
Bank Teller Turned Hooker Ch. 01


Chapter 1 – The Introduction

Where should a story start? I suppose at the beginning, even if you don’t realize something has started.

My name is Vanessa, I am a Chinese-American woman living in San Jose, California. As I write this I am now 32 years old, but my story begins in March of 2007 when I was 19. I’m married now, but wasn’t then. My husband knows most of my story. I haven’t changed much since then. I looked and still look like a typical California raised Asian girl: almost 5′ 1″ and 98 lbs.; very petite. I have my natural Asian black hair, which has shades of brown when the light hits it correctly. I have always thought there may have been a Portuguese sailor somewhere in my bloodline to deny myself of the traditional jet black hair of most Asians. To look at me, most see pure innocence. But, I can quickly change that look to my more provocative alter ego. I have no fear of being recognized by my images or descriptions. My feeling is if you read this, you and I are already of like minds so it should make no difference.

I was attending my first year at San Jose State and was still living at home with my parents. My brother was fortunate enough to go away to a University of California school while I stayed home with the lower budget California State University campus. Can’t say that I was ever upset with my parents for not giving me the same education opportunity as my brother. I wasn’t a bad daughter, but I had more than enough boy-trouble that my parents preferred that they could keep an eye on me; but they could never watch me that closely.

It was near the end of Spring break and the last Saturday of the break before school would resume on Monday. We had a mixed terrier, Lucy, that it was my responsibility to tend to, which included walking, grooming, feeding and cleaning the dreaded poop from the yard. Around 10:00 AM I collected Lucy’s collar and leash to walk her around the neighborhood. We had a regular route that brought us through the neighboring streets. Our destination was an open space area at the end of a street; we lived along the foothills of East San Jose It was a great place to take her, because I never had to bother cleaning up her crap when she did her business in the middle of a field.

Our path was routine and Lucy knew the way as well as I did. The weather that day was California-perfect and I wore a tight fitting tank with spaghetti straps, jogging shorts and flip flops. When I describe what I was wearing, I literally mean that was all I was wearing. When the weather was warm enough, I rarely wore panties or a bra. I was and still only wear a 32A cup. My breasts have always been firm, but because they were as small as they were firm, whether or not I wore a bra made little to no difference. As for panties, when I went on these walks, I preferred only my running shorts because my panties tended to ride up my crack.

As we walked towards our destination, we commonly would see people in their yards or out on their own walks. Some people I would recognize, others I would not. When eye contact was made I would acknowledge them with a smile, a ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’.

We were only three houses from our destination and a husband and wife were doing some yard work. Mostly pulling weeds and other minor grooming. I had always noticed their home before and had thought they did a nice job maintaining their yard. But, this was the first time I had actually seen the couple who lived there. They were a husband and wife. He was white and seemed to be around 40, she was seemed to be a bit younger and Asian. I correctly guessed that she was Korean. As I approached, they both stood up and in near-unison said, ‘good morning’. gaziantep bayan escort I replied the same. He said, “She’s a cute dog. Out for a morning walk?” I pointed to the field and said, “Going to her favorite spot.” And as if she wanted to prove that I was a liar, Lucy walked onto their lawn, did a squat and proceeded to take a shit. I said, “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! She doesn’t usually go until we get to the field. I promise, I’ll clean it up.” They both laughed and assured me it was not the end of the world. I waited for Lucy to finish her business and did what I hated to do: used a plastic bag as a glove, grab the hot poop, invert the bag and seal it up.

I stood upright and he said, “I don’t think we’ve ever seen you around here. Do you live nearby?”

“Actually, I live a couple blocks from here. We’ve lived there for more than 10 years. I come by here twice a day. But during the week it’s closer to 7:00 (AM) and then I walk her again around 5:00 (PM). I guess you never saw me because of the time. But, I’ve always liked your home. You have a nice yard.”

He looked towards his wife and said, “Well thanks, we try to keep it up. I’m Terry, by the way, and this is my wife Karen. We’ve been here a few years.”

I said it was nice to meet them and gave them my name.

He asked, “So do you go to Mt. Pleasant (High School)?”

“No, I graduated from there last year. I’m going to San Jose State. This is my first year. It’s Spring Break and classes start again on Monday”.

Karen said, “That’s nice. Get that education.”

“That is exactly what I’m trying to do. Well, I better get Lucy to her field before I run out of bags. Nice to meet you.”

They said the same and we walked to our field.

After I was certain that Lucy had emptied her bowels in the field, we started our walk home. We walked past Terry and Karen who were still in their yard. We acknowledged each other again as we walked past. I looked at Terry and thought his wife was pretty lucky. There was something about him that was attractive. I mean, not drop dead gorgeous, just attractive. I looked at him and his eyes were looking right into mine. It was momentary, but there was an acknowledgement shared in that split second. I smiled and kept walking.

As we walked away from their home, I faintly heard Karen say to Terry, “What a cute girl”. But what I thought I heard Terry reply with was, “I think she would be a great fuck.” No, that could not have been what he said. I knew my ears were playing tricks on me. There was no way he would say that about another woman to his wife. I glanced back one more time and our eyes connected again and we both smiled. Yeah, there was no way I heard him correctly.

That afternoon, I took Lucy out for her walk again. We walked by Terry and Karen’s home and I noticed they must have planted some new flowers since that morning. We continued to “Lucy’s field”. On the way back Terry was standing outside admiring his work from the day. I saw him and said, “It looks nice”.

“Thank you. Did Lucy do her thing?”

Laughing I said, “She always does her thing. I think she considers the field to be her private toilet.”

“Well, the walk is good for you both. You look like you take good care of yourself.”

“Not as good of care as I should! But at least she forces me to get some walking in.”

“It’s funny we’d never seen you before. I would have noticed.”

I looked down at Lucy and said, “Yeah, we’re a pretty memorable duo. Probably just one of those things. But, look, we saw each other twice today! Ok, nice to meet you again!” And I continued on my walk home.

The next morning was Easter. It was time for Lucy’s walk. It was overcast a little bit, but still warm enough to dress in my most comfortable clothing as I had the day before. We headed straight for Lucy’s field. It started to drizzle a bit, but not too much. I didn’t care. I’ve always liked the rain. But, my clothes were getting a little damp.

We wandered the field until she was finished and the drizzle became a little more consistent, but never a downpour. On the way back, Terry was in the yard again. He saw me and said, “Well good morning Vanessa. Lucy taking you for a walk again? I guess it’s rain or shine for you.”

“Yeah, she needs to go no matter what the weather is like. Besides, I like it in the rain, as long as it isn’t too cold.”

We continued a friendly conversation for almost 10 minutes. He was really inquisitive and curious about me, but wasn’t invasive. But what he did do a couple of times was break the horizon; he glanced down at my chest. In a strange way I was almost flattered that despite being so small in cup size he was still a man, albeit an older man compared to me, and he was checking out my body.

The rain started coming down a bit harder and I finally said I needed to get going and we said goodbye to each other.

When I turned the corner, I glanced down at myself and saw how damp my top really was. My top was clinging to my skin and my nipples could clearly be seen through my top. I laughed to myself and thought that had I, as a female, been talking to another woman that was wearing a tank that was wet like mine was, I would have a hard time not breaking the horizon too!

Later that day I did the afternoon walk. But this time, I wore a bra and a windbreaker. And guess what? Terry was outside again on my return walk. Again we had a pleasant conversation, but without the wet t-shirt contest.

During the week I ran into Terry or Karen at least once a day as I walked Lucy. I never thought anything of it.

The following Saturday, Lucy and I went for our 10:00 AM walk. No rain and warm enough for my preferred attire. Out the door we went.

Like the previous weekend Terry and Karen were working in their yard. They both greeted me immediately and Terry said, “I’m glad we saw you this morning. I’m curious, do you only go to school, or do you work too?”

“No, I just go to school. I’ve been trying to find a job that is flexible with my school schedule.”

“Are you eighteen?”

“I thought men weren’t supposed to ask women their age. Actually, I’m nineteen.”

They both smiled and Terry continued, “I’m a branch manager at a bank, and I’m always looking for part time tellers. Would you be interested?”

“Really? Oh my god, yes I’m interested. But, my schedule is pretty full with school. My light days are Tuesdays and Thursdays; I’m finished at 11:30 on those days. That’s why it has been hard to find something, because I really can only work those two afternoons.”

“Wow! That is perfect! Those are two days that I really need help. If I could put something together, would you be interested in just working 10 hours a week? It would be 1:00 to 6:00.”

The job he was describing was exactly what I had been looking for. The conversation was something I needed to hear.

Terry said, “Tell you what. After you go up to your field, stop by again. I have some applications here. You can fill one out. You’re as good as hired.”

I walked toward the field almost dancing on air: I took Lucy for a walk, and I got a job offer!

When we came back by their house, they were not in the yard, so Lucy and I walked up to the front door. I didn’t even need to knock; Karen opened the door and invited me inside. I left Lucy on their porch and went inside.

The inside of the house was as immaculate as their yard. Terry came to the entry and then directed me to their dining room so we could sit at the table. He had an application on the table. He said, “Why don’t you fill this out so I can submit it to corporate. I know this is fast, but you could start this Tuesday if you’d like.”

Of course I said yes. He explained to me the hours again and the wages. It wasn’t much, but it would be enough to give me some spending money.

Karen said, “When we met you that first time last week, we were both very impressed with you. You’re poised and cute as can be. Terry always tries to hire people that give a positive first impression. He even wondered if you would be interested in working at the bank, and now look. You have a job.”

I said, “Are you in banking too?”

She said, “No, I’m a massage therapist. I help people relax from their daily stress.” Pointing at Terry, “But, he tends to be my number one client. Truth be told, that is how we met.”

I said, “Well, when finals start up, I know where to come for a massage!”

Terry said, “Do you have transportation to and from the bank?” He had already told me where the bank was.

“No, but I can take a bus after my last class. I should have no problem getting there by 1:00. I can take the bus home after work. I use the buses to get everywhere.”

He replied, “Don’t ever worry about getting back home. I can give you a ride home since you live nearby. It’s no trouble.”

I thanked him for the offer and had no intention of turning it down. He asked if I had any questions.

“Yeah, I’ve never worked at a bank before, so how should I dress for work?”

“I’ve read you well. You think about things. The guys wear collared shirts and ties. The women should dress professionally in a skirt or dress. Nothing provocative; just something presentable.”

Karen interjected, “Vanessa, you don’t have to wear a dress every day. For those days when your monthly best friend shows up wear slacks if you want. Deep down I think he prefers to know when the curse is hitting his girls so he knows when to not push the wrong buttons.”

I burst out laughing. But knew there was probably a lot of truth to what she was saying.

We sat there for a few minutes longer and they mutually asked me about what I was studying at school and if I considered myself a good student. Then Karen said, “You must have a boyfriend, right?”

“No, no boyfriend. I’ve never done well with boyfriends.”

Karen asked, “Why’s that?”

“Lack of commitment, I suppose.”

“You’re young and any boyfriend you would have had would have been young too. Don’t worry, guys tend to be a little more committed as they mature.”

I laughed and said, “I’m the one who can’t stay committed. It never fails when I start dating a guy, suddenly every other guy seems attractive to me. Oh well. Besides, I don’t have enough time to have a boyfriend anyways. Doesn’t make a difference.”

“Don’t worry, someday you’ll find that right guy, they’re always out there. Right Terry?”

Terry sarcastically said, “Yes dear, whatever you say”.

We went back to talking about the bank. Terry said he’d pair me up with one of the other tellers, Mae. He said, “You’ll spend a lot of time with her for the first few weeks and then we’ll get you working a window on your own.”

There was a little more chit-chat and I told them that I should go home. Lucy and I said goodbye at the porch and we headed home. When I got home, my parents were pretty excited for me that a walk with the dog got me a part time job that I desperately needed.

Strangely, despite the numerous times that I’d been running into Terry and Karen, I didn’t run into them the rest of the weekend.

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