
Baseballed Ch. 06


“Hey, Kent, this is Head Coach James Conrad from the baseball team. I had a talk with Anthony and Robbie. I need to talk to you in my office ASAP.”

That was the message on my phone.

All the college coaches had offices in a brick and metal building which looked like it could double as an agricultural supply store. It also housed the gyms and sports medicine area. It wasn’t surprising to see hot muscled half-naked athletes milling around the complex. Lucky coaches, I thought, swinging open the big glass door while looking at two swollen shirtless football players, one with long curly black hair and another with a blond high and tight military cut, leaning against a front column watching something on their phones. I swear one of them looked up and smiled at me. They had their jerseys tucked into the waistbands of their shorts; I could barely make out their names — “Torres” and “Adams”. I’d have to remember that, I thought to myself.

I stood outside Coach Conrad’s office and took a deep breath before knocking and pushing at the door. Inside it was a lobby area, not just a small office. It was a shrine to the college’s baseball team– huge full trophy case, posters/memorabilia, and photos of the team over the years. It was carpeted, with couches, tables, and chairs in conversational groupings like in a library; shelves were loaded with cases containing autographed baseballs, books about baseball, and various other preserved objects under glass like a museum. A young stylish man sat at a desk in the corner.

“Can I help you?” he asked as I approached, looking over his glasses.

“I’m here to see Coach Conrad. I’m Kent…”

“Oh, yeah, the four-leaf clover…lucky us,” he interrupted. “Hold on a sec…”

He walked over to a wooden door and knocked before entering.

I noticed his pants stretched amazingly over a very round taut ass.

He reappeared seconds later.

“Go on in.”

I shifted my book bag to my other hand and opened the door, slipping nervously into the office.

I was expecting an older man with graying hair and a beer belly, not an attractive, muscled thirty-something with a sharp military haircut who should have been showing off on Instagram. Coach Conrad wore a tight polo shirt with the usual whistle hanging in front of it, his huge pecs with prominent nips stretching hard against the cotton material. He had a short scruffy blond beard with a more prominent mustache, and blue pool-coloured eyes you couldn’t believe were real. I didn’t notice the small thinning spot on his head until he bent forward to gather some notes. He looked up at me with a big smile.

“And you must be Kent!” Jim Conrad said as he stood up and walked around to greet me. He was wearing some retro football shorts that rode high on his hairy muscular thighs, showing off a sizable package. “Have a sit-down,” the affable coach told me, motioning toward an office chair. He perched on the corner of his desk, his package more pronounced than before snaking down his meaty thigh. He bent forward, resting his forearm on his thigh. “Something has come to my attention, and I believe we need to discuss it.”

Oh, fuck, I thought to myself. What the fuck have those three guys been saying to people to where the coach has to get involved. I just smiled some stupid closed-lip smile.

“I was asking Anthony and Jamie…and even, Robbie… about their game lately. They mentioned you as the reason.”

Oh, fuckin’ fuckity fuck.

“Oh, really?” I asked, nonchalantly, even though I thought I might keel over. I shifted in the chair to attempt to get more comfortable…it didn’t help. I rested my hand on the zipper of my book bag in case I needed something to vomit into quickly.

“Well, Anthony and Jamie, as pitcher and first-base man, and Robbie…we have yet to really define Robbie’s position on the team…let’s just call him a ‘pinch hitter’…he’s there when we need him. I try to listen to members of the team, and I try to implement new ideas and new ways of doing things. And with you, I think we got very lucky.” He gave me a big wink. He reached for a file and started reading. “Anthony wrote: ‘I ain’t never believed some little…uhm, expletive…nerd could open my eyes to the world and make me feel so good about trying new things’…end quote. Well, you seem to have enchanted our pitcher with some of your spells,” Coach Conrad joked. “I’d say you were working for our rivals, but our game has improved tremendously. We might actually win a national championship at this rate.”

I sat there not knowing what to say.


“Anyways, they’ve told me about your positive tutoring sessions with them. It seems your methods have greatly improved their attitudes and demeanor…”

My methods? More like my ass and mouth, I said to myself konya escort as Coach Conrad started talking about team cohesiveness and everyone working together. I dropped my eyes to the long outline in his shorts, imagining if that was soft he must be gigantic when hard. I looked up at him and nodded as if I were listening. I noticed a tuft of dark blond hair peeking out of the neck of his shirt. He reminded me of Tom Selleck in that old show “Magnum PI”, only with blond hair…maybe a bit shorter and bulkier. I couldn’t leave with a hard-on so I shook the images of coach’s cock and hairy chest out of my mind.

“Anyway, Anthony had mentioned you were looking for a part-time job and Robbie had a talk with his father…”

I straightened up and was listening very intently now.

“Robbie’s father’s company wants to donate the money so we can hire your services…”

“My services?”

“As a tutor… adjacent to the coaching staff. I’m not going to be your boss, you’ll be like an independent contractor…helping the guys out as needed,” the coach continued. “The money we’re getting will let you travel with the team and pay for any materials you…or they need. So what do you say?”

“I say give me a cap and let’s get started, Coach,” I told him standing up and holding out my hand.

That evening I told Anthony the great news.

“Do you know who my tutor is now, Kent?” Anthony asked.

“I don’t have a clue.”

“Guess,” he insisted.

“I have no idea, really.”

“It’s Megan. The guidance counselor, her aunt, appointed her, because of my academic probation. Unless the coach appoints a member of the coaching staff, I’m stuck. That’s where you come in. I’m serious about the academic help…but you know……I’d rather have a break from studying with her. You’re really smart,” he said, his hand running across my thigh and around to my ass, “and other stuff too.”

“Well, actually, I took the job.”

“That’s fantastic! I can’t wait to start!”

“But you…we have to be serious about this…”

“I completely understand and I’ll be very serious…but…”

“What?” I asked.

“I wonder if I’ll get in trouble for fucking a member of the school staff!” he laughed a grabbed me, tossing me onto his bed. He lay on top of me, his face just centimeters from mine.

“I will be going to the ‘Sports and Education Conference’ with you and the others. While you all do the baseball workshop, I’m going to some sessions about tutoring and remedial education. Maybe we can do something at night together…maybe share a room.”

“Yes Sir!” He said, just before he kissed me and ran his hand down my body.

A few weeks later we were at the hotel quickly settling into our rooms. We had to change clothes and head to the conference area as soon as we got there. I headed to some sessions while the guys went to their exhibition and other activities. After lunch around two in the afternoon, we finally got to go back to our rooms. Anthony and I were sharing a room. After all the traveling and a long hard day, most everyone wanted to take a nap. Anthony and I stripped down and fell into bed. We had a bit of lazy horseplay and we made out a bit before I settled onto Anthony’s big cock, licking and caressing the long hard shaft. Five minutes in, Ant was snoring. I crawled up beside him and fell asleep myself.

It was dark when we got up to both our phones ringing. Robbie and Jamie were getting ready to go out and wanted to know if we wanted to go. Anthony and I showered and changed.

We ate at a nice restaurant (a treat from Robbie, courtesy his dad), and then went off to a club a friend of his owned downtown. Anthony had the most to drink, too much. He was pawing me in the cab ride back to the hotel. Robbie and Jamie laughed as Anthony pulled at my earlobe with his teeth before growling how much he wanted to fuck me. Thank goodness the other guys- Peter, Ben, and Charlie -were in another cab.

We finally got upstairs to the room. Anthony went straight to the bathroom and got sick. He got a quick shower, before popping a couple aspirin and going straight to bed. I grabbed a shower and started to get into the other bed, but Anthony moaned and begged me to cuddle with him. I was going to close the curtain to stop the bright lights and full moon cascading in from the huge wall of windows and glass doors leading to the balcony. Anthony told me to leave them open and to turn on the small lamp in case he had to get up during the night. Anthony was out as soon as he hit the bed.

I had just settled into bed with Anthony, positioning his beefy arm around me and his hairy chest against my back when there was a soft knock at the door.

I gently got up and wrapped a towel around me. I cracked open the konya escort bayan door and was surprised to see Coach Conrad.

“Hey, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I have a problem.”

“Come on in,” I opened the door and he came into the room.

Coach Conrad was wearing a nice, fitted dark suit and carrying a gym bag which he placed on what was my neat untouched bed. He paused for a minute and looked at me funny.

“I just got out the shower and was about to go to bed. What’s up, Coach?”

“Fred…Coach Smith has brought a frisky friend, much to my surprise, back to our room from the party. There’s no way I could stay in there. I need a bed and figured you two could bunk together while I took the other bed. I know there’s probably some NCAA rule I would be breaking but I don’t care…I need some sleep.”

“Yeah, sure. No problem,” I told him. “I’m going to bed, but grab a shower if you want. Just don’t turn off the lamp or close the curtains…in case Ant needs to get up during the night. Just let me pee and grab my things out of the bathroom.”

When I came out of the bathroom, Coach Conrad was wearing only some tight white boxer briefs. Even in the twilight of the room, his tanned muscled body made the briefs almost glow because of the contrast. His chiseled chest was covered in dark blond hair which caught the light and sparkled like gold. A twisting tribal tattoo covered part of his right pec and trailed over his shoulder to his bicep. He pulled at the tight cloth at his groin, and I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the bulge he was sporting in the front of his briefs. I stared too hard and long, because his eyes caught me when I looked up. He gave me a knowing smirk.

“I won’t be long,” he said as he walked past me into the bathroom.

I got a great view of his perfect ass in the tight white cotton, very round but with those muscular indentions just above his thick thighs. He turned to close the door, and gave me a half-smile and a wink.

I settled back in the bed with Anthony, who lying now on his stomach snoring softly. I was almost asleep when the bathroom door softly creaked open and Coach Conrad padded over the carpet to his bed. I didn’t open my eyes as the bed sheets rustled and then the room was quiet except for the noise of the city outside.

I moved to fix my pillow and change position. I felt Anthony move too. He pulled himself against me. One of his arms pushed under me and cradled my head. His other arm surrounded me beneath the covers and his hand rubbed my chest, toying with one of my nips. I could feel his soft meaty cock pressed between us. He was still again.

Anthony began to stir again. I felt him kissing the back of my neck. I turned my head a bit, thinking he might stop. He didn’t know that the coach was in the other bed just a little over two feet away.

“Baby, you feel so good against me,” Anthony softly whispered into my ear. “I’m so fucking horny for some of that tight pussy, yeah.”

I could feel his big cock hardening against me. I didn’t know whether he was still half-drunk or whether he realized it was me, Megan, or somebody else. I could smell the whisky still on his breath as his hot breath heated my skin. He shifted and his cock nestled in the crack of my ass, dripping precum into it.

Ant’s hand began roaming across the front of my body from my chest to the top of my thighs. He pushed at the sheet with his thumb as he roughly caressed my body, causing it to get pushed away and exposing my body. Hopefully, Coach Conrad was asleep and lying facing away. I opened my eyes to check and saw his vibrant blue eyes staring back at me.

Even in the twilight of the room, I knew he could see everything from there, lying on his side only feet away. There was no emotion on his face as he stared back at me. A sheet lay lightly over his hips. One arm held the pillow where his head rested, the other arm laid on top of his side with his hand on the white sheet. Anthony’s hips pushed against me and my hardening cock bounced. Ant’s hands dug between my thighs and pulled at my nuts. Conrad pushed at the sheet covering his hips and it fell away, disappearing behind him. His long chubby cock lolled against the mattress while his fingers rubbed the thick patch of golden hair above it.

“Baby, I want to fuck that pussy so hard,” Anthony muttered softly as he groaned in my ear. I felt his arm move behind me, positioning his leaking hard horse cock against my hole. “So tight. Give me that pussy, baby.” I nodded my head as his hips jerked forward and pushed deep into me. My eyes widened from the sudden deep invasion into my ass. My mouth opened wide to cry out, but nothing came out. “Take that big cock,” Anthony said louder, and then moaned.

Coach watched, escort konya giving me a lecherous smirk as his hand fondled his cock. Anthony slid in and out of me slowly, his slick precum running out of his cock and coating the inside of my ass. His hand ran across my belly and stopped. His hips made a few shallow pushes into my ass and stopped. Anthony started to snore again. His cock softened and pulled out of my ass, leaving a trail of slimy precum. I lay there staring at Conrad stroking his big cock.

Suddenly, he quietly sat up. His cock couldn’t jut up into the air because of its size. His fingers toyed with the shiny cock as he leaned toward me; he motioned with his head and stood up. He walked to the bathroom. He paused halfway and looked back at me. He gestured for me to come with him.

I got out of the bed. I looked down at Anthony as he started to snore a little louder.

Coach Conrad was in the bathroom, leaning against the vanity, stroking his cock. I walked in and closed the door, leaving only a crack. There was only a small light on near the toilet, but I could still see his magnificent body and big cock plainly. I stood in front of him. He leaned toward me.

“Call me ‘Jim’,” he whispered to me. “Suck my cock.”

His hand reached up and softly grabbed the back of my neck. I willingly fell into his crotch, my mouth taking in his flared cockhead. I could taste the sweet precum as my tongue swirled over head. Jim sighed as I sank further onto the thick member. I sank as far as I could and pulled back. His nuts started to get tighter was his rod seemed to get even harder. I started to bob up and down on the thick daddy cock as his hand massaged the back of my neck. After a few minutes, he grabbed my hair and pulled me off his cock. He doubled over to whisper to me again.

“I wanna fuck you.”

I gave his cock head a last spit-filled lick, spitting as I pulled away. I turned and stepped backward as the older man positioned his prick with my hole. Anthony’s precum was still there allowing the bigger spit-slick cockhead to slide easily inside my ass. Hands grabbed my hips as the big cock filled me. I gurgled out a slight cry as I felt myself almost being torn in two by the massive meat filling me so completely up.

Jim turned me around toward the sink and grabbed one of my shoulders in one hand and another cupped over my mouth. He began to fuck me, his hips banging into my tight hole. His hand pulled my head back and I could see him in the mirror as he pounded my hole. His whole body seemed to flex as he fucked me. His bright teeth clenched as he slid in and out of me. He didn’t make a sound, until he leaned forward against my back.

“Can I breed that hole?” he asked as he slowed his thrusts.

He pulled back and I nodded my head enthusiastically. His hand tightened over my mouth as he started short hard pushes into my guts. I watched as his body tightened and heard a deep breath exhale through clenched teeth. I felt a hot load of cum fill my ass. His lips closed tightly and his body shook. When the spasms finally stopped, he pulled out his cock and reached for a towel.

He turned me around and gave me a deep kiss.

“Hot fucker,” he whispered to me before wiping his cock and leaving the room.

I cleaned up and walked back to the bed. Coach was sprawled across his bed, barely covered in a sheet. His head was facing in the general direction of our bed, but it was settled deep into the soft pillow. I crawled in next to Anthony.

I just lay there for a second, staring up at the ceiling. Everything was quiet and darker now.

Without warning, Anthony’s hand grabbed me around my throat and his other hand pressed against my lips to keep me quiet. Anthony moved close to my ear.

“Bitch, I fucking saw it all.” I felt his teeth grab my earlobe and tug it. “You took it all. Was it good?”

Oh, shit, I thought to myself. My heart started beating fast. I didn’t move.

“I fucking watched you take all that big fucking coach cock. You let him breed you…use you…give you all that coach spunk.”

I tried to suck in a gulp of air.

Anthony pushed away the sheets and rolled on top me.

“Not one damn fucking sound, understand?” He removed his hands and stared hard into me, his eyes black as coal drilling deep into me.

He reached back and grabbed my ankles and pushed my legs backward toward the headboard, raising my hard-used ass up. A dollop of spit fell from his mouth to my red gaping hole. He positioned his cock against my opened hole, using the head to coat my redness. He leaned, smiling, back down to my ear.

“Can I breed your hole, too? I want my jizz coating you inside with his, baby,” he growled softly into my ear.

I nodded my head and Anthony sank into my tender red hole which his baseball coach had used roughly only minutes before.

It was then I noticed the small lamp had been turned off; but I could still see by the light of the full moon, the glint in the eyes of Jim Conrad watching Anthony finally shoot his hot seed into me. And I swear he winked at me.

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