
Bank Teller Turned Hooker Ch. 22



The shower was refreshing after a night and morning of sex. But not nearly as refreshing as the burden that I felt was lifted from me by confiding in Pete. Of course, had Pete never revealed what he had witnessed in our backyard, there would have been no reason to share the truth with him. But, I feel it was better to have told somebody. Now, almost fourteen years later I still have no regrets nor am I ashamed. Had I the ability to do it over, I would not have changed a thing.

After showering I checked my phone. The morning had slipped into afternoon as it was already 1:00 PM. Between the ongoing sex and reliving of my past, I expended more time than I had hoped. I had missed multiple calls from Dipper, as well as new prospective clients, so I called him back. I told him, that I chose to sleep in because I was exhausted from the night before. He asked how the night had gone. I gave him an abridged recap of the night excluding the shared bed with Karen and Terry or the rest of the events of the morning.

Dipper asked if I was going to take incall that day. I assured him I was planning on it and wanted to have at least 2 incalls, and if I could, and maybe squeeze in a third. He asked when he should meet to collect his receipts for the day and I told him to meet me around 6:00 at my room.

I did the rest of my morning routine which including covering up my bedsheets and a cursory cleaning of cooking oil and cum drippings from the kitchen floor.

I made it to my motel room around 2:00, which allowed me to take and return phone calls for my day. Just as I hoped, I was able to squeeze in 3 appointments by offering 45 minutes sessions, allowing the last date to end before 6:00 PM. I brought in $1,100, because one of the visits included $500 for anal. All visits were with condoms. My condom inventory was getting low and I decided that the next day, Saturday, would be a shopping day for new supplies, including a visit to the boutique that Mae had told me about. Dipper showed up a few minutes before 6:00 and I handed him $300. He seemed very happy with what I brought in without any effort on his part. Although I would not have minded a quick fuck, we did not have time for sex. I had already called for a taxi and the cab arrived just a few minutes after he arrived.

But, what we did agree on was that Saturday night was going to be a night up in the City. We agreed to meet at the motel room Saturday night at 7:00 PM for some ‘hooker foreplay’ and that I might not be home until early Sunday morning. He said, “Tomorrow night will not be anything like this past week. The City will be hoppin’. A lot more girls, including some of mine (I had yet to meet anyone else) and I’m certain you will still get more cock than the rest of them.”

I was more than excited for that night to come. Even with my second super-gangbang ready to start in less than an hour, the thought of working the street turned me on even more.

The taxi dropped me off in front of Terry’s house about 15 minutes before show time. There were cars parked on the street with eager gentlemen ready to give me my fill. I climbed out of the cab wearing a very revealing skirt. I didn’t care if any of the neighbors saw me, nor did I care if anyone might recognize me as the ‘girl-who-walked-the-dog’.

Terry opened the door and let me inside. The front room looked the same; cameras, ice chests, and the mattress with a clean cover.

I never really knew what Terry did with the videos. I never bothered to ask. I suppose he and the others had their own libraries of personal homemade porn. I knew Terry had no concern if Karen stumbled upon it, and with time, I found that more than one of the attendees had spouses or significant others who knew of their exploits. So for those, there was never a worry of someone stumbling upon an illicit video or two.

I went straight to the bathroom to get ready. Getting ready meant getting undressed and lubing my ass. As I stripped out of my clothes I heard the front door open and close as the parade entered the home. I walked back to the front room naked as the day I was born. I was comfortable being exposed, because everyone in attendance had fucked me. And after the previous night, with the exception of three, I felt I knew these men. One by one, I hugged them. But unlike the previous night, the hugs included mutual groping; I was grabbing cock and nearly every one of them buried a finger or two inside my pussy. It gave us the confirmation that we already knew: they were all hard and my pussy was soaked and ready to be fucked.

The cards were drawn and the pecking order was decided. Without being asked, I lay on the bed and allowed myself to be tethered, just as I had been the night before. The procession of blowjobs began and they took turns fucking my mouth. I eagerly swallowed as a select few ejaculated inside my mouth.

To describe the evening would mostly be a rerun of what had happened the previous night. By the end of the night kağıthane escort my hair was sticky with cum and my pussy was overflowing with sperm. My ass had been fucked and my jaw was actually sore from sucking so much cock. But, neither my pussy or ass were tender as my lower body had become fully accustomed to the rigors of prostitution; as Dipper would say, my pussy was built for fucking.

But as the evening became late, I knew that the night would be coming to a close. While I was getting pounded for the umpteenth time I heard keys rattling from the outside of the front door. The door unlocked and I opened my eyes toward the entry to see Karen walk through the door. She must have finished her own appointments early.

Like nothing it all she said, “Hey Vanessa.” I didn’t bother responding as I was thoroughly enjoying the brutality that was happening between my legs.

Some of the guys said hello to Karen, but it was Terry who said, “Hey babe” and walked over to her.

His cock was still hard and she wore a short dress. I suspected she probably was pantiless and it was confirmed when he came up behind her and slipped his cock inside her. Neither one of them had a care in the world that their friends were watching them during an intimate moment.

After only a few minutes of their fucking, my current partner was cumming inside my pussy. He was quickly relieved by the next in line. By then my pussy was overflowing with cum from all my partners, but no one seemed to care about having sloppy elevenths, twelfths, or thirteenths.

But, with the presence of Karen, it brought new life to the room. I don’t think Karen had any intention of fucking all my friends, but she was not opposed to having some extra dick in her either. She pulled away from Terry and seemed to have her eye on one of the guys in particular. She grabbed a condom from the condom bowl that had not been touched in two consecutive nights. She removed the rubber and skillfully wrapped the cock that she had chosen. Together they went to the floor; she went on all fours and he knelt behind her. He lifted her skirt and poised behind her, he drove his cock home.

As much of a turn on as it was, what was happening to me was a greater turn on and I closed my eyes as he fucked me, listening to the music and joy that was being created by Karen and her partner.

Soon my partner finished and was replaced again. I closed my eyes again and enjoyed all that was happening. When I opened my eyes again, it was to see Karen being fucked by another guy. I watched when he finished her at which point she stood and said, “Whew, that was fun! But I need to go shower. Goodnight guys. See you later Ness.” The next time I would see her she would be sound asleep in bed.

With Karen gone, the gangbang continued for about an hour longer. Guys started getting dressed and faded out the door until Terry and I saw the last guy leave.

Without saying a word, Terry took me by the hand a led me down the hallway to his bedroom where Karen was sawing Z’s in bed. Cum was streaming down my thighs as I climbed into the bed.

Terry followed me and climbed on top of me, I spread my legs and, as he settled his body, his cock slid inside me. My pussy was wide open, and despite his generous size, I could barely tell he was inside me. Our lips locked and he fucked me for about 15 minutes.

I felt Karen’s body stir. She had truly been asleep, but her husband fucking me caused her to wake from her slumber. She reached over and alternated between touching my body and his.

He climbed off me and onto her. I could hear how wet her pussy was as he proceeded to share his cock with her as he had done with me. As he fucked her, I heard her whisper, “Did you like watching them fuck me? Because, I like it when you fuck Ness. You’re so fucking hard.”

And then they went quiet as I heard her moan from the pleasure she was experiencing. I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit in rhythm with their motions. Then, like Karen, I too was moaning. Terry took it as his cue to return to my pussy.

Terry seem to feel obliged to take care of his wife and his whore for the night. Neither Karen or I had any complaints about being shared.

I don’t know between which interval it happened, but I dozed off. I suppose you could say I actually passed out. Whichever the case, I was done. I woke with a desperate need to pee. Neither woke when I left the bed.

I could see it was 3:30 AM and although spending the night was a definite option, I decided it was as good a time as any to make my exit.

I went to the hall bathroom and quietly got dressed. I made my way back to their bedroom and whispered to Terry, “Goodnight sweetie. I’m going to walk home. I’ll take Lucy for a walk around 9 or 10. Watch for me.” I pecked him on the cheek and made my way out of their home.

The walk home was refreshing and uneventful. Uneventful, except for the cum that continued sarıyer escort to cascade down my legs.

I entered my home, stripped naked and climbed into bed. I didn’t bother with a shower, despite the fact that my hair was full of cum.

I never set my alarm. I knew I would wake to the sound of my parents. Upon hearing their voices, I shot up out of bed. I needed to shower before they saw me and knew it was time to clean my cum-stained sheets which were twice as stained as the previous morning.

I slipped into the bathroom and showered. After showering, I dressed in my typical walk-the-dog clothes: shorts, tank top, no underwear. I gathered my bedding sheets and went straight for the washing machine to destroy the evidence that might have given my mother a heart attack if she had seen it. I drenched the sheets in Spray n’ Wash and correctly surmised, some of the stains would be permanent.

I passed my parents as I went out to the garage and we exchange morning salutations. I simply said, “It’s laundry day.”

After my shower, I no longer had an excess of cum draining from my body and the spray of the shower finally really woke me. It was always a good way to start the day.

My father said, “Since you were asleep, I already fed Lucy. But, you’ll need to take her for a walk.” It was exactly what I had in mind anyway. It was approaching 9:30, and I wasn’t even certain if Terry heard me when I left him. I was feeling naughty as ever and hoped he would be waiting for me.

I put a leash on Lucy and we started our walk. Lucy, knew the way and dragged me along. My shorts were my typical white shorts and my tank top was clinging against my breasts. As I walked I could feel the crotch fabric was getting wet as my shorts seemed to be riding up into my pussy. I didn’t even need to look down, I knew my nipples were as erect and hard, as my pussy was wet.

We turned the corner towards Terry’s home and I could see him in his front yard. He wasn’t alone though; he was talking to his next door neighbor. I was glad to see Terry, but wasn’t too happy to see that it might be an awkward exchange with his neighbor there.

Nonetheless, Lucy and I headed straight for him. He and the neighbor seemed to be deep into a conversation about lawnmowers or whatever it is that male neighbors talk about on a Saturday morning.

As I walked up Terry said, “Good morning Vanessa. Do you know Todd?”, pointing to his neighbor.

I said, “No, hi Todd.”

Instantly I could see Todd look at me up and down. But because, I’m so small he seemed to do it twice. As for Todd, he was mid-forties and Hispanic. I thought ‘Todd’ was an unusual name for someone who was Hispanic. But I suppose Vanessa is an odd name for someone who is Chinese. Who was I to judge?

Terry mentioned what they were discussing, but I really wasn’t listening.

Immediately Todd, “So you’re the mystery dog walker that Terry’s always talking about.”

I grinned and looked at Terry and asked, “Mystery dog walker?”

Terry said, “It’s a good nickname. At least it was the one I used before I knew your name.” We laughed together. Another confirmation of how long he was stalking me from afar.

Terry said, “Todd is part of our Neighborhood Watch.”

I looked at him puzzled, because I had never heard of Neighborhood Watch. He recognized my lack of familiarity and continued, “Sort of a crime prevention thing.”

I simply said, “Oh.”

Todd said, “Yeah, I tend to watch a lot. Wasn’t that you that got out of that cab yesterday?”

I glanced at Terry and then back at Todd. I stumbled for words and said, “Yeah, that was me.”

Todd said, “I thought so,” followed with an almost knowing smile.

Terry said, “Karen and I are pretty close friends with Todd. His wife travels a lot. In fact, she’s away right now. So, we try to do things with him when he’s living the bachelor life. We see him enough that you could say he’s gotten to know Karen inside and out.”

I looked at Todd and said, “Has Terry gotten to know your wife inside and out too?”

He chuckled and said, “As far as I know, no.”

I said, “Terry has gotten to know me inside and out too.”

He said, “Yeah, I know. Sounds like a lot of people have.”

The conversation stopped. I was tired of talking in code, and the innuendos were getting old. It was obvious that Todd knew who and what I was; I was the neighborhood slut.

Todd’s garage door was open and I peered in the direction of the garage. There were two parked cars inside. I said, “So your wife is away?”

Todd said, “Yes.”

I asked, “Anyone else home?”

He said, “No.”

Terry said, “Maybe we should continue this conversation inside his garage.”

Todd said to me, “It’s up to you.”

I said, “Ok.”

We turned in unison and walked into the garage and continued inside toward the front of the parked cars.

We were all on the same page. I said sefaköy escort to Todd, “I wasn’t expecting this, I don’t have any condoms.”

Todd said, “From what I’ve heard, you don’t really care about that anyway.”

I said, “Are you ok with that? I’ve fucked a lot of guys.”

He gave me my answer by grabbing me and turning me to face the hood of his car. Lucy immediately growled and barked at his actions. I told Lucy to be quiet, and instructed her to sit. She did as commanded.

Todd pushed me down onto the hood. I didn’t resist. His hand went onto my ass and slid down between my legs. I turned my head toward Terry and smiled. To which Terry said, “Oh yeah, she’s loving this.”

Todd’s hand peeled back the crotch of my shorts. I could feel the cool garage air on my exposed pussy. His fingers found their way inside me to which I moaned. Todd said, “Oh yeah, that is some nice pussy.” He continued, “Terry said he fucked you while Karen slept next to you last night.”

I said, “Yes. Does that turn you on, knowing that’s what kind of girl I am?”

He said, “Fuck yeah.”

I said, “Would your wife do that?”

Todd laughed and said, “I don’t think so. She barely fucks me as is.”

I said, “You can fuck me though.”

He said, “Don’t worry, that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

He removed his hand from between my legs and unbuttoned his pants. Still leaning on the hood, I stood on my tip toes. His body pressed up against me and he pushed the crotch of my shorts to the side again, but this time his cock was in his hand too. He pushed his cock inside me and proceeded to pump my pussy. Lucy growled again. To Lucy I said, “Shhhh, mama wants this.” And mama got it.

There was nothing spectacular about Todd’s cock until the end. When he came it was a never-ending flood of cum. He held himself deep inside me as his cock pumped its load. But even with his cock fully inside me the cum started overflowing out of me. When he was finished he pulled out of me and it poured onto the floor and my shoes. But Terry was quick to plug my dripping hole with his cock and proceeded to take over where Todd had left off.

Lucy had watched Terry fuck me the day before, so she was not bothered as she watched her mama mate with a known partner. I sort of felt bad for her. She was spayed and probably would die a virgin. I more than made up for what she missed out on.

Terry took a little longer to finish me. Todd left us momentarily as Terry gave me what he knew I loved. On the sidewalk, through the windshield of the car, I saw more than one couple walk by on their morning strolls, oblivious to what was happening inside the open garage. It was very exciting! Todd returned with three bottles of water and baby wipes.

Terry’s climax, was less than climatic. Not surprisingly, he did not have much to give. But in his case, all I really wanted was to feel his cock inside me again. As he withdrew his cock, more cum splattered to the floor. I sat up, but before adjusting my shorts, I reached for the wipes that Todd brought for me. I cleaned up glob after glob from me, until there was nothing draining from me. There was a small trash can in the garage and I tossed the wipes into it. I told Todd, “You might want to get rid of those before your wife comes back home.”

Then for the next few minutes we drank our bottles of water and talked together as if what had just happened had never happened at all. It was like a walk in the park.

The conversation was frank and open.

Todd stated, “So Terry tells me you’re our neighborhood prostitute. But it’s new.”

I said, “Yep, and you just got a freebie.”

He said, “Think I can have some more freebies?”

I thought about it a minute and said, “If you can get your wife to go along with it, you can have all the freebies you want. And when I say, ‘go along with it’, I mean you fuck me in front of her. Otherwise, I think a hundred bucks a pop would be fair; the neighborhood discount.”

He said, “Not certain that she would go for that.”

I said, “You never know.”

Well, it never did happen. But over the next couple weeks I did earn a couple hundred from him while I was out walking the dog.

When we finished our water I simply said, “I’d better get Lucy up to the field before she decides to poop and pee all over your garage.”

We bid our farewells and parted like nothing had ever happened. That’s the way it is supposed to be. No words. No regrets. No drama.

I finished my walk with Lucy. As I walked her I considered everything that happened during the entire week. Thinking about it only made me hornier and hungry for more. I decided it was a new week, a new goal; I wanted to fuck a hundred guys in a week. No repeats, all new introductions. With the prospect of incall and streetwalking, I knew that it was more than a possibility.

With the thoughts of sex spinning through my head my pussy released a flow of cum down my leg. I made no attempt to get rid of it. I liked how it felt. I liked knowing what it was and how it got there.

Lucy and I finished her business at the field and headed back. Todd was outside, but Terry was gone. I think Terry had enough of me. But as I approached Todd I could see it in Todd’s eye; he hadn’t had enough of me. We exchanged looks that told him that I hadn’t had enough either.

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