
Bathroom Romp


Joe was feeling good. Better than good. He was on top of the world. He was heading home early, cold beer was waiting and the game was starting in an hour. He had time to get home, get comfortable and would be able to watch the game in peace as Mary had said she’d fade out for the afternoon and let him be.

Pulling into the drive he noticed that Mary’s car was still there. Oh, yes. He remembered now. She had said she was going to dye her hair before she went. Probably still doing it.

Heading towards the bedroom to change out of his work clothes Joe noticed the bathroom light was on and could hear the radio in there, blaring away. He stuck his head in to let Mary know he was home.

Ah. Now there was a sight for sore eyes. Mary had apparently hopped straight out of the shower and then gone to the sink to start her dye job. Her head was buried in the sink with a towel across her shoulders, but the towel that she’d had wrapped around her waist had dropped off, giving Joe a marvellous view of her pretty bottom and shapely pussy.

“Hi, love. I’m home,” he called, stepping up behind her. He reached down and patted her bottom, his hand wandering down to stroke her pussy.

Mary gave a squawk and shook her head, trying to stand up. Joe couldn’t hear what she was saying over the blare of the radio and didn’t really care. He had the superior position anal escort and he was going to take advantage of it.

Joe held Mary effortlessly in place with one hand while his other hand continued to stroke her bottom and pussy. “Don’t worry about what I’m doing,” he told her, speaking loudly to be heard over the radio. “You just keep working on your hair. You wouldn’t want a bad hair day, after all.”

Joe could hear Mary yelling something, but the radio and the fact that she was head first in the sink completely muffled her reply. He suspected that she was trying to say ‘not now, you lecher’, but he fully intended to ignore that. He continued to hold her and stroke her.

Joe was now spending his efforts rubbing along Mary’s slit. He could feel her squirming against his hand and could sense the heat starting to rise within her. Slipping his finger forward, he darted it between her lips, testing for the dampness that would facilitate his entry. She’d stopped trying to wriggle away now, apparently resigned to what was going to happen and her pussy was pressing back against his hand.

Sensing that his wife was now ready, even eager the way she was pushing back against his hand, Joe stopped holding her in place. While continuing to rub and tease with one hand, his other hand was swiftly undoing his belt and dropping his bayan escort istanbul trousers.

Holding his erection, Joe eased it forward until it was rubbing against Mary’s slit. His fingers carefully moved her lips apart and Joe slid neatly into place, driving full length into her. He heard Mary yell as he plunged deep within her, and he grinned. She could be a noisy little thing at times.

Joe reached forward and cupped Mary’s breasts. Holding them firmly he started to move within her, driving deeply in while he squeezed her breasts and the slowly withdrawing and relaxing his grasp on her breasts.

The rhythm built quickly, Joe plunging in and relaxing, Mary thrusting back against his cock as he drove forward and then relaxing in her turn to let him withdraw for another assault.

Minutes passed in energetic exercise, Joe taking care not to rush too quickly to a conclusion, knowing Mary would need a little more time before she would climax.

On he went, enjoying this sudden interlude. It was a while since they had had made love on the spur of the moment like this, and Joe was determined not to waste the experience. He could hear Mary gasping and giving little squeaks as her climax drew near. OK. Quite loud squeals actually, but the radio was drowning them out.

Knowing his wife was ready, Joe started pressing towards şişli escort his own climax, thrusting harder and faster, finally exploding deep within her. He could feel Mary clamping down on his cock, surrounding it and squeezing it, and he could feel the tremors racing through her as she climaxed.

Standing behind Mary, Joe gave her breasts one last squeeze before slowly withdrawing. Hitching up his trousers, Joe dropped a kiss on her back and told her that he was going to get changed and go and watch the match.

Fifteen minutes later Joe was ensconced on the couch, beer in hand, a bowl of nuts on coffee table, TV on and the match due to start. And he’d got laid. What more could a man want.

“Joe,” Mary called from the door. “We’re going now. Have fun with your big game.”

“I will,” replied Joe, turning towards the door.

“Wait a minute,” he thought. “We? What we?”

He stood and looked towards his wife. “Oh. Hullo, Suzy,” he said, spotting his wife’s sister standing next to her. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Of course not,” laughed Mary. “She’s been here all day. We decided that as we were going out together, she should come round here to get ready. We’ve both dyed our hair. What do you think of the new look.”

“Ah, very nice,” murmured Joe, looking from one to the other. “You look close enough to be twins the way you look now.”

The women waved and left, leaving Joe with a minor puzzle. “Why was Suzy looking at me with that smirk? Did she hear me and Mary in the bathroom?”

Then another suspicion whispered to him. “That was Mary in the bathroom, wasn’t it. Of course it was. Had to be.”

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