


Subject: Baldwin Redux 2 BALDWIN REDUX 2 by Jon Royale April 2020 The following work of fiction contains graphic depictions of sexual relations between consenting individuals. You must be of legal age in your area in order to indulge. The author neither condones or condemns the actions of his characters, but suggests the reader use educated judgment before considering like behavior. “You got some comp’ny down to the front door,” the hillbilly ex-con announced. Miles straightened up, suddenly alarmed. “Company? Who?” “Decent enough lookin’ guy. Got that deer in headlights look when he seen me in the doorway.” Scantily clad as Jedediah was with a threadbare yellowed tank top and tattered, shopworn jeans clinging to his muscular body, Miles could only imagine why. Jed went on, “Got a young’n with him. Maybe about Ryan’s age.” Just the mere mention of the over-sexed teen caused Jed to grope his bulge. “Good lookers. Both of ’em. I’d fuck ’em both.” His curiosity aroused, Miles asked, “But who are they?” Jed smiled crookedly and lazily dragged himself up from the chair he’d been inhabiting. Stretching his arms over his head and yawning widely his large gum-drop nipples jutted out against the worn fabric of his shirt and his big cock and hefty ball bag were clearly outlined under faded denim. “Looks like it’s time for a fam’ly reunion. He says he’s your brother.” Miles froze, his eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. “Brian?” he gasped. Jed snorted amusedly. “Didn’t gimme his name. Jus’ said he’s your baby brother come to visit.” The ex-con suddenly took on a concerned look. “Dude, you alright? Looks as if you’re about to take a stroke or somethin’.” But Miles barely heard him. He was up on his feet and straightening his clothes. The erection Jed initially inspired had instantly subsided. Nervously he came around the side of the desk and then, almost as an afterthought, turned to grasp a crystal glass with a shaky hand and gulped the remaining liquid down. Wiping his mouth with the back of a hand he headed for the doorway with a purposeful look. “Whoa, buddy!” Jed jolted up from his seat and took off in pursuit. “What’s got you all riled up, man? I ain’t never seen you like this. You caught a burr between them ass cheeks or somethin’?” Miles ignored his questions and came back with one of his own as he purposely strode down the hallway to the staircase leading to the third floor. “Where are the boys?” “Trey and Lukie took off awhile ago. Think they was goin’ to the mall,” Jed reported, rushing to catch up to Miles. “Ryan and Devil (it was his somewhat appropriate pet name for the youngest Baldwin), they done went back to bed. Worn out from last night, I s’pose. Now you gonna tell me what’s got you all fired up?” Ignoring the ex-con once again he made his way to the grand staircase leading into the foyer. Glancing down he saw them, a man and a teen-boy. The man looked up at him and came forward a few steps. Although it had been more than ten years since last they’d seen one another, Miles instantly recognized his errant brother, Brian. Being blessed with the Baldwin genes Brian was still a handsome man, but years of living on the edge had taken some toll. His eyebrows, as always, were thrust up in a look of surprise, the result being deep furrows along his forehead. There were also jolly crinkles spreading out from the corners of his eyes. Those eyes were wide with wonder and blue as the afternoon sky, still sparkling with secret mischief. His jaw line was strong, the cleft in his broad chin deep and surprisingly sexy. He’d shaved for the impromptu visit, something Miles was certain was a rarity. With that medium-length, still thick but tousled brown hair Miles knew good grooming wasn’t his brother’s forte. He wore a loose-fitting plaid shirt, the cuffs rolled up from thick, strong lumberjack forearms and tan khakis. Miles judged his brother to have a somewhat stocky build. The surly teen standing slightly behind him appeared disinterested in the entire reunion. He was a good looking boy, tall trim and lost in those ridiculously oversized clothes worn by the youth of the day. Under the cap he wore with the bill turned to the back his dark hair looked to be shorn close to the scalp. His face was smooth and unblemished. Long curling eyelashes fanned out over prominent cheekbones, his expressive eyes of a deep and dark color Miles couldn’t easily place from this distance. The boy’s lips were thin, but deeply pink and glossy as though painted on. The seemingly churly youth sported those obscene gauges in his lobes as well as lesser piercings in one eyebrow and his nose. Aware of a sudden stirring in his loins Miles pulled his gaze away from the boy and back to his sibling as he slowly descended the grand staircase. “Brian, what are you doing here?” he asked pointedly. The other man laughed nervously. “Well, now. That’s a fine how ya do after all these years.” “Not enough,” Miles retorted. “Who’s the kid?” Smiling broadly Brian Baldwin stepped back, threw an arm over the teen’s shoulders and hooked a heavy forearm around his throat in something like a choke hold, an action which understandably annoyed the boy. “Why this here’s your nephew, my boy Royce. Royce, this is your Uncle Miles I’ve been tellin’ you about.” The boy muttered some kind of response lost to Miles, his gaze fixed on something apparently more interesting than his father’s brother, something right over Miles’ shoulder. Turning his head Miles observed Jed lazily posed against the railing in bare feet and frayed threads looking like he’d just crawled off his cot in the trailer park, his crotch casually thrust forward and the outline of his hog clearly visible down the side of one thigh. His presence had not gone unnoticed by Brian who, clearing his throat, asked, “Who’s the fella answered the door?” Scrambling for an explanation, although none could cover his tawdry appearance, Miles replied, “He works here.” Pushing himself away from the railing, Jed casually sauntered down the remaining steps to stand before Brian with hand outstretched, “Names Jedediah. Jed, fer short. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” “B-Brian,” the other man stammered, accepting his handshake. Jed moved over to lean his back against the awning separating the foyer from the formal dining room, arms crossed over his chest and one bare foot casually propped back against the wall. Brian appeared shaken by his second encounter with the help but redirected his attention to Miles, who maintained his spot on the second stair. Nervously laughing, he said, “It’s been a long time, big brother.” “Not long enough,” Miles coldly responded. Brian was saying something, but Miles barely heard him. He was watching the other two, who clearly had each other’s attention. He stifled a gasp when Jed reached one big work-calloused hand down to squeeze the outline of his cock. Young Royce’s eyes widened even larger than they already were and the tip of his tongue came out to skim over his glossy lips. Jed had thrown out a line and the boy was instantly hooked. “So I figured maybe it’s about time we buried the hatchet. I mean, none of us is getting any younger. We’re brothers, after all.” There was that nervous laugh again and the look which told Miles his ne’er-do-well brother was up to no good. “Strange how we become brothers at your convenience,” Miles shot back. “Shall we review all your failings?” Brian gave him that “aw, shucks” look, the same one Miles had seen time and again in their earlier years. Purposely lowering his voice, he cautioned, “Jeez Miles, not in front of the boy. We’re just gettin’ to know each other.” Miles didn’t really think his nephew was paying any attention to the confrontation. His brown—yes, they were big and brown—eyes were all over Jedediah. And Jed’s were openly appraising him. The two of them might as well have been going at it right there in the foyer. As ususal, Brian was oblivious to the obvious. Miles tossed his head to the large living room beyond the grand staircase, the scene of most of last night’s hedonistic activities. “Let’s go in there. You’ve got five minutes.” Brian looked excited, like he’d just overcome a major hurtle. Or, gotten one over on his brother. “S-sure. Royce, you wait here, boy.” “Sure daddy,” the boy responded seductively. It was the first he’d spoken, and Miles’ ball bag seized when he heard the surprisingly deep resonance of the kid’s tone. “Don’t you worry none about this young’n,” Jed offered, pushing himself away from his pose at the wall. “I’ll give him a tour of the house while you two jaw it out.” “O-okay,” Brian said, a bit nervously. Miles shot Jed a cautionary look. The ex-con was a lover of teen ass and had already set his sights on the newest addition to the Baldwin family. Miles imagined that underneath those overly sized jeans the boy wore he was hard as steel and ready to take on the muscular handyman. The boy had no idea how aggressive Jed could become, like that first time he’d fucked Miles in his marriage bed while Delia entertained the ladies auxiliary group downstairs. It was a fuck which had made Miles forget former handyman Lombardo and insured his place in the Baldwin household. A fact which sometimes Miles had reason to regret. Miles led the way out of the foyer and down the short hallway which opened on the spacious living room. Brian’s eyes widened as he took in the grandeur. “Alright, Brian. Let’s have it. What are you up to?” In the foyer Jed cast his hazel eyes slowly up and down Royce’s clad body, groped his crotch again and turned his back on the boy, beckoning him to follow. He casually led him through the dining area to the long hallway leading back to the family room. Three quarters of the way through the journey a staircase on the right led down to the lowest level of the mansion, which housed the garage, gym and guest quarters. Jed took the stairs, Royce following closely behind. The boy was filled with nervous anticipation, fully aware he was being led into a den of iniquity. His eyes were on Jed’s solid glutes, every movement clearly visible through those threadbare jeans, shred just enough to reveal the lack of underwear beneath. Jed halted in front of a partially closed door and shoved it open forcefully enough that it slammed against the inside wall. Royce was caught off guard when the strong man grabbed him by the back of the neck and thrust him forward so forcefully that he lost his balance and wound up in a tangle of sheets. As he attempted to set himself right big, hairy arms suddenly came around his squirming body to hold him tightly. “Bout time you woke your lazy ass up,” Jed drawled while peeling the tattered t-shirt from his masculine frame. “We got us some fresh boy meat here.” Jed’s ex-con buddy, and temporary guest on the estate, held tight to the wriggling boy who had risen him from his all-night fuck rest. “No reason ta fight, boy. We’s just gonna have ourselves a little fun, is all,” he drawled. Sensing the boy relax Huck flipped Royce onto his back and threw his nude body atop him. Holding his arms back to either side of his head he whistled, “Whoooeeee! You sure are a cute one, ain’t ya? Feisty little thing, too.” There was nothing cute about Huck. He was a backwoods hound dog with long greasy hair, usually brushed back from a high forehead, bisecting eyebrows and a cheeky face spotted with what attempted to be a beard. Although not muscular like his crony, Huck’s body was strong and abundantly hairy with a hard, beer belly paunch. He could almost be mistaken for a mongrel from the canine family, his only admirable trait a thick, healthy boy fucker which was already sprouting up to its full eight inches. Jed stepped out of his shabby jeans and joined Huck in relieving Royce of his homeboy outfit. The boy put up a bit of a fight, but both grown men knew it was something of a grandstand play. They’d both taken enough teen ass to know when one really wanted it. And the solid boy dick throbbing upwards from his hairless groin betrayed his attempt at defiance. Stripped bare, Royce was a delectable sight. Lithe and trim, but not bony, he exhibited that promise of teenage muscular not attained but inherited. His frame was smooth and devoid of hair except for his scalp, where the chestnut growth was buzzed close, and a very light dusting on his legs. His genitals were so perfectly boyscaped they appeared natural, the dick a lustrous teen beauty arcing up between seven and eight perfect inches. The head was a nicely shaped cap, already glistening with lube. Huck whistled as he appraised the teen. “Hot damn! How old ‘r you, boy?” “Eighteen!” Royce replied defiantly. “Sure you are,” Jed chimed in doubtfully. “What? You wanna see ID?” Royce shot back. “I turned three weeks ago.” “Oh shucks, but that’s alright,”” Huck said, momentarily disappointed. “I’ll still fuck you anyways.” Royce made another play at resisting, but Huck hopped up over the boy’s chest pinning his arms with hairy knees and dangled his engorged sex over the kid’s face. Royce tossed his head from side to side as if repulsed. Huck plopped his fat hairy balls down so they covered the youth’s mouth and nose, giving him little choice but to give them attention. Royce wrinkled his nose at the musky, sweaty stink of the beastly man’s nuts but quickly found the masculine aroma arousing him. He sucked one hot and heavy nut into his mouth and went to work on it, then gave the same treatment to the other. Try as he might he couldn’t get both greasy nuts at the same time although he made a valiant effort. Wiry curls tickled his working tongue, several strays coming loose to catch in his throat or between teeth. Huck growled with satisfaction as the rebellious teen slovenly worshipped his sperm-bloated bag. Jed joined them on the mussed bedsheets and quickly took Royce by the legs, pushing them back until he was nearly bent double with his young buns spread and asshole vulnerable. His cheeks and crack appeared as hairless as the rest of his body. Jed ran a thick middle finger down the cleft and was surprised to find it smooth as a babys without a hint of stubble. Could it be the boy was naturally depilated? If not, Jed sincerely envied the barber. Smacking his lips together, Jed moved in for a taste. The unmistakable scent of teen hole wafted through his nostrils, causing him to groan his desire. His wet tongue rolled out and slathed a path up one side of the cleft and then the other. The skin was so soft, so smooth, so irresistibly young. Although he sometimes settled for man hole, Jed craved fresh, tight boy butt. Forever willing to die for cherry he’d been graciously rewarded while in lock-up, brutally turning heretofore straight teen asshole into wide open cunt for the rest of the inmates to plunder. This young punk Royce was clearly no novice. But he was fresh meat in the Baldwin house, just barely the right side of legal and there for the taking. While the kid reveled in Huck’s raunchy nut sac Jed feasted on his deliciously smooth fuck trench. His expert tongue slashed between Royce’s silky inner cheeks teasing the tight sweaty pucker before burrowing inside. As those pink ass lips bloomed open for him Jed more aggressively lavished the boy’s shitter, his hot tongue stabbing in and out of the squirming asshole, sending young Royce into a tailspin of glory. He thrust his ass up against Jed’s face, the man’s overnight growth of beard wickedly scraping against his soft cheeks, and muttered all sorts of obscenities into Huck’s heavy, hairy scrotum. Skidding his mouth unit around inside the moist anal cavity while pressing his lips tightly against the clinging rim Jed slovenly sucked on the unruly boy’s hot hole. With his nuts dripping wet Huck decided it was time he got some ass lovin’ of his own. Hoisting himself back up on his haunches and hovering over Royce’s face, he reached behind to spread his wooly ass cheeks and planted himself firmly on the boy. Grinding his ass around on Royce’s attractive face he ordered, “Eat my fucking ass, slut! Eat it like it’s your fav’rite piece of pie!” Royce let out a guttural roar and his trim body convulsed. Muffled by Huck’s big manly ass it was difficult to determine if it was a cry of disgust or rapture. Probably a combination of both, Jed figured as he lapped more rapidly into the boy’s rosy, grasping hole. Huck was a beast and not particularly adept at personal hygiene. His ass trench was coated with tufts of thick dark hair which practically concealed his greasy hole. Cleanup after taking a shit was required of the most well-groomed man, while Old Huck wiped twice and went about his business, not caring about stray residue in his bristly thatch. And just last night, after “last fuck” had been called, Huck had taken a major dump. Royce’s nose bristled from the ripe stench emanating from between the meaty buttocks spread across his cheeks. The other one, Jed, had looked like something he’d enjoy messing around with from the moment he first laid eyes upon him in the foyer. But he certainly hadn’t planned on being waylaid by this Neanderthal. During his formative years he’d had his share of brutes who fucked him so hard he could barely walk for days. Almost from the time he discovered the alternate use for his asshole he’d pedaled his bike down to the local truck stop out by the highway and loitered in the foul smelling bath/shower room. Those truckers came in all shapes and sizes, most of them grizzly and aromatic from a cross-country haul. Royce soon leaned the road was a lonely highway and these burly, bearded louts so far from home were ready to shove their randy dicks into any warm, tight hole. His smart mouthed, ruffian attitude always prompted them to fuck him extra hard and brutally, as if attempting to punish the bad boy. It was the way Royce liked it. This gorilla, Huck, was unlike any the boy had thus far encountered. He both repulsed and curiously titillated the errant teen. With his face hopelessly buried in the man’s grubby trench Royce stuck out his tongue and dug through the acrid tuft of ass hair searching for the slot. Fighting the need to gag he located the target and went to work skirting his tongue over the thick creased lips. When they pulsed open Royce stuck his hot young tongue up into the tart asshole, framed his lips against the opening and slovenly devoured the beast’s unclean shitter. Huck’s growled like an animal and tossed his greasy head back on hairy shoulders. His eyes rolled upward and his mouth fell agape while a look of sheer bliss took over his istanbul travesti boorish features. His fat boy-fucker was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum as it bobbed and jerked outward from his shaggy groin. The young upstart was really eating him out! He could feel Royce’s tongue flicking around inside him, scouring his ass walls and digging as deeply as humanly possible. It felt so fucking good! The sloppy sounds of Royce sucking out his ass while he ate were a total turn on to the already aroused ex-con. As Jed ate his own teen meal his eyes remained focused on the point of contact between the other two. Royce’s young, smooth face working between Huck’s vile, hirsute butt cheeks was about as raunchy as it could get. Huck was grinding himself on the boy, lifting himself just enough at times that Jed could see Royce’s pink lips on that disgusting asshole, his face glistening with Huck’s ass juices. With a growl of unrestrained arousal Jed withdrew his tongue from Royce’s dripping asshole and knelt up between the split of the teen’s limbs. Dropping a healthy gob of spit onto his big dripping meathead he pressed it up to the pursed pussy lips of the young upstart and crudely rammed it inside. The boy’s fuck tunnel went into all sorts of serious contractions as the thick man meat seared through him. He whimpered his despair into Huck’s tongue clutching hole, his earlier bravado gone. Nine inches of hungry cock maddeningly pulsed against the parted anal walls of the boy. Jed rotated his hips, churning his chunky tool deep within and ground his thick pubic patch tightly against the kid’s smooth skin. Royce’s slim body squirmed and bucked but with two strong men on him there was nowhere for him to go. Having tamed the young’n Jed smiled his satisfaction, yanked his dick back until only the fat head rested at the entrance and immediately thrust back in again, knocking the wind out of Royce. If the kid thought he was going to get another reprieve he soon learned there was no rest for sexy Jed. The chip toothed felon proceeded to fuck his ass for all his worth, cruelly pounding him with that big club. Its elasticity quickly destroyed Royce’s asshole yawned wide as lusty Jed’s mighty organ repeatedly crashed into it. Looking over a hairy shoulder Huck goaded his buddy on. “Tear up that boy hole! The way this kid’s eatin’ out my asshole you’re givin’ it to him jus’ the way he really wants it,” Huck announced. “Well if’n he’s likin’ it too much I guess I’m just gonna have to amp things up,” Jed grinned evilly. And with that he began punch fucking the teen’s guts with his strong rod, making poor Royce howl into the hollow of Huck’s sticky grungy asshole. The large shopping mall out on the major highway a good half hour away from town was a major week end attraction for teens. Since lately he’d been more willing to leave the confines of his sacred room, Trey had been taking Lucas there with some frequency. As brothers they were extremely close. Once-shy Lucas had long ago placed his trust in his older brother. And Trey held special affection for the sometimes self-conscious boy. He was pleased that Lucas had made great strides over the past year in overcoming his social awkwardness, but the boy still held a degree of timidity. Discovering that his oversized dick was nothing to be ashamed of had turned the sixteen year old into a confident stud. But once the sex was done he slowly reverted into the inhibited youth he’d always been. Trey’s mission was to make those episodes less frequent. They spent well over an hour in the arcade before taking a leisurely mall crawl, checking out the store fronts and the horde of Sunday shoppers. Trey ran into several of his school chums and made special point to include Lucas in their banter. He was pleased when his brother held his own, although he could tell Lucas was still uncomfortable. After a while they found themselves in front of one of the three shoe stores, this one on the upper level of the sprawling mall. Slapping the back of a hand against Lucas’ arm Trey animatedly said, “Come on, let’s go inside. This is Mr. Jackson’s place. Time to get you laid, bro!” Lucas instantly panicked but Trey pushed him forward and into the shop. Harvey Jackson was the owner of several shoe stores in this and nearby counties. He was a big middle aged black man who, in his younger years, played semi-professional football until an injury felled him. Over the years he’d put on some major pounds but was still considered a husky man. Jackson lived on the outskirts of town with his wife of nearly thirty years and their daughter Leticia, who’d been in Trey’s graduating class. He was active in town politics and church functions. Harvey was also a semi-regular at the Baldwin’s Saturday night shindigs. Harvey nearly fell over himself when he saw the Baldwin brothers come into the large store. With a nervous glance to the sales counter, thankfully currently unoccupied, he came over to the boys. “Trey. Lucas. How n-nice to see you,” he said in an unsteady voice. “Hey, Mr. Jackson. How’s it goin’?” Trey greeted good naturedly. “Missed you at last night’s party. Was the biggest we’ve had.” “Keep your voice down,” Jackson cautioned them in a hushed tone. “My daughter’s working here today.” Trey smiled crookedly at Jackson’s obvious discomfort. Throwing an arm across Lucas’ shoulders he replied, “Lukie’s in the market for a new pair of kicks.” When Luke looked at him questioningly Trey squeezed his shoulder and lowered his voice, “Maybe you can show him some of the stock you have in your back room.” “Well, I-I don’t know,” Jackson stammered, his eyes unconsciously casting downward to focus on Lucas’ crotch. Lucas was Harvey’s favorite top boy at the Baldwin orgies and a secret fan from the time of his webcam site. “Sure you do,” Trey smiled mischievously, Harvey’s gaze not lost on the older Baldwin boy. “Don’t worry about Ticia. I can keep her company while you and Luke, you know, try on shoes,” he said with a teasing wink. Jackson licked his huge, meaty lips. “Well, I may have something new in the back for you to try. C-come with me, Lucas. And you, Trey, stay with Leticia.” “Got it covered, Mr. Jackson,” Trey replied, slapping Lucas on the back and whispering into his ear, “Go on, Lukie. He wants you and that big fat dick of yours.” The stallion in him overriding his timidity, Lucas thrust his hands in his pockets and followed Harvey past the long rows of boots, sneakers and dress shoes to a louvered door at the back of the shop. Smiling with satisfaction, Trey browsed until he found Leticia stocking shelves along a side wall. “Hey, Ticia,” he greeted. The black girl squatting low to access a bottom shelf turned her head and smiled with surprise when she saw him. “Trey Baldwin! My goodness, how have you been?” Leticia Jackson was a pretty girl with a smooth, creamy caramel complexion, wide brown eyes and puffy pink lips. Her hair was woven in long, thin dreadlocks pulled back and high up to drape down over her shoulders and down her back. She wore a tight, short-sleeved sweater accentuating the swell of her ample breasts and a short shirt which was now riding dangerously high up creamy thighs. Trey’s eyes flared and his horny heart fluttered in his chest. “Doing well over in Princeton,” he managed. “How about you? You were going to Ramapo, right?” “That’s right!” Leticia smiled, revealing perfect teeth. Trey had to thrust his hands in his pockets to camouflage the stirring of his randy penis. “Surprised you remember. It’s not exactly like we traveled in the same circles. You were the big football jock and I was one of those many admiring high school girls,” she said almost shyly. “Well now, I didn’t know that,” Trey replied, thoroughly enjoying the flattery. “Oh, please,” Leticia waved a hand at him. “All the girls were.” When she began to rise from her crouched position Trey rushed forward to take a thin arm and assist her. Ticia’s long lashes fluttered upward to look into the handsome face of the young man and Trey’s interest lifted. Her sweet, warm breath washed over him as she gushed, “Why, thank you kindly, Trey Baldwin.” She bent to retrieve empty shoe boxes but Trey was quick to drop down and collect them for her. Down on one knee his eyes traveled up her shapely legs to the appealing shadows just under her short skirt. Swallowing heavily, he rose. All was not lost on Leticia, who was breathing more heavily, her ample bosom rising and falling invitingly. “And thank you again,” she told him sweetly. “Wh-where would you like these,” Trey asked, hefting the boxes in his hands. “They go in the stock room. It’s back there,” she said, indicating the rear of the store. “But you don’t have to do that, Trey.” “But I want to,” the smitten young man insisted. “All right,” Ticia smiled. “Just follow me.” Trey kept a few paces behind her, his eyes trained on her full ass and that skirt just inches shy of revealing it in all its glory. His dick was now pounding against the front of his jeans and the temperature in the place seemed to have risen considerably. He desperately wanted to take hold of that booty, crush her against him, direct his rod up under that skirt and slip it into her hot chocolate pussy. Just as they were only feet away from their destination Trey froze. Captivated by Leticia and her sexual promise he’d forgotten that his brother and Mr. Jackson were in that targeted stock room! The blood rushed from his face and his eyes widened as, almost in slow motion, Leticia reached out an arm, took hold of the door handle and twisted it. Once in the privacy of the stock room Harvey Jackson excitedly led young Lucas to a far corner where they would be concealed behind boxes of merchandise. Turning to face the teen he raked the chubby fingers of one hand through Lucas’ tousled hair and whispered, “We must be very, very quiet.” The change over Lucas from the sales floor to this back room was almost miraculous. Suddenly he seemed enveloped in an aura of sexuality. Like Superman donning his cape, the timid introvert was instantly replaced by an aggressive boy stud. Kicking off his sneakers, he hastily worked at removing every stitch of his clothing. Harvey’s dark hands worshipped every exposed inch. Under Trey’s guidance Lucas had made great strides in overcoming his earlier scrawniness and now held the promise of budding teenage development. Once the boy was nude Harvey took hold of his donkey dong with both hands, marveling at its almost obscene proportions. Even limp it was indeed formidable. That one boy should have so much meat was almost unforgiveable. Both magnificent and indecent at the same time it hung frighteningly thick with a fruit-sized head slashed by a long, gaping piss slit which could easily swallow a grown man’s finger. Thick corded veins, rope-like when erect, marred any smoothness and gave the piece an even more vulgar appearance. Hanging low under that massive equipment was a huge, hefty and smooth sac containing a lemon-sized set of big bull’s balls loaded with rich teen spunk. Licking his chops Harvey managed to squat his big bulk down before the young god and came face to face with the monstrous slab of boy meat. Already it was beginning to lengthen and thicken into that tremendous, powerful club which Harvey and so many others adored. His big nostrils flared from the intoxicating aroma emanating from the boy’s gigantic sex. Whimpering like a child Harvey leaned in and swiped his tongue over the expansive, curved head. The beast awakened immediately, its veins pumping up with blue blood as it majestically filled out and rose to attention. Harvey excitedly took the cock head into his mouth, locked his lips around the underside cleft and voraciously sucked on the expanding knob. As it grew bigger still Harvey’s thick liver lips were stretched to their maximum. His eyes widened, teared and Harvey suddenly feared being knotted by the colossal thing. Spitting it out he gasped for breath but was irresistibly drawn back to it once again. Fully erect Lucas was nearly fifteen inches of teenage danger. Frightening and impossible as it appeared grown men flocked to it, making Lucas the most favored commodity at the Baldwin house parties. They truly worshipped the boy, lavishing him with affection and the hope for his favor. It did wonderful things for his confidence and revived the beforehand fading libidos of some middle-aged one-time Romeos. Sometimes Harvey had to wrestle his way through the bodies to get a taste of young Lucas. But now here, in the stock room of his shop, the beautiful boy was all his. Harvey ran the surface of his tongue all over Lucas’ crown, making it shine with saliva. His hands, unable to close around the circumference, moved up and down the meaty shaft, its bloated veins making it even more enticing. He tongued the wide piss slit, teased the bundle of nerves gathered at the base of the corona and chewed on the thick ridge. In his enthusiasm he somehow managed to take the gigantic cock knob back into his mouth and wildly sucked on it. He was quickly rewarded with a spurt of sweet pre-cum against his wet tongue. Coming off the cock he turned his attention to the boy’s pendulous scum bag. Hefting it in his meaty paws Harvey was awestruck at how it filled the palms of both sweaty hands. Lucas’ sac was big and heavy; Harvey imagined it took strong support to hold them under the boy’s everyday clothing. Nuzzling his face up to the teen’s scrotum Harvey licked and sucked on the soft, tender flesh. Growing bolder he swallowed one huge joy egg into his wet mouth, worshipped it tenderly and then went for the other. It was impossible to take the entire bundle at once but, with nose pressed up against the thick root of cock, Harvey gave it his best shot. He sucked and slurped, all the while thinking of the voluminous load housed there, a load he’d lustfully devoured on several occasions. When Lucas’ nuts were drenched in saliva and heated to boiling Harvey returned to the main event. After nibbling on the tasty base he began the long journey up the finger-width cord on the underside of the pulsing cock. The heavy vein pulsed under his gliding tongue as he traversed every inch of it, culminating his climb by once again wrapping his fat lips around the succulent fruit on top and slovenly sucking on it. This time he managed to engulf a few inches of the wrist-thick shaft, forcing the head to the back of his throat. In short order he was gagging on the tremendous slab of boy beef, but Harvey was not to be deterred. He feverishly worked on the inches he could handle, licking, sucking and fucking it with his black face. With a carnal groan he spit it out and attacked the entire shaft. Running his tongue up, down and around all fifteen beefy inches he made it dripping wet with mouthfuls of saliva. Gazing up at the boy served to arouse him even more. Lucas was clearly blissful, his eyes dreamily closed under those lopsided glasses, playing with his pert boy nips, chewing on his pink lower lip and snaking his tongue out to lick the corner of his mouth. So many times Harvey had fantasized shoving his big black daddy dick between those sweet teen lips and coaxing the boy to suck him off. But it seemed whenever a man was with Lucas he immediately fell under the boy’s power and became totally subservient. Lucas, of course, relished in the adulation, something of which he’d been deprived for way too long. No longer a book worm, bedroom dwelling nerd embarrassed by his freakish genitalia, rescued from his misery and encouraged first by friend Ollie, always by brother Trey and last, but most importantly, his father Lucas was totally confident and content when engaging in sins of the flesh. Although still apprehensive about pursuing liaisons on his own Lucas eagerly anticipated each Baldwin party and the attention which was always lavished upon him. But for Trey’s intercession he might never have had the boldness to approach Mr. Jackson here at the footwear shop. But he was certain he was making great strides in overcoming his timidity. Harvey took one last lick at the heinous shaft. Stroking the dripping member in one hand he breathed heavily, “I need you to fuck me, Lucas. Please fuck me with this big, beautiful cock, boy.” Lucas was so aroused all he could do was bob his head in response. Harvey rose from his cramped spot on the floor, unsnapped his belt, tore open his trousers and yanked them and boxers down around his ankles. Turning away from the boy he planted his feet as widely apart as possible, braced his hands against the wall and thrust his big black ass out at Lucas. Lucas stepped up to Harvey, knotted the tail of the man’s white shirt up in one hand while his other positioned his spit slick prick against the pink target. Lucas thrust. Try as he might Harvey couldn’t help but emit a husky cry as the first of fifteen inches seared through his rectum. Fearful Leticia would open the stock room door and discover her father with Lucas Trey did the only thing he could to diffuse the potential disaster. He dropped the armload of boxes he’d been carrying. It was enough to freeze Ticia’s hand on the door knob. Turning to look over her shoulder she exclaimed, “Why, Trey, what in the world?” “Sorry Ticia,” Trey replied breathlessly. “Guess I tripped over my new feet and lost my balance for a second there. Here, help me gather these up.” “Oh, Trey,” Leticia smiled, rolling her eyes dramatically, “you certainly weren’t this clumsy on the football field now, were you?” She crouched down to help him with the scattered cardboard and for an instant her legs parted enough that Trey had a view of the pale pink panties she wore under the short skirt. His ruse had worked to delay a catastrophe and, unknown to all, the clattering of the falling boxes had muffled Harvey’s yowl when his asshole was breached by Lucas’ behemoth. Trey’s mind went to work on how to buy more time once they’d collected the shoe boxes while his eyes begged for another glance up Ticia’s skirt. Luck proved to be with him when the dinging of a bell alerted the girl to a customer at the service counter. “I’ll be back just as soon as I take care of the sale,” Leticia told him with a smile as she rose from the floor and straightened her skirt. “No worries, Ticia,” Trey responded. “I’ll put the boxes back there in the stock room.” “Why thank you kindly, Mr. Baldwin,” she smiled again. And Trey’s heart went aflutter. The mound of his crotch stirred as he watched her walk away. Soon as she was occupied with a woman and child kadıköy travesti at the sales counter Trey secreted the stack of boxes out of sight in a row of clearance items. Quietly stepping over to the stock room he pressed his ear to the door. At first he heard nothing, but then the sound of a muffled groan. He smiled roguishly. Lucas was definitely getting ass. Trey meandered about the shop while Leticia good naturedly rang up a sale. Soon as she’d finished she went to join him. But Trey was nowhere in sight. “Trey,” she called. “Now where in the world have you gotten off to?” “Right here, Ticia,” came his voice from down the next aisle. Coming around the corner, Ticia beamed when she saw him there looking at women’s evening shoes. “Now what does Trey Baldwin want with stilettos?” she teased. “I was just thinking how pretty these would look on you,” Trey replied, his expression sly. “Me in glitter stilettos? “Come on, Ticia,” Trey encouraged. “Try them on. Tell you what: I’ll play the salesman and you are the customer. Now come right over here, miss, and have a seat.” He directed her to a small row of cushioned chairs. “I’ll assist you in trying on these beautiful and very inexpensive heels. Here at Jackson’s Shoes we guarantee that you’ll walk out the envy of every woman and the apple of every man’s eye.” Ticia looked at him with staged reproach. “The store’s not called Jackson Shoes, Trey.” Trey thought quickly. “For this scenario, right now, it is. Go with me on this, okay?” “Okay,” Ticia laughed and took a seat. Playing the suave attendant Trey took Leticia’s ankle in his hand and carefully removed the non-descript shoe from her right foot. For a moment he felt like Prince Charming preparing to fit his Cinderella with her glass slipper. The gaudy, hooker heel fit her shapely foot perfectly. Trey purposely took time in adjusting the strap around the heel before placing one foot down to adorn the other. As Leticia recrossed her legs to offer up the other Trey once again saw a flash of pink. His randy Baldwin cock thumped against the crotch of his jeans. “Oh Trey,” Leticia giggled, “these are definitely not me.” Looking up at her purposely, his hand caressing the swell of her calf, he replied, “But they could be.” Leticia’s eyes flared and her lips parted in a stifled gasp as she read the desire in Trey. The most desired boy at their alma mater, the one she often fantasized about, was coming on to her. His hand was rising higher, up over her knee cap and moving along the inside of her thigh. Without even realized she’d done it, Leticia uncrossed her shapely legs and parted her thighs just enough for him to reach between. Trey’s eyelids were heavy, seductive, as he explored her flesh. His fingers touched the fabric of her pink panties and he cupped them under her, effectively placing her pussy in the palm of his hand. Leticia sighed lustfully, her head falling back on her shoulders and her eyes rolling dreamily upward. “Oh Trey, we can’t do this. My father!” “Don’t worry about your father,” Trey replied breathlessly. “My brother Lukie and I saw him as we were coming into the shop. He and Luke went down to the Food Court for a bite. They won’t be back for a while,” he lied. “Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” Leticia moaned, sliding down in the seat as Trey began working the lips of her pussy with his thumb. “B-but my boyfriend.” “Do you see him here?” Trey asked unaware, although not really caring, that Leticia was dating. “He’ll never know. I want you, Ticia. I’ve always wanted you.” It was a lie, of course. He’d never really paid much attention to her all through high school, although he knew when a girl was crushing on him. At the moment Trey Baldwin was very horny, needed to keep her occupied while Lucas nailed her father, and the thought of sinking into some moist, cozy cunt instead of hairy man ass seemed very appealing. Not that Trey had any issues with fucking dudes. In fact, he rather enjoyed it. Didn’t mind being on the receiving end either, not after Lombardo and his brother tag teamed his drunken ass that night in the family gym. He hadn’t been fucked a lot, not like Ryan, and was extremely selective about who he took inside. There was one fellow college student in particular he had his eye on, a big muscular boy from somewhere in the midwest. While the urge to bottom didn’t hit him all that often Trey could easily see himself throwing up his legs for that kid. Despite licentious thoughts of cock and ass Trey’s flip-flop libido still allowed for a hot time with good old familiar pussy. And he intended to have Leticia’s, to treat her to some prime Baldwin cock and seed her deep. His working hand was joined by the other in taking her dainty panties by their sides and slipping them down her shapely thighs. Once removed he balled them up in a hand, brought it to his face and inhaled deeply of her female scents. Placing them aside he spread her legs even wider and dove in headfirst under her short skirt. Leticia gave a little cry when she felt Trey’s lips on her most private part, his tongue digging through the folds and lapping at her pussy. Finding her clitoris hard and almost like a miniature dick Trey attacked it with his mouth. Taking it between his lips he licked and sucked on it, forcing Leticia to squirm and moan. The tinkle of the service bell once again interrupted them. Ticia pushed Trey away, jumped up and straightened her skirt. A cavalier Trey sat back on his haunches with an amused expression, Ticia’s pussy juices shining on his handsome face. On gaudy spiked heels Ticia wobbled to the front desk where another customer awaited. Wiping a hand across his mug Trey casually followed. Ticia nervously rang up the order for the soccer mom and her grade school son while Trey joined her behind the counter. Mommy was too busy digging loose change out of the bottom of her oversized purse to notice the good looking young man come right up behind Leticia and place his hand under her skirt. Blood drained from Ticia’s face as Trey began fingering her pussy right there in public. All was not lost on Junior who, from his viewpoint, witnessed the action. Trey put a cautionary finger to his lips and the tyke grinned secretively. There was honor among males of all ages. They had barely stepped through the threshold out into the mall when Trey unzipped, bent Leticia over the counter and slipped himself into her juicy cunt. Ticia sighed heavily at the sudden intrusion while Trey reveled in the sensations her pussy was bringing to his seven solid inches. “Trey,” she panted, “we mustn’t. Anyone could walk in!” “Fuck ’em,” Trey snarled. Reaching around to cup her full breasts and thumb the protruding nipples through her thin sweater he commenced thrusting his Baldwin cock in and out of her chocolate twat. In the storage room young Lucas was also having a serving of nice dark meat in the form of Leticia’s father, Harvey Jackson. The ex-athlete was bent at the waist, chubby hands pressed to the wall and thick legs spread wide as Lucas skewered him with his monstrous weapon of ass destruction. Each forceful thrust from the teen sent his body into jarring convulsions. The enormous head seemed to lash deeper into his guts with every powerful lunge. Harvey was biting down hard on his thick lower lip to keep from howling and alerting anyone to their illicit activities. But as burdensome as it was, Harvey adored being fucked by Lucas. Harvey hadn’t known the pleasures of male flesh until late in life. All through high shool and college the good looking, well-built jock was a true ladies man. Other than those celebratory circle jerks in the locker room after defeating an opposing team a young Harvey never much cared about cock. It wasn’t until in his early forties that opportunity came. After a complete hysterectomy his wife had zero interest in sex. Still a virile man with a strong sexual appetite Harvey sought satisfaction elsewhere. He’d heard talk about an adult book store outside of town where hedonistic acts were performed in the video lounge and decided to investigate for himself. He must have sat in the parking lot for a good half hour summoning the courage to go inside. What if someone from his church congregation saw him there? Then again, he told himself, what would they be doing at such a place if not for the same reason. Nervously he hoisted his bulk out of the SUV and approached the den of immorality. Once inside he found a run-down place with rows of dirty books, magazines and sex toys. A disinterested proprietor sat behind a raised counter. Harvey was glad he didn’t know him. He casually sauntered through the place, knowing he was perspiring heavily, and pretended to browse through the merchandise. There was something to appeal to all types, some of it downright shocking. At the rear of the place, behind a tawdry neon-lit awning was the video area. Harvey contemplated. Having gone this far he figured he might as well investigate completely. It was a narrow and dark hallway with four doors along the wall. Similar to an airplane lavatory a latched door displayed an occupied warning on the outside. Two of the enclosures were vacant. Harvey went for the furthest away and then, on second thought, entered the cubicle adjacent to one of the occupied booths. Things were cramped and dim in the small enclosure, save for illumination from the video screen. There was an acrid, gamey smell throughout the place. Nevertheless Harvey fished through his pockets, came up with a dollar’s worth of quarters and fed them into the coin slot. Instantly a buxom blond, obviously dyed, filled the screen moaning and groaning. In short order Harvey saw the source of her pleasure: she was being fucked by a long, hard black dick. It was as if the film short had been selected especially for him. Harvey had long fantasized about slutty white women, had even fucked a few Caucasian co-eds at the University when a younger man. “Let me have your dick.” The voice came out of nowhere. At first Harvey thought the order was part of the movie. But the voice had obviously been male. Confused, Harvey surveyed his surroundings. And that’s when he noticed the hole in the wall. It was circular, about 4″ X 4″, and lined with some type of black rubber. Even in the shadows Harvey could make out a mouth framed by a paltry excuse for facial hair. The fellow was clearly white. “Let me have your dick, mister,” he repeated. “I-I don’t know,” Harvey stammered. Then, “I’m not into men.” The other snickered. “You don’t have to be. You want to get off, don’t you? I’m real good. The dude in the next booth just sucked me off. Now let me do you.” “I-I don’t know,” Harvey repeated. It had never occurred to him that the place was a stomping ground for queers. “Come on, mister,” the voice practically pleaded. “I need to suck some dick. If not you than it’s gonna be whoever comes into the other booth next.” After a moment of consideration Harvey clumsily fought with his zipper, fished out his hardened prick and stepped up to the hole. The guy on the other side gushed, “Fuck, yeah! I love black cock!” And then he enveloped Harvey’s unit with his warm, wet mouth. Harvey sighed heavily and stumbled forward, spearing all eight inches of himself down the sucker’s throat. The guy took him easily. He was good, real good. Better than Harvey would ever have believed. Harvey sighed and moaned as his black meat was worshipped by the anonymous cock sucker. He had to admit that the man was better than any female who’d ever gone down on him before. Soon he was eagerly pounding his hips against the hole, brutally fucking the awesome mouth. After a short time the cock sucker backed off him and pleaded, “I’m coming around, mister. Open the door. I want you to fuck me with that big black dick.” To his surprise, Harvey complied. He reacted with shock when the young man, no more than high school age, slipped into the already crowded cubicle. “How old are you?” Harvey asked in a shocked tone. “Don’t worry about it,” the white kid responded, already dropping his way-oversized jeans, propping himself up against the wall and thrusting his ass back at Harvey. “Just shove your dick in there and fuck me. Load me with all your black babies.” Harvey was too super-charged to resist. He fucked the teen. Fucked him hard and fast. Planted himself balls deep and shot an enormous load into the kid. From that night on he was a frequent visitor to the sinful place. The same high school Senior showed up once a week and Harvey gave him the Jackson treatment. When the kid begged him to suck his cock, Harvey complied. He wasn’t especially good at it at first, and the taste of cum took some getting used to, but the teen was an enthusiastic coach and Harvey an avid pupil. While he didn’t reject the more mature types Harvey soon learned that he much preferred younger meat. To his delight they came to the place a plenty. When one cute, butch college boy begged for a piece of Harvey’s ass Harvey gave it up. A whole new world of sexual delight opened up for him. Soon Harvey was taking teen meat up his ass like a champ. Lucas Baldwin was Harvey Jackson’s favorite boy. The seemingly shy youth turned into a real tiger in bed. Or any place else, for that matter. And that dick! Oh, that glorious, enormous dick! It was a breath taking thing unrivaled by any other, reaching places in Harvey’s black pussy that none of his other boys could. With the bespectacled Baldwin teen always in hot demand at those Saturday night parties Harvey often settled on being balled by any of those cute young college jocks in attendance but was ecstatic when he gained Lucas’ favor. It was as if the kid was a teen idol and he, a mature man, an obsessed fan. A wave of rapture coursed through Harvey’s hefty body as Lucas’ huge, bulbous cockhead soared deep up into his guts. Although he knew it was anatomically impossible, Harvey could have sworn the thing was coming out his throat. He convulsed with ecstasy each time Lucas’ heavy balls slammed up against him, signaling full penetration. Fourteen to fifteen magnificent inches wrecking his shuddering asshole and churning up his insides. His mouth had long ago gone slack, drool dripping from his fat lips and pooling on the floor beneath him. Lucas fucked like a champion, proud to be bringing as much pleasure to Mr. Jackson as he was receiving from the man’s convulsing ass. Hot passion mounted inside him with each deliberate thrust. The effort of pumping all those inches in and out of Mr. J’s hot chute required a good deal of stamina but Lucas was young, horny and up to the task. Harvey’s inner heat engulfed him, causing Lucas to sigh lustfully. He didn’t yet know what it felt like to fuck a girl but couldn’t imagine it to be any better than this. He loved the intense heat, the awesome tightness and the feel of mushy guts skidding along his battering weapon. Once considered a shameful thing kept hidden in his pants he now respected his oversized boyhood. Lucas felt those first contractions from deep inside Harvey’s rectum and more determinedly drove his thick shaft up into that clutching chasm. Harvey was chugging like a locomotive, his butt hole spasming around the charging prick. With his hands pressed down on the small of Jackson’s back Lucas gritted his teeth and pounded away at him. With a shout he was unable to contain Harvey exploded, shooting jets of hot cum which hit the wall in front of him. Lucas kept pumping into the convulsing hole, its violated lips clamping down on his unit as if attempting to strangle it. His own body was quivering and dripping with sweat. With an uncontained cry of his own he threw back his head and exploded like a fire hose up Harvey’s ass. Hot teen sperm blasted out of his gaping dick slit at precisely the same time as Trey was getting off up Leticia’s twat. His heavy balls loaded with cum, Lucas filled Harvey’s bowels with his teen load. Minutes passed before they managed to come down from their fuck high. While outside Leticia was bemoaning her infidelity to her boyfriend—but secretly joyous at the fact she’d made love with Trey Baldwin—Lucas and Harvey gathered their clothes and did their best to make themselves somewhat presentable. Harvey looked at Lucas with utter adoration. He knew his ass would be feeling it for several days, but the pain was a treasured one. His warm breath washed over Lucas’ face as he moved to straighten the teen’s glasses, cup a hand behind his head and join their mouths. Harvey kissed him passionately and Lucas responded in kind, grateful that a shy nerd like himself was so adored. Bare feet came down the carpeted back stairway and along the second floor hallway of the Baldwin mansion in destination of the kitchen. He’d awakened with his throat parched and in need of hydration. Just as he reached the break leading to the area his ears perked from the sound of voices further on. Adult male voices. One he recognized as his father; the other, unknown to him. Suddenly creeping more inconspicuously forward he reached the end of the hall opening into the living room. There he plastered his bare back against the wall, afraid to poke his head around the corner lest he be discovered. Standing there clad only in white boxer briefs he eavesdropped. “Was up there around Canada when I got the call. Logging job,” Brian was saying. “Don’t know how they found me. I’ve been pickin’ up jobs wherever I could find ’em pretty much all over. It was Trina’s brother. You remember Katrina.” “How could I ever forget?” Miles replied snidely. “Fifteen and underage when you knocked her up. Cost mom and dad a huge chunk of my college tuition to buy you out of that one.” “Jeez, Miles,” Brian rolled his eyes and sighed. “Can’t you cut me a little slack every now and then? “I almost didn’t get past my freshman year at the University because of you,” Miles shot back. “But you did go. And graduated. You’ve got a degree. I got nuthin’.” “Whose fault is that? You had opportunities. Baseball superstar throughout high school. Nobody could hit the ball out of the park as consistently or cover left field. You could have gotten a scholarship, met up with talent scouts, been a career athlete. And what did you do? Got drunk, hotwired a car, slammed into a pole and had injuries which ended any chance for you.” Brian looked sheepishly down at the floor. “Seems like I’ve always had nuthin’ but bad luck.” “Luck? Luck had nothing to do with it, Brian,” Miles countered. “It’s all the bad, careless choices you’ve made. And bakırköy travesti still continue to make, I’d gather. I mean, what do you have? By your own admission you’re nothing but a vagabond.” Brian looked up at him cautiously. “You act like you’ve never made a mistake, big brother.” “I’ve made mistakes,” Miles answered evenly. Boy, had he. “But nothing like you. Don’t even try to compare.” Brian sighed heavily. Fearing he was getting nowhere, he abruptly turned the conversation around to his original point. “Katrina got sick a couple of months ago. Cancer. Gosh, she was only thirty-three. It took her real quick. Only family she had was her brother. He’s got three kids of his own and he couldn’t take in Royce. From the way he talked on the phone Royce has got some rebellion issues.” “Imagine that!” Miles scoffed. Ignoring him, Brian went on, “So I said the boy could stay with me. I’m his father, after all.” “In DNA only,” Miles said sarcastically. “When’s the last time you saw him?” “Well,” averting Miles’ eyes, “not since he was a baby. But I’d been sending money whenever I can to help Trina out.” “A dollar here, a dollar there,” Miles snarked. “Give me some credit here, brother. I never had much but I gave her and the kid what I could.” “Never had much,” Miles repeated. “Could that have anything to do with the way you gambled away every bit you ever made? Shall we review your dealings with that loan shark? You remember him, Brian, the one who came after our father for your debt?” Miles gritted his teeth and poked Brian in the sternum once, twice, three times. “Dad was never the same after that.” His words his home. Brian appeared ashen and, for a few moments, was speechless. When he collected his thoughts he said slowly and carefully, “You probably don’t think I’ve regretted that every moment since. But I have. I truly have. If I had it to do over—” “But you don’t,” Miles interrupted him crossly. “You don’t get that chance. You put our mother and father through hell time and again.” Brian searched his brother’s face for something, anything that resembled forgiveness. But it was hopeless. Miles remained steadfast and stubborn. The last and only weapon he had was his son. And Brian wasn’t above using him. “Got me a job down in Virginia,” he announced solemnly. “Picked up Royce and we were on our way there when I thought, hey, why don’t we stop off for a quick visit. I’ve been talking to him about his family on the Baldwin side and this would be a good chance for him to meet you. And his, what, three cousins?” “Four,” Miles corrected sourly. “Geesh,” Brian smiled with a roll of his blue eyes, “I sure have lost touch. But I did hear somewhere about you and your wife calling it quits.” “There it is!” Miles became animated. “That’s the reason you show up on my doorstep after all these years. You learn about my wealthy wife leaving and you smell money. Well, baby brother, let me assure you there is none. Our joint bank accounts were closed and I’ve been left with nothing but this house. Which, in fact, has become a burden of its own. So you can collect your newly found son, turn on your heel and head right the hell out of here.” Jed fucked young Royce with such relentless force that he threatened to collapse the single bed they were on. The slim-bodied minx whimpered into the sticky, hairy ass planted on his face but the rigidity of his boy-rection, hardness of his tits and his fevered tonguing of Huck’s grubby hole gave away his arousal. Royce was obviously a teen who liked his sex down, dirty and rough. Which was just the way Jed and Huck, two experienced boy fuckers, served it up to horny juveniles. The sound of sweaty body parts slapping together resounded off the walls of the rather small room as Jed crashed into Royce time and again. His nine inch stallion’s dick knifed through the kid’s squirming entrails and punched deep into his belly. It seemed as if half the teen’s cunt clung to his battering prick on the outstroke but Jed quickly rammed it back into place. His slightly glazed eyes were those of a man possessed as the normally easy-going good-ole-boy fucked like his life depended on it. It had been a long while since he’d fucked a young’n like that, for the most part playing down his aggressive side with the Baldwins. But now he was making up for lost opportunity and diving balls deep into fresh Baldwin ass. Huck caught the old familiar look in Jed’s eyes. It was the way he looked each time Jed claimed the new young, tough-acting but piss-scared, inmate who had landed on their cell block. Jed marked many of them, fucking them into submission much the same way he was now fucking multi-pierced Royce. When he was done he turned them over to Huck, who was a push-over for boy ass. Hillbilly Huck’s affinity for youthful flesh had landed him in prison long ago when he balled something on the wrong side of legal. It was where he’d met Jed. After his surprisingly early release (the kid he’d fucked recanted his story and pointed the finger at some local yokel) Huck tried to keep his nose (and dick) clean. He was managing until Jed extended the invitation to join a revenge fuck party which resulted in the gang rape of Devyn Baldwin. It hadn’t taken the youngster long to recognize Jed from that fateful night once he was hired on at the Baldwin estate. Same as when Huck himself came to visit. Sure, they’d all concealed their features and, sure it was dark in the back of that van, but the kid certainly knew their voices and bodies. Huck didn’t know all the details but it seemed as though Jed and the boy had come to some sort of bargain. All’s he knew is Jed warned him off little Devyn right from the start. But every time he thought about eating out that young’n, then fucking his teen cunt, Huck wanted to snatch the kid up in the hallway, haul him to the downstairs quarters and once again ravage his young, cute ass. Thus far he’d managed to resist the impulse. Lucky for him he was kept satiated by the boy’s brother, muscle-jock Ryan. Huck might not have been the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was smart enough to know he wasn’t much to look at. But his appearance didn’t seem to matter to the good looking athlete. All Ryan cared about was his cock. And, boy howdy that hunky teen rode ole Huck like he’d never been ridden before. Watching Jed power fuck this new kid quickly inspired Huck to elevate his own game. Lifting himself off Royce’s face he deftly spun his beefy body around, jerked the kid’s head back and rammed his dick into his heavily panting mouth. Royce gargled around the fat acerbic piece, appearing to protest the sudden invasion. But Huck hooked his thick pinkie fingers into the punk’s wide ear gauges, held his head in place and proceeded with a vicious skull fuck. Royce snorted wildly around the big man dick and pounded his fists against the manimal’s hairy thighs but all his floundering made Huck even more determined. His garbled vocalizing only served to make his throat an open highway for the hirsute ex-con. Huck shoved his full length into Royce’s wet mouth and down his gullet until his overgrown bush was scraping chin. He repeatedly sent his prick down the teen’s throat, pausing to pump esophagus a few times before ripping out. Despite his initial reluctance Royce quickly got into the face invasion. These two were precisely the type he’d always enjoyed fucking around with. They were there aplenty at the low rent trailer park where he’d been raised. Truckers, bikers, lazy-ass welfare frauders—Royce had been doing them since the time he was fourteen. Soon as their bitch left the park to go shopping, visiting or whatever in fuck she was doing Royce was there between her man’s legs. He sucked a mean cock and took it up the ass, something their old lady wouldn’t, usually while the dude was nursing a beer, smoking a cigarette or indulging in a blunt. And mama’s revolving door of boyfriends was surely not off limits to Royce, who often received a midnight booty call from some of the lowlifes. As Huck’s hot rod shot down his throat Royce sucked on the tangy meat and ran the flat of his tongue along the underbelly. Practicing what he’d learned from his mother’s last man friend, a trucker which a huge dick, he held his throat wide open for Huck’s pleasure and gobbled up air through his nostrils. Huck’s heavy ball bag repeatedly assaulted his nose, titillating the boy with its raunchy scent. Royce more aggressively lapped at the hairy hunk of meat in an attempt to duplicate the zealous behavior of the two older men. “Kid’s got his tongue pierced,” Huck breathlessly told Jed, who was nearly face to face with him. “Feels real fuckin good against my big ole dick.” All Jed could do was smile in response, revealing his chipped front tooth. Jed was fucking the kid like a wild man. His solid, compact body was dripping rivulets of perspiration from the fierce pounding he was giving the boy. Savage lust was his driving force, his dick a jackhammer amped to full speed. Hearing Huck’s words Royce deliberately dragged the steel on his thick tongue across the hard flesh of the man’s cock. The growl he received in response enticed him to press his tongue tight against the battering rod so that the silver stud would constantly rake over the thick, bulging vein. Huck practically howled with delight as he more excitedly fucked into the boy’s mouth. Royce really worked Huck’s chunky log, rapidly jerking his head from side to side so the bestial brute could feel him from all angles. Huck growled like a dog as he continued shoving his hard prick into the tight confines of the young slut’s throat. The hardy nine inch prick battering his prostate eventually proved too much for Royce to withstand. His trim body went into spasms of ecstasy and his boy dick exploded, shooting streams of teen cum across his heaving torso. Huck wrapped a thick fist around the kid’s sensitive meat and jerked the writhing boy through his orgasm. Young Royce was convinced he’d never come quite like this before and reveled in the delicious sensations he was experiencing. Huck ran his hand through the pool of warm cum soaking the boy’s body, brought it to his mouth and sucked the tasty offering from his fat, dirty fingers as if he’d dipped them in honey. “Ummmmm, fresh boy cum,” he moaned as he smacked his lips and noisily savored the tasty load. “Here, have some,” he told Jed, scooping up more of the treat and screwing his fingers into his cohort’s mouth. Jed took the offering, loving the taste of teen cum as much as his buddy. Huck’s heavy nuts began to tingle, his breathing grew shallow and his heart beat rapidly in his hairy chest. His dick thickened even more in Royce’s throat, causing the boy to choke around the big, hairy thing. The beast’s every muscle tensed as boiling semen raced up his fuck tube. Wanting the boy to taste his gamey load Huck yanked free of Royce’s throat just in time to spew his man juice into the teen’s mouth. As the big man yowled Royce wrapped his studded tongue around the shaft and worked the spewing monster while he gulped down mouthfuls of funky seed. Jed’s muscular body shuddered, every muscled flared to the surface and his man tits pronged out super stiffly. Gritting his teeth and squinching his eyes he thrust into Royce’s ass one final time before erupting deep inside the boy’s fucked out hole. Thrashing and flailing he came like a stallion, shooting one load after another until Royce’s insides were flooded with rich cum. His strong body quaked and shivered even after being drained, the nerves on his rod extra sensitive against the teen’s insides. With their dicks still inside both ends of the punk and sweat running down their faces, Huck took Jed by the back of his drenched head and clamped their mouths together. They panted heavily into each other’s maw, tongues plunging into the warm depths and wolfishly swapping spit. It was just like old times. “So you can collect your newly found son, turn on your heel and head right the hell out of here,” Miles raged at his brother. Brian purposely ignored the last statement, instead concentrating on what he’d just learned. “Damn, Miles, that’s just not right. Have you talked with a lawyer?” “Of course I have,” Miles waved him off. “But that’s none of your concern.” “So she left you, huh?” Brian was saying thoughtfully, as if figuring this all out. “Wasn’t sure exactly what happened. All I knew is that you two split. Don’t tell me she found herself another guy.” Miles threw back his head and laughed, “A guy? No, not a guy. She found herself a dyke.” Brian did a comical double take, his eyebrows shooting up practically into his hairline. “Say what? A woman?” “You heard me right, brother,” Miles revealed. “Now you know. All this time my loving wife and her best friend have been twat munchers. I suppose Delia finally decided she liked the taste of fish better than beef. Lord knows, she always balked at going down on me.” Waving a hand, he went on, “I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.” “No, no, it’s alright,” Brian hurriedly replied, absently squeezing his crotch. “Delia a dyke. Hot damn, I’d never have thought.” “I see you’re enjoying this,” Miles said scornfully. “What, does the idea of my ex with another woman turn you on?” “I was down in Texas workin’ on a rig a few years back when these two beauties came on to me in a bar,” Brian told him reflectively. “I thought, hot damn, two honeys at once! Said they were roommates. Went back to their place. We were naked and makin’ out in no time. Next thing I know the brunette’s got her face in the blonde’s snatch while blondie is tellin’ me to fuck her girlfriend.” “So? Did you?” Miles asked curiously. Brian grinned widely. “You bet I did! We went at it for hours. Me fuckin’ one, then the other. The both of them suckin’ my dick at the same time while makin’ out. Me jerkin’ off watchin’ them 69’n. Damn, it was a wild night! Afterwards they said they hoped I’d fucked one of ’em pregnant. It’s the reason they picked me up. They’d been wantin’ to have a baby together. Best damn sex I ever had was those two.” His brother’s tawdry tale had aroused Miles, although he knew his escapades of late could easily top Brian’s one night stand. Resuming the irate brother role he shot back, “That’s just great, Brian. Shows how irresponsible and immature you still are. There could be a child, son or daughter, out there you know nothing about.” Brian merely shrugged his shoulders, “It’s not like they know my name or where I’m from. Nobody ever come knockin’ on my trailer door lookin’ for child support while I was there. Anyway, I left Texas shortly after.” Miles shook his head and repeated, “Irresponsible.” “Look, Miles, we’ve all done things. Me. Delia. Even you, if you think long enough about it. Does that mean we don’t ever get another chance?” Miles knew Brian was back to playing beleaguered brother but had to admit there was some truth in what he said. Who was he to judge after all he’d willingly participated in since Lombardo first appeared on the estate well over a year ago? Living the rich life he was a house-husband, his sole responsibility handling Delia’s finances (apparently not very well, considering the way she’d taken solo control of her accounts right under his nose). He lived in a sprawling estate, drove expensive cars, dined on the finest food, drank top shelf liquor and had an expansive wardrobe. All this for a man who came from an average, middle-class family. But even with all these extravagances life had become dull for Miles and, seemingly, Delia also. He hadn’t realized it at that time but when Lombardo came into their lives it all became clear. He missed sex. A kind of sex he hadn’t had since he first became involved with his ex-wife. Dirty, sweaty, macho sex that could only be shared with another man. Sultry, sexy, criminal Lombardo filled his needs perfectly. Through Lombardo Miles found an old passion reawakened. Once ignited it refused to be extinguished. He became obsessed with sex, with fucking and being fucked. An entirely new and much closer relationship was formed with his sons, especially once-shy and reclusive Lucas. He knew there were some who might condemn him for his less-than-fatherly relationship with his sons, others who would find those weekend sex parties shocking and repulsive. But he felt richer than he’d ever been in his life. Brian had wreaked havoc on his family and was certainly not to be trusted. While Miles knew he must keep his guard up around his brother he also knew he wasn’t exactly faultless. Softening his manner he asked, “What is it you’re looking for, Brian?” Brian looked across at him suspiciously, “Not much. Like I said, me and the boy are on our way down to Virginia. For a job. Just thought we’d stop by so you could meet your nephew. And Royce could get acquainted with your boys. He didn’t know he had cousins. Four of ’em you said, right?” “Four. Trey, Ryan, Lucas and Devyn. Fourteen to nineteen.” “Gosh, Miles, they sure have grown up fast,” Brian snorted good naturedly. If you hadn’t been a no-account drifter you might have been part of their lives, Miles thought. Instead, “And that’s it? You just wanted a family meet?” “Well,” Brian responded, shyly looking down at the floor while he worked the rug with the toe of his boot, “we were thinking maybe you could put us up for a couple days. You know, before we continue on to Virginia.” So there it was. Little brother wanted a cheap hotel before he journeyed on. Miles thought quickly. With Jed in the guest room and Huck camping out in the downstairs space all rooms were occupied in the mansion. “The two of you can stay in the pool house,” he announced, against better judgement. Brian brightened up. “Great! Gee, thanks Miles. I really appreciate it.” “Two days,” Miles said sternly. “After that, you’re gone.” Brian bobbed his head almost too eagerly. “Two days.” Miles’ eyes narrowed, not quite believing Brian’s easy acceptance of the rules. “Drive your car down around the side to the back gate. You can unload your gear and I’ll show you the pool house.” Brian nearly fell over his feet as he turned to head for the foyer. “Yeah, sure Miles.” Then, as if suddenly remembering, “What about Royce? Where’d he get off to?” “Don’t worry about Royce,” Miles responded, a knowing spark flaring in his eyes. “I’m sure my house man is taking good care of him.” Neither of them saw the Baldwin boy dash from his secret station before he was discovered. His bare feet fled down the hall, up the stairs and into his room where he flung himself across the bed. Smiling sneakily, Devyn Baldwin considered all the information he’d just learned about his newfound Uncle, the former baseball superstar. Uncle Brian’s short visit might become a home run, indeed.

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