
Beer, Pizza, and Stories, Oh My


You met Kelly in The Day That Never Happened. In that story, good friends Will and Kelly spent an afternoon together that turned into an unexpected sexual adventure. This was their first time together, and Kelly asked Will to promise never to speak of it again for the sake of their friendship. After that day, they both pretended as if it had never happened. This story continues months later; the Fall Semester has just begun, and the friends find their bond has grown even stronger.

Several weeks into the fall semester, Will joins Kelly for an evening discussing their recent adventures over beer and pizza.

— Monday, Monday —

As I step out of my building, I am greeted by the bright setting sun reflecting off the shop windows across the street. The sun streaming through the parting clouds has drastically improved an otherwise dreary day. I put on my sunglasses and enjoy the crisp fall air on my face–the still-wet street glimmers as the street lights turn on one after the other. The light snows of the last several days turned into rain today, foreshadowing an unseasonably warm forecast for the week. The weather in October can be crazy here on the border, as evidenced by today’s rain washing away the remnants of last week’s snow.

My roommate Ray and I moved into this new apartment a few weeks ago. We were evicted from our first place. We found a note from our sweet elderly landlord saying we were too loud and had to move. It was a nice note, but it was still an eviction. We got lucky and found an apartment on the edge of downtown. Our new place is much better; the pharmacy below us closes at 6 p.m., and a cute 30-something woman lives across the hall. We are much closer to school, the bars downtown, and Kelly’s flat.

The winds have calmed down, so I am comfortable in my sweats and a light jacket as I walk down Ashmun to Kelly’s apartment. The setting sun is shining, and the temperature is mild. I enjoy the fresh air on my face as I walk.

I’m excited to see Kelly and catch up with her. The last time we talked was a week ago last Friday. She unexpectedly disappeared after we went bar-hopping that Friday night. It is unusual for her not to return my calls. So I was happy to see her today, and she invited me over for pizza tonight. I’m curious about where she’s been this last week, and we have a lot to talk about.

As I cross the bridge, a cold gust of wind blows down the canal, surprising me. I should have expected it. The wind whips through my hair, and I can feel the chill in the air. I shiver and pull my jacket tighter around me, making me reconsider wearing a light jacket. That thought is short-lived once I reach the protection of the buildings on the other side of the canal.

Minutes later, I am climbing the back stairs to Kelly’s apartment. I see Kelly through the window, framed in the waning light of the day. Her petite body is sparsely dressed, wearing only shorts and a tight white t-shirt, her feet clad in Red Ball Jets. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

Kelly and I enjoy a strong friendship, even after our ill-advised sexual encounter on the day that never happened. We both agreed it was an exceptional experience but vowed never to discuss it. She had a boyfriend, I fucked around, and we didn’t want it to ruin our growing friendship. We kept our vow, never speaking of that afternoon or trying to relive it.

Over the weeks and months that followed, our friendship grew deeper and more intimate, albeit not physically. We are comfortable sharing our most profound and private secrets. We can tell each other anything, and we do. Kelly talks to me about her problems with guys, and I share my problems with girls. We advise each other on matters of relationships and sex. We share the intimate details of our sexual experiences. She educates me on the woman’s perspective, and I educate her on the man’s.

Returning for our third year, we continue where we left off. Our work and class schedules are happily synchronized, allowing us to see each other more often than the previous year. Moving to the new apartment means we walk home together two or three afternoons a week. Neither of us is dating, and we spend a lot of time hanging out. As we spend more and more time together, we get to know each other better and better. We have a lot in common and always have a good time together.

I’m starting to develop deeper feelings for Kelly and wistfully hope for the possibility of a more physical relationship. It is typical of me to start thinking about sex, even to the detriment of a friendship. I push those thoughts down when they arise. I like what we have built between us. Why complicate things?

As I walk into her apartment this October evening, I can’t foresee how complicated things will become.

— Talk Talk —

“Tell me you brought beer, because…,, that’s the last of mine”

Kelly holds up her empty beer bottle before setting it on the counter and turning back to the sink to finish washing her dishes. Her spandex shorts form like esenler escort shiny black skin on her upper thighs and ass. I see no trace of a panty line and wonder if she is wearing any. Kelly’s white t-shirt is just as tight, and I see no bra strap beneath it. It looks like I will be teased by her fine body tonight. It isn’t the first time, and probably won’t be the last. Looking away, I place my bookbag on one of the kitchen chairs, open it, and pull two six-packs from it

“Yup, I hope a dozen is enough. It’s a school night.”

I set the Michalob cans on the table and take off my windbreaker, hanging it on the back of the same chair.

“I hope so, but I’m feeling a little frisky tonight. Did you bring any smoke.?”

Did she say “frisky?”

“Of course, Kelbell, the Will-man always provides.”

I pull out a small bag of weed and some papers and place them on the table before pulling one can out of the plastic rings.

“Ready for another?”

Holding my hand out with a beer for her, Kelly sets the last glass in the drain, turns off the water, and dries her hands with a towel. Throwing the towel on the dish drain, she turns around. Kelly is wearing the T-shirt I gave her last year as a gag gift. It’s white cotton with the words “BULL SHIT” in two rows of big black letters across the front. The shirt fits tightly to her petite frame and forms around her perfect B-cup breasts like it was painted on. The black letters almost hide her nipples, creating two noticeable black points at the front of her orbs.

Fuck, does she know how much of a tease she is? Does she do this to get me aroused and then send me home? God, if she does this on purpose, that is a pretty fucked up thing to do to a friend.

“Sure, am.”

Kelly notices my stare and looks down at her body.

“I hope you don’t mind. I did a little workout and didn’t bother to change. I didn’t sweat much, but I will shower if you think I stink. I’d happily do that for my Willie Boy.”

I exaggerate, sniffing the air.

“Nope, you’re good. I get notes of Tea Tree, Sure, Dawn, and marijuana.

We laugh as Kelly takes the beer from my hand. With an appreciative smile, she opens it and sits at the table. I take another off the six-pack and put the remaining cans in the refrigerator. When I turn back, Kelly examines the weed, sticks her nose in the open baggy, and takes a deep breath. I pull out the other chair and sit across from her.

“Mmmmm, this smells good.”

“Should be; it cost enough. It’s supposed to be a California Sensimilla. I think it’s an Indica; it has a chill buzz, a lot like hash.”

“You didn’t pre-roll; you got some work to do, Willie-boy. Spin one up; you roll way better than I do.”

Kelly hands me the bag and watches me intently as I crumble a large bud into a pile on the table. Taking a drink, she leans forward with her elbow and breasts resting on the top of the table. I’m briefly distracted by her tits but return to the task.

“So? How did it go Friday night with Sally? Did you make out okay?”

Kelly acts like we saw each other yesterday, not after a week of radio silence. She referred to when we went bar hopping a week ago last Friday. We both found hookups to sleep with that night. This has become a regular thing for us since the start of the semester. We go to the bars, see who looks interesting, and pick someone up. We help each other find a good hookup and sometimes make a game out of it. Kelly can always find a guy to fuck; women can always find a willing guy. I, on the other hand, as a man, have a more difficult time. As such, some nights, I end up going home alone. Last Friday was not one of those nights.

“Hold on, where have you been for the last week? You’ve been MIA, and I was worried.

“I had to take care of a few things, no big deal, I’ll tell you about it later. So how was Sally.”

Kelly’s being cagy, and I consider pressing her on it, but let it drop.

“It was okay, I guess.”

Shrugging my shoulders, I focus on rolling the first joint.

“Okay? It was only okay? Didn’t you take Sally home? She was all into you. I was all but certain you’d get all into her.”

Sally is a freshman and an acquaintance of Kelly’s from her hometown. I had struck out with someone earlier, and Kelly stepped in as my wingman and introduced me to Sally.

Licking the adhesive on the rolling paper, I seal the joint and spin the ends for good measure. I lay it on the table and pick up another rolling paper.

“Oh, yeah, she spent the night, and I took her to breakfast the next day.”

“I thought so. I saw Sally yesterday, and she couldn’t stop talking about you. She didn’t go into details but said it was the best night since early summer. She went out of her way to thank me for introducing you two.”

Not looking up, I sprinkle weed into the folded paper for the second joint.

“Uh, huh. Sally was fun.”

“You don’t sound very enthused. What gives? Sally spent the night, and you took her to breakfast; esenyurt escort you must’ve had sex. Come on, tell Kelbell what happened.”

— Closer to Fine —

“Well, Sally is cute as a button, has a hot body, and even has a little freak thing going. She did and said all the right things to turn me on. I silently thanked you as we walked to my car. On the way to my apartment, she acted so horney, touching herself, showing me her tits, rubbing my cock, talking dirty, and saying how she couldn’t wait to fuck me. Then she unzipped me, telling me she wanted a taste before arriving at my apartment. When she pulled out my dick, she stopped and groaned in disappointment. She said, word for word, “damn, I thought you’d be bigger.”

“What the fuck? She said that?”

Kelly slaps the table with both hands and almost stands up.

“Yup, then she said I was at least bigger than Jim and started sucking my cock.”

“What? What did you do? Didn’t that turn you off? And who the hell is Jim?”

I laugh at the memory and Kelly’s reaction. I almost fuck up the joint.

“It’d take a lot more than that, and that only made me want to fuck her more. I thought about fucking her so long and hard that she’d be in pain the next day. I know that’s wrong, but she kinda pissed me off. Even so, it didn’t seem to turn her off; she sucked my cock like her life depended on it. So there’s that. I’m not so self-conscious that an off-hand comment would affect me that much. But, it did seem to color the whole night.”

“And I think she meant some older guy she knows.”

“I guess so. Damn, a girl can think that, but you never say it. Not to the guy anyway.”

I put down the unfinished joint and looked at Kelly.

“Okay, I knew you’d react to Sally’s stupid comment, so I’ll give you a pass and not count this interruption. Okay? No freebies after this.”

We have a no-interruption rule when telling stories. We usually give a warning for the first offense, but after that, you will have to pay a fine for each subsequent transgression. The minimum penalty is a nipple twist.

Kelly pantomimes, zipping her lips, and I take a drink before continuing,

“Despite her comment, she was kinda wild in the car. She got on her knees, her head in my crotch, sucking me as I drove down Ashmun. I played with her ass unless I had to shift gears, and then I had to do that around her tits. When we got to the lot behind the pharmacy, she wanted to climb on and fuck me. She said she had never fucked in a car. I thought what the hell and went with it.

“Sally frantically stripped as she sucked my cock. Then she took off my shirt and pushed my jeans to my ankles. We dropped the seats, and she mounted me. It was pretty hot. She was so tight and wet. I held her waist, and she sucked on her tits as she rode me. She moved in all the right ways; her pussy firmly gripped my cock as she moved up and down my shaft. I felt her flex her muscles, and she moved forward, back, and side to side. The feeling was intense, and I was surprised at how aroused I was getting. Sally started cumming, screaming, and riding me harder. After Sally came, she told me she wanted to feel my cum, and turned around and rode me in reverse cowgirl. Sally told me to slide further back. When I did, she became even more animated and louder, rubbing her clit and my balls and sucking on her tits. Every few minutes, Sally got off my cock, grabbed it, and rubbed it over her gash and clit before impaling herself on me again.”

“I began to wonder just how long I might last. I noticed Sally was looking at something, and I saw my cute, quiet neighbor, Paula, standing on her back porch, smoking a cigarette and watching us. We parked close, and Paula had a good view through the windshield and sunroof. It was then I realized Sally was performing for her. She smiled when our eyes locked. It was a turn-on, but I felt weird fucking in front of my nice older neighbor. I made an excuse that the seat was hurting my back and my bed would be much more comfortable. I said the pain was turning me off, and I might have trouble cumming. Sally acted disappointed but got off me and put on some of her clothes. I pulled up my pants and grabbed my shirt. Barefoot, we walked up the back stairs; Sally carried her shoes, bra, and panties, and I with my shirt and shoes in hand.”

“When we got to my deck, Sally dropped what she was carrying and took off her jeans and shirt. Naked and talking dirty, she kissed and fondled me. Undoing my pants and Sally reached in, pulling out my cock and stroking me. Sally said repeatedly how badly she wanted my cock inside her. I looked at my neighbor, less than ten feet away, watching us from her chair. She smiled and nodded her head in approval. Her watching turned me on, but I didn’t want to get evicted twice in two months. When Sally tried to remove my jeans, I opened the door and pushed her into my apartment. Sally pouted and told me the last one to bed had to eat the other. I said I was going to pick up our clothes eskişehir escort and would be a minute. She yelled I’d have to eat her before I could cum.”

“Sally knew Paula was there, and I don’t know if she wanted to perform for her or hoped she join us. But I’m sure Paula heard every word. My neighbor sat less than ten feet away on the other side of the little railing separating our decks. She had finished smoking and had just seen a crazy naked girl try to fuck her neighbor on the back porch. Flustered, I quickly picked up our clothes scattered around the deck. When I picked up the last piece of clothing, I turned around, and Paula stood two feet away on the other side of the railing.”


She lit another cigarette, took a deep drag, and exhaled a large plume of grey-white smoke.

“Looks like someone’s getting lucky tonight.”

Holding her cigarette in one hand, she picked up her cocktail from the railing with the other. She wore a fuzzy pink robe that scarcely covered her body and appeared naked beneath it. The knot of its belt barely held the two sides together low on her waist. The top was open in a V-shape. The top edges barely covered her shoulders, then down to reveal bare swells of her prominent tits, and just covering her nipples.

Further down, the tanned skin of her flat belly was exposed. The big fuzzy knot of the belt was tied loosely and covered her mound. The robe opened again in an inverted V below the belt to expose the apex of her bare thighs. I could see the bottom of her muff and pussy lips hanging between her inner thighs. The robe opened further along her lower thighs and ended above her knees. My eyes scanned her body as I stood until I stared into her green eyes. They sparkled as she smiled at me.

“Sorry about that,”

“No worries. I enjoyed the show. It was hot. Your friend must be pretty good to get you off so quickly. Although, I would’ve loved to see you shoot your cream all over that pretty little body.”

Crap, she thinks I came that fast? She must have watched us the whole time. She seemed so reserved, and now she told me she would have liked to see me cum on Sally? What the fuck? How do I respond to that? I’ve been told I don’t have very good filters. At this time of night, combined with my alcohol consumption and sexually aroused state, I have no filters.

“Wait, no. I didn’t cum…, not yet anyway. I just wanted to move inside.”

“Really? My bad, I just assumed. Sorry, I should’ve known better; she kept asking for your cum.

“No worries. Sorry, you heard that.”

“It’s ok; my neighbors always come home with naked girls trying to fuck them in front of me.

Paula grins, and we both laugh.

“So, Just wondering… Do you always last a long time before you climax?”

Paula asked me this question like she was asking if I took sugar in my coffee. This is getting weird, but I go with it.

“Yeah, normally I do. It depends, you know, on the situation. But I generally wait for my partner to cum before I do.”

“Nice, you got a gun and know how to use it. Are you guys dating? She’s a sexy little kitten.”

“No, I just…, no, we’re not.”

I’m not sure why Paula has struck up a conversation with me. I need to get back to Sally, but I don’t mind seeing my neighbor like this. We have talked a few times before, but this was new. I had a buzz, and she looked like she did, too. I had trouble maintaining eye contact. But she didn’t seem to mind, and her eyes wandered also.

“Well, then, she was a nice catch for the night. I liked the show she put on. Side Door?”


“Did you pick her up at the Side Door?”

“Oh, no, the Salamander.”

She nods and smiles in recognition, taking a drink and a drag on her cigarette. The Sexy Salamander was a favorite of the college crowd. The more I stare at Paula, the sexier she looks. It doesn’t hurt that when she moves her arms, I get a brief flash of her nipples.

“I used to go there when I was younger. I’m too old for that scene now. If I go to the bars, I hang out at the Palace.”

“I like the Palace; they make great Kamikazes.”

“Yeah, they do, and after a few of those, I get a bit loose and make bad decisions. I tend to stick with my gin and tonic. I still get loose but make better decisions.”

“I haven’t tried gin and tonic. So, Paula, are you loose tonight?”

“Yes, yes, I am. I had a few drinks and watched a little sex show. I’m feeling pretty loose.”

Paula laughs, then takes a drink and a drag from her cigarette.

“Why do you ask, Will?”

“Just wondering.”

“What are you wondering about? Whether I’d be loose enough for that hard dick to fit into? I think you might find it a tighter fit than you’d expect.”

That’s exactly what I was wondering. Part of my brain was telling me to get in the apartment and fuck Sally. But another part wants me to stay here, and it is getting louder, telling me to keep talking to my sexy neighbor. Throughout our conversation, Paula’s eyes kept looking down at my body. But I didn’t think much about it because I was staring at hers, too. As we stood there, her movements caused her robe to open more, and I was distracted by the hard pink nipples on her D-size breasts. But now her eyes were focused on my lower body.

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