
Athens Queen


Athens QueenOur last day in Greece, in a taxi on the way from the ferry to thehotel we’d be staying in before our flight. (Never, never, never,trust the Greek ferry schedule to get you to Athens in time for aninternational flight, always go the day before!) My daughter sittingnext to me, my wife next to her, my mother-in-law and the Greek taxidriver in the front seat.We stopped at a traffic light and I looked over. In bright blue andwhite neon, the sign in English said, “Cabaret” and then on the secondline, “Athens Queens”. My mind wandered. Could it be a drag club?With a name like that, I couldn’t imagine anything else. Sadly I knewI’d never find out. The light turned green, we drove another quarterof a mile and then stopped.I looked up; we were in front of our hotel! The club was less than aminute’s walk away, when I looked back, I could actually see the palmtrees from each side of the entrance blowing in the breeze. All Icould think about was how I was going to get into that club.We paid the driver, loaded our bags on our backs and walked into thelobby of the hotel. My mind was already racing, trying to figure outan angle. As we waited for the key to our room, my daughter began tolose hold on the good behavior that she’d maintained all day, she wastired, hungry, and had thrown up on the ferry.I knew from the last time we’d been here, that the street behind thehotel had a little pocket of American fast-food outlets. McDonalds,Wendy’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (they delivered!) Dunkin Donuts, andeven an Applebee’s. I said quickly, “Once were checked in, let me goget her something to eat, maybe eating some food will calm her down.”In a few minutes I was back in the lobby and heading to the clubinstead of McDonalds, I wanted to walk by, and see if I could find outif it was the kind of club I was hoping it was. I hesitated as Iwalked by, from the outside I couldn’t tell, and it was still way tooearly for it to be open. I continued walking, turned the corner andwalked to McDonalds. I almost fell down as I turned the corner. AFridays had opened in the last year! I walked past it, and anotherpiece of my plan fell into place.I hurried into McDonalds, bought a Tarzan happy meal and returned tothe room. My daughter looked completely fried, but brightened onseeing the yellow and red box of the happy meal. She dug in, andalmost started to pass out. All of us were exhausted, but she was theleast equipped to handle it.We had planned to go to the `placa’ our last night. (An amalgam ofbazaar streets at the base of the Acropolis that sold everything fromWWF t-shirts in Greek to Lenox china. It also had some goodrestaurants for casual `last-night’ eating. I knew from looking at herthat there was no way my daughter was going to make it anywhere.”Why don’t the two of you go, enjoy some last night mother-daughterbonding and I’ll stay here with her.” I said pointing to mydaughter. My plan was incubating! They agreed and 45 minutes laterthey were out the door, with the quiet in the room my daughter fellasleep almost instantly.Before she left, my wife had reminded me, “Don’t sleep now, or you’llnever sleep tonight, and then you’ll be a wreck on the plane.””I’ll try not to.” I smiled. We both knew I’d be napping about fiveminutes after our daughter went to sleep. It took much more than fiveminutes to fall asleep but only because I was fixated on the club. Iwas incredibly excited. I hadn’t been to a gay club in almost tenyears. When younger, I’d always considered myself bisexual, oncemarried, my outlet for these desires were buddy booths andmasturbation. Most times in the booths I would only go for jacking offthe stranger, a few times I’d blown the guy, and once I’d straddledthe guys cock and got a good hard ass fucking. But that had beenalmost five years before.I finally drifted off to sleep. Hours later I heard the door lockingand my wife and mother-in-law came in with a few bags. I heard herwhisper, “See I told you he would be sleeping, lets try to keep itquiet and maybe he’ll stay asleep.” This was the critical part of myplan; it was a battle of wills not to fall back asleep as I playedpossum. I snuck a peek at my watch without anyone noticing. About ahalf an hour later, the lights went out and my wife climbed intobed. Now it was a real struggle to stay awake. When she was snoringlightly,I climbed out of bed and grabbed my jeans and a shirt and tiptoed intothe bathroom. I closed the door, turned on the light and got dressed,I brushed my teeth, ran a brush through my hair and before turning offthe light left a note taped to the mirror. “You were right, now Ican’t sleep I’m gonna see how that Fridays is, maybe some Europeanfootball will be on and I’ll get sleepy after a few beers” I stuck itto the mirror and slipped the key into my pocket. I closed the door,locked it and looked at my watch. I had at least two hours.I approached the club nervously; I could hear the music fromoutside. I asked the guy at the door how much and he held up twofingers. I handed him two thousand Drachmas. (About $5.50 American)and walked in. The stage was little more than an eight-foot circlewith two chrome poles in the middle. There were about seven rows ofseats around the stage and a few tables with chairs set farther back.The place was a little over half-full. From what I could see it wasmostly really young local guys from Athens and older tourists likemyself. I walked to the bar, and asked for a Mythos. (Probably themost `skunked’ beer on the planet, the only thing its good for is tohelp you blend, and even then it’s a minor prop.) The bartender was agood-looking drag queen with an average body, I could see why shewasn’t a dancer, but at least her presence confirmed my hopes! I paidfor my beer and settled into the third row.The music got louder, the lights dimmed and the spotlight went on. Thefirst dancer was an average queen. Not very smooth as a dancer, notvery erotic, but still enjoyable. She finished after about fifteenminutes and left the stage.A few minutes later another dancer came on; she was better, but stillnothing great. Unlike the first dancer, she had implants and when shewas finished she was down to just a g-string. Slightly aroused, butgetting impatient, I looked at my watch. I thought about how I couldextend my `visit’ another few hours. I just hoped the next dancer wassomeone I could have fun looking at! I went to the bar, got anotherbeer and moved a little closer to the stage.The music started and she came out. Finally a woman I could imaginegetting off with! Her name was Cali. She was dark and smoky. Shoulderlength black wavy hair framed her oval face, big brown eyes, poutyfull lips. Graceful walk. Full breasts, her erect nipples pressedagainst her white satin robe. White stockings, four-inch pumps. Shewas stunning. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my wallet I hadplenty of 200 and 500 Drachma bills.She began to dance. I guess the other two were just warm-ups, becauseCali could really dance. She swirled and gyrated with the music, nevermissing a beat. After almost ten minutes of dancing and teasing shebegan to take her clothes off. It was amazingly erotic. I wished Icould join her. I squirmed my way closer and held up the bills, shesauntered over and without breaking her moves, began posing in theinternationally well-known stripper poses.Every time my fingers touched her smooth skin, my cock wouldjump. Inches away from her and I still had to search for hermaleness. A little movement here, a body proportion there, even herneck looked feminine. At one point she bent over and pushed her satincovered cheeks up in the air. I thought I could just spy hercock. Mine was raging. After the beers, and the initialdisappointment, Cali was saving the night. All too soon her dancestarted grinding to a conclusion. She ended on all fours facing me,and then just as the music ended she swung around and presented me herperfectly curved butt.I wanted to jump up and fuck her ass right then and there. Shegathered her discarded lingerie and headed for the back of theclub. My cock was rock-hard as I got up to get a beer. The bartenderhanded me another for free, and said, “You really liked her, yes?””Oh god yes, she was the best yet, exactly the type of girl I like,and she could dance”The bartender leaned forward and began to whisper, “On quiet nightslike this, some of the girls have been known to dance privately intheir dressing rooms. If you move quickly she may grace you.””Where,” was all I could say.”Right back where she walked, ask Stavros in the black T-shirt.””Thanks.” I dropped a thousand Drachmas on the bar and hurried to theback of the club.Stavros seemed as if he didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew my Greekwasn’t that bad, and after giving him a thousand he led me back to aroom. He knocked on the door, then stuck his head in. I heard`Americhe’ mixed in with other words, and Cali came to door, smiledand motioned for me to come in.As I passed her she locked the door. I began speaking, trying not tobutcher her language, and also trying to get across how much sheturned me on. She smiled at my attempts and sat on a lightly stuffedchair as I stood there making a fool of myself.”Five thousand and I dance for you.” After three weeks I could do themath on the fly. For UNDER fifteen bucks she was going to dance forme, and me alone. I dug in my wallet and came up with one of the brandnew 5000 bills. She took it from me, pulled the stool from her make-uparea, and pushed me into a sitting position.My cock was throbbing as she walked around me. She stopped in front ofme, “Do you like this outfit?” she spun in front of me.”I love the white lace against your skin, it’s beautiful.”She smiled again, and then using the lighter from her make-up tablelit three candles, and reached up unscrewing two of the overhead lightbulbs. She clicked her heels and leaned over dropping an unlabeled CDinto the little player she had. She pushed play and the musicbegan. She danced for me. It was slow and torturous and it was all Icould do not to keep looking at my watch. The eroticism built andbuilt but I knew I was running out of time! Her hands moved over herbody, squeezing and fondling, pressing and rubbing. At this closerange I could definitely see the bulge straining between her legs. Shepulled her robe off and flossed between her legs, really pulling andtugging on the ends of the satin garment, before throwing it over hershoulder. She reached between her sizeable breasts, and went to unclipthe bra, I held my breath. She dropped to her knees in front of me.”Do you want me to leave it on, or take it off?””Well,” I stuttered, “I’m dying to see your amazing tits, but thewhite lace looks sooo good against your skin!”She giggled, and reached up saying “Americans, always your cake türbanlı aydın escort and toeat it also.” She reached over her shoulder and loosened the shoulderstraps on her bra before standing and resuming her dance. With thesupport gone they swayed and jiggled. Finally after a few moments, shereached into each cup and with perfect timing pulled one breast andthen the other out of her bra. My mouth must’ve dropped open. Her titswere perfect Cs, round and soft to the eyes. They were stunning tannedolive globes. I wanted to kiss and lick every inch! In the center werelighter triangles; inside those were two and a half-inch perfectlyround dark brown areolas, with still darker nipple nubs in the center.I reached up and closed my fingers around them, tweaking them, androlling them between my thumb and forefinger. She closed her eyes andpurred as I continued, swaying to the music. After a minute or two shepulled away slowly.”I will make a sticky in my panties, if you are not careful!””Isn’t that the ultimate goal?””Is it?” she sighed, continuing her dance. She swayed and twirled andseemed to get dreamy as she danced. At one point she reached out andgrabbed my beer, taking a swig before smiling and sliding the coldbottle down her body. She leaned back and held it against her crotchat an angle, it was like a huge green dick.I licked my lips and closed them around the bottleneck; she leanedforward and the bottle glub- glub-glubbed foamy beer into my mouth. Iswallowed it quickly, imagining sucking her cock. She laughed again,and handed back my beer; I drank another gulp and watched as her dancesped up.”This is getting uncomfortable” she said and unclipped the lace andsatin bra. Her breasts stood straight up, defying gravity. She tossedthe bra to her dressing table. As she danced around me I tried to seethe surgeon’s mark. I couldn’t see anything; they looked so natural!”You like my big tits? Really good job, yes?””Amazing job,” was all I could say. She cupped them, and jiggled them,tweaking her own perfect nipples.”On the beach, I wish I could go topless to turn the other boys on,but the doctor says my nipples should not get any sun until next year,funny right?” She pulled her satin robe back on and pranced aroundbehind me. She pressed her breasts to my back and rubbed side to side,I could feel her hard nipples like hot pinpricks, tracing against myskin through my shirt. She reached over me and rubbed down my chest,over my stomach, and began squeezing my tightly packed jeans.My cock was going to explode. Borrowing her statement, from earlier Ilaughed and said, “I will make a sticky in my underwear, if you’re notcareful.””It would be a waste no?” She whispered in my ear as she unbuttoned myjeans, and reached inside, trying to free my cock.”It’s so hard, let me,” I mumbled. She spun around in front of me andlooped her fingers into the lace trim of her panties. She began towiggle out of them, spinning around slowly as she did so. As theypassed her hips I saw the lace trim of the top of a thong under them.My jeans were down and I was trying to get them off as she turned awayfrom me. I kicked and struggled, and they flew across the room. Myunderwear was tented from my straining erection. She was facing thewall and I noticed her hands moving as she adjusted `something’. Istopped pulling my underwear down, and sat transfixed as she turnedaround and sat spread legged across from me. She had both hands cuppedtightly between her legs.”Would you like to see?” was all she said.I nodded my head and smiled. With a slow deliberate movement shepulled her hands back, leaving them to rest on the lace tops of herstockings. Her cock was curled under and down, but as I watched, itthrobbed to life. The center of her lace thong was cut, and hergrowing cock, smooth shaven balls, and a tiny tuft of closely trimmedblack hair was framed by the white lace.My mouth began to water. Like most Greeks her cock was uncut. This wasthe first time I’d ever seen one in person. She reached to startstroking, and I quickly stood up, “No, let me. I’ve never seen oneuncircumcised.”She returned her hand to the top of her stocking and I took the twosteps to her. “Why is it, I mean, why do Americans always want tosuck? From other countries, they want me to service them_ always”I hesitated, “Because we have open minds,” I dropped to my knees andcame face to face with her growing member. I wrapped my hand aroundthe throbbing base of her cock and began to squeeze. My mouth wasinches from her hardening cock-head, so I moved the last tiny bit andopened my mouth as it brushed against my lips. It was so hot and dry;the tiny drop of pre-cum was salty enough to wet my appetite for muchmore. I began running the tip of my tongue around her foreskin,pushing it back with each swoosh.Her cock seemed to be growing with each heartbeat. The soft skin feltso interesting against my tongue, and as I pushed, the foreskinresisted. I ran my hand up her shaft and pulled down. The skin felt sogood as it slid over the bone-like meat of her cock. Finally freed ofthe foreskin, her cock-head grew immediately.Soon it was filling my mouth. She had a huge bulbous head! I gentlyclosed my teeth just behind the ridge of her head and began suckingand licking her shiny knob. I pressed my tongue to her pee-hole andthen swirled it around the ridge, then back, all the while sucking andslurping at it. I started to stroke gently, running my hand up anddown her veined shaft in time with the bobbing of my head. Despite mybest sucking my saliva began running down her shaft and it grew slickbetween my fingers.I was on my knees sucking a stranger’s raging cock, and not just anystranger’s cock, but a stunning she-male’s cock. I looked up. She hadjust licked her lips and they glistened. The perfect tanned globes ofher tits framed her beautiful face. The white satin robe was anamazing border, and seemed to glow when compared to her smooth darkskin. As I sucked her cock, I looked down across her flat stomach tothe lace garter belt and satin garters that held up her lace-toppedthigh-highs.I ran my fingers along the rough lace edge and enjoyed the contrastwith her smooth skin. I traced my fingers between her legs and thenback up to her hairless balls. I grasped them and rolled them in myfingers, gently squeezing her tender nuts. I loved the way they slidaround in the smooth sack. She loved the way my hand felt! I continuedsucking, enjoying every little gasp and moan my mouth provided.Finally after a few minutes, she began running her fingers through myhair, brushing her nails against my scalp, along my ears, the back ofmy head. On one such stroke her hand stopped and lightly grasped theback of my head, gently forcing my mouth further down her shaft.”Yes? You like?” she said with a question in her voice. I groaned myapproval.”You can use both hands,” I didn’t need to ask her twice. In aninstant all ten of her fingers were grasping the back of my headpulling me down and back up quicker and quicker. I swallowed loudly,between gasps for air, trying to remember my deep-throat technique. Itwas all coming back to me quickly, and Cali appreciated the memory. Ibegan pushing down at the end of the stroke trying to force anotherfraction of her shaft down my throat. I was about three-quarters theway down her shaft when she pulled my face off her cock.”Do you want to pleasure me, really?” I wasn’t sure exactly what shehad in mind, but I shook my head `yes’ while nibbling on her spongycock-head. She stood up and her saliva coated cock traced across mycheek.”Sit here,” she said patting the seat she had just vacated. I satback, “Sit like this,” she shifted me lower in the chair. “I wouldlike to see your cock, can you take these off?” She rubbed my cottonbriefs; I stripped them off in a second.”Ummm_ nice and smooth,” she stroked my raging erection a few timesand then stepped closer, climbing onto the chair, she knelt on thearms of the chair and her semi-wet cock flopped against my face. Iopened my mouth and moved around until the knob slid between my lips.”Yessss, just that way.” She dropped her hands to the back of my headand leaned forward, in one quick movement her cock had partiallydisappeared down my throat. I leaned back, trying to straighten myneck and gulped and gasped as she stuffed inch after inch down mythroat. She pulled back and I took a deep breath before she plungeddownward again. Her lace stocking tops rubbed against the sides of myface each time she fucked my mouth.I was getting light-headed from the hyperventilation, but as always, Ienjoyed the sensation. I looked up, her satin robe had created a tentaround us, I was in my own little sex-crazed world, a she-male wasface fucking me with her huge prick. Inch after inch slide in untilwith a complete sense of triumph I felt her smooth ball sack pressedto my chin. I sucked at the base, running my tongue along the bottom,feeling the veins and ridges. She pulled back and began fucking myface, all I could do was groan my encouragement. I gave up licking andjust sucked her cock in and massaged her with my throat muscles.It was having the desired effect, I could tell she was only a momentof two from spurting, so I redoubled my efforts, gurgling her cockdown. I tried to reach up and belatedly realized my arms were pinnedby her knees.I moaned in complete submission, and started groaning, “Yesss” inGreek. Her legs were tensed, her head was tossed back and her handswere gripping my head solidly. She pulled back and then surged backin, I thought her balls were going to slip inside my mouth! She mewedlike a kitten and I felt her balls spasm, the first thick load seemedto shoot directly into my stomach, I didn’t even taste or feel it butknew from the violent contraction that she had started to cum. Sheleaned back quickly and her sperm spitting cock head ended up squarelyin the middle of my tongue.Another blast, and another and another and suddenly my mouth was fullof her hot stringy cum. I swirled it around in my mouth savoring thetaste and texture before gulping it down loudly. This time I felt thethick cum slide down my throat like a huge phlegm ball. I continuedsucking and another two or three small loads spurted out. I enjoyedthe slippery dick-snot much longer before swallowing. It had beenyears since my last blowjob, and it would be years before mynext. Cali leaned back slightly, relieving the pressure on my arms, Ipulled my right hand out a wrapped it tightly around her cock,stroking fiercely. I moaned, “Look down”We locked eyes just as my quick strokes paid-off with one last spurt,I aimed it at my cheek and I felt the milky sperm splatter there. Iused her slippery cock to rub it around my cheek and down onto my lipsand türbanlı aydın escort bayan finally back into my mouth, licking and sucking her softeningmember.After a moment or two she pulled back and stood before me, her cockhad softened considerably, but it was still quite large, and lookedbeautiful framed by all the lace and satin she was wearing. Shereached down and grasped my painfully hard cock. “Your turn, yes?”Again I wasn’t completely sure as to what she wanted, but couldabsolutely agree with the idea of cumming! She touched her perfectlymanicured fingertip to the shiny drop of pre-cum oozing from me andbrought it to her mouth. She ran her finger around her lips and thensucked it between them. She sucked it once or twice, and then said,”Like this?”I shook my head, my wife gave great head, and I could get thatanytime. A devilish smirk came across her face and she grasped my cocktightly, tugging me to me feet. She slipped out of her robe and pushedpast me, I watched as she climbed onto the chair and reached back,pulling the thong to the side. “Greek style?” she giggled.Again, my wife loved having my cock up her ass, it was something wedid often enough. “Yes, but no,” I said patting her on her firm, roundbackside. “Stand up,” Completely puzzled, she did. I pushed past herand moved into the same exact position she had just moved from. Ipushed my backside up into the air, and spread my cheeks,”Greek style, here, me.”A huge smile crossed her face, “Open-minded yes?””More than open-minded Cali, I need you, do you understand me, itsbeen years since I’ve had a good, satisfying, ass-fucking, but I don’thave much time either!” She turned away and all but jumped the twosteps to her dressing table. She reached into the side drawer andpulled out a huge blue and white tube of lubricant. In an instant shewas standing behind me.I watched fascinated as she squeezed a large dollop onto her fingers.Next I felt one of them begin to circle my fuck-hole. I pulled mycheeks apart, almost to the point of pain. After spreading a huge globbetween them, a finger slid into me and began rotating inside. Isighed closing my eyes, as I enjoyed the tease. A minute later asecond and then a third joined the first. She was twisting andturning, and fucking them in and out of me. I wanted to scream to her,”Just snake me with your monster dick!” but waited.I heard the `splurt’ of the tube again, and felt more cool between mycheeks. “To prepare is everything no?””Yessss,” I laughed nervously. As I looked over my shoulder I caught aglimpse of the two of us in her floor length mirror. “Does that move?”I said pointing to the mirror.”In a minute yes, it will.” After a minute more of gentle probing,stretching and twirling. She pulled away and walked to the mirror, shespun it and said, “Good for you to see?”I was framed perfectly. I watched her as she took the two steps backto me. Her monster bone swung half-erect. It looked menacing, but Iwas dying with anticipation. This time she spread the blob of lubeand down her cock. It was an incredible tool! When I had been suckingit, I was too close to look at. I did now. Watching with my mouthopen as she slicked it up. It was long, maybe nine or more inches,and it was crisscrossed with veins. The shape was also incredible. Itwas almost like a baseball bat. Incredibly thin at the base, and thengetting larger and larger until it was capped by a blunt, purpleknob. The foreskin slid around right below the edge of the distinctridge of her glans. I couldn’t wait to feel that almost sharp-lookingridge stretch me open and then disappear inside me. “Fuck me please?”She looked down at me, “My little girl, you want to be? Who is theone dressed in fancy clothes, but yet you want me to fuck you,” Shesmiled and positioned the round tip of her prick against my lubedasshole.”Anything, I just want to feel your dick inside me,” My broken Greeklanguage skills deserted me as I pushed back, trying to get her tofuck me. She pushed forward and the delicious stretch began, I soakedin the memory of every millimeter of her cock-head. Because it was soblunt it seemed to go on for long agonizing seconds, finally thepressure overwhelmed the pink ring of my asshole, and her glansdisappeared. We both sighed as my tight fuck-hole closed around hershaft. She pushed ahead. I looked in the mirror enjoying the view andthe sensations.Cali hesitated, then pulled back, she slid from me with a plop. Shepushed forward again, and the stretch was less intense but stillimmensely enjoyable. Farther and farther she slid in. I looked overat the mirror, the angle to watch was perfect. Her sexy body took uphalf the mirror, mine the other. I looked at her swaying tits, flatstomach, and thick, hard cock, and turned slightly to see the pointof connection. The shiny lubricated ring of my asshole was stretchedtight around her cock. I probably had about four inches in me. Ishook and groaned a little.”Everything Ok, my little sissy? Not too fast?””No, no, everything is perfect, so perfect,” She pulled back slightlyand then moved forward again, I could feel the blunt head of her cockplowing inside me, stretching my anal passageway, making room for herthick shaft. I wanted to feel her hit bottom. I wanted to feel hersmooth balls pressed against mine. I wanted to have her snake herentire length into me.Most of all, I wanted her to start fucking me, to ride my upturnedbutt like I was a wild bitch. I wanted to feel and hear the slap,slap, slap of her pelvic bone against my yielding ass. I groaned out,begging in English. “Pleeeassse Fu-fu-fu, fuck meeee!”Cali didn’t need a translator, I felt her grip intensify and then shebegan reaming me. I pushed up and back to meet her quickeningthrusts. Her cock was sinking deeper with each insistent thrust. Ireveled in the building friction, the lube had done its job, but wasnow fading with the heat of her fucking. Each thrust seemed to gethotter, and harder to accept. Now I was gibbering encouragement.”Fuck my ass, fuck-it, fuck me, just like THAT!” I loved the long,really hard punishing strokes. Cali would pull almost all the way outleaving only the head of her cock inside me and then in one fluiddownward motion, drive her shaft all the way inside me. I knew I stillhadn’t taken all of her and I looked over my shoulder.”I want every inch of you, wait,” There was no doubt in mind that Icould take her nine-inch bone up my ass, it was just a matter ofangle. I leaned back slightly and pushed back, rotating my hips as Iimpaled myself on her meat. I felt her throbbing head moving deeperand deeper, into my dark willing hole. I knew I had her when shegroaned loudly. I looked over my shoulder and saw about an inch ofcock still outstanding, pulling my cheeks apart farther, and with onequick push I slid back taking it in. I sat up, leaning against her,twitching my asshole and releasing my ass cheeks, I tightened andloosened them, massaging her cock with the deepest recesses of myasshole.I reached behind me, rubbing where we were joined. “Kiss me, kiss mewhile you fuck me,” Her full breasts were pressed tightly against myback, her hard nipples were like needle points on my back, her mouthclosed over mine, and our tongues intertwined. We began to move,slowly at first, neither wanting to give up the position we were in. Imostly rocked an inch or two off her, while rotating my hips, causingher bone to rotate inside me, stretching me with incredible pleasure,I could only imagine what her penis was doing to my rectum, but Ididn’t care it felt so good.She moaned in my ear in Greek, “So many man never give of themselvesthis way, isn’t it the most pleasure you’ve ever felt?””It feels soooo good, there’s nothing in the world like a good deepfuck, everything becomes your fuck-hole, every nerve centers on it,your cock becomes only a point of release. I love getting fucked, andyou, you Cali, are everything I need right now!” She reached around meand stroked my sensitive cock and balls.”Not yet, I want you to fuck me more!” I heard and felt hergiggle. Both of her hands moved to my chest and she searched out mynipples, turning them between her fingers. I loved getting my assfucked and my nipples tweaked, it seemed sooo perfect. She pulledthem farther and farther away from my chest, all the while, gentlyfucking me. I had reached out and was using the back of the chair as asupport, using her grip on my nipples she pulled me back down into thedog position.”Are you ready to get fucked my little s*s?””Ohhh godd yesss!” was all I could mumble. With that she pulled backand began sawing her cock in and out of me, Full then empty, full thenempty. All I felt was her dick pounding my loosening ass. My cock wasall but forgotten, a thin stream of pre-cum oozing from thepee-hole. With the sensations coming from my erect nipples I would’veinstantly traded my dick for a big floppy set of triple Ds.She sensed my thoughts, the rough translation was, “You like your girlparts better than your boy parts, you really are a sissy!””I’m anything YOU want Cali, while I’ve got a hot bone up my ass I’llbe anything the driver of that meat wants, ohhhh, harder, just likethat. If you want me to be your girlfriend, your sister, your dog, Idon’t care, just fuck me,”She grabbed the back of my neck and whispered, “Tonight, do you stillhave the time to be my sissy?” She spoke all in Greek until she spatout sissy with disgust.”Yessss, pleaaase, anything, your cock feels sooo good!” She droveinto me with vigor, holding me completely still as she shafted me sixor seven times. Right on the verge of cumming, she slid out. I felt agaping hole in me. I’d been fucked up the ass so many times, but neverfelt that empty! She walked away and reached into her drawer again.”Show me that you know how to fuck like a sissy, roll onto your back,and fuck yourself.” she tossed a large rubber dildo onto the chairnext to me. I noticed the elastic bands, and realized it was astrap-on. I rolled onto my back, pulled my knees to my chest, anddrove the huge rubber dong down to the exaggerated rubber balls.”Good girl,” she hissed. She was digging through her drawers. I hadboth hands on the base of the dick and was packing my asshole withdeep long strokes. I closed my eyes and rotated the thick rubbershaft, pausing, before pulling it out and then plunging it back in.”My little s*s, lets get you into something less comfortable,” sheheld up a pile of pink lace and satin. She grasped the end of thedong, and spun it 5 or 6 times as she pulled it out. “I think you needthis somewhere else open,” Only slightly revolted, I opened my mouthand she pressed the ass- glazed dildo, between my lips. She pulled theelastic bands around my head and tightened them slightly, forcing türbanlı escort aydın thedildo at least three-quarters of the way in. I locked my lips aroundit, and began sucking, remembering the time I got two-timed incollege. The two guys took turns fucking my ass and then my face,switching back and forth for what seemed like hours.Cali held out a spandex panty girdle. “First these,” She slid themdown my legs, and then up, she hesitated for a second reaching insideto pull my blood-gorged cock through the tiny hole cut in thefront. She grasped my shaft and pulled up roughly with one hand whiletrying to pull the tight panties into place. I helped and pulled themtight. I felt a light breeze on my backside and knew the back panelhad been cut out. I looked down, my cock was rigid, the tiny hole cutin the spandex was acting like a cock-ring, and the bigger my cockgot, the tighter the fit.My balls were pushed almost smooth by the girdle. My dick looked fake,it almost looked like I had a rubber penis attached to mypanties. Cali moved between my legs, and without any warning plungedher now dry cock back inside me. I groaned and arched my backinstinctively. She stopped with about half of her dick inside me, andreached forward.”Lean forward.” I did and she looped a pink lace and satin bra aroundmy back and arms, she reached between the lace trimmed satin cups andclipped it. She was gently rocking inside me as she traced her fingersaround the edges of the bra. “Do you like?””Ummm,” I said shaking my head around the rubber dildo stuffed in mymouth. She grasped my nipples through the satin and spun themharshly. Once again I groaned in pleasure around the rubber dildo.”She really likes it.” Cali laughed and began fucking me with longstrokes.”Ohhh. I almost forgot!” she tried to reach down while staying insideme. I thought her cock-head was going to burst through my side. Igasped in discomfort. She had grabbed a pair of pink patent leatherpumps, with five-inch spike heels. She reached behind her and pulledmy leg to the front and slipped it on. The shoe was big, but thelittle strap around the ankle held it tight. She grabbed my other legand repeated the procedure.”Hold your ankles, while I fuck you,” She pushed my ankles over myhead. “Hold them right there, I want COMPLETE access.”I grabbed them and looked at the spiked heels on my feet, I was soglad I was on my back! She dropped any attempt to speak in English,and was speaking entirely in Greek.Cali grasped my ass through the spandex and began using her whole bodyas a fucking machine. Rolling forward and backward on her knees. Witheach movement, she was pushing my hips farther and farther up andabove my head, without even thinking I was sliding down on thechair. Finally after twenty or thirty thrilling strokes I realized Iwas no longer looking ACROSS to her but UP at her, she had shifted herweight and was now on her toes, and I was a human pretzel! A few moreharsh thrusts and my knees were pressed to my shoulders and my feetwere against the chair.I was staring directly at my own straining cock, the tip wasglistening with pre-cum; a little drop had formed in the pee-hole. Ilicked around the rubber dildo. I’d never been able to suck my owndick, (not for lack of trying!) but I’d cum in my mouth plenty oftimes. Cali was no doubt planning to give me the ultimate pleasure ofswallowing my own sperm as she pumped me full of hers.”You’ve figured it out my sissy, you’re going to suck your own cock,”She smiled as she pulled the rubber dong from my mouth.”I’ve never been able to suck it, I’ve cum into my mouth, but neverinside””We’ll you’ve never had a helper as sweet as me. Anyone with a littleco-ordination can shoot cum into their own mouth, it’s a whole otherlevel of dedication and need to SUCK your own cock” She pushed downmore, folding me upon myself. Each amazing thrust brought me closer tocumming and closer to sucking my own cock. She looked dreamy as shesaid, “I still love the man who first made me suck my own penis, Ihope you can remember me as kindly.” Her cock had bottomed out strokesago, so she was more like just rooting around in my velvet asshole,than fucking me.It still felt remarkable. I could feel the round knob of her glans, asit rubbed, and probed inside me. She was pushing down and finally Ithought I could reach my purple cock-head with my tongue. It was justtoo far away as I strained to lick it. Just then the drip of pre-cumreleased and I watched mesmerized as it slowly dropped to myoutstretched tongue. I closed my eyes, and imagined Cali fucking mewhile I sucked my own cock.Shivers were running up and down my spine at the evil thought. Ireached up and tried to pull my own hips down.”No, no, that will only make things worse. This is what we need todo.” She leaned forward and repositioned herself once again. Finally Iran my tongue along the shiny tip of my cock. Electric shocks danceddown to my tightly hidden balls. Could I actually be about to do whatI’d fantasized about since I was twelve years old? She grunted withthe exertion, and my back began to ache, my shoulder blades werethrobbing, and my feet were going numb. I didn’t care, I was lickingmy own cock!She was breathing heavy, and a thin film of sweat had formed on heramazing body. She was grunting. She said something and I thought ittranslated to “hold on, I’m going to jump you”. I licked my cock-headas I puzzled the translation. A moment later my answer came as sheliterally jumped onto me! Every muscle in my back screamed, and myshoulders seemed to collapse on themselves. But the screaming musclesdisappeared from my mind as the entire shiny purple head of my cockslid between my lips.I clamped them around the ridge and sucked, and sucked, and sucked. Inone instant I was plunged into a dark depraved fantasy world. Abeautiful she-male had her nine-inch cock buried up my ass, I wasdressed in pink frilly lingerie, and I was sucking my own cock! Thesensations swirled through my mind, everything I’d ever wanted done tomy cock I could now do! I sucked it fiercely all the while running mytongue over it like a hot purple lollypop! Now lick it, now suck it. Iwas commanding my own tongue to bring me pleasure!My nerves were connected in an incredible feedback loop. Meanwhile,Cali was pressing down on me, kind of shifting her weight around,rocking her cock inside me. She locked eyes with me;”Do you love me, my sissy?” I licked around the ridge of my cock andwhispered,”Right now, more than anything in the world, thank you for giving methis,””Were not done yet my little s*s,” She reached down and wrapped aperfectly manicured hand around my throbbing shaft. “Suck it, suck itas you cum, swallow your own thick sperm!”I knew there was no way that my tattered control would hold back myorgasm for more than a stroke or two, so I locked my lips around mycock-head and sucked, cupping my tongue under the tip of my bulgingprick. She ran her hand down once, back up and then halfway down. Myentire body quaked, between her cock up my ass and the tight girdle;my body couldn’t contract enough to shoot!The first load was a thin watery splatter that was incrediblybitter. My tongue tingled as the cum ran backwards, I gulped itdown. The next load was productive; a thick, stringy blast coated mytongue. I sucked on the texture, rolling it around in my mouth.I didn’t want to swallow! Then another and another, the flood gateshad opened! The spurts were thick and creamy; my cheeks bulged as Ifilled my own mouth with sperm.Cali was counting in Greek, “seven, eight, nine,” I could only guessand hope they were spurts of cum! Just as my incredible orgasm beganto peak, she began to move her cock.”Squeeze down sissy, squeeze down on my cock as you cum, make yourlover cum too!” I did as she instructed and as I counted off eleven,twelve, Cali came. It was explosive. I felt her surge inside me, asbefore she was so deep, I expected to see her cum-spewing cock-headexit my belly button. instead I felt her balls twitching between mycheeks as she pumped me full.It was as if I was getting the most erotic enema! Her hot sperm surgedinside me, filling me, spreading slippery heat all along her pistoningshaft. I felt load after load pump into me, and could only shudder asmy orgasm waned and hers built. Hard for so long, and now finishedspurting, my cock immediately began to soften, as it shrunk back, Icried out in disappointment, strings of cum and saliva dripping fromit in strings, running down my chin. I lapped at it, savoring everylast drop.Cali had almost finished cumming, and was quick to take advantage ofmy obvious oral need. She leaned back, her cock exiting my asshole,with a rush of sperm, and in the same motion grasped my head, pullingme forward and down, her cum-streaked cock slammed against my lipsand I sucked her between them.She stroked herself once and then twice and a final small spurt wasdeposited in my mouth. I licked and sucked and kissed her still hardtool. She was cooing as she used my willing mouth to cleanseherself. Her cock had been buried to the hilt in my asshole and I wasstill sucking it, licking it, adoring it!I felt like a complete whore. My own cum was running down my face, Ifelt wet spots all down my chest, and I was sitting in a huge sloppymess of Cali’s sperm. I squirmed around in it, loving the proof of mycomplete submission.Finally her cock began to soften. I didn’t want it to end! I sucked atit, and it only shrunk more. After a few minutes I was suckling like agoat at her flaccid penis. She pushed me away. “You must go, otherwisethis incredible evening will only end in questions you can notanswer.”She walked away, I looked down in despair. A white fluffy towel wasthrown in my lap. “You must go. now.”I stood up in a daze, swaying in the high heels. She was peeling ofher lingerie. I began wiping at the mess. How would I ever get clean?!She turned and with a look of concern, began to help me. She joined mewith another towel and she began cleaning me off. I felt like I was ona different planet as she unclipped my bra, and began tugging at mypanties. I slid from them. After a few minutes I was somewhatstraightened out. I got dressed and I felt her hot sperm sloshingaround inside me.I tucked a wad of tissues into my underwear and pulled on my jeans. Ifelt as if I’d just been beaten up. Every muscle ached, my headthrobbed, and I was light-headed. But my stomach was full. Dressed, Iwent to walk out. All I could say was `Thank you. I will always loveyou for the memories of tonight.”She was shaking her head as she sat with her back turned tome. “Please go.”I closed the door behind me and staggered out of the all but emptyclub. Somehow my wife never asked where I was all that time. Theflight was the most uncomfortable one on record, my entire body was awreck. My throat was sore, my butt was sore, and every muscleached. But I had memories I would never forget.Less than a week later, dressed in pink spandex, I was alone in my ownhouse, sucking my cock, while I fucked myself with a huge rubberdong. I’ve fantasized about that incredible night a hundred times, andit never seems to get old.

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