
Baby, Bend Over

Mouth Fucking

The sunlight fell across the hardwood floor through the large west-facing window. Dee loved this time of day. Her cat lay snoozing next to her as they both warmed themselves in the late afternoon sun. Her skin gleamed gold as she stretched luxuriously, cat-like herself. She was lying on her back, breasts spilling over the top of her tight sports bra. She smiled down at them enjoying the way they rose and fell with each breath. She adjusted the scarf wrapped around her hair before she kneeled, turned and bent into child’s pose, shins pressing into her yoga mat as she felt her back begin to relax.

After a few moments she began to squirm, the tag of the new leggings she wore scratching her lower back. She glanced at the window behind her. The house she’d inherited from her beloved aunt had many glorious windows, filling the house with light even in the middle of winter. A high wall of hedges around the property’s perimeter also surrounded it. Rumor among the neighborhood kids was that this was to block her aunt’s witch sacrifices from eyes on the street, but Dee knew it was because her aunt was an eccentric who liked to garden topless in the privacy of her own yard. Dee smiled, taking a leaf out of her aunt’s book, and squirmed on her back out of the yoga pants and returned to child’s pose, stomach and back relaxing deeper without constriction.

Eyes closed, Dee stretched, moving slowly into downward facing dog, rolling her heels up and down, feeling the sun warm her round ass cheeks and the curves of her thighs as she stretched deeper and deeper. Finally, letting her head hang down; she opened her eyes which then flew open in shock. A man was standing, one hand resting against the not yet pressed doorbell, mouth open as he took in her gorgeous curves.

Making eye contact, he swiftly turned away and began hurrying down the lane back to the street.

“Shit!” Dee exclaimed, waking the cat that meowed crankily at her, “Shit, shit, shit!”

She’d completely forgotten that the renter was coming to look at the house today. Though she loved the house, her teaching job did not allow her to live in the house alone, significant repairs were needed before winter came and she simply would not be able to afford them without a renter. Few people wanted to live out in the country and this man was one of very few who’d replied to her ad.

Throwing caution to the wind, Dee yanked open the front door, slamming it shut behind her, and ran down the lane after the man, still in her sports bra and thong.

“Wait!” she called to his retreating back, “I am so sorry. I completely forgot.”

He turned, and she was able to take in for the first time how handsome he was. His jaw was so square she thought she might cut her fingers if she reached out and touched it, as she was sorely tempted to. His skin was smooth where it peaked out from the unbuttoned neck and the wrists of his long-sleeve Henley. As she took in his piercing eyes, she thought back to her short glimpse of his juicy ass in the jeans. She straightened her spine automatically.

“Jude, right?” she panted slightly, rather from the unexpected run or from his unexpected good looks she wasn’t sure. “Your name is Jude.”

He nodded slightly, his expression revealing nothing of his emotions.

“I am so sorry about that back there, it completely slipped my mind that today was the day you were coming to see the place. It really is a lovely house. Please come look at it, I am so sorry about that.” Then she added in response to his raised eyebrow and small smile, “And also now. I absolutely will be a clothed roommate. Just please come see the house.”

He laughed a throaty laugh that made her even more aware of the way her skin prickled when he looked at her, his face breaking into a smile.

“I understand,” he said in a deep voice. “We all do the same when we are alone. I just didn’t want you to think I was being inappropriate. I would love to see the house.”

Smiling, he walked beside her, as they turned up the path towards the house, careful to avoid another glimpse of her cheeks bouncing as they walked. She found herself wishing he would peek.

She pushed the door to the house open and the cat emerged from the sparsely furnished living room, meowing hello as she wound her way, first through Dee’s ankles and then Jude’s.

“Oh, you must be something special,” Dee quipped. “She doesn’t usually take to strangers. Hold on here a moment.”

She hurried into the living room where her leggings lay discarded, making sure to let her ass bounce as much as possible as she did so. She bent over to grab the leggings, exposing the slightly damp fabric of her thong stretched over her pussy.

“What am I doing?” Dee thought to herself as she quickly pulled the yoga pants back on. “You want this man to come live here. The contractor is still waiting for a deposit. You can’t just fuck him because he is handsome, this is business.”

Feeling she’d properly admonished herself she turned just as Jude strode into the room. The mecidiyeköy escort sun hit his skin, making him glow like a saint. She felt her breath catch slightly as she saw the slight curve of his stomach and the thick muscles move under his shirt as he turned to survey the room.

“It is a gorgeous house,” he said as he turned.

“Just you wait,” Dee said, “you haven’t seen anything yet.”

She took him on a long tour of the house, taking her time and showing him every quirk. She was pleased by how he smiled when she pointed out the detail of lemons carved into the stair railing, and the assortment of vintage toilets filled with beautiful purple and pink flowers in the darkening sun room. Her aunt had passed about six months ago, peacefully in her sleep. Dee still missed her terribly every day and it made her feel better to know that this potential renter appreciated the work her aunt put into making this place her own.

“And this would be your room!” Dee said, opening the door to the second bedroom, arms wide, twirling in the center of the room. “It gets great light this time of day and somehow manages to be just the right temperature every season.”

She finished her spin as Jude walked into the room. He had been smiling behind her back at her spin in a way that made her blush slightly. He stepped into the late afternoon sunlight and could’ve been sculpted from bronze.

Looking around the warm room and then into her eyes, “I would love to live here, if you’d have me.” Dee smiled.


Moving Jude in was stressful. Dee helped Jude move his boxes from the street across the lawn into the house and up the long wooden staircase with the lemons carved into the banister. As they moved in box after box of books and then two boxes of clothes, he told her he’d just been hired as an adjunct professor in African-American Literature at the university in the nearby city. They discussed books, each trip getting progressively more out of breath as they trekked with the heavy boxes up the steep stairs.

Finally, only his mattress remained – Jude explained he’d been staying in a furnished home before and would be buying bookshelves and a bed frame in the coming weeks. Together they grasped each side of the awkward shape and carried it from the U-Haul up the stairs. Finally, Dee’s arm muscles screaming, they dumped the mattress unceremoniously on the floor of the bedroom. Dee bent double, catching her breath with her hands on her knees. In spite of her exhaustion she was aware of her heaving breasts under the thin fabric of her tank top and hoped that the sweat running across scalp would not escape her curls to drip down her face. In spite of her firm scolding of herself in her vanity mirror this morning, she had not been able to resist putting on makeup for Jude’s move in.

Straightening – resisting the urge to wipe her face in case it smeared her eyeliner – she saw Jude’s tight stomach as he lifted his shirt to wipe his sweating face. He must be planking while he read all those books, Dee thought. His taunt stomach tapered into a V, pointing towards what must be under his cloth shorts. As Jude’s shirt dropped back, hiding the view, Dee jerked her eyes up, blushing again, suddenly aware that her nipples had hardened against her bralett and were almost certainly showing through that same thin tank top. Jude look at her hard, tongue pink against his lips for a moment before he bit his bottom lip. Dee felt her breath catch in her chest. Then Jude’s face cracked into a smile, breaking the tension in the room. He thanked her for her help and then turned to begin unpacking, leaving Dee disappointed and chiding herself.


School started the following week, both for Dee and her 3rd graders, and Jude and his graduate students. Dee and Jude didn’t see much of each other for most of September. Dee was early to bed and early to rise, while Jude seemed to be more of a night owl. Occasionally they would split a six-pack of beer, lesson planning and answering emails at the kitchen table. Dee felt a small jump in her stomach whenever she saw him that she couldn’t quite get to go away no matter how many times she tried to shove it down. On one memorable occasion she’d run back into the house, having forgotten her laptop, and nearly mowed down Jude emerging wrapped in a towel from a steamy bathroom. Dee didn’t have time to linger on how soft the skin of his stomach had been against her fingers until she was home that evening. Absentmindedly she’d found herself resting her fingers against her lips, wondering how he would taste.

In October, Dee finally had a long weekend. This came as a welcome relief – not only a break from the grind but a chance to tend to her aunt’s garden, preparing it for winter. She woke early with the sun streaming in through her bedroom window. She stretched as the cat flipped onto his back at the foot of her bed, warming his belly in the sun. She grabbed her phone from her bedside table and saw – among other notifications – a rare maslak escort text from Jude. “I’ll be gone until Monday night – work conference. Enjoy the long weekend.” Dee felt her heart rate that had sped up from seeing his name on her phone screen slow with disappointment. Well, though she wouldn’t have any eye candy, she also wouldn’t be distracted.

She pulled on her leggings and a pair of old gardening socks with a thin tank top that never seemed to get all the way clean. She ate breakfast quickly and refilled the cat’s dry food. Pouring a cup of coffee from the pot into her old thermos, she headed into the mudroom. Slipping into her ancient Crocs, she bent to grab the dirty tote that housed all her tools and caught sight of the framed photo of her aunt. The photo was perhaps her absolute favorite. Her aunt, in her mid-thirties, shortly after buying the house, was in the garden in the height of summer, surrounded by her precious tomatoes. She was topless, arms thrown into the air; light streaming onto her heavy breasts, looking the happiest Dee had ever seen her. Dee opened the door, an uncharacteristically warm day for October. Thinking of her aunt, Dee stripped off her thin tank top and left it on the hook by the door.

The weekend passed quickly. Dee set up a small speaker near the door to the mudroom, transitioning between soul deep cuts, and podcasts. She prepared the garden for winter, planting her spring flowers, harvesting acorn squash and a few pumpkins, and planting winter bedding to keep the soil fertile in her aunt’s beloved tomato bed. She’d given little thought to Jude the whole weekend until she heard the front door slam late on the sunny Monday afternoon. Suddenly, she became aware of her naked torso, dirt streaked across the tops of her breasts, hair wild and pulled loose to the top of her head and wrapped in an old silk scarf.

“Fuck,” she thought, and then said out loud, “Fuck!” She dropped her spade into the tote, quickly followed by her gloves. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

He would probably just go upstairs and she could sneak into the mud room, slip on her tank, and be back in the garden before he poked his head out to say hi.

“You’re fine, you’re fine, you’re fine,” Dee muttered to herself as she hustled over to the mudroom door.

Just as she reached her hand towards the doorknob, it opened, revealing Jude standing in the doorway in front of her.

“Oh…” he trailed off, taking in the site of her dirt-smeared breasts.

She felt her chest rise as she breathed in at the sight of him – she’d almost forgot how devastating his jaw line was in the three days since she’d seen him. His eyes met hers, sparkling in a way she hadn’t seen before. She smiled a small coy smile, taking a step towards the doorway, whether towards him or to her tank top just behind the doorframe she wasn’t sure.

He moved quickly, stepping forward to meet her and wrapping his big arms around her waist, pulling her into a devastating kiss. She eagerly pressed herself into him, arms snaking around his neck to draw him closer. She felt her nipples harden against the rough fabric of his button down shirt as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Kissing her harder, drawing her bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth, Jude took several steps forward, shutting the door to the house behind him and causing her to walk several steps back. Her foot made contact with the edge of one of her freshly planted beds and she broke their contact, turning to look instinctively. To her surprise, Jude’s hands moved to her hips, lifting her off her feet, and laying her on her back in the garden bed at her feet.

The soil was warm on her back as the orange-yellow rays shone across her chest in the fading sun. She shifted her hips with desire and anticipation as Jude stood above her, taking in her dark skin, golden in the light. Involuntarily she licked her lips, causing him to break into a smile. He quickly unbuttoned his white button down shirt, exposing his taut muscles and taking her breath away. Throwing the shirt to the side, he lowered himself onto her, bringing his lips to hers.

She kissed him so hard she tasted blood, the months of frustration and denying her attraction spilling out of her. He moved his mouth from her lips to a nipple, sucking it hard into his mouth, making her back arch, biting it in his front teeth, and causing her to reward him with a gasp. Dee’s hands moved frantically across his back, feeling the lean muscles move as he shifted his weight over her. When he bit her nipple again, she dragged her nails up his back causing him to inhale sharply through his nose. He burrowed into the warmth of her neck sucking on the thin skin under her jaw. Her hands moved to the front of his chest, dancing her fingers cross his small nipples, sliding one hand down to feeling the growing lump in his dress pants.

He stood suddenly, bending over to grab the waistband of her leggings. He made eye contact with her, she smiled and nodded and her leggings and underwear lay in a pile by her merter escort discarded clogs and his shirt. The dirt beneath the small of her back felt primal, and she felt herself get wet as the sun hit her labia. Jude knelt in the dirt at the edge of the bed, pushing her legs above her head and spreading her inner labia to the light. Timed seemed to slow as he took in the sight of her, long labia, big clit pushing through her folds, seemingly like a flower in search of the sun. Her breath quickened at the unfamiliar sensation of sunlight on her pussy as she felt herself get wetter again.

“Like what you see?” she asked a Jude, who was regarding her as a meal he couldn’t wait to begin.

“I love it,” he said, and bent his head to her.

She gasped as his lips fastened around her clit; he was a man who got right to the point. The surprise of his sudden focus and hard sucking brought her quickly to orgasm, and she let out a long moan, thrusting her hips into him and feeling wet pour out of her. His tongue extended and flattened against the opening of her vagina, tasting her cum and darting inside her, in search of more of that taste. Lifting his head, he slipped two fingers inside her, stretching her just enough to make her moan. His other hand covered her clit, rubbing it gently, lubricated with his spit and her cum. He began moving his fingers inside of her and she moved her hips in encouragement, taking him deeper inside her. Jude lifted his eyes, meeting hers as she propped herself on her elbows, breasts jiggling as they moved together.

“You like that?” Jude asked.

“Love it,” she responded laughing slightly.

Jude smiled and then returned his attention to her pussy beneath his fingers. She could feel his eyes on her, as real as the sun on her labia and his gaze caused her to get wetter, making the fingers plunging in and out of her even louder. His fingers curved and pressed against the spongy tissue inside of her and she came again, dropping down onto her back as she road the wave.

Hungry for more, Dee pushed herself up again.

“Take your pants off, please,” she said, moving so his fingers slid out of her.

“Don’t you want more?” Jude asked.

“Oh, yes I want more,” she replied, “Take your pants off.”

To her surprise, Jude stuck the fingers that had been inside her into her mouth and she moaned at the sweet taste of her own pleasure. She could feel her pussy throbbing with desire. Once satisfied she’d cleaned herself off him, Jude kissed her and she responded eagerly, tasting herself on his mouth. He stood quickly, kicking his pointed shoes off and quickly stripping off his dress pants, socks, and purple boxer briefs.

Dee drooled. His cock was thick, not too long, but not short, and just big enough for her to imagine he would stretch her as much as she could take. She quickly got onto her knees and took his cock in both her hands. She licked his uncircumcised tip, gently exposing the glands beneath his foreskin and sucking where the pre-cum had pooled in the folds. He tasted sweet, as if he’d been eating pineapple for days. She sucked his head into her mouth, glancing up to gage his reaction. He was gazing at her, mouth open in stunned delight. When they made eye contact he moved one of those big hands across his face and smiled. The darkening light played across him, each of his muscles seemed to gleam, cutting across his chest and pointing towards his dick. She smiled back around his cock and then returned his attention to the job in front of her.

With deliberate slowness, she took him in slowly, making a small movement forward than pulling him back out, sucking the whole time. Her hands moved around his cock, spreading her saliva down his shaft as she stroked her hands along his length. Determined, fighting back the urge to choke, she eventually fit all of him in her mouth. Though he was not the longest she’d ever taken, he was the widest, and she felt her throat expand to take his length. Breathing in and out of her nose as she fought to hold him there, she felt his hand on her shoulder. Wanting him to take charge she used one hand to guide his to the back of her head.

He responded immediately. He palmed the back of her hand in his head and held her there, thrusting slowly into her throat. The control was intoxicating. She dropped a hand to her clit and began rubbing as fast as she could. The other hand she moved around to grasp his ass, just as juicy as she anticipated. He began to thrust faster, leaving her throat empty one second, and full the next. She choked on him pushing back in and he immediately stopped, removed his hand and looked down.

“No it is good, keep going!” she exclaimed, putting his cock back into her mouth.

She looked up, ready, and saw him smiling down at her. He replaced his hand on the back of her head and began thrusting into her mouth again, maintaining eye contact. A single tear fell from her eye on a particularly firm thrust and he held himself deep in her throat, making her cum against her fingers. He pulled her off his cock and pulled her up, kissing her deeply, hands reaching down to grab her soft ass in his strong hands. He grabbed both cheeks firmly as she grabbed the back of his head and used her leverage to suck his earlobe, neck, and bottom lip in turn.

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