried to steady himself enough to keep from collapsing in a hysterical heap to the floor.

He’d watched his own daughter, paid to watch her in fact, as she’d masturbated, simulated blowjobs on silicone cocks, fucked herself with them, bringing herself to moaning orgasms again and again in multiple videos.

He’d ejaculated, countless times, imagining her ruby red lips over his swollen cock, slurping and drooling, her beautiful eyes gazing up at him from behind her mask, filled with lust and desire as her silky sweet voice begged for his hot cum to splatter across her sweet face or empty deep into her eager throat.

He’d regularly jerked off watching her pound her tight, gorgeously plump pussy with a variety of sex toys, or frig herself frantically with her fingers while a vibrator buzzed away over her clit.

He’d drooled at the sight of her sticky white cream as it oozed from her pink hole like, well, …honey.

But it was worse than that. Far worse.

Because he didn’t just watch. He’d sent messages. Flirted. Sexted with her. Told her repeatedly how hot, how sexy she was, how hard she’d always made him.

He’d even showed her. Sent her tips to look at and rate pictures of his cock. Sent her a video clip of himself cumming to her image.

And she’d responded. Oh, how she’d responded. Telling him how much she loved it, how big and hard and beautiful it was. How she wanted to deep throat it until she gagged. How she wanted it inside her, filling her. FUCKING her.

“Thank God I never sent my face,” he thought crazily.

It had been all in fun, of course. Nothing but a little harmless fantasy. A way to make up for the listless state of his real sex life, to satisfy the desires and cravings his wife no longer would. To make up for the utter lack of frequency, spontaneity, and excitement in their couplings.

His wife Carol never swallowed his cum, or took a load to her face with joy and lust in her eye, or rode his cock reverse cowgirl style with a rose gemmed buttplug up her ass while calling him “Daddy.”

But “Honey Bee” did. She did that and so, so much more.

Her favorite sex toy simulated male orgasm, squirting reams of white goo on demand to splatter her face and lips. It wasn’t real semen, but whatever it consisted of must have been edible, because she always slurped it up greedily.

He’d once paid her for a custom video of her performing on this toy, pretending to be his innocent, virgin daughter, asking “Daddy” to teach her about blowjobs. It was still his favorite video to watch, and he’d always time his own orgasm to sync with the perfectly acted look of shock and surprise on her face as the realistic phallus she’d been so enthusiastically sucking “suddenly” erupted it’s load in her mouth, globs of fake spunk oozing from her lips to dribble messily down her chin as her eyes went wide with innocent confusion.

Then there was the time he’d purchased the twenty four hour “Girlfriend Experience.” The package included multiple text messages and role-playing throughout the day, along with picture swapping and video clips of her going through her daily routine; showering, dressing, upskirt panty flashes while eating at a restaurant, trying on clothes at a store, peeing in a public restroom, and several masturbation clips. All while pretending to be his girlfriend, of course. And calling him by name when she came.

“Fuck,” Andrew thought, again feeling panic grip him, “I gave her my first name!”

But it got worse. Because he’d also availed himself of yet another of her other premium services.

He’d purchased her worn panties. Her sexy, smelly, cream filled panties. Panties he’d paid her to wear for two days, to masturbate in, several times, filming herself while doing so. Panties she’d creamed in repeatedly while moaning his name, her adorable pink flower dripping nectar into the absorbent cotton garment.

Panties he’d sniffed while jerking his raging cock, inhaling her young, fresh scent over and over, licking her still moist cream from the damp gusset, savoring her musky flavor, watching the video of her onikişubat escort rubbing herself while wearing them on a repeated loop while edging himself till he could take no more.

Panties he still kept, hidden away in a shoebox in his closet, sealed in a Ziplock baggie.

He’d given her a P.O. box for the mailing address, not wanting his wife to discover the package should they arrive before he got home from work. But it was still a local address.

“She…she can’t KNOW, can she?”

Andrew played back every exchange they’d had in his head, trying to recall any possible slip ups that might have clued his daughter to the fact that one of her best customers was her own father.

“If she’s figured it out, wouldn’t she have said something?”

Perhaps not. Maybe she was too embarrassed. Or maybe her confession was her way of trying to put an end to it without outright telling him she knew.

“She could have just canceled my account and blocked me.” That would certainly have made more sense than coming to him to reveal her secret.

Once he’d finally convinced himself there was no possible way April knew he had actually purchased and viewed her content, Andrew composed himself enough to exit the bathroom.

Still, he took one last deep breath before rejoining his daughter.

“You okay, Dad?” April looked genuinely concerned. “Look, I’m truly sorry this has upset you so much. But I hated lying to you, and figured it would be better for you to find out now than later.”

Andrew sat back in his chair, doing his best to maintain his composure. “I’m…I’m glad you did. I can’t say I’m happy about your choice, or that I approve. But you’re an adult now, and it’s your choice to make. Just please, promise me you’ll be careful.”

Suddenly, an inspiration hit him that, hopefully, might throw her off the scent. He quickly added, “You don’t work with anyone else, do you? Guys in the…same line of business, or anything?”

April shook her head quickly. “No. I don’t film with other people. It’s all just me. No one else is involved in any way. No one else even knows about it, not even my friends or roomies. You’re the only person I’ve told.”

Andrew knew this already, of course. None of her videos had featured another sex partner, male or female. Still, he let out an audible sigh of relief. “Good. That’s good. Are you planning on telling your mother?”

April pondered for a moment. “I… I don’t know. Should we?”

Andrew pretended to think it over for a moment, not wanting his reply to seem too hasty. But there was absolutely no way he’d want Carol finding out about this. No way in hell.

“No. No, I don’t think we should. You know your mother, she’ll worry even worse than me. And she’s got enough things stressing her out right now. This whole thing with your aunt and all.”

Carol had been busy the past several weeks, taking care of her sister Jane, who’d been very ill. She was finally recovering, but Carol still spent a lot of time visiting. In fact, she was going to be spending the rest of the weekend there.

“You’re probably right,” April agreed. “Thanks for being so understanding about all this. I know it can’t be easy on you. But I promise I’ll be careful, and discreet. It’s just until I graduate and get a job. I promise, as soon as I don’t need the money anymore, I’ll quit.”

“Fair enough,” Andrew said solemnly.

April stood from the bed. Andrew rose to meet her embrace. “Love you, Dad,” she said softly. “I’m glad I can talk to you.”

“Of course. I’m always here for you, you know that.”

“Still love me?”


With a smile and a peck on his cheek, April turned to leave.

She stopped just at the door. “Oh, by the way; are we still on for tonight?”

Andrew turned back to her, startled. “Wh…what?”

April gave him a sly, knowing smile. “The live Webcam show tonight. The one you confirmed you’d be attending? The one you signed up for as soon as you knew mom would be gone all weekend?”

Every drop of blood drained from his face. “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

April’s grin grew wider. “Of course you do, Daddy. You messaged me just yesterday about it. You really shouldn’t use your regular email address for that kind of thing. It’s pretty easy to create a burner account, ya know.”

Andrew’s head swam. He had to sit ordu escort down to keep from falling over. “How…how long have you…?”

April stood in the doorway, her gaze intense. “The first nude pic you sent me. Your face wasn’t in it, but I recognized the bedroom. Our family portrait was right in the background, I mean seriously!”

Andrew stared at her, wide eyed. “And yet…and yet you…you let me keep texting you. Messaging you. You messaged me back. Sending me… I sent you… oh, God, why didn’t you say something? Stop me?”

April shrugged. “Why should I have? Your money is as good as anyone else’s.”

Andrew was enraged. “April! How could you? Do you have any idea how wrong…”

“April Fools, Daddy.”

Her words hit him like a bullet. “WHAT???”

“I’m not ‘Honey Bee.’ I was joking. Check the calendar.”

Andrew was stunned. “You were JOKING? But…but…WHY? Why would you do such a horrible thing like that to me?”

April’s grin slowly faded. “I found your account when I borrowed your laptop the other day. Like I said, you really need to be more careful. Delete your browser history, use Incognito Mode. Sign out when you’re finished, for crying out loud.

“Imagine if Mom had found it instead of me. Imagine if she’d discovered you’d been sexting constantly with a young woman the same age as your daughter, one who looked almost exactly like her. Was that just a coincidence, Dad? Or do you have some deep seated incestuous perversion I should know about?”

When her father didn’t answer, she continued. “Look, I get it. Mom hasn’t been fulfilling your needs. You made that abundantly clear in all those messages you sent. And I suppose technically, it’s not cheating, since you weren’t actually having sex with her. Just a harmless bit of fantasy, right?

“But after I found it, I couldn’t help but think how destroyed Mom would be if she read about how ‘disappointing’ and ‘boring’ she was in bed, or how she was too busy taking care of everybody else to satisfy your needs. You two may have your problems, and I’m not being judgemental about you finding another outlet for your urges. But she doesn’t deserve to be hurt like that, Dad.

“So I decided to teach you a little lesson. Have your harmless, kinky fun, enjoy it. But for God’s sake, don’t disrespect Mom like that, and be more mindful about covering your tracks in the future.”

Andrew wept openly. “April, I’m so, so sorry. I love your mother, I truly do. And I never, ever would want to hurt her. We’ve been… struggling with intimacy issues lately, yes. But I’d never cheat on her. It was just an outlet, a way to relieve my frustrations, an escapist fantasy. Nothing more, I swear.”

“I know,” April replied, her tone more sympathetic. “And that’s why I won’t say anything to her about it. Just, please, promise me you’ll be more careful.”

Andrew nodded gratefully. “Thank you. And you’re right. I’ve obviously been very…sloppy.”

Finding the strength to stand, he tentatively approached his daughter. “April, I’m really sorry you had to see all that. I can’t imagine how… awkward, it must have been.”

Taking her in his arms, he embraced her tightly. “I promise you, I’ll be more careful. And I’m going to work harder to improve things with your mother; to be more sympathetic and understanding, more patient with her.”

Meeting her eyes, he continued, “I also promise you this; Honey Bee may look like you, and I know you probably saw our…well, our role-play texts. But I swear, I was never thinking of YOU. Just because someone has a little fantasy doesn’t mean, well, he actually wants, you know, THAT. It was just make believe. Nothing more.”

April smiled kindly. “I know, Daddy. You’ve always been a good father. You may be a little… kinky, but I know deep down you’re not a creep.”

Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Now I’m the one grateful you’re so understanding.”

April nodded. “You’re welcome.”

She turned as if to leave, but again, paused. “It’s too bad, though, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

April again gave that odd, knowing grin. “Well, like I said; I’m not Honey Bee. But… I could be. If you wanted me to.”

She dropped him a slow, sly wink.

Andrew’s jaw dropped. “WHAT???”

“April Fools! Got you again!”

Laughing, April fled the room, slamming the door behind her.


This story was written as part of the April Fools Contest 2023.

If you enjoyed it, please rate accordingly.

If you hated it, well, just remember:

I gave away the ending, right there in the title. You should have seen it coming.

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